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Are there any way I can edit the game to have higher attendence levels in my events?


I am playing as Dream (MW5 mod) and I am at 31% "Low Level National" popularity and just had an event where two "Mid Level Nationals" (A. Emelianenko & Alistair Overeem) main evented my card. The co-main event was of similar quality, but yet the attendence were only 2,500 in Kanto region (with highest marketing & very cheap ticket prices). I should mention that Japan has "very strong" economy and the Kanto region has very high stats (90 prestige etc.) Now this is just absurd, because a card of this calibre should sell more than 10,000 in Japan, I mean even the worst cards do atleast 6,000-7,000 in Japan.


Simply put, are there any ways to make the attendence bigger by editing the game? My company is already on national level, so making it international would mean I have to re-edit almost every fighter to fit my popularity. Not to mention that Dream is far from international popularity. Could someone please help me with this since its bothering me alot, I want to have big events with alot of attendence :(

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Are there any way I can edit the game to have higher attendence levels in my events?


I am playing as Dream (MW5 mod) and I am at 31% "Low Level National" popularity and just had an event where two "Mid Level Nationals" (A. Emelianenko & Alistair Overeem) main evented my card. The co-main event was of similar quality, but yet the attendence were only 2,500 in Kanto region (with highest marketing & very cheap ticket prices). I should mention that Japan has "very strong" economy and the Kanto region has very high stats (90 prestige etc.) Now this is just absurd, because a card of this calibre should sell more than 10,000 in Japan, I mean even the worst cards do atleast 6,000-7,000 in Japan.



Nowhere near. The K-1 Finals is the biggest show in Japan by a country mile and even that only had around 12k fans in attendance last year. From what I understand from my contacts in Japan, around half of those tickets, if not more, are given away through corporate sponsors like FeiLDS. Dream are selling a couple of thousand tickets at most these days for their biggest shows. So look at it as paid attendance and it's just right ;)

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Does anyone else notice how awful other companies are at using talent? Zvonimir Asanovic refused to re-sign with me after I messed up negotiations with him (impatient *******) and signed a 6 fight/4 year deal with Alpha-1. They've had him for 2 years now and he has yet to fight. What is the deal with this? He was formerly the no1 p4p fighter in the world and is still in the top 10. Same thing happened with Buddy Garner when he signed for SIGMA, he has been in 1 fight in 2 years. Before I poached Hassan Fezzik, he had been in 1 fight in 3 years with Alpha-1. Yet there are other fighters who just get plain abused. I've seen some unknown guys fight every two months for other promotions. It's just something that bothers me, especially when it's my former top guys sitting rotting in another promotion, wasting away their prime years!
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Nowhere near. The K-1 Finals is the biggest show in Japan by a country mile and even that only had around 12k fans in attendance last year. From what I understand from my contacts in Japan, around half of those tickets, if not more, are given away through corporate sponsors like FeiLDS. Dream are selling a couple of thousand tickets at most these days for their biggest shows. So look at it as paid attendance and it's just right ;)


The Dynamite shows are the biggest events in Japan and they had an attendance of 26,729 last year (45,606 the year before) ;)


Sure, I know that FEG do give away tickets, but the paid attendance still seems far too low imo. I am sure that if I do a stacked Dynamite show for NYE, I probably wouldnt even get 5,000 buys. So are there any way to edit this? Is the only way to increase this to increase the popularity of the company/fighters?

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You can go into the editor (settings, modify data) and there you can edit your company popularity. The same thing with fighters. Make sure that your best fighters are on par with your company popularity. E.g. If you change it so that you are a low level international company then your best fighters need to be low level international popularity.
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Does anyone else notice how awful other companies are at using talent? Zvonimir Asanovic refused to re-sign with me after I messed up negotiations with him (impatient *******) and signed a 6 fight/4 year deal with Alpha-1. They've had him for 2 years now and he has yet to fight. What is the deal with this? He was formerly the no1 p4p fighter in the world and is still in the top 10. Same thing happened with Buddy Garner when he signed for SIGMA, he has been in 1 fight in 2 years. Before I poached Hassan Fezzik, he had been in 1 fight in 3 years with Alpha-1. Yet there are other fighters who just get plain abused. I've seen some unknown guys fight every two months for other promotions. It's just something that bothers me, especially when it's my former top guys sitting rotting in another promotion, wasting away their prime years!


Just reload the game next time so you can offer him a better contract. Just try to offer the best contract possible from the get-go. If you have a PPV contract you will drown in money anyway. Sometimes they will indeed get 'abused'... nothing you can do against that. It depends on the game. The matchups are a bit random. In another world, he would've fought a lot.

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Since the failure to re sign those guys I've acquired two experience points which have both been spent on my negotiation talent and that has helped quite a lot. But yes I'm making so much money now (between 7-10mil a month) that I just give my top guys very generous contracts.
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Does anyone else notice how awful other companies are at using talent? Zvonimir Asanovic refused to re-sign with me after I messed up negotiations with him (impatient *******) and signed a 6 fight/4 year deal with Alpha-1. They've had him for 2 years now and he has yet to fight. What is the deal with this? He was formerly the no1 p4p fighter in the world and is still in the top 10. Same thing happened with Buddy Garner when he signed for SIGMA, he has been in 1 fight in 2 years. Before I poached Hassan Fezzik, he had been in 1 fight in 3 years with Alpha-1. Yet there are other fighters who just get plain abused. I've seen some unknown guys fight every two months for other promotions. It's just something that bothers me, especially when it's my former top guys sitting rotting in another promotion, wasting away their prime years!


In my MW4 game I lost Rashad Evans and Chael Sonnen to Strikeforce after their contracts were up due to some poor negotiating on my part. In the 3 years they've been away they have both had just one fight each. Rashad Evans was the top ranked LHW in the world at the time, maybe they didn't have anyone on there roster who was good enough to face him?

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The Dynamite shows are the biggest events in Japan and they had an attendance of 26,729 last year (45,606 the year before) ;)


Lol, total brain-fart. Always good in my line of work. Still, the point stands. They give away far more of those tickets than they sell.


Sure, I know that FEG do give away tickets, but the paid attendance still seems far too low imo.


It's not. They really do sell that few tickets.


I am sure that if I do a stacked Dynamite show for NYE, I probably wouldnt even get 5,000 buys. So are there any way to edit this? Is the only way to increase this to increase the popularity of the company/fighters?


No, the game mechanics dictate that that's the number of fans you get for a show at that level of popularity, with the fighters/ticket prices/marketing that you're using in that area.


The problem is with your popularity. Low nation is small, if that's where you're at, the attendance is right. The only way to boost it is to get more popular, or up it in the editor.

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Alright Chaps..


Right problem with the baldy power freak - Dana White :)...


Sunnovabitch wont let me offer more than 5,000 to a fighter..

Im loosing fighters like Shogun Rua.. Guys I dont wannabe loosing cos that knob wont let the company offer more than 5,000 - surely this is a glitch?


Any help or guidance would be ace..

Thank You

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Alright Chaps..


Right problem with the baldy power freak - Dana White :)...


Sunnovabitch wont let me offer more than 5,000 to a fighter..

Im loosing fighters like Shogun Rua.. Guys I dont wannabe loosing cos that knob wont let the company offer more than 5,000 - surely this is a glitch?


Any help or guidance would be ace..

Thank You


I think this was rectified in one of the earlier patches. Have a look in the tech support forum a bit down the main page. :)

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Does anyone else notice how awful other companies are at using talent? Zvonimir Asanovic refused to re-sign with me after I messed up negotiations with him (impatient *******) and signed a 6 fight/4 year deal with Alpha-1. They've had him for 2 years now and he has yet to fight. What is the deal with this? He was formerly the no1 p4p fighter in the world and is still in the top 10. Same thing happened with Buddy Garner when he signed for SIGMA, he has been in 1 fight in 2 years. Before I poached Hassan Fezzik, he had been in 1 fight in 3 years with Alpha-1. Yet there are other fighters who just get plain abused. I've seen some unknown guys fight every two months for other promotions. It's just something that bothers me, especially when it's my former top guys sitting rotting in another promotion, wasting away their prime years!


In my GAMMA game Fezzik went almost 18 months before he fought once. Since Raul Hughes decided to move on he has fought twice in 5 months. :eek: I am patiently waiting for Fezzik's contract to come up at which point I will throw everything I can at him to try and poach him. :D

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I'm currently playing the Modern Warriors 5 Mod (great Mod by the way, such good work put into it) and have played through to March 2012. In the 7 months I have played there has only been 1 local show, and that was in Brazil. In my default data GAMMA game there is at least one local show per month, and often many more. Is there any reason why this mod would have less local shows? It's kind of annoying as local shows are a good place for new and down on their luck fighters to add a few W's to their record.
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I'm currently playing the Modern Warriors 5 Mod (great Mod by the way, such good work put into it) and have played through to March 2012. In the 7 months I have played there has only been 1 local show, and that was in Brazil. In my default data GAMMA game there is at least one local show per month, and often many more. Is there any reason why this mod would have less local shows? It's kind of annoying as local shows are a good place for new and down on their luck fighters to add a few W's to their record.


I think NapDaddy is right. I had this same problem then I realized that there weren't enough unemployed fighters in each region to do local shows more than 5 or 6 times a year so I made a few companies go bankrupt and now I get at the least 14 independent shows each year.

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Performance is basically the excitement level. The higher the percentage, the more exciting fights the fighter has had in the past. So if it's like 90% you can assume they'll try to put on an exciting fight. If it's like 30%, they are probably more "wrestle/smother" type fighters...ish.


It doesn't guarantee that they will have a well-recieved fight but the higher the number, the better.

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Performance is basically the excitement level. The higher the percentage, the more exciting fights the fighter has had in the past. So if it's like 90% you can assume they'll try to put on an exciting fight. If it's like 30%, they are probably more "wrestle/smother" type fighters...ish.


It doesn't guarantee that they will have a well-recieved fight but the higher the number, the better.




So what would I use to filter the better overall FIGHTERS from the crap ones. Like say if I'm looking for a new opponent for GSP I want a guy who'll have good stats to give him a hard fight.

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So what would I use to filter the better overall FIGHTERS from the crap ones. Like say if I'm looking for a new opponent for GSP I want a guy who'll have good stats to give him a hard fight.


There's no way of knowing for sure without scouting every fighter individually, but reputation is probably your best bet for a filter, and then use scouting from there.

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