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Last Gasp of the AWA - 1987

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hopefully, we'll be able to educate and bring you up to speed. quite a few history buffs on here that would be glad to fill in any holes you might have or answer questions about a particular guy -- you can always see comparisons from guys of that era to guys on your roster. Thanks for checking in
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a return to the midwest for this important tv show and we are rewarded with a full house!! 6026 attend - a SELL OUT in the Mangess Center!


Col Debeers vs DJ Peterson

avg reaction, and decent in-ring action. Peterson put himself on the hotseat with owner Verne Gagne as he was tiring toward the end of the 9 minute match - Debeers pancakes him for the win (rating - 49)


Video of Flying Yamada in action over in England (against rival Marc Rocco)

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3XgtByv0Gb4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

a chance to showcase the international lightweight star on national tv and get him over with the audience - not too bright.


Nick Bockwinkle announces that he is dedicating his match against Arnold to his close personal friend, Ray Stevens (not a dry eye in the house as Nick details the personal history of the two - Nick's face turn was a success)

(rating- 80)


Jerry Lawler is interviewed by Larry Nelson about his upcoming hair vs hair match with Norvell Austin "I'm glad someone has the guts to step in the ring with me Austin. You and I have had some great battles thru the years - and after Super Clash, you may be afraid to show your ugly face when I shave your head bald. Paul E, I've been warning you to keep your nose out of my business. If you continue, then I'll no choice but to shave you bald too!" (Larry Nelson learned abit about charisma from hanging out with lawler for this segment)


Jerry Lawler vs The Terrorist

Sherry Martell tried to help out The Terrorist for some reason, but to no avail. Lawler piledrives Knobs for the win in 6:48

Rating: 63


72 Video package of Sgt Slaughter vs Wahoo McDaniel for our Mat Classic

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jK7leF2MxbA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ABldcARUP2g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Playboy Buddy Rose vs Rock and Roll Buck Zumhoffe

Fans popped just a little for Zumhoffe. Zumhoffe knows this is a good chance to make a name for himself, while Rose is looking at the match as just a tune-up for Super Clash. These two deliver a solid match and Rose comes away with the win after the LV Jackpot. These two have some GREAT Chemistry in the ring which helps the match

Rating: 68


Nick Bockwinkle vs "The Masked Savage"

Nick put on a clinic with the masked youngster- 9:42 piledriver

Rating: 78


Mr Saito vs Mark Young - AWA TV TITLE MATCH

Saito uses the Prison Lock to win his first TV Title defense. Curt Henning watched from the broadcast booth and issued his own challenge

Rating: 71



Altercation after the match - Curt Henning asks Verne Gagne for a tv title shot. Shiek Adnan intervenes saying Curt hasn't proved himself yet to be a title contender. Gagne has the answer to that - At Super Clash how about a tag team match. Henning and my son Greg vs your men of Saito and White. If Curt or Greg win, they get a shot at the tv title the following week. Sheik Adnan was not amused..."What do we get if my team of Scared Hitless wins?" Verne tells him to name his price. Sheik Adnan smiles 'when my teams wins, the 3 of us get YOU Mr Gagne inside the ring for 5 minutes. I'll finally get my payback on you for all the meddling thru the years"

Rating: 66


TV MAIN EVENT - an 8 man tag team attraction

Midnight Express (Condrey, R.Rose) and Freebirds (Hayes, Gordy)


Midnight Rockers (Michaels, Jannetty) and Big 10 (G.Gagne, S.Steiner)


this was just a wild donnybrook that quickly fell out of control. Don Carson and Paul E Dangerously could not keep their teams from wanting to fight each other and they end up getting into themselves on the floor. As everyone was battling all over the arena, the referee had no choice but to throw the match out.

Rating: 68


As the show is going off the air, Arnold and Nick Bockwinkle bump into each other backstage and an all-out war almost breaks out. Cooler heads prevail as they will decide things in the ring at SUPER CLASH in one week



Overall show: 68 and .17 tv rating

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The next big show for the AWA is a trip to Northwest

And what an old school style main event as AWA Champ Superfly Jimmy Snuka will defend against the PNW Champion, Crippler Rip Oliver!! Wahoo McDaniel and Sgt Slaughter have been on a collision course for weeks. Their paths finally will cross in Portland. Midnight Rockers will defend the tag titles as well - Mike Miller won the belts in another diary; he gets his chance here with one of the hottest wrestlers on the circuit in the Spoiler. Cocoa Samoa puts his LW title on the line against top contender Greg Gagne. The other feature match has Playboy Buddy Rose vs Curt Henning - in real life, Rose helped get Henning over in Portland with some major angles that got Curt over and put him on the path to stardom. How will history play out here?



http://images-partners-tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ1IZgtVrUNNvQEKah-nWUPwA64HnTDkvpBXxcA8aas3ZcPrmIjPGc369E vs http://images-partners-tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ7W_U7O4eUo5WaE7L3OBuj-6UHxIPGUGSHREroUBrk6ov5hrJTcpQlWVU:www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pictures/r/ripoliver/03.jpg


Complete line-up and (heat) - for any predictions/comments


AWA TITLE MATCH Superfly Snuka vs PNW champ Rip Oliver (49)


Wahoo McDaniel vs Sgt Slaughter (52)


Spoiler & Mike Miller vs Midnight Rockers (29)


AWA Jr HW title: Cocoa Samoa vs Greg Gagne (28)


Playboy Buddy Rose vs Curt Henning (40)


Match of the night ________?

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AWA TITLE MATCH Superfly Snuka vs PNW champ Rip Oliver (49)

I dont think there is anyway, you run the AWA with Rip Oliver as champion


Wahoo McDaniel vs Sgt Slaughter (52)

I'm going out ona limb, with a double DQ, CO or draw here in their first clash...


Spoiler & Mike Miller vs Midnight Rockers (29)

Young up and coming (yet still tag team champions) in a no-brainer over makeshift team of first time teaimng up tandom of veteran journeymen


AWA Jr HW title:Cocoa Samoa vs Greg Gagne (28)

Gagne wins but I just dont think you'd put the Jr. Title on him, so a DQ victory it is


Playboy Buddy Rose vs Curt Henning (40)

Its Portland and Buddy's territory, plus I have a bunch of other faces winning


Match of the night: (Rose/Hennig)

Overness of Rose+ ability of Hennig/Rose takes the top match (hope they steel the show), because I think Wahoo/Sarge non-finish hurts their rating, probably will end up being Snuka/Oliver, but i'll go with the undercard bout

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AWA TITLE MATCH Superfly Snuka vs PNW champ Rip Oliver (49)


Pretty much what Oldschool said.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Sgt Slaughter (52)


Spoiler & Mike Miller vs Midnight Rockers (29)


AWA Jr HW title: Cocoa Samoa vs Greg Gagne (28)


Playboy Buddy Rose vs Curt Henning (40)


Match of the night? Wahoo vs. Sarge.

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AWA TITLE MATCH Superfly Snuka vs PNW champ Rip Oliver (49)


Wahoo McDaniel vs Sgt Slaughter (52)


Spoiler & Mike Miller vs Midnight Rockers (29)


AWA Jr HW title: Cocoa Samoa vs Greg Gagne (28)


Playboy Buddy Rose vs Curt Henning (40)


Match of the night: McDaniel vs Slaughter

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AWA TITLE MATCH Superfly Snuka vs PNW champ Rip Oliver (49)


Wahoo McDaniel vs Sgt Slaughter (52)


Spoiler & Mike Miller vs Midnight Rockers (29)


AWA Jr HW title: Cocoa Samoa vs Greg Gagne (28)


Playboy Buddy Rose vs Curt Henning (40)


Match of the night McDaniel vs Slaughter

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AWA TITLE MATCH Superfly Snuka vs PNW champ Rip Oliver (49)

I'm going with the crowd here... NWA logic dictates that the PNW champ should have the visiting champion beaten only to lose the title by nefarious means, but we're the wrong way round for faces & heels so Superfly it is!


Wahoo McDaniel vs Sgt Slaughter (52)

I'm with Oldschool on this - a war between the veterans that spills out of control.


Spoiler & Mike Miller vs Midnight Rockers (29)

If he was tagging with Cocoa Samoa then maybe... but Miller's not taking the win here - unless you've been taken over by a computer...


AWA Jr HW title: Cocoa Samoa vs Greg Gagne (28)

I don't care. I really, really don't. Gagne always had that effect on me - even when I was writing for him... urgh.


Playboy Buddy Rose vs Curt Henning (40)

In PNW-land? Rose is going over to help build his feud with the Superfly - is Curt on his way out?


Match of the night: Spoiler & Mik.... No? Okay then Rose/Hennig

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thanks for the projections. I didn't expect anyone to really buy into a title change on a faraway tour show a few days before Super Clash (this isn't TNA afterall. no wait, they had the title change the week after on free tv with the partner of the guy they had built up for months...gee). But the Northwest could become a key territory for us to build up as they are the 2nd most affluent area in the west. I need that solid base before I can even think about going into the Eastern strongholds of WWF and JCP


I see some of you have the same disdain for Greg Gagne (which could play out more over the coming months). So difficult to give him the push that Papa Verne requests (to get his momentum up to 71) while at the same time not really giving him much of a push. :D

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I never saw much of the AWA back when it was around (I grew up on the WWF and started watching NWA/JCP/WCW in 89 right around the Steamboat/Flair feud.) so I really do not know how bad Greg really was. I have heard stories about it and I have watched a couple of his matches. I have just never been able to grasp just how bad he was from the few times I saw him. Therefore, I do not have the disdain for him that others might have.


Plus I am not sure I really know what bad wrestling is. After all I watched Memphis wrestling in the late 1990's on a weekly basis, I kept on watching Global after all of their stars left (who the hell wants to watch a Doug Gilbert/Rod Price match?), and I kept on watching WCW all the way up to the end. So yeah my judgement as to what is good and what is bad might be a tad bit off.:D

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Greg Gagne wasnt really that bad,... He was just so bland... In my opinion the most bland wrestler ever to recieve a push in the sport... He just didnt look like a wrestler if you ask me..


He kind of looked like an insurance salesmen


Pretty much on the money for me.


Gagne was actually a decent wrestler, all things considered - he just couldn't live up to his father and this was at a time when the business was full of second generation stars who were making a name for themselves for being as good if not better than their fathers (or having the potential to be) - Ted DiBiase, Jake Roberts, Bob Orton Jr, Greg Valentine, The Funks etc.


Greg just couldn't match up to his father in quite the same way as the others (and in fairness Verne was far and away the most successful of that group)


The harder he was pushed, the more he seemed to suck...


I beg any of you that haven't seen it, have a youtbue search for Rambo Greg Gagne... awesome...

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Love a nice little debate and small history lesson!


The Rambo Gagne gimmick was weak, but funny to watch now for sure. The angle around it is not far from something I have planned for some point. But I don't see see Greg going Rambo on anyone while Arnold is running the show backstage.


Nothing wrong with a normal size guy getting the push ( ala Flair or Lawler) but Greg seemed too skinny or something. Think he was always better in tag teams (and even chasing the world title which he never won in real life - what happens in TEW life remains to be seen).


I need to start thinking of some new lines for the gimmick OldSchool just put on Greg Gagne though. He can tell us "we're in "good hands" or maybe he can bring a Gecko to the ring with him.

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AWA TITLE MATCH Superfly Snuka vs PNW champ Rip Oliver (49)

Rip Oliver will clearly be playing the face in this match. This will have to be a DQ finish, as Oliver can not carry the title in the AWA. This can be the start of something for future shows in the Northwest, as Oliver keeps beating the AWA champion but never holds the belt.


Wahoo McDaniel vs Sgt Slaughter (52)

I'm going to have to go with a double DQ on this match. Maybe get Billy Two Eagles and Don Running Bear involved in the match. Have Col. DeBeers and GI Jack then get involved to have a big 6-man tag match for a future show.


Spoiler & Mike Miller vs Midnight Rockers (29)

Midnight Rockers will dominate Spoiler and Mike Miller. The woman and teenagers in the northwest will love them some Rockers. Then have the Southern Rockers come out and challenge the Midnight Rockers to start a nice feud that can jump over into the AWA.


AWA Jr HW title:Cocoa Samoa vs Greg Gagne (28)

Samoa is big in the northwest, so I believe it would be a better choice that is if daddy will allow it.


Playboy Buddy Rose vs Curt Henning (40)

Buddy Rose is the man in the northwest and should go over Henning, especially since he could challenge Snuka for the AWA title. Henning right now is just limbo and could be on his way out.


Match of the night: (Rose/Hennig)

Rose and Hennig will steal the show. Rose has the ability to keep up with Hennig plus Rose as the love of the Portland crowd. If this those not hit the 70's I would be shocked.

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THE AWA INVADES PORTLAND as we venture into the Nortwest

644 fans in attendance (slightly more than expected)

Preshow - Arnold wins a tagteam match over Steiner and Yamada in 16:22 (chance to increase his stamina?)

Rating - 64


Midnight Rockers cut a quick promo that gets the teenage girls to screaming, they are fired up for Super Clash and the prospects of facing not one but 2 of the greatest tag teams of all time. (39)


Playboy Buddy Rose vs Curt Henning

Who better to open a show in Portland than the man who has been public enemy #1 for many years. we expected and hoped for a classic. These men did not dissapoint! Good crowd and great action. Henning looked very good for a change. He bragged how his first made his name in Portland when he beat Buddy Rose. This night was all Buddy though as he has a successful homecoming and honed his skills in advance of his match against Snuka. Las Vegas Jackpt at 24:43. Lot of rumors that Henning may be on the way out of the AWA, following his good friend Larry Zbyszko to free agency. Curt tried to put those rumors to rest by reminding the fans he has a tag team match with best friend Greg Gagne that sets the winner up for a tv title shot. He wants that title shot and a chance to take the TV Title away from Mr Saito

Match Rating - 75


These two set the bar high, but Buddy Rose was not quite done for the evening......


Buddy Rose cuts a promo in front of his home crowd reminding them of all the past history - how he had run Snuka off the highway and nearly ended his career and life, how he had beaten everyone who came into the PNW from Roddy Piper to Billy Jack - last he heard both of them ran off and joined a circus. And the list of men I've beaten goes on and on to include Curt Henning and even Nick Bockwinkle. In less than a week, you will see me add one more trophy to the mantle as I finally win the world title that has eluded me all these years.

Rating - 68


AWA LW TITLE: Cocoa Samoa vs Greg Gagne

Good crowd, good match. Gagne chased Samoa the entire match - finally chasing him from the ring. Gagne wins by COR but does not win the belt. Greg teases the title change by holding the title belt over his head and playing to the crowd. In the end though, the referee takes the belt and hands it back to Samoa.

Rating: 65


Buddy Rose comes out and taunts Greg Gagne "Still riding Daddy's coattails, but still can't get the job done. Daddy gets you a title shot, but you can't seem to seal the deal in the ring. Tell you what momma's boy….after I win the world title at Super Clash, I'd love for you to get the first shot because I know there is no way in the world you can beat me"

Rating 68


AWA WORLD TAG TITLES - Midnight Rockers vs Mike Miller and Spoiler

Good crowd and action. Spoiler used his size advantage to wear down the champs, Miller tagged in and looked like we would have new champs after a powerslam - But Shawn and Marty battle back Rocker Shocker for the pin at 15:58 - title defense #9

Rating - 65


Rip Oliver comes out wearing his PNW title belt. "Tonight, I get the chance of a lifetime - the chance to win the world title from a man I had quite a history with here in Portland, mr Superfly Snuka. For all the detractors that don't think I can carry this company just look at what I've done for the PNW. I can take the AWA to new heights as well. In fact, let me go ahead and set up my first title defense. This saturday on ESPN, Nick Bockwinkle I want you!! You see, I put your best friend Ray Stevens out of wrestling at the last super card....and now I want to do the same to you. I will ruin your chance at immortality and put you out of action before you get your match of a lifetime against The Terminator.

Rating - 61


Sgt Slaughter vs Wahoo McDaniel

Prematch hype between these two, Wahoo shamed Slaughter into accepting an Indian Strap match. Sarge was reluctant to attach the strap to his wrist. Once he did, Wahoo worked the crowd into a frenzy as he laid into Slaughter with Tomahawk chops, then whipped him like a dog with the strap. GI Jack ran down to aid his partner - this was the opening Slaughter needed and then he used the strap to choke Wahoo. Wahoo battled back and blistered Sarge with those Tomahawk chops. GI Jack tried to get involved again, but this time Wahoo was ready and dropped him with those lethal chops. Sarge decided a tactical retreat was better than a repeat of Little Big Horn - he had GI Jack help him cut off the strap and left the ring. That blatant violation of the rules prompted an immediate disqualification. 22:25 Nothing settled here tonight, but the bad blood between these two continues to boil

Match Rating - 69 (Rose still has the lead in the MotN race)


Arnold cuts a short promo with Larry Nelson about how he will break Nick Bockwinkle in half when they meet at Super Clash! "I'm tired of these little girly men. If there anything left of Nicky after Cripplah Olivah gets done with him, I will finish him off. Hey who knows - maybe Oliver wins the world title here tonight, and by fate loses to Nicky on ESPN Saturday before Super Clash! That would make my match a world title match!!"

Rating 76



Speaking of world titles.....That match is up next

Have to give a few moments for the fans to visit the souvineer and concession stands before the world title match. Arnold's comments have them all abuzz



You know he couldn't stay away......Buddy Rose came out to provide some color commentary on the match. He put his longtime friend and tag team partner, Crippler Rip Oliver like a million dollars: "If anyone deserves the world title almost as much as I do, it would be Crippler Rip Oliver. It might ruin my plans at Super Clash, but I'd be ok with Oliver being champion as I know he would give me a match for the title down the road. now that would be a main event for the ages!!"


http://images-partners-tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSoMt2HaSVyhA7EGOxkUZIPTPVxcn5Pr66gVPr833edXPOcr77pywTgJaM:www.jimmysnuka.com/img/5.jpg vs http://images-partners-tbn.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTy4QWfykt0tlhclyupzaMLPPM_DJsqzpo7tsk_1bzEOoaYALRNxyrcqwtv:a4.l3-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/152/969f298f36bc43fb811138fec9322f65/l.gif

AWA WORLD TITLE: Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs Crippler Rip Oliver

another match with good crowd and action (I think every match did tonight). PNW Champ Oliver may have been in the hometown, but the Portland fans were solidly behind Snuka. They would be super happy to see someone finally shut up the arrogant Crippler. Oliver carried the offense and showed why he has been such a great champion here in the Pacific Northwest. The crowd urges Snuka back into the match and he begins his comeback. Snuka was on fire when Rose made his move! Buddy attacked Snuka while the referee was distracted by Oliver. Rose works Snuka over on the floor - then rolls the champ back into the ring. At the 30 minute mark, Oliver picks him up for the Piledriver....1....2...


NO!! Snuka is just able to get a shoulder up while Rose is proclaiming his good friend Oliver to being the new world champion. Ron Trongard tells him that "No, the referee did not count to 3". Snuka has second life - He connects with Fijian chops and cuts down Oliver. Snuka starts to the top rope for his famed finisher - but here comes Rose to grab his leg. Greg Gagne runs to the ring and pulls Rose away. Snuka then flashes the sign and dives off with the Superfly Death Leap - he covers and ref counts. 1.2.3. Snuka retains the title in 45:54 (defense #3) Rip Oliver has nothing to be ashamed of from this showing.

Match Rating: 81 - the match of the night


Final Show Rating: 71 (more than double our popularity here)

Should give us some good momentum heading into Super Clash

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thanks for the feedback guys. I did try to mix in someone who was a big star from the PNW at one time in each match against someone who was a little less known in the area, but important for me long term nationally. That chemistry seemed to work as the crowd was into each match, and each carried good action. Most of them are not on the PNW roster (only Oliver for sure).


It was interesting that everyone picked either the Rose-Henning or Sarge-Wahoo to be the match of the night. I turned it into the Buddy Rose show to highlight his skills in his "most over" territory and that worked out well for me, Buddy was not happy about being edged out of this prestigious honor by Snuka's world title defense - it might be nice to put them in the main event the next the AWA comes to town. I hoped Arnold's promo might help raise just the slightest doubts about whether Snuka would indeed win the match or Oliver to capture it (since no one really gave him a chance to) - so maybe if just for a moment you thought "HMMMM, would he really do that?"


Nice idea about the PNW and AWA merging back in the day. I'm trying my best to build up a firewall along the Mississippi River - build a nice western base of operations from the Midwest/Great Lakes to SW and NW, and then build up Texas as well (which could be the equivalent of such a merger with WCCW added into the mix). If I can do that successfully, then I should be able to generate a steady stream of income to invade the eastern areas where I have to go head to head with Vince and Crockett in their backyard and that could nasty in a hurry (and end in disaster for us). Not as worried right now about WCCW and UWF in Midsouth, but need to start making some inroads into that section before too long. As someone said earlier, The Freebirds could be the key to making that work. But all in due time


I'll post the Super Clash card to allow predictions and comments, then proceed with the TV shows so that will allow plenty of time for everyone to participate that wants to.

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<p>Super Clash is upon us.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>SUPERCLASH card projections</strong></p><p> Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs Playboy Buddy Rose for world title (66)</p><p> Sgt Slaughter vs Wahoo McDaniel (64)</p><p> Nick Bockwinkle vs Arnold (72)</p><p> Midnight Rockers vs Fabulous Freebirds vs Midnight Express - world tag (53)</p><p> </p><p> Assassin vs Spoiler - mask vs mask (46)</p><p> Lawler vs Norvel - hair vs hair (58)</p><p> LW title Cocoa Samoa vs Yamada (?)</p><p> Curt Henning-Greg Gagne vs Masa Saito-Leon White (40)</p><p> </p><p> MATCH OF THE NIGHT? ________</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31689" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The war of words that has raged from the Northwest to the Midwest are over and it's time to settle things in the ring... Buddy Rose has shown he can be a dominant force, but now he steps into the ring against the reigning AWA world champion in Superfly Snuka. Then we have Sarge vs Wahoo which has simmered since the inception of this era of AWA. And what about The Terminator vs The Champ - Nick Bockwinkle is dedicating the match to his partner Ray Stevens who was injured in a match against Arnold.<p> </p><p> Freebirds and Midnight Express have built up a bit of a rivalry over who is the best tag team of all time - seeing who can beat other teams in faster times. Only this time, the other team is the World tag champion Midnight Rockers. The match will be fought using "After Midnight" rules which means all 3 teams will compete until one team is left - and that team will be the AWA tag team champions of the world and thusly known the greatest tag team. Who will it be?</p><p> </p><p> A couple matches with more than just pride on the line - two legendary masked men put it all on the line as either Spoiler and Assassin will unmask after their match. Then King Jerry Lawler puts his hair on the line against Norvel Austin.</p><p> The Flying Yamada gets a title shot at the LW title held by Cocoa Samoa, </p><p> </p><p> and the other big match see two good tag teams go at it. Either Curt Henning Greg Gagne will earn a TV title shot if they win over Scared Hitless. If Saito and White win, they and manager Sheik Adnan get 5 minutes in the ring against Verne Gagne -- an interesting stipulation and one that Sheik Adnan hopes is able to garner a measure of revenge against a man who has been a thorn in his side for many years.</p></div></blockquote>
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Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs Playboy Buddy Rose for world title (66)

As much as I enjoy Buddy Rose lately .. I dont see him unseating Snuka for the World title... I see him as a guy that gives Snuka a run for his money before a better challenger comes along..


Sgt Slaughter vs Wahoo McDaniel (64)

I think the face gets another win here, to offset some of the heel wins down the line..


Nick Bockwinkle vs Arnold (72)

Yep, I cant believbe Im going to do this... But I'm buying into Arnold... I feel like Nick, may be about ready to call it a career and an Arnold win over Bockwinkle certainly gives him some credibility... Also I think thats why Nick may have dropped the crown to Snuka, So that when Arnold wins here he doesnt get title... I als think Ray Stevens may play an important role in this match (Turn on Bock???) Anyways back to kayfabe... Arnold is so much stronger and bigger and Bockwinkle is older and more wore down it's Arnold for the taking


Midnight Rockers vs Fabulous Freebirds vs Midnight Express - world tag (53)

The Stars and Bars are flying somewhere over the North... Predicting a title change here...


Assassin vs Spoiler - mask vs mask (46)

Assasin takes off his mask, revealing ANOTHER MASK... I dont know, hopefully we get a payoff here...Actually looking forward to this match because of the consequences, despite its lower profile on the card



Lawler vs Norvel - hair vs hair (58)

Just dont see Lawler losing his hair


LW title Cocoa Samoa vs Yamada (?)

Predicting title change number 2 right here... Yamada is young and exciting... Cocoa did his job, he is a guy that the people knew..So the belt wasnt held by a wrrestler they never heard of... Now we know enough of Yamada (plus he's good) Its time for him to get a run



Curt Henning-Greg Gagne vs Masa Saito-Leon White (40)

I really can see verne getting in the ring and involved somehow... But I more see Hennig and Gagne getting the TV shot... Who gets it... Well that leads to issues between Hennig and Gagne down the road


Match of the Night: Tugh one... I think I'm going to go with Slaughter/Wahoo.... Although I really think Arnold/Nick will give it a run as Nick carries The terminator... From a technical standpoint Gagen/Hennig vs White/Saito would be one I would look forward to watching as well


Overall great card, with some really nice built storylines...Looking forward to where you as we see a chapter ending and another beginning with Superclash

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Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs Playboy Buddy Rose for world title

Sgt Slaughter vs Wahoo McDaniel

Nick Bockwinkle vs Arnold

Midnight Rockers vs Fabulous Freebirds vs Midnight Express - world tag


Assassin vs Spoiler - mask vs mask

Lawler vs Norvel - hair vs hair

LW title Cocoa Samoa vs Yamada

Curt Henning-Greg Gagne vs Masa Saito-Leon White

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<p><strong>Superfly Jimmy Snuka </strong>vs Playboy Buddy Rose for world title (66)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sgt Slaughter</strong> vs Wahoo McDaniel (64)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nick Bockwinkle</strong> vs Arnold (72)</p><p> </p><p>

Midnight Rockers vs <strong>Fabulous Freebirds</strong> vs Midnight Express - world tag (53)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Assassin</strong> vs Spoiler - mask vs mask (46)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lawler</strong> vs Norvel - hair vs hair (58)</p><p> </p><p>

LW title <strong>Cocoa Samoa</strong> vs Yamada (?)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Curt Henning-Greg Gagne</strong> vs Masa Saito-Leon White (40)</p><p> </p><p>

MATCH OF THE NIGHT? Snuka vs. Rose</p>

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<p>For anyone interested - it's a Halloween card I have set up using a different game. You can sign in as guest to read (or set up a free profile to post comments). I just like how it all came together and the actual matches (which I will post there 2moro seemed to play out beautifully)</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://forums.delphiforums.com/WrestlingsFnest/messages?msg=1452.580" rel="external nofollow">http://forums.delphiforums.com/WrestlingsFnest/messages?msg=1452.580</a></p>

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<p><strong>SUPERCLASH card projections</strong></p><p>

Superfly Jimmy Snuka vs <strong>Playboy Buddy Rose</strong> for world title </p><p>

I know that Rose will most likely not win the title but I just love Rose to much to pick against him. Maybe he can cut the brakes of his car and have him drive off a cliff and win from a no-show.</p><p> </p><p>

Sgt Slaughter vs <strong>Wahoo McDaniel </strong></p><p>

Sgt. Slaughter will probably lose, as Wahoo is a big player during this time. Slaughter could be better used in the tag ranks helping G.I. Jack.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nick Bockwinkle</strong> vs Arnold</p><p>

I see a screw job coming on this one. Probably Arnold joining forces with Bockwinkel or Bockwinkel helping Arnold in the end. Something is going to happen, I can just feel it.</p><p> </p><p>

Midnight Rockers vs <strong>Fabulous Freebirds</strong> vs Midnight Express - world tag</p><p>

Freebirds vs Midnight Rockers will be some great matches in the future. I can see these two teams beating each other a couple times before a big, big match to end the feud.</p><p> </p><p>

Assassin vs <strong>Spoiler</strong> - mask vs mask</p><p>

The Spoiler will hold onto his mask, as Assassin can survive without the mask and become a good jobber.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lawler</strong> vs Norvel - hair vs hair</p><p>

I would love to see Lawler bald but Norvel will have the chrome dome at the end. Lawler could challenge for the title, so losing here makes no since to me.</p><p> </p><p>

LW title <strong>Cocoa Samoa</strong> vs Yamada</p><p>

Not time for a title change, especially with no build-up to the match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Curt Henning-Greg Gagne</strong> vs Masa Saito-Leon White</p><p>

If Curt is staying then he needs this win.</p><p> </p><p>


Snuka vs. Rose. Main Event titles matches will be hard to overcome for match of the night.</p>

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