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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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Darryl Devine vs. Andre Jones

It's probably bias, but I feel there is more you can do with Devine than Jones


Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

two of the best, but Bryden has home advantage


Charlie Thatcher/Des Davids vs. The Hillbillies


T-Rex vs. Ben Williams


Cherry Bomb vs. Alexis Lee


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Darryl Devine vs. Andre Jones


For the exact same reasons D-Mack gave.


Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez


Once again the Dragon is wise with his choice.


Charlie Thatcher/Des Davids vs. The Hillbillies


Comedy jobbers do not win matches


T-Rex vs. Ben Williams


Ben Williams doing what he does best, looking up at the lights.


Cherry Bomb vs. Alexis Lee


Another squash

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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Week 4 September

St. Petersburg, FL










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When the show goes live, Sam Strong is standing in the ring beside his usual crew of Nicky Champion and his daughter Alicia. To the surprise of everyone, Peter Valentine is also with him, albeit as far away from Champion as he can get. The fans give Strong his usual over the top welcome, chanting his name and really being loud.



SS: “Thanks for the love, brothers and sisters. But I’m here on business tonight.”



The hard camera focuses on him; his eyes are intense.



SS: “Phil Vibert, without those missing stocks, you and I are on even footing here in USPW; essentially we’re equal partners.”



The fans start booing the second Sam mentions Vibert.



SS: “But to tell you dudes the truth, I’d rather be in business with the devil himself that Phil Vibert.”



The camera catches quick shot of some fans at ringside nodding in agreement with the immortal one.



SS: “So that leaves us at a bit of an impasse. Eventually, whoever owns those stocks is going to turn up and we’re going to bid against each other for them.”



Strong unbuttons his jacket and takes it off, draping it over the top rope before rolling up his shirtsleeves, revealing the aged but still massive arms he is famous for.



SS: “I might’ve turned myself into a businessman……but in my heart, I’m a professional wrestler.”



His face begins turning red.



SS: “Phil Vibert, I came here tonight to issue a challenge. Let’s end this thing between us. No lawyers, no courts, no more paperwork……”



The crowd goes bananas as Strong begins firing up like he did in the old days, putting away one of his many opponents.



SS: “The idea of you eating off of the table I set makes me sick, Vibert. Let’s have a match; one match for all the marbles.”



While Alicia and Nicky nod along with Strong, getting riled up right with him, Peter Valentine shakes his head.



SS: “I’ll put together a team – you put together a team. They fight and the winners take all.”



Nicky notices Valentine shaking his head and nudges Alicia so she can see.



SS: “Let’s do it! Let’s do it next month at…..”



Valentine pushes past Alicia and Sam and starts to climb out of the ring, but Sam calls out to him.



SS: “Peter, I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately, or what your real problem with Nicky is, but we’re going to take care of it once and for all.”



Valentine stops and stays standing on the ring apron.



SS: “I said I was going to put you two into a match this week and I am……a tag team match where you’ll be partners.”



Both Valentine and Champion start jawing at each other. Within seconds, Valentine has climbed back through the ropes and is right in Nicky’s face, nose-to-nose.



SS: “You guys can save that up. At “United States of Pain” the two of you can beat on each other till your heart’s content. But whatever issues you have with each other should be settled after that.”



SS: “Tonight though, I want the two of you to function as a team…..for me. I’m putting you in the main event against Tyson Baine and Jumbo Jackson.”



Legitimate American hits and the crowd pops at the announcement. The camera focuses squarely on the face of Peter Valentine as Doakes and Starr put the finishing touches on the segment.



SD: “So that’s settled; Valentine and Champion will square off at United States of Pain. But tonight Sam has charged them with the task of being a tag-team.”



MS: “Yeah, in a match against Tyson Baine. That’s not good for either of them. Baine is pain.”



SD: “And what about the fact that Jumbo Jackson will be across the ring from them as well. He has been Valentine’s little stooge lately hasn’t he? I wonder how that’s going to work.”










Darryl Devine vs. Andre Jones


Result: A superb match kicks off tonight’s action; Andre Jones goes right at Darryl Devine, putting his considerable skills on display. But Devine is a heel’s heel and waits for the right moment to strike, making his move when Ford Memphis’s music hits and the crooner comes out onto the stage, excitedly trying to announce the release date of his new album. Jones can’t help but look up the ramp at Memphis, and it gives Devine the window he is looking for; he scores from behind with a shot to the groin and spins Jones around for a “Devine Dream Drop”.




Phil’s Story Notes: I’m looking to settle the lower card’s hierarchy before our first batch of signings begin making their debuts, so this was an important match to that end. And Devine’s method of getting the win continues to place him at odds with Andre Jones, ethically. That’s storyline fodder we can put in our pockets and save going forward.



Darryl Devine wins via pinfall @ 6:03
















Chris Caulfield’s music hits and the former DaVE icon slowly ambles out onto the stage and down the ramp. He is sporting a severe black eye and still has a bandage over the wound in his forehead. You can tell he is hurting, but when he gets a microphone and climbs into the ring, he is all business.



CC: “First of all, make some noise Florida, USPW is in the house!”



Caulfield takes the cheapie and continues.



CC: “You know two weeks ago, when I came back to the USPW, to announce that Chris Caulfield was coming back in a big way, with a shot at the World Heavyweight Title, I was on top of the world.”



They cheer again.



CC: “And when I found myself in an ambulance after someone jumped me from behind, it didn’t bring me down at all. It made me feel dangerous. If someone wanted so badly to take me out that they had to attack me when I wasn’t looking, it means they think I have their number.”



CC: “But when I was getting wheeled through the backstage area last week strapped to a backboard, after already having visited the trainer to close a new cut in my head an hour earlier, I started to wonder…..”



Caulfield gets another pop before everything changes direction.






“You know what I’m wondering, Caulfield?”



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“What is a P-O-S like you doing in Darryl Devine’s ring?”





DD: “Three weeks in a row, somehow, you’ve tried to steal my limelight, haven’t you, you has-been? Why can’t you get beat up during someone else’s matches! And now you come out here to talk about nothing…….before I’ve even left the ring……after I’ve just won a match?”



He snarls.



DD: “A win, Caulfield? Do you even remember what one of those feels like? You certainly weren’t even within sniffing distance of one when you were in there against Tyson Baine last week, were you?”



Caulfield might look a bit more apologetic had Devine not insulted him. Instead, he goes on the defense immediately, scratching his head.



CC: “I’m sorry, who are you again rookie? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of you. Darryl what?”



Devine’s face turns purple.



CC: “I’ve been out in this ring beating the very best that this business has to offer while you were running ropes at some dojo, so why don’t you keep your opinions to yourself, son.”



Caulfield gets a huge response from the crowd and turns as though he’s waiting for his music to hit, but Devine isn’t letting him have the last word.



DD: “Hey, Caulfield……why don’t you roll your ‘ol bag of bones down to Atlanta on Sunday for “United States of Pain”? Maybe you’ll remember my name better when I become the guy who put your career out of its misery.”



The fans pop. They’d love to see Devine have to fight a hardcore pit bull like Caulfield.



DD: “That is…..if you can keep from getting your ass kicked too bad by whoever’s kicking it and make it there in one piece.”



Caulfield just nods and smiles, letting him dig his own grave.



CC: “You’re on, no name. I’ll try to find out who you are before then.”
















Alicia Strong is backstage with Joanne Rodriguez, working out on side by side stationary bikes. They look to be friendly with each other, but soon their competitive nature takes over, with each trying to outwork the other.



Belle Bryden walks by, but then stops. She turns back and smiles a smile so phony it could be called counterfeit.



BB: “When I get you girls in the ring, you first Joanne, and you at the PPV Alicia, you’re going to learn about your place around here in the pecking order. I’m the alpha female of the USPW.



She lifts her eyebrows and pouts; such a faker.



BB: “See you out there.”



Bryden starts to walk off but then stops and, over her shoulder, gets in a last little dig.



BB: “If you’re going to be putting in the time on the stationary bikes…..you might want to start eating a little less, too. I’ve seen both of you at the catering truck; that’s the start of your problem, right there.”



Strong and J-Ro look at each other and shake their heads at her nerve. Shawn Doakes, back at the broadcast location, agrees with them.



SD: “Wow. Belle Bryden’s a bitch.”



MS: “I agree……but…..you can’t say ‘bitch’ on the air, can you?”



A beat.



MS: “Oh hell, now I’ve said it, too.”












Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez


Result: A treat for the fans, J-Ro and Belle Bryden lock horns for nearly eight minutes (drawing some of the loudest crowd responses of the night) before Bryden surprises the rallying Rodriguez with a spinning back kick called the “Dish of the Day” and slaps on a figure four leglock that ends the match.



Phil’s Story Notes: Bryden continues up the card, on a collision course with Alicia Strong. I’m going to break my working agreement with AAA as soon as I hit national so I can sign Bryden and whoever else I take from them to exclusive deals.



Belle Bryden wins via submission @ 7:44




















Ford Memphis is barely back into his locker room when Andre Jones bursts in.



AJ: “Why you chose to interrupt my match tonight, I have no idea. Didn’t you get enough of Andre last week when you had to cheat to beat me? Either way, it gives me a reason to get you back into the ring, one-on-one, and take that TV Title.”



Memphis just smiles a ‘whatever-pal’ smile and opens the locker room door, showing Jones to the exit. AJ turns and heads back toward the hallway, but before leaves, he stops and whispers to Memphis as he passes him.



AJ: “But before we go one-on-one; this Sunday at “United States of Pain”, you’re going to need to find yourself a pair of partners to watch your back because we’ve got a match.”



AJ: “I’ve got Savage Fury with me; who do you got? A six man, Memphis.”



He laughs and walks into the hall.



AJ “I bet you ain’t got nobody, man. You gonna show up alone?”













Cherry Bomb vs. Alexis Lee


Result: Cherry Bomb comes back to USPW with a vengeance, mashing the plucky Alexis Lee into the mat with a tiger driver at just past the two minute mark.



Phil’s Story Notes: This is the week I’ve decided to try to expand our focus on the Women’s Division. We’ve got a lot of other stuff going on, so I figured to just go all in and see what sticks and gets ratings and what can be de-emphasized.



Cherry Bomb wins via pinfall @ 2:03











A short hype video rolls rehashing how Des Davids’ association with Phil Vibert and his bodyguard Charlie Thatcher began.



“You got a minute for the boss?”



“Oh, he’s got time for me. I’m going to make him into a superstar.”



We flash through a montage of the men in this business Vibert has ‘made’ in his run as both a manager and promoter. There are more than enough famous faces; he is legit.










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Des Davids/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Hillbillies


Result: Phil Vibert brings his massive team to the ring, and then spends the whole match talking to someone on his headset phone. It doesn’t matter; Davids and Thatcher annihilate the Hillbillies with straight up power offense. Everything culminates with Thatcher setting up both overalled mammoths to be speared by Davids, who lays into both with a newfound ferocity.



After the match, as Thatcher, Davids, and Vibert exit the ring, Ford Memphis appears on the stage. But instead of laughing and making fun of Al and Pete as he has done the last few weeks, he comes down and consoles them. They are star-struck and walk up the aisle wide eyed.



SD: “I bet I know exactly who’s going to be Ford Memphis’ partners at the PPV.”



MS: “After the way he’s treated them? Those overgrown idiots deserve what they get outta’ that deal.”




Phil’s Story Notes: A squash match gets Davids and Thatcher going in the right direction. Not to mention, it’s a great way to get a little bit of the overness that Charlie brings to the table to rub off on the other three.



Des Davids/Charlie Thatcher win via pinfall @ 3:23


















Valentine catches up with Jumbo Jackson backstage and tells him that tonight is his opportunity to pay him back for screwing up during last week’s main event, when he failed to intervene in time to break Enygma’s anklelock.



PV: “Beat up on the kid any chance you get. Hurt him.”



Jackson nods.



JJ: “You’ve got it. Beating people down is my hobby. Anything else?”



Valentine cozies up to him and brings his voice down.



PV: “Now, you still want me to put in a word with the boss about you, right, even after you lost to the kid two weeks ago when I wanted you to teach him a lesson; even after you couldn’t bring yourself to save me from Enygma’s anklelock last week?”



Jackson nods again.



JJ: “You know I do. What are you thinking?”



Valentine puts his arm around him now, lowering his voice even more.



PV: “How would you feel about taking a dive; you know…. laying down for me; doing me the favor?”



Jackson doesn’t even bat an eyelash.



JJ: “If you can rustle up a little bit of cash……”



Valentine smiles.



PV: “I can. For sure.”



Jackson extends his hand and the two shake on it.



PV: “Let’s take a walk and talk through a few scenarios then.”


















T-Rex vs. Ben Williams



Result: Ben Williams’ eyes bulge a little bit when he gets sight of the massive T-Rex coming down the ramp, but they bulge even more when ‘ol Rexie has him trapped in the “Jurassic Crush” (full nelson). Williams cannot manage to tap out before he passes out from the pain.



Phil’s Story Notes: T-Rex crushes jobbers; respect the streak. Respect it!



T-Rex wins via submission @ 2:03







“When I whip them with my chain they all do the dance.”



The camera pans around, looking up at the twisted smile on the face of USPW World Heavyweight Champion Tyson Baine. He stands outside of the building, in the rain, staring toward a streetlight that flickers across the street.



“The dance of pain.”



The wet pavement glistens all around.



“Are you even going to be make it to Atlanta, masked man?”



His smile disappears.



“Or has your body failed you?”



And it returns.



“I’ll be there……with my chain. Around my wrist and yours.”



You knew he had it; it’s wrapped around his fist once with a two or three foot length left to hang dangerously.



“Baine is pain!”



He lashes out, whipping the chain into the streetlight pole. It makes an ungodly noise when it hits, wrapping around twice before Baine pulls it taut and holds it in his teeth.






He bites down. Hard.






















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Peter Valentine/Nicky Champion vs. Tyson Baine/Jumbo Jackson


Result: The crowd is noticeably hot for the main event, but there is a tension in the air as well. Champion doesn’t trust Valentine and vice versa; Jackson doesn’t entirely trust his partner, Baine, or his partner in crime on the other team. And, as the match unfolds, Baine begins questioning Jumbo’s motives, which are quite evident. There is a ton of power offense in this one, obviously. Baine is terrifying during his stints in the ring, tossing both Champion and Valentine around like playthings. In the end, Baine doles out chokeslams for Champion and his own partner Jackson (whom he had grown weary of). Valentine abandons Nicky at the last possible second, saving himself but allowing Nicky to get nailed by Baine for the finish.



Phil’s Story Notes: Three guys get the rub from the champion, whose overness is off the charts and he still stays looking as dangerous as ever. Three stories advance. This is gravy, folks.



Tyson Baine and Jumbo Jackson win via pinfall @ 11:47












Just as Baine’s music begins playing……



….Enygma comes hustling down the ramp, gingerly cradling his ribs, but carrying a chair to make up for any shortcomings. The crowd begins getting to their feet but are quickly defused, as is the masked man, when he is swallowed up by a host of polo shirt wearing security guards. Baine begins swinging his chain and runs straight for Enygma, trying to wade directly into the sea of at least twenty five guards.



Peter Valentine slowly makes his way back to the ring, where Nicky Champion is still laid out. He squats down next to him and shakes his head, tapping him on the shoulder a few times, stirring the youngster awake.







Sam Strong comes out onto the stage, watching, unbeknownst to Valentine who helps Champion into a seated position. But as soon as Champion starts to regain his wits, Valentine kicks him in the head, laying him out again. Strong understandably freaks out and, bad knees and all, wobbles toward the ring, he too getting intercepted by the security guards before getting close.



The show ends with chaos. Baine, Enygma, and Sam Strong are all tangled up with security, Champion is unconscious and Peter Valentine stands alone in the ring, over him.



SD: “Don’t forget to tune in this Sunday night, fans. It’s “United States of Pain”. Call your cable or satellite provider now.”



MS: “How could anyone miss it, Doakes? This is the most out of control I’ve ever seen the USPW! I can’t wait to see what happens next, can you?”













Copyright 2010

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Another very good show. I, for one, love that Sam Strong's theme song is Legitimate Patriot (playing off, I would imagine, Hogan's Real American).


Glad you like it, ajcrible. I've used "Legitimate Patriot" for Sam's music before in one of my old diaries and thought it was pretty clever. But no one ever said anything about it, so I decided it wasn't nearly as clever as I thought it was.


Now you've kicked me back over to the other side again. Thanks for the ego boost. :D


Also, so as not to double post, be sure to check out the last USPW American Wrestling before the PPV. It's on the previous page. I posted it this morning.

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Glad you like it, ajcrible. I've used "Legitimate Patriot" for Sam's music before in one of my old diaries and thought it was pretty clever. But no one ever said anything about it, so I decided it wasn't nearly as clever as I thought it was.


Now you've kicked me back over to the other side again. Thanks for the ego boost. :D


I love little connections like this, as well as interdiary (is that a word?) storylines. I also enjoyed the last show. Baine is an unbeatable monster. When he does, eventually, lose, it will be monumental (as it should be).

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USPW American Wrestling

Live on Sports America

Week 4 September

St. Petersburg, FL





Sam Strong Challenge/Match Making (B+)

Darryl Devine over Andre Jones (D)

Caulfield Returns/Devine Takes Offense (B-)

Bryden/Strong/J-Ro Backstage Vignette ©

Bryden over J-Ro ©

Jones Challenges Memphis (C-)

Cherry Bomb over Alexis Lee (D-)

Vibert/Thatcher/Davids Video (C+)

Davids/Thatcher over The Hillbillies (E+)

Valentine/Jumbo Backstage (B)

T-Rex over Ben Williams (D-)

Baine Promo/PPV Chain Match Hype (B+)

Baine/Jackson over Valentine/Champion ©

Show Close/Chaos (B+)




Show Grade: C-


TV Rating: 1.02





September’s TV Grades: (C-, C-, C, C-)


September’s TV Ratings: (1.05, 1.02, 1.11, 1.02)


This Past Tuesday’s Other Wrestling Shows: SWF (B/7.68) TCW (B-/5.05)


Wednesday’s Other Wrestling Shows: SWF/DaVE Dangerzone TV (C-/0.61)












“Back down a half-step, Phil. A ‘C-’ show again. Although I can honestly say, I thought that one should’ve graded out a little bit better.”



“In retrospect, I should’ve had the matches in a different order. I thought the show flowed better the way I had it, but whatever, I’m not worried. The pay-per-view is going to get a good grade, a good buyrate, and it’s going to set us up for October, which will be the last transition month before we kick it into high gear.”



“I know you’re not worried. You’ve spent the aftermath of your last four shows telling me so.”



“That’s because it’s the truth.”



“Well, I really want to ask……..”



(Phil cuts him off.)



“Holy sh*t! Did you see who just accepted our contract offer?”



“No, I didn’t. Who is it?”



(Phil turns the computer toward him.)



“Wow. That’s amazing.”



“I know, right.”



“I had no idea you offered him a contract.”



“I offered a few guys I thought might be out of our reach contracts during the AM period last week. And maybe I went a bit overboard with the amount of money I put up……”



“But a guy like that is worth every penny.”



“You’ve got to spend it to make it, right?






“I think….. I’ll debut him at……..”



“Wait, when? You trailed off. I couldn’t hear you.”



“That was on purpose.”



















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USPW United States of Pain

Live on PPV

Week 4 September

Atlanta, GA









Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

-USPW World Title Chain Match-


Tyson Baine has been an unstoppable and bloodthirsty monster since winning the USPW World Heavyweight title. But he seems even more hell-bent on making people feel his pain since he started carrying a length of steel chain around with him. Sunday night, at United States of Pain, Enygma, a veteran of many battles on the big stage and a former World Champion himself, will be tethered to Baine with that same length of chain, hoping he can use it for himself and upset the demonic USPW Champion in a chain match. Will the masked man succeed or will he become another bloody body left in Tyson Baine’s wake?







Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden


Alicia Strong is one of the best women’s wrestlers on the planet today; one with very few, if any, peers in the business. However, Belle Bryden might just be one of the women at her level. After dispatching most of the Women’s Division on her way to this match, Bryden claims that she is the alpha female of USPW. Can she take the Women’s Title from around the waist of Alicia or will the immortal one’s daughter send Belle back to AAA empty handed?








Ford Memphis/The Hillbillies vs. Andre Jones/Savage Fury


Many different stories converge in this six man tag team match that is sure to be one wild encounter. Andre Jones has had his eye on Ford Memphis’s TV Title for weeks, and is hoping that a win in this match can propel him to number one contender status. Memphis on the other hand has been ignoring, poking fun, or outright insulting Al and Pete Hillbilly all month while preparing for his long awaited album’s release. But, backed into a corner last week, Ford turned on the charm and apparently convinced the two overalled beasts, who are smitten with the greasy headed rocker, to help him dispatch Jones. No doubt, the repercussions of either team scoring a win will have an impact on the lower card and TV Title scene for weeks.





Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield


Hardcore Icon Chris Caulfield returned to USPW after an absence of three months with plenty of fanfare. However, his re-debut was marred by a backstage attack that left him in the emergency room. His return to the ring the following week, against World Champion Tyson Baine, which was also preceded by a mystery backstage attack, was difficult to watch, as Baine injured him even further. How does Darryl Devine fit into this? Caulfield made the mistake of coming to the ring last week before Devine had cleared out following a victory, drawing the ire of the forked tongued Devine, who challenged him to this match. It should be an evenly fought, ultra tough battle between two men who both know that they need a big win like this to move up the card.




Nicky Champion vs. Peter Valentine


The grudge match of the night on a show that will feature more than a couple, Nicky Champion and Peter Valentine have been given this opportunity to step into the ring and face of by Sam Strong, who hopes that the two can iron out their issues with their fists before rejoining him as allies in his battle against Phil Vibert for ownership of the USPW. Valentine blames Nicky for forcing Strong’s retirement at “Apple Pie and Wrestling” and has made it his mission to take a pound of flesh from Champion for his transgression. This is not likely to be for the weak at heart, as these men are going to go for the throat from the get go. The question is, and will remain: will they be able to put things aside afterward and be valuable members of Sam Strong’s posse or will it be the first nail in the coffin for Strong’s USPW ownership?





These matches plus much more, including T-Rex in action and Phil Vibert’s response to Sam Strong’s challenge, this Sunday night on pay-per-view at “United States of Pain”.








-Quick Picks-


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma


Peter Valentine vs. Nicky Champion


Ford Memphis/Hillbillies vs Andre Jones/Savage Fury


Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield


T-Rex vs. TBD

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Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

win via either countout or dq, but with a Baine beatdown following


Peter Valentine vs. Nicky Champion

With Strong out of the picture, or soon to be, this is where Nicky can step up, and Valentine can begin jobbing away


Ford Memphis/Hillbillies vs Andre Jones/Savage Fury

It gonna be a hunka hunka jobbing hillbillies!


Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

Daddy's girl gets a rude awakening


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield

will be a victory via dq, as the Vibert loyalist gets rewarded with a win, but Devine will get his heat back.


T-Rex vs. TBD

TBD means T-Rex Beatdown Domination.

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Tyson Baine vs. Enygma


I'm pretty sure a chain match can't end in DQ or a countout, so I'll go for the monster to just be too much for Engyma to handle in this one.


Peter Valentine vs. Nicky Champion


Champion's got more upside, so he'll pick up the win but to keep this feud/story going, I see Valentine with some heinous post match attack to get some heat back.


Ford Memphis/Hillbillies vs Andre Jones/Savage Fury


Hillbillies are comedy jobbers, that is all they are useful for, that's if you really want to find a use for them.


Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden


Bryden picks up the win, make daddy's girl chase the belt for a bit.


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield


I agree with D-Mack, Caulfield remains strong with a victory but Devine keeps some heat by not losing clean.


T-Rex vs. Keith Vegas*


Respect the streak !


* I can only wish, I actually want to see T-Rex run roughshod over the jobbers of the Cornellverse (Ben Williams, Keith Vegas, Jeremy Jazz, Bob Casey etc) 'Goldberg' fashion. :D

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Thought I'd give this a bump to see if any regulars wanted to get picks in before the PPV is posted.


Also thought I'd up the ante with the picks and offer a prize for the most correct selections on the PPV's. I'm currently trying to downsize my massive wrestling collection a bit and this seems like as good a way as any. How about the most efficient prognosticator getting to pick two shows off my list of DVD's? Most notable indies are represented, ROH, CZW,FIP, PWG, Chikara, IWA-MS, as well as WWE and TNA; get your picks in, win, and I'll PM you the list and handle postage myself.


Maybe it'll increase the traffic in here a bit and I'm sure that my wife will be happy to see wrestling stuff going out instead of always just coming in.





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Thought I'd give this a bump to see if any regulars wanted to get picks in before the PPV is posted.


Also thought I'd up the ante with the picks and offer a prize for the most correct selections on the PPV's. I'm currently trying to downsize my massive wrestling collection a bit and this seems like as good a way as any. How about the most efficient prognosticator getting to pick two shows off my list of DVD's? Most notable indies are represented, ROH, CZW,FIP, PWG, Chikara, IWA-MS, as well as WWE and TNA; get your picks in, win, and I'll PM you the list and handle postage myself.


Maybe it'll increase the traffic in here a bit and I'm sure that my wife will be happy to see wrestling stuff going out instead of always just coming in.








Tyson Baine vs. Enygma


Peter Valentine vs. Nicky Champion


Ford Memphis/Hillbillies vs Andre Jones/Savage Fury


Hillbillies are comedy jobbers, that is all they are useful for, that's if you really want to find a use for them.


Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield


T-Rex vs. TBD

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Thought I'd give this a bump to see if any regulars wanted to get picks in before the PPV is posted.


Also thought I'd up the ante with the picks and offer a prize for the most correct selections on the PPV's. I'm currently trying to downsize my massive wrestling collection a bit and this seems like as good a way as any. How about the most efficient prognosticator getting to pick two shows off my list of DVD's? Most notable indies are represented, ROH, CZW,FIP, PWG, Chikara, IWA-MS, as well as WWE and TNA; get your picks in, win, and I'll PM you the list and handle postage myself.


Maybe it'll increase the traffic in here a bit and I'm sure that my wife will be happy to see wrestling stuff going out instead of always just coming in.






Aaaand you persuaded someone to stop lingering :D


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma


Peter Valentine vs. Nicky Champion


Ford Memphis/Hillbillies vs Andre Jones/Savage Fury


Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield


T-Rex vs. TBD

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Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

Peter Valentine vs. Nicky Champion

Ford Memphis/Hillbillies vs Andre Jones/Savage Fury

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield

T-Rex vs. ???


The whole indy DVD thing has me interested. Though I don't know what shows you have :p

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Tyson Baine vs. Enygma - Enygma doesn't win THIS match.

Peter Valentine vs. Nicky Champion - I still believe, Pete!

Ford Memphis/Hillbillies vs Andre Jones/Savage Fury - I dig the Hillbillies and Ford, but can't see them getting the win.

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden - Go Liss!

Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield - Devine sucks.

T-Rex vs. TBD - Definitely T-Rex Beatdown Domination, as someone said above.

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Seemed to have missed a show - sorry about that! Just read the last two shows - there are so many great storylines that its convinced me to start up a USPW game myself :D


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma


Peter Valentine vs. Nicky Champion

Again, a great story brewing but Nicky losing (clean at least) to Peter would probably make him look worse than necessary.

Ford Memphis/Hillbillies vs Andre Jones/Savage Fury

The part of me that wants to predict everything correctly is being subdued by the other part that thinks Ford Memphis + The Hillbillies is the best thing ever.

Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

Some kind of cheating win to get a three-way feud going between J-Ro, Alicia and Belle.

Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield

I'm torn! You've done a great job of pushing Devine but Caulfiled is still a legend.

T-Rex vs. TBD

Could be your mystery signing but I don't you would debut him against T-Rex if he is as big a name as you made out. T-Rex squash it is then.

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Seemed to have missed a show - sorry about that! Just read the last two shows - there are so many great storylines that its convinced me to start up a USPW game myself :D


Glad you're back, jhd1.


And that's a great compliment too. I've started numerous non diary games after being inspired by some of the diaries on here. I just get so wrapped up in the stories the other writers are telling, I want to play them out for myself.



I'm working tonight, so I'll be putting up "United States of Pain" sometime tomorrow.



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I have been an occasional lurker in this diary and have just caught up with everything going on. Just wanted to say great diary so far.


Will try and get into predicting, inspired by how generous you are being with giving out a dvd to the winner. (Although if I was to win by some lucky guesses I would be happy not recieving a reward, as depending on where you lived it could be expensive shipping to the UK).



-Quick Picks-


Tyson Baine vs. Enygma

Not losing yet.


Peter Valentine vs. Nicky Champion

Need to keep Nicky Strong, but maybe a DQ or count-out to keep the story going.


Ford Memphis/Hillbillies vs Andre Jones/Savage Fury

Ford Memphis could win, but I dont see the Hillbillies picking up a W.


Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

Guess work.


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield

Cant see Caulfield losing to Devine cleanly, and dont want to many cheap finishes, even if they do fit well in USPW.


T-Rex vs. TBD

While you have been hyping new signings, got to respect the streak.

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USPW United States of Pain

Live on PPV

Week 4 September

Atlanta, GA






The pay-per-view opens with a long black limo pulling up to the back entrance of the building. It is immediately recognizable as the one Phil Vibert has been using since his arrival in USPW. Slowly the window in the back comes down as the camera gets close.



“You know what, Sam? Your challenge? You’re on. Why should we decide the fate of a wrestling company in the board room when we have a wrestling ring at our disposal?”



He smiles.



“I’ve already begun assembling a team that will go to war for me.”



The engine revs up a bit.



“I hope that you can get Champion and Valentine to resolve their differences after tonight so you’ll at least have a couple of guys to sacrifice to my team.”



The door on the other side of the limo swings open and the massive Charlie Thatcher steps out, bends back inside, and pulls out a bloody and nearly unconscious Jumbo Jackson, leaving him laying on the blacktop.



“Jumbo didn’t see fit to join my team, so Mr. Thatcher taught him a lesson about respecting authority.”



Thatcher straightens his suit jacket and gets back into the limo.



“And just to give you a taste of what USPW under Vibert will be when you’re finally gone……next week USPW American Wrestling will make it’s debut in the city of brotherly love, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.”



The window begins going back up as they roll away, back into the night.



“That’s right; the godfather of hardcore is coming home.”















Alicia Strong* vs. Belle Bryden


Result: The show’s first match is a Katie-bar-the-door pier-six brawl between two of the best female wrestlers in the world today. After both Bryden and Strong both have runs that make it look like they are close to winning the match, things spill over the top rope and onto the arena floor. Both women are so focused that neither even bothers to acknowledge the referee’s count.



Phil’s Story Notes: Alicia is our bell-cow in the Women’s division, if you can pardon the expression, but Belle has the right stuff to be up there with her. This match is a step toward legitimizing her.



Double Count Out @ 7:11
















The crane cam goes up the aisle and moves to the broadcast location where Shawn Doakes, Sara Silver, and Mickey Starr sit with their headphones on ready to pitch the show, especially the main event.



SD: “Put the kids to bed, fans, because when Tyson Baine steps into then ring with Enygma in a chain match, it’s certainly not going to be for the weak at heart.”



MS: “Chain match or not, climbing into the ring with Tyson Baine is asking for trouble….and a possible hospital stay.”



SS: “But to sell Enygma short, guys, would be a gross mistake. He’s been at the very top of this business; he’s a former World Champion in his own right.”



The camera pans around the sold out crowd and spots a section of red and white t-shirt wearing folks, who get put over as University of Georgia USPW fan club.



As the camera moves all the way around the arena on its way back to the ring it stops briefly on a pocket of black t-shirted guys in the back row.



SD: “I wonder who the guys in the black t-shirts are with?”



MS: “Well……UGA’s colors are red, white, AND black, Doakes. Maybe they got separated from their friends and are lost. They do look kind of stupid. They’re probably frat boys.”













A video rolls hyping T-Rex’s winning steak, going through footage of him squeezing the life out of each of the sixty-nine straight men he’s submitted with the “Jurassic Crush”. It ends with a panoramic of the crowd during his last match on “American Wrestling”, focusing on the dozens upon dozens of signs in the crowd that mention the streak, cut against Rex in slow-mo black and white, curling a barbell loaded with four cinder blocks on each side, his muscles bulging.















T-Rex vs. Jeremy Jazz


Result: The fans are quite excited when they see the no name jobber in the ring because they know exactly who is coming out of the locker room to maim him. And T-Rex lays said beating on Jazz in record time, forcing him to tap out in the “Jurassic Crush” at just past the one minute mark.



Phil’s Story Notes: Seventy! RE-SPECT IT!



T-Rex wins via submission @ 1:04











A commercial for USPW American Wrestling plays, hyping the southern company’s first foray into the Tri-State area this week when the broadcast will originate from Philadelphia.

















<a href="

http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=SteveGumbleTheKingFordMemphis.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/SteveGumbleTheKingFordMemphis.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=thAlTheHillybilly.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/thAlTheHillybilly.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=thPeteTheHillbilly.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/thPeteTheHillbilly.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs9.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs9.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=AndreJones-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/AndreJones-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=thTribalWarrior-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/thTribalWarrior-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=thJava-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/thJava-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Ford Memphis/The Hillbillies vs. Andre Jones/Savage Fury


Result: Ford Memphis spends the entire match on the apron, doing everything in his power to avoid getting tagged in as his bumpkin superfans are overwhelmed by Andre Jones, Java, and Tribal Warrior. Mercifully, Al is buried with a “Double HHS” (Tandem running boot) just before the five minute mark.



SD: “And what a sleaze bag Ford Memphis is. He basically just sacrificed his biggest fans to Andre Jones and Savage Fury. They never had a chance against the numbers advantage.”



MS: “They must really look at him through sequin colored glasses because it wasn’t too hard to see something like that coming.”



SD: “Sequin colored glasses?”



MS: “You know….sparkly; gaudy even. I was trying to freshen up an old metaphor, Doakes, give me a break.”



Phil’s Story Notes: The storyline with Memphis and The Hillbillies almost dictates that they’d lose at this point in their association doesn’t it? It also positions Jones for a shot at the TV title, which he’ll probably get on an upcoming “American Wrestling”.



Andre Jones/Savage Fury win via pinfall @ 4:55













The cameras move backstage where the egomaniacal Darryl Devine sits, talking to the returning Seduction in his locker room.






There is quick knock on the door before Sam Strong and his daughter Alicia enter, stopping whatever conversation was going on. Devine is on his feet in a flash; in full wrestling gear, he is upon the immortal one himself, nose-to-nose, in seconds.



SS: “Relax, Darryl. I come in peace.”



Alicia nods and pats him on the shoulder. The tension cedes.



SS: “I was hoping that, in putting a team together to defend USPW, that I could count on you to be a part of it. Is that the case, brother, or am I mistaken?”



Devine just shakes his head.



DD: “Sam Strong? Good god. I’m SHOCKED you even have the balls to show your face around me after the way you’ve held me down.”



Strong’s grin begins to waver, but he stays with it. He knows Devine’s reputation.



SS: “I’m serious Darryl. If you join Team USPW, I can promise you that your future around here will be a bright one. Not to mention, you’d have earned it by coming to the aid of the USPW, the first big company to give you a chance.”



Seduction exhales loudly, acting bored by the presence of the Strong’s.



SS: “I won’t keep you. I know you have an important match coming up next. Just think about it, OK?”



Seduction sighs again and this time Devine takes it as his cue to show Sam and Alicia back to the door, closing it loudly behind them without uttering so much as another syllable.
















Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield


Result: Break out whatever cliché you want; Chris Caulfield is an absolute iron man trying to wrestle a match against Darryl Devine who goes through every trick in the book to take advantage of the hardcore icon’s injuries. But in the end, Caulfield’s limping rally is thwarted by a cheap Devine back elbow and a pulled-from-leftfield “Devine Dream Drop”.



MS: “I told you so. You owe me fifty bucks.”



SD: “I really didn’t think that Devine had it in him. I mean sure, Caulfield is injured, but he’s still Chris Caulfield. Devine has had some wins, but has he ever had one this big, this one sided against someone the stature of the hardcore icon?”



MS: “That’s all great stuff, young man……..but a bet’s a bet. And you thought Caulfield would win…..so you owe me fifty bucks.”



SD: “I’ll pay you, don’t worry.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Two things occur to me. One, I know Chris Caulfield personally; he’d have no problem taking this loss. None. He’d do anything I ask him to. Two, Devine deserves a kick up the card before the new signings get in here and a big win like this really helps. There is a lot to do yet; I’ve been biding my time with him.



Darryl Devine wins via pinfall @ 8:56












There is a disturbance in the crowd just as Darryl Devine gets his hand raised by Baby Jamie. It stops Doakes’ and Starr’s commentary; the whole tone of the show changes immediately.



A hooded sweatshirt conceals his face in shadows. He is big, not massive - but big and as he makes his way down the concrete stairs toward the ground level, a fan wearing a worn DaVE t-shirt gets a peek at him and looks as though he has seen a ghost.



SD: “I don’t know who that is fans, but USPW security has been dispatched and the show will resume momentarily.”



When he gets to the barricade, he hops over it with the greatest of ease and snatches a microphone from the scared stiff hands of the ring announcer. Chris Caulfield is still in the ring and can barely sit up.



“So this is how it has to be then, is it my little marshmallow?”



In a flash he drops the microphone and is upon Caulfield. And as he lifts him, limp, up off the canvas, his hood flops back and his face is revealed.











Peak is efficient and lifts Caulfield high overhead, setting him up in the crucifix position for the “Peak of Perfection”. Seconds later, with the crowd quiet, the former madman of DaVE obliterates Caulfield with the move, leaving him upside down in a heap against the turnbuckles across the ring.



Finally, policemen storm the ring and surround Peak, quickly pulling his arms behind his back and escorting him up the aisle and out of the building. The cameras follow every step, and Shawn Doakes gets in the final word as they load him into a flashing-lights cruiser.



SD: “Eddie Peak is one of the most unbalanced, most dangerous men in our business but he shouldn’t be here; he doesn’t work here! Who let him in the building? I thought he worked for Tommy Cornell?”















Sam Strong sits nervously backstage in a makeshift office, watching the show on a monitor. As Alicia does her best to hold the door shut, warding off the number of staffers trying to get his input on something, Sam pulls his rolling chair up in front of the monitor, getting as close as possible. As the shot turns into a close up of his face, he begins rubbing his hands together nervously. Doakes, Starr, and Silver add the commentary that finishes the segment.



SD: “Coming up, it’s the biggest match of the night as far as that man right there is concerned.”



MS: “Watching your friends fight is hard enough; with what Sam has at stake after this match takes place and where these two fit into his plans must make this almost unbearable.”










Nicky Champion vs. Peter Valentine


Result: There is a ton of tension in the crowd for this match, even more than Wednesday’s TV bout, just because it has become so personal between these two men. And there is no let down, as both Champion and Valentine go after it from the opening bell on. Things are very physical and hard hitting (albeit very simple) before the finish. Champion surprisingly slides down Valentine’s back at the last possible second to escape the “Heartbreaker” (shoulderbreaker), before landing on his feet and hammering him with a lightening quick “XXX” (superkick) instead.



Phil’s Story Notes: A win for Champion makes sense for us in the short term as well as the long term, you'll see. Besides, Valentine is jumping up in overness by leaps and bounds of late; it’ll be good to shave some for Champion right now to push him up even quicker.



Nicky Champion wins via pinfall @ 7:54
















After the match is over, Sam Strong ambles down the ramp and climbs into the ring. Nicky Champion kneels on one knee in the corner, a few feet from where Peter Valentine still lays motionless, slowly regaining his wits after taking the “XXX” flush in the chin. Strong stands over his longtime friend and lightly taps him on the cheek a few times, bringing Valentine through the clouds.



And when the groggy ring veteran finally tries to get to his feet, he staggers back nearly falling over……



….until Nicky Champion steps in behind him and helps hold him up, supporting Valentine as he tries to right the ship. Strong comes over and raises the hands of both men before turning and hugging Champion.



SD: “It looks like this has reached its end, finally. Nicky really is the better man, isn’t he?”



MS: “Well, he won, that’s for sure. Whether he and Valentine can put their baggage behind them and focus on helping Sam keep control of USPW remains to be seen.”



SD: “I hope they can; Sam needs all the help he can get.”














Tyson Baine* vs. Enygma

USPW World Heavyweight Title Chain Match


Result: As you might expect, this one is a fairly bloody affair, with Enygma being busted open under his mask within three or four minutes after the opening bell courtesy of the twenty foot length of chain that connects the two combatants at the wrist. Baine doles out a pretty hearty beating before Enygma begins his comeback on the backs of the fans. However, Baine’s second attempt at hanging Enygma ( the first being two weeks ago on American Wrestling) with the chain proves to be decisive; the World Champion retains by touching all four corners while dragging the nearly unconscious masked man with him by the throat.



SD: “If there’s a champion as sadistic, as dominant as Tyson Baine anywhere in wrestling, I’ve yet to see him.”



MS: “Agreed. If he’s standing across the ring from you, you are in extreme danger.”



The show ends with the USPW logo popping up in the corner of the screen as the shot switches to a close up of the sweaty, blood-smeared-on-his-teeth-and-still-smiling Baine.



SD: “He’s unstoppable. Baine IS pain.”



Phil’s Story Notes: That’s two pay-per-views in a row that Tyson Baine has demolished a top notch wrestling superstar. I don’t want there to be a single doubt about who our lead horse is going to be for this phase of the race against SWF and TCW. That said, Enygma is going to have to play a big role going forward too; I believe his next storyline will breathe new life into his character.



Tyson Baine wins via stipulation @ 14:23










Copyright 2010

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Awesome PPV.


Now if only my USPW PPV coming up in my dynasty can be half as good.


Also was digging the UGA reference in the show. I've got Des Davids as a former football star from there, and you've got frat boy fans in this one. Pretty cool to see that similarity.


Keep up the amazing work, NN.

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