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NOTBPW: The Prodigal Stone

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Phantom Stranger" data-cite="Phantom Stranger" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31868" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>ohgodIcan'tstoplaughing</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Someone has been reading too many Eidenhoek posts*. Sorry, couldn't resist <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I must admit, I don't always find 'funny' diaries all that funny, but this one genuinely is. I especially like Franklin's irrational fear of Jeremy.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">*(I kid, I kid - I find your posts refreshingly upbeat, and they always make me laugh, Eidenhoek)</span></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blake Trask" data-cite="Blake Trask" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31868" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:14px;">ROSTER REVIEW</span></strong></p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Dan Stone Jr.</span></p><p> - May break my ankle if I have him job</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Dark Angel</span></p><p> - May be checking to make sure he is not under my bed each night from now on</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Jeremy Stone</span></p><p> - …</p><p> - <span style="font-size:12px;">…</span></p><p> - <span style="font-size:18px;">…</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">R.K. Hayes</span></p><p> - Over the hill</p><p> - Looks scary</p><p> - Punches things</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Harrison Hash</span></p><p> - Used to wear a panda head</p><p> - No longer wears a panda head</p><p> - Something has gone terribly wrong</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Lord James King</span></p><p> - Sweet-as-hell hat</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Mighty Cavanagh</span></p><p> - Looks like a badass</p><p> - Weak skills</p><p> - May eat me for saying that</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Omar Brown</span></p><p> - Works strong style!?</p><p> - Do not book self against</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Tim Westybrook</span></p><p> - May actually be a robot</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Jason O’Conner </span></p><p> - Sort’ve like a proto-Maverick</p><p> - That means we have time to save him from becoming a black hole of charisma!</p><p> - Give him opportunities to improve mic skills before his soul drains away!</p><p> <strong>Opener</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Erik Strong</span></p><p> - One of the only wrestlers I know who wears a shirt. Bears further investigation. May be suspicious.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Julian Watson</span></p><p> - Looks disconcertingly similar to Maverick</p><p> - Long lost brothers? <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Investigate</span>.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Lauren Easter</span></p><p> - H.O.T. HOT</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Trimmed for highlights. Hilarious, hilarious highlights.</p>
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Mission accomplished!



Superb so far - can't wait to see your shows.


Thanks! The prelude is all but over now, so it shouldn't be too long before the shows start coming up.



Haven't followed many C-Verse diaries up to this point, but this, sir, is awesome!


In that case, I'm very much flattered! (Although, female here, I know the username isn't the clearest on that one)



You have auto-save on. WHY?


Also, I totally missed the Flash reference until I read the third line, then read the first one properly.


I play with it on for a few reasons. One is because I'm a bit lazy, and saving is an extra thing to remember to do (and invariably, when something I actually wanted to go back and revert came up, I would've forgotten to save for -insert-long-time-here-). Two, because I try and live with my mistakes, and I've never screwed up badly enough that I couldn't roll with the punch. ...Self-punch. Yeah that made sense somewhere. Three, I'm already playing with a few options that make my life much easier, the least I can do is work with the screw-ups and failures when they come.



Great roster review.





I must admit, I don't always find 'funny' diaries all that funny, but this one genuinely is. I especially like Franklin's irrational fear of Jeremy.


Nonesense! It's 100% rational! In seriousness, thank you. It's not all-comedy, all the time, but I'm glad the tongue-in-cheekness has gone down well.



Trimmed for highlights. Hilarious, hilarious highlights.


Glad you enjoyed. ^^



@Everyone: I'm trying to work out an update schedule once the shows are rolling, so expect a card either tomorrow or Friday.






Stone Residence

January 3rd, 2010

10:01 AM







Seated around a table in the Stone Residence are the four members of the new NOTBPW booking committee. Having just reviewed the roster, Dan Sr., Victoria and a yawning Edd are all looking at Freddy expectantly.



He seems to be doodling on his notepad.



After a few seconds of silence, Freddy looks up, startled. “…Are we done now?” He and Edd are operating off not-very-much sleep. They worked their final TCW show yesterday, and flew back out to Canada that same night. Edd wound up dropping the All-Action title to Sammy Bach in a pretty well-received match. Freddy got stuck in the rack by Rocky Golden in a match that... wasn't.



Though honestly the sleep thing might just be excusing Freddy's hefty streak of ADD.



Dan Sr. heaves a sigh. “I was hoping you would inform us about your overall conclusions, Franklin.”



Huggins pauses, glances at his notes sheets, and immediately decides that Dan Sr. probably isn’t looking for comments like ‘May break my ankle’, and so wings it. “Well we’ve got a pretty good roster, not the greatest, but pretty good. From what I’m seeing, right now we’ve got two main problems. A) We don’t have a lot of strength in depth, and B) We are crying for some faces.”



Victoria raises an eyebrow. “From where I’m standing, we have good performers from top to bottom, Freddy. I wouldn’t call anybody on the books dead weight.”



“Nuh-uh, at best we’ve got decent performers, and not enough of them. And from what I’ve seen, they’re not over enough either. We’re not going to get too far if nobody gives a damn about half the guys wrestling. Sure, it’s not dead weight, but it might as well be if no-one cares about who they’re seeing. The top of our card? The top of our card is great. 5 star matches all year long with the guys we’ve got in or near the main event – but the fans aren’t going to eat up Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dan Stone Jr. every show for a year.”



“Well, it isn’t as if we have to recycle the same matches over and over again, Franklin. You just told us we’ve got strength at the top of the card.”



Freddy and Edd share a significant look at that first part, and Freddy proceeds to clear his throat. “That’s where problem number two kicks in, Mr Stone. We have about two credible Upper Midcard plus faces. Dan Jr. and J-Jeremy. Sean’s out for over a year, and the fans just plain won’t buy anybody else as a main event threat. Go down the card, we’ve got the same issue. Our tag team division has three heel teams and one face team. Our women’s division has one face and three heels. Where are the feuds coming from, here?”



Edd strokes his goatee. “We could turn some people. That’d shake things up.”



“That isn’t going to work,” Victoria says bluntly. “Or should I say, it’s only part of a solution. From what Freddy’s saying, the ratio is so far skewed that it would take more than a couple of turns to sort it out.”



Freddy nods. “I’ve got one or two guys in mind that can go face, but there’s only a couple of people we can afford to have do a switcheroo without much build to it. Nobody will care too much if Flash starts high-fiving on the way to the ring, but… like… the fans won’t buy Bloodstone suddenly running in to save Dan from getting beaten up by DeColt or something after years of feuding. It just doesn’t make sense, you know?”



Dan Sr. frowns a little. “I’m not quite sure what’s preventing you and Edd debuting as faces, Freddy. They would certainly regard you both as upper midcarders at the least.”



The new head booker blanches. “I make for an awful face Mr Stone. Like, ‘We hate you because you’re so bad at being the good guy’ dreadful. And as for Edd? Well the fans-“



“They’re gonna see it as me coming back after ‘abandoning’ them to go and wrestle for TCW. I kinda doubt they’d accept me as a permanent good guy the way they do the rest of the family.”



“Yeah, exactly,” Freddy nods. “Basically, what we need is new blood. Young and talented guys that’ll be eager for a big break, maybe some vets that can act as ring generals. Put it this way: we need more Erik Strongs and Tim Westybrooks and less Can-Dragons and James Kings. Workers like Dragon can hold their own, sure, but they’re not good enough or popular to do anything but stand their ground. Erik? He can turn in a good performance and get himself over just by wrestling – he doesn’t need somebody else to make him look like a million dollars.”



Victoria laughs. “Sounds like a pipe dream Freddy. Workers like Erik don’t come along every day.”



“No, but when’s the last time you seriously looked to expand the roster? I’m not saying there’s a bunch of superstars just waiting to get picked up… but we can do better than Flash Savage and Julian Watson.”



Edd holds up his hands. “Not bad guys or wrestlers, but not great ones, you feel me?”



Dan Sr. leans forward. “All this is well and good, but do you have anyone in mind?”



Freddy and Edd exchange glances again, then both smile.



“Well, Edd and I like to chill out just by watching DVDs or streams of some of the smaller promotions now and then. You can stumble across some real diamonds in the rough that way. So anyway, I’m sure you’ve heard of a pair of promotions called 4C and APCW…”

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Wednesday, week 1, January 2010


Another year of wrestling in the annals, and we at NOTBPW look forward to what's sure to be a great year to come. With no further ado, here is the card for the first Championship Wrestling of 2010, broadcast to you live on CBN!


In what's sure to be a tidy little opener, the veteran Dark Angel will take on 'The Shooting Star' Erik Strong. It's certainly a big ask, but if the youngster can pull out the victory here, the whole company will most definitely sit up and take notice.


The women's champion is in action next against the crafty and talented Melody. Kristabel Plum's title isn't on the line in this match, but she'll be looking for the victory anyway. However, Melody will be eyeing up the implications of a win here, and Plum won't have any easy fight on her hands against the former three time women's champion.


Our third match of the evening sees NOTBPW Tag Team champions Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes put their belts on the line against the powerhouse duo of Tim Westybrook and Mighty Cavanagh. The champions have been dominating with their high-impact style for a while now, but how will they deal with the challenge of two men that are just as big, just as powerful and just as strong as they are?


We've received word that John Maverick is set to be in action later in the show, but as of yet we have not been informed as to who his opponent will be. Our sources indicate that he's expected to make an open submission challenge to anybody on the roster.


The semi-main event of the night is much less ambiguous though - Ed Henson Memorial Cup winner Harrison Hash will face R.K. Hayes in what is sure to be an uphill battle for the no-nonsense technician. Hayes has been out of the title hunt for a while now, and he'll definitely be looking to reassert his dominance with a commanding victory here.


And in our main event, we have the blockbuster confrontation of the Stone Siblings versus the alliance of the crafty, arrogant Steve DeColt and the sadistic Johnny Bloodstone! I think you folks know what to expect when teams like this combine and whoever wins, it's sure to be a wrestling classic!






Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong



Kristabel Plum vs. Melody




Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh




John Maverick vs. ??? (bonus point if you can guess who!)



R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash



The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone




- So far as predictions go, I'm going to take the 'ask a question' route as a prize, so after every PPV event, the overall prediction winner will get to ask any roster member any (appropriate) question they'd like, which I'll do my best to answer in character. The scores will then be reset and the whole malarky started over again (although I might keep tabs on those and offer a 'pick a signing' type prize every six months or so)

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Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong



Kristabel Plum vs. Melody




Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh




John Maverick vs. ??? (bonus point if you can guess who!)



R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash



The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone

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Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong


Kristabel Plum vs. Melody



Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh




John Maverick vs. ??? (bonus point if you can guess who!)



R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash


The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone

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Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong



Kristabel Plum vs. Melody




Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh




John Maverick vs. ??? Jason O'Conner



R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash



The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone

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Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong



Kristabel Plum vs. Melody




Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh




John Maverick vs. ??? (bonus point if you can guess who!)



R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash



The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone

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Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong



Kristabel Plum vs. Melody




Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh




John Maverick vs. ??? (bonus point if you can guess who!)



R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash



The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone

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Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong

Momentum builder for DA, skill/overness builder for Erik. Good call regardless.


Kristabel Plum vs. Melody


Non-title? Melody wins to set up future title match. Melody is currently your best asset in the women's division.




Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh


Prepare for this one to be ugly. Tim and Danny make a natural pair, though. If only Danny could, well, wrestle.




John Maverick vs. ??? (bonus point if you can guess who!)


Going to guess Jason O'Connor for the opponent.



R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash


I like Harrison but he needs to be built up a bit before he knocks on the door of the uppercard.



The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone


Steve has to come out on top, even through shenanigans (which I presume could be considered in Edd's NOTBPW) or the belt is meaningless.

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Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong

...Yeah, no.


Kristabel Plum vs. Melody

Might as well. *shrug*



Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh

1. Yay free points for me!

2. You need more faces that matter.



John Maverick vs. Shooter Sean Deeley(bonus point if you can guess who!)

1. Was going to say Julian Watson, but that's heel/heel.

2. Was going to say Freddy Huggins, but that's heel/heel.

3. SSD, in my game, is by far the best young worker on the roster. Well, Avatar's a year older and shouldn't count, so...


R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash

If he can get a touch more psychology like mine has, Hayes is a force with which to be reckoned.


The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone


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John Maverick vs. Shooter Sean Deeley(bonus point if you can guess who!)

1. Was going to say Julian Watson, but that's heel/heel.

2. Was going to say Freddy Huggins, but that's heel/heel.

3. SSD, in my game, is by far the best young worker on the roster. Well, Avatar's a year older and shouldn't count, so...


SSD is in CGC isn't he?

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Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong



Kristabel Plum vs. Melody




Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh




John Maverick vs. ??? (bonus point if you can guess who!)

Flash Savage?



R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash



The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone

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I've been waiting for someone to do a really good NOTBPW diary, and it looks like there is alot of promise in two recent additions to these boards, with both this and Wallbanger's Generations. Both are different, this is more comedic, whilst Generations reads like a novel but most of all both are bringing some colour and personality to a talented but staid promotion.


Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong


Strong has the potential to be a future star but right now he's nowhere near Angel's level.



Kristabel Plum vs. Melody


Keep the champ strong for now- non title or not. Maybe some interference here will happen that hinders Melody and turns her face.




Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh


For a promotion that prides itself on good wrestling, how in the hell did they decide to invest in UnMighty Cavanagh, perhaps the Stone's really think they can polish a turd. Champs to retain here as though Westybrook is the most talented in this match, he is hamstrung by Cavanagh's inept ability to pull off looking like a wrestler.



John Maverick vs. ??? (bonus point if you can guess who!)


Maybe I'm reading too much into this but you gave a hint that you were looking to boost the roster by looking at 4C and ACPW...now the wrestler with the highest ceiling out of anyone for those promotions is Davis Wayne Newton.


As for the match itself DWN will give a good account of himself but it will be one of those impressive losing efforts.

R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash


Of all the veteran uppercarders Hayes is the most tempting to job down the card, as he's not all that talented, but as for this match Hash is not at the stage to go over Hayes either in terms of momentum or skills.


The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone


This could go either way, but when in doubt for these sort of matches- where nothing is really on the line and it's even stevens between both sides, I tend to back the heels to get the win

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Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong

-While he won't beat Cliff Wilson, please please please please push Erik Strong!


Kristabel Plum vs. Melody

-Melody wins because she's awesome.



Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh

-I don't see the tag belts being hotshot, especially onto Mighty Cavanagh who is (arguably) the worst worker in the company.



John Maverick vs. ??? (bonus point if you can guess who!)

-I'm not sure who you could be bringing in, so I'll just guess Edd.


R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash

-I like Harrison Hash, and I really don't like R.K. Hayes, but this is predicting, not wishful thinking.


The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone

-This one could really go either way. I'm gonna have to go with the Stones though.

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Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong



Kristabel Plum vs. Melody



Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh




John Maverick vs. ??? (bonus point if you can guess who!)

-Davis Wayne Newton



R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash



The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone

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Could be some the new blood he's looking to bring in. A good choice.


If Watson and Maverick are both heel, then yes, I'm assuming he's new blood.


I can't remember the default roster since...well, let's just say my NOTBPW game is...two years in and 4 times as big.

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Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong


Kristabel Plum vs. Melody



Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh



John Maverick vs. ??? (bonus point if you can guess who!)


R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash


The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone

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Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong

Coming from how high Freddy was of Strong


Kristabel Plum vs. Melody

Shot in the dark



Omar Brown & Harlem Haynes © vs. Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh

No reason to drop the belts right off the bat, I'd say



John Maverick vs. ??? (bonus point if you can guess who!)

Since you mentioned ACPW and 4C, and this is a submission challenge, I'll go with Mario da Silva.


R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash

Erik is my underdog pick for the show


The Stone Siblings vs. Steve DeColt & Johnny Bloodstone

Heels win to keep feuds going

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Caribou Arena

5,000 (SELL OUT!)

Being shown live on CBN (1.38)





Tommy London, Tom Townsend








The show opens to Victoria Stone standing in the ring alongside Tommy London, NOTBPW’s designated in-ring interviewer. The daughter of the Stone family gets a pretty good reaction from the crowd as London stands by.



Tommy London: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, the representative of the board, Victoria Sto-



And he’s cut off by unfamiliar music.






The crowd go nuts as the wayward son of the Stone family emerges from backstage wearing a suit and a grin a mile wide! With him is Freddy Huggins, and it’s him that is holding a microphone, and it’s him, once they get down to the ring, that speaks.



Freddy Huggins: Can I just stop you there? Great. My friend Edd and I have an important announcement to make. Victoria Stone? The NOTBPW board have decided – in all their wisdom – that you have too many vested interests in members of the company to represent them impartially. So…



Edd grabs the microphone.



Edd Stone: Yooooou’re fiiiiiired!



The fans start to boo the house down, Freddy swipes the mic back.



Freddy Huggins: You are not fired. Jeez Edd, you had to ruin the moment, didn’t you?



Edd Stone: Sorry. Always wanted to say that.



Freddy Huggins: Victoria, I am removing you from your position. The board invites you to take a position at the commentary table.



Victoria looks unconvinced, probably because it’s Edd delivering the announcement. Freddy shrugs and produces a slip of paper from his jacket. Victoria takes it, reads, and pales… before exiting the ring. London follows suit. Edd and Freddy mug for the crowd a little then head backstage.




http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/DarkAngel.jpg vs. http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/ErikStrong.jpg

Dark Angel vs. Erik Strong



Although many expect an outright steamrollering, Dark Angel finds himself with his hands full against a surprisingly game Erik Strong here. In fact, Strong gets in some pretty good offence before he makes a mistake, lingering a little too long on a springboard splash, which the veteran Dark Angel ducks. From there Angel takes Strong down to the mat and keeps him there, eventually wearing him down enough to execute the Descent into Hell.



Dark angel def. Erik Strong in 8:24 via pinfall with a Descent into Hell. 73/B-





http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/KristabelPlum.jpg vs. http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/Melody.jpg

Kristabel Plum vs. Melody



The reigning women’s champion might not be defending her title tonight, but she goes into this match like she is. This is fortunate, because Melody comes into this match like she’s challenging for the title. What follows is plenty of back and forth action, the end coming almost out of nowhere as Melody hits the Melody Maker and scores a significant victory to stake a claim to the belt.



Melody def. Kristabel Plum in 11:56 via pinfall with a Melody Maker. 54/C-







Backstage, Steve DeColt enters the locker room of Johnny Bloodstone, who he finds sitting on the floor, meditating.



Steve DeColt: Bloodstone.



Bloodstone’s eyes open. He doesn’t look happy to be interrupted.



Johnny Bloodstone: What?



Steve DeColt: Easy there buddy. Thought I’d come and check up on you before our match tonight.



Johnny Bloodstone: I’m fine. Leave.



DeColt throws up his hands in exasperation.



Steve DeColt: Look, I need to know if we’re going to be on the same page out there, because DeColt Guarantees do not cover deadweight partners.



Bloodstone just glowers.



Steve DeColt: Alright, fine, fine, but don’t come crying to me when one of those Stone chumps is dislocating your ankle.



Closing his eyes again, Bloodstone takes a deep breath.



Johnny Bloodstone: I’m not the one you should worry about.






http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/OmarBrown.jpghttp://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/HarlemHaynes.jpg vs. http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/MightyCavanagh.jpghttp://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/TimWestybrook.jpg

Brown & Haynes © vs. Mighty Cavanagh & Tim Westybrook



Defending champions Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes go into this expecting to be able to overpower their opponents much as they’ve done most everyone that’s crossed their path so far. That… doesn’t go well. The hard-hitting duo find themselves against opponents that are equally hard-hitting, Westybrook in particular throwing Brown and Haynes around like child’s toys. The champions look shell-shocked, and their night only gets worse as Westybrook NAILS Haynes with the TNT Whirlwind and Cavanagh cuts Brown off. Three seconds later, and we have new tag team champions!



Cavanagh & Westybrook def. Brown & Haynes via pinfall in 15:11 with a TNT Whirldwind. 61/C

Cavanagh & Westybrook win the tag team titles







John Maverick is in the ring, warming up in preparation for a match. His head snaps up, confused, when







Out come the Can-Am Blondes. Love gives the crowd flamboyant bows, The Natural has a microphone.



The Natural: Thank you! Thank you ladies and gentlemen! I am pleased – no delighted to announce tonight, for your viewing pleasure, the OPEN SUBMISSION challenge of the one and only ‘Silent Threat’ John Maverick! You’ve hoped for it, you’ve prayed for it! And tonight, you fortunate souls will finally get to see it; John Maverick astounding the world with his vaunted submission skills! For those of you listening backstage, I invite you to test yourselves against a specialist the likes of which this company has never seen! Let the contest BEGIN!



Maverick clearly has no idea what the heck is going on, even as the ‘open challenge’ is answered.




http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/JohnMaverick.jpg vs. http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/GentlemanJimKing.jpg

John Maverick vs. Lord James King



Say what you like about The Natural, but he knows his stuff about Maverick. James King is a similar type of competitor to Maverick, technically inclined, but here he is just completely outmatched by Maverick’s mat and chain wrestling. For every hold and grappling move King tries, Maverick has it not only scouted, but countered. To his credit, James King survives for some time, but when Maverick cinches in the Deadly Silence, King has nowhere to go.



John Maverick def. Lord James King via submission in 12:13 w/Deadly Silence. 68/C+




http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/HarrisonHash_alt.jpg vs. http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/RKHayes.jpg

Harrison Hash vs. R.K Hayes



In the early going, Hayes just runs roughshod over Harrison Hash, battering him around the ring with clubbing strikes and the occasional brutal slam. The first sign that this isn’t going to be a routine victory for Hayes comes about seven minutes in, when he hits Hash with a HUGE body slam and stops to roar at the crowd. And as Hayes roars, Hash picks himself right up, dusts himself off, and knocks Hayes clean through the second rope with a dropkick. More surprised than hurt, Hayes gets up only to be wiped out with a plancha. From there it is, as they say ‘on’. And when the end comes, it’s as a result of Hayes hefting Hash high in the air – holding him above his head with a military press… and Hash slips out the back of the move, dropping behind Hayes having somehow locked in the Montreal Deep Sleeper! Centre of the ring! Hayes flails, fights it, but Hash has the hold in tight, clinging to Hayes’s back! There’s no escape, and eventually, the big man is forced to tap for a big upset!



Harrison Hash def. RK Hayes via submission in 16:30 w/Montreal Deep Sleeper. 65/C







And Hayes isn’t happy about this. Not one bit. As Hash lets the hold go and starts to celebrate, Hayes looms up behind his opponent and blindsides him. A beatdown ensues, and Hayes leaves Hash battered in the middle of the ring.







http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/JeremyStone_Self3.jpghttp://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/DanStoneJr_Self2.jpg vs. http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/JohnnyBloodstone.jpghttp://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z453/EddStoneNOTBPW/Characters/SteveDeColt.jpg

The Stone Siblings vs. Johnny Bloodstone & Steve DeColt



As would be hoped for, it’s here that the show really comes alive. The Stone brothers present a united front against their opponents, and it’s this more than anything else that allows them to stay largely on the front foot – exhibiting great teamwork and quick, fluid tags. By contrast, Bloodstone and DeColt are as dysfunctional as it gets, Bloodstone often refusing to tag DeColt in so he can keep beating down one Stone or the other, with DeColt eventually just getting annoyed and blind-tagging himself into the match whenever he gets the opportunity, including once or twice literally right after tagging out, just to annoy Bloodstone.



With time ticking ever closer to the limit, Bloodstone manages to reverse an attempted Stone’s Throw from Jeremy and lay him out in the centre of the ring. Looking to Dan Jr., Bloodstone drags Jeremy over to his corner, probably thinking to isolate him from help. Grasping Jeremy’s arms, he’s set for the Bloodstone Mutilation… And Steve DeColt tags himself in. Bloodstone is furious and goes nose to nose with DeColt, displaying some of the legendary temper it had been though he finally had under control! DeColt desperately tries to placate Bloodstone, and eventually official Matthew White gets him out of the ring, allowing DeColt to look to a stirring Jeremy. DeColt hits the ropes on the far side of the ring, thinking DeColt Stampede as Jeremy gets to his feet- No! Dodged! DeColt goes flying! Jeremy tags in Dan Jr. who hits a picture perfect Stone Throw. He goes for the pinfall and- the bell rings!



Stone Siblings & Bloodstone/DeColt drew in 20:00 when the time limit expired. 91/A




Overall Grade: 76/B-

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