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Last Gasp of the AWA - 1987

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World tag titles: Wahoo-Bockwinkle vs Freebirds

Gordy comes out looking like a star and Hayes looking cowardly as Wahoo/Nick defend


Crown on a pole match: Lawler vs Der Kaiser Von Rashke

Lawler has much more left in the tank than Der Kaiser (Which i really like this gimmick BTW)


The Spoiler vs Shawn Michaels - Rock America round 2

This seems so easy... But really Im not sure.. Put yourself in this day and age and Spoiler has more draw appeal, and I dont think anyone, would ever dream of the success Michaels would go on to have.. that said, Michaels upside is too much to neglect


Scott Hall & DJ Peterson vs Eddie Gilbert and Doug Sommers w/ Rose

Rose proves to be the deciding factor


Sgt Slaughter vs Steve Simpson

Slaughter destroys the Texas based pretty boy

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The AWA comes to TEXAS, and the Freebirds are leading the way.


dark match: Flying Yamada defends LW title over Mark Young - avg crowd and decent action despite fact these two did not click. Yamada Bomb for the win -- 37


Jerry Lawler fires up the crowd with a fiery speech about what he was going to do to Von Raschke - "You took the money that Gilbert, and the Midnight Express are offering. But you didn't get the job done. All you did was make me angry by stealing by crown. I will get back what is mine and leave you in the ashtray of life"

rating 81


Sgt Slaughter vs Steve Simpson

The girls in the audience squeal in delight at seeing Simpson. They were in tears at the end when Sarge locks on the Cobra Clutch and puts the youngster out. Lack of chemistry between the two hurt the match; however, there was great heat and good action to entertain the fans

Rating: 60


Michael Hayes is seen begging Terry Gordy in the back - "please you got to listen to me bam bam. I've got my head on straight tonight. We're going to win our tag titles back". Gordy listened intently "You better have your A game tonight, is all I have to say"

rating 55

Magnum Force (Hall-DJ Peterson) vs Doug Sommers and Eddie Gilbert

Both Sherri Martel and Paul E Dangerously made their presences felt at ringside in addition to Buddy Rose and they really riled up the crowd. Result - good crowd and decent action. DJ for some reason received a negative crowd reaction. Both he and Hall had some negative motivation in the match as well (as did Sommers). They had eyes in the back of their head though and were able to overcome the odds - Hall pins Sommers with the Razor's Edge at 15:03. They seemed primed and ready for their showdown with the Cobra Corps

Rating: 55


Sgt Slaughter and GI Jack were seen watching the match - Sarge says they are ready for these two goons and will teach them a lesson Cobra Corps style at the Battle by the bay (GI Jack is learning new skills)

Rating 56


Adrian Adonis vs Ricky Rice

Adonis got a little work-out to prepare for his upcoming match against Wahoo. He makes short work of young Rice - Adorable Dog for the win (good crowd, decent action)

Rating: 59


The Spoiler vs Shawn Michaels

The legendary Spoiler walked the top ropes (a move he has been teaching the young Mark Callous aka Texas Red) - Spoiler was a tad off his game tonight and that cost him against the young up and comer. A good crowd cheered Shawn on to a good match. As Spoiler gloats to the crowd, Shawn connects with a Super Kick to pin the masked man and advance to round 3 of the Rock America Tournament.

Rating: 59



Nick Bockwinkle & Wahoo McDaniel vs The Freebirds (Hayes-Gordy)

FANTASTIC CROWD saw a GREAT wrestling match here. It was fought all over the building. At first Gordy seemed reluctant to tag in and the crowd egged him on to just punch Hayes. But as he watches Hayes fighting for his life against the world tag champs, instincts seemed to kick in - Gordy tagged in and cleaned house. He sent Nick and Wahoo both flying with his hard charging clotheslines. Then he tagged Hayes back in. Michael seemed to have new life after seeing that his partner was truly by his side. Then the unexpected - a mystery man jumped the rail and clobbers Hayes with a chair!! The ref saw none of it - Bockwinkle picks up the hapless Hayes in the Singapore Sleeper and that's all she wrote.

Rating: 66


Terry Gordy reveals the mystery man as his new partner "This is what loyalty and friendship is all about Michael Hayes. This is the only man I can really trust. Buddy Jack Roberts is the true Freebird and you're nothing more than a yellow livered scum dog" Roberts and Gordy put the boots to Hayes



Jerry Lawler vs Der Kaiser Von Raschke

Lawler teased the fireball a couple times early in the match sending Von Rashke scampering. Great heat in this match and another great show for the crowd on hand. Both men attempted to climb the pole to get the crown and be named the true king of wrestling. Chaos breaks out as the Midnight Express try to interfere - The Cobra Corps also come down. Major attempt to collect the bounty on Lawler!!! Magnum Force, Steve Simpson, Shawn Michaels are able to make the save and get Lawler to safety. The match is thrown out with no winner announced. The fans did not seem to care

Match Rating: 76


As the show ends, Arnold Schwartzenagger makes a cameo appearance to remind the fans to buy the upcoming PPV - Battle by the Bay. "it will be your last chance to see that girly man Scott Steiner in the ring. I'm going to break him in half, then I'm going to enjoy watching Leon White end the career of that no good Nick Bockwinkle"

Rating: 79


Overall show rating: 65 Of course some angles don't keep up with the action we saw in the ring, but this show will help boost our popularity in the Mid-South (loss of $8,000 on the show - could be hard to make up, but could be worth it)

While Michael Hayes may leave us slightly more popular across the country than when he came to the AWA a few months ago, the last couple weeks dropped him from a 66 in Texas to 48, and he is longer the instant star he was as the height of his AWA tag title reign for us.

Buddy Roberts jumps in with a 58 momentum and will fill Haye's slot with Gordy in upcoming signed matches including vs The Rockers at Battle by the Bay


I'll be posting the card for Battle by The Bay very soon

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http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictures/10/gulastojojarrettfargo.jpg GEORGE GULAS http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/pictures/g/georgegulas/01.jpg

Last time we profiled one of the greatest territory wrestlers of all time. This time, we profile quite frankly one of the worst!


George Gulas, the son of legendary Southern promoter Nick Gulas - seen in this video talking to Robert Fuller (the future Col. Parker in WCW) about his former partner Jerry Jarrett. This video shows just how great 2nd (Jeff Jarrett and Jimmy Golden) and 3rd generation (Robert Fuller) wrestlers can become stars the right way (unlike Erik Watts or George Gulas)

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PGKzgh1K_fw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


The veteran promoter insisted pushing his almost immediately as a top babyface. Just one problem: George was not a great athlete, and had very little ability in the ring and zero charisma. Nonetheless, George usually triumphed over the heels of the day around the area, although initially Nick tried to hide his boy in six-man tags with legends Jackie Fargo and Tojo Yamamoto. History would be made when Nick's business partner, Jerry Jarrett refused to book the inferior George Gulas on the western end of their territory - they ended up splitting up. A Young wrestler named Jerry Lawler would follow Jarrett to Memphis and would become a true legend.


"Why in the world would they stoop so low as to tear my pants"


In addition to teaming with men like Tojo Yammamoto (seen below) George formed a team called The Jet Set with an up and coming star named Bobby Eaton. Let's just say that Gulas was not in the same league as Stan Lane (Bobby's Midnight Express partner)


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="

http://www.youtube.com/embed/PWSgdbqWmhQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

part 2



In his book, King of the Ring, Harley Race explained that after he carried*the bum*to a decent bout for the biggest prize in the sport, George actually had the confidence to confront his antagonists at ringside. A scuffle broke out, and*Race ended up punching fan who got in George’s face, seemingly illustrating to the fans that Gulas’s*son had earned his respect. When he returned to the dressing room, Race was surprised when Nick (a notorious tightwad) forked over $300, saying, “You made my boy!” Weeks later, when Race received his check, he noticed that Nick had simply deducted the $300 from his usual fee.


what will the future for George Gulas? Well, his best path might be to follow his father's footsteps to become a promoter (as you will see in this clip, he did not have his father Nicks gift of gab)


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FqYx1yIDsLo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/r7hOvaz2pt0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


But for now, can the AWA and Arnold do what even George's father, the legendary Nick Gulas, could not and turn George into a true superstar that will be known the world over? Can George Gulas help save the AWA and sport of wrestling from being taken over by the growing super power WWF?

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Oldschool" data-cite="Oldschool" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Really enjoy these.... There's a reason I picked my username to be "Oldschool"</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> thanks! And you will really enjoy the next installment. It will be someone that most everyone here will know.....but maybe not know that much about (just a little teaser).</p><p> </p><p> Someone PM'ed about George Gulas and how bad he is, so why waste time bringing him in. My thought is "why not?" Too many diaries only use the same wrestlers, going out to sign the top stars who they know will excel in the game (CV or RW, same names pop up a lot). So I like to go against the grain a little. It may backfire (especially in this case), but could provide some fun moments for us.</p><p> </p><p> In your diary, you often give low midcarders a little push. Never know where it might go, and that's all part of the fun</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="olympia" data-cite="olympia" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>thanks! And you will really enjoy the next installment. It will be someone that most everyone here will know.....but maybe not know that much about (just a little teaser).<p> </p><p> Someone PM'ed about George Gulas and how bad he is, so why waste time bringing him in. My thought is "why not?" Too many diaries only use the same wrestlers, going out to sign the top stars who they know will excel in the game (CV or RW, same names pop up a lot). So I like to go against the grain a little. It may backfire (especially in this case), but could provide some fun moments for us.</p><p> </p><p> In your diary, you often give low midcarders a little push. Never know where it might go, and that's all part of the fun</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> I like seeing the no-name making their mark in TEW. That is why we love this game, not because we can use to same wrestlers over and over but change history with the guys who never got the chance to big superstars. If it is done right and wrestlers could be in the main event scene.</p>
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With a couple tv shows left to hype up the Supercard, it's time to present the entire card for your thoughts and feedback:




From the historic Cow Palace in San Francisco CA





Round 3 Rock America Match for all the marbles!

Snuka has done quite well since winning the title from Nick Bockwinkle with an impressive win over rival Buddy Rose at Super Clash. Murdoch is a different animal though. Dirty Dick tricked Verne Gagne into the match, pulling a double cross when Gagne thought he was signing Murdoch and Adonis to a grudge tag match against the Freebirds, Murdoch substituted a contract giving him a world title shot instead!! Snuka vows revenge for his mentor. Murdoch vows he will become world champion just like his former Outlaw partner Dusty Rhodes.

Heat on the match improved from 59 to 69




Round 3 Rock America Match -- the winner advances and the loser leaves town!!

This feud has raged since White attacked Nick with a chair during his SUPER CLASH match with Arnold Schwarzenegger. The war of words has intensified over the weeks to the point Sheik Adnan added the stipulation that both men will put their careers on the line - if his man the 387 pound Baby Bull does not defeat Bockwinkle he will be gone from the AWA! If Bockwinkle does not win, he has stated publically he will simply retire from the sport at the end of the month!! That comment did not sit well with Wahoo McDaniel who along with Nick are the AWA tag team champions but he understands and will support his partner. When the dust settles, only one man will be left standing.

Heat: improve from 54 to 63



Michael Hayes may be gone, but Terry Gordy has found Buddy Jack Roberts to ensure this match goes on as scheduled. It won't be a rematch for the tag titles as originally planned but that won't deter the Rockers from seeking some revenge. On the other hand, Gordy will want to prove the Birds won't miss Hayes and will be back bigger and better than ever. Who emerge as the dominant tag team of the AWA?

HEAT MAP: raised from 41 to 54 during the heyday of the Freebird title reign, but plummets to 39 when Roberts replaces Hayes. Maybe they can get something cooking on tv this weekend to get some excitement going for this match again.




Stevens is coming home to the COW PALACE, a building he sold out a record number of times in his hey day. The Cow Palace is called the "House that Ray Stevens built". It was here that Stevens defeated WWF Champion Bruno Sammartino in 1967 and won countless titles. In 1972, he broke the leg of Dr X to earn the nickname "Crippler". During his match against Arnold Schwarzenegger at the April Super show, Rip Oliver interfered costing Stevens the match. A Piledriver on the concrete put Ray out of action a couple months and now he is back for revenge in front of his home town crowd. Will it be enough for the aging veteran to overcome one of the top stars in the world today in Pacific Northwest champion Rip Oliver. Both men would like to make this a stretcher match if the PPV censors will allow.

Heat: from 38 to 48.



Rock America - round 3 match

Another match brought about by the Gagne double-cross. Wahoo McDaniel will take matters into his own hands to avenge Verne Gagne, a man he holds in high respect. No titles on the line here - only pride, revenge, and a chance to advance in the RA tournament.

heat has stayed steady at 57


Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Scott Steiner

Arnold wants to create a new super stud stable in the AWA called the Gun Club and approached Steiner to get in on the ground floor as the first official member. Steiner declined and the war of words and attacks have led to this showdown. Will young Steiner be able to defeat the movie mogul and improve his stock, or will Arnold get his revenge for the snub?

Heat: from 51 to 66



Sgt Slaughter and GI Jack take on the team of Scott Hall & DJ Peterson. Magnum Force have become a thorn in Slaughter's side, preventing him from collecting the bounty on Jerry Lawler a couple of times. The winner of this match will certainally move the tag team rankings while the loser regroups. Also a precursor to the Sgt Slaughter vs Big Scott Hall round 3 match-up in Rock America.

Heat: from 36 to 60!! The biggest mover of them all




Legendary Kung Fu star Bruce Lee was born here in San Francisco - it is also where he trained others in the martial arts. His last pupil is a man they call the Last Dragon....ala Ultimo Dragon. That man will step into the squared circle to battle for the LW title in honor of his Master. Yamada will be in for the fight of his life especially after the beating he took on tv (spoiler alert since that show hasn't aired yet).



Both men have been on a roll lately. A chance here to see which one moves into title contention and which one slides back down the ladder. "Good Neighbor' Greg Gagne and his "Good hands Sleeper" says he can beat any man in 15 minutes or less. Spoiler is more than ready to answer that challenge.

Heat from 32 to 37 as most fans don't seem to really care.


6-man war

Jerry Lawler, Jerry Blackwell and a mystery partner vs The Midnight Express (Condry, Randy Rose, and Norvell Austin)

Last month, Lawler defeated Austin in a hair vs hair match which prompted Norvell to place a bounty on Lawler's head. With the odds of 3 on 1 always against him, the crownless King has called on a couple friends to help him out. In previous matches we have seen friends like Von Raschke turn on Lawler in an effort to collect the bounty. Can Lawler really depend on his allies or will he have to keep one eye on them as well?

Heat: from 38 to 52.


match between Buddy Rose and Kerry Von Erich was scrapped when Kerry bolted for the WWF. We'd like to find Rose a replacement match. Also expect to see Der Kaiser Von Raschke in action on the undercard. But for now, I think these 10 matches are plenty to pick from -- the fun part is the outcome for about half of them are up in the air as to the winner, so your thoughts and ideas will play a big part in how this show (and future of AWA) shapes up.


The overall heat went from 44.8 to 54.5 so far (D to C-). If Hayes had not left and lost all the heat on Freebird-Rocker match, heat would have been 56.6

Not sure if this stat appeals to anyone. For me, I liked watching how my efforts to hype the show helped (and in some weeks hurt) the heat. And overall, want to track to see how heat for a show might impact attendance, etc.


Prediction key

Snuka vs Murdoch

Nick Bockwinkle vs Leon White

Midnight Rockers vs Freebirds

Ray Stevens vs Rip Oliver

Wahoo McDaniel vs Adrian Adonis

Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Scott Steiner

Magnum Force vs Cobra Corps

Yamada vs Ultimo Dragon

Greg Gagne vs Spoiler

Kings Army vs Midnight Express

Best Match of the Night = ?

Worst match of the night =?


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Snuka vs Murdoch


I just do not see Dick Murdoch as AWA Championship material, maybe it is because I saw him as a midcarder towards the end of his career but it just seems to be the case.


Nick Bockwinkle vs Leon White


This is a tough one, perhaps the toughest one on the card to pick when the stipulation comes into play. Part of me is saying that Bockinkle is retiring in game and so I should pick Vader. The other part of me is saying, what if Vader is going to Japan and thus leaving the AWA. In the end I have to go with Nick.


Midnight Rockers vs Freebirds


I hate the Rockers so I would pick any version of the Birds to get the win here.


Ray Stevens vs Rip Oliver


I am going with youth in this match.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Adrian Adonis


Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Scott Steiner


I am just not sure that Scott has the overness or the stats to beat Arnold yet.


Magnum Force vs Cobra Corps


This match boils down to GI Jack vs. DJ Peterson as the Sarge and Gator Man cancel each other out. I think DJ might be more over than Jack so that is what I am basing my decision on.


Yamada vs Ultimo Dragon


Greg Gagne vs Spoiler


Strictly because his father owns the company.


Kings Army vs Midnight Express


I think the King's team has to win here, I am not a huge fan of the original Express (thought the Eaton/Lane version was the best). I think Blackwell and the mystery partner will stay loyal to the King and this will be a feel good win here.


Best Match of the Night = Nick Bockwinkle vs Leon White


Worst match of the night = It is either going to be the Steiner/Arnold match or the Gagne match. I will go with Steiner/Arnold match.

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Prediction key

Snuka vs Murdoch

Too early into Snuka's title reign to drop title yet...Although Murdoch would make a great AWA champ


Nick Bockwinkle vs Leon White

Me thinks, Bockwinkle is leaving or retiring and he's going to make White a superstar on his way out


Midnight Rockers vs Freebirds

Buddy Jack and Bam Bam need to re-build up some momentum for the Freebirds


Ray Stevens vs Rip Oliver

IN SF, no way Stevens loses


Wahoo McDaniel vs Adrian Adonis

A bit of an upset in my book here.... I think you could do worse things than putting over Adonis


Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Scott Steiner

Arnold is a mega star... No point of bringing him in to do jobs


Magnum Force vs Cobra Corps

Think Slaughter takes the W here, but Hall gets him back in singles action


Yamada vs Ultimo Dragon

Liger all the way


Greg Gagne vs Spoiler

He is Verne's son.... Spoiler makes Gagne look really good


Kings Army vs Midnight Express

Because they have a mystery partner on their team


Best Match of the Night = Wahoo vs Adonis

Worst match of the night = Magnum Force vs Cobra Corps

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Snuka vs Murdoch

Snuka isn't dropping the title yet.


Nick Bockwinkle vs Leon White

I think this is more out of hope, because Leon White leaving would suck.


Midnight Rockers vs Freebirds

Keeping the belts on the Freebirds will probably help you more as you expand into the Mid-South.


Ray Stevens vs Rip Oliver

If it wasn't in the Cow Palace I'd say Oliver, but I can't pick against Stevens here.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Adrian Adonis

Adonis going over wouldn't be the worst thing I've ever seen, but Wahoo was often good at getting his vengeance.


Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Scott Steiner

Arnold goes over and I can see Steiner joining him in the Gun Club afterwards.


Magnum Force vs Cobra Corps

DJ Peterson is probably the weak link here, even though he is pushable.


Yamada vs Ultimo Dragon

Boy, Dragon has to be real young here. (As is Yamada, really) but I dont see a change here, at least not with what I've seen thus far.


Greg Gagne vs Spoiler

He's Verne's son. Of course he wins.


Kings Army vs Midnight Express

I'm thinking Lawler brings in an old friend from Memphis, more likely Bill Dundee


Best Match of the Night = If the mystery partner is Dundee, Kings vs. Express. If not, Stevens vs. Oliver

Worst match of the night = I fear Arnold/Steiner is gonna be a stinker. Gonna need a good agent scripting that one.

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Snuka vs Murdoch

Agree pretty much with all comments made before me here - too early for Snuka to drop and there's not been a big enough build for Murdoch as a legitimite threat. This is a placeholder bout for me and I expect the next Snuka challenge to be more formidible.


Nick Bockwinkle vs Leon White

Which brings us neatly here... This is a total coin flip, either Bockwinkle's hanging up his boots or Leon is off to Japan... either one is a big blow because Leon White vs Snuka would be a great main event feud. Something tells me I'm wrong here but I'm going with a Leon White win to propel him straight into the main event.


Midnight Rockers vs Freebirds

The Freebirds need to get a little heat back after a couple of high profile losses and I suspect The Rockers will be getting involved with the North-South Connection shortly... so I'm going for a draw.


Ray Stevens vs Rip Oliver

Unless you've gone all Vince McMahon on us here, I can't see Stevens dropping this one.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Adrian Adonis

If nothing else to set-up a tag match between North-South and Wahoo/Bockwinkle and a passing of the torch.


Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Scott Steiner

Ahnold goes over big time and, again, a lot of this hinges on what Vader is doing. If he's going then Steiner is joining the Club tonight, if not this will be teased out a bit longer with perhaps a villanous turn on Wahoo or Snuka?


Magnum Force vs Cobra Corps

A win for Magnum Force makes them tag contenders and if I'm right about Bock, eitheer the Freebirds or the North/South are taking those belts. Sarge doesn't need the Tag belts and gives you options for Snuka.


Yamada vs Ultimo Dragon

A great match for the purists but whether it's what the AWA loyal want to see just now is another thing entirely!


Greg Gagne vs Spoiler

I really want to see Greg on a losing streak before snapping in to full on psycho heel mode!


Kings Army vs Midnight Express

After the treachery of Der Kaiser in a recent match you're not going to go the same route again... although I've never bought Crusher as a face! It's going to be Gulas isn't it...


Best Match: Wahoo vs Adonis

Worst Match: Gagne vs Spoiler

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Prediction key

Snuka vs Murdoch

The reign of Snuka will live on.


Nick Bockwinkle vs Leon White

Vader needs to come out.


Midnight Rockers vs Freebirds

Freebirds in a tough match


Ray Stevens vs Rip Oliver

Stevens is to much a legen in SF to lose here


Wahoo McDaniel vs Adrian Adonis

Wahoo will not allow him to lose. Might be a draw though.


Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Scott Steiner

Steiner playing job fodder to Schwarzenegger


Magnum Force vs Cobra Corps

Heels win tag teams, face wins singles.


Yamada vs Ultimo Dragon


Greg Gagne vs Spoiler

Sorry Spolier owners son always gets the perks.


Kings Army vs Midnight Express

It's good to be the King


Best Match of the Night = Ray Stevens vs. Rip Oliver


Worst match of the night = Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Scott Steiner

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Snuka vs Murdoch

Nick Bockwinkle vs Leon White

Midnight Rockers vs Freebirds

Ray Stevens vs Rip Oliver

Wahoo McDaniel vs Adrian Adonis

Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Scott Steiner

Magnum Force vs Cobra Corps

Yamada vs Ultimo Dragon

Greg Gagne vs Spoiler

Kings Army vs Midnight Express

Best Match of the Night = Snuna vs Murdoch

Worst match of the night =Greg Gagne vs Spoiler

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interesting as I charted out the picks so far and seeing which matches were the most "hotly contested"


No one sees Dick Murdoch becoming AWA world champion. Very few (1) give Rip Oliver, Scott Steiner, Spoiler or Midnight Express a chance in their match. Chances are at least one of those five could be a surprise? Or maybe we just give the fans what they want (I'm not a fan of trying to swerve everyone just for the sake of shock value - there has to be a purpose behind it - and there just might be)


4 people see Nick Bockwinkle retiring. Two expect Leon White to end up in Japan at the end of the month. Either way, we should be in store for a fantiastic match. Some of you know my background and I expect you will appreciate how this plays out.


the 2 matches that are evenly split 50-50:

Wahoo McDaniel vs Adrian Adonis

Magnum Force vs Cobra Corps.


I'm glad we have some split decisions going on. Should make for an interesting card. Both of these truly could go either way


Just an update on the roster as I was doing some research:

we have 6 guys who are the Time Decline and contemplating Retirement!!! Nick Bockwinkle, Wahoo McDaniel, and Masa Saito are all 15+ years past their prime so that's to be expected. I was a little shocked to see Dennis Condrey (11), Spoiler (9), and Greg Gagne (7). So now I'm faced the dubious task of getting Greg Gagne's momentum up to 71 and at the same time just waiting for him to tell me that he's done (without a chance to pass the torch and give some of that back).

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All-Star Wrestling

sell out crowd of 850 in Great Lakes


In the dark match, Jerry Blackwell beat Soldat Ustinov

solid action, but no heat. Jerry was dominant in beating the Russian (who has poor pysch and the crowd hates him). 6:16 splash (rating 34)


Jerry Lawler fires up the crowd when he comes out to hype his battle by the bay against the Midnight Express. "They may have put the bounty on my head, but at Battle by the Bay, they'll be the ones who pay!" (rating 77)



Yamada vs Scott Peterson

Flying Yamada defends the LW title on All-Star tv - Peterson had a negative crowd reaction who were glad when The Yamada Bomb finished him off.

rating 41


Lawler-Gulas vs Sabu-Ratamyus (w/ Sheik Adnan)


solid action but no heat. Once again the crowd was not happy to see Gulas, but Lawler looked excellent and helped carry the match. Gulas gets the win by putting Sabu to sleep at 7:51

Rating: 47


Eddie Gilbert vs John Paul

Fireball makes quick work of the young gun. (rating 33)


Terry Gordy vs Scott Steiner

very entertaining Rock America match - Terry Gordy advances - after Arnold attacks Steiner on the floor, Gordy delivers the Freebird Powerbomb for the pin

rating - 63


Gordy tries to hype the upcoming Freebird vs Midnight Rocker match. He's not quite as persuavise as Hayes was on the mic. (rating 48)


Main event: Adrian Adonis vs DJ Peterson

Rock America 2nd round match - solid action and average heat - Adonis and Peterson have good chemistry which lifted the match. Adonis came out looking really good and scores the win with the Adorable Dog at 12:58

rating - 67


Total show rating: 58 (about par for the course for the All Star show)


In other news:

in other news, Road Warrior Hawk was injured in a match against Rowdy Roddy Piper in New Japan (expects to be out a month with an injured eye). Tatsumi Fujinami defeats Fujiwari to become new IWGP champ

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I have started reading this as like several of you also reading I am a huge fan of the older school generation. Most names are vary familiar to me since I am a PNW guy and also have seen many of the ESPN and AWA shows back in the day(and even some recently on classic). I have often wanted to do a diary on the AWA before they went caput, but I am working on an "alternate history" dynasty starting in late 82. Anyway great job on the diary. I love the way you have put together the matches and built up to the matches. Gary Hart would be proud. Onto the matches


Prediction key

Snuka vs Murdoch

While I appreciate the swerve that got Murdoch the title match, he hasn't been around much to build much heat or momentum in the AWA and I don't see him winning the belt.



Nick Bockwinkle vs Leon White

Something tells me Leon might be WWF bound


Midnight Rockers vs Freebirds

Well I always loved da Birds and hated to see Hayes leave to the WWF. Buddy Jack is past his prime and the Rockers have another run in them.


Ray Stevens vs Rip Oliver

Being a fan of PNW I would love to see the PNW Crippler prevail but probably not in San Fran.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Adrian Adonis

I see a screw job finish here. Double DQ or CO no winner



Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Scott Steiner

I actually love this with Arnold. Steiner is the future, but Arnie needs some sort of in ring rub at a big event to give him momentum as I am fairly sure you are not done with him yet.


Magnum Force vs Cobra Corps

Never was a DJ Peterson fan. Sgt continues to get the push unless he leaves as he has to be one that can be a top title contender. Seeing Cactus as GI Jack is a riot.



Yamada vs Ultimo Dragon

Going with the LW champ



Greg Gagne vs Spoiler

You almost have Gagne up to what daddy wants in just several short months. I would like to pick Spoiler here as I always liked a good mask man and he was one of the best. But I will go against my heart and use my head.


King's Army vs Midnight Express

Gawd Gulas was awful. Not even the King can carry that stiff.



Best Match of the Night = Well I would normally say any match with Nick Bockwinkle is the top contender but I guess that I will take Murdoch vs Snuka

Worst match of the night = Yamda vs Ultimo just because no ones knows them

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Action packed show 1 week before the Battle by the Bay PPV

quite a few Rock America Round 2 matches and the main event:

Greg Gagne challenges Mr Saito for the TV TITLE!!!


Preshow saw one dark match and some promos cut for commercials to hype the upcoming supershow:

Jerry Lawler and Jerry Blackwell stand together and introduce their partner for the 6man match against Midnight Express - Lawler reveals that yes, it will be George Gulas on his team and time for him to make his daddy proud

(tried to get Dundee and Idol but both refused).

live show opens:

Sgt Slaughter kicks things off and ridicules the city of San Francisco - home of hippies and flower children, if anyone can produce one real man that lives there "I'll eat my hat". The mayor of nearby Carmel-by-the-sea and man born there, Clint Eastwood strolls out and hands Sarge a shaker of salt. "Go ahead - make my day!"

Sarge glares after Eastwood then heads to the ring for his opening match for the Rock America Round 2


Slaughter vs Steve O

great match and average heat. Sarge looked really good out there and carried this opener to excite the crowd. Seems like Clint Eastwood may have fired up Slaughter to a new level!! Cobra Clutch in 8:05 as Sarge yells "this is you Hall….this is you Peterson"

rating: 73


Next Lee Marshall tells the fans the match he is most looking forward to is the tag team war between two former tagteam champions -The Midnight Rockers and the new improved Fabulous Freebirds

'The Freebirds are the talk of the entire country. First Hayes and Gordy attack the owner of the AWA Verne Gagne. This led to them losing the tag titles to the team of Nick Bockwinkle and Wahoo McDaniel - and the eventual departure of Michael Hayes. The violent break up of the Freebirds seemed to cool for a moment as they teamed one last time for a rematch - but Gordy had set the trap and he yes he did reform the Freebirds as he promised, but it was Buddy Jack Roberts. Roberts proceeded to vanquish Hayes to parts unknown. This unfolding storyline has captured the imagination of the nation.

That's just one half of the backdrop for this match though - you see team team the Freebirds beat for the tag titles was the Midnight Rockers in a 3 team showdown. Jannetty and Michaels had hoped this match would be the rematch where they would regain their belts; instead it is a collision of the last two teams to hold the gold. The winner will certainally be in line as the #1 contender to face the current champions.

Fans, you don't want to miss this match -- it will be a "Knockdown Dragout Rock and Roll Party in the street" (60)


Norvell Austin interrupts to tell Lee Marshall that he just needs to pay attention to the Midnight Express. "we will end the career of Jerry Lawler once and for all -- with my longtime partners Dennis Condrey and Randy Rose by my side, our experience will easily be enough to defeat Lawler and the two clowns he found to help him. We will collect the bounty" (70)


RA round 2 match - GI Jack vs Mike Miller

solid action but not as exciting as the first one of the night. GI Jack scores the win in this battle of underdogs with double arm DDT and advances to round 3 (44)


Nick Bockwinkle comes out to say a few words before his TV match, but is quickly attacked by Leon White!! White and Shiek Adnan pound Nick into the concrete and beat him bloody!! (69)


announcers now ponder whether Nick will be in any shape to face Leon White next week at the battle by the bay (77)


R&R Buck Zumhoffe vs Playboy Buddy Rose

Rose and Zumhoffe exhibit good chemistry in the ring and deliver a good match (imagine if they could garner a little heat). Las Vegas Jackpot advances Rose to round 3

rating: 64


Sheik Adnan and Leon White taunt Bockwinkle. "that's right - just forfeit!!! Retire gracefully and slip away into the night" (73)

Nick Bockwinkle vs Leon White loser leaves town vs retirement stipulation is hyped once again by the announce team (82)


Rock America Round 2 - LEON WHITE vs FLYING YAMADA

LW title is not on the line of course. A bloody and bandaged Bockwinkle tried to get at White, but was held back. White powerbombs the smaller Yamada for the win in 6:52. For good measure, White picks up the champ and powerbombs him again - pointing out to Bockwinkle to let him know that he is next! "What time is it? It's time to retire old man!!"

rating 62


VIDEO: "40 years ago in San Franicso, a legend was born. Bruce Lee was born in the both the hour and the year of The Dragon. Lee had a storied martial arts and acting career. Part of his legacy is the men he instructed over the year - men like Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Chuck Norris. Next Sunday night, we will see the last man trained by Lee, a man that is known as The Last Dragon....Ultimo Drago will challenge Flying Yamda for the LW title


Crippler Ray Stevens vs Cocoa Samoa

round 2 RA match - Crippler looked sharp, good action, average heat. Bombs Away sends Crippler to round 3


Wahoo McDaniel vs Norvel Austin w/ Paul E Dangerously

good 2nd round match - however, both men were off their game, possibly looking ahead to matches at the PPV. Austin especially has a lot at stake as he wants to get revenge for his head shaving and wants to collect his own bounty on Lawler. Wahoo certainally has a lot on his mind too knowing that his World tag team champion partner Nick Bockwinkle has put his career on the line. Wahoo advances with Tomahawk chops

rating: 60


Nick Bockwinkle comes out to join his partner Wahoo McDaniel at ringside. he grabs the mic to say a few words to Leon White - "I've made a career of beating beating big men like you Leon White. Just ask Otto Wanz, The Crusher, Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan, Bruiser Brody, Stan Hansen, or Jerry Blackwell what its like to wrestle against me. I'll run you out of the AWA once and for all - and if I can't beat you then it truly is time for me to retire. You wanted Loser leave town, well I have one little stipulation of my own. Seeing as how Sheik Adnan sticks his nose into everything and how you guys run in packs. I want to make sure there will be no interference - I want the match inside a steel cage!" Tagteam partner Wahoo McDaniel stands by his side and they hug after - Wahoo knows the time is running out for both of them and wishes his partner well....and adds that he will be ready for his Round 3 opponent Adrian Adonis at the Battle by the Bay as well.

rating: 78


Rock America - round 2 match -Big Scott Hall vs Col. Debeers

Hall drops Debeers with the Edge to advance in a match with good action

poor 59 rating



Mr SAITO defends vs GREG GAGNE

This match has been building for a while. It started when Curt Henning challenged Saito for the belt, wanting to bring credibility back to the tv wrestling fans. Saito injured Henning in that match and he has been of action ever since - so his tagteam partner and long time friend Greg Gagne stepped up and entered the fray,

Good action in the tv main event - Saito used his judo and nerve holds to keep Gagne at bay. As Greg mounted his comeback, The Spoiler ran in to get involved (Lee Marshall marks out on color commentary "what's Spoiler's relationship with Saito? What is he doing here?) - Verne Gagne comes to his son's aid and shoves Spoiler into Saito! As they bump heads effectively knocking both men out, Spoier falls to the floor where Verne keeps him at bay, Greg takes advantage and locks on the "Good Hands Sleeper"!!! Fans rise to their feet and Saito's hand drops for the 3rd time and we have a new TV champion!

Match Rating: 69


the show goes off the air with a short video to showcase some of the biggest matches at Battle by the Bay - Lawler vs Midnight Express, Bockwinkle vs White, Snuka vs Murdoch (67)





Post show thoughts:

I had thought this was PPV Eve and went into overdrive to get some last minute push for some of the matches. It worked as we popped 3 heat points (58.5). The top match now as expected is Leon White vs Nick Bockwinkle - Loser Leaves AWA, inside a steel cage. 70 heat (started at 54)

Lawler's Army vs Midnight Express jumped from 38 to 68 and is now the 2nd most talked about match (ahead of the world title match!) Spoiler vs Gagne got a nice jump here too - quite proud of that one. With another week to go, maybe we can get above 60. We need all the help we can get to fill the cavernous Cow Palace. Quite possible we'll draw as "well" as the AWA did for real at Super Clash with about half full.

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I have started reading this as like several of you also reading I am a huge fan of the older school generation. Most names are vary familiar to me since I am a PNW guy and also have seen many of the ESPN and AWA shows back in the day(and even some recently on classic). I have often wanted to do a diary on the AWA before they went caput, but I am working on an "alternate history" dynasty starting in late 82. Anyway great job on the diary. I love the way you have put together the matches and built up to the matches. Gary Hart would be proud. Onto the matches


Worst match of the night = Yamda vs Ultimo just because no ones knows them


welcome aboard and thanks for the thoughts. I'm learning the game as I go, but trying to build a few top line storys over time (rather than the match of the month PPV's we so often see today). Some do get a little rushed for various reasons (like Hayes bolting in the middle of the Freebird build-up). Murdoch just happens to be Snuka's 3rd round Rock America opponent, so I added the swerve to make it a title match. Whoever the winner faces in round 4 and beyond will be non-title.


you are correct about Arnold. Though I want to transition him more to a manager role (fans love him, but he gets a negative reaction when in the ring), I have something big planned for him before its all said and done.

Greg Gagne's momentum jumped to 74 when he won the tv title from Saito!! So he did surpass the mark his daddy wanted. Now if I can just find a way to maintain that. and yes Gulas was a stiff -- which actually kind of makes it a fun extra challenge to get him over just a little bit -- you'll be happy to know his momentum has skyrocketed to 34 (from 22) while his popularity has gone nowhere. It's early though. I don't see Ray Stevens as the Bret Hart type that would insist on winning in his home area. Much like Lawler (Memphis) or Flair (Carolinas), he will do what's right for the business -- in this case what's right may mean he beats the sap out of Oliver and demand to be the only Crippler in the AWA (or to put over the PNW champ - we'll find out next Sunday)

Yamada's US popularity has almost doubled since winning the LW title (from 17) - while it should be an high-flying and action packed match, you are correct that many fans will use it as an excuse to get more popcorn and beer.


on the next tv show, I want to do the bit where several wrestlers are interviewed for their thoughts on the Bockwinkle vs White match to see who they think will be the one that leaves the AWA> seemed right considering the magnitude of the match. In fact, if anyone wants to take on the role of one of the wrestlers, managers, etc and weigh in on the match with thoughts from that person's perspective that could be fun - feel free to post your segment

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The first man interviewed for his perspective on the upcoming Loser Leave Town match was not exactly impartial - The Crippler Ray Stevens:


Ray: First off, let me say it's going to be great going home to the fabulous Cow Palace one more time, and getting a chance to teach that punk Rip Oliver a thing or two about respect and learn why I'm the only true Crippler in this business. But there's another man who will be having a homecoming of sorts at the BATTLE BY THE BAY - Nick Bockwinkle also got his start on the west coast. Sunday night, he will be in for the fight of his life though. His career on the line against a man as big as the Rocky Mountains in Bull Power Leon White. You know Lee, I have run the road with Nick for many years. When we teamed up we fought the best of the best - men like the Blackjacks, Dick the Bruiser and the Crusher. I can tell you that Nick is just a little apprehensive about facing a man like White - a former football player than can hit like a ton of bricks. Nick is staying up late devising his strategy, and mark my words if any man can find a way to chop down this young man-beast, it is Tricky Nick Bockwinkle. My best advice to Leon White is to start learning a new language because he's about to be sent packing - Ciao, Sayronara, and Adios chump!


Ray is seen below standing beside his friend and former tag team partner




anyone is welcome to participate - step into character and have some fun with it, become the wrestling personality(ies) of your choice, and provide the answer to the question from their perspective:


Who do you see winning the match between Nick Bockwinkle and Leon White?

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The round 3 match-ups are set. We will see some of them at BATTLE BY THE BAY and others in the cards leading up (or right after). We fully expect Round 4 to be front and center at the July 4th Supercard

Despite upsets along the way, all eight #1 and #2 seeds have survived so far. Which if any will find defeat in round 3?


Round 3 matches

#1 Superfly Snuka vs Dirty Dick Murdoch

#1 Nick Bockwinkle vs Leon White

#1 Playboy Buddy Rose vs Crippler Ray Stevens

#1 Slaughter vs Scott Hall

#2 Jerry Lawler vs GI Jack

#2 Mr Saito vs Shawn Michaels

#2 Wahoo McDaniel vs Adrian Adonis

#2 Greg Gagne vs Terry Gordy

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AWA makes a stop in Pine Bluff Arkansas

1678 attend (2,000 capacity)


Shiek Adnan El Kaissey cuts a promo in the back - "I'm sick and tired of my men being left out. Look at my Army and notice that none of them are included on the Battle by the Bay show. While that allows me to devote my full attention and resources to Leon White who will retire Nick Bockwinkle, it does not set well with my troops. Therefore on this nation's birthday - July 4th - I am issuing a challenge that Sheik Adnan's Army be allowed to challenge for every title in the AWA. It's time the AWA felt the full wrath of me and my men!! Sheik Adnan further hypes his indestrutable Russian team of Boris Zukov and Soldat Ustinov. "The World tag champs are ducking us. We are tonight, but where are they? Nick Bockwinkle will be retiring soon and you are looking at the new World champs.

Rating: 63


Sgt Slaughter and GI Jack vs Sonny Rogers and Jake Milliman

Sarge carried the match to a 46 rating. Without him, it would have been complete bomb. Cobra Clutch puts away Jake



Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers interview with Lee Marshall saying Greg Gagne is a pathetic excuse for a television champion. "Just look at how out of shape he is unlike the Pretty boy or the Playboy" We want are demanding that he put that title up so that a real man can represent the AWA on TV and make everyone proud (44)


Rock America Round 3 match

Mr Saito vs Shawn Michaels

Rock America round 3 match -- Shawn advanced to the Sweet 16 with an upset win over The Spoiler. Saito had beaten Shawn's partner Jannety in round 2 and expected much the same here. Shawn proved to be just a little tougher as he lands the Super Kick and takes out the former TV champ at 22:08. The crowd was really getting behind Shawn.

Rating: 64


PYT Norvell Austin vs Steve Simpson

good crowd, decent action. Rating flops. The Pretty Young Thing, (Norvell) is sporting a rose colored mask to hide the fact he was shaved bald by Lawler a few weeks ago. Austin scores the win in 8:27

Simpson does not click with Austin -- just a couple days after being hyped as the next big star in the AWA, Steve Simpson is let go at the end of the show (loan expired)

rating: 39


After the match, Norvell Austin is joined by Eddie Gilbert and Ratamyus - Austin reminds them the business is unfinished if they want to collect the rest of the bounty. "You have a small downpayment, but if you want the full amount, then end the career of Jerry Lawler. Gilbert has his chance tonight in the main event. (51)


Russians vs Top Guns

terrible wrestling match - Zukov finishes off Paul with a diving headbutt

If Sheik Adnan wants his Russians to become world champs, they better start turning in better matches! Rating 29


Lawler hyes the 6-man match on Sunday, He says he is looking over his shoulder at every turn - with guys like the Midnight Express and Sgt Slaughter trying to collect the bounty, he can't take any chances. Tonight, though mark my words. I will take care of Eddie Gilbert and finish him off for good. Then I can focus on Sunday night when I have all 3 of the Midnight Express in the ring at one time!



Rock and Roll Buck Zumhoffe vs Cocoa Samoa

Zumhoffe has been on decent roll of late. decent action. Cocoa wins by piledriver in 13:18. Samoa is rewarded for his efforts by getting a match against World champ Jimmy Snuka on TV saturday night!!! Sheik Adnan says its about time the powers that be started listening to his demands. This is a great start to a new era.

Rating 50


Terry Gordy vs Marty Jannetty

Gordy looked like a monster out there and Marty's attacks fell short. Gordy wins with Powerbomb and exclaims that the Freebirds will finish the job on Sunday. "The Midnight Rockers will meet their demise at the Battle by the Bay - it will truly be a Rock & Roll Party in the Street when the Freebirds clash with the Midnight Rockers!!

Rating: 65


Jerry Lawler vs Hotstuff Eddie Gilbert

fantastic crowd and great action in the ring!! Lawler and Gilbert have fought many wars in Memphis and picked up right where they left off here. Hotstuff used every trick he could think of trying to collect the bounty, but Lawler stayed one step ahead most of the match. Eddie pulls out a small chain, wraps it around his fist and opens up a nasty cut on Lawler's forehead. Jerry is able to block the next punch and a kick to the midsection sends the chain flying. Lawler pulls down the strap and begins firing with punches of his own. He finds the chain - wraps it around his fist with the delight of the crowd, he sends Gilbert flying. Covers and gets the pin at 29:33

Match Rating 82


For good measure after the match, Lawler picks Gilbert up for a piledriver on the concrete floor!!! He yells to Norvell Austin that one of his goons is down and Ratamyus is next. After I finish with him, it'll be just you and me.


Final Show Rating = 69

will help our popularity in the Midsouth (was just 39)


coming up this weekend on TV:

All-Star Wrestling main event - Greg Gagne defends the TV title against Doug Sommers w/ Buddy Rose. This will be the first time ever the AWA title is defended on this show!! (Saito had conflicts).


ESPN Championship Wrestling on ESPN - World champion Superfly Snuka takes on Cocoa Samoa. The champ refuses to back down from a challenge even it is one day away from his Battle by the Bay showdown with Dirty Dick Murdoch. To the happiness Sheik Adnan, another of men will get a title shot on TV as SABU will face Yamada for the LW title. Ultimo Dragon will be looking on to scout for a Yamada weakness.


Also, Jerry Lawler vs GI Jack in a Rock America round 3 match. Both Nick Bockwinkle and Leon White want to prove they are more than up for the challenge the other man puts up. Bockwinkle wants to show he can easily take down a big man as he faces Mean Mark Callous....meanwhile Baby Bull Leon White wants to prove he can destroy a skilled wrestler with his brute power as he gets in the ring with former Florida Champion Charlie Cook.

in other news, Jerry Blackwell bonded with the Original Sheik's nephew, Sabu in the lockerroom as they found out they shared a common bond - meditation.

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Really like the old school feel to this as I'm an old school fan who grew up with wrestling in the '80s and the AWA in particular. Used to frequently go to the Showboat (and on a couple of occasions the Rivera Hotel) to catch the monthly shows.


Keep up the good work. Some of the names you're using bring back lots of fond memories for me. Especially the man...Nick Bockwinkel (who I personally rank as my second fave wrestler of all-time behind Flair)!


Looking forward to the PPV!




Snuka over Murdoch

It would be surreal if Snuka was arrested for murder during the match! That's probably too Russo-ian for that era!


Bockwinkel over White


Midnight Rockers over Freebirds


Rip Oliver over Ray Stevens


Adrian Adonis over Wahoo McDaniel


Arnie over Young Scott Steiner


Cobra Corps over Magnum Force


Ultimo Dragon over Yamada


Spoiler over Verne's Son


Midnight Express over King's Army


Best match: Snuka vs. Murdoch (Both great workers!)

Worst Match: Spoiler vs. Verne's Son

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New here.


Really like the old school feel to this as I'm an old school fan who grew up with wrestling in the '80s and the AWA in particular. Used to frequently go to the Showboat (and on a couple of occasions the Rivera Hotel) to catch the monthly shows.


Keep up the good work. Some of the names you're using bring back lots of fond memories for me. Especially the man...Nick Bockwinkel (who I personally rank as my second fave wrestler of all-time behind Flair)!


Looking forward to the PPV!


thanks for the feedback! Since you grew up on the AWA, feel free to PM any ideas and suggestions. My influences were more Southern (TN, Mid-atlantic, GCW) so learning the AWA as I go and look forward to any insights you care to share. Bockwinkle was fantastic - and I bet you'll truly enjoy the video I have for the ESPN show to hype the retirement clause for his PPV match.


Thanks also for the predictions - makes an even 8 with 3 matches evenly split down the middle (Nick-Leon, Freebirds-Rockers, and Wahoo-Adonis)

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