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NOTBPW: The Prodigal Stone

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Saturday Week 2, January 2010



It's time for the first PPV event of what some people are dubbing 'The Era of Edd', and regardless of what you think of the so-called 'Executives' of NOTBPW, they definitely seem to know how to make a card. Make sure you don't miss Big City Brawl's exciting line up of matches!


The Submission Challenge of John Maverick will see its debut on PPV in our first contest of the evening. We've been informed ahead of time that his opponent will be company newcomer Davis Wayne Newton. Will Maverick carry off a win to go three and oh for the year, and will the Can-Am Blondes ever shut their mouths regarding Maverick?


Title action up next, as tag team champions Wild West look to record a defence against former champions Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes. Wild West took the win in impressive fashion last week over some game debutants, but as they say, once bitten, twice shy - will the savage former champions bring more to the table this time around?


Match number three has apparently been made at the request of one of its participants. Jacob Jett, fresh face on the block, has challenged the one and only Dark Angel to a match. Jett obviously has something to prove, but in spite of coming off a victory last week, the veteran Dark Angel may be too much for the youngster.


It started with a shock victory, it continued with a pair of brutal beatdowns, the bubbling rivalry between RK Hayes and Harrison Hash will move onto its next stage at Big City Brawl with a rematch between the two competitors! Can lightning strike twice for Hash, or will Hayes's violent attacks have taken their toll?


Our main event of the evening was decided earlier this week. The confident (and some would say arrogant) Steve DeColt will put his NOTBPW Canadian championship on the line against the eldest son of the Stone family, Jeremy Stone. Will Jeremy have what it takes to unseat the dominant champion, or will DeColt prove that he can walk the walk as well as talk the talk?







John Maverick vs. Davis Wayne Newton




Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes



Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel



RK Hayes vs. Harrison Hash




Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dan Stone Jr.



NOTBPW Canadian Title

Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

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John Maverick vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Mav "I AM dangerous"



Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes

too soon for a change


Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel

My dream worker. WHY is he in NOTBPW?


RK Hayes vs. Harrison Hash




Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dan Stone Jr.



NOTBPW Canadian Title

Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

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John Maverick vs. Davis Wayne Newton

DWN is certainly one for the future, but as it currently stands I have to side with Maverick.



Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes

Big nasty brawlers will pick up an unpleasant win here.


Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel

I love Jacob Jett but Dark Angel is in another league at the moment.


RK Hayes vs. Harrison Hash

RK is superior to Hash



Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dan Stone Jr.

I love this match and would pay to see it in real life! Dan to win because of his surname.


NOTBPW Canadian Title

Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

Nepotism for the win!

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John Maverick vs. Davis Wayne Newton

I like him being built up through these match, and it should continue here.



Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes

I think these two will benefit from a good reign and Brown and Haynes aren't good enough. Wild West will have a good reign until Tim outgrows his partner


Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel

A good experience and a strong match for Jett, but he won't go over Angel


RK Hayes vs. Harrison Hash

Hayes is more over at the start but Hash is sooooooo much more interesting, and much better in the ring, I push him whenever I have him on my roster



Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dan Stone Jr.

Both Stones losing on PPV, can't see it. Unless Edd demands jobbing for Dan Jr.


NOTBPW Canadian Title

Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

Too soon, Steve needs a long, evil reign

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John Maverick vs. Davis Wayne Newton




Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes



Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel



RK Hayes vs. Harrison Hash




Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dan Stone Jr.



NOTBPW Canadian Title

Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

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John Maverick vs. Davis Wayne Newton




Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes



Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel



RK Hayes vs. Harrison Hash




Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dan Stone Jr.



NOTBPW Canadian Title

Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

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After completely failing the first show and missing the second, I'm getting back in this one. Watch out, I'm going for the win!



John Maverick vs. Davis Wayne Newton




Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes



Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel



RK Hayes vs. Harrison Hash




Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dan Stone Jr.



NOTBPW Canadian Title

Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

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John Maverick vs. Davis Wayne Newton




Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes



Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel



RK Hayes vs. Harrison Hash




Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dan Stone Jr.



NOTBPW Canadian Title

Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

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Location: Newfoundland Rugby Grounds (The Maritimes)

Attendance: 15,000 (SELL OUT)

Available on Canada 1-Choice (0.40 buyrate)





Tommy London, Tom Townsend, Victoria Stone








This time around, Maverick’s theme doesn’t even make it out of its low-key intro before the music gets cut off by that of the Can-Am Blondes, a combination which is growing distressingly familiar.






Maverick, in fact, looks almost as exasperated as the fans in the audience at yet another interruption, turning around in the middle of the ramp, heaving a sigh, and then turning back. Owen Love, in between making elaborate flourishes to the crowd, prances up to Maverick and attempts to raise his arm in the air. Maverick shakes him off in irritation and heads down to the ring. Unperturbed, Love simply holds out both hands towards Maverick as if ‘presenting’ him to the crowd. As usual, The Natural is holding a microphone.



The Natural: Ladies and gentlemen, I know you can scarce believe your eyes, but as I live and breathe it’s completely, one hundred per cent true! John Maverick is standing in this very ring, LIVE on Pay-Per-View! And of course with John Maverick comes the legendary test of skill and determination, the MAVERICK SUBMISSION CHALLENGE! So step right up! Step right up if you think you have what it takes to topple the chief of chokeholds, the master of the mat, the sultan of the squared circle the SILENT THREAT JOHN MAVERICK!



If looks could kill, The Natural would have been a smouldering pile of ash in seconds.






John Maverick w/The Can-Am Blondes vs. Davis Wayne Newton



The newcomer DWN takes his time getting to the ring, content to give the fans high fives either side of the ramp, watched by the implacable Maverick. When Newton finally gets to the ring, he offers his opponent a handshake. Maverick looks at DWN’s hand for a couple of seconds, then almost imperceptibly shakes his head. Shrugging, Newton instead spreads his arms out, and the two go into a collar-and-elbow tie up, Maverick transitioning smoothly into a side headlock and then into a takedown.


From there, Maverick definitely has the better of the contest, showcasing that regardless of their flamboyance, the Can-Am Blondes aren’t just blowing smoke about him, even if they are a distraction at ringside. However, it’s far from one way traffic, starting from the moment Maverick finally gets tired of The Natural’s jawing and doesn’t perhaps put on a figure four as tightly as he could in favour of glaring at his unwelcome guest – Newton manages to reverse the hold, putting the pressure onto Maverick for a good fifteen seconds before Maverick gets to the rope and from there, DWN actually takes control, outwrestling Maverick for a spell, keeping him grounded. It's clear to all that unknown as Newton might be, he's certainly no slouch when it comes to grappling, and gets ample opportunity to showcase his skills.


The end comes when DWN gets Maverick in suplex position, hooks his leg – aiming for the Fisherman’s Suplex we’re informed is known as ‘Newton’s Third Law’, lifts Maverick in the air… - and Maverick slips out the back of the move! Inverted facelock! Body scissors! Deadly Silence! Newton’s trapped! He fights it – fights it… taps! Maverick immediately relinquishes the hold, and the Can-Am Blondes are straight into the ring, each trying to grasp an arm of the 'Silent Threat', prompting another irritated reaction before he rolls underneath the bottom rope, leaving the fans to applaud the very spirited challenger.



John Maverick def. Davis Wayne Newton in 14:42 via submission with a Deadly Silence. 78/B









We cut to a backstage segment, somehow featuring Tommy London in spite of his currently being at ringside on commentary, standing by with Harrison Hash. As always, the technician is looking calm and focused, in spite of having suffered a number of beatings earlier in the month.



Tommy London: Harrison, tonight you’ve got an opportunity to prove that your victory over R.K Hayes two weeks ago wasn’t just, as some are calling it, a ‘fluke’. How are you feeling ahead of the match?



Hash takes the microphone from London, but doesn’t even get a chance to start speaking before…






The Business attack! Hayes goes crashing into his opponent like a freight train to bear him to the ground, with his henchmen laying into Hash with hard boots to the ribs and head. It’s a three on one beatdown and caught by surprise, Hash doesn’t have a chance! London evacuates and the trio proceed to toss Hash straight into the interviewing set with a horrific smash, leaving him semi-conscious and bleeding. R.K Hayes glares into the camera, then shoves it away, cutting to static.








Tim Westybrook & Mighty Cavanagh vs. Brown & Haynes



Brown & Haynes look very pleased with themselves on their way down to the ring, sharing cruel little smirks at the revelation of their backstage antics. Wild West on the other hand are unsurprisingly none too happy with this turn of events, Cavanagh in particular staring a hole straight through the challengers from the second they step out from the back.


Westybrook and Brown start things out, and in short order, the quartet of brawlers pick up where they left off a couple of weeks ago, although this time, Brown & Haynes don’t take their opponents nearly as lightly. How could they? This is the team they lost the belts to, after all. The challengers pick their spots with more care, hit hard as before, but with more precision, never straying too far from their own corner, refusing to be drawn into any risks. London notes with surprise that this is amongst the first times he's actually seen Haynes keep control of himself, suggesting he's learning from his better-rounded partner.


The inexperience of Cavanagh shows through here as he dwells a little too long on an attempted shoulder tackle into the turnbuckle, Omar sending his opponent flying into the steel. Townsend laughs, spending some time deriding the rookie for playing to the crowd and not concentrating fully on his 'vastly superior' opponents. As the Business duo work Cavanagh over thoroughly, keeping him confined to their corner, Vic Stone reluctantly concedes the point, although adding that having the crowd behind you can go a long way. Townsend, to heelish form, scoffs at this one.


For a while it seems as if the extended beatdown is going to prove the end of Cavanagh, but he shows his resilience by kicking out of pin attempt after pin attempt. Frustrated, Omar Brown attempts his signature Neck Trauma Suplex but can't get the necessary lift to haul the big man in the air, Cavanagh powering out of the move to reverse it with a snap suplex of his own. Cavanagh manages to crawl to his corner at the same time as the dazed Omar tags out and the fresh men hit the ring. Westybrook collides with Haynes halfway across from his corner with an audible thump, and the pair exchange big bombs for a few moments before Haynes winds back for the brutal right hook that he uses to start off the flurry of blows called the Harlem Hustle... but the wily Westybrook ducks, sending Haynes off balance, facing the wrong direction – Westybrook sets Haynes up with a pumphandle, hefts him – PLANTS HIM WITH A POWERBOMB! It’s over!



Wild West def. Brown & Haynes in 14:52 via pinfall w/TNT Whirlwind. 65/C

Wild West make defence #2 of their NOTBPW Tag Team Titles






Dark Angel vs. Jacob Jett


For a contest that was completely devoid of build, this match goes down very well. Jett is new and young, but he’s also skilled, which is something that the NOTBPW crowd can definitely get behind – and it certainly helps that both veteran and rookie work the same style. Of course, it's hurt by the fact that many of those watching see it as something of a foregone conclusion, nobody really believing that the rookie can knock-off the stalwart veteran. Still the match that follows could have taken place in the Junior divisions of Japan – dynamic high-flying mixed in with grappling sequences that show that Jett can hang with Angel, and what becomes clear more and more that even though Jett hasn't established himself yet, he's going to be a tough customer to beat. It’s a frantic, crazed contest, ending when Jett goes for the Jett Take Off, only for Angel to hold onto the top rope, leaving nobody home for the sunset flip. Jett goes slamming into the mat, and peeping over his shoulder Angel capitalises, launching himself off the turnbuckles with his trademark moonsault and putting an end to a very even contest.



Dark Angel def. Jacob Jett in 15:04 via pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. 81/B








Jeremy Stone quietly runs through a series of exercises in his locker room, limbering up, testing his muscles with stretches, but not pushing himself too hard. He has a big match to think of. The door opens, and Jeremy looks up wordlessly.






Steve DeColt: Well, well, well, look who it is. You know, Jeremy, I have to give you some credit, I was expecting to find you shivering in a corner somewhere. When people hear they're facing me, that's their usual reaction... I wonder, are you brave or just plain stupid? No wait, don’t answer that. You’re a Stone, which of those you are goes without saying.



Jeremy looks the smirking DeColt dead in the eye… then goes straight back to his stretches, pointedly ignoring his opponent. The smug expression on the champion's face flickers momentarily, but he quickly makes up for the mis-step.



Steve DeColt: Got nothing to say, Jeremy? To the man who has the belt that you haven’t held for oh… it must be eight years now? Your family legacy... a legacy that's passed you by, just like time has passed you by. You're getting old, Jeremy. Tired. Worn out. It must really get to you, not having success in so long. I mean, I wouldn’t know. Success has been my drinking buddy for my entire career. For you? It’s been that guy that occasionally buys the man propping up the bar a beer out of sympathy.



Jeremy starts taping his wrists. DeColt frowns, unable to hide his irritation at the lack of rise from his opponent. He thinks for a moment then leans right up close to Jeremy, just inches away from his face.



Steve DeColt: Fine, be that way. Ignore me all you like, but in the end, it won’t do you any good. You can't hide from the truth, and you can't outwrestle time. Tonight, you’ll see exactly why I’m DeGreat, DeMaster, DeColt.



The champion turns on his heel and walks out, slamming the door. Jeremy finishes up his wrists and looks up from his hands… then smiles. Just slightly.






R.K Hayes vs. Harrison Hash



Hayes has a broad and nasty grin on his face as he stands in the ring, waiting for an opponent that he knows he already beat the hell out of. A grin

A bloodied, bandaged Hash emerges from backstage and heads down to the ring, gingerly holding his ribs and touching at his head. However, make it to the ring he does, and as he stands in front of a livid R.K, Hash smiles defiantly.


Then Hayes punches him in the face and the match commences in earnest.


What’s very clear from early on is that the previous attack has worn Hash down – he’s moving more slowly, his holds aren’t clamped on as tight and he stops every so often to wince and rub his injuries. Vic Stone makes a show of concern for Hash's long term health, telling her co-commentators about the difficulties of fighting injured, with Townsend snarking cynically and playing up the 'fluke' nature of Hash's original win as much as he can. For his part, Hayes looks to exploit this advantage to the fullest; he powers his way out of holds that he would have struggled with, catches Hash with a sickening lariat after the technician didn't whip him into the ropes hard enough... and ten minutes in tears Hash’s head bandage off, repeated elbows to the face of his grounded opponent causing the blood to flow freely once again.


Bleeding and hurt, Hash never quits trying, but eventually the injuries are just too much for him, and fatigue means he’s a little slow on hitting the ropes for a flying crossbody. Hayes catches him – gutwrench – powerbomb! It’s a brutal Homicide Bomb, and Hash never looks like kicking out. His smirk from the beginning of the match restored, Hayes quits the ring, although his smile once again becomes a scowl as he sees Hash manage to get onto his knees before he's halfway up the ramp.



RK Hayes def. Harrison Hash in 16:38 via pinfall with a Homicide Bomb. 66/C+








Dan Jr. gives a smile, radiating confidence as he raises the mic to his mouth.



Dan Stone Jr: Thank you, thank you. You guys are making this show a real pleasure, and everybody's happy to be entertaining you. I’d love to stay here and talk to you all for a while longer, but unfortunately I’ve got some other business to deal with. You see, when I first heard that my brother Edd had come back home, I was thrilled.



He somehow manages to say that line without a trace of irony. Who knew Dan Jr. was such a good actor?



Dan Stone Jr: But then, the first thing he does is come up with that snake Huggins and relieves our sister from power without so much as a reason why! And don't give me that spiel about how her 'decision making was biased', because every man in that locker room knows that Victoria has been nothing more than one hundred percent impartial since she became general manager! So… Edd! Huggins! You pair of lowlifes, I’m calling you out! I demand an explanation for this!



And out they come.






Edd Stone: Damn bro, that really hurts my feelings. A lowlife? Seriously? Vic was too involved, man. Two brothers and a husband working here, and she’s in charge? That’s just asking for trouble, dude.



Dan Stone Jr: The last time I checked, you were related to me too, Edd!



Freddy Huggins: Ah but Dan, the difference is that the board know they can rely on Edd to not let his feelings cloud his judgement. He’s been in the US for three years, he’s had the time to distance himself from his family. He can call it down the middle. Besides, didn't your old man pretty much disown him? Oh, and uh, don’t forget his dashing executive assistant.



Freddy strikes a pose and Edd says something like ‘shazam!’ as he gestures to his friend with both hands.



Freddy Huggins: It’s men like Edd and I that this company needs to move forward, because we know how to make the matches that make the money, and more importantly, we know how to play fair. So why don’t you just pop a chill pill, close your mouth, and keep wrestling like a good little boy, eh?



Dan Stone Jr: Come down here and say that to my face you goddamn weasel! I’ll-



Freddy Huggins: Can I just stop you there? Awesome. I’d love to wrestle you, but I’m afraid I just can’t. After all, I wouldn’t want to disappoint your opponent, would I?






Freddy Huggins: That wouldn’t be fair at all.






Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dan Stone Jr.



Dan Jr. is obviously unsettled as the grinning Executives head backstage and Bloodstone makes a beeline for the ring. Dan Jr. wasn’t expecting to wrestle tonight, and anxiety is clear on his face as he strips off his t-shirt, shoes and socks and hastily removes his wrist watch, leaving him stood in just a pair of jeans. Bloodstone, conversely, is in full wrestling gear, leading Tommy London to speculate that The Executives planned this.


Bloodstone wastes no time in going after Dan Jr. the second he gets into the ring, quickly bringing him to the mat with a double leg takedown before the bell has even rung. Official Matt White, realising there's no way in hell he's getting Bloodstone off Dan, just orders the match started as Johnny works out his frustrations with a seris of punches to the head. For much of the match, Bloodstone endeavours to keep Stone grounded, focusing particularly on Dan Jr.’s right arm. Take away Dan’s arm, Victoria observes, concern evident in her voice, and not only are some of his best moves weakened, but it leaves him vulnerable to the Bloodstone Mutilation. With every hold Bloodstone slaps on, his face contorts into a snarl, pulling and twisting to the point that some of the submissions are growing borderline illegal


"Bloodstone's dangerous when he's angry," opines Vic Stone. "But the rage also blinds him, causes him to make mistakes. It's almost like he's relapsing..."


"Mistakes or not, I sure as hell don't want to be in there with him. I'd almost feel sorry for Dan if he weren't so damn self-righteous," Townsend's comment is rightfully met with twin glares from his broadcast partners.


Eventually, Dan Jr. counters an attempted arm drag with a standing monkey flip, and rubbing at his sore limb, goes on the offensive for a while, keeping Bloodstone at bay with the more speedy side of his arsenal. This finally gives Dan the opening to make this more than a beat-down, and the momentum begins to roll back and forth from there, with neither man being able to fully take control again, each always having a counter waiting to that big move which would turn the tide truly in one man's favour. The finish comes abruptly. Bloodstone twists a hammerlock in, takes Dan Jr. down to work him over with an armbar, proceeding to hook the arm, setting up for the Bloodstone Mutilation – No! – Dan Jr. rolls forward and bridges – kip up! – Bloodstone seizes hold of and wrenches Dan Jr. by his injured arm – Dan uses the momentum of the move to whiplash himself all the way around Bloodstone, onto his blind side – leg scissor! - Bloodstone’s down! – Dan’s got the ankle! – Grape vine! – STONE ANKLE STRETCH! STONE ANKLE STRETCH! Locked in! – Bloodstone screams in both pain and frustration! He’s thrashing, pounding at Dan’s hold on his leg! – Dan Jr. holds on for dear life! 20 seconds… 30 seconds… Bloodstone taps out!



Dan Stone Jr. def. Johnny Bloodstone in 25:04 via submission with a Stone Ankle Stretch. 92/A








Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone



As always, Jeremy looks serious going into this one, and for once, DeColt has his game face on. Even he, it seems, can occasionally take a match seriously if needs be, especially having failed to get into Jeremy's head earlier. What follows is very much a contrast of styles – DeColt using brute force to simply break out of holds and manhandle Jeremy, with the eldest Stone working the technical style that he is renowned and loved for. All the while, DeColt keeps jawing, seemingly never stopping except when Stone outright hits him in the face, talking smack, trying to throw Jeremy off.


DeColt goes for a clothesline, Jeremy hits a drop toehold and locks in a Boston crab. Jeremy attempts to ground the champion with a crisp suplex, and DeColt knees him repeatedly in the solar plexus before rattling his brains with a European uppercut. It’s close, and the momentum swings back and forth like a demented pendulum. At times, it seems like DeColt might never get back onto his feet, Jeremy has him so well worked over. At others, Jeremy is getting battered from pillar to post with shot after hard shot – getting himself busted open around fifteen minutes in after DeColt smashes his face repeatedly into the turnbuckle. Then Jeremy returns the favour with a volley of incredibly stiff forearm strikes to the face followed up by a tight chokehold. When DeColt fights free, there is a glint of red in his grimace.


Jeremy plants DeColt with a huge suplex that has such impact that it shakes the canvas. 1… 2… no! DeColt gets the shoulder up! Jeremy wastes no time, grasping the raised arm to apply a cross-armbreaker in the centre of the ring! DeColt scrambles around on the ground, manoeuvres himself… gets a foot to the ropes! Stone lets the hold go, stalks DeColt… STONE’S THRO-No! The champ slips out the back! Hits the ropes… DECOLT STAM- NO! Jeremy throws DeColt off, sending him flying across the ring! DeColt scrambles up, throws a wild punch, caught, Jeremy hooks the arm and sweeps the leg… STONE HOL- NO! Knee to the face as Jeremy tries to get it applied! Blood is everywhere! Jeremy gets to his feet, groggy… DeColt runs the ropes again… DECOLT STAMPEDE! He nails it! 1…2…3..!


Staggering to his feet, DeColt raises the Canadian title high in the air, blood showing in his confident smile as the PPV coverage fades to black...



Steve DeColt def. Jeremy Stone in 25:18 via pinfall w/DeColt Stampede. 89/B+

DeColt makes defence #2 of his NOTBPW Canadian title.



Overall Rating: B+

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Wallbanger: 17/19 (+6)
Eidenhoek: 15/19 (+5)
Emark: 14/19 (+6) 
Phantom Stranger: 12/19 (+5)
TakerNGN74: 9/13
Tigerkinney: 9/13
Boltinho 9/13 (+6)
Midnightnick: 9/19 (+4)
Briskout: 8/7 
20LEgend: 7/13 (+5)
Codey: 7/13 (+5)
Bigpapa42: 6/13
London 4/6 (+4, welcome!)
FuelFan0102 : 4/13
Rayelek: 3/13
LiquidSwords: 3/13


- So the winner of the first month is none other than my opposite number (conspiracy!). Wallbanger, feel free to ask a question of any roster member and I'll do my best to answer it.


I think this turned out to be a pretty decent event, overall. I feel a little bad about the Jett/Angel match, if only because it was such blatent filler, but as I mentioned earlier, early days have been very much a balancing act. NOTBPW, when not booked by the CPU at least, has an awesome main event scene (I know of course that I'm making it hard on myself through lack of McFly), but the undercard is fairly weak, all things considered (compare it to say... TCW's, and you'll see what I mean). Granted the product changes might have moved the performance > popularity split from 'overness barely matters' to 'overness matters enough to sink some of your matches', but ah well.


Hash vs. Hayes... I'll have an explanation post up for the first month sometime soon, where I go into some more depth, but I'll touch on this briefly. This was the main match where people called wrong, and I can't say I blame them - so much of the rest of the card was 'by the numbers' that only (from my perspective) Hash vs. Hayes and Dan vs. Bloodstone were too difficult to guess.


The thing is... I am not the biggest fan of Hayes. He's not a terrible worker, but he's definitely not a great one, and he landed in my lap 9 years into time decline. HOWEVER... he starts the game over. Doesn't matter that I'm performance > popularity, the overness still has an effect on that, meaning that if I just plain jobbed Hayes out... I'd be stuck with a lump of menace for the next ten months. Granted, I know I put a midcarder over him on the first show, but Hash gained a lot more from that than Hayes lost, purely because Hayes has got that menace, which made what was lost a lot easier to earn back.


So yeah, Hayes takes the win to make this an actual feud and not an extended jobbing-out ceremony.


Thanks for reading!

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I might stop predicting because I hate you.


Or, probably more likely, Wallbanger.


Wait, no, what was I going ot say? Uh...


Yeah, I think I might stop predicting (as frequently?), though I'll still give feedback and think about the shows. I don't want the pressure that I feel to actually accurately predict to weigh on me anymore.


That said, I still hate all of you. Or something.

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lmao. I'm perfectly fine with you not predicting. People playing the game is nice because it shows they're following things, but feedback (much like explained picks) is even better. So long as you're enjoying it, that's fine by me.








Removing Victoria Stone

* Two main reasons. One is simple, because I don’t rate Victoria as an authority figure. She is not bad, but she doesn’t quite have the entertainment skills that I look for in an authority, and I also prefer my authorities to be heels, which Vic can’t play very well, and would introduce too much intrigue and too many “Stone vs. Stone” dynamics.

* Going into a little more detail - as a performance based company, if I want to use angles, it means that they have to be pretty good ones or they get a harsh ding for the crowd turning against them. I learned very early on that Victoria couldn't reliably carry her own angles which, well... as an authority figure is pretty much the opposite of what you'd want.

* I couldn’t figure out how to debut Edd and Freddy – I wanted a role which would allow them to be antagonistic yet not demand an immediate feud. Jeremy and Dan Jr. vs. Edd and Freddy almost writes itself… but The Executives are not popular enough, nor good enough to main event yet, and my main event is not so packed that I can afford to preoccupy the Stone Siblings with two (upper) midcarders. Debuting the pair as authority figures as well as wrestlers gives me the wiggle room I need.

* There are one or two 'story' reasons as well, but those would be spoilerish to explain now.



Hash vs. Hayes

* This is fairly straightforward – it revolves around my complete lack of strong faces. Somebody needed a push, and a quick one at that. Hayes was my weakest heel main eventer, and hence became expendable – being both the worst in the ring and 9 years in time decline.

* However, it is not as simple as jobbing Hayes out… (see post-PPV explanation) and he could well go on to win the feud, but the initial victory was what was needed to elevate Hash. Hayes complained about doing the job, but Hash got a big boost for it, leap-frogging (in popularity if not card position) a bunch of my heels.

* And why Hash? I had three relatively over midcarders to pick from; Lord James King, Tim Westybrook and Harrison Hash. King I did not feel was good enough for a strong push, and in the end it came down to having a slight personal preference for Hash and his technical skills fitting well with much of the main event/Upper Midcard scene.

* In some respects (see next heading) I also felt that Westybrook was better suited for propping up the tag team division.



Wild West vs. Brown & Haynes

* Wild West was very nearly Robot Panda until I realised that I needed to push somebody. Mighty Cavanagh is weak in the ring (though in fairness, he is not TOO far from Harlem Haynes) yes, but he is also younger than my viable alternative (King) – and I liked the image of a Westybrook/Cavanagh team, a pair of tough-as-nails fist-fighters.

* Plus, Westybrook can work as a trainer to Cavanagh. I understand that he's basically being carried here, but the division was already poor, and the addition of Westybrook, regardless of who he was teaming with, was only going to improve it.

* Normally I would not have had had a title dropped so early, especially not to a brand new team, nor one containing a… let’s be charitable – ‘project’, but my division is incredibly weak. With The Executives debuting, Brown & Haynes being champions effectively meant the titles were on the third string heel team. The whole reason the Can-Am Blondes haven’t been anywhere close to the actual title scene is that they utterly outclass all the other teams. Even The Executives dropping a match to pretty much any other team, in terms of relative overness and ability, is pretty laughable. I was also unlucky in that the ‘Low’ experience of Brown & Haynes translated onto the bottom end of the scale that ‘low’ can be.

* And arranged against three heel teams, we had… The Fighting Irish? An average at best team (I for one do not rate Robbie McNamara at all… and yes I know he’s technically better than Cavanagh too) whose death blow as competitive in this division came with the dark match revelation that they have negative chemistry. So yeah, a real restructuring was and is in order.



Where is…?

* A couple of roster members have been absent from shows so far. This is most likely because I haven’t figured out how I’m going to use them yet and because there is a demand for long matches which makes it difficult to give the bottom end of the card screen time.

* Don’t worry though, everybody’s still around. The only person canned was Clarence Garcia, thanks to me wanting a younger, better replacement with more time to improve. (Royce Grieg). Some people don’t make it out of the dark much if at all (which will continue for some time, in a couple of cases), but everyone is getting matches.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just a quick heads up on this (and of course, Highlights). It's very much still going, I've just not had time to sit myself down and really crank out anything that I'd be happy posting, as I'm heading away to university very soon and things have got hectic. (Haven't had time to actually PLAY TEW in like a week) So a brief little hiatus! Expect me back in early October once I'm settled into it all.
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  • 4 months later...

Reboot time. Eiden since you're second in the prediction table and Wallbanger never got back to me, if you're still interested in the diary, then you may ask a (reasonable) question of any roster member. Bear in mind that if you pick Edd or Freddy, spoilering (either booking or story) questions will probably not be answered. In which case you can ask another.








Sitting outside Dan Stone Sr's office, Freddy is almost as anxious as that time he stiffed Tommy Cornell with a Huggins Kiss and knocked one of his teeth out. That was the fastest he ever tapped out. Edd sits beside him, playing Mario Kart on his DS, letting out the occasional whoop or noise of frustration.



"Come on come on come on red shell red shell! YES!"



Edd leaps from his chair and punches the air. As he dances a celebratory jig, there is a very distinct clearing of the throat from the office. Edd freezes. Freddy silently facepalms.



"Come in, Franklin," a moment's pause. "Only Franklin, please."



Freddy swallows, stands, and opens the door. Edd mouths 'good luck' on the way past.






Dan Sr stands behind his desk, facing away, arms behind his back. A little needlessly dramatic, thinks Freddy, but he doesn't say it. Goofing around is fun, but getting on Dan Sr's bad side could screw things up for his best friend. Not something he wants to happen.



"The numbers for Big City Brawl are on the desk. Take a look."



Freddy steps forward, grabs the sheaf of papers lying on the surface (which he notes is pristine. How is anybody THAT organised, anyway?), and starts to scan them, looking for the important information. After a minute or so, he looks up with a little half smile on his face.



"The buyrate was steady with last year, no real change," Freddy sounds like he himself almost can't believe it.



Dan Sr. turns. "And the reviewers are giving it positive feedback too. It seems as if you do know what you're doing after all. I didn't expect to ever hear myself say this, but... good job, Franklin."



As Freddy breaks out into the broadest of smiles, Dan Sr. holds up a hand. "But don't let it go to your head. If three shows made for a successful head booker, we would have a dozen Supreme Wrestling Federations. I will see you tomorrow Franklin, we have the build to the next Pay-per-view to discuss. One thing you'll learn about holding a position of responsibility here, Franklin..." Dan Sr. turns away. "It never stops."



Freddy opens his mouth, hesitates, says nothing. Leaves. Outside, he's met by Edd. The youngest Stone raises an eyebrow. Freddy smiles, nods.



They high five and go walking off down the corridor.

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((Thanks guys. :) ))



Julian Watson: "How do you explain the uncanny resemblance between you and John Maverick? More accurately, are you his brother and would you want to be?"





*laughs* "What the heck are you talking about? I don't look like Mave- ... ... Huh. Well I... well I guess I do."


*awkward silence*


"I... suppose that he isn't that much older than me. And I mean, he's a great wrestler for sure so I don't think that I'd... Um. Can you excuse me? I need to call my parents..."

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Monday Week 3, January 2010



The first major event of the new year is behind us, and there is undoubtedly still plenty of dust yet to settle as a result of last Wednesday's matches. Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen, because we have a great night of action ahead in store for you all!


Johnny Bloodstone came up short against Dan Stone Jr at Big City Brawl, and that ensures his temper will be even worse than usual as he faces off against the youngster Flash. Could Flash score the upset of the year and sour Bloodstone's mood even further, or will experience and a vicious streak a mile wide win out?


Our next match is a repeat from last week, the tidy little encounter between The Executives and the exciting tandem of Erik Strong and newcomer Davis Wayne Newton. The prodigal Stone and his assistant found themselves in trouble last time they faced off against this team, but will Strong and Newton be able to go one better and score the victory? It's guts against cunning as these pairings face off!


The Canadian Champion can talk into the cows come home, but at Big City Brawl Steve DeColt showed NOTBPW that he's more than just a man with a microphone by retaining against Jeremy Stone. However, DeColt's hopes of a break will have been dashed by this match; an encounter with one half of the NOTBPW tag team champions, Mighty Cavanagh. Both men have started the new year in strong form, who will take the spoils when they collide?


Speaking of hot streaks, John Maverick will be in action next, and he's brought his Submissions Challenge with him. His opponent will be the rookie high-flier, Jacob Jett, a man that has already proven that he's willing to take on any challenge to prove himself. Jett couldn't overcome Dark Angel at the PPV, but there's no doubt that Maverick will have his hands full with the man dubbed 'Amazing'.


Following this, two more Big City Brawl winners will collide, and as has been proven so many times in the past... this one will be ugly. The classic rivalry that is Dan Stone Jr and R.K Hayes will be revisited, and both men could stake a compelling claim to the Canadian title with a victory here.


The main event of the night sees Big City Brawl's unsuccessful challenger, Jeremy Stone take on the always-dangerous Dark Angel, in another match that could well have title implications down the line. Jeremy came very close to the world title on a number of occasions this past Wednesday, and undoubtedly will be looking to propel himself back into contention as soon as he can. Of course, when facing off against a man like Dark Angel, that is far, far easier said than done...





Johnny Bloodstone vs. Flash


Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives


Steve DeColt vs. Mighty Cavanagh (non-title)



John Maverick vs. Jacob Jett


R.K. Hayes vs. Dan Stone Jr.


Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone

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Johnny Bloodstone vs. Flash

Poor Flash. He doesn't know what he's getting into.


Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives

DWN & Strong are a nice, young pairing. The Execs are better.


Steve DeColt vs. Mighty Cavanagh (non-title)

DeColt will go down eventually, but not to Cavanaugh.



John Maverick vs. Jacob Jett

I am John Maverick. You are hearing me talk.


R.K. Hayes vs. Dan Stone Jr.

I can't imagine Stone Junior will enjoy losing to Hayes.


Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone

Toughest one to call, but when in doubt, go with a Stone.

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Johnny Bloodstone vs. Flash

Probably a squash match.


Erik Strong & Davis Wayne Newton vs. The Executives


Steve DeColt vs. Mighty Cavanagh (non-title)

smwilliams said it best Steve will go down eventually but not to Cavanagh.



John Maverick vs. Jacob Jett

I don't think Jacob will stand a chance.


R.K. Hayes vs. Dan Stone Jr.

Dan probably wont be happy if he were to lose to R.K.


Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone

Just a guess but I will go with Jeremy although if Dark Angel wins I will be fine with it.

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((Thanks guys. :) ))



Julian Watson: "How do you explain the uncanny resemblance between you and John Maverick? More accurately, are you his brother and would you want to be?"





*laughs* "What the heck are you talking about? I don't look like Mave- ... ... Huh. Well I... well I guess I do."


*awkward silence*


"I... suppose that he isn't that much older than me. And I mean, he's a great wrestler for sure so I don't think that I'd... Um. Can you excuse me? I need to call my parents..."


I think I laughed for about five minutes after I read this. :D

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