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Road to Glory Challenge

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My worker is developing quite well, this is the start of 2013, the year end roll was the +5 to submissions.


Notble factors:

I have loyalty from my boss because I fired my colour commentator for pulling a prank on him.


Im thinking of changing MHWs product to allow for promos/angles as I think it might be a bit more fun to book it like the mexican equivilent to DaVE/ECW


2012 Record:





It's good destiny. He's pretty poor to start with - although to be fair I think in terms of big man workers there are far worse prospects. In a game of mine he ended up with something like 78 brawling out of RIPW.


Either way hes been a great addition to my roster. If he wasnt already teaming with Velasquez and holding tag belts he would probably be the one person on my roster id let my dude take a pinfall from.

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Giant Brody: 69/65/74 for brawling, with 40+ for the rest of the top rows.

Aside from psychology (53, which isnt bad, especially for his type of talent, and for a promotion like MHW.) all his performance skills are 73+.


Is he always this solid or was that from his RIPW tenure or really good destiny? Im just in shock because this is a guy I ALWAYS cut loose with SWF.

Brody generally gets pretty solid, though getting quite THAT good is destiny. In my game (Feb. '12), he's got rumble and performance skills in the mid-50s, tech/flying in the 30s, charisma skills around 50... a pretty solid big man, though his brawling skills (except puro) never developed much further. I picked him up recently for a smaller promotion... he's not bad for a big man. The flip side is that you normally accept a big man's flaws in exchange for his menace and star quality, and while Brody's are decent (68 SQ/86 menace), they're not in the class of the real monster heels out there.

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Auw...cr*p cr*p...had my laptop changed at work and forgot to unlicense....


*sigh* ... hope this gets sorted out.


With a bit of help from Adam and Scott...yeah, I'll see if I can start something bright in Europe.


Basic language would be.... French? English?

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This is going to be....well.....


Larry Wood takes over my Flemish Wrestling Federation. Goals: same popularity (duh, easy), at least 10.000$ in the bank (euhm.....), no one who is a cruiserweight, or a D- in Basics and Atleticism.


Thankfully I signed a couple before mr. Wood took over in week 3.


First event coming up, and signing the cheap ones: Hardwicke, De Veuster, Snowman, Leve, Moonsault Master, Xavi, etc...

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Half a year in so far. The newcomers in Britain (Leigh Burton, Ricky Storm, War Master) are good additions to my fed. Making about 500 profit / month.


I've put my own character in as the champ. Other good signings: Gordon Leve and for some reason Vic Walker is actually doing well for me.


But with contract extensions coming up, and mr. Wood's demands, some will be on the outs.


Running one show a month at this stage...and probably will do that in this fed for the next 2 years.

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How would this work for being a female character? The whole sex appeal not being over 75 wouldn't work would it, if it was a 19 year old decent looking female.


Would it be allowed to at least put it up to 85 or 90?


Starting numbers are capped at 75... it can get better as you mature a bit and there are things that will improve it more, but anyone could make a case for any stat in particular being higher for some reason. So I (in an unofficial capacity as moddy type person thing) would say it's capped the same as any other stat, it's just one of those things we all have to work out when putting our avatar together. :)

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Starting numbers are capped at 75... it can get better as you mature a bit and there are things that will improve it more, but anyone could make a case for any stat in particular being higher for some reason. So I (in an unofficial capacity as moddy type person thing) would say it's capped the same as any other stat, it's just one of those things we all have to work out when putting our avatar together. :)


I'll keep it at 75 then :-)


So with that, here is Taylor DeFluer




Wrestling for CWWF owned by Katie Cameron



EDIT: First week of the game and Cherry Bomb retired as well. Suprising really. Rise could be difficult, without adding in a division to places I have the order of:






Then have to take one of them to national, gonna be fun.

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While I'm lurking here and while I remember... it had occurred to me that another batch of possible rewards for the year end would be various ones for gimmick skills and heel/face performance. Heel/face can improve naturally simply by playing a heel or a face but the gimmick skills don't seem to change on their own so I may one day add a bunch of narratives for those too...


If anyone else has any ideas for potential bonuses then pile them in here and one day I'll get around to recompiling a list. I'd ask that everyone remember they are mostly supposed to be avatar centric, so they should be things that involve who you are and where you work, rather than just being a random incident generator of everything that could ever happen. Though if people would rather add loads of random incidents (and a method for making them happen) then do share them and I could add them to the end of the list.


And the only reason I'm saying I'll do it is cos I've got mod powers and can actually edit the first post. If someone else would rather do the list and mail it to me I won't complain. :p


EDIT: I'm booking my 100th show in this gsame just now... Remo (my world champion til my 99th show there:p) and Matthew Keith (one of my 2 NBTs) both recently signed to TCW. I bet if I'd had the extra point to put into my negotiation stat 2 weeks earlier I'd still have them both and be able to build the company around them. Oh well. :(

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Here's a few tips for new people who might like to give it a try which is a good way to learn some things.


1. NEVER sign any wrestler/manager for more than $400/month when starting out. The only exception is if you can fill your roster with $150's then splurge on a show carrier at $500. You want to run a show a month as often as possible to get to the motherlode known as Small so money matters greatly at Local.


2. Stamina is the easiest skill to gain (just book a longer match than what your guy can do with the current stamina to gain a point) so a 40 or so is plenty.


3. The top row skills are the 2nd easiest to gain so invest more in the Performance row than top row.


As for an added reward, could we have a "Get out of a Critical Goal Free Card"? You could save it for right before the goal is due then turn off Owner Goals wait a day then turn them back on. I'm so tired of the "Don't fall below #X position" killing all of my games so until Adam figures out how to reword that, I thought that would be a good one.


Btw, I'm loving your CV97 mod which is what I'm using for this game. Burning Hammer and HGC dropped to Cult (which then went to truly awful booking with 60's being the norm now without dumping Strong as booker btw) which let PGHW jump to National. Oh, and if your goal with the narratives was for AMW to go broke, you need to seriously upgrade them from 1's as they did pretty much nothing as Smalls and Regionals never go broke on their own. Now, I just have a year to run 2 shows per month to pass 2 feds or just turn off owner goals. Thanks CWL opening unless you give me the booking job there.;)

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Btw, I'm loving your CV97 mod which is what I'm using for this game. Burning Hammer and HGC dropped to Cult (which then went to truly awful booking with 60's being the norm now without dumping Strong as booker btw) which let PGHW jump to National. Oh, and if your goal with the narratives was for AMW to go broke, you need to seriously upgrade them from 1's as they did pretty much nothing as Smalls and Regionals never go broke on their own. Now, I just have a year to run 2 shows per month to pass 2 feds or just turn off owner goals. Thanks CWL opening unless you give me the booking job there.;)


The narratives used to work before we changed the way the narrative worked quite late during development last time... then I never got around to changing them to make sure AMW would go bankrupt. Similarly, I'm pretty sure we'd planned to have a larger text box for some news stories if required but when graphics guys kept getting summoned away to the real world that never got done so one of the stories is longer than it should be. :p


In my own RtG game I'm considering doing a fairlt hefty batch of cheating and unofficially dropping out of the rules. I'm with the SWF now but think I'm going to get trounced in national battles... I'm considering turning them off, along with repetitive booking penalties (for fun more than because they're really doing anything) and playing a more relaxed game than I normally do. Think it could be quite interesting to see what happens when SWF/NOTBPW/TCW fight across the US and Japan has it's own big 4 promotions to fight with. Might even encourage some indy promotions to grow a big and hire some more guys too, there are loads of unemployed types as I've had regens and random gens on from the start and there aren't many new promotions opening up like I had hoped there would be. :(

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I'm fairly sure I'm about to get fired - have got 4 months left to get up to $800,000 or fail a critical owner goal and currently on half of that and making about $35,000 a month. On the plus side, user character now has 98 overness in Great Lakes. Fingers crossed a vacancy appears somewhere Cult or lower soon!
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I'm fairly sure I'm about to get fired - have got 4 months left to get up to $800,000 or fail a critical owner goal and currently on half of that and making about $35,000 a month. On the plus side, user character now has 98 overness in Great Lakes. Fingers crossed a vacancy appears somewhere Cult or lower soon!


Owner patience plays into how upset they get at failing a goal... as long as they aren't in the least patient (or possibly the two least patient) setting then you should be okay, assuming you haven't been breaking all of his other goals on the way too.


Of course, assuming you are making money on your shows and not just being profitable via sponsors you could just run more shows and try to make money that way. Even if it's a close run thing, running more shows will help you get more over so you could soon start making more money and you could potentially make the goal simply through being as active as you can. :)

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Yeah, this is my problem with the owner goals in the game in general. They're way too cut and dried compared to what they would be in real life. They should be treated realistically. If you're making a bunch of money, but you fall a little short of the goal, then it should be no big whoop. Similarly, if you jump a level but several feds open above you, you shouldn't be penalized. The skill rating one should be a little bit more flexible too. Something like nothing below 35 of an important skill UNLESS they have >70 SQ and 60 in one of 4 other skills would pass. Or, if they're at 34 and <25 years old it will pass too. The wrestler types ones are perfectly fine just tweak the others.
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1. NEVER sign any wrestler/manager for more than $400/month when starting out. The only exception is if you can fill your roster with $150's then splurge on a show carrier at $500. You want to run a show a month as often as possible to get to the motherlode known as Small so money matters greatly at Local.






Craaaaaaaaap >______________________________> <_<

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One year finished in the Flemish Wrestling Federation...still Local but got some cheap talent in the likes of the Martins, Leigh Burton, Wade Orsen and Ricky Storm. My user character is slowly progressing...


Roll...a "3" ... add a loyalty .... rolling again...nr.9 ... Loyalty with .... owner Larry Wood! :D or :rolleyes:


Is that good or bad? What does Loyalty do?

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One year finished in the Flemish Wrestling Federation...still Local but got some cheap talent in the likes of the Martins, Leigh Burton, Wade Orsen and Ricky Storm. My user character is slowly progressing...


Roll...a "3" ... add a loyalty .... rolling again...nr.9 ... Loyalty with .... owner Larry Wood! :D or :rolleyes:


Is that good or bad? What does Loyalty do?


When a worker has loyalty to the booker or owner it usually means they won't leave the company in favour of a bigger company. In fact, they'll likely not even sign for another company at all so now Larry is gonna stay in Europe with you forever. :)

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Craaaaaaaaap >______________________________> <_<


As someone who really enjoys your accompanying inadequately updated (come on post more in the diary) diary, I know why you did that. I also know that you neglected to realize that we don't get any points for booking skill to start with so you can never get another booking gig until you run about 80 shows (you gain a booking point for almost every show and depending on what mod you are running there are plenty of 70+ booking skill people running around).


Believe me, I made your mistake in my game when I stole Corporal Doom from NYCW (who declared war on me for no reason). They then gave the booking gig to Louis Figo Manico who had just expanded to the US where I was going to push him like crazy. Thankfully, I can run 2 shows (one with everyone and one with my aptly named Cheap Brand aka $500 or less) and still make about $1,000/month. This will take care of my promotion level problem as well as I am only about 6 overness from catching the 2 feds in front of me with over a year to catch them. Small really is a great level to be at. All of the money without any of those pesky Regional Battles (though I would be winning against almost everyone as DAVE, PPPW, and others run mid-50's regularly which I could beat without those pesky angles bombing all of the time).

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1. Get out of owner goal would get you out of all the current owner goals, though, which would...eh, be fine.


2. Dewd I totally updated just now poast.




I might have been playing me some Wii WWE '12. Now that I know how to change targeting (-), I cease to have any huge gripes with the game.


Well, no bra and panties matches, but OH MY GOD WHY THE **** HAVEN'T I BEEN DOING THAT IN MY DIARY because I have no women. Oh.

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Grrr...I think I've run into another lousy AI issue. SWF has been Global for about 6 months now so their roster should be pretty much fixed by now. However, this couldn't be further from the truth because they keep repeatedly calling up people from NEW. This is causing me a ton of grief because once they're gone from NEW, it evidently makes their roster too small because they go poaching someone (just one). Gee, wonder where they steal every single wrestler from?:mad: Three in the past month with 5 in the past 2 months. Now, I'm ahead of them to start the month which would matter except they keep signing everyone to developmental deals (which I didn't think made it to TEW10 as it clearly states that NEW is doing the signing not SWF).


The funniest part of the whole deal is that SWF did the best I've ever seen it do in any CV game EVER for 8 months (they've had 3 99's and a 100 matches with consistant high B+ shows). Then, they started doing all of these call ups and their shows have gone in the tank. At the rate they're going, they'll drop from Global to Cult in 6 months or less which will leave only Japan with now 2 National feds (BH jumped back to National recently). Gonna take me three years or more just to get a company to Global to reach the end of the RTG Goal at this rate. Glad I'm only 1.5 years into the game.

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Wow, what a year 2 I just finished. Hit Regional after my smaller show in December easily passing that #24 position goal I was worried about (I'm at 22 now nipping at those warmongering heels of NYCW). My roster has pretty much settled down to where I'm happy about it, and as soon as I could order my card properly, I might hit a 60 card (stupid angles note). Hopefully, I'll keep out of the Regional battles until I get that fixed, and since I'm in the Mid West during the East Coast war, I should be good.


Here are a couple of tips for when you reach Small


1. Split your roster into Expensive/Cheap (around $400/mo), and run a Small (you can now run Medium shows so do that NOW) Cheap Brand-specific show in the same area in addition to your regular Medium show. The goal is to run to 29/E+ pop ASAP regardless of hitting Regional so you get the extra $2/ticket and 1,000 seat sell-outs. Note: Don't hit Regional too fast if you're going to be in a battle. This means scouting your game before picking where you are setting up to eliminate the problem. Or don't do that if you hit a money owner goal because that keeps you from making any money until you hit Regional then it is a pot o' gold.


2. Run tag matches because they always do better than a)you think they will and b)better than most of your main events.


Oh, and guess who won Most Improved Promotion of the Year in Year 2 of his game? Yep, me despite HGC and BHOTWG going back up to International and National that year and NOTBPW hitting National. If I was Eidenhoek, this is where I'd have a killer picture or YouTube video. *cough* that's a cue

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