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WASA: Why No One Cares About Wrestling in South Africa

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December 19th, 2009

Somewhere in the bush, South Africa



“Jackal Cutter!!! JACKAL CUTTER!!! This capacity crowd, only the vast majority of which is actually a pack of ravenous hyenas, is on their feet as Finbarr McNamara goes for the cover!!!












His hand raised “high”, though only reaching a few inches higher than the crude, and quite literal, top rope, the man previously identified as Finbarr McNamara celebrates in the ring, every step sending an ominous creak through the night air as it struggles to support his rather unimpressive frame.


“In what is truly the greatest sports accomplishment since the 1995 Rugby World Cup, McNamara has defeated his most cunning opponent to date, an out of shape, middle-aged American tourist! What are your thoughts on this, Philip?”


Turning his “microphone” (which is more of a branch being spoken into), the “announcer” eagerly awaits the thoughts and opinions from his color commentator, Philip… a large, grazing cow.



“I couldn’t have said it better myself!!! But unfortunately, the fans seem to disagree with that assessment! As I speak, an arena-wide riot is being to unfold! Oh the humanity, the passion behind this sport of kings! Mr. McNamara,” the announcer thrusts the branch towards Finbarr’s face (and speaks louder to dry and talk over the sounds of hyenas mauling their fellow audience members), “tell me; now that you have defeated the tourist, what is your plan?”


“Well,” Finbarr ducks to avoid a hyena, which then crashes into the unfortunate person behind him, “I figured that, with this victory, I’ve accomplished all that one can in South African wrestling. With that depressing note, I plan to go home, take a cold shower, and cry myself to sleep. After that, I suppose I’ll wake up, get in my car, and then decide after starting its engine if I’d rather go to my day job or just idle in the garage for a spell... and… and your teammate appears to be defecating.”


Philip, unperturbed by the swarm of hyenas that have clearly gained the upper hand in the riot and are now proceeding to drag members of the audience into the darkness for their own mysterious hyena purposes, chimes in.




Finbarr sighs deeply, while the announcer nods his head, riding on every word Philip has to say.


“But then we’d all be penguins, now wouldn’t we? And on that note, we here from some random wrestling show out in the middle of the bush out in the middle of nowhere say, to those not yet horribly maimed by hyenas, good fight, and good night!”


Soon, the mayhem around the ring fades into a distant sight and memory as Finbarr slowly strolls away, his eyes never breaking from the dirt at his feet. Miraculously, he reaches his rusted semblance of a vehicle without so much as getting even mildly mauled.



He opened his eyes, though only a blur greeted them. The rough grit of the canvas on his cheek soon reminded him of where he lay. Thankfully, a figure loomed over him.


“Oh, thank ya son. Just get me to my feet and I can walk this off. Say, what’s so funny?”


His eyesight began to focus.


“Wait a tick here, you ain’t....”


There was no defense. Before him, its massive muscles twitching and flexing to the beat of the mayhem swirling in a storm around the ring, stood what could be nothing else by the Alpha Hyena. Now, the tourist’s eyes were fully focused… unfortunately, on the gaping maw of the insidious beast as they closed around him.








December 21st, 2009

Cardiff, Wales






“Mr. Flanagan?”


“Mr. Flanagan?!”


“Ken Flanagan…”


“Can you tell us what this press conference is about?”


“Did you knowingly sleep with that 15 year old girl?”


“Is this in regard to the unsolved slayings in Brixton?”


“Are you D.B. Cooper?”


“Are you prepared to tell us where the body of Samuel O’Reilly is?”


“Did you have D.B. Cooper killed?”


Ughhh… deep breath, Ken, deep breath…


“Everyone pipe down!” yeah, there you go, Ken, “If you would all give me a minute to speak, I’d tell every last one of you co-…mpetent… competent journalists the biggest story of the year!”


One reporter turned slightly to another, “Has to be in regards to the underage girl at his private lounge.”


“No way,” his comrade retorted, “only topic worth noting of his would be his admittance to his ownership of the pile of cocaine found outside Cardiff.”


“As you are well aware, I am a proprietor and investor in numerous legitimate businesses. So, it is with my greatest pleasure-“


“Is it true that Flanagan’s grill is a front for the illicit wild stoat market?”


“Do you now, or have you ever, divided by zero?”


“No, seriously, are you D.B. Cooper?”




A sweaty fist slams into the podium.


“You can either quiet your asses down and let me finish, or you can go sit them some place where I’ll give less of a ****! Now,” compose yourself Ken, straighten the tie… “, as I was saying… Flanagan Industries is always looking to break into new markets. So, it comes with great pleasure today, as I announce the newest member of the Flanagan Family. A venture that will bring joy to a nation bereft of it for far too long. In fact, the first branch of Flanagan Industries outside of the United Kingdom. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the…”


Cue the unfurling of the curtain…




Wrestling Alliance of South Africa!!!



Smile for the camera, Ken, let all these sons of whores see you smile…


“Now, any questions?”


That has to be every hand in attendance raised…


“Any questions regarding WASA, and NOT any of the false accusations levied against me?”


You ****ing, snide ****suckers… I need a drink.





And some coke.

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Bio: Prior to the openning of APW in Australia in 2007, there was virtually nothing of note wrestling-wise in the entirety of the Southern Hemisphere. After APW, however, wrestling began a small boom in the lower half of the globe... or, more specifically, Australia. Meanwhile, wrestling in South Africa remained somewhere inbetween "dead" and "Wrestling?! Here?! HAHAHA!"


Enter the most unlikely of saviors: Welsh businessman Ken Flanagan. Seeing a golden opportunity in a completely untapped market (or possibly a place to hide money from the UK tax authorities), Flanagan struck out to found the first major promotion South Africa has seen in at least 50 years: WASA was born. The improbable company quickly set out to sign up what little talent had managed to crawl from the primordial South African wrestling ooze, along with a slew of international talent.


Playing it safe, WASA offers an ultra old school entertainment product.




December 2009

Old School Entertainment

Cape Town, South Africa

Regional (
Importance in Southern Cape)


Ranking Importance:

Ken Flanagan

Finbarr McNamara








Cult, Modern, Pure

Very Low:
Risque, Hyper Realism, Hardcore


Match / Angle Ratio:

Face / Heel Divide:

Match Intensity:

Match Danger:



.. Will mean wrestlers are rated much more on popularity than performance

.. Will mean that fans will expect all wrestlers to be packaged with a proper gimmick.

.. Will attract fans who will not like highly risky gimmicks.

.. Will attract fans who will like their gimmicks to be simple.

.. Will attract fans who will not "get" subtle gimmicks.

.. Will mean that fans will expect to have storylines to follow.

.. Will attract fans who will won't be keen on high risk matches.

.. Will attract fans who will be put off by highly risky angles.

.. Is very favorable towards getting sponsorship.

.. Will allow the promotion to not be rocked by wrestling industry changes.

.. Will mean that the 'Young Lion' system will not be taken into account at any time.

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Debut Roster, January 2010



Main Event




Name: “The Big Game Hunter” Daniel Jones

Age: 35

Nationality: South African

Alignment: Heel

Bio: Daniel Jones (AKA South African grappler Bigger Dan Ewe) is a massive wrestler who uses his incredible strength to manhandle opponents at will. He calls himself "The Real Menace To Society", and got his first big break when he was picked up by Ultimate Combat Ring and given a big push. Unfortunately for him, his clumsy ring work and lack of technique resulted in some awful matches, and he was released in December 2006.


Despite a career as a perennial under-achiever, there’s little doubt that Jones is the most successful South African wrestler in modern history (though to be fair, he had little competition). Looking to build off his “massive” name value, he became head booker Finbarr McNamara’s first signing.




Name: Doctor Insane

Age: 42

Nationality: Ghanaian

Alignment: Heel

Bio: Doctor Insane is a veteran wrestler, who has decent ring skills, but is mainly known for his great microphone work and character, that of a maverick scientist who was shunned by the profession for his crazy experiments. For years he was considered the backbone of Ultimate Combat Ring, having been there since the very first show, and was the only man in the company's history to have won the "triple crown" - the World, European and Tag Team championships. When UCR closed in 2007, the Doctor was offered contracts with both the off-shoot promotions, the UEW and EWA, but chose instead to take some time off to consider his long-term options.


Ultimately, (after wallowing on the independent circuit) the “good” Doctor decided to head back to Africa, quickly accepting an offer from the newly born WASA to be one of their top heels.




Name: “The Platinum Standard” Landon Mallory

Age: 21

Nationality: South African

Alignment: Face

Bio: Landon Mallory is a young South African competitor who appears to have a big upside. Very charismatic and a great natural athlete, he first started working the European independent circuit toward the beginning of 2009. He immediately started to gain rave reviews, and it came as no surprise when he was offered a deal with the VWA, Europe's newest promotion. He accepted, and looks well on his way to great things… including now doubling up on his work for his home country’s WASA.




Name: Pablo Rodriguez

Age: 31

Nationality: Mexican

Alignment: Face

Bio: "The Priest Of Pain" Pablo Rodriguez is an endlessly talented luchador, who has made a name for himself all around the globe. Amongst others, he has starred for WLW in Japan, DAVE in the USA, and MPWF and SOTBPW in his home of Mexico. An exciting high flier, he has had dozens of wild matches that are favourites with tape traders around the world. In 2005, he ended his world travels to return to Mexico full time, realising that the business really needed his star power.


However, it appears half a decade is all Pablo could handle without heading abroad. With, for the first time ever, a major promotion opened on the African continent, Pablo Rodriguez has once again branched into international territory, who now looks to claim to have wrestled on every continent except Antarctica (and only cause that Satanist penguin refused his challenge!)



Upper Midcard




Name: Billy Robinson

Age: 25

Nationality: English

Alignment: Face

Bio: "So Solid" Billy Robinson is a hot prospect, closely associated with the Ring Of Fire promotion. Making his pro debut in 2003, he spent the first two years of his career as the masked character The Parasite, but struggled to make any impact. He joined ROF in 2005, and began working under his real name. He found success almost by accident, when he was teamed up with Don Henderson as a makeshift duo; they adopted the name The Shooters, and quickly became one of ROF's hottest acts.


The team has recently expanded its workload to South Africa, as WASA owner Ken Flanagan was reportedly “really ****ing impressed” with their match at a show he attended.




Name: Don Henderson

Age: 28

Nationality: Scottish

Alignment: Face

Bio: "The Terror Of The Highlands" Don Henderson is a youngster from Scotland with good technical skills, who seems to enjoy stretching people with painful submission moves. He first came to people's attention with Ring Of Fire, where initially he was seen as a bland babyface, but recently has been displaying a grittier, more intense persona that has started to really catch on with the fans. He has also begun to get noticed for his tag team work alongside Billy Robinson, as The Shooters.


The team has recently expanded its workload to South Africa, as WASA owner Ken Flanagan was reportedly “really ****ing impressed” with their match at a show he attended.




Name: Rahabad Lawal

Age: 31

Nationality: Nigerian

Alignment: Heel

Bio: The powerhouse African Rahabad Lawal is one half of the Nigerian Hit Squad tag team along with his twin brother Rashid. Both are muscular 320lb fighters, and they dominate opponents with pure power and intensity much in the same way that the famous McWade twins do in North America. The Lawal's got their first big break in 2007 when they were hired to Ultimate European Wrestling, but they never really caught on as anything more than bland brawlers, and quietly left in early 2009.


They caught a lucky break just a few months later, as WASA realized the badass, powerhouse duo for what they are. Already infamous for their exploits in Africa before they headed to Europe, the NHS is now set to once again take the Southern Hemisphere by storm!!!




Name: Rashid Lawal

Age: 31

Nationality: Nigerian

Alignment: Heel

Bio: Rashid Lawal is one half of the Nigerian Hit Squad, alongside his twin brother Rahabad. The big powerful African has little technique, but doesn't really need it - his size, strength and intensity make him a dangerous competitor. In 2007 he and his brother were brought into UEW for their first taste of fame, but they never really caught on as anything more than bland brawlers, and quietly left in early 2009.


They caught a lucky break just a few months later, as WASA realized the badass, powerhouse duo for what they are. Already infamous for their exploits in Africa before they headed to Europe, the NHS is now set to once again take the Southern Hemisphere by storm!!!








Name: Finbarr McNamara

Age: 28

Nationality: South African

Alignment: Face

Bio: Finbarr McNamara is a fire-plug South African brawler of Irish descent. Standing only 5'8" and tipping the scales at just over a meager 170lbs, it's not hard to see why Finbarr has never had any opportunities outside of the stagnant wrestling scene of his homeland. And, while he is an absolute professional in the ring, his insistence on a primarily brawling style tends to draw even greater focus to his noticeable size disadvantage. The result has been no company wanting to spend the money to ship an enhancement talent all the way from South Africa, leaving McNamara to wallow in Cape Town.


Two interesting facts: one, Finbarr is a distant cousin of MMA superstar Jemaine McKenzie, with who he bears an oddly striking resemblance. Second, earlier in his career, Finbarr worked as the masked "South African Dragon", but surrendered his mask when Kenya's "African Dragon" debuted. While AD was killed by wild dogs just a year later, McNamara has still yet to bring back the old mask...




Name: Gob Narfi

Age: 22

Nationality: South African

Alignment: Face

Bio: The South African wrestler Gob Narfi (real name James Griffin) is a young risk taker who was trained in the Ring Of Fire academy by British Samurai, having moved to the UK in his early teens. He was brought onto the main roster in December 2006, partnered up with fellow trainee Rhys Vali to form a new tag team. Together they came up with a grungey look and psychotic attitude for themselves, and started calling themselves The Tribe. He is noted for being utterly fearless in the ring.


It just so happened that, the “really ****ing impressive” match involving The Shooters in ROF happened to be against The Tribe. It just so happened that, following the match, The Tribe was released from ROF. Seeing a golden opportunity to bring in yet another South African “great” (and his Welsh partner to boot!), Flanagan quickly snatched up the young duo.




Name: Kalu Owusu

Age: 32

Nationality: Ivorian

Alignment: Face

Bio: Kalu Owusu is a powerhouse from the Ivory Coast who is noted for his surprising agility for such a big guy. A straight ahead brawler, his no-nonsense style is respected in Japan, and he joined INSPIRE shortly after its debut event. Although he failed to crack the main event scene - or even come close - he was a valuable member for the remainder of the promotion's three year life span.


After turning down an offer from UEW (on account of them being an evil, soulless abomination that should cleansed with fire), Kalu quickly headed down south to WASA, where word has it he looks forward to being part of the force that brings wrestling back to his home continent.




Name: “Mr. Bollywood” Kashmir Singh

Age: 32

Nationality: Indian

Alignment: Heel

Bio: One of the few Indian-born pro wrestlers, Kashmir Singh is a pretty good all-rounder, whose densely muscled physique gives him incredible power for someone of his size. He spent his early career entirely in Puerto Rico, and so it came as no surprise that Puerto Rican Power's FCW promotion signed him up shortly after they began. What was a surprise was that the previously straight-laced and traditional Kasmir debuted with bleached blonde hair and a spectacular sequined robe, calling himself "The Sensational Singh". The new gimmick, apparently the idea of head booker Shawn Gonzalez, went down a storm and gave Singh a whole new lease of life, taking him all the way to the FCW People's Championship in January 2009.


No one is really sure how, or why, Singh came to be in WASA. Having worked primarily in America, and getting regular work there, it’s difficult to fathom why he’d bother taking the time and energy to work all the way in South Africa. The popular rumor is that Ken Flanagan is blackmailing him with a secret to dark and shocking to ever mention here…




Name: Rhys Vali

Age: 21

Nationality: Welsh

Alignment: Face

Bio: Rhys Vali (real name Rhys Coleman) is a rookie wrestler who made his professional debut for Ring Of Fire in December 2006. A graduate of their academy system, he was called up to the main roster unexpectedly soon, the result of 21CW's talent raids having left the promotion in a weakened state. He was teamed up with fellow rookie Gob Narfi, and together they came up with the grungey look and gimmick that they debuted with, collectively calling themselves The Tribe.


It just so happened that, the “really ****ing impressive” match involving The Shooters in ROF happened to be against The Tribe. It just so happened that, following the match, The Tribe was released from ROF. Seeing a golden opportunity to bring in yet another South African “great” (and his Welsh partner to boot!), Flanagan quickly snatched up the young duo.




Name: Scott Van Den Berg

Age: 30

Nationality: Dutch

Alignment: Heel

Bio: Scott Van Den Berg is a Dutch pro wrestler, who has been around the European independent circuit for many years. Very much an old-school worker, the 290lb powerhouse uses very low-risk attacks like punches and kicks to wear down the opponent, then goes for a handful of big moves to try and get the win. He is a tough customer, and not someone you'd want to mess around with.


A former EWA superstar in a parallel dimension, the tough as nails Dutchman seems to have grown jaded enough with his permanent spot of independent wrestling show bookings in Europe to the point that he’s grown eager enough for any run with a “name” promotion, even if it means taking regular trips all the way to Cape Town. Word has it, he’s attitude at early roster meetings has already caused some tension with most of his coworkers… while infinitely amusing owner Ken Flanagan



Lower Midcard




Name: Eraser

Age: 19

Nationality: South African

Alignment: Face

Bio: "The Extreme Mercenary" Eraser is a South African fireplug-like brawler who makes his living working in New Zealand. He joined ZEN in 2008, and was soon established as the company's primary bounty hunter, available for a price to take out any other wrestler - he has frequently been employed by the F.E.A.R. stable to do their dirty work. Eraser regularly teams with fellow barrel-of-laughs "The Mirthless Manhunter" Jester.


The two year “international veteran” of the sport has since, along with his ZEN duties, returned home to South Africa. While his notoriety in the country stems from a few backyard-style bumpfests with him and his buddies, it’s still more than 98% of other South African wrestlers.




Name: New Zealand Pit Bull

Age: 39

Nationality: New Zealander

Alignment: Heel

Bio: New Zealand Pit Bull is a veteran worker from the southern hemisphere. A tough and intense brawler, he is a very old-school style of wrestler. Having survived for years on the independent circuit, he joined APW's initial roster in 2007. He had a solid run near the top of the card for the next two years, but was released in 2009 after he became involved in some locker room incidents that caused other workers to complain.


Having toured much of the Southern Hemisphere in the years before Australian wrestling didn’t totally suck, NZPB is a memory from South Africa’s distant, and incredibly blurry, past, where he is best remembered for a series of respectable matches against a rookie Finbarr McNamara.




Name: The Dublin Destroyer

Age: 34

Nationality: Irish

Alignment: Face

Bio: "The Dublin Destroyer" is Gerry Kilbane, something of a journeyman wrestler on the UK circuit. The nine year veteran of the sport has been on shows all over the country, but has never really caught on as anything other than a decent midcard act. He is primarily known for the the huge shamrock tattoo on his back, and his celtic warrior outfit that he wears to the ring. He settled into a low-level role with Men Of Steel Combat from late 2005 onwards, his first extended stay with any promotion, but was released in December 2007 as a cost-cutting measure.


Deciding to spend his last few pounds on Guinness at a local pub, rather than a plane ticket back to Dublin, Kilbane miraculously earned the title of “luckiest man in wrestling”. You know, South African wrestling. As fate would have it that very night as Ken Flanagan, along with his ROF signings, hit up the very same pub for a round of victory drinks. After The Destroyer was the last man standing from that night’s bar brawl, he quickly found himself on the plane with his fellow UK comrades on the way to Cape Town.




Name: Vaughan

Age: 26

Nationality: Australian

Alignment: Heel

Bio: Vaughan is a massive powerhouse from Australia whose tattooed physique gives him a great heel look. He is the leader of The Barracudas, a stable of three wrestlers (alongside Chopper Rourke and Blitz Simpson), all of whom genuinely met while in prison, that became quite popular working for a variety of smaller Australian independent promotions. Their natural menace and violent ring styles make them a perfect heel group.


Ken Flanagan “knew a guy” who knew Vaughan, who just happened to be the intimidating muscle that WASA was missing. While most are sure Vaughan is just jumping at an opportunity to springboard his wrestling career, a few have insisted the big Aussie is nothing more than Flanagan’s own personal muscle.







Name: Anguish

Age: 21

Nationality: Eternal Plane Of The Damnedenese

Alignment: Heel

Bio: Anguish is a big face-painted powerhouse from Australia, best known as one half of The Affliction alongside Misery. A straight ahead brawler, Anguish uses clubbing forearms and stiff clotheslines to beat down his opponent - not the most exciting style to watch, but effective nonetheless. If he could improve his basic skills and become more than a one-dimensional brawler, he could forge a good career as a monster heel.


Upon leathery wings, they descended…




Name: Misery

Age: 23

Nationality: Eternal Plane Of The Damnedenese

Alignment: Heel

Bio: Misery is a rugged brawler from Australia, one half of The Affliction alongside the monsterous Anguish. Not blessed with a great deal of finesse, Misery pretty much relies entirely on brawling during matches, and is not shy about introducing weapons into the proceedings. He's the more well-rounded of the duo, but lacks Anguish's star potential.


… and the sun will cry blackened tears as their shadow consumes all.




Name: Wolfgang Klose

Age: 37

Nationality: German

Alignment: Face

Bio: "The Hamburg Hammer" Wolfgang Klose is a solid, reliable wrestler from Germany. He was one of Ultimate Combat Ring's regulars during their early years, appearing for them from their debut show in 1998 all the way until he left in 2002. Nobody ever questioned his work ethic or consistency, but what stopped him from ever becoming a major player was his complete lack of charisma. He has rarely surfaced since leaving UCR, and reports are that he now wrestles small shows in Germany only.


Having proven, once and for all, that he was the blandest and least charismatic man in all of Germany, Wolfgang Klose has now set his sight on claiming the same title in South Africa. Fear him, for he is the future (so long as he can find that perfect balance between “not giving any reason to be pushed” and “released for financial reasons”.)



Enhancement Talent




Name: Thomas Morgan

Age: 35

Nationality: Canadian

Alignment: Face

Bio: "Trademark" Thomas Morgan is a great mat wrestler, who has never gotten the break his talent deserves; this is especially puzzling as he has the charisma to back up his in-ring ability. After years without having been picked up by a major promotion, time seems to be running out on his dreams of ever becoming a superstar.


In desperation, Morgan has set off all the way to South Africa in an effort to finally taste stardom. However, he’s completely unheard of, and its clear age has left the once hopeful talent not quite the exciting future star he once was.







Name: Bethany Hurst

Age: 29

Nationality: English

Alignment: Face (Manager)

Bio: Bethany Hurst is a manager on the UK wrestling scene, who is based in London. While not amazing on the microphone, she isn't terrible either.


Ken Flanagan wants her to bear his next batch of illegitimate children. It’s not gonna happen.




Name: Ken Flanagan

Age: 43

Nationality: Welsh

Alignment: Face (Authority Figure)

Bio: Ken Flanagan is a highly controversial Welsh "businessman", one of the most outspoken supporters of the move for Wales to become independent of the United Kingdom, said to be heavily connected to the all-powerful Cardiff mafia ("the taffia") - the latter might explain how such a complete scumbag has avoided jail time despite being famously corrupt and violent. A ruthless competitor, he is said to be interested in two things above all else; under-age girls and wrestling.


The unexpected “savior” of South African wrestling, Ken Flanagan is the main driving force behind the opening of WASA. Vicious, false rumours from a bunch of ****suckers have implied that WASA is nothing more than a clever tax evasion ploy at best, and an excuse to flee to South Africa from his legal “troubles” at worst. However, that’s all they are: vicious, false, and unfounded.




Name: Lew Rose

Age: 34

Nationality: English

Alignment: Referee

Bio: Lew Rose is a veteran official, an ex-pat Englishman who has worked in Australia for the past decade.


After being kicked in the crotch by a kangaroo while on “walkabout” to “find himself”, Rose has once again relocated, this time to South Africa.




Name: Minh Ruby

Age: 32

Nationality: Indian

Alignment: Heel (Manager)

Bio: Minh Ruby is an Indian-born UK-based manager. Her gimmick is that of an extremely glamorous seductress, and she is noted for always wearing a shimmering red dress while at ringside.


Brought in to add some extra “Bollywood glamour” to Kashmir Singh. And for Ken Flanagan to contemplate having illegitimate children with. The latter of which is not gonna happen.




Name: Nick Adams

Age: 43

Nationality: English

Alignment: Heel (Road Agent)

Bio: "Sick" Nick Adams was a decent wrestler who was a fixture on the UK and European scenes through the 1990s. He had solid skills, but never achieved much due to his lack of charisma and weak look. He retired with a knee injury in 2006 and now works as a road agent.


Crazily, Flanagan was a fan of Adams back in his wrestling days. He’s brought him in as a road agent, but unfortunately has not (yet?) convinced Nick to dust off his ol’ wrestling hat and give it a go in the ring once again.




Name: Padre Carrasco

Age: 27

Nationality: Mexican

Alignment: Heel (Manager)

Bio: Padre Carrasco is a manager who works in Mexico, whose gimmick is that he is a high-powered lawyer hired by the most despicable of heels to get them out of tight situations.


Joining Pablo Rodriguez in the flight from Mexico, Carrasco looks to ply his trade in WASA. Brains in need of some brawn, it came as little surprise when he was witnessed representing Daniel Jones at a minor traffic case. He won.




Name: Salty Larry

Age: 44

Nationality: English

Alignment: Face (Announcer)

Bio: "Salty" Larry Hill is an announcer from Birmingham, who used to be in the navy. He got his name from his occasional salty language, which he has to take great care not to use when working live. He is not a great announcer by any means, but for a couple of years he found a comfortable home calling the action for Ultimate Combat Ring in Europe. That arrangement came to an end in 2006, when he was replaced by Mathew Morris, as UCR were looking for someone with more experience.


He’s an announcer, no one cares how he came to be in WASA. Really.




Name: Tara Green

Age: 32

Nationality: English

Alignment: Heel (Colour Commentator)

Bio: Tara Green is a valet in the UK, who has some surprisingly good microphone skills. Her character, that of an over-the-top jealous girlfriend, has plenty of mileage in it.


See Salty Larry.



Tag Teams



Team Name: Nigerian Hit Squad

Members: Rahabad Lawal & Rashid Lawal

Experience: A*




Team Name: The Affliction

Members: Anguish & Misery

Experience: C-




Team Name: The Shooters

Members: Billy Robinson & Don Henderson

Experience: D+




Team Name: The Tribe

Members: Rhys Vali & Gob Narfi

Experience: D+

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Pablo Rodriguez!!! Well I was not expecting that, definately interesting to see how he will be used.


But why did you not sign Philip as your colour commentator? I wanted to hear more of his insights, my personal favourite was when he said "Moo".

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For a South African promotion that's actually a pretty fookin' respectable roster ah?


So what game areas did you end up using in the end then?


The "Southern Cape" is a rebuilt Eastern Europe. Gotta list somewhere of what other regions of Europe have been converted into regions of South Africa. Off the top of my head, I think its:


Eastern Europe=Southern Cape (Western Cape & Eastern Cape)

Scandinavia=Northern Cape

Central Europe=Central South Africa (Free State, North West, Gauteng)

Western Europe=Eastern South Africa (Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Kwazulunatal)


Unfortunately, to avoid totally screwing up Europe (which is admittingly a bigger part of the game world than me), I could really only screw with the importance/affluence/community in Eastern Europe. It has zero spillover, meaning in the early years I'll have zero influence on Europe, as it should be. Minimal impact and all that. However, should WASA expand... well, Europe will most likely start to feel WASA's influence, and the other "South African" regions will have settings that realistically don't reflect the actual country. Western Europe is a far wealthier region of the planet than the eastern provinces of South Africa, for example.


But it's the best I could do, and I'll justify it that, well... maybe Europe WOULD be effected by a large enough company in South Africa. Still, it was either this or just "erase" an entire part of the game world... Europe made the most sense... and I'll be damned if I ever press the button that deletes EWA from any version of the C-Verse.





And yes, it's a slightly respectable roster... decided against going the full-blown "we're the crappiest company in the world" bit. With that said, I feel it's got a good, fun mix of old (Doctor Insane) and young (Eraser), talented (Daniel Jones) and not-so-talented (Wolfgang Klose).

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The press conference has got me reading. I enjoyed that.


Bam Bam?


Well, he isn't part of the debut roster, as SA isn't yet Alpha enough for someone of his Alphaness. However, in time.... :cool:



And thanks for the early feedback folks. Still workin' out a few kinks right now, trying to find a few things that got misplaced, and deciding which lil' post I have in mind to put up next (along with the program for WASA's inagural event!)

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I have always enjoyed your diaries so I will be reading this one too.:)


Nice starting roster too with punch of less used guys in it. I hope Thomas Morgan gets a push, he has always been a guy that I wanted to use but he´s age and the fact that I would need to pay travel expences combinated with no overness had stopped me so far.

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Your the Vinnie Mac of South Africa, utterly destroying the traditional foundations of the sport in that country! cruelly replacing the veteran cow Phillip, burying the bush territories and your probably not even going to use the stick microphone! I hope the hyenas stay away in droves!
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WASA Cape Town* Showdown 2010

(*actually held in Buffalo City, Eastern Cape)


CAPE TOWN -- History in the making here in South Africa, as for the first time since Walleye Conklin faced off with Blackjack Jones in front of a crowd of 300 (only 12 of which were upper-class hyenas!), the grand sport of "show" wrestling is once again on the verge of being relevant in the country. Despite his incredibly low public opinion back home, Welsh businessman Ken Flanagan has overnight become something of a local folk hero in some corners of South Africa. While many remain wary of his reputation, it is an undeniable fact that "show wrestling fever" has gripped the nation ever since his announcement just a month ago that Mr. Flanagan was bringing professional wrestling back to South Africa.


Whether it's geniune interest in seeing the sport, previously only viewable mainly via of the internet of foreign companies like long-time fan favorite's the Supreme Wrestling Federation, or rising starts in the industry like Europe's critically acclaimed European Wrestling All-Stars, or just odd curiousity regarding the spectacle virtually unseen on this continent in decades, it is clear that much of the South African sports world is in anticipation of Wrestling Alliance of South Africa's inagural event.


While it remains to be seen how the potential show wrestling fans in South Africa may respond to the WASA when they officially "open their doors" next week, it appears that the hype regarding this first event will at least mean their are people lined up at those doors, waiting to get in. For the first time in over half a century, WASA plans to crown a "World Heavyweight Champion" in South Africa. Eight lucky members of their roster have been selected, based on previous merit according to WASA's front office, to compete in a night long tournament of one on one matches, with the last man to neither have his shoulders pinned to the mat for three seconds or tap out to a submission hold becoming that champion. In addition, WASA has also announced that, in order to showcase their tag team division, three two-man teams of men will compete for a set of their own titles. With an astounding array of international and domestic talents already set to compete, all that's left until next weekend is to speculate at what may be.








Landon Mallory vs. Kashmir Singh w/Minh Ruby

The very first officially sanctioned match in WASA history, and the first of the eight man tournament, pits India's Kashmir Singh against South Africa's own golden child, the self-titled "Platinum Standard" Landon Mallory. Singh, a star in his native land and a veteran of the industry across the Atlantic in America, may have his hands full with the SA native youngster, who many feel has already set the bar for what South African wrestling should be.




Finbarr McNamara vs. Daniel Jones w/Padre Carrasco

In the second bout of the night, we have a true David vs. Goliath match-up! Finbarr McNamara, argueably the biggest wrestling star to never leave the borders of his homeland, faces off with the famed Afrikaner, "The Big Game Hunter" Daniel Jones. With a massive size advantage on his side, it may seem easy to write this one off as an easy win for the famous Jones. But if the scrappy Finbarr McNamara has taught us anything, it's never to count him out.




Doctor Insane vs. Kalu Owusu

Worry not folks, for law enforcement shall be at the ready should Doctor Insane, quite possibly the greatest supervillian-turned-wrestler this world has ever known, think about unleashing one of his diabolic plots against the innocent women and children of Buffalo City! He has assured the public that his "nefarious ways" are well behind him, and that he's turning a new leaf here in South Africa. However, the idea that his opponent could unleash a plasma-squid upon him at any moment has done little to shake Kalu Owusu. Cool and calculated, the Ivorian seems completely confident!




Scott Van Den Berg vs. Pablo Rodriguez

Might against flight in this match, as the burly Dutchman Scott Van Den Berg looks to make his smaller, lucha libre opponent his first stepping stone towards WASA gold. Pablo Rodriguez has, if anyone, the the love of God on his side. The devout Catholic is no stranger to international travel or jet lag, but he may yet need more than a prayer to overcome the brutal stylings of his opponent. God may work in mysterious ways, and we'll simply have to wait and see if championship gold is the path he's set before Pablo Rodriguez, or any of the other competitors for that matter!




The Shooters w/Bethany Hurst vs. Nigerian Hit Squad vs. The Tribe: WASA World Tag Team titles

Following the first round of tournament action, WASA has set the biggest match (literally, in terms of men in the match at once) in South African history! Hailing from the UK, Nigeria, and even here in SA, these three teams of men will have the honor of competing for the right to call themselves the first ever WASA World Tag Team champions. Interestingly enough, all three tandems look set to employ their own unique in-ring styles. The question, which will triumph: the peerless, technical precision of The Shooters, the brute might of the Nigerian Hit Squad, or the daredevil antics of The Tribe?





The eight man tournament can go several ways, and any of the eight in it seem just as probable as the next to come out on top. Who will survive the second round? Who will reach the championship fight? Who will come out as the first ever WASA World Heavyweight champion? Find out next week, live from Buffalo City! Tickets on sale now. - Philip



Quick Picks:

First Round

Landon Mallory vs. Kashmir Singh

Finbarr McNamara vs. Daniel Jones

Doctor Insane vs. Kalu Owusu

Scott Van Den Berg vs. Pablo Rodriguez


The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad vs. The Tribe: WASA World Tag Team titles



Mallory OR Singh vs. McNamara OR Jones

Doc Insane OR Owusu vs. Van Den Berg OR Rodriguez



Mallory OR Singh OR McNamara OR Jones vs. Doc Insane OR Owusu OR Van Den Berg OR Rodriguez: WASA World Heavyweight title

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First Round

Landon Mallory vs. Kashmir Singh

-Tough to pick against Kashmir, but Mallory is the home-country favourite.


Finbarr McNamara vs. Daniel Jones

-Finbarr may be able to escape from Hyena's, but Daniel Jones is more vicious than those cats.


Doctor Insane vs. Kalu Owusu

-Owusu's render is amazing, but Insane is going to be a top heel, so has to win here.


Scott Van Den Berg vs. Pablo Rodriguez

-Sometimes the reason is just talent.


The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad vs. The Tribe: WASA World Tag Team titles

-They...look...so...cool. If you were using the old renders I would riot if they won here, but now I love them.



Mallory vs. Jones

-I see this match happening again in the future, and having Jones win the first clash sets up a better David vs Goliath story.


Doc Insane vs. Rodriguez

-Can't have two heels in the final can we?



Jones vs. Rodriguez: WASA World Heavyweight title

-The reason Jones will make it all the way...Comradebot has an unhealthy obsession with big men :p

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First Round

Landon Mallory vs. Kashmir Singh

Hard to go against Singh but MAllory is main eventer and Singh isn´t plus Singh is usually signed by TCW so unless you have done something to stop that I doubt he will stay for long.


Finbarr McNamara vs. Daniel Jones

Booker man jobs here

Doctor Insane vs. Kalu Owusu

Again I´m going with main eventer here


Scott Van Den Berg vs. Pablo Rodriguez

You have probably noticed certain trend here, another main eventer goes to next round.


The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad vs. The Tribe: WASA World Tag Team titles

Shooters are the most talented guys here so might as well give the titles to them.



Mallory vs. Jones

Mallory is young so he´s time will come but right now I think that it´s better to let someone else hold the title


Doc Insane vs. Rodriguez

Insane would be good enough to be the champ but he isn´t anywhere near as talented as Rodriguez plus I picked Jones so I need face to win here.



Jones vs. Rodriguez: WASA World Heavyweight title

Ok, I was going to go with Jones as he´s South African but then I actually looked his stats in the game. I doubt this guy could pull of decent matches until his overness is up to the skyes so Rodriguez is the safer choice here.

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First Round

Landon Mallory vs. Kashmir Singh

Finbarr McNamara vs. Daniel Jones

Doctor Insane vs. Kalu Owusu

Scott Van Den Berg vs. Pablo Rodriguez


The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad vs. The Tribe: WASA World Tag Team titles



Mallory vs. Jones

Doc Insane vs. Rodriguez



Mallory vs. Rodriguez: WASA World Heavyweight title

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First Round

Landon Mallory vs. Kashmir Singh

Finbarr McNamara vs. Daniel Jones

Doctor Insane vs. Kalu Owusu

Scott Van Den Berg vs. Pablo Rodriguez


The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad vs. The Tribe: WASA World Tag Team titles



Mallory vs. Jones

Doc Insane vs. Rodriguez



Jonesvs. Rodriguez: WASA World Heavyweight title

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First Round

Landon Mallory vs. Kashmir Singh

Finbarr McNamara vs. Daniel Jones

Doctor Insane vs. Kalu Owusu

Scott Van Den Berg vs. Pablo Rodriguez


The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad vs. The Tribe: WASA World Tag Team titles



Mallory vs. Jones

Doc Insane vs. Rodriguez



Mallory vs. Rodriguez: WASA World Heavyweight title

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First Round

Landon Mallory
vs. Kashmir Singh

Finbarr McNamara vs.
Daniel Jones

Doctor Insane
vs. Kalu Owusu

Scott Van Den Berg vs.
Pablo Rodriguez

The Shooters vs.
Nigerian Hit Squad
vs. The Tribe: WASA World Tag Team titles



Mallory vs.

Doc Insane vs.


vs. Rodriguez: WASA World Heavyweight title

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First Round

Landon Mallory vs. Kashmir Singh

Finbarr McNamara vs. Daniel Jones

Doctor Insane vs. Kalu Owusu

Scott Van Den Berg vs. Pablo Rodriguez


The Shooters vs. Nigerian Hit Squad vs. The Tribe: WASA World Tag Team titles



Mallory OR Singh vs. McNamara OR Jones

Doc Insane OR Owusu vs. Van Den Berg OR Rodriguez



Mallory OR Singh OR McNamara OR Jones vs. Doc Insane OR Owusu OR Van Den Berg OR Rodriguez: WASA World Heavyweight title

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