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21st Century Boys (English c-verse)

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So I'm wayyyy back on page 15, sure, but...






Adam's already won every 21CW title. So I assume he just wants (wanted, obviously) to hold them at the same time?



The angle is that Matravers wants to hold each title at least once in the same year. That is to say wants to have won each of the 21CW championships within 365 days.

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The angle is that Matravers wants to hold each title at least once in the same year. That is to say wants to have won each of the 21CW championships within 365 days.


Thought so.


Although from October of '07 to October of '08 he won the three titles already, I understand now that it's for the year 2010.

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The Celt is indeed entirely correct.


Adam wants to win them all in 2010.


The OOC explanation is that not only do fans have short memories the company have grown quite a lot in the last few years. A decent wedge of them won't even have been watching during his last title reigns.


And after that the creative director put his fingers in his ears and said "NOT LISTENING, NOT LISTENING!" :rolleyes:

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Joss Thompson & Business Jones vs. Jonathan Faust & Pitbull Brown

Eddie Cornell vs. Merle O’Curle

Dragon vs. Steve Stoat

Geordie Nation vs. The Strange Quarks

Mr Blood vs. Wade Orson

ELIMINATION vs. La Revolution

La Revolution freakin rules though. New fan!

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Best of British Wrestling




Wednesday week 2 July 2010

Edgware Hall

Attendance: 2,000






Dunton Hall is in his/Jeff’s office reclining in the big chair. The normally unflappable businessman is looking distinctly fretful with bags under his eyes and a slightly rumpled version of his trademark polo neck and tailored suit. Standing to one side is the slippery Jonathan Faust also suited and booted and holding the World Title belt over his shoulder.



“Welcome to 21CW ladies and gentlemen. As you’re aware this is a company with some issues but I’m pleased to be able to tell you that everything is under control and normal service is resumed.”



“There was some unpleasantness last month at War Drums but I’d like to point out that before Nova fluked a win over me I’d eliminated the rest of his pitiful team. When it comes to pure wrestling there’s no one…”




The door to the office slams open as Faust is cut off in mid-stream as Jeff Nova enters accompanied by Business Jones. Both of them are also togged up in business suits but as much larger men the focus is less on style and more on barely-constrained muscles.



“Hall – I’m not going to beat around the bush with threats and posturing. I’m through with that. This is my company. Mr Jones here is going to represent me legally from now on and I’m supremely confident that all issues will be put to bed through the courts. Of course if you want to avoid all the expense and time that would entail I have a proposition for you. I’m willing to stake the company on a single match.”



“For the record my client Jeff Nova is willing to waive all legal rights to 21CW if he personally loses a match at London Calling. To Jonathan Faust. And one more thing; the World Championship will also be on the line.”








Kathleen Lee is backstage in a dressing room. She’s standing over a Steve Stoat who’s taped up and ready for action.



“Tonight you are going to show just how focused we are now we’ve got rid of that dead weight. You will show Dragon no mercy. You will hurt him. You will show that The takeover is the most feared faction in the UK. You will win for me.”




Dragon vs. Steve Stoat




* Stoat is super-focused and intense here. It’s all about winning.

* Dragon impresses with his athleticism and determination but he just can’t match the onslaught.

* Stoat wins it with a Super Kick that almost takes Dragon’s head off.


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Steve Stoat defeated Dragon in 10:18 by pinfall with a Super Kick.








La Revolution (Jacques Livarot & Pierre Beaujolais) are backstage heading to the ring for their first appearance in some time. Both of the small but wiry Frenchmen are masked as always.



“Frere Jacques it is fantastique to be back in la plus bon 21CW. Il est ma favourite époque de sport.”



“Oui. And who is it we are facing tonight on our retourne magnifique?”



“Une pathetique excuse for a team. Apparently they are very English and like most Rosbifs have a grand amour pour les autobuses. They are called ELIMINATIONNE.”



“Arc de Triomphe!”




ELIMINATION vs. La Revolution




* ELIMINATION are as always pure power and energy here and

* The refined, technical Frenchmen struggle to apply their science to the match-up and never get the chance to slow things down.

* In the end the Frenchmen simply cut their losses and run away leaving the ref no choice but to count them out.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, ELIMINATION defeated La Revolution in 7:57 when Pierre Beaujolais was counted out while fighting SUICIDE.








In his customary mysterious waft of white smoke Mr Blood appears in the centre of the ring. He’s dressed in dark robes and has a smear of blood across his mouth and face.


Mr Blood

“At War Drums I was disappointed. In fact that is too weak word. I was filled with a pain that approached even the hunger I feel inside when I failed to win the UK championship.


“However I have suffered through centuries before. I have endured hardships your grandparents were too afraid to even tell you about and I will not be denied.


“I demand another chance to take what should rightfully mine and also to drink the very life-force of the hedonistic Rolling Johnny Stones. His passion will fill me with a fire that cannot be quenched.


“But tonight I shall prove how worthy I am as I crush yet another innocent.”




Mr Blood vs. Wade Orson




* Wade is a great athlete. He just screams power and speed.

* But Mr Blood is simply brutal. Not in an energetic ELIMINATION way. Brutal like a hacksaw with a street-fighting, brawling style.

* There is some controversy for the finish though as everyone in the Hall (bar the ref) clearly sees Mr Blood bite Orson on the neck before taking a quick pinfall in the confusion.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Mr Blood defeated Wade Orson in 6:06 by pinfall.








The Strange Quarks head to the ring first ahead of tonight’s scheduled match. Physically Energy Punk is the smaller man but seems rangy and athletic whilst power Beast is a hulking brute at 6’8”. Both of them are dressed in bright, patterned clothing that looks like it’s been scavenged from radioactive dumping grounds. As of course it has.


Energy Punk

“21CW fans – the time is coming when all of you finally realise that your cosy suburban homes and running water and electricity are not things to be taken for granted. Our people were like you once and lived our comfy lives oblivious to the danger and pain and damage being done.


“Then that fateful day at Sellafield what you call an accident happened and we were changed forever and reduced to scratching for a living in the places you tried to forget about.


“We are here to be heard. We are here to take our vengeance on the society that wants to disremember all that we are.”




Geordie Nation (Geordie Jimmy Morris & K’Lee Hawkins) vs. The Strange Quarks (Energy Punk & Power Beast)




* The Geordie bin-men are clearly the more skilled here as they use their experience and guile to tie the Quarks up in wrestling knots.

* Energy Punk in particular really struggles as he’s kept tied up away from his corner and takes a load of punishment.

* But one tag is enough and as soon as power Beast gets in the ring he unleashes a huge powerbomb variant that immediately steals the match.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The Strange Quarks defeated Geordie Nation in 7:37 when Power Beast defeated Geordie Jimmy Morris by pinfall with a Neutrino Bomb.








Eddie Cornell is stalking about backstage looking icily angry. The Lancastrian is normally bluff and hearty – willing to see the good in people but tonight he seems furious.


He turns and talks to the camera in his broad Northern accent.


“Last week I was a victim of cowards. I’ve never hidden from nowt in my life and I’ll take on anyone who thinks they can best me face to bloody face.


“And some soft bastard had the stupidity to attack me. The stupidest thing is I know exactly who it was.”


Eddie stops in front of a door and pushes it open.


“It were you weren’t it?”


The door is revealed to contain Kathleen Lee and Snaptime (Merle O’Curle and Nigel Svensson)





“Eddie? What the hell are you doing here? If you’re implying we had anything to do with the attack on you last week you’re barking up the wrong tree. If we had a problem you’d know all about it. But you have come to the right place for a match. Merle needs a fight tonight. It might as well be with you.”




Eddie Cornell vs. Merle O’Curle




* This is really classy stuff as Merle’s technical excellence and infinitely varied moves are offset by the physicality and energy of a Cornell.

* Eddie is really learning to use the fans and summons a bit more crowd involvement than he has before with some well-timed gestures to the audience.

* The match rages on with no clear advantage until Eddie manages to reverse the master-technician from a headlock into his finisher – the Black Lightning Bomb.


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Eddie Cornell defeated Merle O'Curle in 10:23 by pinfall with a Black Lightning Bomb.








Jeff Nova enters the arena and heads to the centre of the ring to join Eddie accompanied by some of his allies. Jeff’s protégé Joss Thompson is there of course as is Nova’s legal aid Business Jones. Also there is the young Brixtonian Danny Francis.



“So Dunton? Faust? What’s the answer? Will you take the match at London Calling I’ve offered?


“There’s no attacks now. Now deals. It’s just a yes or a no.”


Dunton Hall comes out on his own.




“Oh Jeff. Forever trying to make grand gestures. One of the things I learnt as an ambassador is empathy. Understanding your enemy.


“I know you’re all huff and puff trying to do what you think is right but my point of view is slightly different. I’m interested in growing the business, making money and eating the big fish. So really wouldn’t you be better off letting me take control? If you stopped to think it’s really the only choice.


“Regardless I’m still thinking about your challenge. You can expect an answer next week. In the meantime I’ve made a match for tonight. It will be your little friends Joss Thompson and Business Jones in a tag match against two men who share my vision. 21CW World Champion - Jonathan Faust and The Man Who Never Gives Up – Pitbull Brown.”




Joss Thompson & Business Jones vs. Jonathan Faust & Pitbull Brown




* Business and Joss show some distrust but manage to combine well with Jeff in their corner. Business stays in his suit again through the match.

* Pitbull and Faust are even more a mismatch. Pitbull trusts and likes no one but his power is a good complement to Faust’s more cynical style.

* The match is a thriller and rages between all four men looking strong. Eventually it spills out of the ring and into the crowd as all four men slug it out surrounded by fans giving the ref no choice but to throw the match out undecided.


In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Joss Thompson and Business Jones drew with Jonathan Faust and Pit Bull Brown in 18:22 following a double disqualification.






Overall Show rating: B

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WOW! 8 people predicting is definitely a record for this diary. Thanks very much everyone.


Sorry for the long turnaround. RW events conspired...


Joss Thompson & Business Jones vs. Jonathan Faust & Pitbull Brown

Eddie Cornell vs. Merle O’Curle

Dragon vs. Steve Stoat

Big Dragon fan but i sense a loss here ....

Geordie Nation vs. The Strange Quarks

Mr Blood vs. Wade Orson

ELIMINATION vs. La Revolution

No way ELIMINATION loses this ... Please dont let them :)


4/6. I thought the ME was an obvious draw! get 4 top guys in the ring and take the easy grade... Sorry about the Dragon loss.



Joss Thompson & Business Jones vs. Jonathan Faust & Pitbull Brown

[Has Dunton Hall got something on Business Jones? I think Jones lets his partner down at key moment]

Eddie Cornell vs. Merle O’Curle

[Merle is just too damn reliable]

Dragon vs. Steve Stoat


Geordie Nation vs. The Strange Quarks

Mr Blood vs. Wade Orson

[My head says Mr Blood but Wade is such a consistent worker for me, I will go with my heart and he somehow pulls an upset. Perhaps he is the reverend Wade and kicks A** for the lord?]

ELIMINATION vs. La Revolution

[Elimination being pushed for shot at title, La Revolution are the jobber's jobbers]


Just 2/6 Im afraid. Merle, Wade and the Geordies are all great workers but couldnt win for various reasons tonight.


Joss Thompson & Business Jones vs. Jonathan Faust & Pitbull Brown

Tough one that could go either way but since Faust got the title off from Thompson I would give this one to Joss as a feel good win.


Eddie Cornell vs. Merle O’Curle

O’Curle can take a singles loss to one of your top faces without getting hurt in progress.


Dragon vs. Steve Stoat

Stoat is singles guy and higher on ladders too.


Geordie Nation vs. The Strange Quarks

Quarks got some promo time in last show and draw with Pride and that´s more than Geordie Nation has been getting lately so I´d say that Quarks win this one.


Mr Blood vs. Wade Orson

Doing more.


ELIMINATION vs. La Revolution

Pierre might be your best developed prospect but I still don´t see Revolution going over ELIMINATION without any build-up.


5/6. Great shout for the Quarks win. I've got plans coming up for them sooner or later.


Joss Thompson & Business Jones vs. Jonathan Faust & Pitbull Brown

Eddie Cornell vs. Merle O’Curle

Dragon vs. Steve Stoat

Geordie Nation vs. The Strange Quarks

Mr Blood vs. Wade Orson

ELIMINATION vs. La Revolution


4/6 and no obvious mistakes. That was just unlucky.


Joss Thompson & Business Jones vs. Jonathan Faust & Pitbull Brown

Eddie Cornell vs. Merle O’Curle

Dragon vs. Steve Stoat

Geordie Nation vs. The Strange Quarks

Mr Blood vs. Wade Orson

ELIMINATION vs. La Revolution


It pains me to say it but just 2/6 sir. Eddie and Stoat are too strong. i wish I could give you a point for backing La Revolution.


Joss Thompson & Business Jones vs. Jonathan Faust & Pitbull Brown

Eddie Cornell vs. Merle O’Curle

Dragon vs. Steve Stoat

Geordie Nation vs. The Strange Quarks

Mr Blood vs. Wade Orson

ELIMINATION vs. La Revolution


Just 2/6 Im afraid. The problem is that UK Dragon and Merle both get signed by people playing in the US so they're assumed to be top stars in the UK...


Joss Thompson & Business Jones vs. Jonathan Faust & Pitbull Brown

Eddie Cornell vs. Merle O’Curle

Dragon vs. Steve Stoat

Geordie Nation vs. The Strange Quarks

Mr Blood vs. Wade Orson

ELIMINATION vs. La Revolution

La Revolution freakin rules though. New fan!


4/6 and another Revolution fan. Me too!


Joss Thompson & Business Jones vs. Jonathan Faust & Pitbull Brown

Eddie Cornell vs. Merle O’Curle

Dragon vs. Steve Stoat

Geordie Nation vs. The Strange Quarks

Mr Blood vs. Wade Orson

ELIMINATION vs. La Revolution


3/6 sir. Ill assume you had the Dragon/Stoat bout down as a draw.



So this week's winner is a return to form for Zergon with an excelltn 5 correct predictions.


As always please select anything you'd like from the now voluminous 21CW catalogue.


One final tip for predictions - I like to have at least one draw on every 21CW card. And draws count two points!


Thanks again for your time and attention everyone

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So this week's winner is a return to form for Zergon with an excelltn 5 correct predictions.


As always please select anything you'd like from the now voluminous 21CW catalogue.


I show my continuing support to The Takeover despite them kicking Leo out so I´d like to order some Steve Stoat stuff this time.

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I show my continuing support to The Takeover despite them kicking Leo out so I´d like to order some Steve Stoat stuff this time.


I havent made a poster for a while. Clearly this doesnt include a face which is unusual for 21CW but I wanted a bit more of a bleak nature look. :D



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I havent made a poster for a while. Clearly this doesnt include a face which is unusual for 21CW but I wanted a bit more of a bleak nature look. :D




I love this one, will definitely go to my wall. :D

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Next time on Best of British Wrestling:




Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson




Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

Gauntlet match




Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool




Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk




Hot Stuff vs. Pride




La Revolution vs. The Wildcards





As always the finest predictor amongst you will win your choice of merch. This week I’m going to experiment a little. You will be able to pick anyone who you picked to win on the card and one of the following items:


a) T-shirt/hoodie

b) Poster

c) Mug






Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards

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Glad to see the UK finally getting some love. So much domination of North America dynasties its a breathe of fresh air. Also your writing style really makes this a fun read looking forward to catching up on it from the start here soon :)


Thanks very much sir.


The UK cverse is great but it's diffucult to grow due to the lack of existing huge names, poor overall psych and low regional importance.


Hope you enjoy the diary

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Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

What the hell!? .... I'm rooting for you Jeff you can do it!!!

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards

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Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Cornell is more important.


Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

I really hate to put authority figure over three wrestlers but none of them are over enough to warrant a win over Nova.


Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Matravers need to beat Cool if he wants to have any shot on getting the two singles titles this year.


Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Francis is higher on ladders.


Hot Stuff vs. Pride

Close one and could go either way but I go with Hot Stuff as they are former champs who might still be in title picture.


La Revolution vs. The Wildcards

They are more established.

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Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards


Wow, how did I not see this diary?! I went back to the beginning, especially since I'm clueless to 21CW roster, and loved it so much that I had to make some predictions anyways (even though I probably won't be able to predict and keep up all the time). I love your style, Boltinho.

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Been reading this from the start this week - it's a cracking read and has got me through the long bus journeys to work (the true test of any dynasty!)


Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Johansson is just a henchman, Cornell is like, No.2 face?


Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

Common sense says otherwise, but I can't see Nova losing.

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

Cool is a stepping stone to Stones.


Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Francis is the bigger star.


Hot Stuff vs. Pride

I like Pride more than Hot Stuff, but Hot Stuff are in the tag title mix so they win.


La Revolution vs. The Wildcards

The Frenchmen are jobbers, Wildcards (well, Anarchy) are going places.

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Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

-This is the one I most anticipate getting wrong, but I really don't like Johansson.

Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

-Jeff Nova's still the off-screen boss, can't see him being okay to losing to any of those schmucks.

Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool

-I like Matravers, I'm indifferent to Luke Cool. And Matravers is doing far more.

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

-I like Energy Punk but Danny Francis is a bigger deal and is doing more.

Hot Stuff vs. Pride

-See above but swap names.

La Revolution vs. The Wildcards

-La Revolution are almost certainly jobbers.

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Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

My tip for a no result. Cornell is way too good for Johansson so expect interference a plenty, especially from that nice Mr Faust


Jeff Nova vs. War Machine & The Brothers Ivanoff

The boss man beats the odds. Multiple interference and saves outside the ring while Nova cleans house inside the ring


Adam Matravers vs. Luke Cool


Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk


Hot Stuff vs. Pride

three straight forward calls there


La Revolution vs. The Wildcards

I know they are jobbers but I fancy today might be their day. Watch them celebrate like it's Bastille Day

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