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Discussion on Gimmick Changes

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I'm wondering how some of the more advanced users handle gimmick changes. It seems to me that if you change a gimmick and it doesn't stick (if not using autosave) you have to go at least six months before changing it again, getting penalised the whole time.


I find it very hit and miss, what I do is change a gimmick (with autosave off), and then keep reloading and changing gimmick until I get one that goes over as a good gimmick.


But I don't like doing this. To me it seems like cheating a bit.


So how does everybody else handle their gimmick changes?? Keen to hear other people's opinions.

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It ususally depends where your promotion is located as to whether or not gimmick changes will go over or not. I have had no problem changing people's gimmicks in my NOTBPW game that has ran six years and my USPW game that has only ran four monthes.


I did a game with WLW in Japan and some people needed better gimmicks and when I changed them no matter what it was they seemed to hate it but I think that goes with where your promotion is located. Plus Japanese wrestling isn't really based on Gimmicks anyways so that could be a reason why I was having a hard time plus it was the first time I gave a Japanese promotion a shot since I started playing the TEW series back with the 08 version.


Like I said though in US or Canadian Promotions you should have no problem with people not liking their gimmick changes but in Mexico and Japan it tends to get a bit harder (at least with my experiences.)

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I did a game with WLW in Japan and some people needed better gimmicks and when I changed them no matter what it was they seemed to hate it but I think that goes with where your promotion is located.


It's not the location; it's the company. WLW has the "fans want wrestlers with gimmicks" and "fans don't want gimmicks" notes at the same time.

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I adopt a very hit and hope policy.


Normally I'll play gimmick changes very safe and only stick with what I know a worker can pull off, cross-referenced with what the fans of my promotion are looking for.


However if I want to do a wild gimmick then I'll just do it, results be damned. Case in point: in my SWF game I repackaged Squeeky McClean as MC Clean with a rapper gimmick and stuck him in a misfit tag team with Lobster Warrior. Only got a 69 rating but whatever, I think it's funny.

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But once you get the note saying that a worker has a poor gimmick, nothing will change that except a gimmick change, yeah??


Yes, but you will still want to wait to change the gimmick, or else the gimmick change will get dinged up very, very badly.


Anyways, for some reason I seem to get alot of C+ gimmicks in my SWF game. But I've conquered TCW and I'm currently sitting on about 40 million in finances, so I just tend to focus on my storylines now. :p

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But once you get the note saying that a worker has a poor gimmick, nothing will change that except a gimmick change, yeah??


Yep, but changing their gimmick too frequently will kill their rating.


I accidentally did it with Danny Fonzarelli when I wanted him to go back to Jay Darkness and his initial rating was under 10 (F-).

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Yeah, I understand that changing the gimmick too quickly is bad, but basically what I'm trying to ask is if I change a gimmick and get the poor gimmick note, am I basically locked into keeping that worker with that gimmick until they are "Stable" and I can change it again??


Longest sentence ever.


It just seems that if I was not "cheating" and reloading everytime I got a bad gimmick change I would basically have to wait about eight months every time I screwed one up. Seems to me like I'd have a lot of poor gimmicks floating around.


Does anyone ACTUALLY play with autosave on??

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Does anyone ACTUALLY play with autosave on??


The first thing I do when I start a new game is turn it off. I might turn it back on after a few months (I have a couple of times), but until I get acclimated to the roster, know who I want to push, know who's going to give me the best matches, etc., I keep it off. I don't see it as cheating since I don't really "exploit" it, but I'm curious to see what others say about it.

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Yeah, I understand that changing the gimmick too quickly is bad, but basically what I'm trying to ask is if I change a gimmick and get the poor gimmick note, am I basically locked into keeping that worker with that gimmick until they are "Stable" and I can change it again??


Longest sentence ever.


It just seems that if I was not "cheating" and reloading everytime I got a bad gimmick change I would basically have to wait about eight months every time I screwed one up. Seems to me like I'd have a lot of poor gimmicks floating around.


Does anyone ACTUALLY play with autosave on??


I do. It makes it real.

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Yeah, I understand that changing the gimmick too quickly is bad, but basically what I'm trying to ask is if I change a gimmick and get the poor gimmick note, am I basically locked into keeping that worker with that gimmick until they are "Stable" and I can change it again??


Longest sentence ever.


It just seems that if I was not "cheating" and reloading everytime I got a bad gimmick change I would basically have to wait about eight months every time I screwed one up. Seems to me like I'd have a lot of poor gimmicks floating around.


Does anyone ACTUALLY play with autosave on??


I do. Mistakes are part of the game and a ding for a poor gimmick is usually tiny unless it epically bombs, which is very rare.

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Yeah, I understand that changing the gimmick too quickly is bad, but basically what I'm trying to ask is if I change a gimmick and get the poor gimmick note, am I basically locked into keeping that worker with that gimmick until they are "Stable" and I can change it again??


Longest sentence ever.


It just seems that if I was not "cheating" and reloading everytime I got a bad gimmick change I would basically have to wait about eight months every time I screwed one up. Seems to me like I'd have a lot of poor gimmicks floating around.


Does anyone ACTUALLY play with autosave on??


Yes? The game ain't that hard. A C+ gimmick is not the end of the world.

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Yeah, I understand that changing the gimmick too quickly is bad, but basically what I'm trying to ask is if I change a gimmick and get the poor gimmick note, am I basically locked into keeping that worker with that gimmick until they are "Stable" and I can change it again??


Longest sentence ever.


It just seems that if I was not "cheating" and reloading everytime I got a bad gimmick change I would basically have to wait about eight months every time I screwed one up. Seems to me like I'd have a lot of poor gimmicks floating around.


Does anyone ACTUALLY play with autosave on??


Tend to leave it on but allow myself to delete advanced bookings in case I accidentally make a mistake and book a match for a PPV in January or something.


The answer to your questions is yes, essentially.


The best way to avoid this is to look at what gimmicks would suit your worker and cross reference that with what your audiences are looking for. If your fans don't like subtle or risky gimmicks then you should rarely pick a gimmick that has over 50 in either of those areas.


Follow that process and only give difficult gimmicks to workers skilled with gimmicks of that type and you'll be fine.


Worst comes to worst you'll just have a couple of poor gimmicks on the roster. But poor gimmicks don't effect matches much and only have a slightly larger effect on getting over.

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Honestly, I'm a little surprised that I'm the only one that turns it off. I guess I'll turn it back on lol.


A lot of people don't have it on. I'm just personally too lazy to have it off (and hence remember to save manually). Sod's law is that the one time I'd need it, it would have been ages since the last time I saved. I hate losing gametime, so I leave it off. I've only screwed up badly enough I would've needed it (and hence needed to use the back-up)... maybe twice?


But going back and resetting gimmicks over and over is kinda... well, not dishonest, but it's a little against the spirit of pure fair play. I don't generally criticise how other people play though, so if you want to do that, then hey, go ahead.

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I'm wondering how some of the more advanced users handle gimmick changes. It seems to me that if you change a gimmick and it doesn't stick (if not using autosave) you have to go at least six months before changing it again, getting penalised the whole time.


I find it very hit and miss, what I do is change a gimmick (with autosave off), and then keep reloading and changing gimmick until I get one that goes over as a good gimmick.


But I don't like doing this. To me it seems like cheating a bit.


So how does everybody else handle their gimmick changes?? Keen to hear other people's opinions.


If a gimmick change fails...take the worker out of your main show, get him on your b show for a few weeks, and then take him out of TV, give him some time off, hide him in shame for 6 months, never admiting your failure...you know...like in the RW. Then repackage him.

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A lot of people don't have it on. I'm just personally too lazy to have it off (and hence remember to save manually). Sod's law is that the one time I'd need it, it would have been ages since the last time I saved. I hate losing gametime, so I leave it off. I've only screwed up badly enough I would've needed it (and hence needed to use the back-up)... maybe twice?


But going back and resetting gimmicks over and over is kinda... well, not dishonest, but it's a little against the spirit of pure fair play. I don't generally criticise how other people play though, so if you want to do that, then hey, go ahead.


Yeah, that makes sense. Like I said, I don't exploit it or anything, I just like having the ability to go back and fix it if something goes drastically wrong. Not a poor show, not an injury, but if it's human error, such as the wrong match getting booked, advanced booked matches didn't get made, etc. Things that shouldn't go wrong that I screw up on. I honestly don't think that using it in such a way is a big deal.

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Oh absolutely. If that's what you're doing it's no biggy. There's never anything wrong with correcting like, accidentally putting the wrong match on last, because that is a human error that wouldn't happen IRL, because IRL you can't misclick and say "Yeah let's make Tyson Baine squashing a jobber the main event"
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Oh absolutely. If that's what you're doing it's no biggy. There's never anything wrong with correcting like, accidentally putting the wrong match on last, because that is a human error that wouldn't happen IRL, because IRL you can't misclick and say "Yeah let's make Tyson Baine squashing a jobber the main event"


True. I always use auto-save off. But i don't exploit it.

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...Except like I just said, the ding starts at something like 66, and unless it's the sub-30s, then it is no big deal. My current champion has a 'poor' gimmick right now and he just had an A* match...


Indeed. My World Champion has a gimmick that is 66, and he has been putting on consistent B+ matches. Oh yeah, and he's freaking Primus Allen, with a C- in psychology! So yeah, I only consider a gimmick to be a "bomb" if it dips below 50. :p

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...Except like I just said, the ding starts at something like 66, and unless it's the sub-30s, then it is no big deal. My current champion has a 'poor' gimmick right now and he just had an A* match...


Except this, yeah, i had forgoten to point this out. A poor gimmick has to be below 50's or so. I had 66 ones pulling great matches. If it really bombs, hide it in shame after jobbing the hell out of the guy. :D

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