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How do u book a Tournaments

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In real life. Strikeforce had a tournament in CA and in wiki it saids:


e event held two distinctions in that: 1) it contained the first MMA tournament sanctioned by the California State Athletic Commission and 2) Strikeforce's heavyweight champion was determined during the event in a non-tournament fight


So it does happened in real life.


Tip: Wiki pages can be added and edited by any moron with a computer and an internet connection - just because wiki says it, doesn't make it so :)


What the page doesn't tell you is that the tourney you're referring to was contested under an irregular rule set that the game can't simulate.


Just to repeat - there isn't a single state athletic commission that will sanction a tournament in which a fighter can potentially fight for more than 25 mins in one night.

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Still seems crazy to take it away. It's not like there was a bunch of WMMA players crying "oh no it's too easy to run tournaments, please take this option away from us/make it more difficult to run them". Why remove a fun feature from the game that a large % of the customer base used on a regular basis in regulated regions, that no one that I'm aware of wanted removed? I mean there is an option for fantasy booking, which is obviously unrealistic, why take away a feature that was so unbelievably popular without giving the option to keep it around. I mean I guess one could always unregulate everything, but that seems unnecessarily annoying.


seconded. i had a promotion that was based on tournaments in the last one. i think there should just be an option to turn it on or off, cuz even if you go and edit the areas to become unregulated that can still change as the game progresses. which just causes annoyance

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Tip: Wiki pages can be added and edited by any moron with a computer and an internet connection - just because wiki says it, doesn't make it so :)


What the page doesn't tell you is that the tourney you're referring to was contested under an irregular rule set that the game can't simulate.


Just to repeat - there isn't a single state athletic commission that will sanction a tournament in which a fighter can potentially fight for more than 25 mins in one night.


Closest I can remember to a one night tourney recently in the states was that YAMMA Pit Fighting Debacle that had I think 1 5 minute round in the first two rounds and then 3 5 minute rounds in the final? Yeah, that was bull. Sad thing is I believe that was one of once visionary matchmaker John Peretti's less brilliant ideas.

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It becomes an even greater frustration when it is something that they could do in a previous iteration of the game. It comes across as a feature being removed from a game (whether you see it that way or not), which is never a good thing in a consumer's eyes.


Still seems crazy to take it away.



This isn't really taking away a feature, it's adding the feature that the regulatory bodies realistically forbid tournaments.


Tournaments are still in the game, they're just treated realistically now.

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realism is good to an extent, but in this case, i dont find it necessary. just annoying.


I'm sure that the owners and match makers of any US-based MMA promotion felt the same way when the state regulators started banning tournaments. Congratulations, you're an MMA match maker now!

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Tournaments being 'unavailable' in regulated states is realistic enough to stay in there & it's not like there isn't any unregulated states to hold your planned tournament in anyway..


However having said that, giving that the database is set in 1998, why is there regulated states at that time in the first place? I mean in actual reality it wasn't til 2000 that mixed martial arts was first santioned anywhere in the US so why is there 40 states regulated at the start of the default database which is based in 1998? I know the game is not based on reality but thought i'd bring it up anyway.

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Closest I can remember to a one night tourney recently in the states was that YAMMA Pit Fighting Debacle that had I think 1 5 minute round in the first two rounds and then 3 5 minute rounds in the final? Yeah, that was bull. Sad thing is I believe that was one of once visionary matchmaker John Peretti's less brilliant ideas.


As an MMA fan you should know it's a punishable offence to mention the word YAMMA :D It's barely above San Do and X-Arm in terms of Double-you Tee Eff-ness.


Shine Fights recently did a full 8-man, 1-night GP using the Unified Rules. It wasn't the worst thing in the world. They had to move the whole event to Tribal grounds a couple of days before fight day though.

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Tournaments being 'unavailable' in regulated states is realistic enough to stay in there & it's not like there isn't any unregulated states to hold your planned tournament in anyway..


However having said that, giving that the database is set in 1998, why is there regulated states at that time in the first place? I mean in actual reality it wasn't til 2000 that mixed martial arts was first santioned anywhere in the US so why is there 40 states regulated at the start of the default database which is based in 1998? Obviously the game is not based on reality but thought i'd bring it up anyway.


The first major MMA promotion starts in Japan in the database.


It starts in '92.


There is a flourishing female MMA scene in North America.


There are major promotions based outside the USA and Japan.


All these things are untrue of modern MMA too, and MMA back in the day. Shall I start complaining?

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As an MMA fan you should know it's a punishable offence to mention the word YAMMA :D It's barely above San Do and X-Arm in terms of Double-you Tee Eff-ness.


Shine Fights recently did a full 8-man, 1-night GP using the Unified Rules. It wasn't the worst thing in the world. They had to move the whole event to Tribal grounds a couple of days before fight day though.


Ahh, Shine Fights. Everyone's favourite 'lets promise something huge then not deliver it' promotion. Wasn't that in Canada?


EDIT: DAMN DOUBLE POST. Could've sworn I was editing my last one :(

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The first major MMA promotion starts in Japan in the database.


It starts in '92.


There is a flourishing female MMA scene in North America.


There are major promotions based outside the USA and Japan.


All these things are untrue of modern MMA too, and MMA back in the day. Shall I start complaining?


Was i complaining? No i wasn't, i was just asking the question!


If you want to complain about those things then go right ahead.

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Moved from Virginia to Oklahoma, to a Tribal Council-run casino. To legit to quit! :-p


I'm sure I've heard that story before with a different, rather more well known promotion... :D


Shine will always be the promotion that didn't deliver the Thomas-Mayorga fight. And promised to let us see Murilo Rua on PPV for the first time in aaaages and then got taken to court for being 'unable to pay their fighters'. Still, better than the FEG situation in Japan because they got away with not paying fighters for too long.


And Couture=Legend, the tone of your post came off quite complain-y. Sorry for any misunderstanding. :)

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Regardless of what side of the fence people are on for this issue - whether you care if you can run tournaments in regulated regions or not, can we not all at least agree that any case where an option can be made into a toggleable on/off is for the betterment of the game?


There are several people in this thread claiming they have already been annoyed by this, and the game hasn't even released yet. I can't imagine putting in the option isn't worth saving the trouble of threads every week asking how to set up tournaments and a lot of dissapointed customers when they find out they can't set them where they want them.

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Regardless of what side of the fence people are on for this issue - whether you care if you can run tournaments in regulated regions or not, can we not all at least agree that any case where an option can be made into a toggleable on/off is for the betterment of the game?


I agree. IMO it should be a part of the Fantasy Booking option.

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I think the "no basis in reality" argument is incorrect, commissions would block tournaments in reality.


As for it being a "step back", I would argue that isn't the case either - "well we used to be able to do it" and "I want to" aren't really valid arguments to me. As far as I'm aware the current system is the most realistic way of handling things.


That's cool man, no big deal. I'm a big fan of the tournament play and it is a video simulation so I'll just keep playing WMMA2 and not purchase WMMA3 when it comes out. I'm the consumer and I voice my opinion with my $$$. :)

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It kind of is 'toggleable' if you really want to hold tournaments then set places as unregulated, it isnt that hard. I know it isnt ideal but the way game is know is realistic but one thing, were all those places regulated in '98 ?


While i say again that i am not bothered by the rule to begin with, I still will point out once more that the fact that you can't edit game regions while a game has started already can be a problem in this "do it yourself" approach you are talking about. Regions are sometimes very quick to become regulated and the people who feel frustrated by not being able to hold tournaments would again feel the same, possibly very early. Meh.

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