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If you don't have any plans for him you could give him his own belt (a la the Million Dollar belt) and have him defend it against jobbers/lower midcarders. This should keep his momentum up and keep him high up the card. He also has good entertainment skills so you could have him cutting promos a lot too, which would achieve the same results.


The million dollar belt idea is similar to how I'm running my Vixxxens division. Every week Amber Allen defends the belt against a 'local girl' (one of many developmental talents called up for the day) and then dances for a few minutes. Works for her... Kinda.


Eisen's good, but he's a victim of my short attention span, and there are better talkers on my roster. At first, when I got the note I was perfectly happy to give him the belt and a pile of underlings and have him rule the roost. Gets boring after a while though. Actually, he's one of very few who have remained on the roster during my tenure. Him. Zimmy Bumfhole. Captain Atomic. Spencer Spade. That might be it. Kinda bums me out that I gutted the company this much, but most of it wasn't my fault. Driving away Sammy Bach absolutely was. Everyone else was circumstance.


Obviously not long enough >_>


18 months seemed like a lifetime when I first got the job. I expected to be fired long before his contract came up.

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In my SWF game I did the standard build up of Eric starting a faction (New Supremacists) Building them up over a year and dominating SWF. All the while he would berate his father claiming that he could never control the SWF like Eric was. It all seemed golden for Eisen until he was crushed. It was all really a plan to put a structure in place that Richard could take over when he saw fit. Richard destroyed his own son physically and mentally and with all the enemies he made no one was there to help. Eric was finally put out of action.


Richard Eisen ego was as big or bigger than Eric's but he was more cold and calculating and rules SWF with an iron first. He used the New Supremacists as his own private army and crushed everyone who sought to topple him. six months after taking over a rebellion began but Richard could never figure out who was behind it to crush them. In the end of course it turns out its Eric and he leads his croup to regaining all the SWF titles and his learned his lesson so much as to help a young worker (regen of Black Hat Bailey) who had been fighting his way to the top gain the Heavyweight title.


Turned Eric from the biggest Heel in the world to the Biggest Face in about two years. It was fun.

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For the first time in years the SWF is competitive in terms of match and show quality with both TCW and NOTBPW... of course, I've turned off National Battles for the time being but I'm strongly considering turning them back on as so far this month (August 2015) I've hit a 100 rated match on Supreme TV and just ran a 99 rated PPV that drew the SWF's 5th biggest buyrate of all time. Of my last 11 shows (3 PPVs and 8 TV) I've had 1 B rated show, 7 B+ rated shows, 2 A rated shows and 1 A* rated PPV. The SWF may not have been the greatest show on earth in recent years... but in recent weeks it's tough to argue that we're definitely back with a vengeance! :D


Just introduced a floating title (starting at 50 prestige) that I've christened the SWF Adrenaline championship. 10 years to the day since the SWF Shooting Star title was founded I decided to re-fill the niche that it used to occupy. I've brought in a lot of strong talents for the division in recent months with this in mind so after 4 qualifying matches it came down to Antonio Maxi Marquez, KC Glenn, Jay Chord and Stevie Grayson (he's so solid, just not great) to crown the first ever champ of the division... and AMM picked it up. There's going to be a great rivalry with AMM/El Mitico/Nicolas Lopez going up against the group of Big Smack Scott/Jay Chord/Hollywood Bret Starr... BS is teaching them how to handle themselves in the SWF and it seems his influence is rubbing off on them... it's gonna be fun. :p


There's so much more going on just now but that is something new and interesting for me that might one day help lead to a stables championship as I've got small factions forming all over the place. Steven Parker heads up the X-Cell group, with Spencer Spade, Mainstream Hernandez and John Greed also wrestling in that group. Zimmy Bumfhole retired with a back injury and is a bitter veteran figure for them, whle Kristen Pearce is playing Parker's girlfriend, usually carrying his North American title for him. :)


I also recently acquired Liberty/James Justice who is playing up the surfer aspect of his character to the max for me as Ripcurl. A laid back dude type, he'sgoing to get linked with the babyface duo of James Prudence/Jungle Lord who have been a team since before I joined the SWF. I renamed them "Surf 'n' Turf" and they've been doing well, so Ripcurl might be enough to push them all the way to the gold.


Eric Eisen has been trying to reclaim his empire ever since Emma Chase won the SWF Presidency (via elections, since SWF loves those :p) and is planning to do so by eliminating veterans and forcing younger wrestlers to vote for him. He started with the oldest in Runaway Train (50) who he has sidelined for now... now he's on Joe Sexy who turned face recently and is transitioning to a less gimmick/more serious character. That might lead to a veterans alliance of Train, Sexy and possibly Bruce the Giant. Maybe. Eric may also find some backers one day, but I'm not sure about that.


Emma Chase is keen to make a group loyal to her too... she has Rich Money (former SWF champion now) and as president she's using her power to get the belt back to him if she can... she's got lots of loose allies but few solid ones, with Joe Sexy turning on her, Jack Bruce about to do so too and other heels not liking her not favouring them. Human Arsenal is about to join up though since he's impressively capable of getting things done and I figure she can bribe whoever she wants to sign up if necessary.


Last but not least is an evil alliance... Nicky Champion finally ended a long running feud with The Force in a loser leaves town match at Supreme Challenge, the culmination of almost 8 months of rivalry and even more history beyond that. The Darkness (Jay Darkness/Danny Fonzarelli) is a malevolent force moving through the SWF and tainting all he come sinto contact with... I'm toying with the idea of having The Force return as Champion's thrall, a broken man with nowhere to go but up. Those three could be a fun group but I'm also considering having The Darkness be the leader of a number of monster heels I bring up since I've got loads in development.


And with SWF Presidential Elections coming up in December (I'm making them annual) it's going to be fun to see who wins this year... I'm building towards Christian Faith (retired) winning after Emma Chase's abuses of power take their toll on her ability to get votes but with so many splintered alliances it's going to be hard to see who wins. Everyone active on the SWF roster gets a vote and last time The Force was third after many younger wrestlers thought it would be fun to vote for him. This time... who knows who'll win! :D

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I hate midcard titles, so I switched the SWF North American belt into the SWF Chaos title. On every PPV, the Champion must defend the belt in a 5-way Scramble match. The idea being that while the rewards for holding the belt are great (money!) the match is so chaotic that the chances of keeping it are slim to none. In fact, it was 8 months before anyone managed to successfully defend it. More often than not, it's a midcard title. The 4 challengers are guys I have no PPV plans for. It does play into storylines from time to time though. Non-title feuds will sometimes all cram into the match to add some variety. Dominant tag teams will occasionally enter together, teaming up for a massive advantage. Eric Eisen has himself hid in the match on multiple occasions, bringing plenty of flunkies with him to double or triple team his enemies.
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At Welcome To The Jungle 2018, my user character Athos D'Olivier won the SWF World Heavyweight Championship from Matthew Keith in a Cage Match. He's only 26 years old, so I'm totally pushing him before his time, but he actually has the best Psychology on my active roster right now. A couple of '14' rolls at the end of the year has helped me stack it to an A. He can't talk, which is a major drawback in SWF, but it was time for a babyface Champion. I am the Game.


In other news, Zimmy Bumfhole has abandoned me for USPW, and Captain Atomic is off to CGC. That leaves only Eric Eisen and Spencer Spade as guys who have stayed with me since the beginning of my run... and Eisen is FURIOUS with me.



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How have you managed to lose so much of your roster and annoy people? I can't imagine you deliberately set out to do that so you must've been really ramming your booking down Eric's throat to anger him... I know you've bounced to cult a few times and that takes a harsh penalty on your roster when they wander off to other people if they get too popular, but to have lost almost everyone seems insane! :p


Steal Sammy Bach as Deadpool for your evil stable :3


If I can steal anyone decent from NOTBPW or TCW then I'll be doing so on principle, even if I end up sending them to development as trainers. The two promotions are monsters, with NOTBPW at 100 popularity across Canada (and growing elsewhere) while TCE are at about 90 (from memory) across the US. Thinking about turning National Battles back on since I got a 99 rated show but I can't help think I'm starting to game the system just to get past my hate of NOTBPW. Hitting them both would make me happy, especially since it would give me wins in USA, Canada, Mexico and Japan where National battles are going on... 4 wins in one month? I think it might happen!

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How have you managed to lose so much of your roster and annoy people? I can't imagine you deliberately set out to do that so you must've been really ramming your booking down Eric's throat to anger him... I know you've bounced to cult a few times and that takes a harsh penalty on your roster when they wander off to other people if they get too popular, but to have lost almost everyone seems insane! :p


There are many reasons. The first batch (Lobster Warrior, Rich Money) left due to the previous regime. When I took the job, backstage atmosphere was something ridiculous like 40%, and guys just wanted to leave. A couple I fired early on for being negative influences (Aristocrat, Remo). Being 'too small' was an issue with a lot of guys (Bruce The Giant, Jack Bruce) when I didn't job them out in time. Some guys I did job out, but too harshly so they got angry with me (American Buffalo, Big Cat Brandon). Others I jobbed out nice and steadily, but after a few months on PPA's got poached (Zimmy Bumfhole, Captain Atomic). Owner Goals prevented me resigning others (Hell's Bouncer, Runaway Train) because I'm a corporate suck up and don't want to mess with the boss. Eric Eisen's a weird one. Most of his issues are from poor gimmick changes and one terrible turn. I don't really understand how they failed, to be honest.


EDIT: Richard Eisen is some kinda Warlock. I know it's his son, but resigning Eric, who is waaaay too big for SWF and hates the booker's guts, to a 2 year written contract, against competition from TCW and NOTBPW... Magic on display.


In my defense, "my guys" love it in SWF. The people I brought it, Matthew Keith, Edd Stone, my User's little brother, Stone Yoshikawa, Guide, my entire Vixxxen division, Xavi Ferrera... I sign them to long written contracts, so it makes sense to push them to the moon over 'established stars' with only 5 months of their deals. That, and bias.

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There are many reasons. The first batch (Lobster Warrior, Rich Money) left due to the previous regime. When I took the job, backstage atmosphere was something ridiculous like 40%, and guys just wanted to leave. A couple I fired early on for being negative influences (Aristocrat, Remo). Being 'too small' was an issue with a lot of guys (Bruce The Giant, Jack Bruce) when I didn't job them out in time. Some guys I did job out, but too harshly so they got angry with me (American Buffalo, Big Cat Brandon). Others I jobbed out nice and steadily, but after a few months on PPA's got poached (Zimmy Bumfhole, Captain Atomic). Owner Goals prevented me resigning others (Hell's Bouncer, Runaway Train) because I'm a corporate suck up and don't want to mess with the boss. Eric Eisen's a weird one. Most of his issues are from poor gimmick changes and one terrible turn. I don't really understand how they failed, to be honest.


EDIT: Richard Eisen is some kinda Warlock. I know it's his son, but resigning Eric, who is waaaay too big for SWF and hates the booker's guts, to a 2 year written contract, against competition from TCW and NOTBPW... Magic on display.


In my defense, "my guys" love it in SWF. The people I brought it, Matthew Keith, Edd Stone, my User's little brother, Stone Yoshikawa, Guide, my entire Vixxxen division, Xavi Ferrera... I sign them to long written contracts, so it makes sense to push them to the moon over 'established stars' with only 5 months of their deals. That, and bias.


40%?! Ouch, must've been a really toxic place to work with a backstage like that. I find that people tend to not be too unhappy about losing if they have an incentive to not be angry about it... was common practise in the good old days that if a big star was going to lose he'd demand more money for doing so. With that in mind, I tend to bribe unhappy people back to happiness with some financial lubrication and things tend to go well for me. Probably could've saved you some talent, but it can cause other problems too.


Xavi Ferrera is someone I've got on my roster too... his physical skills went through the roof in development and he's now one of the finest athletes in the game, but his performance skills are lacking. I'm hoping to develop him into something interesting for my new Adrenaline division but I'm not sure he's got enough beyond his pure physical skills to support him in the long term.


Matthew Keith is a sore point for me... I had him for 6 months of my regime, on a PPA deal and no-one else seemed to care. Then days before going back up to Global TCW decides to steal him from me... as I was at cult I couldn't get him to stay and so my sole Next Big Thing (at that point) wanders off to the competition on the eve of me being big enough to have secured him to me for the long term. I've got his brother now (also a NBT) along with MAW owner Jay Chord (PPA) on my NBT list now but that's not the point... Robbie Retro also showed as an NBT but I never know what to do with him and he didn't seem to have any particularly marketable traits. He couldn't deliver in-ring, wasn't great on the mic, star quality wasn't enough to help and he couldn't drag good matches out of anyone else... a short spell in development didn't help much, so he was fired and is now hogging the #1 spot on the Hidden Gems list since no-one else apart from my creative team seem to think much of him.

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He couldn't deliver in-ring, wasn't great on the mic, star quality wasn't enough to help and he couldn't drag good matches out of anyone else... a short spell in development didn't help much, so he was fired and is now hogging the #1 spot on the Hidden Gems list since no-one else apart from my creative team seem to think much of him.


Your creative team is Mama, Papa and Gramps Retro.

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Xavi Ferrera is someone I've got on my roster too... his physical skills went through the roof in development and he's now one of the finest athletes in the game, but his performance skills are lacking. I'm hoping to develop him into something interesting for my new Adrenaline division but I'm not sure he's got enough beyond his pure physical skills to support him in the long term.


Xavi hasn't developed much with me, but he's always fit into my storytelling very naturally, and has over-achieved in terms of grades. He happened to come in just as I was looking for a sidekick for then-World champ, Zimmy Bumfhole. Xavi could talk. He could wrestle. Their names sounded good together. 'ZX' eventually transitioned into the tag ranks, before Zimmy left and Xavi turned babyface. He's now my No2 babyface, in line for a title shot and feuding with Guide, then man who trained him.


P.S. Just hired Texas Pete and American Buffalo to boost my tag ranks. Forgot Eric Eisen hates Pete. So... Yeah. He's like REALLY mad at me now.

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Year 2 gone in my European local fed. Made the 10.000$ in the bank goal (easily). Next goals (24 months) I need to rise in size and not go into debt. Also no worse than D- on selling and no MMA or law-troublemakers.


Random roll of 50....that's a NINE! :mad:


I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll smoke a lot!

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Can you bribe him with the huge stacks of money SWF generally makes in the first few years?


Unless I was to spam it A LOT, I don't think it'll help. I've bribed him once or twice. Never calms his rage. Not even a little. He's now on a 3 month vacation. I'm sick of him.


It's 2019! Rolled a Change of Style. Went with Entertainer, to fit the SWF style some more. My User's entertainment skills are improving. He's still not a good talker, but his overness makes up for it. Match-wise, he's had a couple of A's, but no A* yet. I'm slow burning feuds with Christian Faith and Rich Money (I was National again... briefly) which I hope will pay off.


Xavi Ferrera is soooo lucky. He was all set to lose the rubber match in his feud with Guide, at which point I had no plans for him. BANG! Excellent chemistry teaming with Christian Faith. So that's his next role, and it's another high profile one. He also won 'Best Young Wrestler' in the end of year awards. Top man.


Bad news though, my User Character's brother signed with USPW and left me. I hadn't given him his promised title run, and couldn't fit it in (I refuse to cheat such things). He was an awful worker, but had B- tag experience with my User. Lot of time & effort down the drain.


EDIT: Would anyone like me to upload my game? Seeing as I'm at a natural stopping point I thought I'd offer. Perhaps the world of 2019 would be interesting to some.

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My company is JPEW, i started as Takayuki Avatar (forgot the user limitations of skills) i am in march 2011 currently have $67,311 in the bank after making profits of around $10k for the last 5 months since bumping up prices and jumpin to small.


My World Heavyweight Champion is Lion Genji he has made 8 defences since beating Takayuki Kawazawa (my avatar).

Kaii Hinari died in November 2010 and i was planning on giving him World Championship within the next 5 years but his push has been given to Nigel Svensson.

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Fun thrill for me, my user cracked the 2018 Power 100. Came in at #63. I never know the criteria is for this. Technically he was 'on top' for the second half of the year, but the way I book the champion doesn't wrestle much on television. I wonder if more matches would have bumped him up. Matthew Keith was my highest placed guy at #21, beating his twin brother by over 40 places. Even when holding the belt, he did a lot of tags. He's also a better worker and talker than Athos, so there's that too.
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Was getting a little bored of SWF. I had some cool storylines on the go, but the constant up & down of National battles was getting a bit repetitive. I was thinking about turning them off, or maybe doing that cheat code where every booker gets fired, but then a new job came up.


Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods.


Never played as them before. Never even done Japan. Their product is the antithesis of how I roll. I couldn't turn it down.


I shall miss SWF a little, however. Christian Faith was about to retire, but his feud with Edd Stone and Matthew Keith (Sparkling Vampires; because new is always better) was coming to a nice legend-killery conclusion. A randomly generated Welshman called Warren Death had risen to title contender, which I was going to hold at a UK PPV. Plus Amber Allen (at my User's side since 2010) had finally found a good role in the promotion, as Rich Money's sidekick. It was a fun game, but it's time to get my puro on.

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Was getting a little bored of SWF. I had some cool storylines on the go, but the constant up & down of National battles was getting a bit repetitive. I was thinking about turning them off, or maybe doing that cheat code where every booker gets fired, but then a new job came up.


Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods.


Never played as them before. Never even done Japan. Their product is the antithesis of how I roll. I couldn't turn it down.


I shall miss SWF a little, however. Christian Faith was about to retire, but his feud with Edd Stone and Matthew Keith (Sparkling Vampires; because new is always better) was coming to a nice legend-killery conclusion. A randomly generated Welshman called Warren Death had risen to title contender, which I was going to hold at a UK PPV. Plus Amber Allen (at my User's side since 2010) had finally found a good role in the promotion, as Rich Money's sidekick. It was a fun game, but it's time to get my puro on.


Copy the game, so you can have your cake and eat it too.

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Good call. Hopefully I can return to SWF later on (I got into every job expected to be fired) and see what's happened to 'my guys', but I'll keep a copy, just in case I never get the chance.


Turns out everyone in BHOTWG hates each other. 55% backstage rating. Every match suffers a little because of moral. Spent a good half hour picking guys to fire (sorry Acid, second time you've been on my chopping block... you jerk) to get it to a healthy 78%. Still not entirely sure how to book a Puro promotion (I watch a lot of Dragon Gate, but that's lucha-wackiness, not typical puro stuff) but I'm starting with a big Heavyweight round robin tournament. Using a very rigid formula and randomly number generation to do my thinking for me. By the end of the tour I'll get a feel for my favourites, I hope.


Athos won his first round match (got a C+, respectable). He's not a young lion, which I was fearing, so it's GOLDBERG TIME!!!

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Good call. Hopefully I can return to SWF later on (I got into every job expected to be fired) and see what's happened to 'my guys', but I'll keep a copy, just in case I never get the chance.


Turns out everyone in BHOTWG hates each other. 55% backstage rating. Every match suffers a little because of moral. Spent a good half hour picking guys to fire (sorry Acid, second time you've been on my chopping block... you jerk) to get it to a healthy 78%. Still not entirely sure how to book a Puro promotion (I watch a lot of Dragon Gate, but that's lucha-wackiness, not typical puro stuff) but I'm starting with a big Heavyweight round robin tournament. Using a very rigid formula and randomly number generation to do my thinking for me. By the end of the tour I'll get a feel for my favourites, I hope.


Athos won his first round match (got a C+, respectable). He's not a young lion, which I was fearing, so it's GOLDBERG TIME!!!


Any Japan game I play always turns into me trying to train every youngster in the industry and massive tag team showdowns.

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I'm getting gradually more unhappy at the lack of skill gains for my user character. Well...I'm getting a point per show in most stats, (well, 2-3 in the lower ones, but...) but dammit, where's my godpush I did to the Biggz and Saints Row or w/e that crap team is in SWF? I saw ridiculous gains from one four-hour show! I WANT ME SOME GREATNESS


In other news, I'm now at...55 popularity after three shows, with 2 in announcing :D

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I think my guy has peaked. He's getting tons of matches against the best Japan has to offer, and not improving.


BHOTWG was a novelty at first, but I'm getting sick of it. Two shows a week is my idea of hell. I'm doing a lot of leagues and tournaments so I don't have to come up with actual stories. Currently running a 8-team tag league, which is getting great results, but every other division is suffering due to my lack of interest. I don't know how to book main eventers without promos. To me, a main eventer is a guy who rarely wrestles on TV, and never loses unless it's a PPV main. Can't quite do that here. Performance-based promotions with 100% matches and no babyface/heel divide? Ewww....


I've Jesus pushed my guy, and I'm gonna have him headline the PPV's on this tour. See if I can get an A*. After that... I'm looking for job opportunities. I like that I've gone to Japan (and it's bizarre seeing what the AI have done to my SWF) but if my skills aren't improving, and I can't get an A*, it's probably best to have fun elsewhere.

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Started one of these because I got an urge to play the small fry in Canada (a game area which I've only played once before, as NOTBPW) - and I wanted a small-fed change of pace from my in-progress 0/0/0/0 game, since that's now Cult and quite booking intensive. I was also curious to see what I could do without a user character as strong as the one in said 0/0/0/0 game (My avatar wasn't OPed... but he started off quite popular and with strong performance stats)


I also wanted to experiment a little with slightly different products, since I have a habit of just sticking to what I like/know works. So I created Total Revolution Wrestling (named because I found a logo for it in Kam's thread, and I am too lazy to search further), set Modern and Mainstream to Key Features, Lucha Libre and Daredevil to Medium, lending itself to low intensity but higher danger.


Annnd leading to me getting dings across the board for my first (and second, dammit absent-mindedness!) event because I didn't realise I would need riskier matches. That card rated an almighty 29 off the back of an epic 20 minute, 32 rated encounter between Roderick Remus and Bob Casey. :p


My boss is Gil Thomas (who I've never really liked that much), who has gone a long way to redeeming himself by costing $53 dollars per show, and when I let him be colour commentator... having great chemistry with BOTH Remus twins.


My user character, Lightfoot:




(I'm aware that this is extra points. I regard sex appeal/menace/stiffness as largely fluff unless they're very high, so I set them to whatever I felt like)


Basically they're an Ota ripoff. xD. She dresses and acts like a ninja, but because she isn't good enough to portray an actual ninja, she has the comedy 'Goofy Ninja' gimmick, which is like a ninja but played for laughs. It rated 100, so I must be doing something right.


Current roster:


Main event:


Bob Casey (Heel)

Cal Sanders (Face) - Should probably make him more focal, his matches so far, by our standards, have been REALLY good.

Jared Johnson (Heel) - Love this man.

Nomad (Heel) - Only guy on the roster who can cut anything close to a promo.

Roderick Remus (Face) - Sadly he's probably one of our best workers.


Upper Midcard:


Alistair Shufflebottom (Face) - Cheap and has good jobber stats

Ben Williams (Face) - Too expensive for what he is (mainly cause of travel expenses)

Lightfoot (Face) - A mighty 4 in popularity in our home region puts her here. Only slight growth so far, but hey, only so much you can get from two matches. I'm hoping giving her such bad stamina wasn't a blunder...

Ron Greenhorn (Heel) - Because Ron Greenhorn. (lol I actually managed to raise his charisma)

Stretch the Chicken Boy (Face) - I've wanted to book him for a while to see what I can do. Neither great nor especially terrible (for our level), we'll see how it goes.




Dermott Ayers (Heel) - Cheap and has much better performance skills than I thought.

Marc Raisin (Heel) - Cheap, and will help with an eventual tag division.

Paradigm (Face) - I like the Paratroopers, they're good jobbers. However, see Williams, Ben.

Taylor Kidd (Heel) - Cheap jobber


Lower Midcard:

Paradox (Face) - See above

Paranoia (Heel)



As I mentioned, Remmington Remus is my announcer, Rob Perkins my ref. We could definitely be doing better financially, I think I hired a little too expensively, and the travel expenses of the US workers don't help. Things should pick up a little once their contracts come up in a few months and I can renegotiate to remove those expenses (I don't like doing the immediate renegotiating trick, feels cheap). Hopefully we'll get by better once my handle on the roster improves (I'm interested to see how much the content risk thing has dinged my matches as well... time to make a few custom bouts)

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BHOTWG was a novelty at first, but I'm getting sick of it. Two shows a week is my idea of hell. I'm doing a lot of leagues and tournaments so I don't have to come up with actual stories. Currently running a 8-team tag league, which is getting great results, but every other division is suffering due to my lack of interest. I don't know how to book main eventers without promos. To me, a main eventer is a guy who rarely wrestles on TV, and never loses unless it's a PPV main. Can't quite do that here. Performance-based promotions with 100% matches and no babyface/heel divide? Ewww.....


I find the best way to book puro Feds is to stack your touring cards with lots of multi man matches, 3 vs 3s, 4 vs 4s etc. It means you can use everyone on your cards and not give away the big singles matches, which you should be saving for your ppvs. These matches can be used to further rivalries and are excellent if you are into stable warfare. They also keep the momentum of your main eventers high as they are not going to be the ones taking the pin. I'm also pretty sure that multi man matches don't have as much of a negative effect on physical condition than singles and tag team matches.

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