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The Sammy Heizenger Story: TCW Calls

Guest codey

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The name’s Samuel Heizenger III, or just Sammy H if ya want, and for 13 years now I’ve been TCW’s resident strength and conditioning coach. Yeah, you heard right, strength and conditioning. Think all the wrestlers get those Greek god bodies by watching Youtube workout clips? Ha!


No, that all comes down to me. I’m the man behind the look, and I’ve been behind it since back when we were HGC. In those days, we were still owned by JK, and one of the few things the little twerp did right was to realize that people weren’t gonna buy into tiny dudes weakly slapping each other as top guys. Since he was against the whole steroid thing, he hired me, and I’ve been beefing up these kids and getting em ready for the big time ever since.


I ain’t just some guy, though. Nah, back in the early 80s, after my highly successful (yeah, I got a bit of an ego. It happens when you look this damn good!) bodybuilding days, of course, I was actually a wrestler. Not a famous one, by any means, and damn sure not a very good one, but I was one. A pretty charismatic and good looking one, at that, if I say so myself. Back then I was Sammy Strongman, a name that wasn’t entirely different enough from Sam Strong’s to help me avoid getting a cease and desist letter from SWF. Once that came through, it spelled the end of my days as an active guy, but not the end in the business.


Those days, not too many guys had the Adonis bodies like me, and I had built up a pretty good rep as a workout fiend. Most were all just solid guys. Strong as hell, but mostly just flabby. No abs, no bis, no tris, and certainly no traps.


I wasn’t dumb, and saw how famous the good looking guys like Strong were all getting, and so I started to sell my services as a bodybuilding coach. A lot of guys jumped on my bandwagon, and I built up a pretty damn long list of clients training wrestlers and the like. Well, networking lead to more jobs as it always does, and with my natural charisma I found myself doing a couple of little interviewer and broadcast jobs here and there. That got me even more exposure, and the next 15 years saw me bouncing all around the West Coast making guys look like the next big thing.


In late ‘96/early ‘97, I was training these little bastards in an indy outfit called CZCW when JK came up to me. He was scouting the entire SoCal area for talent when he got pointed in my direction. The guy really had no had idea what he was doing, but he had a full entourage of guys around him that did, Rip Chord and Sam Strong chief among them. Rip was looking haggard as all hell but greeted me with a slap on the back and Strong jokes around calling me Strongman like he always did. The Vessey Brothers were there, too, but I had never worked with either of them, so we didn’t really talk much. I didn’t much care to, either, since I had it on good authority the young one was a roid head.


Anyway, JK hired me to help make his company some stars, and I’ve been here ever since. Back in ‘06, a couple years after Tommy and his investors bought the company, I started to get a little more backstage responsibility, working on outlining promos with the young guys. Back when I was active, that was one of my only real positives, and my time as a broadcaster just helped me know how to speak on air even better. Turns out I actually had a real knack for knowing how to advance whatever storylines they were in, and I started to do it more and more with guys higher up the card. This wasn’t SWF, and a lot of the guys may have had some charisma but weren’t totally comfortable talking, and that’s where I jumped in.


By late ‘08, I had developed something of a reputation as a guy that understood how to tell a story. Not in the ring, no, that’s where Tommy, Joel, and Keith came in. No, I was one of the angle guys. The one that could help outline a storyline that actually made sense. They started including me in the booking process little by little, asking me input on characters and all that jazz, and while some of my ideas were duds, a lot were hits. Eddie Peak turning heel? Yeah, that was one of mine. Sammy Bach’s degenerate character? Yeah, me too.


I like to think I’m the busiest backstage guy in TCW since I do both my training sessions and booking. Obviously Tommy, Joel, and Keith are busier since they’re still active, but Billy Bob the pyro guy or Lenny from accounting sure as hell don’t work half as hard as I do.


The name’s Sammy Heizenger, and this is my story.

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I wasn't reading your MAW diary from the beginning so it was tough to keep up, but I'm very excited to see where this one goes Codey - and I'm not even a fan of TCW :D


It's great to have you along for this one! I know you're busy with your mod right now, so I'll try not to bother you with render requests for low carders that I don't use much this time around :D


I was a huge fan of Johnny Heizenger and now Sammy will get the same love.

No Homo.


No homo. Of course. This one's going to be a sort of parallel universe to the Johnny Heizenger Story, so expect to see Johnny Heizenger and his relationship to Sammy pop up somewhere down the line.


Just looked up Johny's story and it was great. Definently on board here.


Glad to see you enjoyed my past work, it's always nice to hear that people actually like my hastily put together shows :D


I really hope this one stacks up well compared to TJHS. I've ALWAYS run with small companies like MAW (Okay, MAW exactly...) and the past few months have seen me doing practice runs with TCW and SWF, learning how to book a national company with PPV lead up every month. Reading James Casey's SWF diary and Phantom Stranger's TCW one have definitely helped me learn how it's done, too.


I'll have a second small intro post up tomorrow, and then that's it. No lengthy intros here. Just a little backstory and BOOM! First card prediction...



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I'm gonna sneak on to the band wagon. Really curious about how Wolf Hawkins will be treated. Is he going to be a locker room cancer like how you portrayed Jay? Or will Jay himself come into the company to be the need locker room cancer in seemingly every diary. :rolleyes:
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Two nights ago we held the biggest show of the year, Malice in Wonderland. Our whole year is based around Malice, so we like to call the first Total Wrestling after our new year. This year, that’s a damn fitting title.


Malice saw a lot of big time programs end, and to kick off the new year without disappointing fans means that we’ve got to start up some new big ones. One of the big ones came from the whole Syndicate/Freedom Fighters, where we had Minnesota and RDJ finally put an end to Tommy and Wolf’s partnership. They don’t get to “officially associate” for a year, and we’ve got the problem of putting four of our biggest stars into new angles that feel just as important. Obviously, that allows Minnesota and RDJ to finally fight some new heels after two plus years, but it also means we get to send Wolf out on his own, and I think people will really like the direction his character takes.


Then we’ve got the whole World Championship situation. Sam Keith went over Rocky Golden by forcing the big man to tap, and now we’ve got a forty nine year old champ. Most would say he’s just a transitional guy, but I don’t think he will be. Truth be told, though, the plans change around just about every week, so no one can say for sure.


What I can say for sure, though, is that Rocky’s time with the belt was done. He served his purpose admirably and did a good job. A nice five month reign helped keep us out of the hole and made a new star on the back of his surprisingly good performances. If this was SWF, Rocky probably would have had a year long reign and did gangbusters, but it’s not his time for that yet. He will get it back someday, though, mark my words.


Eddie Peak and Bryan Vessey are going their separate ways now, which is a pain in the ass because those two have been doing gangbusters for the undercard the past few months. They were never afraid to bleed for a feud that was just a throwaway when it began, and it turned them both into pretty big stars. Not only that, but it helped drag up the rest of the Hellfire Club, too. Rahn and Buffalo may not have much of a future here, but Acid sure as hell does and benefited big time from the exposure.


And then there was Sammy Bach. I’ve been behind Bach from day one, and not just because he’s got all the talent in the world (or his awesome name), but because he wants to learn so damn much. He’s been stuck in the All Action division thus far and hasn‘t had much promo time so far, because, let’s face it, if you’re not Edd Stone the All Action is just that, all action. But Sunday saw him win the International Title in a big way, and he’s getting some time tonight to flesh his character out a little. Only problem thus far is that he hasn’t had much time develop a proper rhythm that’s unique to him, and that’s why he came to me and asked for a little help before the show.


After about a half hour discussing his lines and where he can improv to advance his character a little, I sent him on his way and went searching for Tommy. But even as I tried to move on to other things, I couldn’t help but pray that Bach didn’t screw this up. I didn’t think he would, but I was still hoping against it. I went to bat for him, and if he fails after “hospitalizing” one of our other young stars in Josh Taylor, I’m gonna be up shit creek using my arm as a paddle.

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And here we go...

Ladies and gentleman...


TCW presents...






Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins

The Guns (Ford Gumble & Harry Allen) vs Edd Stone & Charlie Thatcher

The Dragons (#1 & #2) vs Eddie Peak & Acid

Benny Benson vs Robert Oxford

Aaron Andrews vs The Debuting Gino Montero

Scout vs Rick Law


...And the Main Event of the Evening...


Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado

Quick pick:

Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins

The Guns (Ford Gumble & Harry Allen) vs Edd Stone & Charlie Thatcher

The Dragons (#1 & #2) vs Eddie Peak & Acid

Benny Benson vs Robert Oxford

Aaron Andrews vs The Debuting Gino Montero

Scout vs Rick Law

Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado

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Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins

The Guns (Ford Gumble & Harry Allen) vs Edd Stone & Charlie Thatcher

The Dragons (#1 & #2) vs Eddie Peak & Acid

Benny Benson vs Robert Oxford

Aaron Andrews vs The Debuting Gino Montero

Scout vs Rick Law

Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado


If the Dragons are just Cornell and Hawkins I'd lol, but reading the backstory I dont see this to be the case.

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Wouldnt have been my choice of company but its good to have you back


Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins

The Guns (Ford Gumble & Harry Allen) vs Edd Stone & Charlie Thatcher

The Dragons (#1 & #2) vs Eddie Peak & Acid

Benny Benson vs Robert Oxford

Aaron Andrews vs The Debuting Gino Montero

Scout vs Rick Law

Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado

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Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins

The Guns (Ford Gumble & Harry Allen) vs Edd Stone & Charlie Thatcher

The Dragons (#1 & #2) vs Eddie Peak & Acid

Benny Benson vs Robert Oxford

Aaron Andrews vs The Debuting Gino Montero

Scout vs Rick Law

Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado

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Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins


Way higher on the card. Freddy should benefit though.



The Guns (Ford Gumble & Harry Allen) vs Edd Stone & Charlie Thatcher


GET THAT MAN OUT OF THE RING. Gumble and Allen won't be pushing high enough to take this.


The Dragons (#1 & #2) vs Eddie Peak & Acid


Mikey and Frankie, I assume. Eddie is or should be hovering around the main event. No way he loses to them.


Benny Benson vs Robert Oxford


Benny's got more upside. There's no point pushing Robbie.


Aaron Andrews vs The Debuting Gino Montero


Not popular enough.


Scout vs Rick Law


Single star > Tag team wrestler.


Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado


That title win seemed to turn Sam Keith face. Tornado wouldn't be a bad first challenger.

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Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins

Did you catch Vessey roiding yet?


The Guns (Ford Gumble & Harry Allen) vs Edd Stone & Charlie Thatcher

Edd Stone and Thatcher is certainly unorthodox but....


The Dragons (#1 & #2) vs Eddie Peak & Acid

Peak is too darn good to lose to anyone beside a big gun.

Benny Benson vs Robert Oxford

Oxford will be slowly shown the door. Advantage Benson.


Aaron Andrews vs The Debuting Gino Montero

Staying loyal to Hawkins Jr... for now.


Scout vs Rick Law

Laying down the Law!


Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado

There isnt any reason to hide Golden now that he isnt the champ.

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Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins

The Guns (Ford Gumble & Harry Allen) vs Edd Stone & Charlie Thatcher

The Dragons (#1 & #2) vs Eddie Peak & Acid

Benny Benson vs Robert Oxford

Aaron Andrews vs The Debuting Gino Montero

Scout vs Rick Law

Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado

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I didn't get completely into your MAW diary as I really focused on it late. But I'm looking forward to this one, codey!


Bryan Vessey vs Freddy Huggins

I think this match ends up closer than most think but the ending is still obvious.


The Guns (Ford Gumble & Harry Allen) vs Edd Stone & Charlie Thatcher

Thatcher dominates the match, only for Stone to request a tag in to get the pinfall.


The Dragons (#1 & #2) vs Eddie Peak & Acid

Not sure about The Dragons as they could be RDJ/Joey Minnesota. But for now I go with the Hellfire Club.


Benny Benson vs Robert Oxford

The Simon Dean look-alike gets the win over the veteran


Aaron Andrews vs The Debuting Gino Montero

Montero pulls off a slight upset here.


Scout vs Rick Law

Rick lays down the law!


Rocky Golden vs Troy Tornado

I call a draw here when there is some interference by, say, Hawkins or Cornell?

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Tuesday Week 1, February 2010

In front of 7,338 fans in Evanovich Riverside Arena in the Tri State Area




Jason Azaria - Kyle Rhodes - Sara Silver


Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Total Wrestling!


We’re hot off the heels of the years biggest night in wrestling, Malice in Wonderland, and there’s big changes in store for TCW!


That’s right, Kyle, and here comes one of those changes now!







Back in Black
erupted through the speakers, and the newly crowned World Champion Sam Keith made his way to the ring, title belt snapped securely around his waist. The veteran wore a huge smile underneath his gruff beard as he stepped through the ropes and into the ring to a thunderous applause. As his music died out, it was replaced by the a raucous reception from the audience, and Keith grabbed a microphone, grinning.


Alright, alright, you can quiet down now.


It took a minute, but they finally did.


1984. Twenty six years ago…


That’s how long ago I won my first World Championship. That was in Mexico. I won it twice. I went to Japan. Won one twice there, too. Canada, same thing. The I came back home to America, and I won one four times. That was in Supreme. Everywhere I’ve gone, I’ve beaten brawlers, flyers, technicians, locators, strong style bastards, super juniors, giants, midgets, I’ve beaten em all. Everywhere but here, that is…


Until now.


Keith smirked.


Sunday night, I tapped out Rocky Golden. I tapped the man that tapped Tommy Cornell, Troy Tornado and Bryan Vessey. I tapped him out and I won the World Championship. I’m forty nine years old, and I just beat the best this company has to offer.
to offer.


Now, I’m the best. As far as I’m concerned, this championship’s going to be my last. This championship retires with me. No, I’m not saying I’m retiring. I love this shit way too much to do that already. What I’m saying is there ain’t a man in the world that can beat me.




As if on cue,
Meant to Live
began to play and Rocky Golden made his way directly to the ring. The often cocky and brash former champ made no move to go for a microphone, instead storming right up to Sam Keith and…


…offered his hand. It took Sam Keith a moment to consider, and then, warily, he accepted the gesture, and Golden smiled, raising Keith’s hand high in the air as the victor in their rivalry. Clearly, he wasn’t holding any hard feelings.




That was when Troy Tornado’s
Busy Bein Born
interrupted them, and the former Painful Procedure front man stalked out onto the ramp.


Are you kidding me? No, no, don’t respond. You two just spent two months trying to snap each other in half, and now you’re standing together, hand in hand,
? No, no, I can’t believe this. Golden, you just lost something that I’ve been fighting, clawing, bleeding my entire career to get, and you don’t even seem to care.


And you. Sam Keith. You, I’m most disappointed. Yeah, so you won the World Championship. So you did it at forty nine. It’s an accomplishment. You’ve done it before, and that means one thing: you should know better, Sam. You should know better than to make any sort of guarantee. Not in this business. Not with that belt. Not with
waiting in the wings. I want that belt, Sam. I want my first World Championship, and I’m going to take it from you.


Sam Keith was listening intently, nodding along as Tornado spoke, but it was Golden that finally cut him off, snatching the microphone away from Keith.


You know what your problem is? You think way to highly of yourself, Troy. Me, I’m confident, but you’ve got the biggest ego and sense of self entitlement I think I’ve ever seen. I seem to remember putting you in Rack a few months ago and snapping you in half, and you think you can beat the man that did the same thing to me? No, Troy, that’s not how it works. This is TCW, where you have to earn your matches. You want to get to the title? You’ve gotta go through me.


Tornado scowled, then snapped at Golden.


Alright, Golden. You want to test me? You’ve got it. I can’t wait to put my elbow through your face and make you a star.







And we’ve got our first main event of the TCW year, and it’s sure to be a doozy.


Golden needs to be careful in this one. Tornado may have an ego, but it’s a rightly deserved one.


That’s right. Until Golden locked him the Rack a couple of months ago, Tornado was dangerously close to capturing the World Championship.









Vessey was a little worse for wear coming into this match after his epic steel cage battle with Eddie Peak on Sunday, and Freddy Huggins took advantage of that. The youngster used his speed to unleash an early flurry on Vessey and aimed to hit the Huggins Kiss (Super Kick) early on, but Vessey wisely ducked the boot and went on the offensive. The veteran quickly hammered Huggins before drilling him with a Vessey Driver (Spinning DVD) to score the win.


Vessey wins, 80.






Huggins used a smart strategy trying to finish Vessey early.


He just couldn’t get the job done.


Exactly. I expect big things from him once he learns how to finish.


He could just cheat like his buddy Edd.









A rental car pulled into the parking lot, and out stepped Wolf Hawkins. He walked around back, popped the trunk, grabbed his bag, turned and stopped.


Feels different riding alone.




Don’t it?


Hawkins shook his head.


It’s been six years since you took me in, Tommy. I appreciate it all, ya know?


It’s been my pleasure, sunshine. You get to find out what it’s like on your own, now. No one to watch out for, nothing owed to anyone but yourself…


Enjoy yourself.


The two were quiet for a moment. It was Wolf that broke the silence.


Hey, I gotta go. I’ve got some plans for tonight.


Yeah. Yeah. I gotta talk to some network wankers, anyway. Business shit, ya know?


Wolf smiled.


Yeah, I know. That’s one thing I won’t miss about tagging around with you.


You little bastard. Well, I guess I’ll see you around. Have a good year.


Yeah, you too.






And the most dominant grouping of individuals in TCW history is officially at an end.


Thus opens a new chapter in our competitive history.









Charlie Thatcher infamously helped Stone grease up Sunday night in his All Action title defense, helping the zany young Canadian to a victory over Aaron Andrews and Harry Allen. The challengers to the title were unable to get a grip on Edd as he shimmied along the wires crossing over the ring to snatch the title belt.


Allen didn’t forget that for a minute in this one.


Alongside his recently returned partner, Allen threw himself headlong into this match, putting on a valiant effort. A couple of times, they were even able to take the massive Thatcher off of his feet with some very crisp double teams. This might be due in part to Gumble’s larger, umm, girth, since returning, but they accomplished it nonetheless.


The end of the bout came about exciting enough, with Allen perched on the top rope, looking for his patented Fistful of Dynamite fist drop on Charlie Thatcher. Stone, the illegal man, came hopping up and ran along the rope before hitting a spectacular Party’s Over (Seated face plant) on Allen that sent him all the way to the mat. Thatcher recovered and pulled Allen to his feet before sending him back down with a Powerbomb to score the win.


Stone & Thatcher win, 54.






Allen was unable to get his revenge against Stone tonight.


With a bodyguard like Thatcher around, it’s going to be hard for anyone to get at Stone.


Stone’s ring style makes that hard enough.


He certainly makes it difficult to predict Edd Fu.







Backstage, Sammy Bach is sitting low in a folding chair, Karen Killer sensually massaging his shoulders. He’s wearing tight leather pants, a gaudy silver belt with a skull and crossbones buckle, and a near mesh shirt unbuttoned. The International Title, freshly won from Joshua Taylor, lay carelessly on the floor. His eyes are nearly rolled into the back of his head when Clark Alexander and Danny Fonzarelli, collectively known as Part Down, walk into the room. Bach barely takes notice.




Bach, we need to talk.




Bro, just what in the hell was that you pulled on Josh Taylor Sunday night? That wasn’t


No, it wasn’t. Taylor’s on the shelf indefinitely, Bach. He may not even make it back.




And we’re to tell you that you can’t be doing stuff like that, bro!


No. You can’t. If it keeps up, we will step in.


Why not…step in now then?


Bach smirked as he sunk lower in the chair.


I’m free all night.


No, not tonight. The shows all booked after Tornado and Golden got their match. But next week, Bach, you better be ready.


Pop pop, bro!







Bach’s such a creep!


An incredibly talented creep, though.


I can’t deny that, but it doesn’t mean I have to like him.


He does command respect in the ring despite that.









Whereas Bryan Vessey may have been a little tender in his match earlier tonight, Eddie Peak seemed to enjoy working through the pain that his taped ribs and forehead stitches suggested, and he and Acid put on a quick but violent match with newcomers Dragon #1 and #2.


The Dragons displayed significant talent with their feet in the early going, and were even able to catch Acid sleeping a couple of times, netting a near fall after a double roundhouse kick felled Acid. But once Peak tagged in, it went all downhill for the young pair. Peak rushed around the ring like a bat out of hell as he decimated #2 before hitting him with a Peak of Perfection (Crucifix Powerbomb) while Acid took #1 out with a suicide dive, earning the Hellfire Club members the victory.


Peak & Acid win, 78






Peak just scares me.


He’s a massive man.


Look! He’s licking the blood from his stitches!


And smiling while he does it.









Despite taking a loss to Troy Tornado Sunday night, Benson was in high spirits as he high-five his way to the ring. Oxford, who took the pinfall in the fantastic tag team match, was decidedly more upset. That woud up being the story of the match, as the normally calm and clinical Oxford just couldn’t get his head in the game. This allowed Benson to put his agility advantage and developing technical talents to great use as he constantly countered Oxford time and time again. The finish didn’t even involve a big move, as Benson simply leapfrogged a charging Oxford, hit him with an inverted atomic drop on the rebound followed by a double leg trip, and then a bridging pin to secure the win!


Benson wins, 68




Benson hardly had time to raise his hands in victory before Wolf Hawkins materialized out of the crowd, making his presence known by nailing Benson with a deadly looking full nelson suplex. He popped up immediately after tossing Benson overhead, and as the colorful youngster flopped up and over, charged in and nailed him with a Full Moon Rising, dropping him dead in the center of the ring.


As he lay motionless, Wolf Hawkins took a moment to stare down at him before exiting through the crowd the same way he came in, without saying a word.







No, not in TCW, Wolf! That’s not how we do things here!


Benson’s hardly even stirring in the ring…


TCW prides itself on fair matches, ladies and gentleman. This…attack…should have no bearing on your viewing of TCW.


No, it shouldn’t, but it will.







We cut now from the unprovoked attack to the backstage, where Joey Minnesota and RDJ are watching the action on a monitor, shaking their heads.


Well hello, gentleman…


It’s a voice like silk, soft and beautiful. It’s…





Eddie Peak and the Hellfire Club. Peak stands in front of the deranged group, the blood from his opened stitches still slowly dripping down his face.


Get on, Peak, we don’t have any problems with you.


Peak grinned, his pale cheeks stretching.


That’s the thing, isn’t it, though? Problems are so subjective. Where one man sees an obstacle another sees a resting point. And we are at a resting point now, aren’t we? Only that’s not what I see.


Get on with your point, Eddie. We ain’t got time to listen to ramblin’.


Joey, meanwhile said nothing as he eyed Acid, his bug eyes nearly popping through his mask.


My point is that we’re men who fight. We crave the fight, the conflict, the violence, the…the blood.


Peak took a moment to finger a drop of his own blood off of his forehead and licked it clean.


We don’t have that now. No, no, no…but we will. We’ll have it oh so soon.


Peak took a few backwards steps before breaking out in laughter and turning to lead the Hellfire Club away.


Well, it looks like we’re back in business already.


And I was looking forward to my vacation.






And the seeds are planted.


Peak just might have picked the baddest fight he could have. Those two are fresh off the dissection of the most dominant group in TCW history.


I think that’s what Peak likes about it. He’s a scary bastard, but I have to show him respect.


Just so he won’t rip your head off?











This marked Montero’s first TCW match, but the newcomer didn’t seem too keen on winning over the fans. Instead, he spent his few spurts of (admittedly impressive) offense cursing at the fans in Spanish, laughing as he beat on one of their young favorites in Aaron Andrews. Following a German suplex, he very nearly had an incredible upset in his debut, but Andrews was able to battle back. The talented young brawler fought hard and eventually came away with the win following a diving cross body from the top rope.


Andrews wins, 64.






Montero impresses, but Andrews comes away with a win.


One can only wonder when he’ll jump back into the All Action race.







In the Crippler position, Rick Law was warming up, preparing to make his entrance when a cheesy grin crept across his face. The camera panned to reveal Koshiro Ino, his painted face stern.


Well look who it is.


..and a warrior without valor is a warrior without purpose or honor.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, you’ve been saying the same crap for months. Just leave it!


…I will be watching you, Rick Law. I will ensure that you compete fairly, and I will ensure that you that you will not cheat…


The smile was slowly fading from Law’s face.


…I will see you win the right way, or I will see you destroyed.


By now Law was scowling, nearly snarling at Ino.


Look here, you little bastard. You beat me Sunday night. I admit that. But you didn’t put me down. And now that you’ve come to rub it in my face, I’m going to make you regret that. You’re going to see me destroyed? Ha! Good luck doing that after I beat you so badly your eyes swell shut.






The two started off by circling, Law being the first to engage by bulling Scout into the corner during a tie up. After breaking, Law dropped him with a heavy right before taking over with some side slams, before whipping him and doing a shoulder block to drop Scout.


As he approached to inflict some more pain, Scout wisely rolled free before latching on to his leg, working for a leg lock that just wasn’t there. It was only a set up, though, and Scout popped quickly up to his feet behind Law and hit a bulldog that grounded the bigger man, allowing him to work him over with some holds, wisely targeting the arm. The strategy was useful in both setting up for his Special Force submission (Mutilation armbar) and also to neutralize Law’s Long Arm of the Law lariat.


Law soon fought back, a little slow, but still spirited. The two went at it for several more minutes with neither really gaining a big advantage over the other. This pace continued until The Machines made their presence known, ambushing Guide at ringside. Scout, quick to defend his partner, released Law from a tight hammerlock, took a running start and leapt through the ropes, taking out both Machines with a suicide dive!


When the Machines inevitably struck back at Scout, the referee had no choice but to DQ Law, awarding the match to Scout, still embroiled in a ringside and caring less and less for the outcome of the match.


Scout wins by DQ, 80.


Law, furious, quickly slid outside and joined in the fight, awarding a numbers advantage to The Machines, and the trio unleashed a vicious flurry of violence on Guide and Scout. Until, that is, Koshiro Ino came sprinting down to the ring, and The Kobra evened the fight. Alongside Guide and Scout, he was able to keep The Machines and Law at bay, eventually sending them running to the back, their tails tucked.







Ino for the save!


One can only wonder if this means that Ino’s put The Machines on his hit list as well.


That guy refuses to put up with any sort of bullshit.









Golden quickly closed on Tornado at the start, attempting to muscle him into submission as he did three months ago. Tornado seemed to be more prepared this time around, though, and after weathering the early storm of Golden’s heavy clubbing blows was able to use his considerable speed advantage to consistently stay out Golden’s range. He wasn’t doing any heavy lasting damage, but he wasn’t taking any, either.


Golden, fresh off his title loss, did not enjoy this one bit.


As the match wore on, Tornado proved time and time again that Golden could not keep up with his pace, and the big man began to tire. Tornado’s strategy of outlasting Golden was a smart one, and it may have worked on PPV where there are no time constraints, but here, on tv, the twenty minute limit began to creep up on them.


Just before the 18 minute mark, Sam Keith made an appearance, strolling down to the ring wearing his championship belt loosely around his waist. The competitors in the ring didn’t notice him at first, when he reached ringside, Tornado sure as hell did. Seeing the champ, he sneered and began to ratchet up his attack, blitzing Golden with a series of forearm shots followed by a dropkick to the knee. Quickly, he stepped out onto the apron, and as Rocky made his way to his feet, spring boarded off of the ropes to hit the Star maker (springboard forearm blast).Tornado covers, 1...2...3! Just before the time expires.


Tornado wins, 81


Tornado, somewhat uncharacteristically, didn’t showboat after the match. Instead, he locked eyes with Sam Keith and the two exchanged some tense words that the camera didn’t exactly pick up. A practiced lip reader would tell you that they wouldn’t fly on television, though.






Total: 80


This has been a presentation of…


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LOVE the way you ended the Syndicate--never thought about doing it like that. Also love the aspect of you making TCW seem more about wrestling than SWF. KUTGW.


Thanks, I really appreciate that!


I ended the Syndicate the way I did because I wanted to just be done with it and everything that comes with it. Part of the reason I think TCW only has 1 mil to start is because they've been drawing this storyline out so damn long, and people are tired of it.


That's part of the reason I started the diary one month in, too. Not only did it give me a chance to start with things how I wanted them, but it got me past all these storylines that people have seen so many times already. Obviously, I kept Ino/Law going, but that's the only starter that I have going right now.

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About a month ago, the five of us -- me, Tommy, Joel, Keith, and Bryan Vessey -- were all sitting in this same office. That time, we weren’t laughing like we are now.


You see, ol’ Bryan Vessey popped positive on one of random drug screenings, and I had it called from the beginning. I always knew that bastard was a dirty roid-head, I just couldn’t prove it. Until now, he had been able to somehow avoid getting tested, but we finally caught his ass. And if he was Chance Fortune or Giant Tana, he’d be out on his ass. Instead, he had the benefit of being one of the best wrestlers on the roster. Can’t cut a promo to save his life, but he’s still a damn fine wrestler.


So we kept him on. Tommy’s decision, not mine. I don’t make those, I just put my voice forward when opinions are asked. But seeing as I’m the strength and conditioning coach as well, I got a little bit more opinion than usual.


So for the past month, Vessey’s gone through extensive testing following every show. We’ve got an outside doctor there along with me and Tommy, and we all get the (dis)pleasure of watching a grown man take a piss. Fun stuff. But so far it’s worked. Vessey’s been clean all month, so we’re continuing with his push.


It’s funny, too, because none of us were sure whether or not to put him or Eddie Peak over in the opener to Malice because of this crap. But Vessey’s an old hand - apparently, he worked a lot with Tommy when it was still HGC - and Tommy gave him the benefit of the doubt when he said he was gonna get clean. So we went ahead with the original plans and gave Vessey the win, but we did rub it in a little bit by making him look like crap leading up to it.


So this is his one month clean party. We’re laughing and telling jokes and having a good ol’ time, but that’s only on the surface. What this really is is a warning. It’s us saying, “Hey, you bastard, this is your last chance. We catch your ass again, and we aren’t going to let you just take some tests again. Next time, your ass goes on the shelf, and you look like shit getting put there.”


Right now, the tests don’t go public. I want to change that. I want everyone to know who’s on the juice and that they’re paying for it. TCW advertises their wrestlers as real athletes, it’s time these jackasses get treated like it.

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Last week on Total Wrestling, Eddie Peak and The Hellfire Club made a challenge to Joey Minnesota and RDJ. The duo known as The Freedom Fighters have apparently accepted, too, because the show opener this week features them taking on the violent pairing of American Buffalo and Genghis Rahn. Will the skill and technique of The Freedom Fighters be enough to overcome the violent tendencies of the unstable Buffalo and Rahn?


Also on tap for the evening, Sammy Bach will take on Clark Alexander in a non title match up. Alexander and his tag partner Danny Fonzarelli both took exception to the way Bach brutally attacked and hospitalized former champion Joshua Taylor following his championship win, and both are looking to teach him a lesson. This week, though, it’s just Alexander who gets that chance.


The International champion won’t be the only title holder in action tonight, either, as we’ll see Edd Stone and his partner Freddy Huggins take on the team of Aaron Andrews and Chance Fortune, The LA Connection. Andrews was one of the men cheated in the All Action Championship match at Malice in Wonderland, and he’ll surely be looking to put one over on the champ. He’ll have to have eyes in the back of his head, though, because Edd Stone’s bodyguard, Charlie Thatcher, and manager, Laura Huggins, both have a history of getting involved in his matches.


Last week, Rick Law joined The Machines in a brawl with Koshiro Ino and The New Wave. This week, they’ll fight together in a sactioned environment, taking on the teaming of The Dragons (#1 & #2!) and “Flying” Jimmy Foxx. The latter team hasn’t accomplished much of anything in TCW, and have been hungry to make names for themselves, so look for a surprise in this match!


In the semi-main event of the evening, Bryan Vessey goes to war with a man he’s had some history with over the past few month’s, The Hellfire Club’s Acid. Since coming to, Acid has been on a tear, using his spectacular high flying style mixed with The Hellfire Club’s traditional violence to run through his opponents. He has yet to beat Bryan Vessey, though, and the last time the two met in the ring, found himself being drilled with a Vessey Plex.


Total Wrestling’s main event should be a doozy of a match, pitting World Champion Sam Keith and a young star in Benny Benson against the team of Troy Tornado and Wolf Hawkins. The wheels for this match were set in motion last week when Troy Tornado emerged victorious against Rocky Golden to be named number one contender and Wolf Hawkins launched an unprovoked assault on Benny Benson following his victory over Robert. With all this talent packed into the ring, one can only imagine who will emerge victorious!


Also on Total Wrestling, Tommy Cornell has a huge announcement for the future of TCW!
Quick Picks:

The Freedom Fighters vs. American Buffalo & Genghis Rahn

Clark Alexander vs. Sammy Bach [Non-title]

The LA Connection vs. The Canadian Animals

The Dragons & “Flying” Jimmy Foxx vs. Rick Law & The Machines

Bryan Vessey vs. Acid

Sam Keith & Benny Benson vs. Troy Tornado & Wolf Hawkins
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