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WWF 1989: Kayfabe Returns

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Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Bushwhackers


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Barry Windham


The Barbarian vs. Tracy Smothers



'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund



Jacques Rougeau vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

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Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Bushwhackers

I want to pick Brooklyn Brawler but ....

Nikolai Volkoff vs. Barry Windham


The Barbarian vs. Tracy Smothers



'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund



Jacques Rougeau vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

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Card subject to change


Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Bushwhackers


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Barry Windham


The Barbarian vs. Tracy Smothers



'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund



Jacques Rougeau vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

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Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Bushwhackers

Wow, the Bushwhackers. I was kinda hoping they'd fallen off the face of your earth...


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Barry Windham

A nice win to build Barry for the tournament.


The Barbarian vs. Tracy Smothers

Barbarian has been on a pretty solid tear here, nothing really wrong with that. I do kinda commend you for not going an easy route and when having him join the Family, just putting him with Haku.



'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund

Were this the early 80s, maybe there'd be a chance here, but this is almost 1990 and Bob isn't a crazy man, so Martel picks up the win.



Jacques Rougeau vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

No real suspense here, likely just a vehicle to get Savage on screen so Perfect can come out and do something.

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Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Bushwhackers

lol LOVE the Bushwhackers. On a side note: Roddy's Rowdies was the single greatest Survivor Series team ever assembled.


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Barry Windham

Easy pick here.


The Barbarian vs. Tracy Smothers

The Barbarian mauls Tracy.



'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund

The push continues . . .



Jacques Rougeau vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

Should be a good match here. Cant wait for Perfect/Savage.

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Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Bushwhackers


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Barry Windham


The Barbarian vs. Tracy Smothers



'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund



Jacques Rougeau vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

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Al Perez and The Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Bushwhackers

The kiddie friendly Bushwhackers I can't stand personally... would love to see them snap back to their psychotic pre-WWF days...


Nikolai Volkoff vs. Barry Windham

In 1989? No contest.


The Barbarian vs. Tracy Smothers

Meester Brain's latest protege for the win



'The Model' Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund

Should be a good match - I'd love to see Bob get a proper push but Martel has great things in his future.



Jacques Rougeau vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

Nice warm up match for Randy but The Mountie's not got a hope

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It's probably gonna be tomorrow before the show goes up. Sorry guys, I sort of expected my work schedule to be hectic these past two weeks, and sure enough, it has been. But I certainly don't wanna sacrifice quality by rushing while writing the show. So thanks for the patience, fellas!
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OK guys, I thought I'd be able to squeeze in a few hours of writing the past few days, but my work schedule just hasn't allowed it. I had a feeling it would be a busy week, so I should have just said up front that it might be later in the week. But I have a day off tomorrow, so the show should be up tomorrow or Saturday. There's some exciting things in store for Saturday Night's Main Event in a few shows and I hope you guys are pumped up for it!
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- We cut in to see Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan sitting behind the desk in the Prime Time studios.


Gorilla Monsoon - Welcome everyone to Prime Time Wrestling. Alongside Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan, I’m Gorilla Monsoon. And Brain, you seem to have added…..well, whatever it is that you’re wearing, to your wardrobe.


Bobby Heenan - Well I know you wouldn’t know anything about style, Monsoon. But I happened to get this while Rude and I were getting him some new beach wear.


GM - I see, Brain. Perhaps we should have warned our viewers at home before we came on the air that they might need to put some sunglasses on. Your shirt might damage their retinas.


BH - And your voice might damage their ears. What’s the difference?


GM - You’re something, Brain. Well folks, we’ve got a big night of action coming up, including our featured bout between the Macho Man Randy Savage and Jacques Rougeau. But let’s get to our first match, which features a team that dresses way better than the Brain over here…..the Bushwhackers!


Al Perez and the Brooklyn Brawler vs. The Bushwhackers


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Match Notes: Lots of comedy in this one, with the Bushwhackers almost seemingly toying with the Brooklyn Brawler while Perez was getting furious on the outside. The bad guys took control with some cheap tactics for about a minute or so, but it was all Luke and Butch after that, as the Brawler and Perez seemed to always be one step behind them. In the end, Brawler got furious after getting embarrassed by Butch and went full steam ahead at him, but Butch moved out of the way and sent the Brawler right into Perez who fell off the apron. It was then time for the Battering Ram, and Butch pinned him for the victory.


WINNERS: The Bushwhackers at 5:11 (62)


GM - So the Bushwhackers pick up the victory there, Brain, and maybe they’ll start to work themselves into the tag title situation down the road.


BH - If the Bushwhackers are ever above the Brainbusters in the tag team division, then I might just retire from professional wrestling.


GM - Well perhaps I should go ahead and give President Jack Tunney a call. There might be some people in the audience that would like to see that.


BH - I’m sure they would, Monsoon. They’re jealous of the Heenan Family. And they all know that we’re about to add the Tag Team Titles back to the family.


GM - And speaking of that Brain, we’re gonna take a look at some footage on both teams that will be facing off at Saturday Night’s Main Event, the Rockers and the Brainbusters.


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- We cut to a video showing highlights of the Rockers and the Brainbusters in their previous matches, and the video ends with a shot of both teams celebrating after their match. (75)


GM - There’s your opponent, Brain. Beating the Twin Towers is nothing to frown at, ya know?


BH - Yes, but neither is beating the Hart Foundation. Arn and Tully are ready, Monsoon. Everyone knows Demolition cheated them out of the belts in the first place. So we’ll take care of the Rockers next weekend, and then the gold will be ours again at the Royal Rumble.


GM - Some confident words there from the Brain. But let’s get to our next match, which features a man who is in the Intercontinental Top Challenger Tournament, Barry Windham.

Nikolai Volkoff vs. Barry Windham


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Match Notes: A match that showcased Windham’s grit and determination, as he was clicking on all cylinders in this one in preparation for his first round tournament match. Louds chants of “Barry” early in the match, with Volkoff visibly upset as he taunted the crowd. Volkoff turned it up a notch and used it his power to gain the advantage for several minutes. But the crowd helped Windham gain the momentum, as he broke out of Volkoff’s chinlock and began to roll. He bounced off the ropes and hit a huge clothesline, which sent Volkoff teetering back. So Windham did it again, and the big man went down in a hurry. Windham then went over and picked him up, and then ran off the ropes and delivered the Running Bulldog for the 1-2-3.


WINNER: Barry Windham at 4:53 (63)


GM - What do you think about Mr. Windham’s chance to make it to WrestleMania VI to face the Ravishing one?


BH - I’d say he’s got a chance. Not a good chance. But a chance.


GM - Why only a chance?


BH - Well he’d have to go through the Warlord first. Have you seen the size of that man, Monsoon?


GM - Of course I have, Brain, but I think Windham will do what he always does and find a way to win that one.


BH - Ah so what. It doesn’t matter if he wins the tournament or not. The fact is, he’ll never be Intercontinental champion. And do you know why?


GM - And why is that, Brain?


BH - Oh, you know why.


GM - Of course. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s hear from the Colonel and Jacques Rougeau as they’ve got a few words to say in preparation for tonight’s featured match. Also during this video segment, we’ll hear from the Mighty Hercules as he’s still got a score to settle with Hacksaw Jim Duggan.


- We cut to a video showing Jimmy Hart and Jacques Rougeau standing in front of their graphic.


Jimmy Hart - “Macho Man! Baby, you’ve got no idea what you’re going up against when you step in the ring with the one and only Jacques Rougeau, baby. Instead of worrying about what Mr. Perfect is gonna do to you, you better worry about what this man standing beside me is capable of! Isn’t that right Jacques baby!”


Jacques Rougeau - “Hey Macho Man, I’ve got you right where I want you. You’re too busy worrying about your little spat with Mr. Perfect, that I have no doubt that I will beat you 1-2-3. Because you see Savage, I’m one half of the Rougeau brothers. And the Rougeaus don’t lose to a pompous, arrogant maniac like you!” (78)


- We cut to another video with The Mighty Hercules standing in front of his graphic.



The Mighty Hercules - “Everyone take a look at this right here. Take a look at this power and strength! You all understand it. You understand that I am the most powerful man in the World Wrestling Federation. But there’s one man that doesn’t get it. Hacksaw Jim Duggan, you still don’t recognize the greatness in front of you. But you will, Hacksaw. You will! And when you and I go face to face in the middle of that ring, I’m gonna show you just how much power I have when I break you in half!” (61)


GM - Well it sounds like both the Macho Man and Hacksaw Jim Duggan have their hands full, Brain.


BH - Of course they do. They’re both about four cents short of a nickel.


GM - Oh will you stop!


BH - I only state the facts, Monsoon. You should know that by now.


GM - Now that’s stretching the truth a little bit. But it’s time for our next match, which features the Brain’s newest acquisition, The Barbarian!


BH - Watch closely, Monsoon. This is your future when I decide to bring The Barbarian in as a guest host one week.


The Barbarian vs. Tracy Smothers


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Match Notes: Nothing much to this match, except for watching Barbarian completely dominate Smothers from start to finish. The match could have easily ended in the first 30 seconds after Barbarian hit a big boot, but Heenan yelled from the outside for him to keep going to work. The crowd was not happy with this as the “Weasel” chants broke out whenever Heenan instructed Barbarian to bring the pain. But after a few minutes, Barbarian had enough fun and hit the Swirling Backbreaker for the win.


WINNER: The Barbarian at 3:40 (51)


GM - An impressive victory for Barbarian, which I’m sure you expected.


BH - Listen, Monsoon. The Barbarian will never lose to anyone. Period.


GM - What if you put him in there with Rude?


BH - It’ll never happen.


GM - What do you mean, Brain? The Royal Rumble is coming up next month! It’s every man for himself in there!


BH - Stop it, Monsoon! I don’t wanna have to think about that just yet. Let’s get to the video.


GM - What video are you talking about?


BH - Oh that’s right, we didn’t tell you. I sent the production guys a video.


GM - What’s it about?


BH - Stop asking all these questions! You’ll see soon enough. Roll the footage!



- We cut to a video where we see the WWF Intercontinental champion, ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude, laying on the beach. We then see a crowd of beautiful women walk up, and Rude smiles at the camera….


Rick Rude - “See, I told all of you how easy it would be…..”


- Rude gets up and puts his arm around the women and starts strolling down the beach. But then he turns back and picks up his Intercontinental Title belt and puts it around his waist as the ladies look intently at the gold before Rude starts strolling once again. (92)


BH - Rude wanted everyone to see that we knew what we were talking about. The man has taken over the beach!


GM - Just like someone is gonna take over that Intercontinental Title when they win the tournament. He should be preparing like a champion, not sitting around on the beach somewhere!


BH - He can do whatever he wants, Monsoon. He’s the champ. What do you know about being a champion huh? Absolutely nothing.


GM - Well I do know that a champion like Hulk Hogan would never take time off to go on a vacation with so much at stake concerning his title.


BH - Oh who cares about Hogan. He doesn’t have abs like Rude.


GM - Clearly you’ve lost your mind. You can’t possibly make up a reasonable excuse for him going on a vacation right now.


BH - Did you see that woman in the yellow?


GM - Alright, Brain. Well it’s time to start the Top Challengers Tournament, with the first round match between ‘The Model’ Rick Martel and Bob Backlund.


‘The Model’ Rick Martel vs. Bob Backlund - IC Top Challenger Tournament: First Round


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Match Notes: A very good back and forth match, with both men a little more tense than usual given what was at stake. Martel was still arrogant, but not as much as normal as he was clearly focused on Backlund in this one. Backlund’s technical style was clearly frustrating Martel early on, as it seemed like Backlund had a counter for every simple move that Martel would make. The match continued to go back and forth, with neither man really gaining a full advantage. Late in the match, Backlund was set to deliver the Atomic Spinecrusher, but Missy Hyatt jumped onto the apron and started to flaunt herself as Backlund’s attention was turned to her. Backlund walked over to her and was about to plant a big kiss on her as the crowd was roaring, but Martel quickly swooped in and hit a back suplex on him. Martel then swiftly got up and locked on the Boston Crab and referee Joey Marella called for the bell as Backlund couldn’t make it out of the grueling move.


WINNER: Rick Martel at 9:03 (74)


GM - Well Brain, you now know one of the men that Ravishing Rick might face at WrestleMania VI.


BH - I don’t have anything bad to say about Martel. He and Rude are similar. It would be a good match, but Rude would still retain.


GM - Oh is that right?


BH - Why do we have to keep going over this, Monsoon. I don’t care who wins this tournament. The champ is at the top of his game and there is no one in the World Wrestling Federation that can beat him.


GM - Whatever you say, Brain. Folks, before we get to our featured match, we’re gonna take a look back at Superstars, where World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan, made a huge declaration to President Jack Tunney concerning Saturday Night’s Main Event.



- We cut to a video showing the interaction between Hogan and Tunney on Superstars, with Hogan demanding a match with Jake Roberts. The video concludes with Hogan declaring that he and Roberts were gonna meet in the middle of the ring at Saturday Night’s Main Event regardless of whether it was a sanctioned match or not. (91)


GM - Well I certainly would not want to be The Snake given the mood that the Hulkster is in these days.


BH - I hope Hogan does meet Roberts in the ring. Then there’ll be only one real champion left here in the World Wrestling Federation after Roberts is done with him.


GM - Before the Brain can go on yet another spill about the Ravishing one, let’s get to our featured attraction of the evening, with the Macho Man going one-on-one with Jacques Rougeau.


Jacques Rougeau vs. ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage


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Match Notes: A fantastic match that saw a lot of near falls in favor of Jacques. Of course, Jacques was adamant that they were three counts, and Jimmy Hart was calling out referee Earl Hebner through his megaphone on the outside. Surprisingly, Jacques was actually in control for a good part of the match, with him giving off the vibe that he was at the top of his game for this match and that Savage was too worried about Perfect. But Savage started to battle back late in the match, with rights and lefts that sent Jacques reeling to the outside. After some coaching from Hart, Jacques got back in, but Savage quickly went on the attack and irish whipped him into the corner. Jacques bounced out into a body slam, and Savage went up top for the Double Axe Handle. After hitting that on a wobbly Jacques, Savage then called for the flying elbow, and slowly made his way to the top once again. But from out of nowhere, Mr. Perfect jumped up onto the apron and flipped Savage into the ring, with Hebner having no choice but to call for the bell.


WINNER: Macho Man via disqualification at 12:48 (94)


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- After the match, Jacques joined Perfect in kicking and stomping Savage as he struggled to try and fight off both men. Jimmy Hart was screaming in approval of the attack as Perfect backed off and Jacques took control. After getting a few good shots in, Jacques then threw him over to Perfect, who hit the Perfect Plex, with Jacques acting like the referee and counting the 1-2-3. Perfect then got up and both men raised their hands high in the air in approval of their actions. (100)


GM - What a sickening Pearl Harbor job there by Mr. Perfect, Brain.


BH - Oh come on, Monsoon. Savage has done the same thing plenty of times.


GM - Well I’m not sure Jacques Rougeau should have got his nose in the middle of this.


BH - Why not? He had Savage beat several times during the match. But the referee didn’t know how to count to three.


GM - It was clear as day that they were only two counts. But I wouldn’t expect you to understand that. Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for joining us here tonight on Prime Time Wrestling. For Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan, I’m Gorilla Monsoon.



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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Predictions - Prime Time Wrestling (Week 2, Dec. 1989)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Zergon - 5/5</p><p>

Tweek It - 5/5</p><p>

smwilliams - 5/5</p><p>

Ritchardo - 5/5</p><p>

Harmor - 5/5</p><p>

Beejus - 5/5</p><p>

infinitekillz - 5/5</p><p>

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 5/5</p><p>

Dead Jester - 5/5</p><p>

Jingo - 5/5</p><p>

Kijar - 5/5</p><p>

Timber 3/5</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall (27 shows)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Harmor - 102</p><p>

Zergon - 96</p><p>

Jingo - 93</p><p>

Dead Jester - 91</p><p>

Beejus - 77</p><p>

JudgeJuryExecutioner - 74</p><p>

oldschool - 52</p><p>

smwilliams - 50</p><p>

infinitekillz - 48</p><p>

Tweek It - 37</p><p>

Destiny - 31</p><p>

DarthXaos - 29</p><p>

Ritchardo - 27</p><p>

Kijar - 27</p><p>

PoisonedSuperman - 27</p><p>

olympia - 13</p><p>

dudeamis - 12</p><p>

angeldelayette - 5</p><p>

juggaloninjalee - 4</p><p>

Hulkamaniac85 - 4</p><p>

soxfan93 - 4</p><p>

Timber - 3</p><p>

lazorbeak - 2</p><p>

totti - 2</p><p>

BoomKing - 1</p><p> </p><p>

Once again guys, thanks for your patience in waiting for the show. There may be a few extra days added between shows or the next week or two, but I'll let you know. And congrats to Harmor for being the first to reach the 100-point plateau in predictions! Show for Superstars will be up later.</p>

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From the offices of the World Wrestling Federation:



Card subject to change


The Mighty Hercules vs. Koko B. Ware


Buddy Landell and Jerry Stubbs vs. The Rockers



Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana



Mr. Perfect vs. Bret Hart


- Plus, we'll hear from Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake concerning his chances in the Top Challenger Tournament. And will President Jack Tunney have anything to say about World Wrestling Federation champion, Hulk Hogan's demand last week on Superstars?


OK gentlemen, time for predictions! My schedule will be probably be kind of hectic again this week, so I'll just say that the show should be up by Wednesday.

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The Mighty Hercules vs. Koko B. Ware

Hercules is the one who has a storyline going on


Buddy Landell and Jerry Stubbs vs. The Rockers

Doh, Of course Rockers win this one.



Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana

Santana has been doing more.



Mr. Perfect vs. Bret Hart

Perfect is the one who has high profile feud going.

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The Mighty Hercules vs. Koko B. Ware

The Master of the Full Nelson gets the win.


Buddy Landell and Jerry Stubbs vs. The Rockers

He's such a sexy bo-oh, wait, not yet. :)



Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana

Chico Santana advances



Mr. Perfect vs. Bret Hart

Do I need an explanation? Alright here's one. He is what he says he is and that's absolutely perfect.

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It's Intercontinental legend week with four of the greatest (RW) IC champions squaring off against each other... plus another two tagging...


The Mighty Hercules vs. Koko B. Ware

Herc has more upside


Buddy Landell and Jerry Stubbs vs. The Rockers

A meeting with the Brainbusters in the offing... no way Landell and Stubbs grab the upset!



Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana

Tough to predict without knowing the ladder but I'll give Chico the edge, realistically though both men are guaranteed to put on a good match for whoever goes over them (I don't see either of these guys going all the way)



Mr. Perfect vs. Bret Hart

A great match but at this point in time with a Randy Savage feud boiling away there can be only one winner.... although if Bret can only get himself a spot in that IC tournament...

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The Mighty Hercules vs. Koko B. Ware

It's okay, Koko will be in the Hall of Fame first.


Buddy Landell and Jerry Stubbs vs. The Rockers

No chance whatsoever.



Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana

Chico vs Martel coming soon.



Mr. Perfect vs. Bret Hart

Now that Hart is out of the tag title running, Perfect has a great chance to go ahead and score a win here.

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The Mighty Hercules vs. Koko B. Ware


The bird will be chained


Buddy Landell and Jerry Stubbs vs. The Rockers


Nothing stopping the Rockers



Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana


I see Chico winning this, for his sister, Arriba Mcintyre!



Mr. Perfect vs. Bret Hart


dun Dun, Dun dun, dun Dun Dun dun dun DUUUUUN!

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