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USPW - What? This Again?

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United States Pro Wrestling is announcing the release of former 3 time USPW World Champion Giant Redwood. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.




The release of Jethro J. Jonas aka Giant Redwood from USPW comes as a surprise to almost everyone here. He is a former 3 time Champion though he has not seen a lot of work within 2010. The firing is said to come on the heels of contract negotiations breaking down between the two sides on a written deal. Redwood is said to have asked for far too much, including a title run. Danny Jillefski, former owner of USPW, is said to be furious about this firing and may look to get his own release sometime soon. With that being said, the rumour mill is starting to spread that USPW is looking for a new lead announcer to work alongside Eric Tyler in the booth. Popular choices for this are Steve Smith: announcer for 21CW in UK, Davis Ditterich, an unemployed announcer that people are touting for the future and Mitch Naess, owner of PSW and the former voice of DaVE.


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Enygma vs. Captain USA

I'd love a cap push. then again Id love a monster truck and a bottle of beer that never ends.


USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Anger

Ha! Not even USPW fans would buy that. Would they?


Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Classic matchup. Daddy's little girl to look good but Cherry to cheat


Bruce The Giant and The Titans vs. Nicky Champion and The People's Team

c'mon, noone can face that trio of hulk


Non Title: Mick Muscles vs. Chris Caulfield

Interference leads to abandoned match. Rushmore? Sneer?


Darryl Devine vs. Acid

Too soon for Devine. And Acid is cool



McMuscles. Everyone's favourite beefcake

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Enygma vs. Captain USA

Capt. USA winning just isn't going to happen...

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Anger

Jimmy's not been champ long enough to drop to the likes of Anger.

Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Daddy's little girl...

Bruce The Giant and The Titans vs. Nicky Champion and The People's Team

The power (and popularity!) is certainly stacked in the heels favour with this one!

Non Title: Mick Muscles vs. Chris Caulfield

Chris is the champ, Mick is a tag team-er.

Darryl Devine vs. Acid

Seems like it could go either way - flip of a coin.

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 2 March 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.49


[The show opens within the Huntsville Fairgrounds as the rabid USPW fans are ready for some USPW American Wrestling action! There are ages ranges from little children to grandma with her walker shown in the crowd. Everyone comes here to watch USPW! The crowd suddenly boos as 'Mighty Fine' begins to play...]




[...Darryl Devine and Seduction walk out from the back. Devine makes sure he is far enough away from the outstretched arms of the crowd so they can't touch him. He shakes his head and swats a hand that gets too close to Seduction. They move up the steps and onto the apron. Devine sits on the middle rope and raises the top rope so that Seduction can enter the ring and then Seduction does the same for Devine. The crowd boos as Devine is handed a microphone...]


Darryl Devine

"Thank you for that warm reception from a bunch of drunken rednecks here in Huntsville, Alabama."


[...A small pop for the city name but Devine's presence makes the boos even louder...]


Darryl Devine

"Let's be honest here, first of all. I am mighty fine and you know what that means? That means that every man in this crowd wants to be me..."



"And every woman in this crowd wants to be me!"


Darryl Devine

"You're right, honey. Now shut up so I can talk. Because, you see, in just a few short weeks you are going to be looking at the brand new USPW World Champion! And there is nothing that anyone can do about it. There's nothing that you can do about it! Or you! Or you! Or that fat man sitting in the middle drinking a beer! Or that ugly woman in the rafters. You better ask Enygma if you can borrow his mask, lady. Everyone here knows that you need it. But before I get to my title status, tonight, I have to go one on one with Chris Caulfield's friend. He's the man that is called the silence behind the violence. He doesn't have such a good voice like I have. It's no wonder he keeps quiet. Acid, tonight, I must admit that I have a dream and you're in it. My dream is that I kick you in your stomach and then you feel my Devine Dream Drop in the center of the ring. That dream is about to become..."


[...Devine's words are cut off as the lights within the arena shut off. The Huntsville Fairgrounds is plunged in darkness. The fans are stirring, waiting to see what is about to happen. After about a minute, the lights come back on and...]




[...Acid is perched on the turnbuckles behind Darryl Devine! Darryl has no idea that he is there!...]


Darryl Devine

"Like I was saying, that dream is about to become your nightmare."


[...Darryl turns and Acid leaps -- Missle dropkick! The microphone goes flying as Darryl hits the mat hard. Acid leaps to his feet and heads to the turnbuckles again, perching up top -- Seduction grabs Darryl and pulls him out of the ring! Seduction and Darryl quickly move out of range while Acid stares them down. Will the same thing happen tonight?]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CaptainUSA.jpg

Enygma vs. Captain USA


[Darryl Devine and Acid got the crowd hot and ready and that definitely bled over into the first match of the night. Enygma stepped down from the rafters, knocking over a fan who was holding up a sign reading: 'USA Won't Win This Battle!' Captain USA was waiting for him in the ring, getting the 'USA' chant to break out through the crowd. Both men would rather brawl than do anything else and that is how this match got started. A lot of fists were flying and USA clotheslined Enygma over the top rope to the outside! Enygma had obviously underestimated Captain USA! This broke out more of the USA chants that had started previously. Enygma got back inside the ring and took control, sending USA into the corner and lacing his chest with chops. A European Uppercut sends USA staggering out of the corner and Enygma goes right down against the leg of Captain USA. Enygma pulls USA to his feet and sends him to the ropes. USA comes back -- tilt-a-whirl slam by Enygma! The crowd boos as Enygma rises to his feet and looks down at Captain USA in silence. Enygma pulls USA up and tucks him in between his legs. He raises USA -- high angle power bomb! The crowd starts a 'USA' chant, wanting their favorite to get back into this match. Enygma grabs the leg and moves USA to the center of the ring -- Enygma Variation! Enygma hooked on his finisher. USA cries out in pain, trying to resist! He reaches for the ropes -- but he's too far away! USA raises a hand -- and taps! Captain USA taps out!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Submission @ 5:38)

Match Rating: B-




[The crowd boos as Enygma gets his arm raised in victory. The USPW-Tron lights up and all attention turns to the backstage locker room area where an unknown woman can be seen holding a microphone beside the former USPW World Television Champion...]




Sara Silver

"Good evening everyone. My name is Sara Silver, backstage correspondent for USPW wrestling action. I am here with the former USPW World Television Champion Andre Jones. Andre, after losing the USPW World Television title last week, what is next for you?"


[...Andre looks to Henry for a moment. Henry now has a frown on and little painted on tears coming down the volleyball...]


Andre Jones

"HENRIETTA! Why did you have to leave us? Why did you go to someone else? Was it something that we did? Something that we said? We will be better. We promise! It's all that James Justice's fault! He is the one who kept Henry from being tagged into the match! James, you and James will both pay for the suffering you have inflicted on Henry and Andre Jones! That's right, Henry! You two are going to get spiked!"


[...Sara takes in a deep breath as she stands beside Andre Jones, trying to look professional despite the fact that she is standing next to a man who is talking with a volleyball.]


Sara Silver

"Danny, Eric, back to you!"


[...Sara shrugs and we head back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JamesPrudence.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DemonAnger.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

James Prudence defends vs. Anger


[Our next match is our one and only title match for the evening as James Prudence defends his belt against the man of the Coca Cola Hour Anger. Anger came walking down to the ring listening to the bottle of Coca Cola and then James Prudence brought the crowd to their feet when he walked down. Anger attacked him immediately to gain a quick advantage. He sent Prudence into the corner and pounded him with punches. Anger rakes the eyes of Prudence and then sends a couple of knee shots into the ribs. A headbutt brings Prudence down to the mat. Anger bounces off the ropes -- kneedrop -- misses! Prudence rolled out of the way! Prudence got to his feet and took Anger over with a fireman's carry takedown. He pulls Anger to his feet and carries him to the turnbuckle, setting him up on the top turnbuckle. Prudence takes a few steps backward and then runs, climbing the turnbuckles and hooking Anger around the waist -- Overhead Belly to Belly Superplex! Anger hits the mat hard! Prudence moves to him and sends him to the ropes -- clothesline by Anger -- ducked! Superkick by Prudence sends Anger down to the mat! Prudence leaps over and hooks Anger -- Prudential Pain Plan! Anger struggles and fights against the hold that Prudence has -- and then taps! It's over! James Prudence with his first successful title defense here on USPW American Wrestling!]


Winner: James Prudence (Via Submission @ 5:41)

Match Rating: C




[The USPW-Tron lights up and we head backstage to a locker room area. Inside the locker room...]




[...are the USPW World Tag Team Champions! The People's Team get a good crowd ovation...]


Freddie Datsun

"Des, did you see who signed the open contract yet?"


[...Des shrugs his shoulders, bouncing on his toes and shadow boxing. The People's Team will be involved in a big six man tag team match later on tonight. The locker room door opens and suddenly a lot of humanity spills into the locker room. The People's Team look to the three men who came in...]




[...It's Shane Sneer leading The Titans!...]


Shane Sneer

"Why don't you boys just hand those USPW World Tag Team titles over to my two men here right now and save yourselves the beating that you're going to take at USPW Liberty And Justice?"


[...Well, it's obvious who signed the open contract, right?...]


Freddie Datsun

"We'll take our chances, Shane."


[...Shane shakes his head and then The Titans attack! Freddie and Des hold their own for about a minute before The Titans take complete control back here in the locker room. Baine runs Datsun's head into the metal of the locker! Davids is body slammed by T-Rex! Shane smiles at all the carnage backstage here. Hopefully, Datsun and Davids will be able to compete later on tonight! But we need to head up to the ring for our next match.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CherryBomb_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AliciaStrong.jpg

Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong


[Our next match is a women's bout here featuring the first ever USPW Women's Champion and the woman who beat her for the belt back in June 2008. This was a fast-paced women's match here with Alicia Strong setting the quick pace early on. Alicia showed off some of her flying skills by taking down Cherry Bomb with a flying shoulderblock early on. This early flurry of offense by Alicia only served to anger the definitely unstable Cherry Bomb. Cherry caught Alicia coming off the top turnbuckle with a big power slam and a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Cherry Bomb went for her version of the Cherry Bomb but Alicia managed to get to her feet instead! She kicked Cherry in the gut and then lifted her up -- Angel Driver! The move connects and Alicia turns it into a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Alicia Strong (Via Pinfall @ 6:20)

Match Rating: C




[The backstage area was shown as Alicia celebrated her victory in the ring. The interview area in particular is focused upon...]




[...where Sara Silver is standing by with the USPW World Champion and 'Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield...]


Sara Silver

"Thank you, gentlemen. I am Sara Silver and I am backstage with the USPW World Champion Chris Caulfield. Chris, tonight you will be stepping into the ring with a member of the Sneer Corporation: Mick Muscles. Mick is a former USPW World Champion and USPW World Tag Team Champion. How do you look to combat him in this match?"


Chris Caulfield

"First of all, welcome to USPW, Sara. Now, onto my match tonight with Mick Muscles. Mick, you've got the physique, you've got the look, you've got the managerial help with Shane Sneer. What have I got? Oh, wait, I just happen to have the USPW World title. That is what I have. That means that I am the best in the business today. That means I have proven myself time and time again. Tonight won't be any exception."


Sara Silver

"Now, if I can just get a few words on your match with Darryl Devine at Liberty And Justice?"


Chris Caulfield

"You want a few words on Devine? Darryl's got all the natural talent in the world. He's got all the skills. I'm not going to deny that. But it takes more in this business than just the natural talent and skills. It takes motivation. It takes heart. It takes what the Hardcore American has in spades. To be the best, Darryl, you have to beat the best. If you want to prove that you're the best then step into my ring with me in just a few weeks and I'll show you why you're not thee best and I am."


[...Chris extends his arms out in the cross-like fashion and we head back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg



Bruce The Giant and The Titans vs. Nicky Champion and The People's Team


[it's six man tag team action here on USPW American Wrestling and what a six man encounter it is! How do you face off with three men who the smallest of which is a Big Heavyweight wrestler? But that's the exact task put before USPW National Champion Nicky Champion and the USPW World Tag Team Champions The People's Team. All of these men prefer to brawl so it comes as no surprise that the match is a brawl early and often. There aren't a ton of stepover toe holds or armbars in this match in particular. Freddie Datsun got caught in the wrong corner early on and Bruce and The Titans each took turns slowly decimating the man who was hurt earlier on by a sneak attack by the Titans. Datsun was tossed outside the ring where Shane Sneer used the cable of one of the cameras to choke him behind the referee's back! Datsun was rolled back in the ring and T-Rex made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! T-Rex pulled Datsun up and wrapped him up in a Bear Hug! He shook Datsun back and forth as the American Everyman got some support from the crowd out here in Huntsville! Of course he didn't have the support of everyone in the crowd as a fan held up a sign reading: 'Goooo TITANS!' But the crowd support did give Datsun the ability to bell clap T-Rex's ears and break the hold. Datsun managed to make the tag to his partner while T-Rex tagged in Bruce...]


[...Des Davids came in and threw some tackles right at the legs of all three of their opponents! Nicky and Freddie came into the ring! Nicky took out Tyson Baine with a Hawkeye Hammer that sent both of them spilling outside the ring! Freddie threw T-Rex outside the ring on the other side and joined him out there as Bruce looked toward Des Davids -- Quarterback Sack! Holy ****! Des Davids just took Bruce The Giant down with that big spear! Des looks a little hurt himself but he signals to the crowd for the Touch Down! He picks up Bruce and hooks in the front facelock. Shane Sneer jumps on the apron, getting the attention of Des. Des releases Bruce and goes over to Sneer. He brings his fist back, ready to hit Shane but the fist is grabbed by Bruce The Giant! Bruce wraps his hand around the throat of Des Davids -- Giant Choke Slam! Bruce makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Bruce The Giant and The Titans (Via Pinfall @ 8:34)

Match Rating: C+




[The announcers let everyone know that next week, our main event has already been selected...]


http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion.jpg


[...it will be a non title affair as 'Mighty Fine' Darryl Devine steps into the ring with Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion! What a great matchup that should be! As we pan around the ringside area, a fan is shown holding up a sign reading: 'I STILL HATE NICKY!']




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

Non Title

Mick Muscles vs. Chris Caulfield


[The fans within the Huntsville Fairgrounds are excited to be able to view their USPW World Champion wrestling live and in person. And who better for him to face than a member of the hated Sneer Corporation? Mick flexed beside a sign reading: 'McMuscles. Everyone's favourite beefcake!' Chris started the match off quickly with a flurry of punches to Mick Muscles, knocking the Big Heavyweight wrestler off his feet early on. Caulfield is, after all, the first man to bring Bruce The Giant down in a very long time before Des did it earlier tonight. Mick slides out of the ring and regroups with Shane Sneer for a moment. Chris gets too close to the ropes and gets tripped by Mick Muscles and dragged outside the ring. Mick grabs him by the head and runs him into the guardrail -- blocked! Caulfield hits Mick Muscles' head on the guardrail instead! Caulfield tosses Muscles in the ring and joins him back inside. The Hardcore American catches Muscles with a kick to the gut -- spinning neckbreaker! Caulfield waits for Muscles to get to his feet and charges -- big boot -- ducked! Caulfield gets hung up on the ropes and Muscles sends him crashing to the floor with a big clothesline!...]


[...Muscles exits the ring and grabs Caulfield in a bear hug -- rams his back against the side of the ring! The crowd boos as Muscles looks to them for a moment and then headbutts Caulfield! Muscles slides into the ring and gets the attention of the official. As Muscles distracts Baby Jamie, Shane Sneer chokes Chris Caulfield on the bottom rope. Sneer releases before the referee turns around and Caulfield slides back into the ring. Muscles pulls him up and hooks a front facelock -- Brainbuster! The crowd boos as Muscles makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Nearly a big win for the Sneer Corporation! Muscles pulls Caulfield to his feet and runs him back against the turnbuckle! Caulfield grabs his back in pain as Muscles plays to the crowd for a moment, taking in their boos. Muscles irish whips Caulfield to the other side and comes charging in -- spear is dodged! Muscles hit the ring post on the other side! He comes staggering out from the turnbuckle and Caulfield hooks him by the head -- Danger Drop! Caulfield stands over Muscles and extends his arms in that cross-like fashion and then makes a cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 8:27)

Match Rating: C+




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Acid.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. Acid


[We've got two of the best young athletes within USPW and the world here in our main event. Too bad they have a lack of chemistry between each other, huh? Some chain wrestling starts out the match with both men taking things to the mat. Acid surprises in the counters he is able to make on Darryl Devine. Both men end up on their feet. Acid bounces off the ropes and Devine elevates him over the top rope. Acid lands on the apron and then leaps onto the top rope. He spins around onto Devine -- flying headscissors! Nice move by Acid! Devine slides outside the ring to regroup but Acid charges at him -- somersault plancha! Devine falls to the ground and Acid stands, absorbing in the cheers from this Huntsville crowd. The action returns to the ring minutes later and Devine takes control...]


[...The next few minutes were spent with Darryl Devine in control over Acid. Devine focused on the upper back and neck area of Acid. He choked him on the ropes and distracted the official as Seduction slapped the taste out of the masked wrestler's mouth. Devine dropped Acid with a sharp DDT. Devine rose to his feet and mocked Chris Caulfield by making the cross-like motion. Devine pulled Acid in and then lifted him up -- Power Bomb! What a move by Darryl Devine! Devine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Devine yells at referee Wilson Carlisle, stating that it should have been a three count! Wilson lets him know it was only a two count. Devine turns back to Acid, pulling him up. He sends him to the ropes and then ducks down -- sunset flip by Acid: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Acid ducks a spin kick and trips Devine to the mat...]


[...Acid holds control for the next few minutes as the crowd really gets into it on his side! Acid brings Devine down to the mat with a big body slam and then motions toward the turnbuckle. He moves over and begins climbing up. The high flying of Acid is ready to be on display -- Seduction shoves him off the turnbuckle! Darryl Devine had the attention of the referee! Devine gets to his feet and waits for Acid to rise up. When Acid does, he turns to Devine -- kick to the gut -- Devine Dream Drop! Devine hit the Devine Dream Drop in the center of the ring! He makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 10:47)

Match Rating: C


[...The crowd explodes in a chorus of boos as Devine stands up and has his arm raised in victory! Seduction enters the ring and lays in a few kicks to Acid! Devine picks up Acid -- Devine Dream Drop! He hit him with his finisher again as a 'Caulfield' chant breaks out. Darryl Devine stands over Acid...]




[...and Chris Caulfield answers the call! 'The Hardcore American' comes running down to the ring, sliding inside. Devine and Seduction exit the ring quickly. Devine points to his brain as he stares up in the ring at Chris Caulfield. Next week, Darryl Devine takes on Nicky Champion! We'll see you then!]

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We had several people get 6/6 this time around! Congratulations to Tigerkinney, xopher316, blewrider1980 and jhd1!




1. jhd1=66 Wins

2. xopher316=65 Wins

3. Rayelek=64 Wins

blewrider1980=64 Wins

5. 20LEgend=62 Wins

6. Dragonmack=60 Wins

7. bgbuff=58 Wins

critical-23=58 Wins

dse81=58 Wins

10. Huntman=57 Wins

11. Bigpapa42=55 Wins

12. Tigerkinney=53 Wins

13. mcorey=49 Wins

14. TakerNGN74=38 Wins

15. SeanMcFly=37 Wins

16. Boltinho=33 Wins

17. Jaded=27 Wins

18. Timber=25 Wins

19. Lexa90=24 Wins

20. tristram=23 Wins

21. ChrisKid=17 Wins

22. SWF Fan=15 Wins

23. BHK1978=14 Wins

24. borman_48=9 Wins

Chikbot=9 Wins

26. Arogue=8 Wins

27. smurphy1014=6 Wins

28. Hitman23=5 Wins

ewanite=5 Wins

LoNdOn=5 Wins

31. Greg McNeish=4 Wins

NeoMetsFan=4 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 3 March 2010


Enygma vs. The Force

Matthew Keith vs. Captain USA

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Java

T-Rex vs. Freddie Datsun

Bruce The Giant vs. Jack America

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion


Heels are listed first except in the case of title matches. In title matches, the champion is listed first.


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vs. The Force

Matthew Keith
vs. Captain USA

USPW World Television Title Match:

James Prudence defends
vs. Java

vs. Freddie Datsun

Bruce The Giant
vs. Jack America

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs.

Nicky Champion
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Enygma vs. The Force

Matthew Keith vs. Captain USA

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Java

T-Rex vs. Freddie Datsun

Bruce The Giant vs. Jack America

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion


Sign:he's a Champion no more

Feel Tha Force!

bang a gong,T-Rex



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Every time I read this dynasty I'm like, "Dang. Why can't mine be this awesome?" Like I said on NoNeck's, I'll try to be more frequent with predicting on the dynasties I love on here.


Enygma vs. The Force

Everyone loves THE FOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRCCCCCCEEEE!!!! but he's Enygma. He'll be wrestling for USPW until he's like fifty, with that contract.


Matthew Keith vs. Captain USA

Yeah, yeah...you actually kept Captain USA. Makes you a more patient and better manager of USPW. I just showed him the door and let him go sign a road agent deal with BSC. Shocking, I know. Squash fest in this match.


USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Java

You always seem to think two steps ahead of me. In my next couple of shows on my dynasty, you'll see what I mean.


T-Rex vs. Freddie Datsun

Picking this one on pure skill alone. Datsun is gold in whatever company I play as.


Bruce The Giant vs. Jack America

Poor Jack. He's about to get hammered.


Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion

Deep down, I don't like Nicky. And, I'm trying to get Darryl to a higher push in my game. I like Darryl. By way of Seduction, DD wins here.


Fan Sign: (people actually do them in yours) "That Lady In The Rafters Was My Mee-Maw"

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Enygma vs. The Force

Matthew Keith vs. Captain USA

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Java

T-Rex vs. Freddie Datsun

Bruce The Giant vs. Jack America

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion


A lot of these seem rather obvious, but it leaves me with almost all the heels winning and I'm not stoked about picking that.

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Enygma vs. The Force


Keep the former champ strong


Matthew Keith vs. Captain USA


Keith's a rising star, Captain USA is most definitely not


USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Java


Another routine defence for Prudence over a hoss of limited talent.


T-Rex vs. Freddie Datsun


T-Rex with his menace is more of main event guy in USPW, Datsun seems to be primarily over as a tag guy these days not as a performer by his own accord.


Bruce The Giant vs. Jack America


Jack will try his best because he wants to do America proud, but Bruce The Giant is well Bruce The Giant and in order to keep his aura intact he should not be losing to midcarders.


Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion


With Champions belt not on the line this makes this a no brainer, especially as you want to keep Devine strong for his up coming World Title shot.


Sign: I invested in the Prudential Pain Plan

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Enygma vs. The Force

Id vote for Force here but it isnt a democracy...


Matthew Keith vs. Captain USA

Poor cap. A gimmick like that in USPW should get more love. Not sure Ive ever seen him win on these boards


USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Java

A Java singles push? :rolleyes:


T-Rex vs. Freddie Datsun

I love Rexy. I know everyone puts him with Baine now, but I want to see T-Rex with/against Danny Patterson


Bruce The Giant vs. Jack America

Jack knows hes 600lbs right?


Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion

Classic USPW. Shame it has to finish

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Enygma vs. The Force

Id vote for Force here but it isnt a democracy...


Matthew Keith vs. Captain USA

Poor cap. A gimmick like that in USPW should get more love. Not sure Ive ever seen him win on these boards


USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Java

A Java singles push? :rolleyes:


T-Rex vs. Freddie Datsun

I love Rexy. I know everyone puts him with Baine now, but I want to see T-Rex with/against Danny Patterson


Bruce The Giant vs. Jack America

Jack knows hes 600lbs right?


Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion

Classic USPW. Shame it has to finish


I'm copying these! :D Sorry

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Enygma vs. The Force

Matthew Keith vs. Captain USA

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Java

T-Rex vs. Freddie Datsun

It's good to see Prudence getting a push with the TV Title he has become one of my favoriote workers in the C-Verse and when signed by SWF is very underutilized.


Bruce The Giant vs. Jack America

like 20LEgend said Bruce is 600 IBS and I am not sure what Jack America weighs but I think that Bruce The Giant will win this match without a doubt.


Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion

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