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WWF 1989: Kayfabe Returns

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The Mighty Hercules and The Warlord vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake


The Barbarian vs. Barry Horowitz



The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers



Mr. Perfect vs. Bob Backlund

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The Mighty Hercules and The Warlord vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

-Warlord has done very little since the Powers of Pain break up and even a freshly heel turned Hercules won't bring him a victory.


The Barbarian vs. Barry Horowitz




The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers

-Very tough call, but definately see the Rockers facing the Busters down the line.



Mr. Perfect vs. Bob Backlund

-Macho Man with the distraction maybe?

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The Mighty Hercules and The Warlord vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

To me, this match looks a lot like a potential new team, and might I add not a bad teamup at all with the freshly turned Hercules and the floundering Warlord, getting a win over two guys who typically job. Nothing new, move along.


The Barbarian vs. Barry Horowitz

No chance whatsoever.



The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers

It's tough to go against the Towers in this one, but that's just because I was listening to old themes and "Jive Soul Bro" came on. lawl. Rockers to move on here.



Mr. Perfect vs. Bob Backlund


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The Mighty Hercules and The Warlord vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

I think a feud for Brutus against a bald dude might be interesting lol! But seriously, of the four I would reckon you have more going on with Hercules than the rest.


The Barbarian vs. Barry Horowitz

Horrowitz wins! Horrowitz wins! Just not today he doesn't....



The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers

Because The Rockers have been knocking on the door forEVER!



Mr. Perfect vs. Bob Backlund

And that's because he's Perfect.

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The Mighty Hercules and The Warlord vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake

Just because I like the pairing.


The Barbarian vs. Barry Horowitz




The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers

Not sure here... but a Towers win would certainly shake things up even more. That seems to be what you're good at lol.



Mr. Perfect vs. Bob Backlund

No comment necessary.

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WWF SUPERSTARS - Week 4, Nov. 1989



- We cut in and see Vince McMahon and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura standing on the stage with the ring in the backdrop.


Vince McMahon - Welcome everyone to WWF Superstars! And ladies and gentlemen, before we go any further, we must address the rumor that’s been going around the last couple of days about Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts being in attendance tonight. We have just received word from the offices of the World Wrestling Federation that he WILL indeed be here tonight, and they have indicated that Mean Gene Okerlund will try to get a word with him concerning his actions at Survivor Series. What a huge development here, Jesse!


Jesse Ventura - There’s no doubt about it, McMahon. We all knew that the Snake would explain his actions at some point, and it looks like it may be right here tonight!


VM - I think everyone will be on the edge of their seat for that one, as I know that there are a lot of angry fans out there considering what went down at Madison Square Garden on Thanksgiving night.


JV - Well like I said that night, McMahon, it was right in front of our eyes but everyone was too busy putting the blame on innocent men. It serves everyone right.


VM - Are you gonna stand there and tell me that the World Wrestling Federation champion deserved to be attacked in a parking lot by this man?


JV - I’m not saying that. But you know me, McMahon. It’s my personal opinion that you do whatever you have to do in order to become the world champion. And if the Snake thought that was what it would take, then I’m not sure I can argue the logic behind his actions.


VM - I can’t believe that, Jesee. I simply cannot believe that you are condoning something like this!


JV - This is the World Wrestling Federation! Things aren’t gonna be pretty all the time!


VM - Just stunning. But let’s go down to Howard Finkel for our first match!


The Mighty Hercules and The Warlord vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake

<a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=hercules2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/hercules2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=warlord3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/warlord3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=jimduggan3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/jimduggan3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=brutusbeefcake3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/brutusbeefcake3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: This match never really got off the ground, as it was clear from the start that Hercules and Hacksaw were intent on getting their hands on each other. Hacksaw and Warlord started the match, but Hacksaw eventually got the upper hand and tagged in to Beefcake, who started going at it with Warlord. But before long, Hercules had dropped off the apron and he and Hacksaw met each other halfway and simply started brawling like crazy. Referee Dave Hebner tried to get some control on the outside, but before long, he stop worried about it as both men continued to trade punches back and forth. Although Warlord had delivered a few power moves to Beefcake, the Barber was faster than the big man, and ducked a power clothesline and hit the High Knee Lift before the hitting the Guillotine Leg Drop to score the three count.


WINNERS: Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Brutus Beefcake at 4:40 (66)


- After the match, Beefcake rolled out quickly and grabbed the 2x4, which sent Hercules quickly down the aisle, as Beefcake tossed the 2x4 to Duggan who held it up high to the crowd’s delight.


VM - Hacksaw and the Barber pick up the victory, but it was the action on the outside that was the real focus here, Jesse!


JV - The Mighty Hercules is still one angry man. Perhaps if Hacksaw hadn’t hit him with that 2x4 at Survivor Series, then none of this would have ever happened.


VM - Once again, Jesse, it was a clear accident and there’s no doubt about that.


JV - Now how do you know that? Although, if you’ve ever seen Duggan wandering around the streets or in the back, it looks like the guy doesn’t know what he’s doing half the time. So maybe you’ve got a point. Perhaps it was an act of utter stupidity, McMahon.


VM - I never said that! Why would a man attack his own partner?


JV - Well that’s what Savage did to Mr. Perfect. But I guess that’s OK, isn’t it?


VM - Oh c’mon! Perfect’s the one that pushed Savage into the Hulkster. I don’t wanna hear that. But enough of this nonsense, let’s go to the back where Mean Gene Oklerund is standing by with the Hart Foundation!


- We cut to the back where we see Mean Gene Okerlund alongside a very pumped up Hart Foundation.


Mean Gene Okerlund - “Bret Hart, Jim ‘The Anvil Neidhart, you two gentlemen are only one week away from your big match against the Brainbusters. How are you preparing for this electric showdown?"


Jim Neidhart - “MEAN GENE, BABAAAYYY! I’ll tell you how we’re preparing. We’re preparing like we’ve never prepared before. But not because the Brainbusters are the best team we‘ve ever faced…..OH NO…..but because that we‘re gonna go out and there beat them like they ain‘t never been beaten before! So get ready boys…..because we‘ve got some business to take care of! HAHAHAHAHA!”


Bret Hart - “The Anvil pretty much said it all, Gene! Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, you‘ve already cost us the WWF Tag Team Titles once…..and you can bet that we‘re not gonna let that happen again! It‘s time for the Hart Foundation to shine here in the World Wrestling Federation, and even though we suffered a little bit of a setback, it all begins again when we beat you in the middle of that ring next week!”


MGO - “Alright! It sounds like the Hart Foundation is ready! Let‘s go back down to the ring.” (83)


The Barbarian vs. Barry Horowitz

<a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=thebarbarian.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/thebarbarian.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=barryhorowitz2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/barryhorowitz2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: Simply a match that showcased the brute strength by the enforcer of the Heenan Family. Horowitz never had a chance in this one, and not even the seven fans in the third row who were chanting his name could give him the strength to counter the power on display by Barbarian. The match could have ended sooner, but Heenan ordered Barbarian to continue the onslaught, and after a few minutes or so, he finally finished Horowitz off with the Swirling Backbreaker to gain the pinfall.


WINNER: The Barbarian at 4:30 (58)


JV - What domination, McMahon! That’s why Heenan brought him in to the Family, and The Barbarian certainly hasn’t disappointed.


VM - He’s an animal, Jesse! There’s no doubt about it.


JV - And let’s not forget that he survived alongside the Snake in the elimination match at Survivor Series. The man is on a roll right now!


VM - Well the less said about Jake Roberts the better in my opinion. But speaking of survivors at Survivor Series, Jesse, we’ve got several big announcements concerning the upcoming edition of Prime Time Wrestling.


JV - Let’s hear it then!


VM - Well the World Wrestling Federation offices have officially announced the featured match for Prime Time next week, and that will pit two men who survived for their respective teams at Survivor Series, as Barry Windham will go up against none other than the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase!



- We see a graphic which shows Windham on one side with DiBiase on the other, and the Prime Time logo in the middle of the two men. (92)


JV - That’s gonna be a great match, McMahon! Although it already seems quite evident who will come out on top in that encounter.


VM - Barry Windham?


JV - Of course not, McMahon! Did you watch Survivor Series? DiBiase pinned the world’s champion!


VM - Oh give me a break, Jesse! Are you really gonna go back down that road again? Roberts’ involvement was the only reason DiBiase won the match. Plain and simple!


JV - I agree to disagree there. While I will say that Roberts might have helped a little, the end result was the Million Dollar Man pinning Hogan for the 1-2-3. Had the title been on the line, we’d have a new world’s champion, McMahon!


VM - But thank goodness it wasn’t, as that would have been a complete travesty given what that psychotic Snake did! Ladies and gentlemen, we now transition to our HUGE tag team contest, as the talk is now over, and one of these two teams will move on to Saturday Night’s Main Event to have the chance to call themselves the top challengers for Demolition’s WWF Tag Team Titles. Let’s send it to Howard Finkel!


The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers - Winners Advance to SNME Top Challengers Match


<a href="

http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=akeem.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/akeem.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=bigbossman3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/bigbossman3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=martyjannetty6.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/martyjannetty6.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=shawnmichaels6.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/shawnmichaels6.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: The back and forth physical affair that we expected to see between these two teams given what was at stake. The same factors that came into play before were evident here, as it was obviously a power vs. speed battle, with both teams using their strength to keep their opponents off guard. The size and power of Akeem and Bossman seemed to be too much for the Rockers early, with the Towers being the clear aggressors. But just when it looked like the Rockers were down and out midway through the match, some miscommunication on the Towers’ part allowed Jannetty to get out of the struggle and quickly crawl over and tag in Michaels, who came in red hot. After a few attempts to knock Akeem down, he eventually went firing off the ropes and hit a huge dropkick, when sent the big man staggering towards the ropes and over the top to the outside. Bossman, who was on the receiving end of the miscommunication, had made his way up by this point, and when Michaels went to go after him, he turned it into a hard clothesline. But Jannetty made his way back in and hit the Russian Leg Sweep on Bossman, sending him down. Akeem crawled back on the apron to try and get back in, but Michaels and Jannetty hit a double dropkick on him, sending him back down. With the crowd in a frenzy, then went over and hit the Double Diving Fist Drop on Bossman, and the crowd knew what was up next. Both men went to adjacent corners and climbed up top. Bossman slowly made his way up, as Slick was panicking on the outside trying to pick the much larger Akeem up to get him back in the ring. Slick strained and strained and strained but couldn’t get him up in time, as Michaels and Jannetty flew off the top and hit missile dropkicks simultaneously. Michaels then jumped on top of Bossman…..1.….2.….3!


WINNERS: The Rockers at 12:11 (75)


- After the match, the crowd was going wild as the Rockers celebrated in the ring, with Akeem and Bossman on the outside pointing fingers at each other while Slick maneuvered between the two men.


VM - The Rockers are going to the top challengers match at Saturday Night’s Main Event!


JV - A complete surprise here, McMahon! I thought without question that we’d be seeing the Towers in that match, but it looks like their teamwork was not at the level that Michaels and Jannetty’s was!


VM - For once I agree with your point there, Jesse. Just like President Jack Tunney said, this is about teamwork, and it looks like the Rockers are in prime form right now in that category!


JV - I feel bad for the Slickster, who is down there trying to clean this mess up. The Bossman looks furious at the African Dream, McMahon.


VM - A simple miscommunication changes the entire match, and the Rockers will now wait and see who comes out victorious in next week’s matchup between the Hart Foundation and the Brainbusters.


JV - Which will be the Brainbusters. I guarantee it, McMahon.


VM - Yes, you’ve made that very clear, Jesse. But folks, before we get to our main event of the evening, we’ve got another big announcement concerning the upcoming edition of Prime Time Wrestling.


JV - Oh is that right?


VM - Yes it is, as there will be a special guest host appearing this Monday night, and that guest host will be none other than the reigning Intercontinental Champion, ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude!



- We cut to another graphic which shows the Prime Time logo and Rude, with the IC title around his waist. (87)


JV - That’s big news, McMahon! Yours truly will certainly be watching that. I may even have to get out the VCR and record that one. That may turn out to be the greatest Prime Time in the history of the World Wrestling Federation!


VM - I thought you’d be more than giddy with that announcement.


JV - Of course! That’s must-see television if you ask me.


VM - Well there’s more must-see television right now, as it’s time for our main event!

Mr. Perfect vs. Bob Backlund


<a href="

http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=CurtHennig3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/CurtHennig3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/?action=view&current=bobbacklund2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/TheBlake/bobbacklund2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


Match Notes: As good as it gets, in terms of technical wrestling, as both of these men laid it all on the line and turned in a fabulous matchup. Perfect seemed to underestimate Backlund early on, which led to Backlund executing a few very efficient maneuvers, and sent Perfect regrouping into the corner on multiple occasions. Both men continued their back and forth, with Perfect eventually taking control and letting the crowd know that he was the superior athlete. But the underestimating by Perfect caught up with him once again, resulting in Backlund reversing a lackluster move into a small package, which scored a near fall. Perfect raced to his feet to go on the attack again, but Backlund ducked and tried a school boy, which also resulted in a two and a half. Perfect raced up again as the crowd was buzzing from the two close calls, and Backlund blocked a kick and held Perfect’s leg, before spinning him around into the Crossface Chickenwing. But before Backlund could fully utilize the move, Perfect used his strength to bend down and flip Backlund over his head. Perfect started staggering, and Backlund quickly got to his feet, but Perfect hit the kick to the midsection this time, and delivered the Perfect Plex to pick up the win.


WINNER: Mr. Perfect at 10:04 (94)


- After the match, Perfect exited the ring and walked down the aisle with his arms raised, before Mean Gene Okerlund emerged from the curtain with a microphone in hand.



Mean Gene Okerlund - “Mr. Perfect, congratulations on your victory here tonight. But the world wants to know what you think about what Macho Man Randy Savage had to say concerning your actions at Survivor Series!”

Mr. Perfect - “Listen up, Mean Gene! I could care less about what the Macho Man has to say about my actions. He crossed the line when he pushed me out of the way. So you know what I did? I did the exact same thing to him. It’s not my fault that Hogan pinned him 1-2-3. The truth is, Savage cost me the match! He was already eliminated but yet he caused me to get counted out. I was the one that should have pinned Hogan right in the middle of that ring to prove that I’m the only man around here that deserves the shot at the World Wrestling Federation championship! But ya know, Gene, there’s still one fact that remains. I’m still perfect here in the WWF. And there isn’t anyone, including you Savage, that can do anything about that! Now that…..that’s perfect.”


- Perfect walks back through the curtain with a smirk on his face as the crowd boos him like crazy. (83)


JV - Now that’s the words of a future world heavyweight champion, McMahon!


VM - Oh is that right?


JV - Absolutely! Perfect is still perfect here in the World Wrestling Federation, and that’s all that really matters. Nobody else can say that. Not even the Hulkster!


VM - That’s true, but could the Macho Man be the one to end the streak?


JV - I doubt it. You could hear it in Macho’s voice, McMahon. He’s scared of what Mr. Perfect brings to the table. I don’t blame him really. After all, we’re talking about the perfect wrestler. The fact that Hogan’s the champion and he’s not is a travesty in my opinion.


VM - Well I don’t agree with that at all, and I think Savage and Perfect might eventually meet each other in the ring. Then Perfect will have to prove that he can beat a man that he’s never competed against before.


JV - I’m not even sure Savage would show up for the match if it ever took place. He knows what would happen.


VM - Oh give me a break! The Macho Man doesn’t back down from anyone! However, Mean Gene is in the ring, and folks, let’s see if the rumor comes true and that sadistic Jake Roberts shows up!


- We cut to the ring where we see Mean Gene standing with a somewhat angry look on his face.


Mean Gene Oklerund - “Alright ladies and gentlemen, I’m gonna get right to the point. Because the fact of the matter is, you and everyone else here in the World Wrestling Federation deserve some answers from Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts. So Jake, if you’re back there, come on out here because you sir have some questions to answer for all of these people!”


- Gene stands in the ring as the crowd starts looking towards the aisle. After about ten seconds, we finally see The Snake come through the curtain with an evil smile on his face, as the crowd starts booing and throwing things at him. He makes his way to the ring in a slow manner, and towers over Gene.



MGO - “Jake Roberts, it’s about time you showed up! I think that all of these people out here want answers! They wanna know why you attacked the World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan, in that parking lot and why you did what you did on Thanksgiving night at Survivor Series! What do you have to say about that?”


Jake Roberts - “Why? So you and all of these people out here wanna know why? Well, Gene, in case you haven’t noticed, I don’t care one bit about what you or all of these sheep think! Sheep is a funny word, Gene, but ya know something? It’s fitting…..very fiiting. Because for months and months, for years and years, you and everyone else here in the World Wrestling Federation have acted like sheep. You sit there and follow the leader and do what he tells you to do. And who is your leader? That’s right, Hulk Hogan’s your leader. You cheer him in all of his matches, you buy all of his t-shirts. In all of your eyes, Hulk Hogan is invincible. That is, until Thanksgiving night at Survivor Series…..haha. Because that was the night that I decided to show all of you the lie that you’ve been living. For months, everyone wanted to know who attacked Hulk Hogan in that parking lot. Well, you got your answer. Of course, that’s not good enough for all of you though. You all want to know WHY! YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY BECAUSE YOU SEE THE DARKNESS THAT IS SLOWLY CREEPING INTO HULKAMANIA! YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT IS NOW INEVITABLE…..you know that day by day, hour by hour, second by second, the power of Hulkamania is weakening. The question is…..what are you gonna do when you no longer have a leader? What are you going to do when Hulkamania is no more? What are you gonna…..”


- Before Jake can continue, “Real American” hits and the crowd jumps out of their seats and go ballistic. Jake jumps back and looks ready for a fight. The crowd continues to look towards the curtain, but no one appears. The crowd grows impatient before the music finally stops, and Jake gets a huge grin on his face before ripping the microphone away from Gene and orders him to get out of the ring.


Roberts - “How did you like that, huh? Because you see, every single one of you just proved my point. You react when Hulk Hogan tells you to react, you speak when Hulk Hogan tells you to speak. So what are you gonna do when he becomes one of you? Kids, grab your parent’s hand. Parents, squeeze that hand very tight. Because ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the era of Hulkamania…..is over.”

- Jake throws the microphone down as the crowd is completely beside themselves at this point, with little kids crying in the front row and fans ready to pounce on him. He slowly gets out of the ring and starts making his way down the aisle before stopping right in the front of the curtain. He turns back towards the ring and once again gets that evil smile on his face. But then this man came charging through the curtain…..


- The crowd goes nuts as Hogan knocks Jake to the ground, and starts mounted punches on him before Jake rolls over and starts going at Hogan. It doesn’t take long for a host of officials to come running through the curtain, as they get between the two, who are now absolutely seething. Jake’s grin turns to complete anger, as Hogan tries to charge back at him, but officials continue to push both men apart. Jack Tunney eventually makes his way out as well, and tries to contain order before leading Roberts to the back while the crowd continues to go crazy for Hogan. (96)




JV - It’s all broke loose now, McMahon! We’ve got absolute chaos between the Snake and the Hulkster!


VM - We didn’t know when the World Wrestling Federation champion would be back after what went down at Survivor Series, but it sounds like the Hulk Hogan got the tip that Roberts would be here tonight!


JV - That’s what I’m thinking, McMahon. These two men wanna tear each other apart. I say let them go at it!


VM - Well it’s clear that President Jack Tunney is gonna have his hands full with these two! Thanks for joining us ladies and gentlemen!


SHOW RATING: 87 (best overall show rating thus far!)

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Predictions - Superstars (Week 4, Nov. 1989)


Zergon - 4/4

Tweek It - 4/4

Harmor - 4/4

Jingo - 4/4

smwilliams - 4/4

infinitekillz - 4/4

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 2/4

Beejus - 3/4

Ritchardo - 3/4

Dead Jester - 3/4

Kijar - 3/4

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 2/4


Overall (24 shows)


Harmor - 88

Zergon - 82

Jingo - 81

Dead Jester - 78

Beejus - 63

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 61

oldschool - 49

smwilliams - 40

infinitekillz - 35

Destiny - 27

PoisonedSuperman - 27

DarthXaos - 25

Tweek It - 23

Ritchardo - 22

Kijar - 17

dudeamis - 12

olympia - 8

Hulkamaniac85 - 4

soxfan93 - 4

lazorbeak - 2

totti - 2

BoomKing - 1


Alright gentlemen, another show in the books. Now, I've got some ideas in the works for doing some type of feature since this was the last show of the month. Won't be anything too fancy, but just a cool little addition to the diary. There's a chance that I could get it done tonight, but it will probably be tomorrow. After that goes up, the card for the 'Ravishing' edition of Prime Time will be up.

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Welcome everyone to the World Wrestling Federation update, December edition! I'm Mean Gene Okerlund! Let’s start by taking a look at where you can see all the superstars of the World Wrestling Federation in action!




Tallahassee, FLFeaturing Macho Man Randy Savage, The Twin Towers, Ronnie Garvin, Barry Windham, and Koko B. Ware!


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Orlando, FLFeaturing Million Dollar Man, The Rockers, Greg Valentine, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Al Perez, and Barry Horowitz!


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Miami, FLFeaturing Hulk Hogan, The Brainbusters, The Fabulous Rougeaus, The Warlord, and a special appearance by Andre the Giant!


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Baton Rouge, LAFeaturing Mr. Perfect, Demolition, Bob Backlund, The Barbarian, Haku, and Nikolai Volkoff!


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New Orleans, LAFeaturing Rick Rude, Earthquake, The Bushwhackers, Tito Santana, The Mighty Hercules, and Dino Bravo!


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Little Rock, ARFeaturing Jake Roberts, Rick Martel, The Hart Foundation, Brutus Beefcake, The Young Stallions, and The Brooklyn Brawler!


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Saturday Night’s Main Event comes your way in three weeks at the Boston Garden in Boston, Massachusetts, with the Top Challengers Match to determine the team that will face Demolition for the WWF Tag Team Titles at the Royal Rumble already on the card!


The Royal Rumble takes place the third week of the new year live from The Astrodome in Houston , Texas, with the annual 30 Man Over-the-Top-Rope Battle Royal taking center stage, with plenty of more matches still to be announced!




The world found out at Survivor Series that the maniacal Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts was behind the mysterious attack on World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan, a few months ago, as Roberts interfered in the main event and cost the Hulkster the match for his team. However, The Snake was surprised by Hogan, who came charging out of the curtain following Roberts’ interview with Mean Gene on Superstars. So what happens next? Will Roberts follow through on his strong declaration…..and actually end Hulkamania?

Another big happening in the Survivor Series main event was the battle between teammates, as Mr. Perfect and Macho Man Randy Savage turned their attention to one another in the match…..and both got eliminated in the process. After a shove by Perfect, Savage got pinned, and then Savage retaliated and caused Perfect to get counted out. Now, with Savage furious at Perfect for costing him a chance to prove himself as a top contender for the WWF Title, could Perfect’s perfect streak be in jeopardy down the road?


The World Wrestling Federation Tag Team division is loaded with great teams. But the problem is, only one team can the Tag Team champions, and only one team can be the top challengers. Demolition managed to hang on to the titles following a controversial ending to their October Saturday Night’s Main Event match with The Hart Foundation, and now await the next team that will try to take the gold from around their waists. With the Rockers already advancing to the top challengers match in a few weeks, will it be The Hart Foundation or the team that cost them the titles, The Brainbusters, that join them?




The Top 5 Recent WWF Matches as voted on by you, the fans!


5. The Rockers vs. The Hart Foundation – Week 1, Oct. 1989 (Superstars, Hartford, CT)


4. Mr. Perfect vs. Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake – Week 3, Oct. 1989 (Superstars, Cedar Rapids, IA)


3. Mr. Perfect vs. Bob Backlund – Week 4, Nov. 1989 (Superstars, Albany, NY)


2. The Million Dollar Man vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper – Week 1, Sept. 1989 (Prime Time Wrestling, Buffalo, NY)


1. ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude vs. Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake – Week 1, Nov. 1989 (Superstars, Boston, MA)



New from Coliseum Home Video in December – WWF Supertape, Volume 2!


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A collection of great matches all on one tape! Whether it be recent classics, or never before seen matches from your favorite World Wrestling Federation superstars, this is a must-have for any true fan. Complete match listing will be announced prior to release!


Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Gene Okerlund, and thanks for joining me for this World Wrestling Federation Update!


(OOC: The upcoming events schedule is just a fancy way to update everyone as to who is on the active roster. However, this list does not include wrestlers who are injured in storylines or wrestlers who I am not listing for storyline purposes or the surprise factor. If they aren't on the list, it's for these reasons or they simply are no longer with the company. I will probably do this feature once every two months. In this mod, there is a December Coliseum Home Video Taping as a Big event, and I'm tinkering with a few ideas there. This will play into the Supertape hype above, and I might allow readers to vote for matches they would like to see on that show/tape. Also, for the next edition of this, I will allow you to vote for your favorite matches to add to the Five to See section, rather than just using in-game ratings. Yes, this update may spoil earlier happenings for new readers, but I just see this as a primer and not something that serves as a replacement for previous shows. Enjoy fellas!)

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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana


The Mighty Hercules vs. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin



Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Demolition


'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Koko B. Ware



Million Dollar Man vs. Barry Windham


Featuring special guest host, the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental champion, 'Ravishing' Rick Rude!


Alright gentlemen, start the predictions! Show should be up Sunday or Monday.

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Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana

Not sure here but I go with Tito simply because I otherwise picked mainly heels on this card.


The Mighty Hercules vs. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin

Hercules is the one who has feud going.



Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Demolition

Tag champs over random pairing.

'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Koko B. Ware

Martel has been doing more.



Million Dollar Man vs. Barry Windham

Only one of these guys has a pin over Hogan.

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Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana


The Mighty Hercules vs. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin



Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Demolition


'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Koko B. Ware



Million Dollar Man vs. Barry Windham

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Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana

Honestly, the hardest match to decided. I can see Tito picking up a DQ finish possible.


The Mighty Hercules vs. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin

Hercules has more going for him.



Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Demolition

Champs against jobbers.


'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Koko B. Ware



Million Dollar Man vs. Barry Windham

DiBiase gets a victory here. I'd love to see DiBaise against Hogan after Roberts and Hogan's saga ends.. if Roberts doesn't capture title.

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Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana


Toss up, but let's go with Chico.


The Mighty Hercules vs. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin


Herc has been on a roll since adopting a new attitude



Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Demolition


Over/Under on how long it takes to squash these jabronis:1 Minute


'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Koko B. Ware


One of these guys will go into the Hall of Fame decades from now. The other will win this match.



Million Dollar Man vs. Barry Windham


For some reason, I'm thinking upset here.

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Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana


The Mighty Hercules vs. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin



Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Demolition


'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Koko B. Ware



Million Dollar Man vs. Barry Windham

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Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana


The Mighty Hercules vs. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin



Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Demolition


'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Koko B. Ware



Million Dollar Man vs. Barry Windham

An upset would be cool, but I'm not seeing it happen.

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Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana

Chico Santana with a tough victory.


The Mighty Hercules vs. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin

Who doesn't like Hercules? He and Paul Roma have the best tag team finisher ever!



Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Demolition

Road Warrior Wannabes for the win.


'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Koko B. Ware

In case you didn't know, you can read it on his shirt: He IS a Model.



Million Dollar Man vs. Barry Windham

A closely fought match but in the end everybody's got a price.

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Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana

Santana may be on the downhill slide here, but can carry some overness to more deserving heels on the rise.

The Mighty Hercules vs. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin

Garvin never did amount to much in the WWF> His best matches were in the SE and I don't expect him to recapture that magic here



Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Demolition

'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Koko B. Ware



Million Dollar Man vs. Barry Windham

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Card subject to change


Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana


The Mighty Hercules vs. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin



Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Demolition


'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Koko B. Ware



Million Dollar Man vs. Barry Windham

Even though DiBiase just pineed Hogan, I'm hoping for an upset and a huge push for Windham, although I doubt it. But hopefully I'm right and I get the point!

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Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana


The Mighty Hercules vs. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin



Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Demolition


'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Koko B. Ware



Million Dollar Man vs. Barry Windham

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Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana

Lights out, Chico.


The Mighty Hercules vs. 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin

Hercules makes a statement here.



Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Demolition



'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Koko B. Ware

Next stop: The moon.



Million Dollar Man vs. Barry Windham

Like someone mentioned before... I could see an upset here as well, just cant bring myself to bet against Ted.

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- We cut in to see Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan, and the WWF Intercontinental champion, ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude, sitting behind the desk in the Prime Time studios.


Gorilla Monsoon - Hello everyone, and welcome to WWF Prime Time Wrestling.


Bobby Heenan - A special edition of Prime Time Wrestling, Monsoon.


GM - Well if that is what you wanna call it, Brain, as ladies and gentlemen, we do indeed have another guest co-host this week, and he is the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental champion, ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude.


Rick Rude - Thank you, Gorilla, but there’s no introduction needed. Everyone knows who I am. There’s only one man on the planet that has a body like this ya know.


BH - And it definitely isn’t Monsoon. That’s for sure.


GM - Gee Brain, you don’t exactly look like you’ve missed a whole lot of meals either, ya know?


BH - What do you expect? I eat dinner with The Barbarian and Haku.


GM - Oh is that right?


BH - Absolutely. But the champ doesn’t eat with us. Because this man is in the gym sculpting his physique at all hours of the night. That’s what it takes to be the best.

Rude - You are correct.


GM - Well it certainly sounds like there will not a shortage of confidence here tonight, but let’s get to our first match of the evening, which features a man who has pushed you to the limit several times Rick, and that’s Tito Santana.


Dino Bravo vs. Tito Santana


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Match Notes: A matchup of strength vs. technical prowess here, with Bravo on the offensive from the get-go, as he tried to get across his “World’s Strongest Man” moniker. Bravo was the aggressor for pretty much the entire match, until he got a little too aggressive late, as he went for his patented Side Suplex. When Bravo picked Santana up to flip him over, there was enough power to allow Santana to land on his feet. Santana then bounced off the ropes and hit the Flying Crossbody and held on tight as referee Dave Hebner counted…..1.…2.…3!


WINNER: Tito Santana at 5:01 (63)


GM - Another win for Tito Santana, and gentlemen, he’s been on a little bit of a roll here recently in singles competition in the World Wrestling Federation.


BH - Has he wrestled the champ over here?


GM - Why no, he hasn’t recently.


BH - Well he did back in September, Monsoon, and I’ll give you one guess as to what happened.


GM - I know what you’re trying to hint at, Brain. All I’m saying is that the man has won several matches in a row, and might be in line for an Intercontinental Title shot in the future.


Rude - Gorilla, he might be in line for a title shot, but the fact of the matter is, as long as I’m the Intercontinental champion, Santana’s got no chance of putting this piece of gold around his waist.


BH - You tell ‘em champ!


GM - Speaking of champions, gentlemen, let’s hear from a team who could potentially have gold around their waists, as the Rockers moved one step closer to a showdown with Demolition at the Royal Rumble. Our very own Mean Gene Okerlund caught up with the victorious Rockers after their match on Superstars. Let’s take a listen.


- We cut to a video where we see Mean Gene standing inside the Rockers’ locker room, with Jannetty and Michaels energetic and celebrating their victory.



Mean Gene Okerlund - “Alright! Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty, you two gentlemen have officially solidified your spot in the top challengers match at Saturday Night’s Main Event after your victory over the Twin Towers here tonight. You must be thrilled!”


Marty Jannetty - “Gene, we’ve been saying it since day one…..we’ve been saying that our goal is to win the WWF Tag Team Titles, and now we’re one match away from getting that opportunity. Everybody wanted to write The Rockers off after a few bumps in the road. But every single time we’ve bounced back, Gene. And no matter who we face at Saturday Night’s Main Event, we’re gonna show everyone why we’re gonna become the next World Wrestling Federation tag team champions.”


Shawn Michaels - “Mean Gene, tonight we took down Akeem and the Bossman. Two of the biggest men in the World Wrestling Federation! And we did because we’re a team. There’s no one, not the Hart Foundation, not the Brainbusters, not Demolition, that can match the teamwork that the Rockers have. Which is why we will win the top challengers match in a few weeks and meet Demolition at the Rumble!”


MGO - “Well ladies and gentlemen, we know one team that will be in the top challengers match at Saturday Night’s Main Event! Now we have to wait to find out the other!" (72)


GM - The Ro…..


BH - I’m just gonna go ahead and stop you before you get started, Monsoon. We all know who the future World Wrestling Federation Tag Team champions are gonna be, so let’s not waste any time talking about the Rockers or the Hart Foundation.


Rude - Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard got cheated, Gorilla. Those two Ultimate Warrior wannabes stole the titles from the Brainbusters. Ya see, the Heenan Family is a family of gold. And at the Royal Rumble, we’ll be adding more gold to the family.


GM - But what if you lose your gold?




Rude - (grabbing Heenan’s arm) It’s OK, Bobby. Gorilla, there I absolutely no chance of that happening. And it’s not because of why you think either. Because I…..


GM - I’m sorry Rick, but we’ve gotta get to our next match.




The Mighty Hercules vs. ‘Rugged’ Ronnie Garvin


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Match Notes: A match that was all Hercules from the very beginning, with Garvin getting in a limited amount of offense. The toughness of Garvin did not go unnoticed, as Hercules seemed to grow frustrated after a minute or two that he couldn’t keep the determined man down. But a few small pushes from Garvin, Hercules took things up another notch, and hit two big slams before locking on the Full Nelson and forcing Garvin to tap out.


WINNER: The Mighty Hercules at 5:20 (53)


GM - Hercules continues his rampage since the events that took place at Survivor Series, and you’ve gotta believe that he’s still after Hacksaw Jim Duggan after the tag match on Superstars.


BH - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever, Monsoon. Before you so rudely interrupted the champ before that match, Rick was going to make a big announcement. But I’ll do it for him since I know good and well you won’t interrupt me. Hey camera man, point that thing at me and the champ. (looking straight into the camera) Ladies and gentlemen, but mostly ladies…..I would like to announce that the World Wrestling Federation Intercontinental champion, ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude, has decided to take a vacation to get some much needed rest and relaxation which means that these abs over here (Rude holds up his shirt) could be coming to a beach near you sometime soon!


GM - A vacation?! He’s the Intercontinental champion! He doesn’t have time for a vacation!


Rude - I can do whatever I want, whenever I want to do it. I said it last week and I’ll say it again. There are no challengers out there who even deserve the honor of stepping in the ring with me. I’ve took down the biggest challenger I’ve had, and for that, I believe that I have earned a nice long vacation. So clear the beaches boys…..because a real man is coming for all the beautiful women out there from coast to coast, and you’ve got no chance when ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude walks onto that sand. Hahahahaha!


BH - But don’t get your hopes up, Monsoon. I’m not going with him.


GM - That was going to be my first question, Brain. But I’m not too sure about this whole vacation idea. How long is this gonna last?


Rude - However long I want it to last.


GM - I’m not sure about this. What if you have a match?


Rude - Just who am I gonna face? No one can even push me to the limit, Gorilla. It would be a waste of time.


GM - Well I don’t know what President Jack Tunney will have to say about this.


BH - Tunney can’t say anything, Monsoon. It is in Rick’s contract that he gets a month’s worth of vacation. And why shouldn’t he take it all at once since he’s got nothing to do right now?

GM - Well I guess that’s you guys’ decision to make. But nonetheless, let’s hear from two of your henchmen, the Brainbusters before we get to our next match, which features the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team champions in action!


- We cut to the interview center where we see Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard standing in front of their logo.


Tully Blanchard - “The time has almost come, Hart Foundation! It’s just about time for you to step into the ring with the greatest tag team in the world! Once and for all, we’re gonna prove that we were cheated out of our Tag Team titles. But most of all, we’re gonna prove that we are better than you…..”


Arn Anderson - “Hart Foundation! You’ve been wanting to step in the ring with the Brainbusters for a while now. Well boys, you’re about to get your chance. You see, everyone out there forgets that we are the REAL champions here in the World Wrestling Federation. We’ve been to the top of the mountain! But what about you two? Oh that’s right…..you haven’t. And you NEVER will! Because when the dust settles Friday night on Superstars, we’re gonna move on to Saturday Night’s Main Event to fight in the top challengers match. And you’ll be just what you’ve always been…..belt-less.” (76)


Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. Demolition


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Match Notes: A showcase for the champions here, as Perez and the Brawler stood no chance in getting anything accomplished in this one. Brawler started the match by continuously throwing right hooks at Ax, but Ax just threw him into the corner like a rag doll. Brawler quickly tagged in Perez, who turned around and tagged Brawler back in. Before long, Demolition had enough and took Perez out before hitting the Decapitation Device on Brawler to score the victory.


WINNERS: Demolition at 3:08 (77)


GM - An easy victory for the champions, as the Brawler and Perez wanted no part of this dynamic duo.


BH - We’ve been over this already, Monsoon. No one cares about Demolition. Everyone out there watching tonight tuned in for one reason and one reason only…..and that’s this man right beside me.


GM - Alright then, Brain. I’ll ask the champ a question then. Who do you think will win our huge featured match tonight between the Million Dollar Man and Barry Windham?


Rude - Gorilla, that’s one of the dumbest questions I’ve ever heard. The Million Dollar Man pinned that fraud of a champion, Hulk Hogan, at Survivor Series and you’re gonna sit here and ask me if he can beat…..Barry Windham?


BH - Now you see what I gotta sit through every week. Monsoon probably thinks Bushwhacker Butch could give you a run for your money.


GM - Well Barry Windham was the sole survivor for his team, so I’d say Windham has a great chance of defeating the Million Dollar Man.


Rude - That’s why you’re sitting over there and I’m the Intercontinental champion.


GM - I suppose I can’t dispute that. I still think Windham can beat the Million Dollar Man. Right now though, we’ve gotta take a look back at the events surrounding this Mr. Perfect/Macho Man Randy Savage feud, so let’s go back to Survivor Series to see how all of this got started.



- We cut to a video showing Perfect pushing Savage during the Survivor Series main event, with Hogan taking advantage and pinning Savage. We then see Savage and Perfect fighting on the outside, with Perfect getting counted out. The video then moves to Savage’s post-match interview on last week’s Prime Time, and concludes with Perfect’s interview with Mean Gene on Superstars. (100)


GM - It’s clear that Mr. Perfect has pushed the strings of the Macho Man, who didn’t sound too happy last week.


BH - Who cares, Monsoon. Savage keeps crying about wanting the WWF Title. Well I say who cares about the WWF Title when you’ve got a man like ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude holding the Intercontinental Title?


Rude - That’s exactly right, Bobby. Hulk Hogan is a paper champion. But did he defend his title at Survivor Series inside of a steel cage? Or better yet, did he even win his match at Survivor Series? That should tell you all you need to know about his fraud of a title reign.


GM - Some rather harsh words there, Mr. Rude. I’d say there’s quite a few people out there who would disagree with you.


Rude - I don’t care. Look at me, Gorilla. I have the perfect body. I could care less what these people think.


GM - Let’s get to our next match.


‘The Model’ Rick Martel vs. Koko B. Ware


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Match Notes: A nice back and forth affair, with the Birdman getting off to a quick start by going to the top rope and hitting a dropkick to start the match while Martel was taunting someone in the front row. Koko continued the attack, with Martel trying to go to his stalling strategy, but Koko would never let him get enough room to completely get out of trouble. However, the complexion of the match changed after a miscue off the top rope from Koko, and Martel took control after that, playing to his strength by keeping the match on the mat. After going to work on Koko for a few minutes with a ground attack, Martel locked on the Boston Crab and Koko had no choice but to submit.


WINNER: Rick Martel at 6:53 (74)


GM - Chalk up another one for…..


BH - (showing Rude a vacationing brochure)


GM - Did you two even watch the match?


BH - Of course not, Monsoon. Martel was clearly going to one. And in case you have forgot, we’ve got a vacation to plan.


GM - Is there a reason why you two even showed up tonight if you weren’t gonna focus on the action?


BH - We are focusing on the action. The action that the Intercontinental champion is gonna get when he steps foot onto any beach in the world. The women will flock to him, Monsoon. Ya know what I…..well, of course you don’t know what I mean. The only person that would flock to you would be Big Bertha, but she’d probably be too busy mating with her fellow whales out in the ocean.


GM - Will you stop!


Rude - Bobby is simply stating the facts, Gorilla. We have to check out all of these brochures, because to be honest, I’m not sure abs like these are allowed in certain parts of the country.


BH - See, Monsoon? We’re trying to obey the law. Give us a break!


GM - Stunning. Absolutely stunning. Well ladies and gentlemen, before our featured bout, we’re going to go back and show you the events that took place on Superstars between Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts and the World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan. Let’s take a look at the video footage.



- We cut to a video showing Jake’s intimidating interview with Mean Gene, and Jake’s exit which saw Hogan come running through the curtain and attack him. We then see the ton of officials trying to keep the two men apart, with the crowd going ballistic. (100)


GM - Wow, what bad blood between these two, although I don’t think any of us expected to see the Hulkster in attendance the other night. ‘Ravishing’ Rick, what did you think of that?


Rude - I’ve said all I’ve needed to say about Hogan. He’s a paper champion, and as far as I’m concerned, I’m still the only real champion here in the WWF.


BH - Hogan’s a fraud, Monsoon. Nothing further to say.


GM - I didn’t think I’d get anything meaningful out of either one of you.


BH - Oh, you wanted meaningful? Well there’s this one beach in Hawaii where you don’t have to wear…..


Million Dollar Man vs. Barry Windham


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Match Notes: A match between two gritty superstars, with neither man backing down throughout. DiBiase seemed to continue to be in high spirits following his Survivor Series win, but Windham also had a more confident demeanor than usual. DiBiase started fast, and didn’t forget to taunt the crowd and his opponent with the money sign. DiBiase kept going to work on him for pretty much the first half of the match, going after the knees of Windham to try and keep the big man off his feet. Windham started to fight his way back though after DiBiase locked on a sleeper hold on the ground. Windham elbowed his way out of it, and bounced off the ropes before hitting a huge lariat, sending DiBiase down in a hurry. DiBiase popped back up and Windham hit a bodyslam, before pumping his fists and signaling that the match was almost over. Windham picked up DiBiase and took him over to the corner, seemingly about to set up the running bulldogs. But with the action in the far side of the ring, Rick Martel came running down the aisle with the atomizer of Arrogance in his hand and slid it into the corner opposite of the two men and referee Earl Hebner. Martel then quickly ran to the other side and jumped up on the apron. Windham dropped DiBiase and went over after Martel, but Hebner was in the middle and kept the two apart. Meanwhile, DiBiase got up and made his way over to the corner and picked up the atomizer, and as Windham walked over towards him again, he sprayed it right in his eyes. Martel had his hand on the referee, however, he quickly let go when he saw this, and he ushered Hebner towards DiBiase, who rolled up Windham with the tights to gain the pinfall.


WINNER: Million Dollar Man at 12:18 (79)

- After the match, DiBiase rolled out of the ring, and he and Martel smiled as they made their way up the aisle, with Windham still trying to wipe his eyes out inside the ring.


BH - Did the champ tell you, or did the champ tell you, Monsoon?


GM - Well DiBiase takes a page out of the Heenan Family playbook, and uses the interference from The Model to pick up the victory.


BH - Oh c’mon, Monsoon! Did you watch the cage match? This man won fair and square.


Rude - Yeah, what have you got to say about that, Gorilla?


GM - So you’re saying that you two have never cheated before?


BH - No.


Rude - No.


BH - But enough about all of this. We’ve gotta get to the travel agent and book this man’s flight to paradise.


- The phone sitting on the table rings. Heenan picks up the phone.


BH - Hello? You wanna talk to Monsoon? He’s right here……is this Bertha?


GM - Give me that…..Hello…..yes, I see…..OK, I’ll let them know…..thank you.


- Gorilla hands the phone back to Bobby, who is laughing with Rude about something.


GM - Well Brain, I’m not sure what’s so funny, but before we go, we’ve got someone joining us live via satellite.


BH - See I told you, Monsoon! The ladies are already lining up for this man right here!


GM - Actually, it’s World Wrestling Federation President Jack Tunney.



- Tunney pops up on the video screen behind the desk, as he is sitting behind his desk at the WWF Headquarters.


BH - Oh great.

Jack Tunney - “It’s nice to see you too, Bobby. Gorilla, I’d like to thank you for the time to come on the program, as I’ve got a big announcement that I need to share with the fans of the World Wrestling Federation. Mr. Rude, the announcement that I’m about to make does concern you and your WWF Intercontinental Championship. For starters, I’d like to congratulate you on your victory over The Ultimate Warrior at Survivor Series. Now, I’ve been watching the show tonight, and I hear that you are planning a vacation.”


Rude - That’s right. And there is nothing that you can do about it. I’m owed whatever type of vacation that I want for up to a month. It’s in the contract.


Tunney - “You are correct. That is in your contract. However, you might want to rethink taking that vacation right now. Because you see, the championship committee and I have been searching for the right man for the top challenger position for your belt, and unfortunately, we have not been able to single out one superstar that is more deserving than the rest to that claim.”


BH - Which means a longer vacation! Did you hear that, Monsoon? Maybe I can go so I can get some time away from you. This is fabulous news!


Tunney - “I wasn’t finished yet, Bobby. I was going to say that since there was not ONE competitor that we chose, we had to go a different route in our decision. Therefore, starting next week here on Prime Time, an 8-man, single elimination tournament will begin.."




Tunney - “The finals of the tournament will take place in Houston at the Royal Rumble, with the winner going on to face you, Mr. Rude at WrestleMania VI for the WWF Intercontinental Title. Here is the official tournament bracket:


‘The Model’ Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund


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Barry Windham vs. The Warlord


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Tito Santana vs. Greg Valentine


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Haku vs. Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake


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Tunney - “Thank you gentlemen.”


BH - This isn’t fair, Monsoon! This isn’t…..


Rude - Bobby, Bobby. Settle down. Just look at the bracket. There’s no one on there that can hold a candle to me inside that ring. In fact, I’ve already beaten most of those men. The only person that could give me a run for my money is Haku.


BH - I’m sorry champ. I’m sorry. I wasn’t saying that one of these guys were gonna beat you or anything like that. But…..


GM - Oh stop kissing up, Brain! That’s exactly what you thought!


BH - Oh shut up, Monsoon!


Rude - It doesn’t matter who wins this tournament. After WrestleMania, I’ll still be the WWF Intercontinental champion. But I’ll worry about that when it gets here. I’ve got a vacation to get to.


GM - Wait, you’re still taking a vacation after this blockbuster announcement?!


Rude - Of course I am. How many times do I have to say it? There is no one that can beat me for this title. Bobby, let’s go. I’ve gotta get my bags packed.


BH - That’s right, Monsoon! We’re outta here!


- Rude and Heenan walk off of the set. (100)


GM - Well ladies and gentlemen, what a way to wrap up our show this week, but it looks like ’Ravishing’ Rick is still gonna take his vacation, even after hearing the big news. Thanks for joining us everyone!


SHOW RATING: 81 (your early favorite to win the tournament?)

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