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Would you still play TEW if...

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I dunno, but I kind of doubt it. I mainly play CornellVerse, but I spend the majority of my TEW time in the editor working on my own stuff. I'd hate to say it, but I think a lack of editor might just be a deal breaker for me. Truth be told, without the editor, I might play it, but I can't say I'd be as into it or that I'd have stuck with it as long as I have.


I rarely if ever use the in-game editor though, (just to update bios and whatnot), so the lack of that I could probably deal with.

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I don't think I would've started playing TEW without the editor or the capability to mod the game, but now that I'm into the C-Verse, there's a distinct possiblity that I would play it without the editor. As for the in-game editor, I usually just use that to assign pictures to random gen workers, or correct tag experience (to account for working together before being an "official team") so I could live without it.
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There was no editor and you had to stick with the default, also would you play w/o in game editor.


No and yes.


Modability is probably one of TEW's greatest features. Without it, the game is seriously limited for most people. For me, with only five women's promotions to choose from, I'd probably find my desire to play waning significantly over time.


I use the ingame editor primarily to custom make matches and angles but I could live without it. But again, it would be taking a significant strength from the game.

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I doubt I'd have bought it or got into it nearly as much. I like games you can mod and the fact that you can mod this game without messing around with code is what sells it for me


I would play but much less. I would probably be trying my hand at modding Civ without mods for TEW, I've been interested in it for a while but there's just too many mods to be made for TEW!


I used to do mods for Civ3, but got a Discworld Mod 95% completed and then lost all my data so I gave up. A week later I discovered TEW2005 was now free and never looked back :D

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I would play it but do so with tears in my eyes.


Every show I have a segment in mind for which there is not an angle in the database and I have to create it in the editor. Without the ability to do this my shows wouldn't feel like they were happening the way I wanted them to.


I guess there's a chance I wouldn't pick up a new version without an editor... so maybe the answer is no...

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I have to go with Remi here. Yes and no. I like to edit my own promotions in from time to time and start games with them there. I could live without the in-game editor though.


While modding is cool, I just cannot stand real world mods. They are basically catered to the modder's biases, games take WAY too f'n long to load and it just shows that people aren't creative enough to take an unknown like the Cornelverse and find/make their own stars. People just use guys they already know have talent and use them that way.

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While modding is cool, I just cannot stand real world mods. They are basically catered to the modder's biases, games take WAY too f'n long to load and it just shows that people aren't creative enough to take an unknown like the Cornelverse and find/make their own stars. People just use guys they already know have talent and use them that way.



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I'd still play TEW, but the loss of the editor would equate to a loss of longevity, especially if it prevented simple things like updating worker pictures, logos, etc.


I play various mods (including real world) as well as running an edited version of the C-Verse, so it would be a big deal to me. Of course this is just hypothetical and I see no reason why Adam would ever need to remove the editor, but if it were removed for some mystical reason for the next edition of TEW, that version would have to have some pretty special additional features to prevent me from just sticking with TEW2010.

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Iff there's no editor... I don't know. But perhaps I will not buy it. Similar to some members here, game modding is half of the fun itself (even though your mod is just for personal use and amusement). So if GDS take away the editor in the coming games (I hope not!), it's like the game is losing half of its soul for me.
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Iff there's no editor... I don't know. But perhaps I will not buy it. Similar to some members here, game modding is half of the fun itself (even though your mod is just for personal use and amusement). So if GDS take away the editor in the coming games (I hope not!), it's like the game is losing half of its soul for me.


I'm pretty sure it's an idle discussion topic rather than a planned move from GDS.

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