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2015 Mod?

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I was wondering if people were willing to join me in brainstorming and working on a 2015 mod for TEW 2010? I've seen a thread like this before and mentioned it myself a couple of times, but 2015 seems to be a perfect skip for after 2010. A lot of the current main-eventers are aging and on their way out, a lot of current next-big things would be in the big-time and around the mid-card, some companies would have a drastic change of main-event scenery...


Everyone's no doubt got ideas for how the various national scenes should look like in a few years time, right? Ideas for how certain wrestlers developed or struggled? I mean, we can all throw ideas here in this thread for each other amusement and to help build inspiration, and the working part can come as it comes. :p


Just to clarify, this is for Cornellverse.

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I'm assuming this would be for the Cornellverse, rather than the real world? The first post doesn't specify. :p


Either way, I'm probably too busy to contribute anything more than the odd idea but I'd likely play the end result if it's a Cornellverse mod. I imagine in the time it takes to create this I'll have played long ahead of 2015 (I'm in 2014) so might be able to offer up some ideas on what to do with the many workers who have yet to debut. :)

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Theres only so much time I can spend on wrestling with spreadsheets and the editor (especially at this time of the year) but I'd like to be involved.


Of course I know far more aboout the UK market than the other regions...

That's perfectly fine. Everyone can help and pitch in as much as they want. I'm particularly interested in seeing how the UK scene develops, and I'll not lie when I say that there's a specific turn of events I had in mind for MOSC and HIW, but definitely seeing what everyone has to offer is what I want. :)


Either way, I'm probably too busy to contribute anything more than the odd idea but I'd likely play the end result if it's a Cornellverse mod. I imagine in the time it takes to create this I'll have played long ahead of 2015 (I'm in 2014) so might be able to offer up some ideas on what to do with the many workers who have yet to debut. :)


Go ahead and chip in as much as you feel you can. It's basically a round table before we actually get underway to do any modding. :)

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Since my longest term game is in 2017, I can definitely see myself having some ideas to offer here.


Off the top of my head:



WEXXV should probably be teetering. Ryu Kajahara would almost certainly have retired by 2015, and he is so essential to them that it's not even funny. Kimitada Ohishi, by that same token, will probably either have retired or be halfway out the door.


Munemitsu Senmatsu isn't actually loyal to WEXXV, it would be interesting to see him get pushed to the top and then jump ship to PHGW or BHOTWG. But never fear, in his place they have Sozen Ishinomori, a future debutant cut from very similar cloth, and with the benefit of charisma as well as size.


* this is of course me just throwing stuff at the wall

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Just some random, quick thoughts:



21CW has shrunk down and is low cult. Joss Thompson has left to go back to North America. Adam Matravers has come on leaps and bounds but everyone knows his contract is up very soon. Nightmare is one of the more famous names in the country and is holding the belt. All of the NSW boys are active on the roster.

Jeff Nova tried to be an active competitor in a new hardcore division but unfortunately was killed in a barbed wire match. As a result 21CW have become squeaky-clean and MOSC are the pariahs of the UK scene.


HIW has been opened by a decent name – Dark Angel! He’s hired his brother Harry and their on/off feud/partnership has got them a little bit of fame.


ROF have had a good period and are now approaching cult. They’ve turned the DuPont brothers into a proper team and theyre anchoring the tag division. Champ UK Dragon and Nigel Svensson have signed written deals and look to anchor the company going forwards.


Things I really expect to have happened:

Merle O-Curle has left the UK and gone to Japan.

NOTBPW have lost some names and are relying far more on youth.

Gargantuan is a major name somewhere.

Europe has a dominant company. I’d go for VWA personally.

ZEN have international TV presence. Theyre not much bigger but their cash has got them growing all over the place. They’ve signed Swoop McCarthy.


Things that would be fun:

The Guage Brothers have had a huge falling out and are now hated enemies.

Champagne Lover has inherited one of the Mexican promotions (SOTBPW?) and is thus unavailable for big companies on a written deal.

Eddie Cornell has signed for SWF as they look to build him up in an increasingly intense war on TCW.

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WEXXV should probably be teetering. Ryu Kajahara would almost certainly have retired by 2015, and he is so essential to them that it's not even funny. Kimitada Ohishi, by that same token, will probably either have retired or be halfway out the door.


Munemitsu Senmatsu isn't actually loyal to WEXXV, it would be interesting to see him get pushed to the top and then jump ship to PHGW or BHOTWG. But never fear, in his place they have Sozen Ishinomori, a future debutant cut from very similar cloth, and with the benefit of charisma as well as size.

WEXXV losing one of their next big things to BHOTWG or another company fits the development of the Japane scene (see WLW raids for 2010), plus their current eventers aging to retirement makes perfect sense. So who do you think would make up their future crop of main-eventers, besides Sozen?


* this is of course me just throwing stuff at the wall

Throw as much stuff as you want. The more varied ideas we come up with, the better, no?


21CW snip
Interesting. I'm not much of a 21CW guy, but aren't they kinda ... protective of their tv deal? Why create a hardcore division that get's the owner killed in it?


HIW has been opened by a decent name – Dark Angel! He’s hired his brother Harry and their on/off feud/partnership has got them a little bit of fame.
Hm. This I can see much better. My own idea was for MOSC to die after the Cockney Rebels signed with 21CW. There'd be a final show for all the MOSC guys (with the Highland Warrior coming out of retirement for one stiff fight with Harley for the MOSC UK Championship), and after that the company would shut down. Jeffery McPeterson would decide to found HIW in cooperation with Tyler Baker the ex-21CW owner, while his father restarted his Man of Steel Training Camp (as seen in the '77 mod). I personally figured Dark Angel would have retired to the Hall of Immortals, while his brother would be one of the bigger names of HIW.


ROF have had a good period and are now approaching cult. They’ve turned the DuPont brothers into a proper team and theyre anchoring the tag division. Champ UK Dragon and Nigel Svensson have signed written deals and look to anchor the company going forwards.
I can see that easily, perhaps as a counter-culture thing against 21CW. But I can't imagine UK Dragon getting locked down to the UK. Svenson is realistic, but UK Dragon is an international name at this point working with WLW.

Merle O-Curle has left the UK and gone to Japan.
No doubt. PGHW, methinks.


NOTBPW have lost some names and are relying far more on youth.
No doubt. You think they're still at national?


Gargantuan is a major name somewhere.
I'm not sure of that, but if he is, it's probably in USPW or one of the regional companies.


Europe has a dominant company. I’d go for VWA personally.
Europe's never seemed to have much of an interest in wrestling. It'd have to take something really big for VWA to pull it off.


ZEN have international TV presence. Theyre not much bigger but their cash has got them growing all over the place. They’ve signed Swoop McCarthy.
I can seem them expanding as a rival for RAW, to the level of cult, but would Swoop really be a good enough signing for what is a really zany product?
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Since I'm on my phone I can't see the full rosters of the game but here are my ideas I have now.


- KC Glenn heads to Japan and suffers 2 Major injurys in 5 years. They take a major part in his vow to not work in Japan for a long time. From there I don't know, maybe work in NYCW for its slower pace?

- Edd Stone convices Tommy to go to war with NOTBPW and his father. The decision is hated by many within both rosters causing some to walk, most notably Benny Benson for his loyalty to the Stones.

- Peter Micheals is replaced as head booker of the SWF after Eric or Jerry take over the SWF. Peter leaves after being replaced and creates his own company.

- Big Smack Scott and Jay Chord become close freinds and Scott convices Jay to join the new and improved SWF.


That's all I got for now. I might come up with something else later

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I can seem them expanding as a rival for RAW, to the level of cult, but would Swoop really be a good enough signing for what is a really zany product?


Swoop is the most entertaining man down under. He is a perfect fit and could be the cocky heel for them.


I think USPW is VERY close to National to where they can get there within a month or 2 of decent booking. They will probably have some steals from SWF and TCW (still war with SWF, hostile to TCW). I can see Troy Tornado going to USPW after never really main eventing for TCW. He gets his world championship. I think all of the Succession (from MAW) has the possibility to be there given all of their connects. The only exceptions are Jay Chord and maybe Cameron Vessey (but his team with Casey would likely be one of the best at this time).


In BHOTWG I think they have DSJ if you want to knock down NOTBPW a bit. They need someone with good psychology at the top of their card. Jezza owning NOTBPW with Vic booking. This would have them relying on the likes of Sean McFly, RK Hayes and Steve DeColt. DWN could be here with a decent midcard push.


I also think the Cali Dragons make their way to WLW as a team and Magnum Kobe is a mega star by now (be it in WLW or BHOTWG or both.)

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Really hope this works out love to see different peoples take on the C-Verse, I haven't been using the Cornellverse a long time but from my impressions so far I have a few ideas,


- Marc DuBois is someone I could see jumping ship to USPW seems like the type to be tempted by the promise of money and a quicker route to the top of a promotion. Rocky Golden is also a steal I could see being made by USPW if his TCW Title run goes tits up. I'd expect USPW to be a serious contender at this stage with the buisness skill of Strong and their finances.


- NOTBPW could probably do with being knocked down a peg or two, perhaps a McFly/Stone Divorce or the older brothers retiring to make things a bit more interesting in Canada.


- I could see Chord, Valentine, Vessey and Starr all in USPW, considering Strong's friendship with Rip Chord and Peter Valentine.


- By this stage I'd have thought that TCW would have either had to found new investors or been overtaken by USPW and had to back out of the Tuesday night war, considering their poor finances. Maybe even a slight tweak with the product needed to attract sponsors.

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- By this stage I'd have thought that TCW would have either had to found new investors or been overtaken by USPW and had to back out of the Tuesday night war, considering their poor finances. Maybe even a slight tweak with the product needed to attract sponsors.


I can totally see TCW toning down the modern/realism levels in an attempt to have richer sponsors. I also think RDJ and (obviously) Sam Keith are retired. Maybe the guys who retired them are also near the top of the card now. RDJ was given that final push by retiring Rip Chord, I can see someone like Aaron Andrews or Edd Stone rising to the top by retiring the TCW legend.

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My ideas for each game area.


UK - I see 21CW continue to dominate and steal talent from the other UK and European promotions, but fail to really take advantage and expand elsewhere. The other UK promotions are facing harder times than ever before. RoF facing the dual threat of 21CW and some of their top workers (Merle O'Curle, UK Dragon, Nigel Svensson, etc) touring in Japan. However, I do see Dark Angel working for one of the smaller UK promotions, using his last days as an active competitor (or even just as a road agent/owner/booker) to try and save the little guys.


Europe - I don't see a huge amount happening here. Possibly 21CW expanding their continental presence. Or, if you want something more drastic, you could have Byron's ego causing him to fall out with some of EWA's top stars, driving them all to VWA or UEW.


Japan - PGHW's main event has to be suffering from their product intensity, so there needs to be at least some turnover here. I see Bussho Makiguchi rising quickly due to a combination of talent and resilience to injury.


After his chart-topping success Magnum Kobe attracts the attention of BHOTWG and signs to become the focus of their junior-division (possibly alongside a couple of other WLW mainstays), as I think occurred in the One Year Later mod.


I'd like to see EX2010 survive, possibly with the help of an aging star from elsewhere. It's a great place for young workers.

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Marc DuBois is already getting a strong and sustained push in SWF in 2010, him going to USPW seems incongruent to me. In fact if anything I can see him being in SWF's world title mix by 2015 - although an insufferable jerk for all that.


Perhaps the initial champion at the start of the mod? Be a great way for the players to deal with talent versus dickishness. :p


I can totally see TCW toning down the modern/realism levels in an attempt to have richer sponsors. I also think RDJ and (obviously) Sam Keith are retired. Maybe the guys who retired them are also near the top of the card now. RDJ was given that final push by retiring Rip Chord, I can see someone like Aaron Andrews or Edd Stone rising to the top by retiring the TCW legend.
Wolf Hawkins and Aaron Andrews probably.They're the Total heirs, after all. Hawkins would retire RDJ (who I believe should run either a school or a developmental territory), while Sam Keith puts over Andrews.


I think USPW is VERY close to National to where they can get there within a month or 2 of decent booking. They will probably have some steals from SWF and TCW (still war with SWF, hostile to TCW). I can see Troy Tornado going to USPW after never really main eventing for TCW. He gets his world championship. I think all of the Succession (from MAW) has the possibility to be there given all of their connects. The only exceptions are Jay Chord and maybe Cameron Vessey (but his team with Casey would likely be one of the best at this time).

I could see Troy and Golden making the jump to USPW, easily. Tornado would probably be the first and could probably fashion himself a new rock-band stable to keep him at the top. He might even be the one to make Nicky Champion a main-eventer...


In BHOTWG I think they have DSJ if you want to knock down NOTBPW a bit. They need someone with good psychology at the top of their card. Jezza owning NOTBPW with Vic booking. This would have them relying on the likes of Sean McFly, RK Hayes and Steve DeColt. DWN could be here with a decent midcard push.
Jezza could be retired for good at this point though... He'd probably make an epic road agent. But yeah, DSJ in Japan, Duane and Edd both in NOTBPW with Sean and Steve. Hayes might be closer to gatekeeper at this point, with the Naturals broken up and put into the main-event or perhaps Sean Deeley getting picked up?


I also think the Cali Dragons make their way to WLW as a team and Magnum Kobe is a mega star by now (be it in WLW or BHOTWG or both.)
I can definitely agree with that.
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WEXXV losing one of their next big things to BHOTWG or another company fits the development of the Japane scene (see WLW raids for 2010), plus their current eventers aging to retirement makes perfect sense. So who do you think would make up their future crop of main-eventers, besides Sozen?



Throw as much stuff as you want. The more varied ideas we come up with, the better, no?


Interesting. I'm not much of a 21CW guy, but aren't they kinda ... protective of their tv deal? Why create a hardcore division that get's the owner killed in it?


Hm. This I can see much better. My own idea was for MOSC to die after the Cockney Rebels signed with 21CW. There'd be a final show for all the MOSC guys (with the Highland Warrior coming out of retirement for one stiff fight with Harley for the MOSC UK Championship), and after that the company would shut down. Jeffery McPeterson would decide to found HIW in cooperation with Tyler Baker the ex-21CW owner, while his father restarted his Man of Steel Training Camp (as seen in the '77 mod). I personally figured Dark Angel would have retired to the Hall of Immortals, while his brother would be one of the bigger names of HIW.


I can see that easily, perhaps as a counter-culture thing against 21CW. But I can't imagine UK Dragon getting locked down to the UK. Svenson is realistic, but UK Dragon is an international name at this point working with WLW.

No doubt. PGHW, methinks.


No doubt. You think they're still at national?


I'm not sure of that, but if he is, it's probably in USPW or one of the regional companies.


Europe's never seemed to have much of an interest in wrestling. It'd have to take something really big for VWA to pull it off.


I can seem them expanding as a rival for RAW, to the level of cult, but would Swoop really be a good enough signing for what is a really zany product?


All good points. Im basically thinking playability more than reality.


Jeff Nova makes 21CW a bit too easy therefore he needs to be restricted or removed. Some kind of injury (to stop a TV presenter being one of the world's finest hardcore workers) or a scandal to drop his pop would do.


I totally think Dark Angel could come back to the UK. Especially if NOTBPW are trying to get younger. Harry gets canned from 21CW for being an ass so big brother decides to spend his twilight years boosting the type of wrestling he loves and boosting little brother up the ladder.


Having said that Jeff McPeterson would be a good choice too.


Yeah UK Dragon being locked up isnt great for ROF but they need to be a legit alternative. Nigel is good but a real name would mean they could have a solid base they can protect from the other big boys.


I wanted Europe to have a big company being dominant because its just a little bit meh at the moment over there. It needs a company to make waves to make people want to play there. VWA could be good with a bona fide mixed division. Alpha Female as champ?


The idea for Zen was not to make them more popular but to be able to build worker pop evverywhere via TV. I just think noones done that before and it would be fun to play that way. And maybe mirror some of the worldwide CHIKARA popularity due to the interweb?

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Considering Nigel is one of the crop of ROF guys that gets insta-fired, is him being a major name in the UK all that plausible? I know he's good and all, but still, that's something that happens every single game.



(I will make some more Japan comments when I finish doing a long term sim through to 2015 so I know who's around and can get an idea of who might've retired or be on the verge of it)

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Considering Nigel is one of the crop of ROF guys that gets insta-fired, is him being a major name in the UK all that plausible? I know he's good and all, but still, that's something that happens every single game.
He gets fired because there's like half a dozen guys who are surplus to requirements. I've seen him last a while in a few games, seen him come back later and do just fine. *shrugs*


Honestly, he could probably move on to PGHW on his own, since he is an international guy in his bio. Wade Orson could probably carry the brand well enough...


Jeff Nova makes 21CW a bit too easy therefore he needs to be restricted or removed. Some kind of injury (to stop a TV presenter being one of the world's finest hardcore workers) or a scandal to drop his pop would do.

No easier than Sam Strong makes USPW. He the guy who keeps them at Cult as well as they are. Which reminds me, should Alicia take over or someone else?


I totally think Dark Angel could come back to the UK. Especially if NOTBPW are trying to get younger. Harry gets canned from 21CW for being an ass so big brother decides to spend his twilight years boosting the type of wrestling he loves and boosting little brother up the ladder.


Yeah UK Dragon being locked up isnt great for ROF but they need to be a legit alternative. Nigel is good but a real name would mean they could have a solid base they can protect from the other big boys.
They've got Walter and the Shooters, as well as British Samurai. Not to mention the Martin brothers who are probably going to get a big boost. But we could probably give ROF Wade Orson.


I wanted Europe to have a big company being dominant because its just a little bit meh at the moment over there. It needs a company to make waves to make people want to play there. VWA could be good with a bona fide mixed division. Alpha Female as champ?
Rather than making one dominant company, why don't we up the stakes with four seperate companies? VWA, UEW, EWA and perhaps a returned UCR? Enhance their popularity all half-way to Regional and let the sparks fly?
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Here are some ideas I've always had...


NOTBPW goes into a deep crisis when Dan Stone decides to retire from the business and leave Victoria as the owner. This leaves Dan Jr. realle angry at his sister and father and causes big tension in the locker room as most wrestlers are forced to take sides... Jeremy, caught in the middle of the fight decides to leave the promotion (Where does he goes Idk, it could be CGC or Japan maybe...) this also causes a loss in popularity for NOTBPW...


CGC, on the other hand, rises due to Vibert's booking. Right now they have a realle succesful DAVE invasion angle that has forced the DeColts to find some unlikely allies like Dan DaLay and Sean Deeley to fight the DAVE threat. Vibert brings in some guys like Doug Peak, Chris Caulfield (who leaves USPW) to form de DAVE stable along with some guys of the CGC roster like Brett Fraiser and Eddie Chandler.


Instead of having one promotion dominating Europe, I think it'd be better if all 3 promotions grew to the same level, and basically started some kind of war between them...


Oh, also CZCW's shows in Mexico were a complete failure, the promotion suffers great financial losses and is in the verge of bankrupcy, so it's forced to release a bunch of their workers... this oculd lead to a new indy promotion opening with some of the ones let go.

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I think Joey Minnesota would be the guy to turn on and retire Ricky Dale Johnson. That's usually the storyline I run anyway ;) I could see Wolf as the top babyface and Minnesota as the top heel. Cornell would be the Babe Ruth style legend coming in for special appearances.
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Cornell won't even be 40 in 2015. No way he's a special attraction.


Its crazy to think how young Cornell is I mean he is one of the best wrestlers in the C-Verse (Obviously) if not the best but the fact that he wont even be forty by the time 2015 comes around is just nuts.


I imagine by the time the next edition of TEW comes out (Whenever that may be) that he will have had at least two more World Title Reigns between 2010 and whenever a new game comes out.


Also guys keep up the great ideas I would provide some myself but I am not really good at coming up with ideas for this kind of thing especially five years after the happenings of TEW 2010. If The Mod were set in 2011 then I might be able to think of things or even 2012 but 2015 just has me scratching my head at where things could be.


Anyways I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with and I will try to contribute when I can. It would be cool if there was a national battle taking place right at the start of the data but if not it's cool. I just have never been involved in one and would like to be at some point.

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They've got Walter and the Shooters, as well as British Samurai. Not to mention the Martin brothers who are probably going to get a big boost. But we could probably give ROF Wade Orson.


Yep. I dont think Nigel would be a big star but he's a rock to build around.


Rather than making one dominant company, why don't we up the stakes with four seperate companies? VWA, UEW, EWA and perhaps a returned UCR? Enhance their popularity all half-way to Regional and let the sparks fly?


Nice. I'd be happy with that. Similar to Australia where everyone nicks each other's workers.


They'd need a strong, killer storyline to build around each and some more definition. I tend to think of UEW and EWA together. They need to be more distinct.


I'll have a think and do some work on that...

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I would like to see CGC and NOTBPW at war.


-2014 sees the biggest storyline in canadian history CGC Vs NOTBPW. Both companys came to an agreement to stage this one big wrestling event that would pit CGC wrestlers against NOTBPW wrestlers. The event was to net both companys a huge sum of money. Until at the very last minute of the event NOTBPW pulls all talent after failing to come to an agreement on who should be put over in the mainevent, even refusing a no contest to the match. The result is a massive financal loss for both companys.


-21CW buys out one of the European promotions to continue its push into Europe, 21CW becames less British after its starts to make more money holding events in europe.


-Fox Mask takes over CZCW

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Perhaps the big thing that VWA could pull off in Europe is being the promotion that tempts Louis Figo Manico back into the business? I mean, if he's still active in 2015 he'll probably be on the verge of retiring anyway, but that gives a VWA player a ready-made problem - replacing one of your best workers whilst still trying to maintain a precarious position. I could see Manico being really ticked off at all the EWA/UEW in-fighting and just deciding to go with the third party.


- Raising the bar for each of the promotions and keeping the three way battle going works too of course, but that always just seems to result in permanent deadlock.



Anyway, WEXXV, their main issue is definitely going to be retirements and injuries, as a lot of their roster is over 35 even in 2010:


* Saionji Omura will be out of the business by now. I've never seen him last more than a couple of years past game start. That means that Kimitada Ohishi will probably be their new main road agent.


* On Sozen being a main eventer - perhaps he beat Kajahara in his final match? I know that's a recurrent theme, but heck, beating the hardcore psychopath himself would make somebody as a star in a promotion like WEXXV.


* I think The Apocalypse Riders (Spirit of the Lizard and Spirit of the Shark) would be a pretty good fit for WEXXV.


* Future workers Kimi Kawano, Isoruko Arakaki, Naozane Goto and Katoh Freak are also the exact kind of worker that they'd hire. - Though bear in mind Goto's starting overness is unusually high for a new debutant, so he'd likely auto-push to main event. That said, Sozen vs. Goto would be a pretty awesome monster feud - they're both massive, 90+ menace powerhouses.


* Larry Wood will almost certainly have retired by 2015. I very rarely see him make it more than a few years. He'd make an excellent owner for a new promotion.


* Travis Century could be a pretty awesome manager/colour commentator at this point - he's another that rarely makes it far beyond the first year or so.


* Naga-Mori get so much exposure and become so dominant as a team that they get poached, possibly by a WLW looking for a different flavour of worker. (I'll elaborate later, but I believe that WLW are definitely going to be National by now).


* Hiroshi Morisue will probably still be UMC level. I can see him as having had a big run at the top somewhere between 2010 and 2015, but as 2015 starts, the injuries are probably going to be slowing him down.


* Micro-managing the whole roster is kind've boring, so I'll just say that I see the SOB storyline having run its course and most of the foreign workers having either retired, gone home or both, with perhaps Doug Peak still around, main eventing as a sign of how hard a time they're going through. xP

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