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Name: Kandashi Kojima

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Japanese

Appearance: Black hair with one blue and one green stripe in the front. Muscular build.

Ring Style: Japanese Juniors

Finisher: Kojima Clutch (Reverse Suplex roll throw to a Dragon Sleeper)

Skills: Good Flying, Great Athlete. Everything else however you'd like it.


Bio: Kandashi (Can-Dash-ee) Kojima is a former Olympic gymnast from Japan. Unlike most of his peers, Kojima uses his quickness along with flips and springboard moves to get the advantage on his usually larger opponents. Coming into the sport with a fair amount of hype stemming from his Olympic days, Kojima has been called the "Future" of the sport in Japan. Due to the fact that his style is so graceful to watch compared to the bulldozer and stiff style of most wrestlers in his homeland.

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Name: Yoshizuki Yishido

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Size: Middleweight

Ethnicity: Japanese

Appearance: Blonde buzzcut, scowling face. Muscular frame. Wearing a white Judogi

Ring Style: Puroresu

Finisher: Yishido Lock (Kimura/Reverse Keylock)

Skills: High in puro and submission. Decent in chain wrestling. Very high stiffness.


Bio: Yoshizuki Yishido for a longtime was a practitioner of Hapkido, gaining a 2nd degree black belt in this form of martial art. Then a chance meeting with the owner of DWP led him to enroll at their dojo. Having shown a proficiency for wrestling, he eventually graduated the dojo and started appearing on DWP tours.

Combining the kicks, strikes, joint locks and throws of Hapkido with suplexes and lariats learnt in his time in the wrestling dojo, Yoshido is a very dangerous man to be standing across the ring from.


edit: Just noticed I have referred to the promotion by the wrong acronym, should of course be DPW not DWP.

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And just so you know what your guys will be fighting over:


DPW World Heavyweight Championship



DPW World Tag Team Championship



DPW Young Lion Championship



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Name: "The Titan" Narkissos

Age: 34

Size: Big Heavyweight

Ethnicity: Japanese/Asian

Appearance: Almost gigantic style appearance, long black hair, tribal face paint on one side of his face.

Ring Style: Brawler

Finisher: Wrath of the Titan (High Angle Bridging German Suplex) & Deadlift Chokeslam

Stats: Good brawler, decent technical (not good but surprising for his size), pretty much no flying. Good look, including menace, decent charisma but poor mic skills. Gatekeeper level performance skills.


Bio: "The Titan" Narkissos is a large Japanese worker, standing a towering 6'8 tall. Narkissos lumbers over the large majority of his opponents and uses this height advantage to bully his opponents with sheer power. Despite his highly intimidating figure Narkissos has been unable to reach the higher realms of the card, although is a permanent fixture for DPW in a gatekeeper role. This has seen Narkissos feature in many defining matches for DPW main event stars when they were still up comers.

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Name: Yoshi Misawa

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Size: Lightweight


Appearance: Look like Naomichi Marufuji but with red highlight

Ring Style:Japanese Junior but have good technical and pureosu skill

Finisher: Roaring Elbow, Falling Mist (Complete Dust)


Bio: Yoshi Misawa is a young junior from Japan. Starting his career in Pro Wrestling Dynamite, Yoshi was Japan hottest prospect before a year long leg injury put a end to his time in PDW. During his time out, he practice many other styles of wrestling, making him a more grounded wrestler. With a more rounded based and a fire to prove the critics that he still got it,Yoshi join DPW in 2010.

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Name: Alain Doclos

Gender: Male

Nationality: French-Canadian

Size: Heavyweight

Style: Technician or Puro

Typical Gimmick: Noble Foreigner, Wrestling Machine, or Man on a Mission

Finisher: Avalanche Powerbomb (main) / Full Nelson Camel Clutch (secondary)

Look: Clean shaven face and head, noticeable scars.


Bio: Alain started out his career working deathmatches in North America despite his more technical background. It was during such a match when Alain suffered something of an existential crisis: after a few minutes of refusing to participate in anyway, Alain walked out of the match and left the building.


He resurfaced several years later in Japan, where he began showing new levels of intensity and dedication in his matches, entertaining fans with his brutally stiff style an no-nonsense attitude.

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(ignore the writing at the end)




I am the change................


I am the revolution................


I am the Crisis..................................


.......................and you have been warned.......................



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MORE!. At this rate they'll be about 100 promotions and be ready for TEW 2020.


Never said this would be in the first release. You made that assumption.


This will be a promotion added later. Not adding more promotions until all the ones we have are complete, there is somewhat of a FA pool and it has been released.

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