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NOTBPW: The Prodigal Stone

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Thanks for reading and commenting. I'm glad you're enjoying it.


I did change the product up, but my post about that was way back so I wouldn't blame you for missing it. It was more or less to simulate the different direction a new owner-to-be would want to take things, translating to this:


Eddsecutive Decisions (Product changes)


Mainstream: Very Low -> Low

Pure: Medium -> Low

Match Ratio: 90% -> 80%

Expected Match Lengths: 12/18/30 -> 8/15/25 (20 for TV)

Match Intensity: 80% -> 65%

Match Danger: 20% -> 25%


In honesty it's the angles that are hurting my grades (though the D rated matches aren't helping), but without them, there would be so little progression in storyline terms. I don't generally book performance > popularity (usually it's equal weight), and I'm not very good at advancing stories without angles, so I fiddled with things a little to suit my own playstyle.

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Loving this diary after spending the last three or so hours getting caught up to date on it. Both the backstage and the actual show segments are great much love for DeMaster and the panda boy. Your roster is sadly missing a certain Sayeed Ali to it.
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Charasmatic Enigma: (25/24) (+6, +1 bonus, congratulations, you now have more points than the maximum. xD)
smwilliams: (23/24) (+6 ,+1 bonus, flawless victory!)
Emark: (22/24) (+5, sadly Hirokichi will not be in these kinds of matches for a long time)
TakerNGN74:  (22/24) (+4, +1 bonus)
Phantom Stranger: (20/24) (+3, GJK is another that... in this case, would sink my grades in a hurry)
Eidenhoek: (18/24) (+4, +1 bonus)
Midnightnick: (16/24 (+4)
funkyzafara: (7/6) (+6, +1 bonus, way to knock it out the park on your first try. xP)
serotonin187: (5/6)
Hyde Hill: (5/6) (+4, welcome! I don't actually have working agreements with anyone else, though the idea is somewhat tempting)
Boltinho: (5/6) (+5, welcome, I too like Frost and there will be more of him after this PPV)
Jack Hood: (5/6) (+5, welcome!)



* It's interesting to see how many people picked the Tri-Force to win! In truth, they really are just better than Brown & Haynes, but the face/heel divide is a bit of a ball and chain so far as Wild West vs. Tri-Force is concerned. Face/Face and Heel/Heel matches MIGHT happen at some stage, but right now I'm having a fair bit of trouble with grades without booking matches that I know are going to get penalised. In any case, as Eidenhoek correctly pointed out, it's too soon for Strong and Newton anyway. They're not over enough yet.


* Something similar applies to The Executives. They're popular and firmly in the UMC, but they're not a patch on the overness of somebody like Jeremy. As I expressed a while back, right now, Jeremy and Dan are basically untouchable to anybody whose name isn't DeColt or Bloodstone (with an outside chance of Dark Angel or R.K. Hayes getting something). It should say something that since I started pushing Hash, he is now head and shoulders the third most over face, and that's after only a couple of months.


* Oh, and the note of Hash? AHAHAHA great chemistry teaming with Jeremy! *dances around*



Just caught on this, good stuff. Hard to believe someone is making NOTBPW interesting. The Can-Am blondes chasing after Maverick is particular "haven't seen this before" thing.


Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it. As something that started as an excuse to keep The Blondes out of the tag title scene, the Can-Am - Maverick storyline has become surprisingly fun to write and book for.



Loving this diary after spending the last three or so hours getting caught up to date on it. Both the backstage and the actual show segments are great much love for DeMaster and the panda boy. Your roster is sadly missing a certain Sayeed Ali to it.


That's high praise, thank you! It's going to be a little while yet, but I can tell you that Sayeed will show up in the future (I'm a fair bit ahead game wise than I am diary wise). Something to look forward to, I guess. :p

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"See, that wasn't so bad."



"I'mstillalive I'mstillalive ohgodI'mstillalive."






"He had murder on his mind, murder I tell you!"



"Freddy, he didn't even put you in the hold."



"But his eyes! You could see in his eyes that he WANTED to!"



"Don't be stupid, man."



"I'm serious!"



"Well... I guess you DID subscribe him to the mailing lists of "Knitting, work to sooth the soul" and "Tips for the under-performing male," Freddy."



"I thought that was Dan's email!"



"...You did? DUDE why did I never think of that!?"



"My genius is beyond compare."



"Apart from when you're crying like a little girl."



"You KNOW what happens in the House of Stone, Edd!"



"Oh quit being such a queen about it. That's not a torture chamber."



"Then explain the suspicious dark stains on the floor!"



"Freddy... my brother is not a sociopath."



"I don't know how you can say that after going through his 'training'... more like ritual dismemberment..."



"We both still have arms."



"That's his cover! They're still attached, but snapped into a bajllion tiny pieces!"



"...Will you shut up about this if I play some more NOTBPW Championship Wrestling with you?""



"Maybe. Depends how I feel after making you tap out fifteen times in a row."



"Ohh it is on."



"Maybe you'll find some more geriatrics to sign!"



"Say that to Larry's face and he will probably eat your brains."



"I heard he did that in Japan once."



"Wouldn't be surprised. Say... you don't think Melody is gonna hold that promo against me, do you?"



"Yeah I bet you'd love her to hold it against you."



"More action then you'd ever get!"




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Saturday, week 2, February 2010



We're just a few short days away from February's main event; NOTBPW Clash Classic, available LIVE on Canada 1-Choice and My-Select USA!


First up is the next chapter in the rivalry that has been ongoing since the start of the year; Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes have been relentless in their pursuit of the gold they lost in a shock defeat at the hands of Tim Westybrook and Mighty Cavangh. By now I think everyone knows the score; it isn't going to be technical, it isn't going to be pretty, but it IS going to be entertaining!


'Unbreakable' Jacob Jett proclaims that he is the man that will never quit, no matter how insurmountable the obstacle - and incredibly, he has set out to prove that with yet ANOTHER challenge to the sinister Dark Angel. Will experience tell, or will Jett be able to step up to that next level and take home the victory? One thing's for certain; the matches have come closer and closer every time.


Never without a word to say are the Can-Am Blondes, and ahead of Clash Classic, they have declared that the Maverick submission challenge will once again be coming to PPV. No word on Maverick's opponent as of yet, but with Maverick on one heck of a streak, what better way to make a name for yourself than by putting that streak to an end?


Next up we have a pair of grudge matches. Two men that have suffered constant attacks and abuse will face off against their tormentors in the hopes of settling the score. Harrison Hash squares off against the brute R.K. Hayes and then, in our semi main event, Dan Stone Jr. will step into the ring against Johnny Bloodstone. Sparks will fly, blood will be spilled, and there's a good chance that these competitors won't be satisfied with just that!


Finally, our main event is another rematch of Big City Brawl. Jeremy Stone gets his second opportunity at the Canadian championship of Steve DeColt, a belt that he hasn't held for over eight years. Can the eldest son of the Stone family take back his family's legacy, or will the brash and confident DeColt find a way to hold onto the gold once again? Find out this Saturday!






Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes


Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel



John Maverick vs. ???


R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash


Dan Stone Jr. vs. Johnny Bloodstone



Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

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Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes


B&H are far more terrifying. And theyve got good backup


Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel


My dream HIW worker. sigh



John Maverick vs. ???


It wouldnt still be a ??? unless he was a star with a great sub move. K'Lee Hawkins?


R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash


Youve done a great job with him


Dan Stone Jr. vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Too easy to get Dan back



Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone


Jez is dull

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Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes


Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel



John Maverick vs. ??? (Jason O'Conner)


R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash


Dan Stone Jr. vs. Johnny Bloodstone



Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

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Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes

Tough to call, but I'm saying you stick with the champs here.


Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel

Jett lost the first. I have a feeling he'll win the second.



John Maverick vs. ???

Not sure who the ???? is, but Maverick has to lose eventually.


R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash

Yea, Hash is the bomb and you've certainly built him up as such.


Dan Stone Jr. vs. Johnny Bloodstone

Setting up another Stone vs DeColt match for your next PPV.



Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

Freddy, prepare to have your arm broken.

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Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes


Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel



John Maverick vs. ???


R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash


Dan Stone Jr. vs. Johnny Bloodstone



Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

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Screw the shows, more Edd & Freddy backstage plz. :p





Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes


Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel



John Maverick vs. ???


R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash


Dan Stone Jr. vs. Johnny Bloodstone



Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

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Wild West © vs. Brown & Haynes


Jacob Jett vs. Dark Angel



John Maverick vs. ???


R.K. Hayes vs. Harrison Hash


Dan Stone Jr. vs. Johnny Bloodstone



Steve DeColt © vs. Jeremy Stone

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I believe it's time I properly closed the door on this, lest I once again get the urge to try and start things off only to peter out. I have a new idea in the pipeline, but before I say anything else, I'm going to quickly outline the Clash Classic card, and the results of it.





* Opening up, The Executives come out and continue their ongoing theme of hating on the Women's Division. So much so, in fact, that they cancel the Women's title match that was slated for later on in the night.


* Wild West def Brown & Haynes to retain the tag team titles, graded C.


* Jacob Jett and Dark Angel go to a time limit draw, graded B


* There's hype for the Maverick submission challenge. However, Larry Wood of all people emerges from backstage, and in his mountain-manesque way, calls Maverick out for playing purely to his strengths, and challenges Maverick to include pins in the contest. Maverick's only response is a slight nod.


* Hampered by bad chemistry, Maverick defeats Wood in a match grading C+, though he suffers a few scares along the way.


* Harrison Hash manages to overcome R.K Hayes, graded B-


* Dan Stone Jr. just about squeaks a victory out over Johnny Bloodstone, graded A


* Bloodstone is clearly having huge difficulty holding his temper, and goes storming from the ring.


* A classic arrogant DeColt promo on Jeremy Stone.


* Steve DeColt defeats Jeremy Stone to retain the Canadian title.




And now for the predominant reason I've struggled so much to write this; right after Clash Classic, Dan Stone Sr. retired - which, in spite of being a no brainer for the first year of any given Cverse game, completely blindsided me. I still knew where I wanted to take the in-ring action and where I was going with that, but the overarching story suddenly became an awful lot harder to envisage. It didn't click in my head any more, because that's meaning Dan Sr went from not being able to stand the sight of Edd to giving him his blessing to take the company inside of two months.


- It just didn't work for me, mentally, and I struggled after that. Quite honestly I should have halted things sooner, but I tried to keep going and I apologise for dragging the whole process out.


A few cribbed notes for where I saw things going:



The Maverick Submission Challenge:


Believe it or not, this 'give heels something to do' segment was eventually going to become the catalyst for a Maverick face turn, as he grew more and more sick of the Can-Am Blondes' presence in his matches, beginning to throw curveballs like adding pinfalls to more of the matches and so on and so forth. The challenge would eventually be answered by Dan Stone Jr (at the Ed Henson Memorial), where Dan would become the first person to beat Maverick. Subsequently, Maverick would intervene to save Dan from a Bloodstone beatdown, cementing his new status by choking out Owen Love. He would even go on to challenge for the world title.


The Women's Division:


The Executives' ongoing hostilities with the women was really a means of getting the girls involved in more angles and rub some overness off on them. It was also the means to ease Victoria out of the announce desk and eventually offscreen, in order to cater for the overarching storyline I'd hinted at where she wanted to focus on family. (In the long long term, this might have led to her returning to the ring). In any case, a golden opportunity came up inside the next move, and I managed to sign the one and only Laura Huggins - who would have helped take a stand against her brother. Super Slam would see Sara Marie York, Victoria Stone and Zoe Ammis take on Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins and Julian Watson in separate matches (SMY/Edd and Julian/Zoe both having great chemistry as opponents), ending in a win for each side and a draw - the feud eventually seeing The Executives forced to keep the division, and admit the women were as good at wrestling as the men, and Victoria sent on a well earned break (with a genned colour commentator arriving at the announce desk).


The World Title:


The following month was going to see DeColt debut his 'ten minute challenge', where he promised a title shot to anyone who could last ten minutes with him. His opponents were the obvious scrubs of guys like Jason O'Connor and Flash, until in the fourth week his challenge was answered by Dan Stone himself! The elder statesman just about survived, then went on to challenge for the title at Ed Henson Memorial, of course eventually going down to the champion. This would lead to DeColt's ego inflating substantially, yet then his bubble being burst in a hurry as Maverick made him tap out in tag team action. He would successfully defend the title against Maverick - but only via cheating, something of course reprehensible to all things NOTBPW (and representing a further product change, to allow cheaper finishes). He would see off Maverick a second time as the Can-Am Blondes hampered him, and then managed to defeat Harrison Hash afterwards. However, after Dan Stone Jr earned a title shot, he would concede it after being assaulted once again by Bloodstone, and a hasty tournament would see Jeremy Stone named number one contender again.


Long story short; a third tilt at the belt late in the year would result in Jeremy dethroning DeColt for his first Canadian title in years. The reign would last for a relatively short time (2 to 3 months) before DeColt managed to regain the belt, putting Jeremy on the shelf in the process, weaselling his way into several title defences. Ultimately, DeColt would proclaim he's beaten everyone worth beating... only to be interrupted by the music of Sean McFly, off the injury list at long last and ready to exact some payback for the way his family had been treated over the past year.



Random other bits:


- Wild West were eventually going to drop the belts to the Nest of Vipers, who would grow to be very cerebral and manipulative villains, revealed as being responsible for a string of attacks on the big men.


- Next PPV was going to see the debut of two high profile acquisitions; Sean Deeley and Rocky Golden. I was National to CGC's Cult at that point, so Deeley wasn't too hard to pilfer, and in the case of Rocky, he dropped the world title VERY early on to Tommy Cornell, and had lost a fair bit of value. I can only imagine that this, combined with TCW's lack of money, led to them not wanting to spend very much on him. In any case, they would be a tag team to butt heads with the Can-Am Blondes, the objective being to improve Rocky in the ring whilst boosting Sean on the mic.


- Other signings: Steve Flash, Sayeed Ali, Ted Brady, Samoan Machine (as a dominant force squashing guys like Gentleman Jim King and Robbie MacNamara, who were on their way out) and Jared Johnson (as the masked 'Oni', who was going to have a role in a future storyline with Bloodstone)


- Jason O'Connor was set to turn on MacNamara in order to form a team with Derek Frost (which was going to be way better than poor-chemistry Fighting Irish)


Thanks to everyone who participated and encouraged me along the way - I apologise for not delivering more content for your support. Hopefully my next project will run better - and considering I'm eight years into the game I want to base it off, I'm not sure there's any risk of running short of content...

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Ah - of course.


The basic idea was that, a while down the line, we'd be introduced to some of the House of Stone training methods, probably as a means of introducing Mark Griffin, who debuts in like... June 2010, iirc.


It's there that we'd discover both the reason for Edd's extensive knowledge of trivia and Freddy's paralysing fear of Jeremy; how the House of Stone goes about business. Effectively, Jeremy doesn't just want to create good wrestlers, he wants to create wrestlers that have scholarly knowledge of the business too - therefore for every painful hold and submission move he puts the trainees in, he gives them facts and figures about wrestling (especially NOTBPW) to learn. Incorrect answers are penalised by being drilled more severely - and as Freddy was absolutely awful at memorising the facts, he spent hour after hour being twisted into knots by Jezza, leading to him being terrified to even be in the same room as him.



The storyline itself... was going to move towards a bit of a reconciliation, with Dan Sr probably at the start of the month going "This is a disaster!" and attempting to wash his hands of Edd and the promotion altogether, before being gradually won over through the course of the retirement month before eventually leaving Edd his blessing as he realises that he isn't doing such a bad job after all. Had Dan given me... two or three more months, I think I would've been able to realise that (I managed National right before the Ed Henson Memorial), but sadly the timing just didn't work out.

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ditto Blake. I followed this and you had a good run with a terrible company. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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