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The Official Skyrim Thread


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I thought there was a thread for Oblivion but I could not find it so I shall post what I wanted to say in here because it relates to the topic.


I had not played Oblivion for a couple of years and I decided to play it for a bit a couple of weeks ago. The game is great but I was simply amazed by how much better Skyrim is. The graphics for Oblivion are just bad when put up to those of Skyrim.


Also, I love how in Skyrim you can level up as soon as you want and you do not have to wait to find a bed to level up.


Though I will say that I like the Main Storyline, Mages Guild and Dark Brotherhood storylines better in Oblivion.


So what was the point of this? Nothing really, I just did not realize how much different the two games were until I started playing the older one.

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Yeah my sister somehow can still stomach Morrowind, but I can at least sort of see the appeal for that based on all the stuff that was phased out as the series became more accessible, but Skyrim just improves everything Oblivion did. Aside from Sean Bean and Patrick Stewart, there's just nothing that's aged very well. The fight mechanics are worse, the animations and faces are pretty fugly, and the exterior is the blandest of the 3d elder scrolls games. And I'll take a random, epic 5 minute dragon fight over a 25 minute slog through an oblivion gate. Although I do miss being able to put points into speed, so that when I went into a gate I could just take off running and grab the sigil stone before anything could kill me.
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  • 2 weeks later...

We've seen this over and over again: GRAPHICS DON'T MAKE THE GAME PEOPLE. All Elder Scrolls games are gems to be enjoyed, regardless of their age. I admit, it took me a good deal of time to get into the flow of Daggerfall when they made it free to play, it was a definite step down to what we've been spoiled and accustomed to. But once I had the map, controls, and exploration down to a 'T' it blew me away just how large and how much there was to do in that game! There's no way in hell Bethesda could replicate the feat they accomplished with Daggerfall with such a vast game world for today's current gaming standards, it would take them a DECADE I figure.


Back to Skyrim, I'm glad they finally released the second DLC. That second one marks the end of the agreement Bethesda had with Microsoft for their first two DLCs to be released exclusively for the XBox360 during the first 30-days of each release. PC gamers have to wait another month unfortunately, and hopefully Bethesda figures out whatever problems they're having with PS3 development so Dawnguard and Hearthfire would be available for them as well.


Besides Dawnguard, I've done pretty much everything I believe with this game in terms of quests. Time to go mod hunting.

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I forgot there was a Skyrim thread until Killagy bounced it up. :)


I've been playing for a while and have two characters. My main character is level 63 Breton (I think) and is insanely powerful thanks to putting a lot of bonuses into smithing and enchanting, leading to some uber-armours, weapons and enchantments. Takes a lot for me to get hurt which has led me to getting good at a lot of things... my only limitations are on magic, which I don't have much development in so it kinda lame. From memory I'm maxed out on Sneak, Archery, One Handed, Smithing, Heavy Armour, Enchanting, Lockpicking and Block.... the character is lots of fun to play as, I like just running around doing whatever I want. One day I'm literally just going to go for a walk and see how much of the gameworld I can destroy before the game takes me down. :)


My second character is mostly magic based so that I can see how that plays out. I'm a level 29 High Elf who has mostly concentrated on Conjuration, Destruction and Restoration so far... though I've also developed a fair bit in Smithing, Enchanting, One Handed (from conjuring Bound Swords), Lockpicking and Light Armour. Getting into fights with boss types can be pretty nasty and I find myself resorting to a staff and Wabbajack combo, but it's a fun character to play. I haven't been playing much lately and haven't been through many dungeons with this character yet, but it's interesting to see how different the two characters are. :)

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We've seen this over and over again: GRAPHICS DON'T MAKE THE GAME PEOPLE. All Elder Scrolls games are gems to be enjoyed, regardless of their age. I admit, it took me a good deal of time to get into the flow of Daggerfall when they made it free to play, it was a definite step down to what we've been spoiled and accustomed to. But once I had the map, controls, and exploration down to a 'T' it blew me away just how large and how much there was to do in that game! There's no way in hell Bethesda could replicate the feat they accomplished with Daggerfall with such a vast game world for today's current gaming standards, it would take them a DECADE I figure.


You say that, but much as I enjoyed Morrowind way back when, my desire to run super slowly, use an incredibly clunky combat/magic system, and fight roughly 1,000,000 cliff racers is pretty low.

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I hate the fact that the DLC is not open for people who do not have XBox Live. I wish they would put the DLC out on a disc that I can buy in the store because I would really like to try Dawnguard. However, because I do not have XBox Live and have no interest in getting it, I am froze out of getting it.


Hearthfire sounds pretty lame, it may not be but I can't see how I could enjoy that premise in Skyrim. Heck I do not even enjoy it all that much in Fable.

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Hearthfire sounds pretty lame, it may not be but I can't see how I could enjoy that premise in Skyrim. Heck I do not even enjoy it all that much in Fable.


I say it's truly for those who are into the roleplaying aspect of the game. I always wanted my battle-worned, grizzled war veteran to finally settle down and start a family. With the ever lovely Lydia nonetheless. Now I just gotta think of what the legendary Angeal Knighthawke would name his first born pup. :p

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Is the latest DLC even worth it? I recall you could have a house with a weapons room, furniture and an alchemy area. What is new about this one, other than some random quests that involve protecting your house (which is also already in the vanilla game).


I hate the fact that the DLC is not open for people who do not have XBox Live. I wish they would put the DLC out on a disc that I can buy in the store because I would really like to try Dawnguard. However, because I do not have XBox Live and have no interest in getting it, I am froze out of getting it.


What do you mean you don't have Xbox live? You mean you don't have your 360 tied to the internet? It's just one frickin' wire dude. :p (and you gotta put your tv close to the internet wires of course)

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What do you mean you don't have Xbox live? You mean you don't have your 360 tied to the internet? It's just one frickin' wire dude. :p (and you gotta put your tv close to the internet wires of course)



With newer xboxs wires are not needed as the slim version 360 has built in wi-fi. I was pleasantly shocked when I found this out a couple of days ago.

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What do you mean you don't have Xbox live? You mean you don't have your 360 tied to the internet? It's just one frickin' wire dude. :p (and you gotta put your tv close to the internet wires of course)


Why is that so odd? I have a desktop that is not in the same room as the XBox. Plus I think anyone who is willing to pay for it is foolish. Why would I pay fifty dollars a year for it? It is a complete waste of money.


I do not have the need to play against other people and really that is the entire point of having it.


To top it off my 360 has broken down five times now (Heck it might be six, it has happened so much that I have lost track.). Every time with the exception of one I have had to pay $120 to get it fixed. So yeah having spent well over $800 for the system, I am really not looking to give them more money for something I would never use.

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You don't need to pay for a Gold subscription in order to download DLC and such, I think that was Blackman's point. Basic X-Box Live is free, you "only" have to pay to play games online (which I agree isn't worth it at all, never has been and never will be).


But then, I'm of the opinion that anything on a console played with a regular console controller is a waste of time anyway, so I would say that. :p The one and only use for consoles is for party games (of the Guitar Hero/Wii Sports ilk) and stuff like FIFA and Madden with fun offline multiplayer. The list of multi-platform games that I prefer to play on a console is very small. It's basically FIFA and Madden. I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting, but... yeah.


The very notion of playing Skyrim, Fallout 3, CoD (or any FPS ever made), even stuff like Fable, on an X-Box is weird to me. It's like owning a Harley Davidson, and consciously deciding to ride your pushbike to a bike rally instead.

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I ended up grabbing the Hearthfire DLC. Built the house near Falkreath to its full size but still working on building all the furnishings. It was a fun little process but long-term, I can't see that its going to add a ton to the game beyond the building process. The house (with all three wings added) is way bigger than any of the houses you can buy but it doesn't really offer that much more. The cooking aspect maybe adds something for some but I didn't bother with it.


The only thing I dislike so far is that I built the alchemist and enchanters wings, only to find out that you can you have the tables for both in the regular part of the house anyway. Meaning I would have picked other options for the wings. Ah well... Now I'm just curious if you can build more than one house per game...

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Would be funny if you could build the entire world full of houses. A new "mason" skill. Now THAT would be DLC, instead of this content that doesn't feel new in theory.


@D-L: Yes, that was indeed my point. Like you and BHK, I also don't pay for xbox live as it's not worth it for me. I occasionally play on free weekend passes, but never really use them as I don't like wasting time playing 14-y olds while I can play the AI (if it's decent enough). But as far as DLC goes... It is such a big hassle to move your TV to the internet source once a month to DL your arcade titles and updates / DLC? Seems like 10 minutes of work at most.


As for Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion: this might be the correct order, but I always hated that you start out walking so f'n slowly in Morrowind. It's irritating. The combat system is worse. It makes up with its awesome design and good story, but to be honest, the good points get outweigh by the bad ones. And I'm not even taking gfx into account as the latest Morrowind HD ones look pretty f'n fine to me. Skyrim was just more fun to me. I like the world more, the dragon theme,... It's personal though. Many more prefer Morrowind.

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Morrowind was a great game in it's day, but it really hasn't aged well. And I don't just mean graphics. It's one of those games that you fondly remember, but when you play it again it makes you realise just how far gaming has come. It does for me, anyway.


Compare it to a game like Deus Ex (released two years BEFORE Morrowind) and... yeah. Deus Ex every time, for me.

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Would be funny if you could build the entire world full of houses. A new "mason" skill. Now THAT would be DLC, instead of this content that doesn't feel new in theory.


Having it be skill based, or at least much more difficult to obtain the materials, would definitely make it feel more valued-added. It was really simple to build the house - I had to get some materials, but many of them were availabe in the immediate area and another didn't take that much effort. You can even have your steward obtain the materials - at cost, but still. It will take some effort to get everything I need to build the decor but that's still not quest-based effort. Just travelling around to merchants and spending gold.


That said, I also get why they wouldn't want to make it really tough to get all the materials - it can frustrate gamers if you add something but make it almost impossible to enjoy.


Kinda eh towards it so far. But it was only like 400 MS points so it was relatively inexpensive.

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It sounds like the sort of thing that would've been cool if it was in from the start, but is kinda "meh" as DLC. I'm still of the frame of mind that - for RPGs - DLC should either be new areas/quests/storylines, or extra end-game content. This feels a bit too 'The Sims' to make much sense in my mind.
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It sounds like the sort of thing that would've been cool if it was in from the start, but is kinda "meh" as DLC. I'm still of the frame of mind that - for RPGs - DLC should either be new areas/quests/storylines, or extra end-game content. This feels a bit too 'The Sims' to make much sense in my mind.


Eh... I don't know. It really does feel like an "extra" addition moreso than something that would have been better off from the start. Its not really something you could do off the start of the game and it would take awhile before to get to a point where you could afford to buy the plot of land, let alone get the materials to build the entire thing and add all the decor.


It feels a bit more like end-game "polish". Mostly likely to appeal to those who have finished most of the major quests and are probably just picking away at smaller quests and radiant stuff. It gives you one place to store all the sets of armor you spent endless time tracking down or crafting, a huge library to include the massive book collection you needlessly assmebled, etc. I haven't tried (and probably won't) the cooking stuff, nor the "adopt a kid" aspect, so I can't really say if that adds much.


I think its fine as DLC, but releasing it as a "one year anniversary" free DLC would have been ideal. Again, its cheap but without much real value added to the game, even 400 MS points is arguably too much...

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But as far as DLC goes... It is such a big hassle to move your TV to the internet source once a month to DL your arcade titles and updates / DLC? Seems like 10 minutes of work at most.


As for Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion: this might be the correct order, but I always hated that you start out walking so f'n slowly in Morrowind. It's irritating. The combat system is worse. It makes up with its awesome design and good story, but to be honest, the good points get outweigh by the bad ones. And I'm not even taking gfx into account as the latest Morrowind HD ones look pretty f'n fine to me. Skyrim was just more fun to me. I like the world more, the dragon theme,... It's personal though. Many more prefer Morrowind.


Trust me it is a big hassle, because every time I have moved my 360 into another room, something seems to happen to it. It seems like every time I move it into a new room, a couple of days later it dies. I am not sure why that is the case but it is. So I am not going to take the chance of moving it because I do not want to end up giving them another $120.


As far as Morrowind goes, I remember nothing about it. I have it, but I am not able to play it on the 360.

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As for Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion: this might be the correct order, but I always hated that you start out walking so f'n slowly in Morrowind. It's irritating. The combat system is worse. It makes up with its awesome design and good story, but to be honest, the good points get outweigh by the bad ones. And I'm not even taking gfx into account as the latest Morrowind HD ones look pretty f'n fine to me. Skyrim was just more fun to me. I like the world more, the dragon theme,... It's personal though. Many more prefer Morrowind.


Yeah I'd definitely put Skyrim above Morrowind, even skewing for "at time of release," which means ignoring graphics and other games in the same genre. I loved Morrowind when it came out, but only because it was such an acquired taste and the game just dumped you into the world and left you to figure things out on your own. I do like the epic landscapes and sense that you couldn't just be the one man who runs every guild, since fighter/thief, and the great houses had conflict with each other, and the story was pretty cool, but still, there was a lot about that game that was just a huge pain to deal with. Thank god the "chance to hit"/"chance to cast" rolls are a thing of the past in the Elder Scrolls.

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I remember my first time playing Morrowind (in the Baldur's Gate days). Put difficulty on normal as I always did. Walked around and enjoyed it, did a few quests. In my first combat encounter, I got my ass kicked by a rat (and didn't save)... Maybe I 'sucked', maybe I should've persisted. Either way, I didn't touch the game for another 7 years.


As for the 360 dying after moving it. You are not the first one to report this. I do move it sometimes without it dying (but since 2 years I have received a newer model or something), but I understand it's rational behaviour to just let it be. After all, without internet you're not missing much (unless you're playing Skyrim :p).

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