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DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution

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Hyotaru Ichigawa & Zodiac vs GUSHIKEN & Tian Long

Tough one here as though Ichigawa & Zodiac are slighly stronger, Long might get a win here in order to build him up for his title shot... Still right now GUSHIKEN doesn´t seem to be in heavyweight title hunt so I don´t see much reason to put him over Ichigawa.

Eikichi Minamoto, Prime Dragon & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito & Chojiro Ono

Another tough one. Again Guardian trio looks stronger but with Minamoto´s recent attitude they might lose here espesially since I expect the main event to go for the Guardians... still Ono looks like the weak link here so I go with the side who I think is slighly stronger.


Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki vs Dark Wolf II & Soh Terajima

Nori is the top guy here and Terajima is the weak link so everything points on Kuro guys losing here.


Koto Arato vs Taheji Ebisawa

Ebisawa might have suprised me last time by going over Shimizudani but Arato is on totally differend level and Ebisiwa isn´t anywhere near ready to get a win that big yet.


Kotei Yamato, Hiro Date & Oda Yamawaki vs Shiki Hirasi, Aki Shimizudani & Horiuchi Inokuma

S.H.I.P over jobber trio.


HUSTLE Umiro vs Kohei Hidaka

Another tough one, I go with HUSTLE but I could easily see this one going the other way too.


Hideaki Kasuse vs Hunter Wolfe vs Meido Machine vs Xtinction

Uhmm... to be honest I don´t see why any of these four guys should get a win. Guess I go with Meido since he has the most going on.


Blood Spider Jr vs Kan Mitsubishi

Yet another tough one, Mitsubishi is more established but I think that you are slighly higher on Blood Spider... I go with more established guy this time.


Go Takashi vs Yachi Kotara

Takashi might be a new guy but he has already showed that he´s above Kotara.

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Quick random-so-don't-beat-me-down thought--DIASPORA could use another heel unit (then again I have OCD so odd numbers make me feel weird). :rolleyes:


Usually in unit based companies they're usually one heel unit. I know watching Dragon Gate, the only heel unit in there is MAD BLANKEY. Anyways on to predics...



Hyotaru Ichigawa & Zodiac vs GUSHIKEN & Tian Long


Eikichi Minamoto, Prime Dragon & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito & Chojiro Ono

I am personally intrigued about this match mainly to see what happens given Minamoto's recent behavior.


Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki vs Dark Wolf II & Soh Terajima


Koto Arato vs Taheji Ebisawa


Kotei Yamato, Hiro Date & Oda Yamawaki vs Shiki Hirasi, Aki Shimizudani & Horiuchi Inokuma


HUSTLE Umiro vs Kohei Hidaka


Hideaki Kasuse vs Hunter Wolfe vs Meido Machine vs Xtinction


Blood Spider Jr vs Kan Mitsubishi


Go Takashi vs Yachi Kotara

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Hyotaru Ichigawa & Zodiac vs GUSHIKEN & Tian Long


Eikichi Minamoto, Prime Dragon & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito & Chojiro Ono


Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki vs Dark Wolf II & Soh Terajima


Koto Arato vs Taheji Ebisawa


Kotei Yamato, Hiro Date & Oda Yamawaki vs Shiki Hirasi, Aki Shimizudani & Horiuchi Inokuma


HUSTLE Umiro vs Kohei Hidaka


Hideaki Kasuse vs Hunter Wolfe vs Meido Machine vs Xtinction


Blood Spider Jr vs Kan Mitsubishi


Go Takashi vs Yachi Kotara

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Predictions Form


Hyotaru Ichigawa & Zodiac vs GUSHIKEN & Tian Long


Gushiken and Tian Long are getting up there in age. I suppose Zodiac is too, but I think the Guardians team should take this.


Eikichi Minamoto, Prime Dragon & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito & Chojiro Ono


Ono looks like the weak link here, but it really could go either way.


Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki vs Dark Wolf II & Soh Terajima


Kuro's B squad isn't beating Nori


Koto Arato vs Taheji Ebisawa


Ebisawa is a future star, but he isn't ready to beat Arato.


Kotei Yamato, Hiro Date & Oda Yamawaki vs Shiki Hirasi, Aki Shimizudani & Horiuchi Inokuma


SHIP takes this one pretty easily. More tension between ShimiKuma.


HUSTLE Umiro vs Kohei Hidaka


HUSTLE keeps on hustling.


Hideaki Kasuse vs Hunter Wolfe vs Meido Machine vs Xtinction


Contrary to popular opinion I'll take Kasuse to win here. I figure he can even up the score after HUSTLE beats his partner.


Blood Spider Jr vs Kan Mitsubishi


No Idea here to be honest. I'll say Blood Spider cheats to steal a victory.


Go Takashi vs Yachi Kotara


Takashi beats a jobber.

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Result: Horiuchi Inokuma [w] bt Shiki Hirais [L] in 6:25 via pinfall (Kamikochi Suplex)


No shock here, though the rating is lower than expected. Hopefully this was mostly Shiki dragging him down.


Result: Taheji Ebisawa [w] bt Aki Shimizudani [L] in 6:08 via pinfall (Dozer)


Ugh. Aki Janetty didn't impress either. Maybe it's best to leave these guys together.


Result: Sairento [w] bt Meido Machine [L] in 6:54 via pinfall (Death Note)


For a guy who blackmailed his way into DIASPORA Meido is turning into quite a find. He'll never go higher than midcard with that gimmick but he's fun. Sairento was his usual self. I'd love to see Nori charge in to go after Sairento, to keep more heat on their confrontation.


Result: Tian Long won a 10 man Battle Royal in 23:14


Plenty of traditional stuff. Kuro being dicks, Soh getting pwned by Hideki, miscommunication and chaos. Surprised to see Tian Long win though.


Post match Tian Long gets on the microphone


"I would like to thank the owner of DIASPORA, without whom this win would not have been possible."


Result: Hiroto Nori [w], Hiro Date & Oda Yamawaki bt Yachi Kotara, Kohei Hidaka & Hideaki Kasuse [L] in 11:15 via pinfall (Endless Nori)


Solid is a good way to describe this. No surprises, but reasonable quality and action.


Kotara planting Nori with the North Light Suplex

I'm guessing we're saving Mio's return for the title match. So that'll be me in the front row talking on my smart phone and yelling “Mio says leave her Nori alone, Kotara!”


Result: GUSHIKEN [w] & Chojiro Ono vs Koto Arato & Go Takashi [L] in 13:56 via pinfall (GUSHIKEN Firebomb)


Yeah, this is a small market card. UNK with the win to no one's surprise. Takashi getrs to show his spirit, Arato had a couple of big moments, and the bigger name team gets the win.

Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] & Zodiac bt Hyotaru Ichigawa [L] & Prime Dragon in 31:49 via submission (Akira Takano Tea Club Special)


What a main event. It got a full length big match write up, plenty of near falls, plenty of face to face IchiMina brawling. Minamoto's teasing the heel turn, but we'll see if he commits to it or if's it's going to be more of a rivalry with an edge.


so I'm just like you Ichigawa-san, only younger, better, more charismatic and more likely to sell tickets......


Ok, so it looks like he's going heel.

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(then again I have OCD so odd numbers make me feel weird). :rolleyes:


The beauty of symmetry is undeniable.


Hyotaru Ichigawa & Zodiac vs GUSHIKEN & Tian Long


Champ gets his heat back. I don't see anyway GushiLong win this without a screwjob.


Eikichi Minamoto, Prime Dragon & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito & Chojiro Ono


I have to agree, Ono is a huge glaring weakness for his team in this matchup.

Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki vs Dark Wolf II & Soh Terajima


Nori is the biggest star and Soh needs to get beat down by Hideki more.


Koto Arato vs Taheji Ebisawa


Super Porky gets a much needed win. I'm interested to see what rating this gets, though.


Kotei Yamato, Hiro Date & Oda Yamawaki vs Shiki Hirasi, Aki Shimizudani & Horiuchi Inokuma


SHIP FTW. But expect to see more tension for ShimiKuma.


HUSTLE Umiro vs Kohei Hidaka


Hustle has a little momentum, so I pick him.

Hideaki Kasuse vs Hunter Wolfe vs Meido Machine vs Xtinction


Entertaining throwaway match. I wonder if Wolfe is going to be back with his schoolgirl gimmick or getting revenge on Meido for it?


Blood Spider Jr vs Kan Mitsubishi


Blood Spider is the new guy, but he's show some talent and promise, alot more than Mitsubishi.

Go Takashi vs Yachi Kotara

And no one cares. Match rating of 35 or so.

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Hyotaru Ichigawa & Zodiac vs GUSHIKEN & Tian Long


Eikichi Minamoto, Prime Dragon & Talisman vs Sairento, Incognito & Chojiro Ono


Hiroto Nori & Shintaro Hideki vs Dark Wolf II & Soh Terajima


Koto Arato vs Taheji Ebisawa

Kotei Yamato, Hiro Date & Oda Yamawaki vs Shiki Hirasi, Aki Shimizudani & Horiuchi Inokuma


HUSTLE Umiro vs Kohei Hidaka


Hideaki Kasuse vs Hunter Wolfe vs Meido Machine vs Xtinction


Blood Spider Jr vs Kan Mitsubishi


Go Takashi vs Yachi Kotara

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Go Takashi vs Yachi Kotara

And no one cares. Match rating of 35 or so.


All too true :D


As for having only one heel faction, Lo-Drew's right Dragon Gate only reallty ever run with one fully fledged heel stable (and I'm not going to deny that Dragon Gate aren't a real life influence/inspiration for this). There may have been occassions where you might have had some 'tweener' stables I say tweener but more like babyfaces who would become de-facto heels against the main babyface unit- I think certainly during the pre Blood Warriors/Junction III era- you had Kamikaze and Warriors who always felt (well to me anyway) less like full on babyfaces than World-1.


Anyway I've actually been on a bit of a tear this weekend, and apart from the main event matches actually have most of the show written up. So I should get this one out midweek sometime. Maybe that's because.......


1. I'm only 1 show away from the next big PPV show


2. I'm not going to have much time next weekend- real life plans...I won't bore you the detail with.

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All too true :D


As for having only one heel faction, Lo-Drew's right Dragon Gate only reallty ever run with one fully fledged heel stable (and I'm not going to deny that Dragon Gate aren't a real life influence/inspiration for this). There may have been occassions where you might have had some 'tweener' stables I say tweener but more like babyfaces who would become de-facto heels against the main babyface unit- I think certainly during the pre Blood Warriors/Junction III era- you had Kamikaze and Warriors who always felt (well to me anyway) less like full on babyfaces than World-1.


Anyway I've actually been on a bit of a tear this weekend, and apart from the main event matches actually have most of the show written up. So I should get this one out midweek sometime. Maybe that's because.......


1. I'm only 1 show away from the next big PPV show


2. I'm not going to have much time next weekend- real life plans...I won't bore you the detail with.


Yeah KAMIKAZE were tweeners with YAMATO and especially Shingo during his feud with hulk that led to the hair match in 10. Warriors were more face with the whole "Uuu" thing. World-1 was definitely the top faction with Doi and Yoshino. The only heel units then was Real Hazard before they became DEEP DRUNKERS. So yeah it is very rare to see two heel units in companies like DISAPORA. I remember modding a game for myself using BHOTWG and I came up with two heel units and I even found that to be weird. But yeah, mostly it's one pure heel unit, one pure face unit and the rest fall in line.

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Full Metal Panic! Tour - Show 17


Thursday 23rd February 2012,

Izumo Civic Arena, Chugoku (1,000- Super No Vacancy!)


Match 0: Go Takashi vs Yachi Kotara


Takashi was stronger in the early going and a Bartenders Swing (Giant Swing) brought 'Nippon Hart' a two count. Kotara go into the match when he got in some cheap shots on the outside, after Takashi too the 'powder' bait.


Kotara then managed to get the Bend of Will (Bow and Arrow Hold) locked on Takashi, but 'Nippon Hart' fought through that and in the end it was Kotara who was the one tapping out to the Dollars (Inverted Cloverleaf)


Result: Go Takashi [w] bt Yachi Kotara [L] in 6:27 via submission (Dollars)

Rating: 40


Takayuki Balls: It's pre-show match, that met my expectations, which is to say I didn't really have any expectations at all and nor did the fans who were more interested in buying merchandise.



Main Show



Mitsubishi outbrawls Spider in the early going and get's a Brainbuster for a two count. 'Fist of Granite' then goes for the Power Punch, but Spider manages to move out of the way and Mitsubishi ends up nailing referee Sugimura instead.


Blood Spider Jr the connects with Poison Mist (Asian Mist followed by a high kick to a head), but Sugmiura is still out of it and Ochida comes down to make the count. Mitsubishi kicks out at two much to Spider's frustration but the 'New Nightmare' manages to stay in control and snares Mitsubishi in the Web of Deception (Spinning Headscissors transitioned into an Octopus Stretch). Mitsubishi just can't find a way to break free and ends up tapping out.


Result: Blood Spider Jr [w] bt Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 5:31 via submission (Web of Deception)

Rating: 38


Takayuki Balls: Not good, the crowd were even less into this match than the pre-show one. I think at this stage the fans only want to see Blood Spider Jr getting his butt kicked, not beating someone who the fans are apathetic about seeing lose.




Meido Machine found he had an 'ally' when Hunter Wolfe came to the ring as 'Fuku Machine'. The pair worked together to control the match including nailing Xtinction and Kasuse with their signature double team snap suplex






Xtinction however had been perched up top and went for a Shooting Star Press, only to overcook it and end up sailing over everyone and crashing hard onto the canvas, a fatal miscalculation that pretty much knocked Xtinction out for the rest of the match.


Meido Machine then threw up the heart symbol, leading to the 'Heart Stopping Moe' where everyone else in the ring freezes.



Meido then went up top and after screaming 'M M MEIDO BEAAAAMMM!' nailed Kasuse with the missile drop-kick.....


Only that sent Kasuse crashing into 'Fuku Machine'......


'Fuku Machine' suddenly remembered who he really was, and angered by the fact he was poncing about in a Sailor Fuku, nailed Meido Machine with a lariat and then dumped the 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' with the Redemption Bomb (Sitout Powerbomb)


It looked as though Wolfe was about to pick up his first win, only for Kasuse to break up the pin with the All About Yen (Diving Leg Drop) and then quickly roll Wolfe up to steal the win.


Result: Hideaki Kasuse [w] bt Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine [L] + Meido Machine + Xtinction in 8:49 via pinfall (All About Yen)


Rating: 48


Takayuki Balls: This was hardly a showcase of fantastic wrestling, but it was never going to be, so with Meido's antics and of course the Wolfe/Fuku split personality thing this one was played for 'laughs'. Kasuse picked up the win here, because right now out of all these performers he's the most respected amongst the fans.



Match #3: HUSTLE Umiro vs Kohei Hidaka


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HUSTLEUmiro.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoheiHidaka.jpg


They start of with some chain wrestling, with HUSTLE getting the better of Hidaka. The MOE! MONEY! man then takes a moment to break out a 'spinnaroonie' in the middle of the ring. That doesn't go down well with Hidaka who charges at HUSTLE, only for the 'Ducker Diver' to use his momentum against Hidaka, and send the 'Red Dog' over the top-rope.


HUSTLE then does the 'Robot' before deciding to go for a tope con hilo, but his 'dicking' about meant that Hidaka had time to move out of harms way and HUSTLE ended up crashing against the barricade.


Hidaka got a few cheap shots in on the outside and took control of the match. Hidaka then planted HUSTLE with a snap suplex, before mocking the MOE! MONEY! teams signature by raising his arms in the air and then flipping off the crowd. 'The Red Dog' then went up top and went for the Flying Body Press but HUSTLE was able to counter into Uranage slam for a two count.


HUSTLE then went up top himself but Hidaka cut him off and sent the 'Ducker Diver' crashing back in with a superplex, that got Hidaka a close two count, who then appeared reeled HUSTLE in to set up for either a powerbomb or a piledriver but HUSTLE was able to block the attempt and countered into the Out-Hustled (Backslide Pin), which was enough to keep Hidaka's shoulders pinned to the mat for the count of three.


Result: HUSTLE Umiro [w] bt Kohei Hidaka [L] in 8:57 via pinfall (Out-Hustled)

Rating: 52


Takayuki Balls: HUSTLE's fun character and relatively decent ability to get the crowd involved in his matches, carried this match to be something relatively watchable, because the actual in ring action on offer was as bland and forgettable, as you can get....not unlike The Forgotten themselves to be honest.


Post Match Comments:


Kohei Hidaka: That idiot HUSTLE's win over me was a fluke, a stupid fluke....at Pro Wrestling Festival me and Kasuse-san will be showing him and his equally idiotic partner how REAL wrestlers behave.....wrestling is a serious business, and clowns like moe friggin money are making a mockery of it.




Apart from a brief few minutes around the mid-point of the match, culiminating with close two count for Inokuma when he planted Yamato with the Kamikochi Suplex (Northern Lights Suplex), the S.H.I.P trio were pretty much in complete control of this match from start to finish. Hirasi got taken out with the Sky Tree (Doomsday Device) but it was Shimiuzdani who who would ultimately be the one to taste defeat when he was forced to tap out to the Date with Pain (Elevated Boston Crab).


Result: Kotei Yamato, Hiro Date [w] & Oda Yamawaki bt Aki Shimizudani [L], Horiuchi Inokuma & Shiki Hirasi in 9:44 via submission (Date with Pain)

Rating: 52


Takayuki Balls: This was exactly what it was expected to be an extended 'squash' for the S.H.I.P trio, the only mystery to the crowd would have been who out of Shimuzdani and Hirasi would be the one to eat the decisive fall.



Match #5: Koto Arato vs Taheji Ebisawa


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KotoArato.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TaheijiEbisawa.jpg


They do a collar and elbow tie up to start and Arato over-powers Ebisawa into a corner, only for Ebisawa to suddenly turn it around and reign several punches down on 'Strong Dreamer'. Ebisawa backs off and winds Arato with a shoulder charge into the mid-section and then levels Arato with a clothesline as the former Heavyweight champ staggers out.


Arato stays on his feet but gets gets knocked off with a second clothesline, leading to a two count for Ebisawa. Ebisawa then hits a stalling knee drop on Arato for another two count, before deciding to head for the turbuckles, he begins to climb but it proves to be a mistake as he is unsure of himself and Arato gets up to club him from behind.


Arato the perches Ebisawa on the top turbuckle and sets up for a superplex but 'Forceful Dagger' fights it off with back elbows and then knocks Arato down with a flying double axe handle off the second turnbuckle.


Ebisawa then gets in a flurry of fore-arms on Arato before flinging Arato over with the Belly to Helly (Release Belly to Belly Suplex), ring positioning however is in Arato's favour as referee Ochida makes the count.


After that near fall, Ebisawa pulls Arato nearer to the centre of the ring and begins to set up for the Ebisawa Complex (Swinging Side Slam Backbreaker) but Arato manages to block the attempt and counters into a Uranage.


Arato then shows his power by lifting Ebisawa up off the canvas in a dead lift to deliver the Gotch Suplex (Dead Lift German Suplex) but equally Ebisawa shows great fighting spirit by kicking out at two.


Arato then went to apply the Dreamland (Rear Naked Choke) but Ebisawa managed to power his way up to his feet and back Arato into the corner forcing a rope-break. Ebisawa then managed to get in a flurry of fore-arms on Arato, that had the former Heavyweight champ reeling in the corner.


Ebisawa then flinged Arato over with another Belly to Helly (Release Belly to Belly) out of the corner and then looked to nail Arato with the Dozer (Spear) but 'Strong Dreamer' managed to move out of the way and Ebisawa ended up colliding with the middle turnbuckle in the opposite corner. Arato then got in postion behind Ebisawa and dumped 'Forceful Dagger' with the Arato-Suplex (Half Nelson Choke Suplex) which was enough to keep Ebisawa down for the three count.


Result: Koto Arato [w] bt Taheji Ebisawa [L] in 9:51 via pinfall (Arato Suplex) in 9:51 via pinfall (Arato Suplex)

Rating: 75


Takayuki Balls: These two men are similar in size and similar in wrestling style (both mix brawling with power moves) , when you get a match-up like that it can either go the way of their similarities leading to a turgid mess or it can lead to their similar styles meshing well with one another. Thankfully the latter happened here, and it needed to a first half of the show full of flat, uninspiring matches (yeah I can only blame myself for booking a flat uninspiring first half)....these two just went out there and went all out for near on ten minutes to put on a great match, and though Arato-san winning came as no surprise....Ebisawa-san showed plenty here to show why down the line, he can grow into being a key player for the Heavyweight Division.


Post Match Comments:


Koto Arato: Ebisawa-san gave me a tough battle there, the kid has a good future ahead of him but I have no reason to step aside for the 'future' just yet, I still have plenty left in the tank!




Dark Wolf II and Terajima try to jump the S.H.I.P pair before the bell, but Nori and Hideki are ready for such a predictable attack and soon turn the tables on the Kuro duo. Things turn around however a few minutes into the match when Terajima gets in a cheap shot with the Black Box from the apron on Nori.


Dark Wolf II and Terajima manage to isolate the S.H.I.P leader in their corner for a bit, with Wolf even manage to apply Holo's Dream (Three Quarter Nelson Choke) submission. Nori is able to battle out of that, but still remains in trouble and the 'Howling Fury' heads up top but then misses his target with the Wolf's Rain (Diving Elbow Drop). Nori then nails Terajima with a drop-kick and gets the tag to Hideki.


Hideki takes control and gets a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count on Dark Wolf II, before nailing the 'Howling Fury' with a superkick and then sets up for the Shiranui, only to be clipped from behind by Terajima. The Kuro pair combine well when Terajima takes down Hideki with the Cloak and Dagger (Flying Neckbreaker) and then Dark Wolf II followed up with the Wolf's Call (Sliding Lariat Pin) that had Nori desperately scrambling into the ring to make the save.


Nori was then clotheslined to the floor by Wolf, whilst Terajima collected the Black Box.....Wolf holds Hideki in place for the Black Box shot, but 'Integral Prowess' wriggles free and Wolf ends up being erroneously nailed instead. Terajima avoids the the Superkick from Hideki, but then turns right round into a Nigiri Serving (Leaping Reverse STO) from Nori, and with Wolf still reeling from being hit over the head with the Black Box, that secured the win for S.H.I.P


Result: Hiroto Nori [w] & Shintaro Hideki bt Dark Wolf II & Soh Terajima [L] in 11:02 via pinfall (Nigiri Serving)

Rating: 68


Takayuki Balls: Solid midcard tag match, delivering a good mix of in-ring action and storytelling without ever trying to steal the show- that's all it needed to be, nothing more, nothing less. Wolf and Terajima worked pretty well as a team and it may have to make me re-think some plans with them going forward.


Post Match Comments:


Hiroto Nori: I'm prepared to endure whatever Prime Dragon and Sairento dish out at me, when I face them at Pro Wrestling Festival, for I will be stronger than both of them.....I will realise my goal, I will become the Super Junior Champion.


Shintaro Hideki: At Pro Wrestling Festival myself and Yamato-san will finish you and your fellow irritant Blood Spider off once and for all. We will show everyone that cheap immitations of wrestlers such as yourself can never beat true, honest hard working athletes like me.


Talisman and Incognito started things off and engaged in a slick display of chain wrestling, that ended with Talisman taking Incognitpo by surprise with the God Know's (Spinning Headscisssors into a Crucifix Pin) leading to Sairento making a desperation save.


Prime Dragon was able to intercept Sairento, before he could get some cheap shots in on Talisman. Soon enough the match broke down and lead to some brawling out on the floor that referee Sugimura struggled to keep a lid on. The chaos of course played more into Kuro's hands and Prime Dragon was power bombed against the ring-apron by Ono, whilst Talisman ate a Yazuza Kick from Sairento....curiously enough Eikichi Minamoto just spent most of the time trying to stay out of harms way.


When things settled down Kuro were fully in control, with Talisman isolated in their corner. The 'Second Coming' endured a Kuro-Stomp (Surfboard Curbstomp) from Sairento, a double facewash from the Kuro leader and Incognito and then a powerslam/moonsault combination from Ono/Incognito- as Prime Dragon looked on in frustration and it was only Prime Dragon looking on in frustration as Minamoto had not only hopped down off the apron....he went to go and join the announcers at the commentary table.


Minamoto whose tone throughout his 'guest' stint at the announce table seemed to be rather mocking chimed in with ...


'There's nothing to worry about, look Talisman and Prime Dragon are true champions- I'm proud to call them my team-mates. They don't need my help, you'll see they'll battle through because their best will be good enough.....Come on Talisman.... you can do it!'


Talisman was showing plenty of fighting spirit, but he just couldn't seem to find a way out of trouble- that was until Chojiro Ono telegraphed a corner splash.....'The Second Coming' managed to move of the way....nail Ono with an Enziguri and then take 'Tsunami' off his feet with a springboard drop-kick, and despite having been on the receiving end of an extended beat-down at the hands of Kuro, Talisman was able to shift quicker to his corner as Ono struggled to move his sizeable weight up off the canvas.


Talisman then got the tag out to a fired up Prime Dragon. The Super Junior Champion nailed Ono with a Rolling Wheel Kick and then followed up with a Dragonsault (Springboard Moonsault) but Tsunami was able to kick out at two. The 'Grand Pillar' then decided to head for the top turnbuckle but was cut off by Incognito....Dragon managed to fight off the unwanted attentions of 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' but that allowed Ono to get back to a vertical base and send Dragon crashing back in with a Powerbomb.


Sairento was then tagged in, and the Kuro-leader nailed Dragon with Yakuza Kick, before planting the 'Grand Pillar' with a Death Valley Driver......


That earned a two count, but Sairento remained in control, dishing out a Kuro-Stomp (Surfboard Curb Stomp) to the Super Junio Champion and then locking on the Silence (Pentagram Choke)


Prime Dragon looked to be quickly fading but Talisman was still recovering and Minamoto was still at the commentary table


'Better get back to business, looks like the old champ might not pull through after all......'


Just as it looked like Dragon was about to breath his last in this match, Minamoto casually rolled into the ring and then stomped away on Sairento, to force 'Silent Reaper' to break the submission hold.


A fresh Minamoto then nailed Sairento with the Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick).....'Rumble Heart' then picked up Sairento hoisted the Kuro leader upon his shoulders and delivered the Gurugu Mawaru (Airplane Spin Toss).....


But Minamoto did not see Incognito come flying in, as 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' nailed 'Rumble Heart' with the Bala De Dios (Flying Spinning Heel Kick).....


Incognito then got himself officially tagged into the match and then headed up top, only for Minamoto to rise back to his feet, but 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' was still a step ahead, driling Minamoto with a Tornado DDT.


Incognito then tagged in Ono, who immediately went for the Tsunami (Big Splash) on Minamoto and this time the big man connnected....








Both Talisman and Prime Dragon dived in to make the save, even if Minamoto's own attitude was a bit iffy of late...he was still a Guardian and besides they still wanted to win this match.


Sairento and Incognito however were able to intercept Dragon and Talisman and soon sent the Guardians pair out to the floor. Minamoto was then subjected to a corner splash from Ono, a spinning heel kick into the corner by Incognito and then a corner Yazuka Kick from Sairento.


Incognito then headed up top but all of a sudden was cut off by Talisman who sent 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' crashing back in with a hurracanrana.....


Talisman then sent Incognito out to the floor and took out 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' with a Shooting Star Press to the floor!!


Meanwhile, back in the ring Sairento had now headed up top himself, but he was soon cut off by Prime Dragon......the stable leaders had a back and forth strike exchange on the top turnbuckle only for Chojiro Ono to come along a powerbomb both of them into the ring, just a Dragon was setting up for a superplex on Sairento.


A fired up Ono, then set Minamoto up for the Okinawa Battle Bomb (Spinning Powerbomb) only for 'Rumble Heart' to transition into the Akira Takano Tea Club Special (Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Arm Bar) but Ono showed his strength by still being able to powerbomb Minamoto against the corner turnbuckle.


But Ono was not ready for Talisman, who took the big man down with the God Know's (Spinning Headscissors into a Crucifix Pin).......






Ono powered out of the pin and then Talisman was nailed with a Yakuza Kick from Sairento, who then drlled the 'Second Coming' with the Death Note (Spike Brainbuster).....


Sairento however was nailed with a Rolling Wheel Kick from Dragon and then drilled with a Prime Driver 2000 (Wrist Clutch Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver)......


But Ono was still a factor, and 'Epic Tsunami made the save, before dumping Dragon with the Okinawa Battle Bomb (Spinning Powerbomb).......


Incognito was now perched up top, and 'El Pesadilla Hermosa' came crashing down upon the Super Junior Champion with the Susurro De La Muerte (630 Senton).....


But despite pretty losing control of this match referee Sugimura, does not recognise either the pinner or the one being pinned as the legal man. He does however recognise Ono and Talisman as the legal men.......


Ono sets up Talisman for the Okinawa Battle Bomb but the 'Second Coming' counters with a sunset flip......Ono goes for the Butt Drop but Talisman manages to move out of the way and looks to head up top.....


But Minamoto makes the blind tag, much to the Junior Tag champions annoyance.......


The Guardians argument however allows for Ono to get back to his feet and level Minamoto with a clothesline, but as Ono goes for the Okinawa Battle Bomb once again Minamoto is able to counter into the Akira Takano Tea Club Special (Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Arm Bar)....this time round Ono can't fight through the pain and 'Epic Tsunami' is forced to tap out as Minamoto's hot form continues heading into his Heavyweight title showdown with Hyotaru Ichigawa


Result: Prime Dragon, Eikichi Minamoto [w] & Talisman vs Sairento, Chojiro Ono [L] & Incognito in 22:40 via submission (Akira Takano Tea Club Special)

Rating: 80


Takayuki Balls: An excellent six man tag, with Minamoto-san doing golden work right now with his increasingly egotisical character. I must also single out praise for Ono-san in this match, he's by far the least gifted wrestler out of everyone in this match and he does often feel like an odd fit for DIASPORA but credit where it's due, he had his working boots on today.


Post Match Comments:


Eikichi Minamoto: I win again, just as I've been doing over and over again....who is the one who keeps winning....yeah me and that winning streak won't stop at Pro Wrestling Festival either...I'll be the champion and everyone else will have to get in line behind me......


Prime Dragon is shaking his head during Minamoto's comments to the press, 'Rumble Heart spots this and confronts Dragon'


Do you have a problem with my confidence- I thought you'd be pleased to have such a winning asset on your team Dragon


Prime Dragon: I don't have a problem with confidence, what I do have a problem with is arrogance.


Eikichi Minamoto: I reckon you're just worried, that if I beat old man Ichigawa, that I'll be taking some of the spot light away from you?


Prime Dragon: It's not like that at all but you are not showing the qualities of a true Guardian of DIASPORA, you are beginning to act like one of them!


Eikichi Minamoto: Oh please, do not compare me to that silent freak and his chronies......


Prime Dragon: You may not act entirely like them now but I see you slipping towards that path of darkness.....


Eikichi Minamoto: The only path I'm following is mine.......I think it's up to you Dragon-san if you want to continue backing the past or get behind the future.....and the future is....ME!


Prime Dragon: I'm still willing to believe in you Minamoto-san, I really hope you can see sense once again, I really do hope, because my patience is wearing thin.

The Guardians pair get the better of the early exchanges, with Zodiac coming close to grabbing an early victory when he reversed a powerbomb attemp from GUSHIKEN into a victory roll and then followed that up with an even closer two count when he spiked 'Great Thunder' with a Tornado DDT....


That lead to the Kuro pair taking a powder.....GUSHIKEN and Long then frustrated their opponents by teasing that they would be getting back into the ring, only to bail back out to the floor several times....


Eventually Zodiac's patience wore thin and he went for a slingshot plancha only to be caught by GUSHIKEN and powerslammed against the ring apron. GUSHIKEN and Long then got in a series of cheap shots before pitching Zodiac back into the ring. 'Innovations God' kicked out of a pin attempt from Long but now firmly found himself in the wrong part of town.


The Kuro pair proceeded to work over Zodiac in their corner, mainly targetting the neck and back of the Junior Tag champion. That is all preparation for Tian Long to lock on the Dynasty Lock (Inverted STF) but Zodiac isn't about to go down without a fight and he makes his way to the ropes to force a rope-break.


Zodiac the nails Long and GUSHIKEN with consecutive drop-kicks, but 'Great Thunder' prevents Zodiac from tagging out and gets a cheap shot in on Ichigawa. GUSHIKEN then nails Zodiac with the GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Smash).....


Frustratingly for 'Great Thunder' it only gets two. GUSHIKEN clubs away on Zodiac for a bit more and then set up for the GUSHIKEN Firebomb 02 (Elevated Powerbomb) but 'Innovations God' counters that by flipping out into a facebuster.


Zodiac then nailed GUSHIKEN with an enziguri as 'Great Thunder' tried to prevent him making the tag to Ichigawa, before finally getting the Heavyweight Champion back into the match to the partizan crowd's immediate approval.


Ichigawa is all fired up, as he takes the tag and GUSHIKEN is on the end of a whirlwind like barrage from 'White Light' that ends with the Heavyweight Champion nailing 'Great Thunder' with the Decapitator (Bicyle Kick).......








GUSHIKEN manages to kick out but suddenly finds himself being placed in the Crucifix Arm Bar !!.......


Seeing the desperation of the situation Tian Long dives into the ring and then stomps away on Ichigawa. Ichigawa nails Long with the Decapitator but the Imperial One's intervention allowed for GUSHIKEN to nail Ichigawa with GUSHIKEN Smash from behind to the back of the head.


GUSHIKEN then proceeded to plant the dazed Ichigawa with the GUSHIKEN Series (Triple Rolling German Suplex).......








Ichigawa manages to kick out but the Kuro-Nadeshiko pair have seized back control. After a scoop bodyslam GUSHIKEN tags Long back into the match. The 'Imperial One' hits a diving elbow drop off the second turnbuckle for a two count and then combines with GUSHIKEN on an elevated Senton Bomb for another two count.


Tian Long then headed up top, and went for the Corkscrew From Heaven (Corkscrew Senton Bomb), but Ichigawa managed to move out of harms way just in time and get the tag out to a refreshed Zodiac.


'Innovations God' then immediately planted Long with the Zodiac Sniper (Sunset Flip Powerbomb)......








A Beetle Suplex (Tiger Suplex) followed for another close two count, before the Junior Tag Champion decided to head up top, only for GUSHIKEN to get a cheap shot in from the apron.


A recovered Tian Long then climbed up to the second turbuckle and sent Zodiac crashing back into the ring with an Avalanche Choke-Slam!....before following up with a senton splash.......






Zodiac kicked out, but Long remained in control, planting 'Innovations God' with a Dragon Suplex.......








Zodiac kicked out again, but the 'Imperial One' kept the pressure on and drilled 'Innovations God' with the Imperial Driver (Sit Out Side Powerslam).....








Ichigawa desperately dives in to make the save....had it not been for his intervention Long would have scored a pinfall win over the Junior Tag champion, ahead of IMPERIOUS challenging for the titles at Pro Wrestling Festival.


Ichigawa then nails Long with the Decapitator (Running Bicyle Kick) but is then correctly ordered back to his corner by referee Ochida who rightly recognises that Zodiac is still the legal man.


It then becomes a race to see who can tag out first, and to the fans frustration Long manages to get to GUSHIKEN quicker. GUSHIKEN begins to set up for a powerbomb but all of a sudden Zodiac counters with a Flame Haze (Tilt-A-Whirl Crucifix Arm Bar)......


GUSHIKEN fights through the pain however and still manages to lift Zodiac up to deliver a ring-shaking GUSHIKEN Firebomb 02 (Elevated Powerbomb)....


But 'Great Thunder' is unable to follow up with a cover, as he crumples to the mat clutching at his arm......


Zodiac gets a burst of energy and immediately makes the tag to Ichigawa, who then proceeds to nail GUSHIKEN with a Decapitator and then applies the Crucifix Arm Bar......


GUSHIKEN simply can't take the agonizing pain his arm has been subjected to, and he taps away- to the crowd's delight, who will surely all go home happy to see their 'hometown' hero be victorious in the main event.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] & Zodiac bt GUSHIKEN [L] & Tian Long in 22:43 via submission (Crucifix Arm Bar)


Rating: 79


Takayuki Balls: Good main event, though it probably ended up being a notch below the match that preceded it. Out of the Kuro pair, Long ended up looking more dangerous but then again we are building him up for both the Junior Tag Title shot at Pro Wrestling Festival and the Super Junior Title shot against whoever emerges as champion from the Pro-Wres main event.


Post Match Comments:


Hyotaru Ichigawa: I heard you running me down earlier, and upping yourself as the greatest thing since Melon-Pan earlier Minamoto-san, but I'm confident that when it comes to defending the Heavyweight Championship, I will still be the champion. I don't have to bring constant attention to myself, for people to notice how good I am. I know I'm good enough to be champion and I will continue to be good enough, nothing more, nothing less.


Tian Long: Count yourself lucky Zodiac, I had you beat....had it not been for Ichigawa's dirty sneak attack on me, you would have been pinned by yours truly for one, two, three....Next time we meet in the ring you won't be so lucky!



Overall: 77


Takayuki's Final Verdict: The first half of the show, was admittedly weak but thankfully things picked up from Arato-Ebisawa onwards and a consistently strong second half, meant this ended up being a pretty solid 'B' market show.

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Result: Go Takashi [w] bt Yachi Kotara [L] in 6:27 via submission (Dollars)


Sorry, running late again. Good thing I didn't miss anything.

Result: Blood Spider Jr [w] bt Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 5:31 via submission (Web of Deception)


Pretty sucky, but at least the right guy won. BloodyEightLegs has personality and the cheat to win gimmick. Kan's in his prime, such as it is.


Result: Hideaki Kasuse [w] bt Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine [L] + Meido Machine + Xtinction in 8:49 via pinfall (All About Yen)


Really not good, but the Sailor Wolfe stuff was amusing and Maidman is always entertaining. Xtinction's bump was sick, I hope he's ok, whoever he is this week.


Result: HUSTLE Umiro [w] bt Kohei Hidaka [L] in 8:57 via pinfall (Out-Hustled)


Pretty much as expected. Bigger name won and it was a step up from the previous matches.


as bland and forgettable, as you can get....not unlike The Forgotten themselves to be honest.




Result: Kotei Yamato, Hiro Date [w] & Oda Yamawaki bt Aki Shimizudani [L], Horiuchi Inokuma & Shiki Hirasi in 9:44 via submission (Date with Pain)


Sushi match.


It's really noteworthy how bland things have been so far. Not even close to a 60 match.


Result: Koto Arato [w] bt Taheji Ebisawa [L] in 9:51 via pinfall (Arato Suplex) in 9:51 via pinfall (Arato Suplex)

I'm guessing these guys have some chemistry, but I'm also happy to chalk it up to the awesomeness that is El Super Porky del Puroresu. I'm sure Ebisawa did his part as well, though. Encore!


Result: Hiroto Nori [w] & Shintaro Hideki bt Dark Wolf II & Soh Terajima [L] in 11:02 via pinfall (Nigiri Serving)


If only it was as good as the Ebisawa match. Bet you never expected to hear that phrase in a Nori match.:)


Terajima avoids the the Superkick from Hideki


Go Soh!


but then turns right round into a Nigiri Serving

Damnit, Soh. Still, it was an effective match, it did what it needed to do.

I'm prepared to endure whatever Prime Dragon and Sairento dish out at me


Even wrestling Soh in crappy midcard matches.


Result: Prime Dragon, Eikichi Minamoto [w] & Talisman vs Sairento, Chojiro Ono [L] & Incognito in 22:40 via submission (Akira Takano Tea Club Special)


Match of the night. Hm. Maybe Minamoto really is the whole effin show.


Minamoto had not only hopped down off the apron....he went to go and join the announcers at the commentary table.


Yep, he's in full blown heel mode.


'Better get back to business, looks like the old champ might not pull through after all......'



Excellent match, good writeup to match and it deveoped the story of Minamoto's ego not only growing but alienating his former friends. AKA, those guys who are riding the Majestic Minamoto's coattails.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa [w] & Zodiac bt GUSHIKEN [L] & Tian Long in 22:43 via submission (Crucifix Arm Bar)

I have to admit the score feels right for this match. The previous match had the drama, ego and storyline to go with the great action. I may even be ready to believe Minamoto can beat Ichigawa, and that's quite a feat.

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Violence or Silence



Sairento is a man of few words and strong violent actions. However he put out this statement on line last night ahead of DIASPORA's Pro Wrestling Festival event at the Shinjuku Sports Complex on Sunday 26th February.


' Kuro-Nadeshiko should be dominating DIASPORA, we should be destroying the competition put before us, but of late we have not been strong enough- At Pro Wrestling Festival we must reaffirm our domination, we must again send a message to our competition that we are the force than cannot be stopped.


Anyone who fails to live up to these expectations must be prepared to suffer the consequences- it is time we no longer accepted failiure within our ranks......


It is time Kuro-Nadeshiko raised the bar, it is time we truly usher in the reign of extreme violence!! Those who oppose us shall be silenced!!

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Official Preview - DIASPORA-Pro Wrestling Festival 2012


Shinjuku Sports Complex, Tokyo, Kanto

Sunday 26th February 2012


DIASPORA present the 2012 edition of their anniversary supershow DIASPORA-Pro Wrestling Festival from the Shinjuku Sports Complex and on PPV with PPV Japan.



~Who is Magic?, Who is Legend?~

Final (60 Min Limit): Double Elimination Rules match for Super Junior Championship:

Prime Dragon (Guardians) vs Sairento (Kuro-Nadeshiko) vs Hiroto Nori (S.H.I.P) - V3 Defence






At Neon Genesis Evolution Prime Dragon succesfully defended the Super Junior Championship against Sairento, much to the Kuro-Nadeshiko leaders frustration. Sairento and Hiroto Nori had also been builidng a heated rivalry that culminated in a re-match of the #1 contenders match at Bunkyo Hall, except this time it would be No Rope No DQ. In one of the most brutal matches in DIASPORA history Hiroto Nori and Sairento fought to a double knockout draw....they're efforts earning them both a shot at challenging Prime Dragon for the Super Junior Championship.


Everyone would have preferred a one on one contest, but now they are faced with defeating not one but two opponents to become champion, because the rules set in place mean that Prime Dragon cannot lose the Super Junior Championship should Nori or Sairento defeat the other. To become or remain champion they must become the first to score a fall (pin/submission or knockout) on both of their opponents. Can Prime Dragon survive this greatest of test's thus far for any champion in DIASPORA or will Sairento or Hiroto Nori emerge with the championship round their waists?



~ Grab The Torch, Be The Man~

Semi Final (60 Min Limit): Heavyweight Championship:

Hyotaru Ichigawa (Guardians) vs Eikichi Minamoto (Guardians) -V9 Defence



Since having his challenge for the Heavyweight Championship accepted by Guardians stable mate Hyotaru Ichigawa, Eikichi Minamoto has been on a white hot run of form but what has also emerged is a self centred egotistical attitude that has put him at odds with not only Ichigawa but the rest of the Guardians. Many of Minamoto's victories have come from his new submission finisher the Akira Takano Tea Club Special (a flashier version of Ichigawa's own Crucifix Arm Bar), whilst he has also 'adopted' Ichigawa's Decapitator (Running Bicyle Kick) into his move-set probably used just as much to attempt to get into Ichigawa's head more than anything else.


Can Minamoto ride his seemingly unstoppable momentum towards the Heavyweight Championship or will Ichigawa bring 'Rumble Heart' crashing back down as he closes in on a year long reign with the belt.



~ Innovate to Accumulate~

Match 6 (60 Min Time Limit): Junior Tag Team Championship:

'Whispered' Zodiac & Talisman (Guardians) vs 'IMPERIOUS' Tian Long & Incognito (Kuro-Nadeshiko) - V2 Defence



The team of Whispered became the new Junior Tag Team Champions in a three way match against New Solution and IMPERIOUS at Neon Genesis Evolution, despite only making their pairing an official full time focus just mere weeks before that event. Zodiac and Talisman then proved that their victory was no 'fluke' when they succesfully defended the belts against the former champions New Solution (Yamato & Hideki) at Bunkyo Hall.


Now Whispered must defend the belt against the other team involved in the match at Neon Genesis Evolution, the Kuro-Nadeshiko duo of IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito). Former champions themselves IMPERIOUS, will be desperate to regain the belts...especially as they will have the recent 'words' of Sairento etched on their minds - that he will no longer accept failure.



~Hostile Collision~

Match 5 (45 Min Time Limit): 'No Count Out, No DQ' match for the All Asia Tag Team Championship:

'Tokyo Wrecking Crew' Hiro Date & Oda Yamawaki (S.H.I.P) vs 'Udon Noodle Killers' GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono (Kuro-Nadeshiko) - V3 Defence



These two teams faced off for the All Asia Tag Team Championship at Neon Genesis Evolution only for their match to end in a frustrating double count out draw. In a re-match from that event the Tokyo Wrecking Crew and Udon Noodle Killers will try to settle things once and for all with a No Count Out, No DQ rules match. Thought the S.H.I.P pairing of the TWC will be pleased that the Noodle Killers cannot have excuses if they lose, the chaotic nature of a No DQ match surely plays into the rule breaking Kuro-Nadeshiko pairs hands.


~ Who is Humiliator~

Match 4 (30 Min Limit): Grudge Tag Match:

'New Solution' Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki (S.H.I.P) vs 'The Salty Delinquents' Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr (Kuro-Nadeshiko)



Shintaro Hideki and Soh Terajima in particular have been at odds with one another since the start of the year, with Hideki often being a thorn in Terajima's side by often countering the 'Cloaked Assassins' attempts to intefere in matches, by super-kicking Terajima's foreign object du jour the Black Box into his face. Equally though Terajima has made New Solution a target, and it was inteference/distraction alongside fellow Kuro troublemaker Blood Spider Jr that can perhaps be in part to blame for New Solution losing the Junior Tag Titles at Neon Genesis Evolution.


Hideki tried to enact revenge on Terajima earlier this month in Nagoya, but was left frustrated when Terajima took a 'cowardly' count out loss. Now alongside tag partner Kotei Yamato he gets another chance to dish out justice to the not just Terajima but also Blood Spider Jr. Can New Solution finally put the 'Salty Delinquents' in their place or will two of DIASPORA's most unpopular competitors continue to be a thorn in the former Junior Tag Champions side?


~ Same Page, Get on Track~

Match 3 (20 Min Limit): Tag Team Challenge:

'ShimiKuma' Aki Shimizudani & Horiuchi Inokuma vs 'Team Ganbatte! 'Koto Arato & Go Takashi (S.H.I.P)



ShimiKuma have been plodding away for a year trying to win the All Asia Tag Team Titles but it's an achievement that has thus far alluded them. It's something that the young and hungry Horiuchi Inokuma is becoming increasingly frustrated with, and has started to blame ShimiKuma's failure's on that of his partner Aki Shimizudani. Meanwhile Koto Arato seems to be moving on from his latest attempt to win back the Heavyweight Championship by taking the newest addition of S.H.I.P under his wing Go Takashi to form Team Ganbatte!! and despite coming up short in a challenge for the All Asia Tag belts against fellow S.H.I.P pair the Tokyo Wrecking Crew, the pairing have been showing a lot of promise.


Team Ganbatte! look to be the team with better form coming into this match, but this could be the match that ShimiKuma put their recent troubles behind them and step it up a gear or two to get back on track towards becoming an All Asia Tag contender once again.


~ Serious Yes? Completely!~

Match 2 (20 Min Limit): Tag Team Challenge:

'MOE! MONEY!' Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro vs 'The Forgotten' Kohei Hidaka & Hideaki Kasuse



MOE! MONEY! and The Forgotten could not be any further apart in their philosophy towards the sport of Professional Wrestling. MOE! MONEY! are as much about entertaining the crowd with their often bizarre antics as they are about wins and losses. It's something the rather humorless pair of 'The Forgotten' can't stand and feel that MOE! MONEY! are being given attention they don't deserve, whilst serious competitors like them continue to be ignored. Will MOE! MONEY! heap further frustration on The Forgotten, or will Hidaka and Kasuse put Meido and HUSTLE in their place and send a message to the DIASPORA match makers that 'comedy' wrestlers should have no part in the serious business of Pro Wrestling.


~ Enigmatic Blast Off'

Match 1 (20 Min Limit): Open Singles Challenge:

Dark Wolf II (Kuro-Nadeshiko) vs 'A Mystery Debutant'



In the opening PPV match of DIASPORA Pro Wrestling Festival, Kuro-Nadeshiko's Dark Wolf II will face off with a mystery opponent, that will be making their DIASPORA debut. Can Dark Wolf II show the newcomer just how competitive DIASPORA is, or will the mystery man make an instant impact?


Match 0 (15 Min Limit): Tag Challenge:

Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi (Guardians) vs Yachi Kotara & Shiki Hirasi


Match not on PPV Broadcast- Bonus match for fans in attendance.




Prediction's Form


Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento vs Hiroto Nori


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito)


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono)


New Solution (Yamato & Hideki) vs 'The Salty Delinquent's (Terajima & Spider Jr)


ShimiKuma (Shimizudani & Inokuma) vs Team Ganbatte! (Arato & Takashi)


MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs The Forgotten (Hidaka & Kasuse)


Dark Wolf II vs ????



Ebisawa & Mitsubishi vs Kotara & Hirasi


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Prediction's Form



Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento vs Hiroto Nori



Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto



Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito)



All Asia Tag Team Championship: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono)



New Solution (Yamato & Hideki) vs 'The Salty Delinquent's (Terajima & Spider Jr)



ShimiKuma (Shimizudani & Inokuma) vs Team Ganbatte! (Arato & Takashi)



MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs The Forgotten (Hidaka & Kasuse)



Dark Wolf II vs ????



Ebisawa & Mitsubishi vs Kotara & Hirasi

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Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento vs Hiroto Nori


Mio makes her triumphant return.


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto


I think it's more entertaining if Minamoto doesn't win on his first try. But it's also possible he'll do something vile to win as a full heel turn.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito)


Too early for such a class team to lose. Should be an awesome match though.


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono)


50/50 match, so I picked the name I like better.


New Solution (Yamato & Hideki) vs 'The Salty Delinquent's (Terajima & Spider Jr)


I just can't bring myself to pick a team named Salty Delinquents.


ShimiKuma (Shimizudani & Inokuma) vs Team Ganbatte! (Arato & Takashi)


The disagreement in ShimiKuma grows. Pretty sure the wrong pictures are under the wrong names in the preview.


MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs The Forgotten (Hidaka & Kasuse)


MM are much more entertaining.


Dark Wolf II vs ????

Tiger might cross me up with this, but, well, why do a mystery opponent if he's not a big name?


Ebisawa & Mitsubishi vs Kotara & Hirasi


Ebisawa is the only one with a future.

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Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento vs Hiroto Nori


When in doubt go with the champion.


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto


A bit of a coinflip, but Ichigawa has held it for a while and I could see Minamoto cheating to win it.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito)


Champions retain it here.


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono)


I don't know, I just like them more.


New Solution (Yamato & Hideki) vs 'The Salty Delinquent's (Terajima & Spider Jr)


New Solution can take out Kuro's C team.


ShimiKuma (Shimizudani & Inokuma) vs Team Ganbatte! (Arato & Takashi)


More tension in ShimiKuma, etc...


MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs The Forgotten (Hidaka & Kasuse)


Moe Money vs who?


Dark Wolf II vs ????


The power of ???? compels me.


Ebisawa & Mitsubishi vs Kotara & Hirasi


Ebisawa is the top guy here.

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Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento vs Hiroto Nori

I could easily make a case for any of the trio winning this one but Dragon only has 2 defenses so far and that´s not enough so he retains.


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto

Why not? I think that Minamoto is ready to take the top spot and other than GUSHIKEN and Arato there isn´t much challengers and both of those guys already had multiple tries against Ichigawa so moving the title would give us fresh match-ups.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito)

I don´t see them dropping the title on first defence.


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono)

I could see title change happening as I see Noodle Killers as one of your better heavyweight tag teams currently but (as usual) I would like to see longer title reign for current champs.


New Solution (Yamato & Hideki) vs 'The Salty Delinquent's (Terajima & Spider Jr)

Terajima and Spider Jr. will be jobber team until they prove otherwise and hard to see it happening here.


ShimiKuma (Shimizudani & Inokuma) vs Team Ganbatte! (Arato & Takashi)

Arato would win this alone.


MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs The Forgotten (Hidaka & Kasuse)

Tough one, I wonder if winner here might be close to a title shot too (hey it´s not impossible, ShimiKuma had one not too long ago) and I think that Forgotten would work better there so I go with them.


Dark Wolf II vs ????

Another tough one as mystery man is always a good bet but Wolf is getting a push himself so unless it´s big name signing I think that there would be someone else in this match if the new guy is going over.


Ebisawa & Mitsubishi vs Kotara & Hirasi

Guardian jobbers are still better than normal jobbers.

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Why not? I think that Minamoto is ready to take the top spot and other than GUSHIKEN and Arato there isn´t much challengers and both of those guys already had multiple tries against Ichigawa so moving the title would give us fresh match-ups.


Zergon makes a compelling point. The title change really would liven up the title chase quite a bit. I'm changing my vote.

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Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento vs Hiroto Nori



Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto



Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito)



All Asia Tag Team Championship: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono)



New Solution (Yamato & Hideki) vs 'The Salty Delinquent's (Terajima & Spider Jr)



ShimiKuma (Shimizudani & Inokuma) vs Team Ganbatte! (Arato & Takashi)



MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs The Forgotten (Hidaka & Kasuse)



Dark Wolf II vs ????


Ebisawa & Mitsubishi vs Kotara & Hirasi

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Prediction's Form


Super Junior Championship: Prime Dragon vs Sairento vs Hiroto Nori


Heavyweight Championship: Hyotaru Ichigawa vs Eikichi Minamoto


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs IMPERIOUS (Tian Long & Incognito)


All Asia Tag Team Championship: Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Date & Yamawaki) vs Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Ono)


New Solution (Yamato & Hideki) vs 'The Salty Delinquent's (Terajima & Spider Jr)


ShimiKuma (Shimizudani & Inokuma) vs Team Ganbatte! (Arato & Takashi)


MOE! MONEY! (Meido & HUSTLE) vs The Forgotten (Hidaka & Kasuse)


Dark Wolf II vs ????


Ebisawa & Mitsubishi vs Kotara & Hirasi

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The TEW 2013 Conundrum


Pro-Wresting Festival won't be up until next week sometime, perhaps even next weekend. I'll fully admit that my focus hasn't been 100 per cent on this- apart from the usual distraction's anime/wrestling.....there's also some minor thing called the Olympics going on in my home country. :p


Anyway the other point of this post is I'm actually quite torn on how much longer I should keep this diary going for....due to the announcement of TEW 2013. Even if I could port this over to the new game, I'm not sure if I wouldn't be tempted to play around with the new Cornellverse and be unable to resist starting a diary there instead.....because I'm one of those TEW gamers who struggles to keep a game going if I don't do a diary. My non diary games just tend to be early on in the purchase, testing stuff out.


Thing is I've only got 1 more show booked after this, so I could quite easily end things with the next show. It wouldn't be ideal, but if it means ending things early, I may as well do it this early.....


On the other hand I think out of any diary I have written, this is the story I have enjoyed telling the most, with the characters being the most fun to write for.....I think because jhdVerse is a new mod, even compared to Cornellverse it's more of a blank canvas for me to be creative. Despite it currently having the lowest score* of any my diaries, I feel this is my strongest writing yet and it would be ashame to end it out now.


And whilst this isn't a moan about not getting enough feedback post, I think some feedback/advice from the readers of this diary, will help shape my decision as to where I go with this after posting the PPV show by next weekend.


*But I think that's down to a jerk element who just like going round giving people 1 star votes- especially those with a following/reputation. :rolleyes:

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realistically you are looking at least 4 months till even a demo comes out for 2013, possibly longer. Even at only one major show posted a week, that is the potential for up to another year of game time to explore before 2013 becomes any kind of real distraction.


If you have lost interest or direction, thats one thing, but if you still have story to tell, and interest in telling it, there is still a fairly long time to tell it with.

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