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Pro Wrestling, Just South of the Border

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An enormous thanks to Kamchatka for the shiny new SOTBPW logo!


Hello, and welcome to Pro Wrestling, Just South of the Border! Anyone who has been on the boards for a while will have noticed a distinct lack of lucha libre diaries – well that is about to change! Before the action begins I'd like to lay out how this diary will work, and to explain a few things as we go forward.


There is one enormous consideration to take into account when reading this diary and that is that I am by no means an expert on lucha libre. As anyone who has tried to watch Mexican wrestling will tell you, there's only so far you can get without speaking Spanish...and I don't speak Spanish :p That said, I've done a lot of research in the run-up to this diary so hopefully it will be as authentic as I can get it. So, if anyone out there is an avid lucha fan and I've made a mockery of it – I apologise in advance!


Hopefully this diary will appeal to people who know nothing about lucha libre – I'll try my best to answer any questions as best I can – just remember I'm no expert!


The diary will be similar in style to my joint WWE diary with angeldelayette, but with one subtle difference. While the WWE shows are very much from the perspective of an in-company person (generally things are hyped even if they were awful), this diary will be from the perspective of a lucha libre fan who is not based in Mexico. Said fan has created a 'blog' recapping the events of the various lucha libre promotions (although the diary will focus on SOTBPW), meaning poor angles will be mocked and poor booking decisions questioned, alongside the usual self-hype that goes with diaries!


In terms of graphics, a large proportion of the roster has been re-rendered by myself. As far as I know all the other images are in the default data. A lot of characters will debut with new masks (in which case you'll probably be told who it is) and many existing characters have had their masks re-designed to be more fitting with the current style of lucha libre outfits. The fact I have done so many re-renders is by no means a reflection of my thoughts of the original renders, or of other re-renders in existence. I would have done a re-render for every worker, but for some I lacked the correct models, the time or the desire to attempt them. One re-render will be released full-size each week, chosen by the person/persons who have won the week's prediction contest.


I'd also like to thank Kamchatka for his fantastic new SOTBPW logo - the man is a genius :D



I have made some small changes to the default data to better suit my playing style – namely making SOTBPW Lucha Libre a 90 minute show, with a 60% match ratio to simulate the more SE style product the promotion employs. I also edited the announcing skill of to B-, basically because all of the announcers in Mexico are terrible – the three best have only a C rating. The promotion will also run six PPVs a year, in January, March, May, July, September, and November – this was a deliberate attempt to get away from the monthly PPV model used by modern US promotions. I will not, however, dissolve the non-aggression pacts with MPWF and OLLIE unless I reach National (i.e. never), at which point I may reconsider.




Fans of WWE 2011: Bragging Rights! will be glad to know that my joint game with angeldelayette will remain my number 1 priority. That doesn't mean that this diary will be half-hearted, but simply that it won't be updated quite as regularly as the WWE (which follows a fairly strict weekly timetable). Fortunately, the style of writing I plan to use means that the write-ups themselves should come fairly quickly.


So, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the ride!


USPW: Battle for Prime Time

angeldelayette and jhd1 present...the Mid-South Wrestling Alliance!

TNA 2010: An Immortal iMPACT! Cross the Line

Supreme Wrestling Federation: Under Pressure

WWE 2011: Bragging Rights!

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#1 - Welcome to World of Lucha! (Glossary of Terms, Rules, Match Types)

#2 - SOTBPW Roster Pt.1 (Tecnicos)

#3 - SOTBPW Roster Pt.2 (Rudos)

#4 - 13/07/10 SOTBPW Verano de Lucha (12/07/10) Quick Results, PLUS SOTBPW Lucha Libre (19/07/10) Preview Card

#5 - 17/07/10 OLLIE Results, Big Event

#6 - 17/07/10 MPWF Results

#8 - SOTBPW Lucha Libre Results (19/07/10)



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Welcome to World of Lucha, a blog dedicated to lucha libre and it is entirely in English...well mostly! To help any lucha libre newcomers I have included a list of commonly used terms - many of which will crop up in future updates - a rough outline of some of the rules that lucha libre matches use differently to Americanised professional wrestling, and a list of common match types. If there is anything you would like adding to any of these lists just let me know by adding your comment below




– a male wrestler, often wearing a mask. Luchadors tend to be more agile than professional wrestlers in the US, and they perform aerial moves much more frequently.


– a female wrestler.


– Masks. While a large number of luchadores wear masks, it isn't a prerequisite for success – two of SOTBPW's biggest stars, Champagne Lover and El Fuerza don't wear masks, for example.


Luchas de Apuestas
– literally, “matches with wagers”, luchas de apuestas matches are often the most prestigious match on a card. In these feud-ending matches, the two wrestlers make a public “bet” on the match – usually their hair, mask or a title. Variations of the luchas de apuestas can be found in match types below.


– the good guy, or babyface to wrestling fans.


– the bad guy, or heel to wrestling fans.


– tag teams.


– teams of three. One of the team will be designated the captain (see Match Rules).


– teams of four.




Lucha libre matches often take place under 2 out of 3 falls rules (for simplicity, assume that all matches follow these rules unless otherwise stated). Falls can come via pinfall, submission, disqualification or countout (note, countouts are generally twenty in lucha libre, rather than the ten in US wrestling). Disqualifications come from the same situations as wrestling in the US, with the addition of the use of illegal moves (piledrivers are an immediate disqualification), and attempting to rip your opponent's mask off. Matches can also be stopped for excessive punishment, decided by the referee, with the aggressor being given the victory.


Tag team matches, or parejas, rarely see tags being made. Instead, in lucha libre when one man touches the floor outside of the ring, his partner becomes the legal man. This results in a much more hectic match than that of the SWF or TCW.


Trios matches are much more common than parejas in lucha libre – especially in SOTBPW. In trios matches, one member of the team is designated the captain. If the captain is pinned then this effectively counts as two pinfalls and is an immediate victory for the aggressor's team. In trios matches, pinfalls often occur simultaneously, ending the match more quickly if members of the same team are doing the pinning. Both Los Phoenixes and Los Enfermos are famous for their double pin victories. Trios matches often use two referees – one rudo and one tecnico – although this isn't always the case and SOTBPW, in particular, appear to be moving away from this.


Aside from title matches, the most common 'gimmick' match in traditional lucha libre is the luchas de apuestas. These wager matches involve both workers placing a bet on the outcome. These can be in the following combinations;


  • Máscara contra máscara ("mask versus mask")

  • Máscara contra cabellera ("mask versus hair")

  • Cabellera contra cabellera ("hair versus hair")

  • Máscara o cabellera contra campeonato ("mask or hair versus title")

  • Máscara o cabellera contra retiro ("mask or hair versus career")

  • Carrera contra carrera ("career versus career")

SOTBPW, the least traditional of the big three Mexican promotions, also use a number of gimmick matches more familiar to US audiences, such as hardcore, cage and steel cell matches.




Campeón de Herencia de Mundo MPWF, Campeón de Mundo SOTBPW, Campeón de Universal OLLIE


These three titles are the World Heavyweight titles of their companies. MPWF's title translates to “World Heritage Champion”, while SOTBPW is simply “World Champion”. Previously these title's would have held a weight limit, but all three companies have long since moved away from such restrictions thanks to the exodus of talent in the late 90s.


Campeónes de Parejas


The Parejas title is the equivalent of the tag team title in the States. Not as prestigious as the Trios title, the Parejas title is often the first belt a luchador will win in his rise through the rankings.


Campeónes de Trios


Outside of the World titles, the Trios belt is the most prestigious title a worker can hold. Outside of the champions, challenging trios will often see several of the same workers in different lineups.


Campeón de Menor SOTBPW


The only belt so far to have a weight limit, the Campeón de Menor is used by SOTBPW as a way of building up young singles talent. Championship matches take place with a Lightweight weight limit attached.


Campeón de Lucha MPWF


The Campeón de Lucha is MPWF's fourth title, and is used as a high-flying, cruiserweight-style belt.


Campeón de Mexico OLLIE


The Campeón de Mexico OLLIE is almost a cross between the USPW National and USPW Television titles. Generally held by younger workers, or by an older star whose career has turned into that of a gatekeeper.
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I am excited and immensely angry that there are no default luchadoras.


Good to have you on board Eidenhoek. There are indeed no luchadoras, and although I have a few valets, I haven't any plans to add a women's division at the moment. That said, it could be a possibility in the future - but if it is it will probably be with created workers, rather than repackaging a host of US workers. Definitely something I'll keep in mind though :)


Sweet glad to see this up and running. Nice introduction.


Thanks 20LEgend! I think (well, at least I hope) you'll enjoy this one :D

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I think Velvet Suarez is the only one (luchadora, that is), and she's a future debutant.


Very interested in seeing this, especially since I've been just brushing the surface of Lucha Libre in the CVerse for the first time recently. Will be reading!


I'm an idiot. Forgot to check the debuts (I think).


Though it begs the question of what one luchadora is going to do...


Anyway, that's my preliminary pick for when I sweep the predictions.

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Thanks for the comments everyone! Apologies for the incorrect image link - I changed the header I meant to post and forgot to reupload it :p It should now be working.


The next post will be an overview of the SOTBPW tecnicos as of July 2010 and it should be up tonight or tomorrow.


Excited to see this starting up, the quick guide to Lucha is rather handy. I've even changed my avatar to reflect said excitement. Good luck with this my friend, I'll be reading.


Thanks, my friend! I'm really glad you found the intro guide useful - I wasn't entirely sure when I wrote it up whether anyone would find it helpful.


Anyway, that's my preliminary pick for when I sweep the predictions.


Well, technically, I was referring to the renders I have done for the existing members of the roster...but how can I turn down such enthusiasm :D


Now all you need to do is win the prediction contest!

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Champagne Lover
- There is little to say about Champagne Lover that hasn't already been said. The hottest thing in lucha libre has it all – the looks, the charisma and the in-ring talent. His awesome feud with El Fuerza has been one of the finest storylines in years, and Lover has the potential to drag SOTBPW out of Mexico and onto the world scene. However, rumours abound in Mexico that the talented luchador has his eyes set on a place in the SWF or BHOTWG – both of which are known to be watching him closely.

Pablo Rodriguez
- Pablo Rodriguez is probably the most recognisable face to American fans, having plied his trade in DaVE in the early 2000s. Rodriguez has also wrestled in Japan with WLW, but since 2005 his focus has been on bringing lucha libre back to the powerhouse it used to be. “The Priest of Pain” is an all-round talent – another who is as comfortable in-ring as he is on the mic. At 32 he should have a few years at the top left in him, should those in power wish to keep him there. If they have any sense at all, they will.

Axxis Jr
- Two-time Campeón de Mundo, Axxis Jr has really hit his stride in 2010. His feud with the returning Caras Colleccion lasted for months, with Axxis winning the blow-off match at
Festival del Homenaje
. Axxis is blessed with talent in the ring and on the mic – the only thing that might stopping him from becoming Campeón de Mundo for a third time would be if he decides to head for the big money Stateside.

Ultimate Phoenix
- Ultimate Phoenix is a name that CZCW fans will recognise. In 2009 Phoenix left CZCW and MPWF behind to join SOTBPW and he was immediately placed into an interesting feud with El Demonio. That feud – based loosely on a best two of three contest - would eventually come to a head at
Festival de Homenaje
where, having won one each, Ultimate Phoenix lost. The stipulation for defeat was that Ultimate Phoenix would have to join La Alianza and despite still remaining a tecnico in the fans eyes, Phoenix has had to wrestle on the side of the rudos for months. A number of defeats to Pablo Rodriguez in recent months has seen El Demonio punishing Phoenix – an action that seems more likely to start a rebellion than a change in the white-and-blue masked man's fortunes.


Blood Raven
- Japanese lucha fans will recognise Blood Raven as Ketsueki Karasu from his time in WLW. Raven has set himself apart from the rest of the luchadors of the moment by blending in the art of the Japanese Junior to his traditional Mexican style. As head of Redemption, Raven's feuds with the various members of La Alianza are one of the constants in SOTBPW.

Rebelde Loco
- Rebelde Loco is one of the new breed of super-speed luchadors coming out of SOTBPW. He was one half of the Campeónes de Parejas alongside Velocidad earlier in the year, until the two were defeated by La Alianza stars Pirata Malvado and Verdugo Estupendo. Rather than being a bad thing, the defeat has seen Rebelde Loco finally become the singles star he has promised to be. His build-up has been gradual, but if he can work his way into the set-to-explode feud between Redemption and La Alianza then he could well be a future Campeón de Mundo in the making.

Mexican Ghoul
- Las Pesadillas – the team of Mexican Beast and Mexican Ghoul – have had a strong start to 2010, losing only three matches in five months. As members of Redemption, much of the team's focus is on La Alianza and their rivalry with Los Enfermos is almost legendary. Having previously been seen as monstrous heels, both men turned face around the same time – late 2006 – by turning on La Alianza and they have teamed ever since. Beast is, predictably, the strong man of the team, while Ghoul prefers to use his high-flying skills wherever possible.

Mexican Beast
- See
Mexican Ghoul


The Cannonball Kid
- Few SWF fans would have thought Sam Pratt would become a World Champion, but in 2008 the former Calamari Kid become Campeón de Mundo in SOTBPW. Since then he has naturally slipped back down into the midcard where he is a solid and dependable member of the SOTBPW roster.

Dos Águilas
- Dos Águilas is the newest member of the SOTBPW roster having debuted in May saving Rebelde Loco from El Demonio. Águilas has haunted Demonio ever since, interrupting backstage attacks and in-ring brutalities on a regular basis. Few recognise the newcomer, but rumours in Mexico suggest that the man behind the mask is former MPWF and CZCW American wrestler Snap Dragon.

- One thing can be said of Velocidad - he lives up to his name. Lightning quick, Velocidad goes for excitement over details and although he can occasionally be a tad sloppy he is certainly one to watch for the future. A current Trios champion alongside Capitão Brasil Jr and El Hijo Espada Roja, Velocidad also began the year as Parejas champion alongside Rebelde Loco until their defeat to La Alianza.

Lobo Blanco
- Lobo Blanco is a technical wrestler who provides a nice contrast to the flashy high-flying of his colleagues. Not the most exciting of luchadors, his old-school style will probably limit him in the long run.


- Slayyer became one of the surprise signings of the year when he joined SOTBPW in February. The former OLLIE man is a solid, if a little unspectacular, luchador who has been without a promotion since 2008. Since joining South of the Border he has cemented his place as a reliable jobber. At the time of his signing it was rumoured his former Trios partners Hexx and Decimalo would join him, but so far nothing has come of it.

El Hijo Espada Roja
- Rafael Najar is the son of the original Espada Roja, Manny Najar. The younger Najar has really hit the ground running with SOTBPW and although still a little green he quickly became Trios champ alongside Capitão Brasil Jr and Velocidad. Whether he will achieve his dream of becoming Campeón de Mundo is unclear, but if he works hard enough there is definitely the potential there.

El Hijo Del Zonk
- El Hijo Del Zonk is the second luchador to wear the blue mask after his father came up with the idea of basing his mask on a children's TV character. The result is a wacky, clown-like character who has become a well-respected member of the SOTBPW roster. Although unlikely to ever make a huge impact on lucha libre, Zonk Jr's team with Aprendiz has provided many a laugh in the six weeks they have been together.

Capitão Brasil Jr
- Capitão Brasil was a fantastic rudo for OLLIE during the 1960s and 70s. His son, the current Capitão Brasil, is a far better tecnico and despite having the charisma of a wet mop, he became Trios champion in his first full year with the promotion.


Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr
- Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr is another second generation superstar who wants to go one better than his predecessor by winning the Campeón de Mundo. His work in Puerto Rico with FCW made enough noise for him to be snapped up by SOTBPW, but he has made little impact so far.

Aprendiz Jr
- Aprendiz Jr's pink mask makes him one of the most memorable luchadors around. Unfortunately his wrestling doesn't quite live up to his appearance, but he has become a midcard rock since joining earlier in the year. His fun team with El Hijo Del Zonk could well become Campeónes de Parejas in the future.

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Wow. This looks awesome! That Velocidad pic is amazing! Looking forward to seeing your take on SOTBPW.


Wow, great incentive with the renders. And damn sweet renders they are. Velocidad, Ultimate Phoenix and El Hijo Del Zonk.. seriously awesome.


Oh dear lord, I've just realised thats only the Tecnicos.. Time for me to start drooling in anticipiation.


Thanks, Kam and smurphy. There is currently one more rudo than there are tecnicos too :D


Solid presentation jhd. Are the majority of these workers your renders?


Champagne Lover is by LoNdOn while Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr and Lobo Blanco are 'originals' by jtlant. The rest are mine.

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