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Road to Glory Challenge

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I'll take a note from FIN and borrow his recap style for my third year/


Champions of Wrestling - Europe

Third Year Recap


Time Played: 3 Years, 42 Shows.

Best Show Booked: CWE Winter in Barcelona - 85 (December 2012)

Best match booked: Louis Figo Manico defeats Adam Matravers and Silver Bolt - 83 (May 2012)

Highest Attendance: 2,000 (September 2012)


Promotion Stats:

Monday, Week 1, January 2013


41% Prestige

95% Momentum

703,501$ Money

51% Overness in home region of Central Europe, 17% in other European Regions aside from Eastern Europe.

Won Award for Most Improved Promotion of 2012.


I've been chugging along pretty comfortably ever since I hit regional. My main event scene consists of Louis Figo Manico, Adam Matravers, Petey Barnes, UK Dragon, Larry Wood, the Force, and my User Character. I've been winning regional battle pretty decisively. I've only been running two shows a month, but I could probably run four or more per month if I wanted too.


At this point my goals are to further solidify my home area before expanding across Europe to go to cult and hopefully national at some point. I tried to get a TV deal in the fall, but the TV stations didn't want to talk to me, so I'll see if they want to in the spring. If I can't get TV I'll just have to start holding shows in the Mediterranean region each month until I cult.


And my end of year roll is:


34. Makeover Time: -5 to +15 to my camera skills. Individual rolls are: +13 Sex Appeal, +6 Star Quality, +8 Menace.


Great Roll! I might have preferred to get the +13 in SQ, but it's a huge boost either way.




My Aerial Stats haven't really improved, but I can't really complained since I don't think anyone in Europe or the UK has higher than an 80. My performance skills have slowly, but surely been improving. Being in lots of angles with Louis Figo Manico has boosted my acting skills, though my Microphone and Charisma have remained static.


Overall I'd say I'm progressing fairly smoothly. My main problem now is not having many great workers to learn from due to the dearth of talent in Europe, but if I can reach National I'll be able to bring guys in.

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JUMP Fighting Opera

End of Year one.


Shows: 12

Best show booked: JUMP le Rey is Crowned (E, 25, October 2010) Best match booked: El Serpiente defeated Luna Clara (E, 27 October 2010)

Highest Attendance: JUMP Itssssss Christmas! (December 2010), 24 in attendance.


Monday, Week 1, January 2011 JUMP has

2.4% Prestige

12.1% Momentum

12,662$ Money

5.4% Overness!


User Character: Enmascarado muerte




Popularity is at 5.5% in Northern Mexico.





And the Dice role is ... 49. "Where There’s A Will" One of your die hard fans has passed on bequeathing their worldly possessions to your promotion. Do you accept it or donate it to charity? Gain EITHER $56,609 or +5 Popularity across your home area.


Well with this high Sponsor product i doubt i need the cash .. Is the +5 popularity to the promotion!? And it's +5 to Northern Mexico then right!?


EDIT: Almost forgot .. My Selling 35+ has now ran out and 'The Boss' replaced it with Cannot Sign any wrestler who has less than 35 in Safety. For 20 months.

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And the Dice role is ... 49. "Where There’s A Will" One of your die hard fans has passed on bequeathing their worldly possessions to your promotion. Do you accept it or donate it to charity? Gain EITHER $56,609 or +5 Popularity across your home area.


Well with this high Sponsor product i doubt i need the cash .. Is the +5 popularity to the promotion!? And it's +5 to Northern Mexico then right?


In this instance it's actually +5 across all of Mexico... as a tiny promotion it's probably not the most useful one since you'll probably never visit the other areas but it's still a pretty powerful roll to get. :)

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Good vs. Evil

Championship Pro Wrestling


Good vs. Evil Championship Pro Wrestling (GvECPW) was formed by theater aficionado Harry Chadwick in January of 2010. It is a family-friendly promotion (based in the south eastern United States) with a comic book-like presentation. The characters are all larger than life, with the company's primary focus being presented as the struggle between two factions, the Knights of Good and the Axis of Evil.


Key Features: Mainstream, Traditional

Heavy Features: Comedy

Medium Features: Lucha Libre

Face/Heel Divide: Strong

Women's Wrestling: Integrated

T & A: None



User Character: Fathom


"The Acolyte Enforcer" Fathom is a founding member of the Axis of Evil.




For some strange reason my computer turned every screen shot I took into a black screen... So I wound up improvising.


My roster isn't finalized, but it's time to run a show. Currently the divide sits as such:


Knights of Good

"The Soul Man" Elijah Harris (Main Event)

"The Fearless Female Fortune-Hunter" Melody Cuthill (Main Event)

"The Native American Avenger" Running Wolf (Upper-Mid)

"The Girl Next Door With The Best Nick-Name Ever" Dharma Gregg (Mid)

"The Miraculous" Captain Lucha (Lower-Mid, Mr. Lucha III)

"The Boy Wonder" Extraordinario Jr. (Enhance)


Axis of Evil

"The Gambler" Nathaniel Casino (Main Event)

"The Acolyte Enforcer" Fathom (Upper-Mid)

"The Anthropomorphic Ant-Alien Assassin" Ant-Man (Upper-Mid)

"The Tariff Terror" Tax-Man (Mid, Davis Wayne Newton)

"The Genuine Gypsy Gem" Amber Allen


Tag Teams

The Men of Distinguished Doom: Ant-Man and Tax-Man

The Inner Axis: Nathaniel Casino and Fathom

The Supa Luchas: Captain Lucha and Extraordinario Jr.


I probably never would've gotten passed making the user character if not for i effin rule's character pic pack. Pretty excited to continue the brainstorming for this one. I'm really hoping to be able to pick up Hugh de Aske at some point. More than anything, I want to pair him with another pirate, come up with a decent way to name them both Dread Pirate Robert, and have a tag team named The Dread Pirate Roberts. A kid can dream, right?

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Tohoku Death Trip

Sixth Year Recap


Game Time: 6 years, 121 shows. (7 + 7 + 8 + 9+45+45)

Best show booked: TDT Forty Ways (B-, November 2015)

Best match booked: KAGEM def. Stealth Z and Totoya Munakata in a TDT Ladder match to defend TDT World title (B, August 2015)

Highest Attendance: TDT Otsegolectric 2015 (October 2015), 2000 in attendance at Miyagi Athletic Field, Tohoku, Japan.


Promotion Stats:

Monday, Week 1, January 2016 TDT has


49.2% Prestige (D+)

76.7% Momentum (B-)

873640$ Money

51.3% (D+) Overness in home region of Tohoku, 17.1 (E-) in others in Japan and also 17.1 in Hawaii (USA).


* We were The Most Improved Promotion of 2014 and 2015! * :eek:



Kneel before me you weaklings~!

What a year! Second consecutive time we got nominated for the Most Improved Promotion of the year. I couldn't be any more happier about our performance during 2015:

  • Almost 1.000.000 in cash! The last three months we were on tour we were doing 90K-100K profit monthly.

  • Of all the Regional Battles of the year, we lost the first four of them until on the second month of our second tour in August 2015 we historically WON all the Regional Battles across Japan for the first time ever! As you probably noticed the month was highlighted by our first B rated match ever. Month after that we were #2, then back to #1, then #1 and #2 during the last month. One month there were no Regional Battles since most of the companies were off-tour. Considering that there are five (5) promotions in Japan that are eligible to RW's, I'd say we did awesome. Keep in mind we started a War with Hinote Dojo because of a dice roll a year ago so that should have given us some extra points from the wins. :rolleyes:

  • Previously the gap between our main eventers and even midcarders was huge: Our Main Eventers had stats full of C+/B-'s when our midcarders were in the D/E range. Due to clever booking, few hirings and firings the balance has achieved. There's some great homegrown talent now at the Midcard while Main Event is better than ever. During the year we founded four teams that had great/excellent chemistry, few of the teams that were formed consisted of a veteran and a younger unproven wrestler which greatly helped the youngsters gain skills and popularity. We now have six (6) teams, one with C experience, one with D and rest are E/F experience.

Other stuff:

New wrestlers that joined TDT in 2015 were Mutant, Akio, Felix Harding, Deever Arnold, Yuri Iliakov, Viktor Beskov and Deuce Deadline. I'd like to remind you that all of our wrestlers are and always have been 25 years or under and unemployed; There hasn't been one wrestler working for TDT that was 25 or over when he was first signed nor has been working for other promotions at the time. Safe to say I like the challenge and may I say I'm making the most of it.



#20. “Link To The Past” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Chain Wrestling skill


How boring. -.-



Plans for 2016:

We're gonna start running two weekly shows + 1 annual show instead of the 4+1 we did in 2015so that's +4 shows monthly = 9 / month x 9 touring months = a total of 81 shows in 2016. One weekly show will be touring rest of the country while the other + annual show will be held in Tohoku.


We're now D+ in Tohoku, we're doing C to B- shows at a steady rate but at the same time we've not been anywhere else in all these years so it's finally time to start touring the whole country, especially since we're now 17.1% in the regions we haven't yet visited, I'd hate to see that overness going to waste because of staying solely in Tohoku. No rushing to Cult though, maybe in 2017 if we're somewhere in the 2-3 million balance of cash.


Booking wise I'm gonna concentrate on the tag teams we've created and bringing those opener/midcard guys higher up the card and realise their potential. One good example is Musashi who has been one of those amazing talents that we've polished right from the start. He has excellent chemistry with fellow rookie called Akio, they're doing C to C+ matches even though they are, what, E/D- in pop and while Musashi has C to C+ wrestling skills all-around, Akio sucks and clearly is the sidekick but when you put them in a team they both shine.



News of 2015:

  • BHOTWG, WLW, OLLIE and SWF fall to Cult repeatedly after rising. TCW and NOTBPW dominate still, just like 5 years before. TDT raised to Regional during the year, perhaps the biggest thing to happen during this game yet.

  • Gareth Wayne took over RIPW. Christian Faith became the Head Booker of SWF, Sanetomo Shiraishi books for BHOTWG.

  • FEW opened in Northern Mexico.

  • Eric Eisen left SWF and joined TCW shortly afterwards.

  • Masa Kurata, Tim Westybrook, Mitsunari Fugunaga, Emerald Angel, Masked Cougar, Waylon Walls, Dragon Del Arco Iris and Hachigoro Maeda out for 12 months or over. :eek: That's some serious superstar talent ending their careers prematurely. Shocking, truly shocking to see that high calibre (B to A in Star Quality) stars get injured in their prime of their careers.

  • Lacklusted final news, Jesse Christian has returned to wrestling. No one cares.

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Tohoku Death Trip

Sixth Year Recap - Chart Edition!


I'm such a geek. :oNormal recap on the last post of previous page, don't miss it! :cool:












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After over a year of national battles between 3 promotions, one finally fell down to cult, suprisingly not because of national battle penalties, but after one too many bad shows.


I had been waiting for this 13 months, and they don't fire their booker. :mad:


I think I might have to live with the fact I won't be leaving my current promotion anytime soon, and actually start expanding into a second region instead of running 4 shows a month in the same arena.


But even if I do rise to cult the promotions at the top have got all the talent. There are only 8 wrestlers at a popularity level that I cannot sign at regional but could at higer level without an exclusive contract, and two of those are waiting for ppa deals to be renewed with an international fed.


I so want to go into the editor and kill off a big companies booker. I won't but it is very tempting considering how long I will have to wait for one to retire or be fired. The only national battles in the world have just ended with a promotion falling to cult and they won't even fire their booker. :mad:


:mad: Rant, rant, rant, rant...


Argh...one of the two US promotions that were left at national after the above post fell to cult just now, sacked 11 people...but have decided the booker can keep his position.


Someone sack there booker. :mad:


Come on Kenny death...get Shane Allman.

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Argh...one of the two US promotions that were left at national after the above post fell to cult just now, sacked 11 people...but have decided the booker can keep his position.


Someone sack there booker. :mad:


Come on Kenny death...get Shane Allman.


Never mind...DRAGON were just waiting until the end of the month to give their booker the boot. And one job application later and me and my band of 3 other RTG guys are making the jump.


*insert many 'Yes!'s here* :D


My user character left behind one half of the tag titles, less than a week after becoming inaugural champions. :p


Edit - Stupid owner goals...maintaining popularity is ok...Dragon Michinoku giving me goals to maintain popularity and momentum for Jung Dragon, annoying but the owner protecting his protege is fine. Psychology and toughness goals that 17 wrestlers fail and will have to be let go at the end of their contracts. 4 main eventers, 4 upper midcarders, 5 midcarders included in that...one of those 17 is actually owner Dragon Michinoku, so I have a feeling he wont be going anywhere, but the other 16 would have to go.


My other 3 RTG guys wouldn't get into the company based on the toughness goal either...so I think I will be breaking that goal quite quickly.

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[quote=FINisher;1784452DIE ROLLAH~ TIME!


#50. "Keeping It In The Family" Create a younger sibling wrestler aged 17 (same 750 skill point split). If you are over 32 treat this as a son/daughter.


Argh. I hate new random created wrestlers as I think of it as cheating. I'm gonna roll again, sorry. Usually my user charater just has zeros all over and I never use him anyways, this save is an exception.


Hey Fin...do you mind going into this a bit more. I'm just confused by the thinking and want to understand it.

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Hey Fin...do you mind going into this a bit more. I'm just confused by the thinking and want to understand it.


I don't want überworkers in my C-verse, that's all. Usually user characters tend up to have high potential/destiny stats (I know you can adjust the potential but I can't help myself to set it as high). Knowing that my user character will have lousy potential also ruins it for me since I know he's crap and I'm going to have to stick with him troughout the game. I don't want to know for one thing and secondly, I don't want to make the game anymore easier than it is, hence I always set my UC to have zero stats, other than reputation. I also never adjust any personality traits either, I want him to be a ghost, as if he didn't even exist. Sometimes I've erased a real worker from the database and created a user character identical to him/her, it's a keen way to come around that problem. :)


Also I don't like randomly generated workers either, they're way too.. Similar to each other. Either they have A* / C / F+ stats. That's the whole variance when it comes to those workers. I wish there was a huge database of new workers all the way to year 9000, I really do. Perhaps in the next TEW game :rolleyes:

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Never mind...DRAGON were just waiting until the end of the month to give their booker the boot. And one job application later and me and my band of 3 other RTG guys are making the jump.


*insert many 'Yes!'s here* :D


My user character left behind one half of the tag titles, less than a week after becoming inaugural champions. :p


Edit - Stupid owner goals...maintaining popularity is ok...Dragon Michinoku giving me goals to maintain popularity and momentum for Jung Dragon, annoying but the owner protecting his protege is fine. Psychology and toughness goals that 17 wrestlers fail and will have to be let go at the end of their contracts. 4 main eventers, 4 upper midcarders, 5 midcarders included in that...one of those 17 is actually owner Dragon Michinoku, so I have a feeling he wont be going anywhere, but the other 16 would have to go.


My other 3 RTG guys wouldn't get into the company based on the toughness goal either...so I think I will be breaking that goal quite quickly.


Changed my mind, went back to a backup save I made just before taking the job and am sticking with my original promotion.


I wasn't having any fun booking the new promotion. Lots of momentums were inexplicably in the tank when I took over, including the champion, everyones gimmicks were stale and needed changing, and overall I just didn't find the product enjoyable to book.


I might consider a switch to PWI or UPJ if their jobs ever open up, but outside of that I have no interest in switching promotions and having to fix the mess the AI books promotions into.


Edit - One of the workers on my roster takes the Dragon job instead of me :p

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="FINisher" data-cite="FINisher" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="32266" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In five years, it is going to be. Even more so in ten. I'm now in 2016 and my user character is B in Aerial, Psychology, etc.. And improved a lot in general.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Give them average potential, then.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eidenhoek" data-cite="Eidenhoek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="32266" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Give them average potential, then.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> As I stated previously I simply can't click on the Average (and also setting it to Excellent was part of this RtG). No matter what I set the potential thingy to be, I'm going to get irritated and disappointed in the end: If set to random, I'm either having a superstar or curtain jerker of the decade, both options are a huge minus in my book. If it's random/average, I'm stuck with an average worker for the rest of my save, whether I know it or I don't. Either way it's lose-lose.</p><p> </p><p> With RtG I made the exception of actually setting skills to the UC as it was part of the whole challenge and so on. <img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I know, I'm weird.</p><p> </p><p> Come to think of it, I could accidentally injure my character within the near future.. ^^</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently Regional in BC, Canada. My roster is as follows





Bobby Thomas

Clark Alexander

Dermot O'Logical

Donte Dunn

Findlay O'Farraday

Huey Cannonball

Insane Machine

Jefferson Stardust

Jesse Gilbert

Joe Gilbert

Justin Sensitive

KC Glenn

Lex Star (User char)

Marshall Dillon

Nicky Champion


Philippe LaGrenier


Sayeed Ali

Spanish Superfly

William Hayes

Zimmy B


My current champions are...


WWA World Champion: Bobby Thomas (6 defences)

WWA Canadian Champion: Donte Dunn (0 defences)

WWA Tag Team Champions: Raphael and Justin Sensitive (2 defences)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Chunky Blob's Road To Glory...




The Chunky Blob is a super heavyweight, classified as an entertainer.




Tri State Pro Wrestling

Owner: Harry Chadwick

Booker: The Chunky Blob

Product: Mainstream (Key), Comedy (Heavy) & Hardcore (Low)

Location: Tri State, USA


Current Owner Goals:

  • TSPW must not be in debt when the time expires
    23 months, 3 weeks (Critical)
  • The financial balance of TSPW must improve to $10,000
    27 months, 3 weeks (Critical)
  • You can't hire anyone classified as MMA Crossover
    13 months, 3 weeks (Average)
  • You can't hire anyone classified as Japanese Junior
    27 months, 3 weeks (Average)
  • You can't hire/extend the contract of anyone below 35 in selling
    21 months, 3 weeks (Average)

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  • 3 weeks later...



I got a 37. That's...


37. “I Can Hit THIS Hard” You may set your stiffness score to be whatever you want it to be.






Next roll was a +5 to Submissions.


Next was +5 Flashiness.


Next was +15 Pop across USA.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I just started my last TEW2010 game and I want to complete a Road to Glory game.


I am a modern, intergender promotion in NY and my owner is Larry Wood.


My Roster is...

Amazing Fire Fly

Amber Allen


Christian Price

Crimson Punk (My User Character-Female)

Davis Wayne Newton

Dharma Gregg (Color)

Donte Dunn

Extraordinario Jr

Honey Golightly (Announcer)

Jamie Atherton

Jana Marie Bowen

Larry Wood


Xander Summer (Referee)



Wood should be a great owner. After the 3 shows, he has Great Chemistry with Champion Newton and Great Tag Chemistry with my User Character.

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Wood is by far one of my favourite wrestlers in the Cverse. He's got great stats considering he's a lunatic style worker, generally isn't TOO expensive (though at that level he must be putting a dent in your finances) and is in good condition, taking his age and style into account.


Wood is only asking for $848 per show. The next most expensive is DWN at $250. As long as I keep the shows to 1hr till I hit small, I will be fine.

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