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SWF vs. TCW: The Battle's Over. The War ISN'T Won!

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Wrestling News: SWF Management Unhappy At Dark Match World Championship Performance.




This past Tuesday after the live taping of Supreme TV, SWF booked two men who were not on the show, Eric Eisen and Runaway Train into a bonus dark match after the show had gone off air. The match was for Eric Eisen's SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Being a dark match many have reported that Eric Eisen and Runaway Train saw it as unimportant and put very little effort in, looking lazy and uninterested. Most have called the match a shambles, with one fan saying "They literally spent half the match in headlocks and most of the other half walking around the ring, or in Eric's case leaving it for 'a breather' after a great show it was disappointing." Another one of our journalists who was at the show said, "If this is how much Runaway Train tries in a supposed "World Title" match, I'm not sure he should be wrestling anymore. Poor display."


Sources within SWF said that Eric and Runaway Train were called into a meeting the next morning about the match, which is being punished more as top brass in the SWF feel the match makes the championship look unimportant, as Runaway Train who was challenging puts up little effort in order to win the championship.


The rumour mill is also in full swing suggesting, Eric will drop the title soon due to his "disrespect of the honour" of holding the belt. Others have suggested the veteran Runaway Train may be in his last run with the company, and many have added he may have lost his place on the card of The Supreme Challenge Thirty - some have suggested the same of Eric, regarding the Supreme Challenge, saying he may drop the belt on TV within the next couple of weeks, although these rumours are unsubstantiated as of this moment.

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Thanks to Boltinho, ChrisKid, tommyb, LoNdOn and Midnightnick, and to the people who read the show


1) Midnightnick: 20 (+2)

2) tommyb: 16 (+1)

3) Jingo: 14 (-1)

4) LoNdOn: 13 (=)

5) ChrisKid: 10 (+1)

6) angeldelayette: 9 (-1)

7) Boltinho: 8 (=)

8) Jay Keith: 3 (=)

=) Emark: 3 (=)

=) pauls07: 3 (=)


Just thought I'd note I ran a dark match between the two guys in the "article" above and it score at
I got the note neither of them took it seriously because of it being a dark match, after I checked the dirt sheet surprised at the result. We'll have to see what sanction they receive if any at all...


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Thanks to Boltinho, ChrisKid, tommyb, LoNdOn and Midnightnick, and to the people who read the show


1) Midnightnick: 20 (+2)

2) tommyb: 16 (+1)

3) Jingo: 14 (-1)

4) LoNdOn: 13 (=)

5) ChrisKid: 10 (+1)

6) angeldelayette: 9 (-1)

7) Boltinho: 8 (=)

8) Jay Keith: 3 (=)

=) Emark: 3 (=)

=) pauls07: 3 (=)


Just thought I'd note I ran a dark match between the two guys in the "article" above and it score at
I got the note neither of them took it seriously because of it being a dark match, after I checked the dirt sheet surprised at the result. We'll have to see what sanction they receive if any at all...



Yeah, after show dark matches always are considered unimportant, which sucks.


Brilliant show, and I'll retain my lead I know.

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The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The New Wave


After laying down a challenge The New Wave are expecting an answer from The SWF World Tag Team Champions Valiant and Jack G. That said they have something else on their plate, a debut match against a team who know each other like few other teams The Amazing Bumfholes.




Rich Money vs. Joe Sexy


Coming off a win last week, Rich Money continues to look for a build of momentum. Despite the fact he was attacked last week by Vengeance, Rich will keep his eye on the ball against Joe Sexy. Sexy has recently been exchanging words with Danny Fonzarelli who recently join the SWF. Fonz told Sexy he will be watching closely and this will be another tough test for the Style Icon of the Supreme Wrestling Federation.



Big Smack Scott vs. Bryan Vessey


This is a match where clash of styles fits perfectly. The TCW loyalist Bryan Vessey, a well rounded technician takes on Big Smack Scott in his debut here in SWF. Scott has recently been slaughtered by the crowds who hate him and have told him to "go away" and constantly tell him "you can't wrestle." This is clearly getting to Scott who's relationship with the fans is at breaking point, to the extent he has even had to be restrained from giving as good has he's gotten in recent weeks.



Angry Gilmore vs. Shady K


Shady K has been struggling to gain much momentum recently and that doesn't look like changing as he faces Angry Gilmore. As focused as ever, and on top of his game. Gilmore certainly goes into this the favourite, although K is not to be underestimated, especially with his win at all costs mantra.



Joey Minnesota vs. Enforcer Roberts


Having had a major bust up with Tommy Cornell last week, Joey Minnesota gained favour with the SWF fans by telling them he is signing with the promotion. He will this week make his debut taking on Eric Eisen's enforcer... Enforcer Roberts. Will Joey make an impact on his first night as an SWF Superstar.




Number One Contendership Match

Vengeance vs. Jack Bruce vs. Runaway Train vs. ???


All three have legitimate claims to the title, and the forth unknown man is said to be a former World Champion. Having been handpicked as the most worthy by SWF management all three of these men will be looking to be a headliner in the Thirtieth Supreme Challenge, and more importantly become SWF World Champion. The forth man is said also to be picked by management, (as if there weren't enough guys debuting) as a back up for the denfence against a possible invasion. With them comment "We know he is loyal to the SWF".


Quick Card:

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The New Wave

Rich Money vs. Joe Sexy

Big Smack Scott vs. Bryan Vessey

Angry Gilmore vs. Shady K

Joey Minnesota vs. Enforcer Roberts

Vengeance vs. Jack Bruce vs. Runaway Train vs. ???

Mystery Man?:


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The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The New Wave

Rich Money vs. Joe Sexy

Big Smack Scott vs. Bryan Vessey

Angry Gilmore vs. Shady K

Joey Minnesota vs. Enforcer Roberts

Vengeance vs. Jack Bruce vs. Runaway Train vs. ???

Mystery Man?: Bruce The Giant

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Why are you trying to improve BSS's stats? Vessey? *sigh*


Also, lol at the roids in the ring on that one.


The mystery guy is one of Dread, Bruce the Giant, Sean McFly, or Enygma. Unless you meant a former TCW world champ *shakes fist*.


I hope it's McFly, since he's totally not involved with anyone at NOYBPW >____________>


Looking at TCW, there's Tyson Baine, Liberty, and RDJ.




None of those guys are loyal to SWF at all. What the hell.


So I want McFly, but I have a feeling it's...


Well, it has to be RDJ. Everyone else is under written contracts.


But RDJ doesn't want to work for SWF...SO CONFUSED

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Son of a gun; how quickly are you churning out these cards dude?


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The New Wave

For my monery, Guide and Scout are the better duo.


Rich Money vs. Joe Sexy

SInce I have now twice been incorrect by picking Sexy, I will side with Money. He never lets me down............


Big Smack Scott vs. Bryan Vessey

I pick the roid-monkey........Oh, I still need to highlight one?


Angry Gilmore vs. Shady K

Gilmore without a shadow of a doubt


Joey Minnesota vs. Enforcer Roberts

Mr Short Fuse to add to the success for TCW newcomers in the world of Supreme.


Vengeance vs. Jack Bruce vs. Runaway Train vs. Bruce The Giant

Too soon for Cornell to get ivolved. Quite honestly I could see you trying to use Rocky Golden here so that is what I will pick for the mystery man's identity. However, I think Bruce will pick up the win on this night. EDIT: Just re-read the info you provided. Now I think it will be Bruce The Giant

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Quick Card:

The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The New Wave

Rich Money vs. Joe Sexy

Big Smack Scott vs. Bryan Vessey

Angry Gilmore vs. Shady K

Joey Minnesota vs. Enforcer Roberts

Vengeance vs. Jack Bruce vs. Runaway Train vs. ???

Mystery Man?: Bruce The Giant

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[The show begins this week, rather than with an introduction from the announcers, with Angry Gilmore in the ring with a microphone.]




Angry Gilmore:
Last week I gave those TCW punks one week to claw together someone who they think could challenge me at The Supreme Challenge Thirty. I've given you seven days and now is time for who, if anyone you've got for me.


[As usual not coming from the ramp but the side entrance a figure walks to the ring, the camera gets a close up shot. It's Wolf Hawkins! And he has a microphone in his hand. He enters the ring.]




Wolf Hawkins:
Gilmore, last week when you made the challenge I knew within seconds that I was going to be the guy taking you on. Not because I want some TCW, SWF warfare, and not because Tommy push me forward as the challenger, but because Gilmore, I respect you as a competitor. You've wrestled in Japan, Canada, Mexico, Europe. And you have proved time and again you are one of the best all round guys in the business. So allegiances aside, I want to face you at The Supreme Challenge because I want to put on, one of the best matches in SWF history. [The crowd cheer a bit though most are suspicious.] I don't expect you to like me or trust me, because Tom I don't like
trust you but in two weeks time at The Supreme Challenge I want to steal the show!


[He holds his hand out for Gilmore to shake, but Gilmore declines.]


Angry Gilmore:
Your naivety or maybe your slyness annoys me, it makes me mad. Wolf do you really thing that I'm going to shake your hand. I don't know if your trying to fool me or you are really stupid but the crap you've pull this past month, has pissed me off. I'm not challenging you to a respectful match, you are the enemy. I didn't even make the challenge for a great match, I made it because I wan to destroy you, and I want to destroy everything that, that promotion ever stood for. The challenge wasn't there for us to shake hands and be friends it was there for me to take out my enemy, and take out my frustrations, because Wolf you've made me ANGRY!


[Angry dropped the microphone and walked away leaving Wolf hanging in the ring.]


Peter Michaels:
It's a late welcome to the show, but a welcome nonetheless. Welcome to the show, this is Supreme TV and what a night of action we have for you.

Duane Fry:
That's right Peter, including a huge four way main event for the number one contendership to Eric Eisen's World Heavyweight Championship. The four men are gunning for a title shot at Supreme Challenge.

Jerry Eisen:
Looking to take on Eric on the grandest stage of them all is Vengeance, Jack Bruce, Runaway Train and a forth mystery challenger who is a new arrival in the land of Supreme. He is someone who has been placed in this match, after an agreement with SWF management who believe this is a “key move” for the company.

Peter Michaels:
Speaking of new arrivals The New Wave make their in ring début next, taking on The Amazing Bumfholes.



The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The New Wave


This match was strong from the off and served as an excellent pace setting opener for this edition of Supreme TV. With great action and some stiff work from Guide and Scout, the crowd were clearly impressed with The New Wave as they begin to adjust to the new ring.


After some great wrestling, high flying and brawling the match came to an end with a début victory for Guide and Scout hitting their patented Wave Of Mutilation to pick up the victory against The Bumfholes.


The Winners... The New Wave.




[After the match from the back come Jack Giedroyc and Valiant holding their SWF championship belts around their waists.]




Guide, Scout great performance. We weren't here last week due to Jack flying back to the UK, but I watched live and Jack caught the show on UKB over there on Thursday and as soon as he got back I spoke to him about, you guys first of all, working in DAVE and then about what Tag Team wrestling means in modern wrestling and we saw that although sometimes it will get brushed to the side, it still produces some of the best matches every week.


Jack Giedroyc:
Then we realised that the belts represent that we are the best tag team in the world today, the only argument being from you guys. We thought long and hard and it seems the only logical way of proving who is the best is to take you guys on, and well, title versus title just adds to the stakes, so we are certainly in.


[Jack and Valiant then head off the same way they came, as Guide and Scout standing in the ring looking delighted, celebrating the confirmation of the match.]


Peter Michaels:
Another huge match added to Supreme Challenge, not only do we get to see Cornell versus Faith for the first time ever, we also get Jack G and Valiant unifying World Tag Team gold with The New Wave.

Jerry Eisen:
I still think it's dumb...

Duane Fry:
You wouldn't know smart or dumb if
slapped you across the face.

Jerry Eisen:
Try me... [following this statement Duane swings at Eisen only for Michaels to restrain him.]

Duane Fry:
He asked for it.

Peter Michaels:
And “he” can get you fired.

Jerry Eisen:
Who decided we needed commentary, anyway?

Peter Michaels:
Quit it you guys, up next is Rich Money and Joe Sexy [Michaels turn away and removes his microphone, all that can be heard is a lecturing like tone from Michaels to the others.]



Rich Money vs. Joe Sexy


Rich Money noticeably was carrying a knock in this match following an attack from Vengeance last week and Joe played to this making sure to focus by and large on the neck of Rich Money. This tactic paid off for much of the match, but once the adrenaline kicked in it was wasted as Rich began to mount a comeback on “The Style King”.


Joe then resorted to cheating but this didn't work out for Joe Sexy again seeming , somewhat off tonight, and Rich Money defeated him with a Dollars From Heaven in under nine minutes.


The Winner... Rich Money.


Peter Michaels:
Whilst these two sulk, I'll provide commentary alone it seems. Great performance from Rich Money, but once again something seeming not right about Joe Sexy. But now we are hearing Remo is backstage with a message for the world.


[Peter is correct and in front of the interview backdrop, Remo is stood looking straight down the camera.]




This week I've received a lot of messages, questions, tweets asking me what the big deal is with me and Steve Frehley. Why it always heats up between us whenever we are in the same room together. Well I'll be one to set the record straight!


The fact is when Steve debuted in SWF, he beat Sam Keith, he then went on to bulldoze through Gilmore, Runaway Train, McClean, you name 'em he beat 'em. All apart from one name. You see when Steve became champion only one man had ever pinned him. When he got that win over Runaway Train, there was only one man who could say "I have beaten Steve Frehley". That man was me, and the fact is since that day he has
been able to look himself in the mirror and say “I am the best!” Because he knows, I am. The Dark Destroyer was no match for The Man Monster. Sure we've faced off since and we've shared the spoils but it still remains I was the one who took the fear from Frehley, the one who took the so called “destroyer” and destroyed that entire aura and crushed in the middle of the ring.


If it wasn't for me, maybe nobody would have ever beaten Frehley he could be the biggest star in the world right now, and that is why he hates me. And he feels that hate every single time we exchange eye contact, everytime he hears my name, everytime he sees my name in the main event and not his!


But why do I “rise” to it. I rise to it because he is everything I hate about the world, he is the antithesis of me. He is bitter. He is a liar. He is a manipulative, twisted son of a bitch, and while he may have the fans wrapped around his little finger. I ain't that stupid and I see through it, and I will DESTROY the Destroyer...


[Remo walks off and we go back to ringside.]


Peter Michaels:
Well a one sided account there by all means, with Frehley not here tonight I'd imagine he will have something to say next week on Supreme TV... Oh wait I'm hearing of a ruckus backstage.


[As the camera cuts backstage a plate is seen crashing into the wall, we can also see any Fonzarelli and Joe Sexy in catering]




Joe Sexy:
… Are you taking the piss?


Danny Fonzarelli:
No man, you did well, worked on his neck, got him into a tough situation, Rich is one of the best in the world. He just got the better of you Joe.


Joe Sexy:
No, Dan, he got lucky. Are you feeling lucky? Because I can take you down right now.


[As the next line is spoken a figure we saw last week is seen approaching Joe from Behind with a bottle of cola in one hand and a burger in the other.]




Joe Sexy:
You wanna go because [Tana is seen putting down his food and picking up a stool from one of the tables.] I will beat the crap out of you right here, right...


[THWACK! A huge shot knocks Sexy to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Tana looks at Fonzarelli with a huge grin on his face. Danny doesn't looks so impressed.]


Danny Fonzarelli:
Tana, what was that all about, man?


Tana The Might:
I did it for The Fonz...


Danny Fonzarelli:


Tana The Mighty:
For you, because you are awesome, I thought he was a threat so I took him out, as a sign of thank you.


Danny Fonzarelli:
To who?


Tana The Might:
You... [Danny looks at him in a way that says “why?” which Tana understands.] Because you are a role model, a cool guy and you have the coolest pyjamas ever!


Danny Fonzarelli:
What? You know this how?


Tana The Might:
… I... well... erm, your brother told me, yeah Raul told me...


Danny Fonzarelli:
I don't have a brother Tana, is there something you're not telling me?


Tana The Mighty:
That's not you, I thought you did, he's a bit of a Goth? I must have you confused silly me, goodbye then. [Tana rushes out making sure to pick at every plate as he goes out.]


Danny Fonzarelli:
Bye, then. [Danny shakes his head and laughs. Then lets out a little sigh as he walks past the still unconscious Joe Sexy.]


[We then return to the normal world where Peter Michaels sits bemused before zoning back in.]


Peter Michaels:
Well the guys have stopped sulking a thankfully so, because up next is Bryan Vessey's in ring début against Big Smack Scott.

Duane Fry:
It may be his last if he's in there with Scott. [Peter and Duane snicker.]

Jerry Eisen:
Please, you're as bad as these fans, if Scott was so bad how is he where he is.

Duane Fry:
He cripples people Jerry.



Big Smack Scott vs. Bryan Vessey


In this match, Bryan tried to wrestle Scott, yes a wrestling match featuring BSS. Either he hasn't seen Scott in the ring or he thought he could do the impossible. That said, in all fairness it wasn't a shabby display and Bryan is certainly a ring general. While Scott isn't and the fans constantly chanted “go away!” and “you can't wrestle" at him.


This angered him and if he stood a chance of winning anyway, he chucked it away by doing the unthinkable (as he always does), and took his eye off of Bryan for more than a second. This was enough for him to eat a Vessey Driver as he turned, and enough to result in a début win for Bryan Vessey.


The Winner... Bryan Vessey.




[immediately after the match has finished Kurt Laramee ran down to ringside with a chain and began attacking Bryan Vessey, once he had come around Big Smack Scott joined in, beating on the legend, seemingly for no reason. With their backs to the ramp they had no idea they were about to come into contact with Vessey's saviour.]




[bryan's older brother Larry ran and before he could make any kind of impact to The Pain Alliance they jumped to the outside. Larry checked on his brother and didn't really bother with Scott and Kurt.]


[As the team walk back, a fan in the front row gets in Scott's face and yells “YOU CAN'T WRESTLE!” at him, this stops Big Smack Scott in his tracks and turns directly to look at the guy, who looks to be in his twenties. Scott spits in his face and drags the guy over the guardrail. With the man looking scared Scott punches him in the face, busting his face wide open. With the fan on the ground Scott began to kick him in on the floor and at this point even Kurt had seen enough and he joined in with the security guards in dragging him away.]


Duane Fry:
I told you he was a liability, he's going to get us sued!

Jerry Eisen:
That punk deserved it! You don't do that to an athlete.

Peter Michaels:
But Jerry he is a professional, he should rise above it, they pay to see him, you have to let things go.


[After that the music of Christian Faith hits and he is met with a huge cheer. He has a microphone in his hand and he walks directly to the ring only stopping to shake hands with the fans. He enter the ring and the crowd cheer while he waits for them to calm down. He begin to address the crowd.]




Christian Faith:
First of this crazy agreement we've made with TCW talent, some good came out of it... Tommy Cornell is not here tonight. [The crowd cheer.] So it would seem now is the best time for me too address you all without being interrupted. First of I'll use the bellows method, starting with TCW as a whole.


Total Championship Wrestling died in May this year, and for all they did in this business it was clear it was time to move on, split apart and admit defeat. Would you do that? No! I understand you all want jobs, and I'm sure a lot of you guys would have been picked up, but to come here and try to resurrect a failed promotion ain't happening on my watch!


Then we get a bit closer to the issue, it's this clique, this compact group of “Total Wrestlers” guys like Bryan Vessey, Tommy Cornell, Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins, guys who can see what Tommy had for breakfast and for the most part, from day one have been twisted by his evil mind. Wolf and Aaron are talents, but they let a stupid loyalty to a man who if he thought it would make his life easier would chuck them aside and not miss a beat. I don't know what it is but Tommy has something, and that something is evil.


This perfectly brings me to the nozzle of the bellows, the head of the pack Tommy Cornell himself. This is a man who didn't want anything to do with SWF while we were kicking his ass in the ratings, but now, he wants to be all over TV. Oh, and Tommy your not fooling ANYONE with your “I'll never join SWF” bull, because we know if an offer was on the plate, and it had enough zeros you'd jump on it. You could say Tommy, you're not my cup of tea, but that would be a huge understatement, I can not stand you Tommy and I can not wait to step into the ring with you at Supreme Challenge Thirty and beat you and send you back where you came from, because I've got the FAITH!


[Christian walked to the back going all around the ring talking to fans and shaking hands, giving his bandanna to the previously injured fan, as he headed to the back the commentators chimed in.]


Peter Michaels:
At Supreme Challenge, this is more than Faith against Tommy, he is up against “The Total Wrestlers”, he is up against Total Championship Wrestling, and Faith we're right behind you!

Duane Fry:
And it's interesting he should mention the manipulation of Tommy, he has some control over his fellow TCW alumni, I just can't seem to work out what it is!



Angry Gilmore vs. Shady K


This match displayed what an elite level wrestler Gilmore is. He clinically dissected Shady K and completely neutralised his brawling ability to twist the rapper into some crazy positions. Even Shady's attempt at cheating failed as his attempt at using the steel pipe was countered into a crossface.


Shady never looked like winning and it was just over six minutes when Gilmore deemed himself to have done enough to win, and following The Anger Management on K it was over.


The Winner... Angry Gilmore.


Peter Michaels:
This man is focussed and better than ever.

Duane Fry:
I'm just getting in that Greg Black has requested some time.

Jerry Eisen:
He was assaulted by his liability of a former partner, Elmo Benson last week but this week his back isn't turn so lets see what Benson really has.


[Greg comes out without theatrics just walks straight to the ring.]




Greg Black:
Elmo, what the hell was that about! Get yo' ass out here right now!


[Elmo arrives from the side entrance. He also takes a microphone.]




Greg Black:
What the hell, was that about, man. You're my best friend, have been for years man, and you betray me like that, Elmo you're a selfish son...


Benny Benson:
My name is not Elmo, my name in Benny and how dare you ask
what that was about. [He has now reached the ring and is in it.] You know exactly why.


Greg Black:
Honestly, I have no clue what you mean...


Benny Benson:
You want it this way, that's fine by me. Greg I attacked you last week because of something that started in December 2009 and has been with me ever since. You see when I wanted to leave the SWF six months ago, the first person I went to was you. I told you I wasn't happy I wanted to be taken seriously, rather than laughed, I said I'd tried everything and told you I was on the verge of walking out. You remember what you said?


Greg Black:
First, Ben, I don't know how this is my fault, but I said do what you feel best, walk out if that's what you need.


Benny Benson:
Almost, but not quiet. It was more [he put on an over the top voice] “Go man, you leave, if you feel like crap walk out man.” And what the next week we get what I was looking for from you, a new serious persona? Really? You told me to walk out so you could steal my thunder, steal my idea. If you were sick of sharing the spotlight, or should that be, sick of being under the shadow of me, you should have said. I thought we were friends.


Greg Black:
I wanted the best for you.


Benny Benson:
And it just so happened the best for me was even BETTER for you! Then I join TCW and that goes down hill. Do you help me? No, you don't even call!


Greg Black:
I know for a fact you changed your number you lying son of a bitch.


Benny Benson:
Ease your guilt Greg, fine by me but you profited from my loss and that is the truth.


[This tipped Greg over the edge, he ran at Benson, who ducked out of the way and fled back from where he came. Greg is seething in the ring, and chases Benson but really has no idea where he went.]


Peter Michaels:
And now he blames Greg. For what?

Jerry Eisen:
It's called jealousy, just like Duane on my work. [He laughs, Duane doesn't.]

Duane Fry:
I'm getting tired of this, up next is Joey Minnesota and Enforcer Roberts.




Joey Minnesota vs. Enforcer Roberts


Joey and Enforcer Roberts squared off and they had a great match which display why both men are valuable. They gave each other a great match and the powerful Roberts took control for much of the match.


This was close to ending the début for Minnesota with a sour taste until he slipped out of a Full Nelson with a jawbreaker. He mounted a comeback and eventually won the match with an Empire Spiral for the win.


The Winner... Joey Minnesota.


Duane Fry:
We're hearing the new SWF signing made by management them selves has appeared in a SWF chauffeured car lets go to the parking lot now.


[The camera cuts to the parking lot where a SWF car has just pulled in, a driver gets out and opens the door of the car, and goes to collect the mystery man's bags. The man steps out of the car...]




[it's Sean McFly! After many years he returns to the SWF! He walks into the arena saying “hi” to various people on the way. He enters the building and inhales... holds it and exhales while nodding with a smile on his face.]


Sean McFly:


[We then go back to the ringside.]


Duane Fry:
McFly is back!

Peter Michaels:
And what is his deal with the higher ups?

Jerry Eisen:
Some people just get things handed to them. [Duane goes to question the statement but Peter just gestures for him to leave it.]

Peter Michaels:
Main Event next but first we are going live to the medical facility that North American Champion Brandon James is being held at...


[the camera cuts to a private hospital room, where Emma Chase is sat besideher client Brandon James who is hardly moving and is in all sort of medical kit.]




Brandon James:
Hey everyone, I've requested this time to thank the SWF fans for their support. I'm feeling better every single day, and on live TV I promise to be back for The Supreme Challenge!


Not only that, but Eddie Peak, I don't remember the attack but I've seen the tapes and you've messed with me before down in DAVE and you know what I'm capable of, so Great White you must just be a stupid mother.... [A loud scream is heard as the sound of smashing glass close by stops Brandon mid sentence.]


[The door burst open and Emma runs away out of another door leaving a wired up and hurt Big Cat Brandon with...]




[Eddie Peak, the man he had just been badmouthing had burst into the hospital room and he begins to lay lefts and rights into the head of Brandon, he is completely set on destruction. Eddie then stares at the camera and smears Brandon's blood over the camera lens before punching it knocking the stream dead.]


Peter Michaels:
Well, that's one way to lose a stream and hide evidence.

Jerry Eisen:
Not much we can do. It's main event time!



Vengeance vs. Jack Bruce vs. Runaway Train vs. Sean McFly


This was a blockbuster main event with a great deal at stake. Each man had their own share of the offence and for a great deal of the match. There were some near falls and Sean McFly look great in action tonight looking to be really enjoying himself. The match seemed to be at a stale mate until the referee was knockout when he was inadvertently squashed by Runaway Train.


Rich Money came out and took out Vengeance while the referee was still out. He gave him a Spinebuster through the announcers table. Sean hit a dropkick to Runaway Train that sent him painfully crashing to the ground. Sean looked on him to check he was okay, only to turn around and get hit with a New York Minute for the three count from the groggy referee, and we have a new number one contender match.


The Winner... Jack Bruce.




[After the match Jack Bruce celebrates his win and signals that he will soon have the belt around his waist. As he did this the music of Eric Eisen played and out he came accompanied by Enforcer Roberts and Marat Khoklov.]




[The three walked to the ring in unison up to the new number one contender all three with their eyes locked on him. They climbed onto the apron and Jack ran at them, he knocked Roberts to the ground and Eric jumped down. Jack went to hit Khoklov but the giant caught his hand and twisted it, Marat entered the ring and wrapped the arm around into a cobra clutch and the oxygen started draining from the head of Bruce as Eric and Roberts joined him in the ring. Marat threw Jack semi-conscious to Roberts who hit him with a German Suplex and then lifted him back up and placed him on the shoulders of Eric Eisen. Eric dropped him down with The Supremacy (Go 2 Sleep) making sure full contract was made with his braced knee. Jack was left out cold on the floor as the show ended, with Eric triumphantly standing over his opponent for the Supreme Challenge!]
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Wrestling News: Big Smack Scott Suspended For "Assault" On Fan!




This past Tuesday on Supreme TV, Big Smack Scott was involved in a segment where he an assault a (planted) fan, which we reported earlier was in fact SWF development prospect Lassana Makutski. SWF have today put the following on the homepage company website:




The SWF Board Of Executives have made the decision to suspend Scott Sinclair (Big Smack Scott) for a minimum of 28 days, following an incident with a fan last night, while a thorough investigation in made into the incident, this will include speaking to those involved as well as a board meeting regards to the incident. We would also like to make an unreserved apology from ourselves and Scott Sinclair for the incident which we ensure the likes of which will never be seen.


The release has only been shown on the SWF homepage and is not on any of the corporate parts of the website, seemingly confirming that the segment was a work, as most suggested. Playing into this Big Smack Scott tweeted the following:




12:25pm: warning: dnt fck with me, mutha fckers + dnt say srry 4 me
he fckin dervered it! much lv to the smack-heads out there I change 4 noone!


12:34: getting angry messages r u pricks stupid HE started it, not me! lol suspended sounds lke a vacation for me. smack-heads where should I head.


This seems to be another example of the SWF using social media more and more to further storylines. Scott's reaction, even if in character, seems a little odd since this pretty much confirms he will miss the Supreme Challenge, although you never know what will happen in SWF.

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Wrestling News: Emmy Leaves SWF



Emmy has left the SWF due to contract expiration. Emmy never caught on with fans and SWF decided not to enter negotiations to renew her contract.




Thanks to Midnightnick, tommyb LoNdOn and ChrisKid, and anyone who reads / read.


1) Midnightnick: 25 (+2)

2) tommyb: 21 (+1)

3) LoNdOn: 19 (+1)

4) ChrisKid: 16 (+1)

5) Jingo: 14 (-2)

6) angeldelayette: 9 (-1)

7) Boltinho: 8 (=)

8) Jay Keith: 3 (=)

=) Emark: 3 (=)

=) pauls07: 3 (=)


Why are you trying to improve BSS's stats? Vessey? *sigh*


Also, lol at the roids in the ring on that one.


The mystery guy is one of Dread, Bruce the Giant, Sean McFly, or Enygma. Unless you meant a former TCW world champ *shakes fist*.


I hope it's McFly, since he's totally not involved with anyone at NOYBPW >____________>


Looking at TCW, there's Tyson Baine, Liberty, and RDJ.




None of those guys are loyal to SWF at all.
What the hell.


So I
McFly, but I have a feeling it's...


Well, it has to be RDJ. Everyone else is under written contracts.


But RDJ doesn't want to work for SWF...SO CONFUSED


I'm not trying to improve him. A good BSS is worthless. As for the mystery guy, he is not really loyal but Sean McFly was available so I took him and as you saw he is working with SWF.


Son of a gun; how quickly are you churning out these cards dude?


I've been writing them up for the last month or there abouts so I just have to read through, make a few, grammar, spelling, tense changes and I have a fair few ready to go



Yeah, after show dark matches always are considered unimportant, which sucks.


Brilliant show, and I'll retain my lead I know.


I was just annoyed at them because it was for the World Title
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Rich Money vs. Captain Atomic


Captain Atomic may have superpowers, but these are unlikely to affect Rich Money who has revenge on his mind. He was attacked two weeks ago and has since got some revenge on Vengeance, although it would seem it is not over between them.



Steve Frehley vs. Aaron Andrews


Another part of the TCW workers in SWF deal has part of the "Total Wrestlers" Aaron Andrews making his debut. He faces Steve Frehley who, unsurprisingly is in the midst of a feud with long time nemesis Remo. Remo gave his side of their history last week, and it seems Steve almost certainly will give his end this week.



Jack Giedroyc & Valiant vs. Death Row


Much as The New Wave had last week this is a warm up match for the big championship unification at The Supreme Challenge Thirty. They go up against Death Row, who with a win could make them selves relevant again after a pretty insignificant last couple of years.



Spencer Spade vs. Robbie Retro


You may have seen his videos on SWF.com but now he debuts LIVE on Supreme TV. In his first professional match Spade takes on the difficult challenge of Robbie Retro. Does The Supreme Star have it in him to pick up up the upset victory, or will Retro put the golden boy back down to earth.



Angry Gilmore vs. Bryan Vessey


Two of the best in the world face off in this match and with Angry Gilmore's hate towards the TCW wrestlers and particularly the "Total Wrestlers" this is sure to be a heated contest. Surely with his match at Supreme Challenge Gilmore will have one eye on the TCW side entrance in this match.



Jack Bruce & Runaway Train vs. Eric Eisen & Marat Khoklov


In a couple of weeks Jack Bruce faces Eric Eisen for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. With this in mind a tag team match has been made between the two and each have a huge partner. With Runaway Train, in the light of the invasion, becoming an "SWF guy" he has made a good friendship with Jack Bruce and he will be looking to beat the champion and build momentum for the Supreme Challenge!


Quick Card:

Rich Money vs. Captain Atomic

Steve Frehley vs. Aaron Andrews

Jack Giedroyc & Valiant vs. Death Row

Spencer Spade vs. Robbie Retro

Angry Gilmore vs. Bryan Vessey

Jack Bruce & Runaway Train vs. Eric Eisen & Marat Khoklov


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Rich Money vs. Captain Atomic

Steve Frehley vs. Aaron Andrews

Jack Giedroyc & Valiant vs. Death Row

Spencer Spade vs. Robbie Retro

Angry Gilmore vs. Bryan Vessey

Jack Bruce & Runaway Train vs. Eric Eisen & Marat Khoklov


Could have gone either way with the main and semi-main, both have scope for interference, or a straightforward win for either side. To be honest, I'll be surprised if Retro actually beats Spade.


Keep up the good work.

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Rich Money vs. Captain Atomic

Money is far and away superior to Captain Atomic in every way right now.


Steve Frehley vs. Aaron Andrews

Andrews has potential but isn't ready to beat Frehely just yet.


Jack Giedroyc & Valiant vs. Death Row

Shall I be blunt? I don't like Death Row.


Spencer Spade vs. Robbie Retro

For my money, a future world champion.


Angry Gilmore vs. Bryan Vessey

TCW need to pick up the occasional win at the very least. I see a screwy finish.


Jack Bruce & Runaway Train vs. Eric Eisen & Marat Khoklov

I shall not waiver in my support of the man from Moscow.

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Rich Money vs. Captain Atomic

Atomic powers not enough...


Steve Frehley vs. Aaron Andrews

SF needs momentum to go after his Dark Horse


Jack Giedroyc & Valiant vs. Death Row

Upset win! Shenanigans! I really like Death Row. I think they could work in the UK


Spencer Spade vs. Robbie Retro

Spade shouldnt win for a year


Angry Gilmore vs. Bryan Vessey

My favourite SWF guy


Jack Bruce & Runaway Train vs. Eric Eisen & Marat Khoklov

Train takes a fall

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Peter Michaels:
Good evening and welcome to another episode of Supreme TV live from Plum Park what a night of action we have.

Jerry Eisen:
Not only do we have Bryan Vessey taking on a very Angry Gilmore, we also have a blockbuster main event as Runaway Train teams with number one contender Jack Bruce up against my brother Eric Eisen and The Crazy Russian Giant Marat Khoklov.

Duane Fry:
But before any of that, we have been asked to say this on behalf of SWF management, although I'm sure we all agree with what is said: Following an incident last week involving Scott Sinclair, better known as Big Smack Scott and a fan, SWF have decided to suspend Scott for at least twenty eight days, while a full investigation take place. SWF would like to take this time to apologise for the incident. [After that Jack Bruce's music beings to play in the background.]

Peter Michaels:
And rightly so, completely unacceptable, but now back to the regularly scheduled action. Jack Bruce, the number one contender is on his way to the ring.




[Jack makes his way microphone in hand to the ring. He enters the ring and the crowd are delighted to see the number one contender, who make the title signal around his waist. He then signals that he is ready to address the masses.]


Jack Bruce:
Last week I took on three titans, Runaway Train, Vengeance and Sean McFly are ALL former champions, as am I, but not for long. With me walking out above all three of those men I am the number one contender, and I get a title shot at The Thirtieth Supreme Challenge, and I will rock that joint in nine days time!


It's the biggest event of the year and I take on a man who drove me mad all the way through 2009 and has ran havoc in this company, my company all year, but Eric Eisen at Supreme Challenge that ends! You've twisted and taunted me for so long and I once again get you one on one in the middle of that ring. In front of the whole world. And at my biggest gig ever I'll will steal the show and walk out as World Heavyweight Champion!


[As he says that the curtain twitches and in a repeat of the end of last weeks show, Eric Eisen, Enforcer Roberts and Marat Khoklov make their way to the ring.]




[They walk down to the ring and surround him, however just as they hit the ring, the crowd begin to scream, cheer and look to the entrance way, distracting the trio.]




[sean McFly who appeared last week sent by SWF management and Roberts' opponent from last week Joey Minnesota rush down to ringside and engage in a three on three brawl. Eisen retreats and calls on his associates to do the same. Eric walks away and laughs off the scare, while Jack thanks Sean McFly and Joey for the save.]


Peter Michaels:
Fast, furious start to Supreme TV and speaking of furious the first match features a man who is angry at Vengeance for what he deemed as an unprovoked attack, we hear he will be asking for answers later.



Rich Money vs. Captain Atomic


Rich Money made sure he meant business in this match brutal and unforgiving destroying Captain Atomic in a short match. Rich never let up and ended up beating Atomic with a Dollars From Heaven.


The Winner... Rich Money.




[After the match Rich grabs a microphone from ringside and walks to the rope nearest the ramp and leans over it.]


Rich Money:
Vengeance, you attacked me for no reason two weeks ago after my match with Enforcer Roberts and after we've had three battles in the last month, why chose then to attack me? So, Vengeance no light tricks, no bull, get out here and explain yourself!


[After a short while Vengeance emerges from the ramp. He is handed a microphone.]




I should be the World Heavyweight Champion. At Times Of Trouble I should have become World Champion!


Rich Money:
[Rich screwed up his face] But, Vengeance you lost, you had the opportunity but you didn't take it. What the hell, has this got to do with me?


Money, your first mistake is right there
did not lose. You lost and you cost me my title shot!


Rich Money:
You're blaming me for neither of us getting the job done? I can accept your anger but it's not towards me, is it Vengeance? You're angry at yourself and if you want to take it out on me, I proved last week I give as good as i get. Again you blow it. You are dumb Vengeance you act without thinking and it's always been the same, if you want to put your directionless anger towards me, that fine I will kick your ass.


[Making his way to the ring.] You do not know what you are unleashing, Money.


Rich Money:
Whoa, I won't let you do it that way Vengeance I've just had a match, but I have an idea, you get away and we can go one on one at The Supreme Challenge. But we've seen a singles match before, so how about a steel chain to strap us together, so we are up close and personal.


Fine but mark down the date. July Eleventh 2010. Your date with death is signed!


Peter Michaels:
Another huge match agreed on, and these two have been involved with each other for a few months gunning for Eisen, now they take each other on.

Duane Fry:
In a strap match no less!

Jerry Eisen:
Up next it's Steve Frehley against Aaron Andrews!


[steve Frehley comes to the ring as usual but before AA comes out he puts his hand up and asks for a microphone.]




Steve Frehley:
I'd just like to clear up something from last week. And you know what I'm talking about and that's Remo's comments which he only made because he knew I wasn't here. I want to set the record straight. It's true that Remo did beat me, and he was the first man to do so, BUT the fact that I'm jealous is complete BS. He hates me because the next three times I faced him I won, with ease. He resents the fact he has never been a World Champion despite us having very similar starts to our careers. He can not stand that in less time I've achieve MUCH more and he'll talk big all day, but what I'm interested in getting in the ring and doing what we are paid to do, and what we do better than anyone else in the world, and that's beat the crap out each other. Speaking of which Aaron Andrews get your outsider ass in here now!



Steve Frehley vs. Aaron Andrews


Steve made true on his promise and spoke well in the ring tonight. His message was clear, total destruction. Aaron did well with his speed but once Frehley had him in his grasp he seemed certain to win. Although this didn't come in the traditional way as Remo turned up from nowhere and rushed to the ring...




Remo speared Steve Frehley and took him completely out, Aaron looked on in surprise, unsure whether this was good or bad. From a outside view it was clearly bad as he was disqualified but he sure looked relieved that he didn't have to take more of the angry and focussed Frehley


The Winner... Steve Frehley.




[Remo continued to savagely beatdown Steve Frehley who had no time to adjust to the assault. He roughly threw Steve around the ring using the ring posts particularly focussing on his back and shoulders. He dragged him out of the ring and dislodged the ring steps and ran at Steve who ducked. Remo turned and was hit with a big boot that knocked the steps into Remo's face. Steve let out a huge roar and beated his chest. Steve then started kicking the stuffing out of Remo, not holding back one bit until security got involved.]


Peter Michaels:
Ouch, Remo making a mistake there.

Duane Fry:
The anger from Steve there was like nothing I've ever seen from him, and he's no laid back chap, he was furious then.

Peter Michaels:
I think he's just had enough of Remo.

Jerry Eisen:
Or what Remo said was true and Steve is mad at him!




[The camera then cuts to the entrance of the arena from the car park where Greg Black is at the door. A car pulls up in the car park and Greg suddenly bolts up. Out of the car steps Art Reed, in casual wear.]




[Art walks to the entrance where he shakes hands with Greg Black.]


Greg Black:
You don't know how great it to have my best friend here in SWF, especially with Benny being an ass.


Art Reed:
Well, bro you told me a lot about this place, I hopes it lives up to it. Hey, how about the Greg Black guided tour!


Greg Black:
[He laughs] Sure thing Art, here is the entrance, and that's where you sign in that you're here. [They walk down the corridor and turn a corner.] This is where we get something to ea.. [As they turn they bump onto Benny Benson.]




Benny Benson:
And here [pointing to himself] is the guy Greg screwed over for the money!


Greg Black:
Please, are we really getting this again. The truth is Art, here is bitter Benson, who is pissed because he was promised big things from Tommy Cornell to leave and now he's back, as a failure.


Benny Benson:
Art you were there when we spoke about it, you know what he was like...


Art Reed:
Listen, you're both two of my best buddies, what the hell has gotten into you. In fact I don't want to know, I'm not being a mediator in this.


Benny Benson:
Wait no that's perfect. Greg, if you've got the balls lets go one on one at the Supreme Challenge with Art as referee. I mean no other referee is going to be able to take the violence in that match other than Art.


Greg Black:
If that's what you want, I'm in, but remember I haven't lost since you left, and I'm not going to at The Challenge.


Art Reed:
And I get no say. Fine. My first role in SWF is as referee. [He laughs and walks away from the squabbling pair as we head back to ringside.]


Peter Michaels:
Those three all graduated the House Of Stone in 2001, and have remained friends since, or at least up to recently.

Jerry Eisen:

Duane Fry:
Jerry, it's called Peter doing his job, and he needs to make sure he knows it all because you contribute absolutely nothing week in, week out.



Jack Giedroyc & Valiant vs. Death Row


A decent tag team match for the champions and one they always seemed comfortable in. Quick tags made sure both of them were fresh and they did a great job of showing how much they are stepping up their game for the unification match. All in all they made fairly easy work of Death Row and an Assisted Spike DDT was enough for Jack G to get the pinfall on Knuckles as Valiant made sure Shady didn't get in.


The Winners... Jack Giedroyc & Valiant.


[After the match Jack and Valiant head to the back. The camera cuts to just outside the building where there is a man on the phone.]




[When the camera focusses it become clear the man in the middle of a conversation is Tommy Cornell.]


Tommy Cornell:
… well, yeah of course I'm just saying
the opportunity arise I need you there. [He pauses, presumably while whoever is on the other end responds.] But they won't expect you, they haven't seen you. This isn't just for me and you know it, just let me know I can trust you
I need it... [As receives a response he looks around and spots the cameraman.] Sorry, just give me a minute. [He turns to the camera.] Private conversation you bloody idiot. Get away.


[We head to the ring where Eddie Peak's music begins straight away.]




[He walks to the ring with a sinister smile across his face, and menacingly stares out at the crowd, seemingly making odd sounds and even looking at some points as if he was talking to himself. He entered the ring after snatching a microphone from ringside.]


Eddie Peak:
The very utterance of a word from my mouth sends shivers down spines. It makes the largest of man tremble at the very sound. That in mind, Brandon James. Do you really think you could scare me with your words? Do you think you threatening me with grave consequences will work? Because Brandon psychologist have clinically determined that I am a psychopath. Brandon, that me I have no conscience, I fear no consequences, and I am not scared of threats. This is not self-hype James, it's been medically determined, I do not react to anything but my instincts and Brandon when you threatened me, my instinct told me to end you, and last week I did just that.


You were in hospital because of me and now you are in a coma because of me. I took you out and I feel no remorse, but if I had the chance again I would go one step further James! I would have...


[As he is about to finish his sentence he looks up as the crowd begin to cheer and sees Brandon James, in his hospital gown, he stands at the top of the ramp after hobbling into sight. He grabs his back and is clearly struggling to stay up right.]


Brandon James:
Eddie, I hear you and maybe after being in a sick, hardcore environment with you for so long I should have known better... but I'll put this simply so your mentally abnormally brain can absorb it. Brandon James. Eddie Peak... you got that... Supreme Challenge Thirty, Hardcore Deathmatch. Absolutely anything goes!


[brandon then turns and awkwardly heads back down the ramp. In the ring a sick smile beams across the face of Eddie Peak, who is known for his hardcore abilities.]


Duane Fry:
The Supreme Challenge is going to be huge. So many matches and a new match type never seen before as well. We'll here more about that when we get the news!

Jerry Eisen:
Well of course we'll here more of it, we've heard nothing of it yet, duh.

Duane Fry:
I meant we would relay the information, you... I'm honestly running out of insults.

Peter Michaels:
I wouldn't normally be so rude, but you guys shut up. Because we are about to see
biggest début in some time. This man turned pro just yesterday and he débuts tonight. He is a product of the Supreme Wrestling University, they are calling him “Supreme Made” and if you have watch his clips on Youtube, you will see why. I am so excited for this!



Spencer Spade vs. Robbie Retro


Spencer Spade's début is met with a lot of anticipation and a lot of the crowd had heard all about Spencer and we into his début, for those who hadn't this wasn't greatly exciting, that said this did turn out to be a great back and forth encounter with Spencer Spade showing why he is so hotly rated. He put in a fine performance and achieved a small upset when he hit a Supreme Stunner (seated three-quarter facelock jawbreaker) for the début win.


The Winner... Spencer Spade.


Duane Fry:
What a performance, he lived up to the hype.

Jerry Eisen:
Hey, we agree on something, that was phenomenal!

Peter Michaels:
Can only echo what has just been said, a huge début win for “Supreme Made” Spencer Spade.


[The camera cuts off to what is quickly becoming the home of Tana The Mighty. He is following Danny Fonzarelli around catering, taking something from each plate as Danny picks and chooses.]




Tana The Mighty:
Hey Dannnnnnnnnnnyyy.


Danny FonzarellI:
What? [He responds as if he's heard that about twenty times in the last minute.]


Tana The Mighty:
Did you here about the new match at Supreme Challenge.


Danny Fonzarelli:
Sweet did they announce it? What is it?


[before he can answer Joe Sexy jumps in the way.]




Joe Sexy:
What does it matter? It involves a ladder, neither of you will win. Tana's fat and you are going to have to carry this guy with you since his head is stuck up your ass. While I climb to victory! Danny don't worry you won't have to worry about that, chances are you'll get eliminated in the battle royal to determined the six who enter! [He laughs and walks off as the scene ends.]


Peter Michaels:
We've also just got word of this. Just to clear it up. Twenty men enter and fourteen are eliminated, the final six then enter a ladder match called “The Supreme Dream: Ultimate Opportunity Match” where the winner will get a championship shot valid up until the end of the next Supreme Challenge.

Duane Fry:
Any time, any where this is a huge opportunity.


[After that Wolf Hawkins walks to ringside and joins commentary.]




Wolf Hawkins:
Jerry, Peter, Duane how's it going.

Jerry Eisen:
It was fine...

Wolf Hawkins:
With you on commentary, that seems unlikely... anyway there's a match to call. I know your worst fear right, Jerry! [Duane laughs]

Duane Fry:
Just nine days before The Supreme Challenge it's coming out. This is going to be a barnstormer!



Angry Gilmore vs. Bryan Vessey


This was a barnstormer like Duane called and interestingly Wolf Hawkins was completely respectful to both men in this match and sounded sincere in doing so. With excellent technical skills this match would have gone down ever better in TCW. That said the fan of SWF still know great wrestling and they knew this was an exhibition of just that. With hard hitting suplexes and body mangling submission holds, this match was extremely physically and took a lot from each competitor.


Gilmore got the upper hand and started to ask more from Vessey. Bryan stepped the level up but on the night Angry Gilmore had too much for the veteran and Gilmore finished it with an Anger Management.


The Winner... Angry Gilmore.


Wolf Hawkins:
That was awesome. [He claps to Gilmore who just ignores him.]

Duane Fry:
I was right a TV classic right there.

Peter Michaels:
Which brings me on to something that is sure to be classic TV, it is a live press conference for the unsanctioned battle between Tommy Cornell and Christian Faith at the Supreme Challenge.


[An area of the arena has been set up like a press conference with even a little space for a pack of journalists. They are both sat at a table with a huge amount of security.]




Random Reporter #1:
Question for both starting left to right, so Tommy first. What do you expect to come out of this match?


Tommy Cornell:
Expect? Expect, implies an area of doubt, pal. I know that at the Supreme Challenge, which is Supreme Wrestling Federation's premier event, a none contracted worker is going to win in the main event. I have the youth on my side, but I already have the knowledge of someone twice my age. So, to answer your question I expect the inevitable, chap. A win for the best
, I'm no superstar or sports entertainer, the best wrestler in the world.


Random Reporter #1:
And Christian Faith.


Christian Faith:
I'll be honest, I haven't a clue what to expect from this son of a bitch. I know one on one I'd kick his ass, but the fact is I don't know who or what he is bringing with him. It's unsanctioned, anything can happen I just hope that my fans have Faith and we pull through for the sake of SWF.


Random Reporter #2:
Hi, we saw earlier in the evening on this show that you where on the phone you were quoted as saying “ But they won't expect you, they haven't seen you. This isn't just for me and you know it, just let me know I can trust you
I need it.” Tommy was this in regards to the match at Supreme Challenge.


Tommy Cornell:
No it was about a secret bloody tea supply, I don't want Jen and Tommy Jr. to know about... [He interrupts himself] What the hell has it got to do with you, what a snoopy bloody buffoon caught on a flip cam outside the arena means nothing.


Christian Faith:
This is what I mean...


Tommy Cornell:
Shut up, you wanker.


Random Reporter #3:
What does this match mean, in the history of wrestling?


Tommy Cornell:
It is the start of the return of "Total Wrestling".


Christian Faith:
Could you give that a rest, buddy. It is a huge match because if he wins, I don't know if I'll be able to show my face again. As long as he pulls no crap we'll be fine. But that is a big if.


Tommy Cornell:
[He is boiling by know] I need no help, your full of bollocks mate. I could blatantly kick your arse, in fact how about I beat the crap out of you now.


[Tommy and Christian both get up and start brawling. Security quickly get involved but the pair are relentless a keep making it back to each other. This goes on for a few minutes before extra security brings a stop to the brawl, but not before Faith has cut Cornell above the eye with a right hook, despite his still clearly injured back and arms.]


Duane Fry:
Those guys were already at boiling point and this has just spilt over.

Peter Michaels:
And we've still got the main event to come. What a night it has been.



Jack Bruce & Runaway Train vs. Eric Eisen & Marat Khoklov


A good match where most of the newsworthy action came at the end of the match. After a match where Train and Bruce had taken much more of the control than the opposition. The heels dream scenario came about when Train accidentally bumped into the referee and knocked him to the ground. This allowed Eric Eisen to use his belt to knock out Jack Bruce and allow Marat Khoklov to use the steel steps to the head of Runaway Train to knock him onto the announcers table. Eric came over and hit Runaway Train with the championship belt which ensured he would stay down as Marat Khoklov hit him with a humongous splash which crushed the announcers table and quite possibly Train's ribs.


Eric and Khoklov headed back into the ring as the referee came about and made sure to keep Jack Bruce down, even when he did get free he couldn't do anything as the referee counted up to ten, counting out Runaway Train. When he reached eight he called for EMTs and finished the count awarding the match to Eisen and Khoklov who left as Jack Bruce checked on his partner who was in a really, really bad way


The Winners... Eric Eisen & Marat Khoklov.


Peter Michaels:
Eric and Marat walk out as winners, but the main issue here is Runaway Train. He is completely out cold. He is barely moving and I... I don't know what to say apart from goodnight.
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Wrestling News: Runaway Train Written Off SWF TV




SWF have seemingly written Runaway Train off TV just in time for the Supreme Challenge putting further speculation to the fact he has had a rift with SWF management and may be in his last run with the promotion




Last night on SWF Supreme TV Runaway Train was crushed on the announcers table by Marat Khoklov during their match. After numerous medical checks we can announce that Runaway Train has serious internal organ damage and will be out of action for sometime. We do not have a date of return but we will be sure to keep you updated. We wish Runaway Train all the best in his recovery.


We have been told this is not a real injury and SWF have told us Train is taking time off, but a SWF insider told us "Runaway Train was set to be facing Marat Khoklov at the Supreme Challenge, but after the incident two weeks ago they scrapped it and since he is the veteran, and not the bosses son, Train has taken the punishment." For more on the incident here is the story from two weeks ago:


As we reported SWF management were not happy and it seems that this is the outcome for a man who has been very professional and has never been involved in such an incident in his whole career. This could be a key reason he is being treated this way as he is well respected, and a role model to the younger workers, add in the fact the match was for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship match and the consequences are clearly more severe.

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Thanks to Midnightnick, tommyb, LoNdOn, ChrisKid, Emark and Boltinho and anyone who reads / read. Also thanks to LoNdOn for the rookie DOTM nomination it means a lot.


1) Midnightnick: 30 (=)

2) tommyb: 25 (=)

3) LoNdOn: 24 (=)

4) ChrisKid: 22 (=)

5) Jingo: 14 (=)

6) Boltinho: 12 (+1)

7) angeldelayette: 9 (-1)

8) Emark: 8 (+1)

9) Jay Keith: 3 (=)

=) pauls07: 3 (=)


Keep up the good work.


I'll try

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With just two days until The Thirtieth Supreme Challenge, a warm up edition of STV is on the cards, with match that will get you set for the biggest Sports Entertainment extravaganza in history!



Jack Giedroyc vs. Kurt Laramee.


This one sees the newly single Kurt Laramee (due to his partners suspension for attacking a fan) take on a man in a huge match this Thursday. With The New Wave surely watching closely the English half of the SWF Tag Team Champions will have to hide his flaws against a very tough competitor.



Spencer Spade vs. Everest


A huge task, literally, for SWF's youngest Superstar. Last week he defeated Robbie Retro in an impressive display, but now he faces a man twice his size, and twice his age in Everest. The rookie will certainly put to the test.



Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Eisen


After saving Jack Bruce from an assault last week Joey is not in Eric Eisen's good books. His last match before Jack Bruce takes him on at The Supreme Challenge will surely be one Eric will be looking to come out of with as little damage as possible, against Joey Minnesota this is hardly ever the case, so Eric will have to be on top



Sean McFly vs. Enforcer Roberts


McFly debuted two weeks ago and last week made sure his opponent couldn't take part in an assault on the number one contender, tonight he is the target in The Enforcer's sight, in what is sure to be a technical masterclass.



Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov


A titanic semi-main event as Jack Bruce takes on The SWF World Heavyweight Champions closest associate. Marat has only been pinned or taken down once in his SWF career and this match is perfectly timed for Eric Eisen being just two days before his title defence.



Christian Faith vs. Bryan Vessey


A main event which promises to be a "barnstormer", two bona fide legends of wrestling step in the ring together. With a huge match at the Supreme Challenge against Cornell, Christian Faith steps into the ring with one of his loyalist former employees, who will be looking for anything to take out "The Eternal One".


Quick Card:

Jack Giedroyc vs. Kurt Laramee

Spencer Spade vs. Everest

Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Eisen

Sean McFly vs. Enforcer Roberts

Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov

Christian Faith vs. Bryan Vessey

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Jack Giedroyc vs. Kurt Laramee



Spencer Spade vs. Everest

Wheres the Big Kahuna alt?


Joey Minnesota vs. Eric Eisen



Sean McFly vs. Enforcer Roberts


Jack Bruce vs. Marat Khoklov

could go to Bruce of course but I see cheating here


Christian Faith vs. Bryan Vessey

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