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21st Century Boys (English c-verse)

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Their gimmick is that of bin men/trash collectors, who happen to hail from Newcastle. The two things are separate. ;)


Welcome back D-L - weve missed you.


He is of course correct. the Geordie nation are binmen who happen to be from newcastle. thats about as advanced as my patronising and stereotypical sense of humour/characterisation gets.


And I didnt even come up with it. it's stolen from a Tv series in the 90s:




BoBW will be up today. My home internet is busted so I'm running a bit slow

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Best of British Wrestling




Wednesday week 1 March 2010

Attendance: 2,000






Jeff Nova introduces tonight’s show from the ring:


“We find ourselves in the aftermath of a ferocious World War. The action was as good as I can remember there being in this country and several questions need answering.


“Firstly I’d like to congratulate Steve Stoat in winning the £100k World War prize. It’s a tough ask to take that title and he did well to eliminate Pitbull Brown in the end.


“However the big event was Jonathan Faust injuring himself and Joss Thompson in a suicidal dive from the stairs. I can tell you both men are in a stable condition but are still hospitalised for safety. Hopefully both will be released from hospital this week and I know they’ll be itching to get back to work to settle things.”






DJ Reason heads to the ring. Respectfully he approaches Jeff Nova.


DJ Reason

“Mr Nova. World War was a tough old event and I’m worried about Joss too. Even Faust is a worry. A professional wrestler doesn’t like to see anyone injured.


“But I’ve got a personal problem. I finally had the chance to win a title last week and I would have taken it – if Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones hadn’t cheated me out of the match…”




Before Jeff gets a chance to respond Reason is interrupted by some dark, pounding music as war Machine appears.


The huge youngster comes out and gestures to Reason as he starts to slowly stalk the DJ.


Fortunately before he can reach the veteran more music plays (Anarchy in the UK) and two more men appear.


One man is slim and wiry and wears a black mask with an Anarchy symbol on it. The other is huge and unkempt and covered in tattoos.




As War Machine attacks the far smaller DJ Reason the two newcomers attack him and soon we have four men brawling together.



“Enough of this you animals. In 21CW we settle things properly. If you all want to fight so bad I’m making a match right now. DJ Reason vs. War machine vs… whoever the guy in the mask is.


As the brawl pauses the small masked man grabs a microphone


“Absolutely Mr Nova. That’s just what I wanted.”

Strangely he speaks with a distinctly European twang. In fact – he almost sounds… Belgian.




DJ Reason vs War Machine vs Anarchy




* War machine was physically dominant but struggled again against speedy fighters.


* Anarchy and DJ Reason spent a lot of the match working together against the Huge War machine.


* But Reason showed his experience by stealing the pin away from the debutant.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, DJ Reason defeated Anarchy and War Machine in 9:55 when DJ Reason defeated War Machine by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.








Jeff Nova again appears with his mic.


“As you know I’m very proud of our tag division at 21CW. It’s never been as strong as it is with Hot Stuff at its head as our champs.


“The reason it’s so strong is we don’t rest and we’re always trying to find the best teams of wrestlers in Europe. Tonight I’m proudly presenting a team from France. They’re talented young men with a great future but tonight they won’t be facing an easy ride as they go toe-to-toe with two established Geordie warriors – Jimmy Morris and K’Lee Hawkins.




“Please give a big hand to Jacques Livarot and Pierre Beaujolais – La Revolution!”






Geordie Nation (Geordie Jimmy Morris & K’Lee Hawkins) vs. La Revolution (Jacques Livarot & Pierre Beaujolais)




* The new team of French revolutionaries showed great skills but poor physicality. They’re quite slim men and not used to the brawling of the blue-collar veterans here.


* They do show startling speed and awareness though and lightning tags kept the Geordies on their feet…


* Right up until K’Lee played his trump card – by locking on the feared Crossface Chickenwing onto Jacques who was forced to tap.


In an extremely poor match, Geordie Nation defeated La Revolution in 10:21 when K'Lee Hawkins defeated Jacques Livarot by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing.






A video plays on the big screen. It starts with the legend “Earlier tonight”.




Danny Francis is backstage walking down a corridor chomping on a Jamaican patty. As always (out of the ring) he’s got a broad smile on his face.

Suddenly out of nowhere the young South Londoner is sent sprawling as he’s attacked from behind.




It’s the Night Terrors who start to crowd round Danny until another party appears.




It’s Dwayne Dark carrying his trademark knife. The two big zombies back off from the naked blade mumbling something about ‘brainza’.


Back in the arena Danny Francis has entered the ring.


“That was from earlier on tonight. I’m here tonight to tell The Night terrors that my brains stay my own. I got no time to deal with them. Last week’s World War just said again to me that I can beat Business Jones. And I ain’t going to stop until I get the chance.


“But for now I’m going to prove to the terrors I ain’t anyone’s food. We’re going to have a fair fight.”




Danny Francis vs Mr Evilness




* Mr. Evilness pursues his usual tactic of lumbering around clubbing smaller men (ie everyone) to the ground.


* Danny was doing fairly poorly but as always never gives up and always gets back up for more.


* The finish came when Mr Nightmare attacked Danny. No one can stand against both Night terrors but Nightmare accidentally connected a huge clothesline on Evilness allowing Danny to lock in his Rasta Lock unexpectedly.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Danny Francis defeated Mr. Evilness in 9:54 by submission with a Rasta Lock. During the match we also had Mr. Nightmare accidentally hit Mr. Evilness.








Phoebe Plumridge enters the ring with the fighting members of Sugar rush (Adam Matravers and Ricky Storm).



“We went to World War and acted like adults. We waited our turn for a title shot and treated Hot Stuff with respect. And they through it back in our faces with cheating and insults.


“Adam had them beat fair and square. The only reason that we haven’t got the belts right now is because they cheated. And we’re not going to take that lying down..."


Phoebe is interrupted by the entrance of Hot Stuff. As always Buff and Jay are wearing the tiniest of trunks and glisten with oil. The champs are clearly pleased with themselves though and pose for the crowd flexing away.





“Boo-hoo Phoebe. You lost a match. When you play with the big boys you need to understand the rules. You had your chance and we won.”



“You won because you cheated. Neither of you can beat Adam and you know it. He’s the best wrestler in 21CW.”



“Can’t we? Let’s see shall we. Right now in this very ring we’ll prove we can. Adam Matravers vs… Buff Martinez."


Buff doesn’t look happy at all about being nominated/volunteered but the young man nods assent and applies some extra oil to get ready for the match.



Adam Matravers vs Buff Martinez




* Both men looked good here in an even fight.


* And neither team was badly behaved with all partners/associates staying clear.


* Buff eventually caved in to superior Extremeness when Matravers took to the skies for his high-risk Mile High Moonsault.


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Adam Matravers defeated Buff Martinez in 15:14 after a Mile High Moonsault.








Jonathan Faust is shown on the big screen. He’s clearly in a hospital but it’s a private one. All ultra-modern machines and excitingly-chunky furniture. Unfortunately Faust is asleep or at least tranquilised.


At his bedside sits Dunton Hall - immaculately dressed in a white suit and turtle-neck sweater.





“You see what happened to Jonathan Faust at World War? The finest wrestler of our generation and one of the world’s most innovative business minds is drugged up recovering because that coward Joss Thompson didn’t know when he was beaten. As a private industry with responsibility to shareholders we couldn’t just accept that. We need the world to understand who the dominant company in this sport is. So we’ve taken measures."


The video dissolves into footage from an expensive-seeming hotel. Business Jones and Johansson wait outside a door to a private room.




Jones counts to 3 and the two big men charge open the door and inside where Leo Price and Steve Stoat are sitting on a couch with glasses of champagne. Weirdly both Takeover men are still dressed in just their wrestling gear.


Before they can react Business Jones and Johansson unleash a vicious assault with the bats they’re carrying leaving Price and Stoat groaning on the floor.




Back in the ring “No More Heroes” plays as Eddie Cornell heads to the ring.





“What the hell is this? Arsehole hour in 21CW?


“Everyone seems to be ok with this but I’m certainly not. Faust – you’re a coward and a cheat. I was there last week and you threw Joss off those stairs. And now you’re getting your lackeys to attack anyone you don’t like. Whatever happened to settling things in the ring?


“The hell with you. You’ve put Joss and Pitbull both in hospital but I don’t care anymore. Send your worst and I’ll fight the bastards on my own."


Eddie is compelling and passionate but unfortunately his bluff is called. Johansson and Business Jones both enter as Steve Smith announces a 3-way match.





Business Jones vs. Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson




* Eddie manfully tried to fight both men and managed to stay in the match for a while but eventually the numbers advantage forced him to simply defend against double teams continually.


* And after that the match proceeded into a basic beating in the ring with Eddie all alone getting punished by Business and Johansson.


* Until the cavalry arrived. With Pitbull and Joss out of action no one was left to help Eddie apart from an unexpected man:




• 21CW owner and ex-World’s Strongest Man sprinted to the ring with a chair and proceeded to drive all the attackers away from Eddie.


• With even numbers the tide turned and a great comeback allowed Eddie to put Johansson down for the 3-count.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Eddie Cornell defeated Johansson and Business Jones in 25:04 when Eddie Cornell defeated Johansson by pinfall with a Black Lightning Bomb following interference from Jeff Nova.






Overall rating C+

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great to have so many of you paying attention. My thread views are shotting up these days! Thanks very much for reading and paying attention. As always if you have anything you'd like to add/remove please let me know.


BTW - if you haddnt got it then Anarchy is played by Hugh De Aske. he's clearly a great worker but the pirate thing is a bit tired




Business Jones vs. Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson


Adam Matravers vs. Buff Martinez


Anarchy vs. DJ Reason


Danny Francis vs. Mr. Evilness

Geordie Nation vs. La Revolution


Bonus question: Which non-British youngster is under the Anarchy mask?

Matthew Macks


4/5. only slipped up on the ME.



Business Jones vs. Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Adam Matravers vs. Buff Martinez

Anarchy vs. DJ Reason

Danny Francis vs. Mr. Evilness

Geordie Nation vs. La Revolution


Bonus question: Which non-British youngster is under the Anarchy mask? Wild Child!?


Another 4/5.


Business Jones vs. Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson

Adam Matravers vs. Buff Martinez

Anarchy vs. DJ Reason

Danny Francis vs. Mr. Evilness

Geordie Nation vs. La Revolution


4/5. Again.



Business Jones vs. Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson


Adam Matravers vs. Buff Martinez

Anarchy vs. DJ Reason


Danny Francis vs. Mr. Evilness


Geordie Nation vs. La Revolution



Bonus question: Which non-British youngster is under the Anarchy mask?

Matthew Macks


5/5 BOOM! I counted the DJ Reason even though you liked War amchine. that was my bad.


Business Jones vs. Eddie Cornell vs. Johansson


Adam Matravers vs. Buff Martinez


Anarchy vs. DJ Reason vs. War Machine


Danny Francis vs. Mr. Evilness


Geordie Nation vs. La Revolution


Bonus question: Which non-British youngster is under the Anarchy mask?

Greg Gauge? ¬_¬


Ouch. just 1/5 Im afraid although your logic was very good. Put that one down to good readers and me being a poor booker...


So Rayalek wins with a great 5/5. Please help yourself to any 21CW merch you would like sir.


Thanks everyone again for paying attention!

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Any chance of a special Sugar Rush themed Red Bull can?


Tuns out cans are really hard to do. And I'm rubbish.


Either way I've decided to abandon my abortive attempts and produce a distinctly c-standard tshirt insetad.


Apologies for this.



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Next time on Best of British Wrestling…




Wednesday week 2 March 2010


Of course the big news at 21CW is still Jeff Nova’s intervention to save Eddie from another unfair beating last week. Will the Big Man explain himself?




Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Rockstar Lifestyle (Luke Cool & Rolling Johnny Stones)




Joss is making his first appearance after Faust put him in hospital. Is he fit to fight or will Eddie have to take the load? Will The Startup or The takeover make themselves known?




The Startup (Jonathan Faust, Business Jones & Johansson) vs. Pitbull Brown & ELIMINATION (GENOCIDE & SUICIDE)




The Startup are still smarting after Faust’s failure to win the title at World War. Will Faust be properly healed? Will Pitbull manage to finally show he can beat the top names in the company?




The Brothers Ivanoff (Ivan & Igor) vs. The Strange Quarks (??? & ???) Sugar Rush (Adam Matravers & Ricky Storm) vs. SW9 (Danny Francis & Dwayne Dark)






A huge 4-way tag match will feature one brand new pairing and some big names individually. Sugar Rush have failed once to win the tag titles but the Ivanoffs and SW9 will also be thinking they demand a turn.




Pride (??? & ???) vs. Snaptime (Merle O’Curle & Nigel Svensson)




Yet another new team sees an old 21CW face join up with a big name from the UK scene. Will they be able to defeat a well-oiled team of technicians like Snaptime in their first match together?




The Night Terrors (Mr Evilness & Mr Nightmare) vs. The Wildcards (Anarchy & Menace)




Will the ring even be able to stand this? Three men in this match are enormous monsters and the remaining one is an all-action bundle of Belgian energy.




As always the best score will win their choice of merchandise from the 21CW catalogue.




Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Rockstar Lifestyle

The Startup vs. Pitbull Brown & ELIMINATION

The Brothers Ivanoff vs. The Strange Quarks vs. Sugar Rush vs. SW9

Pride vs. Snaptime

The Night Terrors vs. The Wildcards


BONUS Two established 21CW stars are re-debuting under a mask and face paint respectively. A point for each you can identify!

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Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Rockstar Lifestyle

The Startup vs. Pitbull Brown & ELIMINATION

The Brothers Ivanoff vs. The Strange Quarks vs. Sugar Rush vs. SW9

Pride vs. Snaptime - A DRAW!!!! because I couldn't chose between the two :p

The Night Terrors vs. The Wildcards


BONUS Two established 21CW stars are re-debuting under a mask and face paint respectively. A point for each you can identify! Phillip Cooper (mask) and Nate Manchester (face paint)

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Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Rockstar Lifestyle

The Startup vs. Pitbull Brown & ELIMINATION

The Brothers Ivanoff vs. The Strange Quarks vs. Sugar Rush vs. SW9

Pride vs. Snaptime

The Night Terrors vs. The Wildcards


BONUS Two established 21CW stars are re-debuting under a mask and face paint respectively. A point for each you can identify! Harry Wilson - Facepaint. Nate Manchester - Mask!

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A dark alley with rubbish strewn across the floor and a puddle of dark, muddy water.


A fire door set into the wall is thrown open and a bedraggled-looking young man is hurled out into the puddle. The man crumples and sobs to himself with his face down in the mud.


After a moment a pair of booted feet stroll up to the defeated man and a voice says:


”You’ve hit bottom right now. But don’t despair. I’m here to help. I’ve seen the man you could be if you believe in yourself.


“You can stay here in the mud or can you come and train with me. I can offer you nothing but honour, honesty and determination. I offer you pride.”


The young man in the mud takes the hand of the stranger and hauls himself out of the muck.

The two men walk away from the camera and the muddy puddle.


Honour. Honesty. Determination.





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Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Rockstar Lifestyle

Cool is the weak link here.


The Startup vs. Pitbull Brown & ELIMINATION

Will be an interesting match but I have to go with Startup as I believe that they are stronger overall plus they have more going on.


The Brothers Ivanoff vs. The Strange Quarks vs. Sugar Rush vs. SW9

Rush gets the win and another shot at the title


Pride vs. Snaptime

Debut win


The Night Terrors vs. The Wildcards

coin flip but De Aske is the most skilled one here plus I like that Anarchy alt so I give this one to new guys.


BONUS Two established 21CW stars are re-debuting under a mask and face paint respectively. A point for each you can identify!

Mask = Louie Payton, facepaint = Stefan Raynor

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Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Rockstar Lifestyle

- I can see Thompson's recent hospitalisation being used as an excuse to get Cool his first big win. It'll probably be Stones actually scoring the pinfall though.


The Startup vs. Pitbull Brown & ELIMINATION

- They've gotta be pretty pissed after World War, and PB Brown is a bit of a random partner for Elimination, so I'll go with the established stable.


The Brothers Ivanoff vs. The Strange Quarks vs. Sugar Rush vs. SW9

- It's a multi-team match so Sugar Rush can afford to lose it, but assuming TSQ are who I think they might be (one of them, anyway) I can't see them winning against teams of this calibre.


Pride vs. Snaptime

- I'm thinking the rehabilitation of the rock-bottom guy will take longer than a week. ¬_¬


The Night Terrors vs. The Wildcards

- Just because... it's Hugh deAske.


Mask - Philip Cooper (as the rock-bottom Pride guy who doesn't wanna show his face?)

Facepaint - Mister King (as one of the Quarks?)

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A dimly lit underground cave. Flickering lamps light the large space and long shadows stretch into menacing fingers. At the back of the cave a large pile of bright yellow canisters are piled up haphazardly.




In the foreground two men wearing just tattered denim shorts are hunkered down on their haunches. Both have bright white long hair and their bare skin is smeared in fluorescent paint and tattoos.




One man is very large and powerful and one wiry and taught. The smaller man speaks in a scratchy, hoarse whisper.


“This country’s government have been desperate to push things. To upset the natural balance of the country by harnessing unholy, unnatural energies. They made some factories and thought they had succeeded. They thought they’d got away with it.


“But there were costs. Some of us were exposed to waste products that changed us. Changed us in ways nature never intended.


“Most of us were scarred and doomed to disease and wasting but some if us became stronger than ever. Some of us changed for the better.


“And now we’re coming back. Coming back to punish everyone who turned a blind eye. Everyone who sat in their comfortable homes and didn’t think of the costs. Everyone like you…”


Energy Punk and Power Beast.





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Best of British Wrestling



Wednesday W2 March 2010

Edgware Hall


Attendance: 2,000






Jeff Nova introduces tonight’s show from the ring as always.


“I thought we could all be grownups about it. I thought we could just carry on as normal after I did what needed to be done. But I haven’t had a moment’s peace since I helped chase off the Startup last week.

“Let’s be clear. I’m not getting back in the ring. I’m not allying myself with anybody. I’m not going to be doing that every week. But I will do what’s right around here. I like a scrap as much as anyone but I do insist on a fair fight in my company.


“So Jonathan Faust and Dunton Hall and everyone else – be on your best behaviour. Or I’ll have you for breakfast.”







Kathleen Lee accompanies her stable the Takeover to the ring.


“Lay it on thick why don’t you Jeff? You might impress the little fans around here but I’m a professional and I know how business is done. And we don’t need your permission or approval. Steve Stoat won the World War title and the money’s been very nice thanks but we want more.

“I think everyone seems to have forgotten who we are. We’re the Takeover and we will dominate 21CW.


“Let me be the first to state a claim for a match at Head to Head in 2 weeks time. Joss Thompson – if you’re able and brave enough Steve Stoat will beat you in the centre of the ring to hold the top two titles in this company.

“We want to fight and we want to win. Merle and Nigel have established themselves now. I’d like everyone to enjoy watching them take a brand new team apart now.”




Pride (Dragon & Lionheart Cooper) vs. Snaptime (Merle O’Curle & Nigel Svensson)




* Through the match Dragon was coaching Lionheart closely.

* Snaptime were effective but only up close as their old-school technical wrestling was a little overshadowed by Pride’s modern super-junior style.

* Snaptime almost won the match but a hot tag brought in a great-looking Dragon who cleared house.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Pride defeated Snaptime in 11:56 when Dragon defeated Nigel Svensson by pinfall with a Dragon Drop.








The Wildcards (Anarchy and Menace) head to the ring ahead of their match. Anarchy carries a mic and addresses the crowd in his odd Belgian accent.


“Hello real wrestling fans. There are far too many men around here claiming they’re tough as nails and then not doing it in the ring. With us you get none of that. Just hard work and wins. We’ll fight anyone. Anyone at all and tonight we’re backing it up. We’re fighting the largest tag team in 21CW – the Night Terrors.”




The Night Terrors (Mr Evilness & Mr Nightmare) vs. The Wildcards (Anarchy & Menace)




* All three big men in the ring lumbered around slamming each other.

* Anarchy sped between them trying to use their own momentum.

* Menace was unfortunately undone after a double-team from the Terrors. Not many men can resist that.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Night Terrors defeated Wildcards in 9:53 when Mr. Evilness defeated Menace by pinfall with a Brainz-buster.








Jeff Nova introduces the four tag teams in the match as they enter the ring:




“The Brothers Ivanoff: London’s premiere crime kingpins. Nothing happens without them having a dirty finger in it and they certainly don’t worry about breaking rules.




“The Strange Quarks – a brand new team. These freaks are so full of hate and bitterness they’re out to get absolutely everyone. I’m genuinely worried about what they’ll do here.




“Sugar Rush – these Extreme young men are going after Hot Stuff for the tag titles – powered by Red Bull.




“SW9 – Danny Francis and his cousin Dwayne Dark were born on the mean streets of Brixton. After that professional wrestling is nothing to be scared of.”




The Brothers Ivanoff (Ivan & Igor) vs. The Strange Quarks (Energy Punk & Power Beast) vs. Sugar Rush (Adam Matravers & Ricky Storm) vs. SW9 (Danny Francis & Dwayne Dark)






* This match was absolute chaos.

* But everyone got a chance to shine – especially Danny Francis and Adam Matravers.

* Matravers won the match with a dastardly tactic – he cadged some Red Bull off Phoebe Plumridge and downed it before taking out Francis.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Sugar Rush defeated SW9, The Brothers Ivanoff and The Strange Quarks in 10:15; the order of elimination was The Strange Quarks first, then The Brothers Ivanoff, and finally SW9.







Jonathan Faust heads to the ring. He’s accompanied by Dunton Hall and flanked by the Startup’s enforcer Johansson and Business Jones.



“Hello ladies and gentlemen. We’re here tonight with a serious grievance against our employers. When was the last time a bank manager went after the staff with a steel chair? Or an accountant? Or a bloody head teacher?


“Never. But somehow Jeff Nova thinks he can do that in 21CW and went after me and my friends last week.


“So Eddie Cornell was taking a beating. This is a wrestling company! If he cant stick up for himself then he shouldn’t be here.


“So Jeff. I’m here to tell you I don’t care about your threats. We’re going to live up to our shareholder’s by doing everything necessary to be successful in this company. And right now that means taking out Joss Thompson and anyone stupid enough to be his friend.


“Pitbull Brown – you’re certainly stupid. How about you find a pair of allies backstage and take all of us on. Unless you’re too scared?”


30 seconds of tension later Pitbull appears looking proud and defiant. He’s accompanied by the raving lunatics ELIMINATION and looks ready to fight.




The Startup (Jonathan Faust, Business Jones & Johansson) vs. Pitbull Brown & ELIMINATION (GENOCIDE & SUICIDE)




* Pitbull struggled manfully and seemed tough as an old boot.

* But ELIMINATION seemed slightly out of their depth. Their wild brawling is great but falls slightly short of top-level stuff.

* Faust seemed slick, polished and tough all the way through. He’s clearly recovered well from his injuries at World War.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Jonathan Faust, Business Jones and Johansson defeated Pit Bull Brown and ELIMINATION in 15:20 when Jonathan Faust defeated Genocide by pinfall with a Devil's Drop.








Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell head to the ring. Both men look a bit battered and bruised after their recent attacks at the hands of Faust and The Startup.



“If I had an ounce more of your nastiness I’d have been here 4 minutes ago helping Pitbull out but we all heard what Mr Nova said earlier. He wants fair fights around here.


“Faust – you can’t scare me off. You can’t cheat your way to my title. All you can do is fight like a man with your head high.


“I can hold my head high. I’m a champion. And I’m going to defend that against any fair challenger. And right now that’s Steve Stoat. In his way he’s no better than you but he did win the World War. And I’m not having anyone say I’m scared. So at Head to Head I’m going to fight Stoat. And I don’t care what you think about that.”



“But tonight we’ve both got a score to settle. I’ve heard folk say I’m scared and that I can’t stand up for myself. Not true. They call me Tough Luck because I’m tough and I’m lucky. It takes more than one scuffle to put me down. Tonight Joss and I will fight any two men who come out here right now to prove we’re better at 75% than any other men at 100.”


After a short wait the first two men are Rockstar Lifestyle (Rolling Johnny Stones and Luke Cool). The two rockers come out wearing white denim and immediately head for the ring.




Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Rockstar Lifestyle (Luke Cool & Rolling Johnny Stones)




* The Rockstars made a great showing here in an enthralling match.

* Joss and Eddie clearly weren’t at 100% and the edge made the match riveting.

* Even a slightly slowed Joss is a massive task though and he won this eventually with his signature move.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Joss Thompson and Eddie Cornell defeated Rockstar Lifestyle in 20:19 when Joss Thompson defeated Luke Cool by pinfall with a Clean Cutter.






Overall show rating: B

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So thanks again for waiting patiently. It’s been a helluva week.


Interesting show for me. I just fancied running a bunch of multi-man matches tbh. I think they’re good fun and I see 21CW as being really focused on PPVs. Its new for a UK company so they really want to make sure that the events are seen as special and decisive.


I’m pretty happy with the two new teams that debuted. If you didn’t already know Pride are (UK) Dragon and Lionheart (Phil) Cooper. Cooper is really talented but I hate the character. He’ll be Dragon’s protégé with a potential singles career ahead of one or both.


The Strange Quarks are of course Energy (Cyber) Punk and Power Beast (Bantom). I wanted to use Cyber Punk even though he’s a pain in the bum and Bantom is always great as a monster with decent performance skills.


BTW – I’ve got a dev company. I’ve never had one before so it’s fun! I’m basically training guys up and using it to keep a fairly large roster happy. It does their momentum no good to yoyo but for LMers and below I’m not that worried.


I’ve also got a personal rule that for every month a tag team spends in development I add 10pts of experience to them. They are working together all day! I love tag teams so I’m ok with it.







Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Rockstar Lifestyle

The Startup vs. Pitbull Brown & ELIMINATION

The Brothers Ivanoff vs. The Strange Quarks vs. Sugar Rush vs. SW9

Pride vs. Snaptime - A DRAW!!!! because I couldn't chose between the two :p

The Night Terrors vs. The Wildcards


BONUS Two established 21CW stars are re-debuting under a mask and face paint respectively. A point for each you can identify! Phillip Cooper (mask) and Nate Manchester (face paint)


Just 1+1 Im afraid. Going for a Quarks debut win would have made sense but Sugar Rush had to win and I came really close to a Pride/Snaptime draw. I just thought Dragon had to win on his debut.


Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Rockstar Lifestyle

The Startup vs. Pitbull Brown & ELIMINATION

The Brothers Ivanoff vs. The Strange Quarks vs. Sugar Rush vs. SW9

Pride vs. Snaptime

The Night Terrors vs. The Wildcards


BONUS Two established 21CW stars are re-debuting under a mask and face paint respectively. A point for each you can identify! Harry Wilson - Facepaint. Nate Manchester - Mask!


3+1. Nate Manchester is kicking around. He’ll pop up soon. Of course he’s got a partner because of my tag team addiction…


Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Rockstar Lifestyle

The Startup vs. Pitbull Brown & ELIMINATION

The Brothers Ivanoff vs. The Strange Quarks vs. Sugar Rush vs. SW9

Pride vs. Snaptime

The Night Terrors vs. The Wildcards


Mask - Mister King

Paint - Wilson


4+1. Very impressive sir. Pitbull could have won but ELIMINATION are quite far behind in pop. Johansson has absolutely SHOT up to the 60s in the UK.




Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Rockstar Lifestyle

The Startup vs. Pitbull Brown & ELIMINATION

The Brothers Ivanoff vs. The Strange Quarks vs. Sugar Rush vs. SW9

Pride vs. Snaptime

The Night Terrors vs. The Wildcards


3pts. Not too shabby.


Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Rockstar Lifestyle


The Startup vs. Pitbull Brown & ELIMINATION


The Brothers Ivanoff vs. The Strange Quarks vs. Sugar Rush vs. SW9


Pride vs. Snaptime


The Night Terrors vs. The Wildcards


BONUS Two established 21CW stars are re-debuting under a mask and face paint respectively. A point for each you can identify!

Mask = Louie Payton, facepaint = Stefan Raynor


As always your logic is awesome. Far better booking nous than me. Even the mystery question was a great shout. Those two are still kicking around…



Joss Thompson & Eddie Cornell vs. Rockstar Lifestyle


The Startup vs. Pitbull Brown & ELIMINATION


The Brothers Ivanoff vs. The Strange Quarks vs. Sugar Rush vs. SW9


Pride vs. Snaptime


The Night Terrors vs. The Wildcards


Mask - Philip Cooper (as the rock-bottom Pride guy who doesn't wanna show his face?)

Facepaint - Mister King (as one of the Quarks?)

More great logic. Your rehab idea was especially good but I went for Dragon showing him how it’s done. I don’t think that will be a major storyline – just a simmering one.

Perfect on the mystery men. Have you been looking at my notes?



So midnightnick gets the top score of the week with 5. In my toughest ever competition! Congratulations sir – please ask for anything you’d like.




Thanks everyone for reading and entering. It’s great to have an audience. And special thanks to Jingo for the DoTM nomination. Praise from someone that writes TWO consistently awesome diaries himself is lovely.

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Finally I won a prediction contest.


I want some Brothers Ivanoff merch. They get no love.


They will be getting some love... Some time. Who doesnt like an excuse to do a comedy Russian accent? For once I dont even feel like a disrespectful, casual racist as the Ivanoffs themselves are faking it :)


This is the first prototype of the new Ivanoff Bovver Boots.




All together now:


"Put on your $#!+kickkers and kick some $#!+"

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Perfect on the mystery men. Have you been looking at my notes?


Shouldn't leave 'em lying around, bookerman!


No, but seriously, if I was half as good at predicting logical storylines as I was at random shots in the dark, we'd be flying...


Oh, and I'm very much a Quark Mark [tm], even if White isn't involved.

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Tuns out cans are really hard to do. And I'm rubbish.


Either way I've decided to abandon my abortive attempts and produce a distinctly c-standard tshirt insetad.


Apologies for this.




Just noticed this from 2 pages back lol, but it's definitely awesome.

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The Strange Quarksare awesome!Plus i want the Ivanoff Kicker boots awesome stuff.Loving your focus on tag teams, very unusual these days.


Shouldn't leave 'em lying around, bookerman!


No, but seriously, if I was half as good at predicting logical storylines as I was at random shots in the dark, we'd be flying...


Oh, and I'm very much a Quark Mark [tm], even if White isn't involved.


Just noticed this from 2 pages back lol, but it's definitely awesome.


Glad you're enjoying various assets of this version of 21CW chaps.


Those pics for the Quarks have been kicking around for ages and I always wanted an excuse to use them (props to the creator!). April in 21CW will see quite a big tag focus so hopefully they'll get some decent airtime - and of course midweek segments.


Glad you liked the tee rayalek. I hate it but my taste is reliably unpopular...

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Next time on Best of British:




This month’s PPV is Head to Head. Abnormally for 21CW it will feature only one-on-one mano a mano contests. This week will see some of those matches being confirmed.




Danny Francis vs. Jonathan Faust vs. Joss Thompson vs. Rolling Johnny Stones




Joss and Faust have obviously been battling each other but it seems that Joss is refusing Faust’s claims for now and is intent on fighting Steve Stoat for the World Title due to Stoat’s win at World War.


Faust has gone after Joss several times outside the ring though and backed up by Johansson and Business Jones Joss must be careful.


Also in the match is 21CW UK champion Rolling Johnny Stones – himself almost certain to fight at Head to Head – and Danny Francis who has been angling for a rematch with Business Jones.




The Takeover (Leo Price & Steve Stoat) vs. Pride (Dragon & Lionheart)




Leo and Steve are geared up to Stoat’s mooted match with Joss. Kathleen lee in particular will expecting a result after all her work.


Pride had a great result last week as they beat fellow Takeover members Snaptime on their team debut. Will they follow that up by solidifying hatred with the whole stable?




Hot Stuff (Buff Martinez & Jay B) vs. DJ Reason & Pitbull Brown




Normally a named, regular team has an advantage over a new one but Pitbull Brown is in a foul mood after a couple of results he thinks were undeserved. Expect the Man Who Never Gives Up to be ferocious.

On the other hand Hot Stuff have been tag champs for a while now and have consistently showed that a slick team can beat opponents who lack understanding.




Adam Matravers vs. Ivan Ivanoff




Two men firmly ensconced in tag teams here. Ivan will be wearing the newly-released $#!+kicker boots that have garnered so much attention recently whilst Adam no doubt will be dosed up his eyeballs on Red Bull.




Geordie Nation (Jimmy Morris & K’Lee Hawkins) vs. Snaptime (Merle O’Curle & Nigel Svensson)




Don’t expect thrills and dives here as the two least spectacular teams in 21CW come together. They are however both deadly up close and both sides have feared submission moves with Merle’s Irish Wreath and K’Lee’s Crossface Chickenwing.




We’re still the only diary offering merchandise for predictions! In the words of Dunton Hall that’s a synergetic commoditised value exchange.

As always the winner will be able to claim their choice of stuff.



Danny Francis vs. Jonathan Faust vs. Joss Thompson vs. Rolling Johnny Stones

The Takeover vs. Pride

Hot Stuff vs. DJ Reason & Pitbull Brown

Adam Matravers vs. Ivan Ivanoff

Geordie Nation vs. Snaptime

BONUS - Who will accept a challenge for their title on next week’s BoBW?

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