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~ The Golden Age: 1987 Official Release ~

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At a guess, if one of your workers die (or someone you happen to like that works elsewhere) and you run a tribute show, you pick that angle, stick another guy in it and pretend that it's one of those angles where that worker talks about the guy who's kicked the bucket.
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Being in a hotbed arena means you get increased attendance if you fit the fans' interests. Highly recommended you are in one for Cult and below feds as you need all the money you can get.


Frankly, the roster for WWF is fine. The issue isn't their overness. As Genadi pointed out, you can't re-create how TV shows were done back in the day in the game. In any fed, but especially a pop or much pop over performance fed like WWF, you HAVE to have your ME headline every card (A shows only) you run to get good card grades. Also, it isn't very easy to run anything but ME or extremely gifted UMC angles. That is why that card didn't grade well. Not having Hogan or Andre at least do an angle is pretty much impossible very early on so you can build others up.


At least you have multiple options in the ME unlike JCP where it is Dusty and that's it for faces in talking angles.

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May 1987


Company TNA



Owner Dixie Carter

Booker/User Character Paul Heyman




Main Eventers


Arn Anderson

Barry Windham

Bobby Eaton

Tully Blanchard


Upper Card


Bam Bam Bigelow

Scott Hall

Stan Lane

The Ultimate Warrior


Mid Card


Eddie Gilbert

Marty Jannetty

Mike Rotundo

Rick Rude

Scott Steiner

Shawn Michaels

Terry Taylor


Low Card


Brian Pillman

Rick Steiner





Cactus Jack

Eddie Guerrero




Ron Hutchinson

The Undertaker




Ashley Cartier

Candi Devine

Lady Apache

Luna Vachon


Sherri Martel

Tina Ferrari




Beulah McGillicutty

Jim Cornett

Paul Heyman





Chris Cruise

Jim Ross


Color Commentary


Eric Bischoff




Bill Alfonso

Nick Patrick


Road Agents


Pat O'Conor

Boris Malenko

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A shameless plug for the 1987 draft!


We've grabbed a couple more people and have decided to start with 10 companies minimum (instead of 15) so we'll be starting any day now... it'd be great to get a couple more promotions and now that everyone's a little more familiar with the time period, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to throw the link out there:



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Usually I don't mess with mods, because I'm so used to Cverse that the poor balance in most of the mods in comparison has turned me off to them. But having checked out some of the worker/promotion stats and tv networks, this may be the best mod to date.
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The issue isn't their overness./QUOTE]

I just noted some folks who's overness needs looked at for being too high. As I mentioned above why is Brutus Beefcake an upper midcard worker? He was still apart of The Dream Team and had yet to receive a push. Demolition and The Young Stallions weren't working the midcard either, both were opening shows and just getting in to the WWF, and The Young Stallions never moved above opening. I'm pointing out things that just need looked at for realism.


As Genadi pointed out, you can't re-create how TV shows were done back in the day in the game. In any fed, but especially a pop or much pop over performance fed like WWF, you HAVE to have your ME headline every card (A shows only) you run to get good card grades. Also, it isn't very easy to run anything but ME or extremely gifted UMC angles. That is why that card didn't grade well. Not having Hogan or Andre at least do an angle is pretty much impossible very early on so you can build others up.

I'm posting results for two reasons: 1. earlier in the thread I was asked to as I said I was going to book realistically and a couple people wanted to see the results; 2. to catch any major issues and/or to get help as I am not acquainted with TEW. I don't want the game to be easy, why take over WWF and then do whatever? Makes no sense and is no fun.


As for the rating of the latest show. It was a B show. Wasn't complaining about the rating but mentioned I was shocked by how well the last couple segments went. After the first show I knew I was going to have to make some adjustments, but I'm not willing to book unrealistically at this point as I am maintaining my stance to be true to the era leading in to Wrestlemania III.

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Started a new game as JCP to play with the real horsemen and I'm pretty pleased thus far. I managed to steal Bobby Heenan (bye bye JJ Dillon) and Bret in the first week from WWF, backstage is a gem thus far and I have learned that all I have to do is main event my TV show with a 6 man tag. Dusty and Road Warriors vs 3 horsemen and its near a guaranteed 80 every time.
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Currently in the winter of 1990, sitting comfortably at 600 K with a regional promotion run by my avatar, Bill Apter, and based in the Tri-State area.


Signed Bobby Eaton to my starting roster, and he has been a beast so far. Over 19 months as champ, and heading for a clash with Bob Backlund soon to drop the strap on his way out. His popularity has grown in the area by about 40 points, so there is not much hope in getting him back again on a 22 month deal.


Bigger news is that not only was Eaton my go to guy, but in the dying days of JCP, he was also NWA World Champ, and currently holds the top strap in WCWA.


Now there is a worker in high demand.

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The issue isn't their overness./QUOTE]

I just noted some folks who's overness needs looked at for being too high. As I mentioned above why is Brutus Beefcake an upper midcard worker? He was still apart of The Dream Team and had yet to receive a push. Demolition and The Young Stallions weren't working the midcard either, both were opening shows and just getting in to the WWF, and The Young Stallions never moved above opening. I'm pointing out things that just need looked at for realism.



I'm posting results for two reasons: 1. earlier in the thread I was asked to as I said I was going to book realistically and a couple people wanted to see the results; 2. to catch any major issues and/or to get help as I am not acquainted with TEW. I don't want the game to be easy, why take over WWF and then do whatever? Makes no sense and is no fun.


As for the rating of the latest show. It was a B show. Wasn't complaining about the rating but mentioned I was shocked by how well the last couple segments went. After the first show I knew I was going to have to make some adjustments, but I'm not willing to book unrealistically at this point as I am maintaining my stance to be true to the era leading in to Wrestlemania III.



Brutus would be higher based on his relationship with Hogan, and Greg Valentine on his position as a former IC champ and their former tag run...


Bill "AX" Eadie had been a main eventer for years as the Masked Superstar, Demolition were always pushed heavy from their debut so I think those two are realistic.

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There's a note in the main post with a list of the WWF contracts deleted. This was done (as in most of my mods) to prevent rosters getting too out of whack. If you don't want Beefcake in the uppermidcard someone from the midcard needs to move up, the autopush will make it so. If for example I didn't delete those WWF contracts, you'd see some guys like Honky Tonk Man with a main event push.


It's a hard balance and one I try to equal out with the trimming of some excess fat (roster wise :p ) and the tweaking of popularity and worker styles here and there. Play around with pushes in the editor and you'll quickly discover what I'm talking about ;)

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Genadi, do you happen to have a list of guys with preset potential you could either post or PM me? Appreciate your reasons for putting it in and I know a lot of players like it but I love the randomness personally and would rather turn presets off - I just wish there was a quick way to find them!


If anything, the draft is making me love this mod even MORE - Baba vs Andre is gonna SCREAM money! :)

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Genadi, do you happen to have a list of guys with preset potential you could either post or PM me? Appreciate your reasons for putting it in and I know a lot of players like it but I love the randomness personally and would rather turn presets off - I just wish there was a quick way to find them!


More then once I believe there has been a request for a filter for that in the editor. Hopefully it will prevail in the next TEW series.


As for the one's in the mod, their is only one thing I don't like about them. People like the Mongolean Stomper, and bassically anyone that was never that big, doesn't have the Low or Very Low potential set.. they are all by default on random. Yet one's that are popular (Flair/Hogan, etc.) have this set in thier's..... People older set to random. I would much rather everyone coming to a wind down in their carreer be set like that, or all be set to random.


I don't mind the one's with good or better potential set at all. That's bassically going to help re-enact history. The other's though, sink pretty fast and I can tell already they will be lucky to be there in the 90's, let alone make it to the attitude era.


If your anything like me, then you will be able to find the one's that matter most (below normal settings) easily enough:)

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JJ Dillon fit the Horsemen better than Heenan would've. As great as Heenan was, he wouldn't be needed with a group like that.


I always felt that Jesse Ventura would have been a good WWE manager for them, he fit the "Limo riding" gimmick and had the charisma to play off Flair.. I have him with Rude in my game and they have "great" chemistry. I really think, however good he was he was wasted in the booth...

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More then once I believe there has been a request for a filter for that in the editor. Hopefully it will prevail in the next TEW series.


As for the one's in the mod, their is only one thing I don't like about them. People like the Mongolean Stomper, and bassically anyone that was never that big, doesn't have the Low or Very Low potential set.. they are all by default on random. Yet one's that are popular (Flair/Hogan, etc.) have this set in thier's..... People older set to random. I would much rather everyone coming to a wind down in their carreer be set like that, or all be set to random.


I don't mind the one's with good or better potential set at all. That's bassically going to help re-enact history. The other's though, sink pretty fast and I can tell already they will be lucky to be there in the 90's, let alone make it to the attitude era.


If your anything like me, then you will be able to find the one's that matter most (below normal settings) easily enough:)


Let's face it, we are always gonna set those we like to better potential before we start... I love Davey Boy... so he goes to Excellent... cos its what he had, and to an extent in real life he fulfilled it, same for Rude, Regal, Sting and Vader... the whole point is this isn't how it played out... default or random IS good for most of the roster, but no one goes into a historical mod with no idea of who they are going to push... hell I even put the Warlord on good potential cos in 87, he did have and he's a great opponent for Savage in my game :)...

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I always felt that Jesse Ventura would have been a good WWE manager for them, he fit the "Limo riding" gimmick and had the charisma to play off Flair.. I have him with Rude in my game and they have "great" chemistry. I really think, however good he was he was wasted in the booth...


Apologies for veering off topic but not sure I agree with you here. Jesse was extremely gifted as a colour commentator and his team with Monsoon is right up there as one of the best announcing duos of all time for my money (along with Monsoon/Heenan & Attitude-era Ross/Lawler) but as a manager with his gimmick... I'm not sure.


The successful managers of the time all fit into two camps - small and weasely guys with big mouths who hide behind their wrestlers (e.g. Jim Cornette, Bobby Heenan etc) & (very) old former wrestlers who still know how to put on a hold but are too old and frail to defend themselves against their much fitter and younger foes (Mr Fuji, Freddie Blassie etc).


The other issue is that almost without exception every single successful manager has backed a client who is significantly bigger than he is... Ventura was about the same size as Hogan... Realistically the only person in the WWF that he could have managed would have been Andre or purely based on making an issue of their history together, Adrian Adonis.


It's not only a problem of who he was managing, but also who he was up against. As a legitimate former Navy Seal and someone who retired relatively recently (in 87) it would have been a touch too unrealistic in the kayfabe heavy mid-80s to see him run from, for example, Rick Martel or even the likes of Junkyard Dog, Ricky Steamboat etc - if the manager looks like he could kick the opponent's backside then the suspension of disbelief is too much unless you have him becoming physically involved on a regular basis (which was absolutely not on the cards for health reasons) and even if he did that would result in the obvious question in the crowd's mind of why is he bothering to stand behind this guy instead of wrestle himself.


It's why Harley Race, King Curtis, Michael Hayes and countless others bombed as a manager despite having the charisma and the psychology to know what to do.


Not to be too harsh, it's all about opinions at the end of the day!

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As a legitimate former Navy Seal*snip*


Let me stop you right there, Jessie was never a legitimate Navy Seal, he was a navy UDT about 10 years before parts of that service were merged into a division of the Seals, the guy never even saw service in a combat zone let alone any active dangerous missions behind enemy lines like he claimed, over the years he said less and less and claimed less and less untill he finaly admited that he had infact never seen engaged combat or been a Navy Seal when he ran for office.


He was a poser. The closest he ever got to been a Seal was in the movie Predator :p

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Ted DiBiase, while not exactly being huge, worked superbly as a manager. Kevin Sullivan. Paul Ellering. Rick Rude. All former wrestlers who worked well as managers without being the size of Heenan and without being old and withered down.
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Ted DiBiase, while not exactly being huge, worked superbly as a manager. Kevin Sullivan. Paul Ellering. Rick Rude. All former wrestlers who worked well as managers without being the size of Heenan and without being old and withered down.


Lou Albano, Chyna, DDP, Oliver Humperdink, King Curtis Iaukea and George "The Animal" Steele to add a few more.


As someone mentioned earlier though it really does come down to opinion at the end of the day.

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Ted DiBiase, while not exactly being huge, worked superbly as a manager. Kevin Sullivan. Paul Ellering. Rick Rude. All former wrestlers who worked well as managers without being the size of Heenan and without being old and withered down.


I agree DiBiase was great! Rick Rude was decent as a manager but a much better wrestler.


Lou Albano, Chyna, DDP, Oliver Humperdink, King Curtis Iaukea and George "The Animal" Steele to add a few more.


As someone mentioned earlier though it really does come down to opinion at the end of the day.


Chyna was bigger than most her clients except Triple H though.

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