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First year and I'm actually having a lot more fun the second time around. Time to check in. 2011! A year of absolutely nothing interesting happening. Let's see how far Wolfe has improved.


January 2010




January 2011




Such improvement! I rolled and got loyalty from KC Glenn. The world is mine now I suppose.

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10 in everything starts you with 250+ points... so basically you're giving yourself over 1250 points? 500 points more than the default? I know you mentioned it being easy/very easy mode and I don't mean to sound harsh here, but half the point of the challenge is to improve your character. Giving yourself that much to start with means that you might as well just not bother playing a RTG game.
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10 in everything starts you with 250+ points... so basically you're giving yourself over 1250 points? 500 points more than the default? I know you mentioned it being easy/very easy mode and I don't mean to sound harsh here, but half the point of the challenge is to improve your character. Giving yourself that much to start with means that you might as well just not bother playing a RTG game.


1,000 points for his skills; 10s in each of Motivation, Negotiation, etc.

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Jan 2010 took over MAW

Elias Alexis




Done a year:

Jan 2011




MAW Mid Atlantic Champion: Findlay O'Farraday (Undefeated whole year and defeated Jay Chord at The Battle of Mid Atlantic)

MAW United States: Max Mayhem (first Champ at Night of Champions when he defeated Elias Alexis,Swoop McCarthy,Jefferson Stardust,Citizen X,Huey Cannonball in a 6 Man Ladder Match)

MAW Mid Atlantic Tag Team: The Atlantic Connection (x2) (defeated C-V-2 at The Proving Ground)

Rip Chord Invitational Challenge: Jay Chord (defeated Mainstream Hernandez in the finals)


SWF is such a pain as through the whole year they took 5 men, Greg Gauge,Matthew Keith,Mainstream Hernandez,Phillipe LaGrenier & Brett Starr.

Made 62k profit in the year (got $162k).


4 owner goals:


Get $200k by this time next year

Keep Jay Chord at above 72 momentum (6 months, aka must give him a title or something)

Don't hire Law problems (16 months) or Psychopaths (12 months)

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Jan 2010 took over MAW

Elias Alexis



Elias Alexis

Jan 2012




2011 saw the rise of several stars most notably Jefferson Stardust who in January won the Rip Chord Invitational and then July defeated Jay Chord & Mean Jean Cattley to win the Mid Atlantic Championship.

MAW released Lisa Bowen,Ernest,Marvin Earnest,Duke Hazzard,Akima Brave,Nigel Svensson,Cameron Jones,Molokai Milk,Nate Johnson (NOTBPW written),Swoop McCarthy (SOTBPW written),Ricky Douglas,Madman Boone,Giant Brody & Curtis Jenkins.


Mid Atlantic Championship (95 Prestige): Jefferson Stardust (defeated Jay Chord & Mean Jean Cattley in July 2011)

Mid Atlantic Tag Team (65 Prestige): Citizen X & Huey Cannonball (defeated Miller Fforde & Robbie Wright in December 2011)

Mid Atlantic United States (67 Prestige): Mean Jean Cattley (defeated Max Mayhem in November 2011)

Mid Atlantic Womens (60 Prestige): Joanne Rodriguez (first champion defeating Amber Allen, Christy Higgins & Geena The Warrior Princess in September 2011)

Rip Chord Invitational: Jefferson Stardust (defeated Akima Brave & Elias Alexis)


Still small sized but near regional, beating PSW in regional battles but losing to NYCW.

Got $242,823 in the bank

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Elias Alexis

Jan 13




Made it to Regional and signed some bigger names such as Marc DuBois, Jack DeColt, Darryl Devine, Clark Alexander, Freddie Datsun, Greg Gauge & Alicia Strong.

Putting on better matches than before with two matches this year reaching B-

Those being:

Darryl Devine d Casey Valentine, Freddie Datsun, Greg Gauge, Mean Jean Cattley & Jack DeColt in a 6-Way Ladder Match to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship at Night of Champions.

Alicia Strong d Joanne Rodriguez to retain the Mid Atlantic Womens Championship at The Proving Ground.


Champions of The Year:


Mid Atlantic Champion: Darryl Devine (d Casey Valentine, Clark Alexander & Mean Jean Cattley at Fan Festival 2012)


Mid Atlantic Tag Team: Jefferson Stardust & Randy Maxx (d Citizen X & Huey Cannonball and Pvt. Riley McManus & Sgt. Bubba Lee West at The Proving Ground)


Mid Atlantic United States: Syd Collier (d Jay Chord at The Proving Ground)


Mid Atlantic Womens: Alicia Strong (d Amber Allen & Joanne Rodriguez at The Battle of Mid Atlantic


Rip Chord Invitational: Max Mayhem/Randy Maxx won a Battle Royal


Got $374,313 in the bank

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Not to nitpick, but you're technically supposed to start as a 0/0/0/1000 promotion, not an existing one...


had a feeling someone was going to say this but it just seems that everytime i make a new promotion i just get bored within two shows of it so that's the reason for the promotion choice

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  • 2 weeks later...

This has been the longest year of my RtG career, partly because it’s the first point in the game where I’ve actually had weekly shows properly instead of the monthly ones I was holding at the start. It’s been a good year though, so here’s my stats screen and my popularity screen as at the beginning of 2016.






As “Jobber #1” I went 0-0-71 for the year of 2015, taking my career W/D/L record to 25-2-135 for this game (average 58 rating, best 81 rating). Not bad going, but don’t just look at me more than doubling my career losses in one year… my skills rocketed up thanks to my tag team with “Jobber #2” Josh Jones, with whom I’ve teamed for most of the year as “Local Talents”. We’ve both made some good strides and our appearances have gotten us somewhat over, though we’ve spent our time mostly on the B-show for a handful of TV appearances and mostly in the pre-show in general. 38 tag experience so far though, which means we’re on the cusp of getting some extra bonuses and I’m considering giving us a manager to improve his Jones’ dire charisma and help me develop my own more too. Josh is great, he deserves more than he’s been getting from teaming with me but at least my skills are catching up to his and we’re capable of getting some good matches out of people given our position in the company. While I don’t think I could ever justify us as tag team champions, I think we might be pushed to a legitimate shot at the belts somewhere later in the year.


As for my year end roll, I rolled “38. “RAAAAAAWRR!!” You may set your intensity score to be whatever you want it to be.”… so I decided to up my intensity from 42.5 to 80.0. Why? Why not?! :p Actually, when thinking about the future of this game, which I intend to run for a while yet, I realised I might one day end up moving to a more work-rate driven promotion like one of the major Japanese promotions or even one of TCW/NOTBPW if I can continue to hurt them as I’ve been doing with the SWF. Failing that, I’ve been running a lot of people through development with the SWF so the American indy scene is looking pretty vibrant just now with bright prospects or at least people who aren’t bad. There aren’t any Steve Flash types out there, but I figure if I leave the SWF the roster would get a bit of a cull and that’s likely my cult level promotion’s starting main eventers right there. Oh… and I made the SWF have their own female only development territory in case I decided to start a women’s division. I don’t think I’m actually going to debut a division any time BUT at least the girls that go through my development system will be good on the indy scene, and there is some solid talent there already.


I’ve now booked 162 shows in total and my time with the SWF has seen us rise incredibly… we didn’t win promotion of the year but we were Most Improved AND we managed to win Card Of The Year with a 99 rated PPV, SWF Times Of Trouble that was headlined by a 98 rated 3 way dance that saw Brandon James retain the title over Rich Money and Jack Bruce. Angles, extra expenditure on stuff and probably the effects of perfect show theory boosted it up to awesomeness and I’m absolutely delighted that I managed to break the stanglehold that NOTBPW and TCW have had on the top awards. That said, Jeremy Stone just won his 7th Wrestler of the Year award and I’m not pleased by that, though the good news is that a LOT of SWF guys got on the list. Before I took over Rich Money was our highest entrant at #24 while this year he hit #6. We also recently stole the man who came in at #4, Joey Minnesota, from TCW having gifted them Nicky Champion and Jack Giedroyc in return. Definitely a good deal for us and Joey is going to be playing a major part in my storyline that is to run for most of this year which I’ve titled “Welcome To The Machine”.


But enough of what I’m going to do, first you need to know what I’ve already done! If you want to have a look for yourself then check out the save game here - http://www.sendspace.com/file/24y2go . Otherwise, here’s a rough breakdown of what has been going on.


The major feud of the year has been the drama between Rich Money, Brandon James and Emma Chase. Brandon and Rich started the year face, while Emma was still managing Brandon. In January 2015 Richard Eisen made a rare on screen appearance to declare that there were going to be elections to decide the SWF President, a person who would be in charge of dealing with the roster and all the on scren dealings within the company. There was a lot of people interested in the position, with people being eliminated each week until our last Supreme TV of January. Over those weeks the Eisens (Eric and Jerry) were eliminated, as was Big Smack Scott, The Force and more… the biggest drama was Emma Chase stealing votes from her client Brandon James, setting up a rift between them on top of him having lost the North American title due to her botched interference. Emma’s backstabbing politics came to a head on the final week when she revealed how far she’d go to win… X-Cell, a group led by Steven Parker also consisting of Mainstream Hernandez, John Greed, Spencer Spade, Kristen Pearce and a retired, bitter Zimmy Bumfhole, sold their votes to Emma for title shots and influence, which Emma leapt on at the last minute to steal the elections from the popular Rich Money. Shortly thereafter Mainstream/Greed (known as Special Edition, put together before I took over) cashed in the tag title shot and won the gold. Months later Parker would do the same for the North American title.


President Chase was not a good boss… she let corruption set in just to win the elections and spent most of the year trying to keep control with threats to those who wouldn’t conform and rewards for those who would stick with her. This led to most of the major turns of the year, with tensions boiling over between Brandon and Rich as the latter forced himself into Brandon’s title shot vs Remo (who was leaving me having dethroned Runaway Train, grrr!) for Rich to get the belt. In his celebration he clobbered Brandon with the gold and the tensions kept building. Rich and Brandon could never see eye to eye and Emma couldn’t resist sticking the knife in too, always putting htem in each other’s way as she tried to get the gold back ot her camp from Rich, using her many lackeys to do so. But none of Giedroyc, Sexy or Jack Bruce could get it and eventually Rich grew tired of all the fighitng and signed on to work with Emma by May… and so Emma gained control of the SWF title, something she’d never managed to do before. Incensed by the backstabs of both Emma to become president and Rich as SWF champion, Brandon went on to win the Welcome To The Jungle rumble (I moved it from August to June so it’s befoe Supreme Challenge) and so the stage was set for the big match at The Supreme Challenge 35. Rich Money vs Brandon James for the gold!


Well, Brandon finally got his first World title run from that despite Emma trying to do everything she could to stop him. But the returning Christian Faith gave us a Supreme Moment as he helped out, with emerging star Valiant taking care of some lackeys to try to balance things out. Brandon’s run as champ was great, with him developing some great charisma in the face of being in constant angles with the likes of Emma Chase (100 charisma), Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Joe Sexy and more… Jack Bruce finally saw the light and left Emma’s side, tired of being an afterthought when he should be the whole show. Joe Sexy also left when he realised he was just being used and was never going to be more than a joke to Emma, with Sexy also reinventing himself as Joseph Lewis Knight (commonly known as JLK) and cutting a promo about how he’s never quite achieved what he should have in life and how he intends to be a better man. But in typical SWF fashion, good guys have nemeses… and in the SWF there is very much a new wave of talent looking to move out the old and bring in the new. At Supreme Challenge Eric Eisen (heel) took out Runaway Train (for abot two months) while Nicky Champion (heel) also took out The Force (for about 3 months before returning by his side). X-Cell have continued to grow in strength and look set to take over the top while the likes of Runaway Train, Joe Sexy, Liberty (as Ripcurl), Bruce the Giant and Christian Faith fight for their old school values against the onslaught of the younger wrestlers. The old vs young dynamic has led to some incredible matches for the SWF and would be very important later on as Faith would fight Emma’s way of running things.


August saw Emma make a rarep popular move for the fans… she debuted the Adrenaline division, an exciting, high flying, fast paced division featuring young talents capable of getting the heart beating faster. With stars from around the world invited to compete it would be Antonio Maxi Marquez (Champagne Lover) who would become the inaugural champion at the card of the year (SWF Times of Trouble, rated 99), fighting off Jay Chord, KC Glenn and Stevie Grayson in a ladder match. The division is mostly treated like TNA’s X division used to be, so while I tend to stick to smaller workers I’ve had guys up to Light Heavyweight challenge for it, with AMM’s reign being ended by Gregory Black later on, who remains out champion to this day. In fact, Black has held every title except the World title in the SWF and he is a very talented guy who may one day get to compete for the grand slam if I can free up some space for him in the main event by getting rid of some of the veteran talents, hopefully passing them down to USPW since they need some help these days.


Back to the main event scene… the arrival of Human Arsenal saw Emma gain a new enforcer for her group having lost Jack Bruce and JLK, with Jack Giedroyc desperate to be a main event level guy but never quite able to get the wins he needs for Emma to take him seriously enough. His surgically precise attacks could deal big damage and seemed to keep the indomitable Brandon James at bay but could never quite put him down and out, with Brandon ever finding more ways to not only annoy Emma and Rich, but more importantly to keep the SWF title around his waist. Battles vs Rich Money, vs Human Arsenal, vs Jack Giedroyc all saw him walkout with the gold. And with Emma having negotiated his SWF deal, he didn’t have to defend more often than once a month if he didn’t want to… so Emma made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. Big money for big money… every defense he’d made, she’d pay huge money for it. And so Brandon fought every week for huge money nad kept winning, lining his pockets and annoying Emma, Rich and that group even more.


Come November’s PPV, with the announcement from Eric and Jerry Eisen that the SWF Presidential elections would commence after the PPV, the reigning North American champion Steven Parker announced his intention to cash in X-Cell’s World title shot promised to them during Emma’s campaign for president the first time around… despite Emma’s protests that Rich had earned another shot, Parker demanded it be 1 vs 1 and Brandon used his own pull to refuse to defend otherwise and so Rich’s frustrations began to build again. Chris Caulfield suddenly appeared in the SWF with his trusty kendo stick and would assault Brandon James at every turn, focussing on the arm and softening it up prior to Parker’s match for the gold. Everyone thought Caulfield was working for Parker but Parker vehemently denied it, saying he’d never get the old school he’s been fighting to help him out. Then Emma was blamed, desperate to do anything to get the gold and she denied it, turning the accusation back on Rich who also denied it. Remembering the “Man Under Pressure” from 2009, even Eric Eisen was blamed and he also denied having anything to do with it… well, ultimately Brandon managed to overcome the injury and beat Parker with a brutal Big Money Move, setting up Rich Money getting another title shot vs Brandon at our last PPV of the year, Christmas Clash.


The key drama in the election drama is Christian Faith, SWF legend, awesome guy, popular backstage and with the fans it seems that old and young alike were keen to have him in power to put an end to Emma’s self centered reign as President/Tyrant. As the election race continued all the way to the final Supreme TV of the year, there emerged 3 clear candidates each of which with their own motivations for doing so. Christian Faith, defender of all that is good. Emma Chase, reigning president unwilling to step down from power. Rich Money, wealthy, selfish, unhappy with current management. Faith raced to an early lead with the backing of most of the main babyfaces in the company and many youngsters too. Rich showed his intent to win by having votes from several jobbers, apparantly having bribed them to vote for him during a visit to Supreme TV… with every vote counting equally, Rich doesn’t care if important people vote for him, only that people vote for him. Emma started a distant sixth, behind Captain Atomic, Jack Bruce and William (Ernest) Forthdyke-Hume. With paranoia kicking in that she was about to be deposed, Emma started her wheeling and dealing which led to some massive dramas.


First, she gave out title matches like they were candy, bribing the likes of Spencer Spade with an Adrenaline title shot (he lost) and various tag teams with their own shots (they lost too) against Forthdyke-Hume’s awesome team, The Dynasty Warriors (The Rebellion, Miyamae and Shimedzu from BHOTWG). While she quickly picked up more votes, the tensions between herself and Rich Money (her closest ally and #1 contender) kept growing, with him bribing others to vote for him while she abused her power to try to stay in power. Meanwhile, Faith would only promise that things would be fair for all, with real values coming back instead of the corruption that was in the SWF… and this got him a lot more votes. Then an idea took root… a suggestion from Human Arsenal to Emma that could potentially win her a lot of votes and help her stop Brandon too… the Golden Opportunity. A 6 man ladder match, the prize above the ring a chance to challenge the SWF World Champion at any time of your choosing. Brandon couldn’t block it, she could ratify it immediately and if people wanted the shot they would have to vote for her. And so the voting changed, with votes piling over to Emma. Even some of Faith’s most loyal friends would switch, with Faith telling Valiant to chase his dreams because goodness would triumph… he has faith in that. Rich Money, #1 contender, was furious at Emma for jeapordising his title reign, saying that WHEN he won the title she was setting a time bomb against him. The argument has driven a deep divide between them, most notably because after a lot of intereference Rich Money would pin Brandon for the title, with Steven Parker, still North American champion, winning the Golden Opportuniy ladder match over Swoop McCarthy (face), Jack Giedroyc (heel), Valiant (face), Antonio Maxi Marquez (face) and Eric Eisen (heel). The show rated a 95 and saw the SWF win the national battles in the USA, Canada, Mexico and Japan that month.


With tensions at an all time high on the last Supreme TV of the year, a new face debuted in the SWF to look after the ballot boxes… Rick Law, with an army of burly officials would stand guard on the votes all night long by order of Richard Eisen. The votes would pour in, with Faith commanding a mighty lead as Emma and Rich would argue, knowing that having the other’s votes woud guarantee them as President. In the end they would settle it via a match, with whoever’s representative that won getting the other’s votes. Rich Money chose Steven Parker, North American champion and Golden Opportunity holder to represent him, knowing he’d do anything to get to the top. Emma chose Jack Bruce, knowing the flabuoyant star’s ability to get the job done under pressure and sure he would win. The two men fought for more than 20 minutes on Supreme TV, one of the longest matches on TV of the year with Parker stealing a win with a handful of tights following a missed New York Minute… and so Emma got Rich’s votes, much to the World champion’s fury. But even then, the voting wasn’t quite done as several votes had gone against Emma… Steven Parker, leader of X-Cell had switched his vote to Christian Faith before the match and despite being somewhat estranged from Mainstreeam/Greed, who both failed to get spots in the Golden Opportunity match, they followed suit and shook hand with Parker. With the votes now tied at 34 each for Emma and Faith, there were a handful of people who could cast the deciding vote. Richard Eisen himself declined, stating that he was only here to oversee proceedings. The referees, as they had in the previous election, stayed neutral and refused to vote. Killer Shark, a monser on the rampage never showed up and it looked like Emma would remian in power as Faith couldn’t surpass her…


… only for one man to slowly limp his way up to the ballot booth and vote. Injured almost 9 months previously (with a Shattered Knee) and completely ignored by Emma Chase ever since, Ernest Youngman limped up to the ballot box and cast a vote for Christian Faith with moments to go. He let the world know that this was him making an impact and that he’ll be back soon, the entire backstage area exploded into a wild brawl as time ran out and Faith was declared the new SWF president, with the final shot of the year being of the entire SWF roster fighting behind the words… In Faith We Trust.




And so that’s where I’m up to now. Joey Minnesota is about to debut with the “Welcome To The Machine” storyline that will see him debut a stable called “The Machine” in which he says people are already a part of it and will reveal themselves later. Those people, assuming things go to plan, are Chris Caulfield, Human Arsenal, KC Glenn and the team of Surf ‘n’ Turf (Jungle Lord and James Prudence). Each time someone is revealed it’ll uncover more of a great plot against the SWF, with each man acomplishing something damaging and chaotic that divides the locker-room in some way. Caulfield’s attacks on people were to cause anarchy and mistrust, which has been accomplished several times. Arsenal’s idea for the Golden Opportunity led to Faith winning the elections, putting someone easily manipulatable in charge since he’ll always do what is right, whlie also destroying trust and making the world champs’s life hell. KC Glenn… well, he was more of an advanced scout party for the group and as Joey’s protégé is a natural fit, though is fairly low overness cap may prevent him from ever rising to the top of the card his raw skills will always ensure that he performs well. Jungle Lord/James Prudence… well, they’re the traitors/moles. They’ve been grouped up with Ripcurl (Liberty) for a while and Ripcurl has been one of Faith’s closest allies since they arrived in the SWF. Caulfield has targetted Ripcurl plenty, always seemingly able to get the upperhand despite Ripcurl’s allies being around. And as things in the storyline spiral I’m going to have Ripcurl go against some of his own morals and help his team win the tag titles, only to be backstabbed by them (quite possibly at Welcome To The Jungle). I’m considering turning Jungle Lord into “Jungle Machine” Jack Marlowe, playing off the Welcome To The Machine storyline and the Welcome To The Jungle event where I want to turn him. By time this event rolls around I’ll have them as tag champs, possibly Arsenal or Caulfield as North American champ, perhaps KC Glenn as Adrenaline champ and with Joey Minnesota winning he WTTJ rumble event he’ll get a shot at the World title at Supreme Challenge. My plan is to have Minnesota face Money (who will have lost an regained the belt while feuding with Brandon just now) be face by then and have Minnesota vs Money in the Supreme Cell at the Supreme Challenge, guaranteeing no outside interference and pushing both men to the very limits. I’m also going to constantly tease that Minnesota isn’t the real leader of the group and that The Machine is receiving orders from a higher power… but with nothing to support that beyond no-one really thinking that Minnesota is manipulative enough to pull all of this off on his own. At Supreme Challenge, I want to have Minnesota go over, winning with the Rough Ride, the finishing move of Tommy Cornell. Fun will ensue. :)


Oh, and in the background will still be the old vs young dynamics as Parker ponders when to cash in the Golden Opportunity, the young stars keep trying to eliminate the veterans, and as the WTTM storyling builds up the mistrust on so many people, especially Rick Law, will build up to the point of a lot of people turning heel or face as paranoia and betrayals make the SWF a hostile place to be. Lots of drama, and that’s all while Emma Chase tries to plot how to take back the SWF, since not only is she the former president but she’s also the runner-up, meaning that should anything happen to Faith she gets back in control…


But that’s miles away for me and there’s a lot to do. Faith has to officially sign Caulfield to a contract so Ripcurl can get revenge on him, he’s got to make Brandon vs Rich a cage match for the January PPV so people can’t interfere, and he’s got to put his foot down on all te mistrust going on in the locker room between old and young… which is going to lead to more matches. Blood is going to be shed and while Faith is a great man, can he keep control of a locker-room so charged with tensions? Tune in to find out!


In terms of the save, it’s a little scattershot as my organisation has become kinda rough. I’ve called up some more talent to my roster from development and got some ideas lined up but haven’t advanced booked anything. So here’s a quick info dump on my game plans and useful things for you to know in case you want to play.


NEXT PPV: SWF When Hell Freezes Over

WORLD: Rich Money © vs Brandon James (CAGE CLASSIC, Faith ensuring no interference, Brandon wins to regain title, setting up Last Man Standing at following PPV)

#1: Jack Bruce vs Human Arsenal vs Valiant vs Eric Eisen (Minnesota costs JB title shot, Youngman distracts Arsenal. Valiant wins but Money/Brandon feud continues to rubber match first)

NORTH: Steven Parker © vs Swoop McCarthy

TAG: Dynasty Warriors © vs Surf ‘n’ Turf (manager interference, champs retain. DW are more over than they’d normally be due to some overness switching…)

ADR: Gregory Black © vs KC Glenn vs Antonio Maxi Marquez

Special Edition vs Train/Sexy (No DQ rules, per request of Train, buliding up to blowoff of this rivalry and SpecEd considering turning face for tag title run)

Chris Caulfield vs Ripcurl (Standard SWF rules, not Caulfield rules. Faith makes this, Ripcurl wins)


The following title promises are yet to be fulfilled

+ Eric Eisen (midcard title by July 2016, no solid plans but North American title likely as Eric/Parker have heat and Parker may turn face with Special Edition)

+ Brandon James (main event by January 2017, planned for Jan 2016)

+ Joey Minnesota (midcard by July 2018, planned for July 2016)


Final results of SWF Presidential Elections, with all eligible people in week 4 left in (though most gave votes to other people/instructed them to vote for their preferred candidate)


Captain Atomic (0) :

Christian Faith (35) : Ash, Bradford, Brandon, Giant, Captain, Faith, Dawn, Des, Donte, Duane, El Mitico, Enforcer, Ernest, FAG, Greg Black, Hugh, JB, Prudence, Jerry, Joanna, Greed, JLK, Kristen, Lassana, Lisa, Mainstream, Patriot, Primus, Ripcurl, Parker, Train, Scythe, Squeeky, Grayson, Wrestlebot, Zimmy

Emma Chase (34) : AMM, Avalanche, Boriken, Californian, Chill, Emma, Eric, Perez, Gauge, Arsenal, Hollywood, Jay, #1, #2, #4, #5, Jorge, Joss, Jungle, KC, Shimedzu, Kirk, Lopez, Miyamae, Raphael, Rich, Roger, Spencer, Swoop, Mean Machine, Prowler, Valiant, WFH, Xavi,

Jack Bruce (0) :

Rich Money (0) :


No Vote: Caulfield*, Shark, Ref Smith, Ref Stones, Richard Eisen,

Left Company: Giedroyc, Super Lucha Scott,


*Caulfield not officially employed by the SWF, though obviously was under contract. People who left the company no longer eligible. Development talent doesn’t count, nor would anyone called up after the elections began.


Save game - http://www.sendspace.com/file/24y2go .


And I think that’s that… phew! The formatting isn't right but I'm too lazy to fix it up and it's all readable so no worries there Hope you enjoyed reading this at least a little bit as much as I've enjoyed playing it so far. :)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="32266" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>… only for one man to slowly limp his way up to the ballot booth and vote. Injured almost 9 months previously (with a Shattered Knee) and completely ignored by Emma Chase ever since, Ernest Youngman limped up to the ballot box and cast a vote for Christian Faith with moments to go. He let the world know that this was him making an impact and that he’ll be back soon, the entire backstage area exploded into a wild brawl as time ran out and Faith was declared the new SWF president, with the final shot of the year being of the entire SWF roster fighting behind the words… In Faith We Trust.<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That was epic. It helps that I love Ernest, but it looks like an incredible storyline, and I can tell that it would've been a real mark out moment for him to appear like that. </p><p> </p><p> (Are Chris Black and Jones so jobby they didn't get votes? ... Or are they so jobby they don't get names? xD)</p><p> </p><p> I have no idea if it's intentional, but it made me smile to see you using the 'Golden Opportunity' as the MitB analogue, since I've been using that in my 0/0/0/0 game for awhile now.</p>
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Ernest is someone I've never used before but he's young, talented and someone I stole from USPW because I thought it was probably 20 more eyars before he deserved to work there. :p When he went down with a shattered knee I was devastated, but about 6 months into that I took the risk and sent him for surgery, which worked well. Cut some time off the healing process and hopefully when he comes back from injury (end of January) he'll be as good as ever. Fun times will ensues, I'm aiming to feud him with the likes of Human Arsenal, Rich Money and Emma Chase and generally see how much I can get from him though I worry that his psychology may have already peaked. A lot of my signings in this game were for psychology/performance skills reasons which is why I have the likes of Ripcurl (Liberty) and Chris Caulfield on the roster. I also like the team of Frederique Antonio Garcia and Squeeky McClean (as The Strange Eye Guys) who were my tag champs before The Rebellion/Dynasty Warriors took the belts. The Strange Eye Guys are meant to be a bit campy and over the top, somewhat spoofing the Queer Eye For The Straight Guy kind folks in a fun way. I like the team and they were great champions. :)


Christian Black and Josh Jones are listed as #1 and #2 in the voting, just abbreviating their Jobber names. Jobber #4 is Joffy Laine and Jobber #5 is Ranger. Jobber #3 (Remmy Honeyman) got sent down to development because IIRC he was on my Next Big Things list and I wanted to see how far I could develop him down there. Alistair Shufflebottom is about to get called up as Jobber #6, and his team with Ranger should see Ranger develop very nicely as he picks up more performance skills to complement his already strong baseset of skills.


The Golden Opportunity has been my MITB analogue for a while ever since the name hit me. It was going to be a part of a diary I had started writing for the forums but computer problems wiped my first couple of shows and all my notes and I didn't have the heart left to redo that significant amount of writing. That game was also going to be an SWF game and Brandon James was going to win it... there was also going to be lots of politics involved in that diary, with World champion Eric Eisen going up against his brother Jerry whle Brandon James extorts money out of Eric with the Golden Opportunity, leading to the Supreme Challenge where Eric finally loses the belt (likely to Christian Faith, but I wasn't set in stone about that) only for Brandon to cash in on Faith and leave the PPV as champion and have Eric fuming because Jerry informs him that Eric can't get a rematch cos he didn't lose to Brandon... silly things, but just the sort of sports entertainment I think I could watch. :)


Anywho, glad you like it. Whenever I book the SWF or USPW I tend to get the biggest and silliest ideas, which is fun. The Welcome To The Machine storyline is another one I've wanted to run before but never had the pieces come together... this was mostly an accident and I'm glad I spotted the potential when I did cos it's about perfect for what I've always wanted to to. Joey Minnesota was always a key component, with the entire idea being something of a rip-off of Battlestar Galactica, with The Machine replacing the cylons... which is why Joey "Frakking" Minnesota was always so important for it. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Kinda confused, it says you get 100 points for babyface and heel to spend. They both start at 50, so wouldn't they both just go up to 100? I know I am overlooking something, so don't think I am an idiot with the stupid question haha
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Kinda confused, it says you get 100 points for babyface and heel to spend. They both start at 50, so wouldn't they both just go up to 100? I know I am overlooking something, so don't think I am an idiot with the stupid question haha


It's 100 points total. So you can split it like 50/50, 70/30, 100/0 etc. Not trying to sound pretentious here, but a 100/100 face/heel split would be 200 points. For anything you have points to spend on, you have to set it back to 0 before you start spending them (same applies to gimmick ratings). Hope that makes sense.

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It's 100 points total. So you can split it like 50/50, 70/30, 100/0 etc. Not trying to sound pretentious here, but a 100/100 face/heel split would be 200 points. For anything you have points to spend on, you have to set it back to 0 before you start spending them (same applies to gimmick ratings). Hope that makes sense.


That's why I "suggest" going all-in (or close to it) with either alignment, hitting Wholesome and Cool for Face or Brute and Cocky for Heel. And 50 points in w/e.

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It's 100 points total. So you can split it like 50/50, 70/30, 100/0 etc. Not trying to sound pretentious here, but a 100/100 face/heel split would be 200 points. For anything you have points to spend on, you have to set it back to 0 before you start spending them (same applies to gimmick ratings). Hope that makes sense.


Ah no, What confused me is before even being edited they start on 50-50. Should have realized what to do, feel like an idiot now lol

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I actually made my user character something like 30/70 (or 20/80) then had her start as a babyface. You can improve face/heel ratings as you go, and I'm pretty sure there's no penalty for being a face but not having a high face rating (I think it's only a factor during turns). That way I'm training her up as a babyface during the phase of her career that it really doesn't matter if she's not great at it... the 10 people at our shows don't really care.
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First off, this challenge has provided me with lots of fun for the last few weeks and really got me to invest alot of time into TEW once again.


I started some games with different skill-sets for my user character to get an impression of how to achieve the best results as far as skill improvement is concerned. And while I've gotten much more well-rounded skill-sets, this is the one that finally got to complete the RTG challenge:




So obviously I was not shooting for my guy to become a promo god or anything, mostly because I almost exclusively play performance-heavy promotions in Japan. That said, I busted out lots and lots of shows right from the start, an average of over 60 shows per year in the first three years of the game. Since the owner's goals always annoy me as soon as my promotion is getting to cult level, I decided to create my own fed after just four months played. Yes, I reached both regional level AND high user reputation within a few months with my starting promotion. That meant my starting promotion was financially ruined though, I think it closed down just two days after I left for my own project...


Said self-created promotion raced from high regional to national importance within just about five years of completely monster-pushing my avatar and signing up all debuting Japanese talent available (regens and random workers enabled...).


This is what my user character turned out to be after just shy of 500 matches:




Finally, after a good year of rising to National/Global level and dropping down to Cult again, I managed to beat WLW in a National Battle for once and was able to put out my first A* show, headlined by my guy Kinzo Hamamoto putting up his third A* match. (against a very, very similar random worker who just got out of development two months before)




BAM, mission accomplished! :D


Took me six years and nine months in-game, almost 500 shows held in that time. And if I learned one thing: rising a company to National level in Japan is monstrous! Two years into the game, PGHW, WLW, GCG, BHOTWG, TCW, SWF and NOTBPW block all tv slots in Japan, are trying to kill each other off in National Battles and sign up every non-freelance, non-loyal worker with the slightest bit of talent.


So, yeah, that was fun :)

Not really sure what to do now. My character seems to have reached his peak in everything except puro, psych and selling skills which leaves him very one-dimensional. Since I never really played a big fed, I might just go on and try to dominate the game-world with my current promotion and see how much better my homegrown talent could become. I have thought about trying my hands on a more entertainment-based promotion, too. Maybe I will start a new Road To Glory and see how well I fare in a completely unknown environment.


Ok, anybody finish this challenge in under 6 years and 9 months? :D

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Shinsuke, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you can't start a new fed in the Road to Glory Challenge. Bankrupting your initial fed is kinda the thing you have to prevent in a game like this. You can jump feds by one level (Regional-->Cult for example) but starting a new one with tons of money at a much higher prestige level defeats the purpose of the Challenge.
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I don't think creating your own regional fed when already working for a regional fed is cheating. Sure, it is a jump up, but i could have jumped to a upper-cult size promotion with my characters prestige level at the same time. I would have had to wait for the Japanese big three or four to wind up in national battles first, but that would have been 2 years of actively waiting to make the jump to a WAY bigger promotion.

The way I did it, I had to go all the way from regional to national with a roster of 90% homegrown talent. If you jump to a company that just fell down from national size, you would have all the superstars already in place.

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