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21st Century Boys (English c-verse)

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Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine


TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience? 19

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Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust (Win by DQ)

This is obviously a draw, too obviously..... Nova to win by GQ following one interference too many. However when Nova gleefully tells Faust he's fired, Hall or Garcia makes the legal save by pointing out that under the byelaws of 21CW the reigning champ cannot be dismissed



Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat


Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

How can this match be a draw? Pitbull Brown passes out with the pain rather than submit, that's how!


Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Ladder match= Matravers

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

I just like these guys efficiency too match


Anarchy vs. War Machine


TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience? 12


I reckon I could well be on for another poor score, but I live in hope of spotting the twist...

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Dunton Hall introduces tonight’s show from the ring. It’s a bit of an unusual setup tonight as the show isn’t taking place in the usual PPV venue (Kent Racecourse) but in the Brixton Academy.


It’s a beautiful old building and an interesting shape so the 21CW designers have had to work very hard to fit a ring and seating in. Very oddly it’s just in front of the stage with extra seating on top of it where bands normally are.


“There are 5,000 of you in here tonight and everyone I’ve heard has been saying the same thing – that this is my last night in charge of 21CW. Well although my job is to make sure you have a great time I’m going to have to disappoint you here. There is no way on Earth that a has-been like Jeff Nova can take the World Championship from a star like Jonathan Faust.


“That doesn’t mean tonight isn’t going to be a great show though. I know I’m looking forward to a good Englishman like Pitbull Brown making that American yahoo Joss Thompson scream in pain.


“But first up tonight you’re going to see a great display of fighting as the Silent Assassin Steve Stoat takes on the up-and-coming Danny Francis.”






Danny Francis appears on cue


“Hello Brixton! It’s great to be back here finally performing in front of my friends, family and fans.


“Especially for one of the biggest matches of my career. Stoat is a great wrestler no doubt but I grew up about 200 yards away right on Coldharbour Lane. This place is in my blood. If this match was an anyone-called-Steve-wins match I’d be confident but in a Brixton Streetfight right here in the Academy I’m damn sure I’m going to win.


“Men like Stoat cheat and slime their way up the ladder but I’m just an ordinary street-kid like all of you here. I’ve never had nothing given to me. I’ve had to fight for everything I could get. Now some of the guys I came up with took that too far. I’ve known some baaad men. But I’m here tonight to show you that places like this don’t make you bad. They make you tough.


“Brixton tough.”





Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

In a Brixton Street fight




The match starts of pretty slow as you’d expect with these two men. They lock up and strain trying to find any tiny advantage over the other man. There’s really nothing there though as they’re well matched physically and the match is very slow and cagy for the first 10 minutes or so.

After that though Kathleen lee starts to take matters into her own hands. The conniving minx is no stranger to influencing matches and she does her best here showing the ref and Danny a bit of leg and arguing vociferously over every tiny point. All that posturing means that Stoat gets a lot more time and space and the gouging, scratching and dread-pulling starts to come out.

At first Danny seems to shrug it off but the accumulation of small pains and jibes piles up and Danny eventually gets hit by a Stoat Super kick square in the chops. He goes down hard and Stoat immediately latches on...

Only to be instantly reversed into a Rasta Lock!

Francis took the Super kick on purpose as a ruse!

With the Lock on Stoat it’s a formality really and before Kathleen can get involved Stoat is forced to tap out in an upset.


In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Danny Francis defeated Steve Stoat in 14:40 when Steve Stoat submitted.








Anarchy enters the Academy through the crowd with a microphone whilst the next match is being set up. The masked man is accompanied by his tag partner Menace and both men get handshakes and backslaps from about every teenager in long shorts and metal t-shirts in the venue.


London Calling. That’s a fine sentiment for a night like this. People around the world talk about London as some kind of golden town where everyone can do anything they want.


“Me? I want to see it burn. I want to take this vile city with all its dull, slow greyness and sentimentality and see it sink under the mud of the Thames.


“This town doesn’t make anything. It doesn’t stand for anything. It’s just a monument to colonialism, decadence and obduracy.


“You all know I’m a man of principle and I’m going to demonstrate what I stand for tonight. I’m going to face up to a man-mountain and look him in the eye and I WILL NOT BACK DOWN!


“I will fight until the last breath leaves me against all that London is and all that the likes of War Machine allow 21CW to be.


“Tonight I am Chaos. Tonight we all are!”




Anarchy vs. War Machine

In a London Aftermath match




The match and surrounding area are set up in bizarre fashion. It looks very much like an atomic bomb has hit London as burnt out cars and cracked concrete lies piled up. There’s even a small fire going on in a barrel.

The two men in the match seem to fit it perfectly though. Anarchy is clearly in his dream world and the teen monster War Machine stalks about the wreckage like a Sentinel.

The early stages of the match are very one-sided as War Machine uses his size, strength and weight to throw Anarchy around the scenery. Fortunately for the revolutionary Anarchy is the one man that appears to enjoy this and the fans can hear his laughter ringing out.

The match turns sharply when Anarchy manages to push War Machine’s face right onto the burning barrel. The huge man squeals like an animal and then seems to lose any semblance of control as he thrashes around. Unfortunately Anarchy is caught in the mayhem and knocked flat by an errant elbow.

War machine continues to career around but calms shortly and seeing the prone Anarchy hurls himself onto the smaller man to secure the win and the Anarchy Trophy.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, War Machine defeated Anarchy in a Scaffold match in 8:32. War Machine wins the Anarchy Trophy title.








Snaptime head to the ring accompanied by their manageress Kathleen Lee.


Merle and Nigel are both wearing plain black t-shirts and wrestling pants. They look focused, determined and all the humour of Josef Fritzl’s trial.



“When I forced Leo price out of my little group I thought I’d sorted the chaff from the wheat. I thought I had 3 solid, committed men who would do what it takes to win.


“I was wrong.


“Steve Stoat let me down earlier tonight by losing to a kid like Danny Francis. Merle? Nigel? You two have an opportunity to make it alright again. All you have to do is beat ELIMINATION and keep those belts around your waists and we can really go places. If you lose?


“Make sure you don’t lose.”




ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

For the 21CW Tag titles




Wow. From the very start this match is absolutely enthralling as all four men tag in and out with speed and intensity. The match follows the expected format of ELIMINATIOJN hurling themselves at Snaptime to be countered by sophisticated holds, reversals and counters but everything seems more passionate than previous matches between these two.

Unfortunately for Snaptime Nigel Svensson is probably the weakest, man physically in the ring and even men of ELIMINATION’s intelligence can figure that out as they try to isolate him increasingly.

That seems to work and after some huge punishment the challengers set up their feared trademark move – the ELIMINATOR...

Only for an exhausted Svensson to wriggle out of it and slap his own trademark hold – the Hyper Extension Arm Lock onto SUICIDE. The big freak may be muscled but that makes his shoulders even more vulnerable and is forced to submit.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Snaptime defeated ELIMINATION in 10:15 when Nigel Svensson defeated SUICIDE by submission with a Hyper Extension Arm Lock. Snaptime make defence number 3 of their 21st Century Tag Team titles.






A video plays of the four men in the match for the UK title showing what’s happened to bring them here together.



Rolling Johnny Stones’ year in 21CW has been a procession of women, celebrations and holding the UK belt for 6 months straight.




Adam Matravers has overcome many hurdles and drunk a LOT of Red Bull to get this close to winning the 2nd belt of 3.




Grey Angel has been eerie, creepy and scary in equal measure. He’s offended people on both sides of the religion issue but he’s also won some key matches.




Mr Blood has transformed from a cloud of white smoke attacking people indiscriminately to a brutal, blood-loving fighter with a lust for pain.


Everyone has a great shout to win this match for their own reasons but it’s a ladder match. There must be a concrete winner.




Rolling Johnny Stones © vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Ladder match for the 21CW UK Title






Furious action again here as four men stretch the referees attention and authority to the very limit. The ladder is brought into the ring very early by Mr Blood who promptly uses it as a weapon to knock all three of his opponents out of the ring. Blood sets the ladder up and is halfway up the steps when Grey Angel swoops from nowhere and sends the apparatus and both men tumbling in a heap.

Stones and Matravers take centre stage and the champ does a great job of preventing Mile-High getting the space he needs by locking him up. It can’t last though and Blood and Angel both head back to the fray to mess things up again.

The next man to make a move is Rolling Johnny Stones who makes it onto the steps but Grey Angel somehow links arms and hurls them both from the ladder locked together. With no room to brace for the landing the impact hits both men very hard.

With Matravers and Mr Blood both active the match is short sharp and intense but it’s Matravers’ experience that shows as he manages to turn a whip into the ropes into a missile dropkick that floors the brawler.

With everyone else hurt bad Matravers takes the opportunity to ascend the ladder alone and with the whole Academy cheering him on, seize the UK title belt in blessed isolation in a sea of camera flashes.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Adam Matravers defeated Rolling Johnny Stones, Mr Blood and Grey Angel in a Ladder match in 13:34 when Adam Matravers retrieved the item. Adam Matravers wins the 21st Century United Kingdom title.








Joss Thompson makes his entrance to his normal Top Gun music. He heads out in his tight, white t-shirt, jeans and aviators but tonight he also wears a baseball cap with a Union jack on it.


“HELLO Brixton, England! Wassup! Y’all know I’m American right? I love my country but I’ve been here a long time now. Eddie Cornell even taught me cricket. And I’m here tonight to say that I haven’t just slept in this city. I’ve fallen in love with it. London is a great city full of history, culture and fun. I’ve met friends for life here.


“Which brings me to Pitbull Brown. He was a man I thought I could rely on. Someone I thought would back me up when times got tough. It turned out that not only was I wrong I was waaaay wrong. Pitbull Brown is a backstabbing bastard with no clue what honour and loyalty is.


“So I’m here to teach him a lesson tonight. Pitbull says he’s the Man Who Never Gives Up.


“Lemme tell you there’s a first time for everything.”




Pitbull heads out and into the ring too:


It was never about friendship Joss. It’s never been about England or America or loyalty or anything else you think.


“It’s always been about winning. 21CW isn’t a lonely hearts club. It’s the hardest, best wrestling test outside of Japan. And I’m not fussed what you or anyone else thinks. I’m fussed about winning wrestling matches.


“So tonight I’m not here to ask forgiveness or catch up on old times. I’m here to hurt you. I’m going to bend you until you say that I’m the better man. Until you say those sweet little words ‘I QUIT.’


“For too long people have thought that you’re the best wrestler in England. I’ve been here the whole time and tonight I prove that I’ve always been the better man. The Man Who Never Gives Up.”




Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

In a submission match




There is absolutely no love lost between these two at all and it shows. Everyone in the building is slightly taken aback by the pure rage that both men direct at each other.

In a normal match we might see a more measure approach but tonight Joss knows that the one chance he has is to give Pitbull so much punishment that he loses his legendary toughness so it’s all elbows, hard slams and stiff punches from the American.

On the other hand Pitbull is in his element. We all know he lives in the gym and those long hours sparring, working and training mean that Brown can roll with punches that would floor lesser men whilst he waits for his opportunity.

Joss settles into the match and a huge backbreaker actually winds Pitbull allowing Thompson to surprisingly go for a finger-lock. Pitbull is clearly in pain but wrenches his arm away in a move that from the way he holds his hand actually dislocates the finger in question.

The match is rejoined with even more ferocity and Joss seems to sense that he can beat the injured man as he tries to focus on the bad finger.

Of course a dislocated finger is a nasty injury but The Man Who Never Gives Up seems to take it in his stride and uses the bad hand to stop Joss in his tracks with a series of HUGE punches.


Five great blows and the proud American actually sinks to his knees. The ex-champ has been so good in 21CW that this is a real surprise for everyone present.

But it gets worse as Pitbull steps in and wrestles Joss down into a Camel Clutch. He arches his back into the hold and in the face of unbelievable pressure Joss does the unthinkable...

He quits.


In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Pit Bull Brown defeated Joss Thompson in 20:17 by submission.








Jeff Nova as the challenger is the first man out for tonight’s main event. The big Scot is in his ring gear thus showing off his huge, sculpted physique. Whereas some strength athletes don’t look in the best shape Jeff is truly impressive. There’s very little padding – just more room for additional power.


Tonight I look around and I’m humbled at the support. You can tell a true 21CW fan at a glance and it’s great to have so many of you give me your backing. I want to talk about one fan though and it’s Portlius. All week people have stopped me to say ‘I hope you win’ but somewhere behind their eyes is doubt and disbelief. Very few people have really believed I’m going to win for you.


“Portlius is different. That man knows this match isn’t a foregone conclusion. He’s always known that with this company on the line – all that I’ve worked, sweated and fought for there is no way that I’m going to let any of you down...”




The 21CW fans are standing through the Academy but their pride is cut short by Jeff’s opponent’s arrival – Jonathan Faust is here with current 21CW supremo Dunton Hall and muscle Johansson.



Oh Jeff give it a rest. We’ve heard this all before! Let me summarise for you – blah, blah, blah real fans, blah, blah, blah my company blah, blah, blah nasty Dunton Hall. Is that about right?


“No one here wants to see a washed up old man sweating about in the ring. If they wanted that they’d be at home watching USPW. They want to see cutting edge sports entertainment from the amazing athletes of tomorrow. They’re not looking forward to you tonight. They’re looking forward to watching the best wrestler on this continent – World Champion Jonathan Faust.



”You might be a strongman Nova but that’s not enough in this game and you’re just too stubborn and blind to see it. Look at me – I’m not the biggest or strongest but I’ve got technique, skill, flexibility and variety. And I’ve got this belt around my waist too. Tonight I’m going to prove that you’re a dinosaur and the likes of me have left you far, far behind.”



Talk is cheap gentlemen and you’ve spent a fortune on it. Real words cost though and I don’t think you can afford the bill tonight.”




Jonathan Faust © vs. Jeff Nova

For the 21CW World Title and company ownership




As expected this match is an enthralling contest between a small, wily schemer and a large but slow power-wrestler. Nova goers hell-for-leather directly at Faust to try to get hands on but the champ is far too smart for that and successfully fends Jeff off with deft feints and slips.

The match settles into that sort of dynamic with Nova attacking but Faust showing his intelligence and cunning to avoid going toe to toe with the much bigger man.

Of course that isn’t to say Faust doesn’t attack and the champs does have periods where he’s very impressive. A big DDT on a charging Nova is swiftly followed up by a rolling kick to the face that gets the big Scot screaming in rage.

Nova also does well though and he starts to land more and more of his big right hands slowing Faust down. After 17 or so minutes Nova finally succeeds in grasping Faust properly and goes to pick the smaller man above his head as he did a month ago at War Drums...

Only for Faust to stoop to the lowest of lows. As he is hauled in and up a boot snakes out to catch Nova right in the unmentionables and the Scottish 21CW icon crumples into a heap.

Laughing Faust parades around the ring celebrating, laughing and posing and very slowly climbs the turnbuckle. He’s going to end the match with one final insult to Nova.

Faust poses at the top of the corner as Nova struggles to his feet. He’s up but not really all there as the agony on his face shows.

Faust launches and flies through the air to hit a huge splash...

Only to stop suddenly.

Somehow Jeff Nova – wracked with pain – has managed to snatch a flying Faust right out of the sky and locked in a Bear Hug using those awesome muscles that won a World’s Strongest Man title.

Seeing the danger Johansson is sent into the ring by a panicking Dunton hall but too slow. Eddie Cornell and business Jones appear out of nowhere to block the big Scandinavian from getting involved. Johansson and Dunton hall can only stand and watch as Jeff applies the pressure and finally, unbelievably, Jonathan Faust is forced to submit.


In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd, Jeff Nova defeated Jonathan Faust in 21:43 by submission with a World's Strongest Bear Hug. Jeff Nova wins the 21st Century World title and control of 21CW.






Overall show rating: B

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Another month is in the bank and 21CW have just put together our best ever in terms of results (with the unfortunate aberrance of the show in w3 which was dire due to a squib ME.


In terms of the PPV I'm quite pleased that a few of the results appear to have been really unpredictable (or at least unexpected). Only one man picked Jeff Nova to win the title (which is why Portlius got a namecheck) from Faust but it makes such sense. He's a huge name, the company is based on fame and he did used to be the Worlds Strongest Man! Tune in to find out what happens next...


Most of you didn't see Joss losing either. He is a great wrestler but so is Pitbull. In many ways Mr Brown is the most useful guy on the 21CW roster and I love him. He deserved a big win.


Danny Francis got a real upset over Stoat but when i stopped to look at their stats Stoat is miles behind Francis.


Surprise of the night goes to the tag match where ELIMINATION and Snaptime tore it up. I was hoping for a C and they delivered a B-. Just a great match on the night I guess and a fitting culmination for their feud.


Anyway on to your predictions:



Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust (Win by DQ)

This is obviously a draw, too obviously..... Nova to win by GQ following one interference too many. However when Nova gleefully tells Faust he's fired, Hall or Garcia makes the legal save by pointing out that under the byelaws of 21CW the reigning champ cannot be dismissed

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine

TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience? 12


I reckon I could well be on for another poor score, but I live in hope of spotting the twist...


3/6 You got the twist at least!



Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine


TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience? 19


3/6. I know I bang on about draws but at PPVs I like the fans to get answers (and their money's worth).


Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

You need to hurry up Adam's triple crown

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine

TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience? 30


1/6 Im afraid, Adam did win but thats no guarantee he'll get the 3rd belt. He's got some big names queued up in front of him and can he take on the owner?


Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

You promised me that Danny will win at London Calling .. Ok you didn't but i'm still picking him!

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine

TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience? 24


3/6. Danny deserved it. He's such a talented bloke it amazes me he doesn't feature in more diaries. he could certainly blaze a trail in FCW (Zergon...)


Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

I'm going against the grain (and my own logic!) You like Elimination and they're doing well. Snaptime have never really convinced me as a team.

Anarchy vs. War Machine

TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience?



2/6. Snaptime unconvincing? Merle and Nigel are SOLID. it does appear the fans like ELIMINATION and they'll be back but for now they've fluffed their chance at the titles.



Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine


TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience?

I have no idea, its what the Tjuren and the I.S.M. says it is I ain't arguing.


3/6. ISM Merle is our link isnt he? Great worker but needs a lot of managing. Im surprised how over hes got here with his abysmal SQ.


Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Adam Matravers: Powered by Red Bull

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine

TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience? 40


3/6. Notice how Matravers did it 'clean'? Shows he can beat mid-carders wth talent and attitude...


Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine

-Anarchy is pretty awesome. Even though War Machine beat Jeff Nova, he doesn't beat Anarchy


TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience?



3/6 as well. Sorry Anarchy couldnt get it done. great fun and de Aske is brilliant but WM is a beast. In fact he's gotten too over...


Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

I just don´t see why Nova should get the title and though draw is possible I think that this will lead to ownership change.

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine

TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience?



4/6. Good point about Nova. He didnt need to win the title. I just thought it would be fun. And it does make (mostly) sense in the face of what happens for the rest of the year (assuming my plans vaguely work).


Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine


TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience? 36


3/6 too. popular score this week...


Jeff Nova vs. Jonathan Faust

Danny Francis vs. Steve Stoat

Joss Thompson vs. Pitbull Brown

Sorry Thompson but the man who never gives up isn't going to give up here, Pitbull takes the win.

Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Adam Matravers vs. Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

ELIMINATION vs. Snaptime

Anarchy vs. War Machine

TIEBREAK: What is Snaptime’s tag experience? 45


4/6. Absolulutely for Pitbulll! He isnt the man who MOSTLY doesnt give up. He NEVER gives up. I think youre the only person who went for him so congrats sir.



So there we have it. Loads of predictions (thanks again everyone) but the two top scores were Zergon and Serotonin with 4/6. On the tiebreaker Snaptime's experience is just 25 so master predictor Zergon manages the win.


Congratulations sir - you have the right to pick your 835th piece of 21CW merchandise!


Thanks for paying attention to everyone. We'll be back in August for more fun and the buildup to We Will Rock You (Bonus points for guessing whos getting a special match at that event...)

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Nice show and some interesting results. Interesting to see how Nova´s title reign goes as he has the overness to do well and it makes sense on storyline point-of-view but I´m little conserned about his non-wrestler status. :)


Still, I like to order some Pitbull Brown stuff this time.

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I got 4/6 too!


I said Nova!


You are of course absolutely correct. 1,000 apologies sir. Its so hard to keep up with all these predictions!


To make ammends please accept my humble offer of apology - PM me a name and I'll give them a title shot against War Machine for the Anarchy Trophy (midcard at best)


Nice show and some interesting results. Interesting to see how Nova´s title reign goes as he has the overness to do well and it makes sense on storyline point-of-view but I´m little conserned about his non-wrestler status. :)


Still, I like to order some Pitbull Brown stuff this time.


I'm a bit concerned too but I thought it would be fun/interesting/different.


Duntons reign has been a mixed success. The fans know that theyve been getting great product but he doesnt understand why they love 21CW. Jeff is one of them but clearly an inferior mind (who isnt next to Dunton?)


Anyway we're ahving a slight change of focus to keep things fresh for the remaining 5 months!


Pitbull gear is a good choice. After a huge win over Joss he's really proved that he's as dangerous as any other man in the company (certainly under his favoured submission rules). Merch on its way

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To celebrate his huge win over Joss Pitbull appears to have gotten himself a new tattoo...




One Pitbull tshirt sir.




Personally I absolutely love this. :o Hope you do too.

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Wow! Ive just worked out that Ive knocked up over 40 bits of merch for this diary now.


Out of interest and constructive criticism - here are my favourites. Which is yours?

















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Best of British Wrestling


Week 1 August 2010




August starts in 21CW with some major changes in the company. Jeff Nova has officially taken control back of the company but is that a good thing for the fans? For all his faults Dunton Hall undisputable did a good job and he’s still an employee.


Jeff Nova is also our new World Champion of course. Will he be defending that belt as a full-time wrestler would?


Adam Matravers has finally won his 2nd title of the year in the UK Championship but will he hold onto it? He vacated the tag belt immediately and the clock is ticking on his bid to go after the World Title before the end of the year.


Tune in this week to find out what’s going to happen next.




Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown




Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat




Business Jones vs. Luke Cool




Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood


For the 21CW UK championship




Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff




War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais


For the Anarchy Trophy






As always the finest predictor will win their choice of quality gear from the 21CW sweatshop




Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais


TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology?

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Wow! Ive just worked out that Ive knocked up over 40 bits of merch for this diary now.


Out of interest and constructive criticism - here are my favourites. Which is yours?





The boots win for me .. There was an awesome Menace tshirt that springs to mind a couple of weeks ago also that i'd wear ... Oh and that Mr. Nightmare rattle is amazing .. I want one!!! :D


Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais


TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology? 49!?

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My favorite merchandise? This one of course:D.




Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Tough one I go with Brown since he just got a big win (and nice new tattoo too:)).


Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Another tough one, Stoat just had though loss so he could use a win but Matravers needs some build-up before he can challenge for the main title and Stoat looks like possible stepping stone... I go with Stoat winning this time via cheating and Matravers winning the possible re-match.

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Cool has been lost into shuffle lately so Jones takes this one.


Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Personal preference though I do also think that Angel has done slighly more so far.


Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

UK Dragon is above everyone else here.

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

Don´t see Machine dropping his trophy on first defense and not to Pierre who haven´t done much yet.


TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology?


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Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais


TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology? 50

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Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

-He just beat Joss friggin' Thompson, Pitbull Brown is officially a big deal.

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

-Red Bull Powers > Evil Manager Powers

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool


Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

-I just like Grey Angel more.

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

-Tough choice, so coolness factor wins out for Pride

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

-He'll destroyify the jobber.


TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology? No idea what it starts out but based on uniqueness and other guesses, I'll say 57.

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Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Pitbull getting ready for shot at Nova?


Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

I spy an interference led no-contest


Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

I think both Beaujolais's won't be enough

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Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

He has to be on his way towards a title shot after Jeff is done with Faust.


Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Stoat is on his way down.


Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

To large a overness gap.


Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Throw up pick.


Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Their T-Shirt is the best one.


War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

He just got the title.


TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology? 51

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Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Brown's on a roll - first challenger for Nova?


Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Draw - Matravers isn't quite ready to beat Stoat.


Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Cool jobs to everyone.


Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Can't see Grey Angel losing here.


Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Again, I like Pride. Plus, you have heel tag champs ao you need face challengers.


War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais



TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology?47

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Epic diary. I've read it from start to finish today (don't tell my keepers).


Wading into the pick em


Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Seems like a good idea to have an extreme low after an extreme high for AM.

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood (DOUBLE DQ)

Seems to be a developing feud

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

I can't figure out what you've got going with Pride.

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

I can't fathom that Pierre would win... just doesn't seem possible.


*I currently have a European Fed going where I have Sergei walking around with the "retired" UCR titles (I added them in the editor). I'm hoping to unify them into the new Fed's championships. All that to say I really appreciate your efforts on a non- US diary.


TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology? 68

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Best of British Wrestling


Wednesday Week 1 August 2010

Edgware Hall

Attendance: 2,000





Jeff Nova introduces tonight’s show as the Boss for the first time in months.


The big man comes to the ring to do it (Dunton Hall used to do it from his office of course) with the 21CW World Title draped over his shoulder.


Jeff thanks everyone for their support through the hard months he wasn’t in charge. He shows real humility and acknowledges that although he isn’t a full-time wrestler he did beat Faust fair and square in the ring to take the title and will defend it to the limits of his ability.







Adam Matravers heads to the ring with Phoebe Plumridge. Both of them are wearing their blue/silver gear and Matravers also wears the 21CW UK championship belt.


Phoebe hypes Adam as being extreme, dedicated and tough and talks about how hard it was to beat 3 other men in a ladder match for the title.


Adam himself says that although the UK title is a great honour it’s one he just can’t accept as he’s promised to go after the biggest title around – the World Title which his boss Jeff Nova currently holds.


Adam hands over the UK belt to Jeff with visible reluctance before telling Jeff he’s looking to step up and will take the hardest matches he can get until he’s earned a title shot.


Jeff says he regrets Adam handing in the belt. It’s always a shame to give up a title but he understands and that Adam can have a match right now – against Steve Stoat.




Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat




* Stoat – The Silent Assassin comes out hard after his loss last week. He combines fast attacks with a devastating ground game to take control of the match.

* Adam is a little overmatched here but gamely battles on trying to show off his great aerial moves and succeeds by hitting a huge dropkick.

* …whereupon Stoat’s stable mates Snaptime attack Adam. Unfortunately Matravers ducks and Stoat himself is nailed by Merle and Nigel at the same time allowing Matravers to steal a quick win.


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Adam Matravers defeated Steve Stoat in 15:09 following botched interference by Nigel Svensson and Merle O'Curle.







Jeff heads back to the ring and announces that now he’s back in charge the 21CW fans will see more big matches featuring big men. And the first of those will be the current holder of the Anarchy Trophy – War Machine.




The huge teenager appears on cue. He’s awesomely muscled and bearded and looks furious.


Jeff tells Machine to his face that the trophy is now a 21CW sanctioned title but to expect the unexpected. Starting tonight with a match against a mystery opponent with no preparation. The curtains part and which fearsome opponents appear: La Revolution. Machine’s opponent will be Pierre Beaujolais,






War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais


For the Anarchy Trophy




* War Machine is dominant using his size and strength against the wiry Frenchman.

* But Pierre confounds Machine with a switcheroo allowing Jacques Livarot into the ring.

* Unfortunately that doesn’t really work and Machine simply choke-slams both Frenchmen for the win before hitting a huge leg-drop from the 2nd rope for the win.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, War Machine defeated Pierre Beaujolais in 8:01 by pinfall with a Second Floor Legdrop. During the match we also had Jacques Livarot run in and attack Machine. War Machine makes defence number 1 of his Anarchy Trophy title.









Kathleen Lee heads out to the ring. She’s trailed by Snaptime (Merle O’Curle & Nigel Svensson) fresh from their botched interference earlier tonight.


Kathleen apologises to Steve Stoat but caveats that with saying how determined and dangerous Snaptime are. In fact she goes so far as to say that Snaptime are so disciplined, studious and tough that no one can now take the tag belts from them. ELIMINATION had their chances but didn’t have the restraint and intensity to manage it.


At that point Oriental music plays and we get a surprise appear – Pride (Dragon & Lionheart).




Dragon grabs a mic and tells Snaptime and Kathleen that if discipline and intensity will beat them they’re the obvious choice. Their Eastern philosophy and martial arts are tailor-made to beat the champs. In fact they ask Snaptime to hang around as they’re about to show how good they are in the ring.




Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff




* A tour de force from Pride as they use great technical wrestling and conditioning to look very strong.

* The Ivanoffs never really look like winning the match and Dragon hits his finisher to seal a statement of a win.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Pride defeated The Brothers Ivanoff in 8:06 when Dragon defeated Igor Ivanoff by pinfall with a Dragon Drop.








The arena lights all flick off for a few seconds and come back on to reveal Grey Angel alone in the ring. The religious crusader takes a microphone and proceeds to say that although he was beaten at London Calling his mission is still intact – he has judged the evil amongst 21CW and found many, many others guilty and sinful.


Angel says he can fight against those sinners best from a position of strength and so has 2 requests.


First that he be given the chance to fight for the UK title vacated by Matravers.


And second that he fight against one of the more evil men around – the vile, unclean Mr Blood.




On cue Blood appears and says he’d be delighted to face Angel – and drink his blood afterwards.


The announcing team confirm they’ve just heard that the match has been ratified and will happen now for the vacant tile.




Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood


For the 21CW UK championship




* Great action here as the two men clearly dislike each other and go all-out to beat the other.

* It’s super-close all the way through and the actions spills out of the ring and into the crowd leaving the ref no choice but to ring the bell for the double count-out.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Grey Angel drew with Mr Blood in 10:26 following a double count out.








Resident legal/economic guru Business Jones heads out to talk to the crowd.

Jones is as always nicely turned out in a bespoke suit and polished shoes.


He congratulates Jeff Nova on his win and taking control back of 21CW and highlights his own role in helping take the company back.


Unfortunately Business is interrupted by The Rolling Stones blaring out and Luke Cool appearing.


Luke slams Jones for overegging his own role and says he remembers when Jones was just a joke. Cool says that his own partner Rolling Johnny Stones is recovering tonight but Cool is very confident he can show everyone how ridiculous Jones really is.






Business Jones vs. Luke Cool




* Luke Cool seems very capable here with solid attacks and some excellent reversals.

* But Business is powerful and smooth even in his suit and slowly takes control before hitting his finisher – the devastating belly-to-belly suplex that drives his opponents head into the mat.


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Business Jones defeated Luke Cool in 9:47 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex.








Eddie Cornell heads out. The Lancastrian looks tough and especially like his famous cousin.


Eddie complains he wasn’t given the chance to fight at London Calling but watched the event intently and cheered his mate Joss Thompson on along with Jeff Nova. Eddie reminds everyone that Pitbull turned on Joss earlier in the year before managing to make him submit last week and that Cornell considers Pitbull nothing better than a traitor and a bully.


At that point Pitbull himself makes his appearance to the strains of Bad, bad Leroy Brown.




Pitbull tells Eddie to just shut up. Pitbull finally proved that he’s the better man and Joss is overhyped and overrated.


In fact it seems clear that Pitbull is actually the toughest wrestler in the UK and may have bigger designs now he’s made everyone tap.


Eddie refuses to be cowed though and says he can show Pitbull that bullies don’t prosper in any company Eddie has a stake in. In fact – why don’t they settle this right now in the ring?




Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown




* Feisty stuff between two friends who know each other so well neither man can take a solid advantage.

* Pitbull always looks to slow the match down but Eddie does a great job of keeping free, on his feet and mobile. Until we get some interference…




• The Assassin’s Guild who have sworn to destroy Eddie Cornell appear out of nowhere wielding chairs and together slam them onto an unsuspecting Eddie. After an attack like that he’s totally vulnerable and Pitbull cruelly hits his customised Piledriver for an undeserved win.


In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Pit Bull Brown defeated Eddie Cornell in 14:37 by pinfall with a Dog House Piledriver. During the match we also saw Predator run in and attack Cornell, and Snake also attack Cornell.






Overall show rating: B

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Finally I got that show done. As I’ve said before I’m super-busy so sorry for the shoddy timetable chaps.


Nice show to start the month. I was pretty pleased with actual scores – Eddie and Pitbull getting an A8 together is a great thing.


Epic diary. I've read it from start to finish today (don't tell my keepers).

Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood (DOUBLE DQ)

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

*I currently have a European Fed going where I have Sergei walking around with the "retired" UCR titles (I added them in the editor). I'm hoping to unify them into the new Fed's championships. All that to say I really appreciate your efforts on a non- US diary.

TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology? 68

5/6 (bonus for the draw)

Thanks sir. I appreciate you taking the time. US diaries are a bit covered for me. I love to be inspired to sign random guys I’ve never used before. Sergei was one of the stars of my previous HIW diary. Great worker.


Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais


TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology?



5/6. Solid


Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

Again, I like Pride. Plus, you have heel tag champs ao you need face challengers.

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology?47


4/6. Pride may be finally getting the screentime they deserve with a challenge for Snaptime. Its a bit of a ROF feud but fingers crossed.


Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

He just got the title.

TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology? 51


He did just win it but its the Anarchy Trophy. ANYTHING can happen.


Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

I think both Beaujolais's won't be enough


They weren’t quite enough. But almost! Getting La Revolution over has been one of my long-term TEW aims


Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

-I just like Grey Angel more.

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology? No idea what it starts out but based on uniqueness and other guesses, I'll say 57.

5/6. I’m a little surprised at how popular Grey Angel is. I never liked him but I wanted him to trade more overtly as a rip-off of his famous brother. Sometimes stuff just works!


Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais


TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology? 50


4/6. Nice to see a vote for Eddie though. He IS a Cornell.


Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology? 48


5/6. Another Angel voter misses on the perfect score.


Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

UK Dragon is above everyone else here.

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology?



4/6. Dragon is surprisingly un-over as I haven’t done much with him. He’s where I should have kept Merle, Nigel and RJS to boost the midcard.


Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology? 46


5/6 as well. Poor Mr Blood. Noone loves him.


that Mr. Nightmare rattle is amazing

Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology? 49!?


5/6. Nightmare is fin but SOOO bad in the ring. Danny Patterson and others are much better options. He’s in dev right now BTW.


Eddie Cornell vs. Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Steve Stoat

Business Jones vs. Luke Cool

Grey Angel vs. Mr Blood

Pride vs. The Brothers Ivanoff

War Machine © vs. Pierre Beaujolais

TIEBREAKER: What is our current champ Jeff Nova’s Psychology? 67

4/6. Nice bet on the ME draw. It was very close to happening.


So we get a bunch of people on 5/6. The tiebreaker is won by Serotonin187 as Jeff’s psych is just 46. Not ideal for a world champ eh? He’s only had 3 matches so it hasn’t risen at all even though all 3 have been brilliant (78,80 & 82).


Please feel free to select anything you’d like from the 21CW catalogue.


Thanks everyone for reading and entering!

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Next time on BoBW:




Business Jones & Joss Thompson vs. Rockstar Lifestyle (Rolling Johnny Stones & Luke Cool)




Joss was chastened last month after he submitted to Pitbull. Business beat Luke Cool last week but the return of his partner could be decisive – especially ahead of We Will Rock You which should be made for RJS.


Jeff Nova v Johansson




This will be Jeff’s first in-ring appearance since he won the World title. His issues with The Startup (Dunton Hall, Jonathan Faust and Johansson) are in no way over but can he beat one of the few men in 21CW who are as strong as he is.


Jonathan Faust vs. Grey Angel




Faust is only recently an ex-World Champ and will be desperate to prove he’s still a top name. Grey Angel has been trying to regain the vacant UK title but everyone knows his issue here will be about Faust’s moral character.


Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk




Danny has been impressive recently but Punk has a ruthless streak, a crusade (against the society that mutated his people and covered it up) and backup in Power Beast. This match could be explosive.


Dragon vs. Nigel Svensson




Last week Snaptime claimed they were untouchable in the tag division but Pride think they’re tailor-made to beat them. Will this singles match give either team more conviction?



Hot Stuff (Buff Martinez & Jay B) vs. The Wildcards (Anarchy & Menace)



Hot Stuff still feel aggrieved about losing the tag titles. Can they gain some momentum in a very strong division against 21CW’s social crusaders/rebels? Or will Menace show his power and Anarchy show his desire in an upset?


We’ll answer all these questions and more live on Britain’s finest wrestling show. Don’t miss it.




Business Jones & Joss Thompson vs. Rockstar Lifestyle

Jeff Nova v Johansson

Jonathan Faust vs. Grey Angel

Danny Francis vs. Energy Punk

Dragon vs. Nigel Svensson

Hot Stuff vs. The Wildcards

TIEBREAK: How many of our top 10 matches have included Joss Thompson?

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