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DIASPORA- Takayuki of the Revolution

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Result: Horiuchi Inokuma [w] bt Fuku Wolfe [L] via pinfall (Kamikochi Suplex)


More entertaining than most opening matches, but only to the extent of the writing. Fuku Wolfe is an fun jobber.

Result: Soh Terajima [w] bt Junichi Matsuo + Meido Machine + Xtinction in 9:29 via pinfall (Eastern Misery)


Terajima with the desperation save! I have this image of him running over, clubbering Xtinction with the Black Box to break the pin, then hitting Matsuo just because Soh's a dick. Looking forward to seeing more of Matsuo and Meido.


Result: Oda Yamawaki [w] & Hiro Date bt Taheji Ebisawa & Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 6:41 via pinfall (Sky Tree)


No contest and while I generally like Ebisawa this was probably the match I least looked forward to.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto [w] bt Aki Shimizudani [L] in 0:44 via submission (Akira Takano Tea Club Special)


Tsk, such a tiny write up. Minamoto's interviews get across him being a raging egotist. Now let's see more of that in matches. Fuku Machine got a longer match write up, even if the match did only go 44 seconds. Maybe an after the match beatdown.


Result: HUSTLE Umiro [w] bt Kotei Yamato in 11:16 via pinfall (Out-Hustled)


This was an easy pick. Really, I think the two are close but Hustle is the more entertaining and that counts for a lot on a text diary. It takes a lot more work to get across awesome work than it does awesome personality.


Result: Hiroto Nori [w] & Koto Arato bt Kohei Hidaka & Yachi Kotara [L] in 8:22 via submission

And Mio was still the most entertaining part of the match.


Result: Chojiro Ono [w] bt Go Takashi [L] in 10:07 via pinfall (Okinawa Battle Bomb)


Not. Good. If this is the best Ono can manage maybe Takashi should have won. At least Arato El Super Porky puts on good matches to go with the massive weight.


Result: Prime Dragon [w} bt Hideaki Kasuse [L] in 10:06 via pinfall (Dragonsault)


Prime Dragon vs. a Ladder would get a 74 and a ten line write up.


until I can't move a single muscle in this body- I will keep fighting.


Sairento needs to go Bane to PD's Batman and come up with some sinister plan to wear PD down to the point of exhaustion before breaking him at the next PPV. I just totally get this “PD will fight to his own utter destruction' vibe from this.


Result: Tian Long [w] bt Shintaro Hideki [L] in 15:30 via pinfall (Corkscrew From Heaven)

I would have enjoyed seeing Hideki win this, but Tian needs the wins to stay strong. To be fair, I like Tian the aged veteran doing the 'old age and treachery beats youth and skill' thing. I think I'd like Tian more without the automatic bias that comes with knowing he's protected. Tiger adds an extra level of complexity to picking Tian's matches, since Tiger is more willing to job the protected guy than other diaries I've seen.


Result: Sairento, GUSHIKEN & Incognito [w] bt Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac [L] & Talisman in 29:12 via pinfall (Incognito Driver)


Incognito pulled referee Sugimura out of the ring and then tossed into the guard-rail


I think tossing him into the guardrail is overkill for this. I've seen the 'pull the ref out of the ring'; trick plenty of times in puroresu, but the guardrail just seems like it's begging for a DQ unless it's literally impossible for the ref to call it.


this is utter chaos and referee Sugimura is still oblivious to what has been going on.


Either knocked out or paid off. There's no other way he's not calling the DQ. Hmm...it's been a while since we had a crooked ref in puroresu.


Referee Sugimura finally wakes up and slides back into the ring to make the count......


Yep, suspicious timing.


referee Sugimura applys a double ten count........


Because it's too early for him to do something blatant like help Sairento up while counting Ichigawa out. He can save that for a title match.


But he's too late Sugmiura's hand has already slapped the mat for Three!


But was that count a little fast? I think so!


Keep up the good work. Don't you dare end the diary already!

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Keep up the good work. Don't you dare end the diary already!


Well as implied in my OOC post, even if it ends up going on hold for a few months prior to the release of TEW2013- I won't let this project end. The rate I churn out shows is one a week, so you're looking at until end of next month before this thing goes on 'hold' anyway- and yes I could keep it going a little longer after that but the end of the current tour is a neat and tidy point to put it on hold.


As well as the imminent arrival of TEW2013, there are also valid real life reasons to put this on hold over the winter months- I'm going to be moving out of the family home and into the flat that I rent out in the new year.

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The Nyan-Nyan Ultimatum


Against my better judgement I sent a text back to this Momo-chan...


'How did you get this number?'


Because I really was wondering, because I'm pretty sure out of everyone in DIASPORA only Prime Dragon, Zodiac and Hiroto Nori had my number. Lets face it no one outside of the wrestling world is going to have any clue about this sunflower wrestler she is going on about and the only one's who had my mumber were the 'bosses', yes I know I missed one but giving it to Sairento would be a fruitless exercise, seeing as holding a normal conversation with him would be a feat akin to winning the Tour De France and I wasn't about to put myself through physical or mental suffering.


Suddenly the phone rang....


'Hello! So you are there-nyan, I told you where to meet me-nyan'


She's asking me the questions, all of a sudden, she still hadn't answered mine. She sounded young probably high-school age and she appeared to have picked up a terrible habit of littering her speech with cutesy sounds.


'Look Momo-chan, it is momo right?'


'It's Momo nyan-nyan!'


'Erm...OK Momo nyan-nyan :rolleyes:....I wasn't going to meet up with you, when one I don't know who the hell you are and secondly you told us to meet up at Ringer Hut in Nagasaki, and didn't specify which one'


'Oh sorry Kunomasu-chan, I meant the one near the big train station-nyan'


'Anyway do you think I would have seriously met up with you anyway, I had no idea who you were and besides you don't even know I am either'


'I can tell you're a good man, I really can-nyan'


Hearing her on the phone, I could at least feel assured that she was who she said she was, unless she was being used by someone- I guess even hearing her voice had completely dispersed my paranoia over this whole bizarre situation that had begun to unfold ever since that first e-mail I received in my in-box from her.


'Now look Momo-chan'


'It's Momo nyan-nyan!'


'Fine then Momo nyan-nyan:rolleyes:, I'm being serious here right now....how the hell did you get my phone number and my e-mail address for that matter to contact me'


' erm....err......someone gave it to me'


'I'm asking who gave it to you?'


'Someone who knows you, erm....think he might be a wrestler or something'


'Well do you have a name?'




'Well how did you meet then, I wan't to know- because I really don't like my contact details being bandied around without my permission'


' Oh he comes into the maid-cafe I work at, in Akiba- but hey I get so many customers I can never remember there names-nyan...'


She works at a maid cafe- I guess that figures given her silly speech pattern- seems like she can't switch off from the job. Hmmm maid cafe......I had a prime suspect...but no surely, how the hell would HE get my number?


'Anyway he said you were the man I need to contact, to find the Sunflower Wrestler and he told me that you would be in Nagasaki'


'Surely wouldn't it have been easier, to try and contact me back in Tokyo?'


'Oh how silly of me-nyan'


'Well it would have saved you a rather expensive journey'


'Oh it was no trouble-nyan'


She really need to drop the nyan, it really was beginning to grate....fine if she want's to do it as part of her act in the maid cafe, but outside of it, please stop!


'Anyway what's the deal with this Sunflower Wrestler, why do you need to find him?'


For some reason those words gave out of my mouth, instead of telling her to stop saying nyan at the end of every bloody sentence.


'Oh he's someone I must meet'


'But why? Who is he?'


'He's someone from my past, I don't know who he is, but I know he is someone I must find'


For the first time she dropped the 'front' and sounded sincere- now despite still having no idea who or what she was on about, I felt like at least making some effort to try and help her.


'OK if you give me the name of the person who got you to contact me, I'll help you find this sunflower wrestler you are looking for- sound like a good deal to you?'


'Yeah sounds good-nyan!'


Unfortunately she had quickly snapped back into her act, but I could tell from that brief moment her wish to find the Sunflower wrestler was genuine....now I just had to try and find out who he is?


'I think if we are going to meet, it's best we meet back in Tokyo.....


Perhaps you could come to one of our shows, we're running one at Bunkyo-Hall in two weeks'


'I'm not sure if that be a good idea-- what if I, er....what if I meet him there?'


'Well mission accomplished then!'


'But er....I wouldn't know....what to say, I need to be prepared to see him...hope you understand.......nyan'


'OK how about I meet you where you work then'


'Yeah that be great, I work at Maid-Nyan......just ask for Momo Nyan-Nyan!!'


'OK will do, anyway I must go now and see to other things'


'Please stay in touch Kunomasu-san, I'm counting on you nyan'


'I promise to stay in touch, besides you need to keep up your end of the bargain'


'Oh I will , I will do my best for you nyan! Bye Bye!'



'Ok Bye then'


Somehow I had landed in a situation where I was going to meet up with an insecure high school girl that works at a Maid Cafe in Akiba, in order to find out who gave me her contact details whilst also trying to help her find a man she refers to as the Sunflower Wrestler, who appears to be someone important from her past......


Could my life get any more ridiculous?

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DIASPORA continue their Full Metal Panic! Tour on Thursday 8th March at the Hiroshima Sports Park.


Headlining the show is six man tag action pitting The Guardians trio of Hyotaru Ichigawa and Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) up against the S.H.I.P trio of Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato and Kotei Yamato. Ichigawa and Whispered will be keen to bounce back from their defeat at the hands of Kuro-Nadeshiko in Nagasaki but a S.H.I.P trio lead by Nori will be keen to show their strength with a victory.


The semi main event see's openweight tag action pitting Kuro-Nadeshiko's Sairento and GUSHIKEN up against the S.H.I.P duo of Oda Yamawaki and Go Takashi- can the S.H.I.P underdog's pull off a shocking upset?


Meanwhile another tag team contest pits ShimiKuma (Aki Shimizudani & Horiuchi Inokuma) up against The Guardians pair of Eikichi Minamoto and Taheji Ebisawa. ShimiKuma have been struggling to be on the same page of late, but the pairing of Minamoto with Ebisawa has not been with it's problems lately either- with Minamoto's arrogant attitude rubbing Ebisawa up the wrong way, the last time they tagged together.


Further tag team action pits MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) up against probably the most derided team in DIASPORA, the Kuro-Nadeshiko pair of Soh Terajima and Blood Spider Jr, otherwise known as The Salty Delinquents, whilst the S.H.I.P pairing of Shintar Hideki and Hiro Date takes on 'The Forgotten's' Hideaki Kasuse and Yachi Kotara.


Junior Division action is provided in a pair of singles contests with Prime Dragon in non title action against Xtinction and Junichi Matsuo (still looking for his first win since arriving in DIASPORA) up against the Kuro-Nadeshiko veteran Tian Long.


Rounding out the main show is a singles match, where one of the competitors will be Dark Wolf II but we aren't quite sure who is opponent will be, because his opponent is man who seems to be confused by just who exactly he is....we are of course talking about Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine.


The bonus pre-show match see's Kuro Nadeshiko's Chojiro Ono take on The Guardians Kan Mitsubishi.


Here is a run-down of the full card for Show 22 of the the Full Metal Panic! Tour.....


Full Metal Panic! Tour - Show #22


Hiroshima Sports Park, Hiroshima, Chugoku

Thursday 8th March 2012.


~Indicating Power Levels~

Final (45 Min Limit): Star Studded Six Man Main Event

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Heavyweight Champion- Hyotaru Ichigawa

& Junior Tag Champions- Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman)


'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Kotei Yamato


Semi Final (30 Min Limit ): Rising to The Challenge Openweight Tag

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Sairento &

All Asia Tag Team Champion-



6th Match (30 Min Limit): Junior Division Singles Challenge

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Tian Long


Junichi Matsuo


5th Match (20 Min Limit): Testing the Breaking Point Tag Team Challenge

ShimiKuma (Aki Shimizudani & Horiuchi Inokuma'


'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa


4th Match (20 Min Limit): Non Title Singles Challenge

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Super Junior Champion- Prime Dragon




3rd Match (20 Min Limit): Openweight Tag Challenge

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki


'Representing The Forgotten'

Hideaki Kasuse & Yachi Kotara


2nd Match (20 Min Limit): Junior Division Tag Challenge

MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro)


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)


1st Match (15 Min Limit): Openweight Singles Challenge

'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

Dark Wolf II


Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?


Match 0 (10 Min Limit)- Heavyweight Singles

Chojiro Ono vs Kan Mitsubishi




Predictions Form

Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Kotei Yamato

Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi vs Sairento & GUSHIKEN

Tian Long vs Junichi Matsuo

ShimiKuma vs Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa

Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Xtinction

Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki vs Hideaki Kasuse & Yachi Kotara

MOE! MONEY! vs The Salty Delinquents

Dark Wolf II vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?

Chojiro Ono vs Kan Mitsubishi


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Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Kotei Yamato

Tough one, Guardians look slighly stronger as Yamato is the weak link here but Nori and Arato are top two S.H.I.P guys and that might just be enough to get them a win here. I go with S.H.I.P simply because I think that they could use the win more since they kind of look like the third wheel on Guardian vs. Kuro battle.


Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi vs Sairento & GUSHIKEN

Takashi is the weak link and to be honest I see Oda as weaker than either one of the Kuro guys too.


Tian Long vs Junichi Matsuo

Long needs to be protected so looks like Matsuo´s losing streak isn´t over yet.


ShimiKuma vs Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa

ShimiKuma just isn´t strong enough to go over Minamato so Guardians get the win despite minimal team work.


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Xtinction

I doubt I manage to get this one wrong. :p

Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki vs Hideaki Kasuse & Yachi Kotara

S.H.I.P pair gets a win over jobbers.


MOE! MONEY! vs The Salty Delinquents

Could go either way but despite being comedy team I see MOE! MONEY! as slighly better pairing overall.


Dark Wolf II vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?

Wolf beats Wolfe.


Chojiro Ono vs Kan Mitsubishi

This won´t be getting a good rating. Regardless Ono is more important from these two.

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Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Kotei Yamato


Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi vs Sairento & GUSHIKEN


Tian Long vs Junichi Matsuo


ShimiKuma vs Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Xtinction


Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki vs Hideaki Kasuse & Yachi Kotara


MOE! MONEY! vs The Salty Delinquents


Dark Wolf II vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?


Chojiro Ono vs Kan Mitsubishi

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Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Kotei Yamato


Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi vs Sairento & GUSHIKEN


Tian Long vs Junichi Matsuo


ShimiKuma vs Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Xtinction


Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki vs Hideaki Kasuse & Yachi Kotara


MOE! MONEY! vs The Salty Delinquents


Dark Wolf II vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?


Chojiro Ono vs Kan Mitsubishi

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Predictions Form


Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Kotei Yamato


I think SHIP need a win here to keep looking like credible rivals, and I could see Minamoto distracting Ichigawa to cost his team the match.


Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi vs Sairento & GUSHIKEN


Sairento isn't losing here.


Tian Long vs Junichi Matsuo


Old man powers, Activate!


ShimiKuma vs Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa


Didn't ShimiKuma break up? Either way Minamoto will win this and then take all the credit in the post-match interview.


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Xtinction


Squash, but still likely to be Xtinction's highest rated match.


Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki vs Hideaki Kasuse & Yachi Kotara


Simply more important guys.


MOE! MONEY! vs The Salty Delinquents


Kuro could win I guess, but they're the two least important guys on their faction.


Dark Wolf II vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?


Will the crowd chant feed me more at Dark Wolf II?


Chojiro Ono vs Kan Mitsubishi


Mitsubishi continues to be irrelevant.

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Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Kotei Yamato


For whatever reason Nori's white hot hatred of Sairento has gone away and it feels like SHIP is the third wheel in the feud. I don't see the champs losing twice in a row and this is a way to start fading SHIP to add focus to Guardians vs Kuro.


Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi vs Sairento & GUSHIKEN


Easy win.


Tian Long vs Junichi Matsuo


Mr. Protected is still much better than Matsuo. He'd win even without his buddy demanding he stay strong.


ShimiKuma vs Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa


We advance the Minamoto egotist storyline and ShimiKuma's troubles with this result. I picked Minamoto to win because I'm sure he's not going to work well with Ebisawa. And why should he? Minamoto will clearly be the one reason his side is victorious.;) The real question is, could Minamoto use a minion. If so, Ebisawa could fit that role.


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Xtinction


I see the booker noticed my comment that PD could get a great match out of a ladder and decided to make it even more challenging for him. A ladder would botch less than Xtinction.


Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki vs Hideaki Kasuse & Yachi Kotara


Easy pick but filler match.


MOE! MONEY! vs The Salty Delinquents


Moe Money is getting over and this would be a good step for the team.


Dark Wolf II vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?


Wolf beats Wo...damnit, Zergon beat me to it.


Chojiro Ono vs Kan Mitsubishi


I'm not really feeling any urgency to show up to this card on time. Maybe get some t-shirts and get my picture taken with Nori while this match is going on.

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Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Kotei Yamato


Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi vs Sairento & GUSHIKEN

Tian Long vs Junichi Matsuo


ShimiKuma vs Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa


Non Title: Prime Dragon vs Xtinction


Hiro Date & Shintaro Hideki vs Hideaki Kasuse & Yachi Kotara


MOE! MONEY! vs The Salty Delinquents


Dark Wolf II vs Hunter Wolfe/Fuku Machine?


Chojiro Ono vs Kan Mitsubishi

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Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs Hiroto Nori, Koto Arato & Kotei Yamato


For whatever reason Nori's white hot hatred of Sairento has gone away and it feels like SHIP is the third wheel in the feud. I don't see the champs losing twice in a row and this is a way to start fading SHIP to add focus to Guardians vs Kuro.


Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi vs Sairento & GUSHIKEN


Easy win.


Regarding Nori's hatred for Sairento and vice versa, it's not gone away just simmering under right now- rather than being at the fore-front. I'm currently playing it out as both of them still smarting from the fact that they gave it everything in the Junior Title match at Pro Wrestling Festival and despite both pinning the champion- neither became champion- so right now they're probably both more pissed off at the funky rules of that match that allowed Dragon to remain champion- than at each other....for now.


Thus far since the post PPV show in Kobe, they've been kept apart but were they to step back into the ring, all the intense hatred for one another will probably come flooding back.


Also neither are going to really involve themselves in intefering in one anothers matches. Sairento's a sadistic bastard but he's always stayed above the petty inteference of minion's like the Salty Delinquents, whilst Nori is the leader of S.H.I.P whose believe in fighting honorably.


In terms of the unit's, I will admit S.H.I.P probably are feeling like the third wheel right now but I think alot of that has to do with the fact that out of the two 'face' unit's they are the more stable unit right now- whilst the Guardians despite holding the majority of the DIASPORA gold are being rocked by Minamoto's new self-centred attitude.


So you really think Go Takashi has rocketed to stardom so quickly, that he would find Kuro top dogs Sairento and GUSHIKEN to be easy opponents? ;)

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So you really think Go Takashi has rocketed to stardom so quickly, that he would find Kuro top dogs Sairento and GUSHIKEN to be easy opponents? ;)


I went blonde this week, which evidently affected my brain as well as my hair.


In terms of the unit's, I will admit S.H.I.P probably are feeling like the third wheel right now but I think alot of that has to do with the fact that out of the two 'face' unit's they are the more stable unit right now- whilst the Guardians despite holding the majority of the DIASPORA gold are being rocked by Minamoto's new self-centred attitude.


If you don't mind a question then...


What roll do you see SHIP having right now? Guardians are easy, they were formed to oppose Kuro. They are the top faction in Diaspora, with most of the gold, most of the personality, and volatile characters. How long can PD hang on? When will Minamoto finally snap? How long can Zodiac (and Zergon) keep Talisman reined in. Kuro are the bad guys. They have a tag title, they cheat, take sadistic delight in hurting people, and keep Soh around for comic relief. :) Strength.Honor.Integrity.Performance are losing out to Guardians on strength and performance and both factions have honor and integrity. The biggest personality in SHIP is probably Mio, followed by Nori as the man who loves/fears her.

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If you don't mind a question then...


What roll do you see SHIP having right now? Guardians are easy, they were formed to oppose Kuro.


You know I really appreciate this sort of in depth questioning of how things are being booked......


Right now if I'm totally honest, you have spot it out on S.H.I.P probably do look a bit directionless, though it probably doesn't help that they don't hold any gold.


I'm going to break things down here and look at each member of the stable.....


Hiroto Nori - In pursuit of the Junior Title, which also encompasses a personal feud with Sairento. I did consider Nori winning the title at Pro Wrestling Festival but in the end I felt I would have been cutting Prime Dragon's reign as Super Junior Champion too short.


Koto Arato- The first holder of the Heavyweight title, now I could have had it that he made his re-match title shot against Ichigawa count, but I just didn't feel like pulling the trigger on that one. Though I'm lacking genuine Heavyweight title contenders, I don't really want to be re-running Ichigawa-Arato yet. So right now Arato's kind of fallen into the background a bit and has formed a Veteran/rookie team with Go Takashi.


New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki)- The former Junior Tag champs- Now ideally I'd still have them as champions so that S.H.I.P would still have some gold- but the situation with them also working for Dragon, see's them consistently turning up for shows fatigued, and I couldn't be having fatigued champions. They remain a vital part of the Junior Tag division and won't be splitting up anytime soon but the fact they are rarely at 100 per cent together, is the main reason why they are currently holding a jobber to the stars position.


Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date)- Former All Asia Tag champions- basically they lost the belts to the Kuro-Nadeshiko duo of the Udon Noodle Kilers, because I wanted Kuro to have some gold, otherwise they would like a weak and ineffective heel unit. For me when a heel unit is holding no 'power' that is when they should be on the verge of breaking up.....which I did tease with Sairento's online rally speech of disatisfaction before Pro Wrestling Festival.


Yamawaki could be a potential Heavyweight champion down the line but for now I think it's best he continues to tag regularly with Date, as despite not being champions right now I see the TWC as the 'aces' of the heavyweight tag ranks.


Go Takashi- From top to bottom S.H.I.P probably have the most strength in depth, because out of all the 'designated' lost posts- Takashi is getting the strongest push right now and at least always looks competitive in most of his matches- his budding team with Arato, already shows he more than just a jobber.


Anyway I actual ended up rambling more than I thought I would in answering that question and I'm not sure I really answered in the end, more an explanation of why it appears S.H.I.P currently lack focus.


The next show should be up tomorrow night- just got the main event to write up.

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Full Metal Panic Tour- Show #22


Thursday 8th March 2012,

Hiroshima Sports Park, Hiroshima, Chugoku (1'932-No Vacancy)


Match 0: Chojiro Ono vs Kan Mitsubishi


Ono threw Mitsubishi round the ring, then planted 'Fist of Granite' with a scoop slam. Mitsubishi showed fighting spirit by popping straight back up and nailing Ono with the Power Punch- only for 'Epic Tsunami' to stumble into and then fall on top of him- in what basically resulted in an accidental Tsunami (Big Splash) from the All Asia Tag champion- resulting in Ono winning the match.


Result: Chojiro Ono [w] bt Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 2:20 via pinfall ("Tsunami")


Rating: 44


Takayuki Balls: That was kept mercifully short- I think most fans were over at the merchandise stall anyway- than to bother with a match featuring possibly our two poorest wrestlers pitted against one another.




Main Show



Match #1: Dark Wolf II vs Fuku Wolfe


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DarkWolfII.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HunterWolfe_alt1.jpg


Fuku Wolfe once again shows total confusion in exactly who he is by half wearing the outfit of Fuku Machine and half of Hunter Wolfe, this time turning up in a Sailor Fuku and regular black trunks.


Dark Wolf II tries to brawl with Fuku Wolfe, but that favours the Heavyweight powerhouse and Wolfe takes control with a series of clotheslines. DIASPORA's most confused wrestler then plants Dark Wolf II with a German Suplex for a two count


Wolfe continues to be in control and he plants the 'Howling Menace' with the Redemption Bomb (Sitout Powerbomb)- that should be for the count of three but like his previous match he all of a sudden gets the urge to start randomnly dancing- he suddenly stops this time though and starts slapping himself around the face to 'snap out of it'....


Dark Wolf II recovers however and drop-kicks Fuku Wolfe off his feet, before following in with the Wolf's Call (Sliding Lariat Pin)....Fuku Wolfe manages to kick out but is soon caught in the Holo's Dream (Three Quarter Nelson Choke) and the confused gaijin is forced to concede yet another defeat.


Result: Dark Wolf II [w] bt Fuku Wolfe [L] in 6:58 via submission (Holo's Dream)


Rating: 48


Takayuki Balls: There's still a good portion of the crowd, who will be going what the hell is this nonsense, but it's always my belief that if we served them up intense competitive matches wholesale, our shows would soon become predictable....maybe that's just me.



Match #2: MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro) vs

The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)






The Salty Delinquents try to jump MOE! MONEY! before the bell has even rung but are stopped in their tracks when Meido Machine throws up the heart symbol and causes the Moe Time Motion stop.



Meido then goes up top and nails Blood Spider Jr with the Meido Beam missile drop-kick...luckily for Spider, Terajma was on hand to then make the save. Terajima was quickly intercepted however by HUSTLE and MOE! MONEY! then combined on their signature double team snap suplex....








Spider then made the save, before the Salty Delinquents scrambled out of the ring to take a powder. HUSTLE Umiro then saw that has an opportunity to do a Spinneroonie, before DIASPORA's bizarrest duo went for stereo dives to the floor (Meido with a slingshot body press, HUSTLE with a Tope Con Hilo) but their silly dancing had allowed the Delinquents to recover....Blood Spider Jr moved out of the way of HUSTLE and then blew black mist into the 'Ducker Divers' face, whilst Meido was pie-faced with a Black Box shot from Terajima.


That put the Delinquents in control, as they were able to isolate HUSTLE . The despised Kuro-Nadeshiko duo then worked over the 'Ducker Diver' in their corner, even losing the tag rope to choke HUSTLE at one point much to the disgust of the fans in attendance. Terajima then thought he had worn HUSTLE down enough, when he planted the 'Ducker Diver' with the Eastern Misery (Forward Russian Legsweep)....


But HUSTLE had sensed that Meido had recovered, and that his partner was making a Chocolate Parfait! giving HUSTLE the power to kick out at two. Terajima turn things over to Blood Spider Jr but the 'New Nightmare' was then clotheslined out of his boots by HUSTLE who had now fully Chocolate Parfait Thundered Up......




HUSTLE then planted Spider with a Fireman's Carry slam, but instead of making the cover, tagged out to Meido Machine- as he was desperate to eat the delicious chocolate parfait.


Meido Machine then quickly took control against Blood Spider Jr, managing to entrap the 'New Nightmare' in the Nyan-Lock (Key Lock) but just as it looked like Spider was tapping out referee Sugimura was distracted by a Black Box wielding Terajima. Spider then blew desperation Black Mist into the face of Meido and turned the 'World's Most Dangerous Otaku' into pinning predicament.....


Sugimura however was still arguing with Terajima.......Spider then got up to argue with DIASPORA's senior ref but was then rolled up from behind by Meido Machine, who then caught the 'New Nightmare' in the Moe Moe Clutch (Double Leg Nelson Pin)......


Terajima broke into the ring to try to intefere but was intercepted by HUSTLE who polished off the Chocolate Parfait, and with that Blood Spider Jr was unable to escape from the Moe Moe Clutch, as MOE! MONEY! picked up the win.


Result: Meido Machine [w] & HUSTLE Umiro bt Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr [L] in 11:01 via pinfall (Moe Moe Clutch)


Rating: 52


Takayuki Balls: Was anyone truly expecting this to be a great technical wrestling contest? For those who bought into it, this was an entertaining match between a team with lots of comedy spots against a team who relies on shenanigans to win.



Match #3: Shintaro Hideki & Hiro Date vs

Hideaki Kasuse & Yachi Kotara






The S.H.I.P pair dominated the early going in this contest, with Date going close with a German Supex Hold on Kasuse. Kasuse then looked like he would fall to a Superkick from Hideki only for Kotara to trip 'Integral Prowess' up.


That turned things round and 'The Forgotten' pair were able to trap Hideki in their corner, however the former Junior Tag champ was able to survive Kotara's Bend of Will (Bow and Arrow Hold) submission and then got the tag out to Date after nailing Kotara and Kasuse with a pair of superkicks.


Date then cleaned house, culminating in a Rejection (Fisherman Brainbuster) on Kasuse- Kotara was able to make the save but then ate another superkick from Hideki before being dumped with the Rejection II (Backdrop Suplex) from the 'Stampeding Bull' as the S.H.I.P ended up victorious.


Result: Shintaro Hideki & Hiro Date [w] bt Hideaki Kasuse & Yachi Kotara [L] in 9:56 via pinfall (Rejection II)


Rating: 56


Takayuki Balls: This was solid for what it was- a competitive squash with a predictable outcome.



Match #4: Non Title:

Prime Dragon vs Xtinction



Xtinction launches himself at Dragon from the ring with a suicide plancha befor the bell has even rung- he actually almost misses crashing into the Junior champion, but in the end the champion ends up being in harms way.


Xtinction's momentum still see's him crash into a barricade however and both are layed out on the floor for a bit. Everybody's Shadow still manages to stagger up first and comes crashing down upon Dragon again with an asai moonsault, before pitching pitching the 'Grand Pillar' back into the ring to officially start the match.


Xtinction immediately goes for the X Marks The Spot (Standing Shoot Star Press) but Dragon somehow manages to have the where with all to get the knees up. The Super Junior Champion then gets a two count with a La Magistral Cradle, before tieing up Xtinction into the Dragon's Bite (Inverted Facelock Sleeper).


Xtinction manages to get out of that however, by squirting ink into Prime Dragon's face- the announce team pondered where DIASPORA's most mysterious wrestler had managed to keep that hidden. Xtinction then sneaked in a low blow and downed Dragon with the X.L.E (Tilt-A-Whirl DDT)........


'Everbody's Shadow' thought that would bring victory, but Dragon had enough fighting spirit left to kick out at two and a three quarters. Xtinction then decided to head up top, but the 'Grand Pillar' sprung back into life and then nailed Xtinction with a leaping palm strike. Dragon then sent Xtinction crashing back into the ring with an iconoclasm before nailing 'Everbody's Shadow' with a Rolling Wheel Kick, and Prime Driver (Over the Shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver) then followed for a close two count before Dragon was able to seal the win with the Dragonsault (Springboard Moonsault)


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Xtinction [L] in 8:12 via pinfall (Dragonsault)


Rating: 72


Takayuki Balls: That ended up being a fun little sprint, despite the fact that the match almost never really got started, with Xtinction almost killing himself....luckily enough Dragon-san had the fore-sight to step into the right spot and save Xtinction from hitting the floor and possibly causing himself a career injury- though given that no one knows who hell Xtinction is...no one would have batted an eyelid if he 'killed himself' then happened to reappear on the next show.



Match #5: ShimiKuma (Aki Shimiuzudani & Horiuchi Inokuma) vs

Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa






Inokuma and Ebisawa started things off, with Ebisawa using his strength to seize control, resulting in a two count after a release German Suplex. Ebisawa then went to tag in a fresh Minamoto, but 'Rumble Heart' showed his disinterest in being involved in the match by stepping down off the apron.


Ebisawa and Minamoto then argued with each for a bit, before Inokuma clipped Ebisawa from behind. ShimiKuma then isolated Ebisawa in their corner, and actually looked to be on the same page despite their recent troubles, though it was clear to see that Inokuma was constantly shouting at Shimizudani not to do 'screw up'.


Ebisawa did manage to get some respite by nailing Inokuma with the Dozer (Spear) but Minamoto still wasn't around to take the tag. Inokuma then tagged back out to Shimizudani- and S-Pulse was able to nail Ebisawa with the Chin-Marker (Jumping Knee), though the momentum of the move accidently sent Ebisawa colliding with referee Ochida.


Inokuma then stepped into the ring and clip out the legs from underneath his own tag parner!


Inokuma then stomped away on Shimizudani before walking out of the ring, and mouthing that the was done carrying a 'useless baka'. Minamoto then snuck into the ring and delivered a boot into Shimizudani's mid-section, as 'S-Pulse' staggered up to his feet before being planted with a Harima DDT (Double Arm DDT). Minamoto then plonked a groggy Ebisawa upon Shimizudani. Referee Ochida who had now returned to his senses, then slapped out the academic count of three.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa [w] bt Aki Shimizudani [L] & Horiuchi Inokuma in 8:02 via pinfall (Pin following Harima DDT from Minamoto)


Rating: 58


Takayuki Balls: This match was always going to be more about the in-ring story-telling than the quality of the wrestling. Inokuma seals his break-up with Shimizudani, whilst Minamoto still manages to look like a selfish prick- despite letting Ebisawa be the one to 'earn' the pinfall victory.


Post Match Comments:


Horiuchi Inokuma: Look I don't care if people think bad of me, by turning my back on my tag partner....fact is if you were in my situation and the person you rely on keeps letting down, wouldn't you 'snap too? I was sick of carry that useless sack of crap and if I'd carried on with him much longer I would have ended up like him, sitting by the window- going nowhere!


Aki Shimizudani: So you think you're better than me, you think you're so much better than me do you Inokuma-san. Well I'll prove to you that I was the strength of ShimiKuma, and that you are foolish young lion...even if I do beat some sense into you, do not expect me to forgive you- ShimiKuma is dead! But you have resurrected the fire within Shimizudani, and you will feel that fire come down upon you!


Eikichi Minamoto: Oh who says I'm not a team player, I mean me and Ebisawa-san did get the after all.


Taheji Ebisawa: Team player?- I think no you're fooling no one and you're certainly not fooling me!


Eikichi Minamoto: Oh please spare me the, 'I did all the work' I mean come on stop trying to take all the credit, and show a bit of modesty


Taheji Ebisawa: :confused:


Eikichi Minamoto: ....We went in as a team, we won as team, that's more than can be said for, than our opponents.


Taheji Ebisawa: It's only because our opponents broke up with one another in the middle of a damn match that we were able to win.


Eikichi Minamato: Oh ye of little faith- you really should have more faith in me, because when you back me, you're sure to be winning!!



Match #6: Junichi Matsuo vs Tian Long



Matsuo comes out first with his posse of Bishojo girl dancers- we actually get to see some of his J-Pop idol dance routine, but it doesn't last long as Tian Long slides into the ring and nails 'Sexy Zone' from behind, before unleashing a release Dragon Suplex- Matsuo however manages to land on his feet and nails Long with a Tornado kick, before planting the Imperial one with a flipping neckbreaker for a two count.


Matsuo continues to remain in control nailing Long with a drop-kick, before the veteran decides to bail from the ring to re-group. Matsuo keen to keep up the momentum climbs up top and comes crashing down upon Long with a flying body-press. Matsuo then went to pitch Long back into the ring, but the 'Imperial One' managed to sneak in a low blow....before tossing Matsuo against the guard-rail. Long then planted Matsuo with a chokeslam onto the floor, before rolling back into th ring to break up referee Sugimura's ten count and then landing an elbow drop off the apron upon Matsuo.


Long then waited for Matsuo to be counted out, but 'Sexy Zone' wasn't going to give up that easily.....however when Long saw Matsuo get back up onto the apron he knocked 'Sexy Zone' back down to the floor...... This continued on for the next few minutes, much to Matsuo and the fan's frustration- eventually though Matsuo was able to side-step Long's attempt to knock him off the apron- then get a shoulderblock into Long's mid-section, before planting Long with a forward flip neckbreaker.


That got Matsuo a two count, before 'Sexy Zone' continued to keep the pressure on with a German Suplex Hold for an even closer two count. Matsuo then headed up top to set up for the Heavy Rotation (450 Senton) but Long managed to rise back to his feet and then 'conveniently' stagger into the ropes- causing Matsuo to become unbalanced and crotch himself on the top turnbuckle.


Long then attempted to bring Matsuo back into the ring with a superplex, but Matsuo managed to fight off the attempt and then re-steady himself to nail Long with a missile drop-kick. Long then staggered back-wards into the opposite corner, before 'Sexy Zone' followed in with a high velocity corner drop-kick. A groggy Long then staggered out of the corner into a Tornado kick from Matsuo, who then immediately followed up with a cover.....


Long still managed to have enough left to kick out at two, much to Matsuo's frustration. 'Sexy Zone' looked towards going airborne once again. Long however was getting back to his feet, but Matsuo became aware of that and launched himself off the top to come crashing down upon Long with a moonsault press.


Matsuo then looked to be setting up for the J-Pop Powerplex (Twisting Falcon Arrow) but Long was able to escape from that predicament by raking Matsuo's eyes and then planting 'Sexy Zone' with a chokeslam. Long then followed that up with a senton splash and then a Dragon Suplex for two, before deciding to head up top himself.


Long then came crashing down upon Matsuo with a Corkscrew From Heaven but 'Sexy Zone' got the knees up and then turned Long over into the Fanservice (Double Leg Cradle Pin)......








Referee Sugimura was suddenly pulled out of the ring by Tian Long's regular tag partner Incognito.



Incognito then sneaked into the ring and planted Matsuo with the Incognito Driver (Snapmare Driver)....... the camera then panned to the entrance ramp where MOE! MONEY! were observing what was going on- but all they did was watch.



Tian Long then rose back to his feet and planted Matsuo with an Emperor Driver (Sit Out Side Powerslam) to secure the victory.


Result: Tian Long [w] bt Junichi Matsuo [L] in 13:17 via pinfall (Emperor Driver)


Rating: 69


Takayuki Balls: Solid competitive match, Long continues to find ways to sneak victories, despite often being out-paced in his matches.


Post Match Comments:


A dejected Matsuo passes by MOE! MONEY! , stops and then confronts them.....


Junichi Matsuo: What the hell were you doing out there?


Meido Machine: Just watching


Junichi Matsuo: Well there was no need to watch.


HUSTLE Umiro: We were on a scoutin' misson playa.


Junichi Matsuo: Sure- more like your special friend here has got some kind of obsession with me.


Meido Machine: I'm not obsessed but I think we could be friends.....


Junichi Matsuo: Look I like real women, not some man who pretends to be one.


Meido Machine: I think you are misunderstanding me


Junichi Matsuo: I'm misunderstanding nothing.....I don't need your 'friendship' - now can please stop intefering in my matches and just leave me alone.


HUSTLE Umiro: We did nothin' fool.....don't know what your beef is.


Junichi Matsuo: I don't have a 'beef' with you.....


HUSTLE Umiro: Look playa, if you got beef wit' me man right here, you have beef wit' me....you ain't down with either of us...MOE! MONEY! be comin' right down on ya ass....you get me.


Junichi Matsuo: No I don't 'get you'


HUSTLE Umiro: So you do have beef then, well come on fool...let's throwdown, let's see what you got


Meido Machine: shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!


HUSTLE Umiro: But dis fool dissin' us....


Meido Machine: I don't care, if he wants to ignore our offer of friendship then so be it....he will soon learn the foolishness of his decision.


Junichi Matsuo: I don' think I'd be regretting anything by not agreeing to hang with you pair.


Meido Machine: Keep making your mistakes Matsuo-san.....



Match #7: Sairento & GUSHIKEN vs

Oda Yamawaki & Go Takashi






The underdog S.H.I.P held their own against the aggressive approach of their opponents, and with their resillience frustrating the Kuro duo, they began to take control of the match, with Yamawaki rocking GUSHIKEN, first with a basement drop-kick and then with the Fearless (Flying Clothesline) and then combining on a double team suplex with Takashi for a two count.


Takashi then placed GUSHIKEN into the Dollars (Inverted Cloverleaf) but 'Great Thunder' was able to power his way out of the submission and then Sairento suddenly came in like a flash of lightning to nail Takashi with a Yakuza kick and turn the momentum a complete 180 in the direction of the Kuro duo.


Sairento and GUSHIKEN then worked over Takashi in their corner, with 'Nippon Hart' being subjected to Kuro-Stomp (Surfboard Curb Stomp) and a facewash from Sairento, whilst GUSHIKEN planted Takashi with a GUSHIKEN Driver (Samoan Driver) for a two count, but to the Kuro pairs growing frustration, Takashi kept on fighting and kicking out of the punishment Sairento and GUSHIKEN were dishing out.


After Takashi kicked out again, this time after a scoop slam/double stomp combo...... Sairento drilled 'Nippon Hart' with a Brainbuster and then lined up for the Absolute Terror (Front Knee Strike To The Face) but Takashi had just enough wits left to catch the leg of Sairento and counter with a leg-whip. Takashi then took down Sairento with the Headless Ride (Running Neckbreaker) but had nothing left in the tank to go for a cover......


Unfortunately for Takashi, Sairento was able to tag back out first but 'Nippon Hart' managed to duck under a GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Smash) and get the tag out to a fresh and fired up Oda Yamawaki.


'Fearless' rocked GUSHIKEN with a missile drop-kick and then followed up with a leg-lariat, before deciding head up top once again, but before Yamawaki could take flight Sairento snuck across and got in a cheap shot, allowing for GUSHIKEN to recover and plant Yamawaki with a GUSHIKEN Firebomb 02 (Elevated Powerbomb).....


Takashi made the desperation save but was quickly sent back out of the ring with a clothesline from GUSHIKEN. 'Great Thunder' then turned his attention back to Yamawaki, and began to set up for the GUSHIKEN Firebomb but Yamawaki somehow managed to fight off the attempt and plant 'Great Thunder' with a desperation Uranage slam.


Yamawaki then looked to get the tag back out to Takashi, but Sairento rushed out of the corner and knocked 'Nippon Hart' off the apron with a Yakuza Kick. Yamawaki however showed great fighting spirit once again blocking a GUSHIKEN Smash (Charging Elbow Smash) with a high kick and then somehow mustering up the strength to plant 'Great Thunder' with a Sumida Bridge (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex).....








Sairento broke back in and stomped away to make the desperation save...before tieing up referee Ochida, by not fully co-operating in going back to his corner. Suddenly GUSHIKEN's regular tag partner arrived on the scene and pulled Go Takashi down off the apron and powerbomb 'Nippon Hart' into the ring-steps - just as it looked like he would be ready to take the tag from Yamawaki.


GUSHIKEN then nailed Yamawaki from behind, before planting 'Fearless' with the GUSHIKEN Firebomb (Thunder Fire Powerbomb)......








The S.H.I.P pair had put up a good fight, but in the end the Kuro duo proved to too powerful and too devious to overcome.


Result: Sairento & GUSHIKEN [w] bt Oda Yamawaki [L] & Go Takashi in 14:07 via pinfall (GUSHIKEN Firebomb)


Rating: 76


Takayuki Balls: You know it's a B-Market show when something as predictably one-sided as this is in the semi main event. That being said this was really good for what it was, a 'fighting spirit' match where the top level heels have most of the offence but the plucky underdog babyfaces show a 'never say die attitude'. We even got in a few spots where we teased the possibility of an upset, which was enough to keep the fans invested in the match.



~Indicating Power Levels~

Match #8: Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac & Talisman vs

Hiroto Nori, Kotei Yamato & Koto Arato







Both of these units in this main event clash, want to win but there's an obvious feeling that both sides also have some respect for one another and want to earn victory the 'right way'....so it comes as no surprise that the opening portion of the match is a slow 'feeling out process' from both teams- there's some neat displays of chain and mat wrestling but neither side is really adding any venom behind their attacks to try and push home the advantage or it may just be more of a case of both teams holding back, waiting for the other side to 'snap' first and be lured into making a mistake.


It is Yamato who shows the first spark of aggression connecting with a drop-kick and then following in with a running knee strike on Talisman. 'Pin Point' then followed that up with a German suplex for a two count, before tagging in Nori and combining with the S.H.I.P leader to deliver stereo low kicks to the back and chest.


Nori then hit a Brainbuster for another two count, as S.H.I.P began to assert some control and keep Talisman isolated in their corner. Arato was then tagged in and applied a bear hug hold, before Yamato came crashing down off the second rope with a diving knee-drop.


Arato then went to level Talisman with an Arato-Lariat but the 'Second Coming' ducked under and then took 'Strong Dreamer' by surprise with the God Knows (Spinning Headscissors into a Crucifix Pin)......








Yamato came in to make the save with a stiff kick and then began to set up for a German Suplex only for Talisman to nail 'Pin Point' with an Enziguri and then get the tag to Zodiac.....who announced his arrival into the match with a springboard drop-kick.


Yamato managed to tag Arato back in however, but Zodiac used his speed to keep Arato off balance and take Strong Dreamer down with a Tilt-A-Whirl that he transitioned into the Flame Haze crucifix arm bar.


Arato showed great fighting spirit however and fought his way through the pain, before forcing Zodiac to release the hold with a turnbuckle powerbomb. 'Strong Dreamer' who was clutching his right arm, as though in excrutiating pain staggered over to his corner and got the tag to Hiroto Nori.


'Battle' connected with a corner drop-kick on Zodiac who was just coming back to his senses, and then planted the dazed Zodiac with the Nigiri Serving (Leaping Reverse STO)








Ichigawa broke into the ring to make the desperation save. Nori nailed Ichigawa with a Tornado kick was then taken down with a Tornado DDT from Talisman, before a recovered Zodiac then planted Nori with a Beetle Suplex......








Nori managed to kick out, the over-zealous support of his number one fan ringing in his ears 'Don't you dare give up now Nori-Chan!'


The S.H.I.P leader remained on the wrong side of the ring though, as the momentum shifted towards the Guardians trio..... Whipping 'Battle' into the corner Whispered combined on 'poetry in motion' before Nori staggered out into a Decapitator (Running Bicycle Kick) from Hyotaru Ichigawa.


'Damn it Nori, get up will you and fight, don't just fight for yourself, fight for love!' screached his number one fan......


And despite the announce team, referring to her as that hot but screwy woman with a thing for Nori, the S.H.I.P leader did seem to take some strength from her words.....


Nori instantly rose back to his feet before Ichigawa could even make a pin attempt and like a man possessed reeled off an Endless Nori (kick flurry, ending with a high kick to the head) before collapsing to the mat- as though he had used up all the energy he had left.


Referee Sugimura then applied a double ten count as Nori and Ichigawa remained planted to the canvas.......


Both stagger back up to their feet on the count of nine, Ichigawa tries for another Decapitator (Running Bicyle kick) but Nori ducks under, counters with a leg lariat off the ropes and then gets the tag to Koto Arato.


'Strong Dreamer' levels Ichigawa with an Arato Lariat and then hurls Ichigawa across the ring with an overhead Belly to Belly suplex...... 'White Light' staggers back up to his feet and then gets levelled with another Arato-Lariat.....








Zodiac is in to make the save, but is then immediately clotheslined out of the ring by Arato- then Kotei Yamato steps back into the ring and immediately follows up with suicide dive, that sends Zodiac crashing against the guard-rail.


Arato turns his attention back to Ichigawa, and plants the Heavyweight champion with a Gotch Suplex (Dead Lift German Suplex).......








This time Talisman makes the save, but the 'Second Coming' is then also clotheslined to the floor by Arato, before Nori heads up top and comes crashing down upon Talisman with a corkscrew press.


Arato turns his attention back to Ichigawa and sets up for the Arato Suplex (Half Nelson Choke Suplex) but Ichigawa shows the fighting spirit that has made him a champion by battling his way out and then countering into a Dragon Suplex.......








Ichigawa was too worn down to maintain the bridge and Arato was able to kick out....


Arato was the fresher when they rose back to their feet, connecting with a fore-arm smash, before applying a sleeper hold on the Heavyweight Champion, that soon became the Dreamland (Rear Naked Choke) as Arato took things down to the mat.......


Ichigawa looked to be fading fast, but Talisman managed to break into the ring and make the save. Arato intercepted Talisman and then set up for a powerbomb on the Junior Tag champion......


That lead to Shun'en Kogara pointing out that Arato shouldn't be trying to powerbomb Talisman.....


Right on cue Talisman plants Arato's face into the canvas with the Higurashi (Counter Front Flip Facebuster), before Zodiac then re-announced his arrival into the match by crashing down upon Arato with Another Universe (Springboard 450 Splash).....


But neither of Whispered was the legal man and Ichigawa had to tag out......


Thankfully for Ichigawa, the Junior Tag champs had neutralized Arato enough, that he was able to get the tag to Zodiac before Arato could make it back to the S.H.I.P corner......


Zodiac stopped Arato from getting back to his feet with a basement drop-kick and then applied the Twelve Signs (Crossface/Cloverleaf combo) to Strong Dreamer......


Arato managed to power out of that submission but Zodiac remained in the driver seat, nailing Arato with a leg-lariat, and then snapping off a tilt-A-whirl that he immediately transitioned into the Flame Haze Crucifix Arm Bar......


It was the second time in the match Arato had found himself caught in the Flame Haze and he looked to be on the verge of tapping out but Nori managed to break into the ring and forced Zodiac to releases the submission with a stiff kick. Nori was quickly ushered back to his corner though by referee Sugimura, and with Arato still on the canvas Zodiac decided to head up top. 'Innovations God' then came crashing down upon Arato with the Universe (450 Splash) but 'Strong Dreamer' managed to move out of the way just in time and then get the tag out to Hiroto Nori.


Nori peppered Zodiac with the Endless Nori (kick flurry, ending with a high kick to the head), before planting Zodiac with a German Suplex Hold.....








Zodiac managed to kick out but remained planted to the canvas and Nori headed up top.....with Nori's number one fan screeching words of encouragement 'Nori-chan show everyone you're the best!'


Nori posed for a bit acknowledging the fan, but his brief lack of focus allowed for Zodiac to recover and sending 'Battle' crashing back into the ring with a Poison-rana!


Zodiac then delivered a boot into Nori's mid-section, before planting the S.H.I.P leader with the Zodiac Sniper '98 (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb)....








Kotei Yamato made the save with a running knee strike, before planting Zodiac with the Gurren MKII Driver (Sitout Side Driver) but referee Sugimura rightly pointed out he was not the legal man, and immediately voided any pin attempt from Yamato.


Zodiac then looked set to get the tag out to Ichigawa, only for Arato to rush out of the S.H.I.P corner and prevent him doing so, that still lured out an incensed Ichigawa and the two heavyweight ended up rolling out to the floor and engaging one another in a weary brawl......


Meanwhile Nori had managed to get the tag out to Yamato, who prevented Zodiac from makign the tag. 'Pin Point then planted Zodiac with a German suplex before rolling through into the Knightmare Frame 'Bridging Cobra Clutch'........


But Talisman was on hand to break up the submission, Yamato then nailed Talisman with a drop-kick before turning his attention back to Zodiac, but 'Pin Point' walked right into a Tilt-A-Whirl from Zodiac that 'Innovations God' immediately transtioned into the Escaflowne 'Crucifix Pin'.....








Yamato kicked out and then nailed Zodiac with a knee strike, before reeling the Junior Tag champion in to set up for the End Game (Clutched Knee Strike Flurry) but Talisman managed to intervene again nailing Yamato with an Enziguri before combining with Zodiac on the Steins Gate ! (Wheelbarrow dropped into a double knee gutbuster).....








Nori had now recovered to make the save, but he was intercepted by Talisman.......


Zodiac then drilled Yamato with the Card of Doom (Cross Legged Sit Out Scoop Slam Piledriver)......








The S.H.I.P had given it everything they had, but on this occasion the trio of champions put before them were just too strong for them to overcome.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac [w] & Talisman bt Hiroto Nori, Kotei Yamato [L] & Koto Arato in 25:14 via pinfall (Card of Doom).


Rating: 83


Takayuki Balls: Excellent main event.....this match really had a little bit of everything, seamlessly blending together a variety of styles into a truly appetizing match for the fans to savour. The pacing was really good too, starting off low-key and then gradually building in intensity as the match went along.


Post match Eikichi Minamoto comes out to the ring and he has a microphone with him.....



'Great win, it truly shows what a trio of great champions you are!'


Ichigawa mouths at Minamoto 'what the hell do you want?'


Minamoto now stepping into the ring continued to address his stable-mates.....


'I'm not here to mock or aggravate, I've actually come here to apologize'


Ichigawa has a look on his face, that he's not at all 'buying' whatever Minamoto is trying to sell.....


'Look I know I've been a real ass lately, and I'd fully understand if you would want to kick me out of Guardians right now, sure as hell knows I would deserve it'


'Well you've got that right snapped back' Ichigawa......


'But just please hear me out- just for now....'


'Why should we?'


That is when Prime Dragon emerged from the back.....



'Ichigawa-san, just let Minamoto-san say what he wants to say, as the leader of the Guardians, I'll be the one to judge'


'Thank you Dragon-san, I'm truly grateful'


'Well just spit out, whatever you're going to say Minamoto-san, because though I'm prepared to hear you out...I like the rest of the Guardians have just about reached the end of the line with your selfish attitude'


'Oh I fully understand that, and it's something I am addressing right now.....you see watching Ichigaw and Whispered together, made me realise what a dick I was being and that I was surrounded by a team of winners, something I shouldn't be taking for granted....I truly am sorry for me behaviour'


'And you expect us to just forgive you?' snapped Zodiac


'Oh I expect instant forgiveness, but I want to prove to you that I can be a valuable Guardian and a true team player once again'


'And how do you propose to do that?' quizzed Prime Dragon back....


'I will prove that you can trust me by us tagging together'


'We've seen your idea of teamwork lately, and it doesn't wash with me' snapped Ichigawa.


'But it won't be at all like that....what do I need to do to convince you that I have realised the error of my ways'


'OK I'm wiling to give you one more chance' said Prime Dragon....


'Are you sure about this?' queried Zodiac


'Look if Minamoto-san is genuine, we can welcome him back with open-arms, if not we.....'




Suddenly Kuro-Nadeshiko appear, Tian Long has a microphone in hand, and he is reading off a script, presumely written by Sairento.....


'This war we rage against one another, will have an end.....lets each put one of our own on the line, and cast adfrift the weak...Bunkyo Hall is our destiny, only the strongest survive.'


The Guardians look at Kuro-Nadeshiko with a look of confusion


'What we propose is that we begin to truly put things on the line, do you understand?'


'Are you saying that we should have a loser leaves unit match?' queried Prime Dragon'


'If you have any guts you will meet our challenge!' proclaimed Tian Long.


'Oh let me be on the team, let me prove to you and to everyone that I am a Guardian through and through!' an excitable Eikichi Minamoto proclaimed......


'Number one I'll gladly accept your challenge Sairento-san to a loser leaves unit match'


Sairento nodded towards Prime Dragon before making a throat slash gesture


'Secondly....Minamoto-san you will be on our team, I know everyone around me right now apart you will say I am being too trusting but I'm willing to believe in you. It's time to show us your true colours'


'I will not let you down Dragon-san, I am a Guardian through and through....even were I to lose be forced out of the Guardians, I willl fight to the very end, not just for me, but for the men who stand alongside me in this ring!'


Rating: 69


Takayuki-Balls: OK so that talky bit probably rambled on a little too long, but the star power of those involved in the segment kept the fans interested and it set up the main event for the up-coming Bunkyo Hall show. So what we're going to get is Guardians against Kuro in a loser leaves unit match. The other thing we know is that Minamoto-san will be on the Guardians team, after claiming he has realised that he his behaviour of late has been selfish and that he will proof to his stable mates, he is a team player and can be trusted again.



Overall: 79


Takayuki's Final Verdict: One of our best shows, since I took over the book..a solid undercard, topped off by a superb main event and we even managed to get in a decent amount of storyline progression, without it taking away from the action.

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DIASPORA- Effective Line: Episode 2


Theme Tune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxEqRpsaEF8


DIASPORA presents episode 2 of effective line on Friday March 9th. Covering 4 shows over a two week period...episode 2 will include a 'featured' match from each show...


From the the Miyagi Athletic Complex in Tohoku on Feb 14th we have trio's action featuring the Guardians trio of Zodiac, Talisman and Taheji Ebisawa up against Meido Machine, HUSTLE Umiro and a mystery partner.


A first time ever openweight singles challenge between Incognito and Hiro Date provides the action from the Obihiro Athletic Complex on Feb 16th.A ten man Junior Division Battle Royal for a shot at Prime Dragon's Super Junior title is featured from the Nagasaki Arena from Feb 21st. Rounding things off will be six man tag action from the Izumo Civic Arena on February 23rd as the Guardians- Prime Dragon, Eikichi Minamoto and Talisman take on Sairento, Incognito and Chojiro Ono of Kuro-Nadeshiko.

Do not miss the Television debut of the most exciting promotion in Puroresu!


Miyagi show Feb 14th:



Obihiro show Feb 16th:



Nagasaki show Feb 21st:



Izumo show Feb 23rd:


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Result: Chojiro Ono [w] bt Kan Mitsubishi [L] in 2:20 via pinfall ("Tsunami")

Takayuki Balls: That was kept mercifully short- I think most fans were over at the merchandise stall anyway


Squee! I got a signed Nori picture!


Result: Dark Wolf II [w] bt Fuku Wolfe [L] in 6:58 via submission (Holo's Dream)


And a Matsuo picture!


Result: Meido Machine [w] & HUSTLE Umiro bt Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr [L] in 11:01 via pinfall (Moe Moe Clutch)


Spider was tapping out referee Sugimura was distracted by a Black Box wielding Terajima


The black box in this case contains Sugimura's payoff for this week.


Good win for Moe Money, though. Comedy team vs. Comedy team and the funniest team won.


Result: Shintaro Hideki & Hiro Date [w] bt Hideaki Kasuse & Yachi Kotara [L] in 9:56 via pinfall (Rejection II)


As expected. This is was a good match to get out your smartphone and catch up on your texting.


Result: Prime Dragon [w] bt Xtinction [L] in 8:12 via pinfall (Dragonsault)


If PD can drag a 72 out of Xtinction, he could get a 75 with a ladder.


Result: Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa [w] bt Aki Shimizudani [L] & Horiuchi Inokuma in 8:02 via pinfall (Pin following Harima DDT from Minamoto)

Teamwork! What more can you ask from Minamoto?


Taheji Ebisawa: It's only because our opponents broke up with one another in the middle of a damn match that we were able to win.


And Shimkuma were such a cute couple, too.


Referee Sugimura was suddenly pulled out of the ring by Tian Long's regular tag partner Incognito.


Which was a relief to Sugimura, he was trying to figure out how to help Tian and nothing is easier for a ref to ignore than outside interference. One mock protest and he'll be counting his money after the night's over.


Result: Tian Long [w] bt Junichi Matsuo [L] in 13:17 via pinfall (Emperor Driver)


I keep wondering how good Matsuo really is. Tian probably gets most of the credit for the quality of the match, but it was fun and competitive. With Moe Money getting a big win, a storyline with them looks like less of a dead end and more of a way to get the new guy over more.


Result: Sairento & GUSHIKEN [w] bt Oda Yamawaki [L] & Go Takashi in 14:07 via pinfall (GUSHIKEN Firebomb)


Tiger slams on this match a little, but the action was pure class.

Sairento broke back in and stomped away to make the desperation save...before tieing up referee Ochida, by not fully co-operating in going back to his corner.


At least Ochida looked like he was actually trying to get Sairento back to the corner, not helping him stall.


I like Go more and more.


And despite the announce team, referring to her as that hot but screwy woman with a thing for Nori, the S.H.I.P leader did seem to take some strength from her words.....


Fear will do that for you. If he didn't fire up she might doubt his love for her and that would end badly for Nori.


Result: Hyotaru Ichigawa, Zodiac [w] & Talisman bt Hiroto Nori, Kotei Yamato [L] & Koto Arato

A strong match overall, plenty of action and highly competitive. SHIP need something to shake them up at this point.


lets each put one of our own on the line, and cast adfrift the weak


I thought SHIP would have the boating metaphors.


'I will not let you down Dragon-san, I am a Guardian through and through....even were I to lose be forced out of the Guardians, I willl fight to the very end, not just for me, but for the men who stand alongside me in this ring!'

For those of you new to pro wrestling, this is the bit where the guy who's been going bad tries to convince his friends to trust him one last time. Everyone in the audience can see this is going to go bad. Most of the others in Guardians can see this will go bad. Basically everyone except the poor sucker about to trust Minamoto and lose his place.

Alot of story elements in the matches tonight and this one is the most fun. Does Minamoto cost PD the match, leaving Prime out of Guardians with Minamoto either following him out when the others turn on him, or Minamoto trying to declare himself the leader of Guardians? Does Minamoto try to cost PD the match, fail and end up losing himself? That would free him from Guardians and start an instant feud while possibly aligning him with Kuro. Does Tiger cross everyone up and Tian eliminated somehow, maybe a Minamoto trick that backfires? Sairento seems safe. A guy who never talks needs minions to talk for him.

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Kong and even everyone else on Salty Dog(Kzy, Mondai Ryu) lol BTW, I'm guessing the name Salty Delinquents comes from Salty Dog :p


Yeah- a pretty obvious parody/homage if you know your Dragon Gate :D


In general though they're a homage to lower-card Dragon Gate heels- the sort that job alot but get the occasional win through nefarious means......


I realised looking at Miko's review of the show, I forgot to add the time to the main event- fixed that now.

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Alot of story elements in the matches tonight and this one is the most fun. Does Minamoto cost PD the match, leaving Prime out of Guardians with Minamoto either following him out when the others turn on him, or Minamoto trying to declare himself the leader of Guardians? Does Minamoto try to cost PD the match, fail and end up losing himself? That would free him from Guardians and start an instant feud while possibly aligning him with Kuro. Does Tiger cross everyone up and Tian eliminated somehow, maybe a Minamoto trick that backfires? Sairento seems safe. A guy who never talks needs minions to talk for him.


Those are all good options but I throw in few more possible outcomes just for fun. :p I believe that Ichigawa will be included in that match too, he probably says something along the lines that he wants to guard Minamoto because Dragon is too trusting. This would open the possibility that Minamoto betrays Ichigawa instead of Dragon since those two clearly doesn´t fit to same group. Or maybe Minamoto isn´t going to betray anyone, maybe Ichigawa will. That would certainly be a shocker but it could be possible and could be reasoned by Ichigawa being angry that Dragon haven´t kicked Minamoto out already and deciding to take matters on his own hands. Which ever way it goes that match stipulation surely added a lots of speculation to this story. Well done here Tigerkinney. :)

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Maid Waiting


There was of course something on my mind when we were in Tokyo, something utterly ridiculous- something that most people would think I'd probably made up.......


I had to find a girl that works at a maid cafe in Akiba, that was looking for someone she referred to as the 'sunflower wrestler'. Now usually I wouldn't care less and would tell this loon to kindly jog on, especially as during my phone call with her she sounded like she might have several screws loose- due to the fact that she refers to herself as Momo-Nyan and insists on ending nearly every sentence with nyan....I mean OK fine if she wants to keep up the 'act' in the cafe but she reall should leave it in the cafe when she gets back into the real world.


But it irked me that this girl had contacted me, when I had never given out my details to anyone but a select few- I had to find out who it was that she talked to. So this was an arrangement of us helping one another- besides despite the fact I got the impression she wasn't all there, she did seem to be harmless- I'd find out soon enough if she was......


I had done my research on where this maid cafe was, so I could by-pass having to approach one of their maids to take me there or approach a maid from a rival cafe to ask where it was. I wasn't really sure how heated maid-cafe rivalries were to be honest. I mean I see them standing around in their different outfits, and I'm sure they must say hi to one another and all that, but does the friendliness go beyond that? I must say I had not seen them try to steal customers from one another and get into physical altercations but maybe if you ask a maid of a rival cafe, the direction of the one you are looking for- they might play 'dirty' and point you in the completely wrong direction or perhaps even just give you directions to 'their' cafe. Anyway I would need not concern myself with such a trivial matter, I knew where I needed to be headed.


I found the building, and took the standard ride up the elevator, these places are nearly always on an upper level of some high rise. Anyway I got out on the floor where the cafe was and arrived at the front desk, where there was some stooge who took your money etc....


I wasn't interested in having the whole maid cafe experience, all I wanted is to find this Momo-nyan. I told the stooge I was looking for Momo, but all I got back was some automaton like spiel about you pay a fixed charge for a standard one hour.......


He just wasn't listening, or he was refusing to listen and said that if I wanted to see the maids, that I had to step beyond the lobby, but if I stepped beyond the lobby I would have to endure the standard charge- of course it must not have occured to him that the maids actually escaped his cafe and actually stepped out of it on a regular basis. But the stubborn stooge, wasn't going to allow me to just talk to this Momo out here in the lobby and insisted I either put up or shut up or head my way back down the elevator.


I had gotten this far, so despite getting the feeling I was about to be fleeced- I decided on the former and took the plunge to step into the cafe.......


I sat down and I was approached by several of the maids in the cafe, though I couldn't see a Momo- so I was already worried that this trip may have been a fruitless exercise. Anyway I sat down and I was served by a slightly dumpy looking maid going by the name of Rika....I ordered a melon soda and a strawberry parfait- hey what the hell I was here in one of these places now, I may as well order something like that and I must admit despite feeling slightly odd, these cafes were for the most part harmless fun.....the only thing that really gets harmed in these places is your wallet.




Anyway I had to ask.....


'Does a Momo work here'


' Oh.....errr....Mo...mo......aah.....yeah......she....err...'


She then asked another one of the maids if she knew where Momo was......


'Oh Momo, is out finding customer......she back in twenty minutes!!- err....why momo?'


I told Rika, that I was a friend of a friend and that I was to pass some important information to Momo. I was hoping she would be here, when I got here, but now I was going to have to wait another twenty minutes......of course I couldn't just sit around and order nothing else, so I ended up orderding a Latte, where Rika ended up drawing a cat's face.

Suddenly I was approached by another maid.....


'err... you Takayuki-san......I am Momo-nyan!'


We had finally met, now I must admit she was quite cute, had I been a decade younger then I would feel no shame about being attracted to her, but fact is she was a high school girl of about 17/18 and I was a man in his thirties.....




When we got talking she couldn't tell me who it was that got her to contact me, and neither could I inform Momo-nyan who this 'sunflower wrestler' was. So this first ever meeting concluded with me inviting her to our next show at Bunkyo-Hall....I gave her a ticket and then asked her to meet me backstage afterwards. If she really wanted to find out who this 'sunfllower wrestler' is she would turn up and hopefully by doing so it would also jog her fuzzy memory on who was leaking my contact details.

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DIASPORA take their Full Metal Panic! Tour to the Bunkyo Hall in Tokyo on Tuesday 13th March.....


Bunkyo Hall shows are often pivotal affairs, and this promises to be just that with an 8 man tag main event between the Guardians of DIASPORA and Kuro-Nadeshiko, that will see the loser of the fall forced out of their faction. The Guardians may hold four out of the six belts available in DIASPORA, but they are feeling strain from within their ranks, due to the increasingly selfish attitude of Eikichi Minamoto, it is a situation their bitter rivals Kuro-Nadeshiko have obviously taken note of and they felt it was a good time to issue such a challenge.


At the recent show in Hiroshima however Minamoto apologized for his recent actions after the main event and vowed to prove that he was a team player and loyal to the Guardians- this prompted their leader Prime Dragon to give Minamoto the chance to prove his loyalty by taking the risk of placing him in this match. Dragon as faction leader will of course lead his unit in this match, but also lining up with Dragon and Minamoto will be two men Minamoto has noticeably had problems with of late within the Guardians, the man he is desperate to defeat for the Heavyweight Championship Hyotaru Ichigawa and a man he has left aggravated in several tag matches Taheji Ebisawa. On paper this team looks to be the potentially implosive of the Guardians, and some will observe that Dragon could be taking too much of a risk by going into battle with this unit in such a pivotal match.


Lining up on the opposing team will be Sairento, Tian Long and the All Asia Tag Team champions the Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono), there was a time not so long ago that Kuro themselves appeared to be cracking, due to the fact that they held no gold in DIASPORA, but the UNK's triumph at Pro Wrestling Festival, seems to have calmed the situation within their ranks- though failure to win this match after instigating it, will surely return such internal strife to Kuro once again.


The semi main event see's a mouth-watering Junior Division singles match between the S.H.I.P leader Hiroto Nori and Kuro-Nadeshiko's Incognito. Nori will be keen to maintain his position as a contender for the Junior Championship, but Incognito will be just as keen to prove that he should be considered amongst DIASPORA's elite and a contender for Prime Dragon's Super Junior Championship and a victory over Nori would go a long way towards him being considered for a title shot.


MOE! MONEY! have been making waves lately in DIASPORA. The odd couple pairing of Meido Machine and HUSTLE Umiro have been entertaining the fans with their bizarre antics, but they have also shown themselves to be a competent and a competitive team and a string of good results, has seen the DIASPORA Championship Comittee take notice, and reward them with a Junior Tag Team Championship title shot against Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman). It would be a huge shock if MOE! MONEY! were to dethrone the champions, who have looked hugely impressive since winning the titles at Neon Genesis Evolution but Meido and HUSTLE do have the capacity to pull off a surprise.


The Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) are keen to regain the All Asia Tag titles they lost to the Udon Noodle Killers, but their fellow stable mates of Koto Arato and Go Takashi, collectively known as Team Ganbatte are also keen to get a shot at the titles. It's not the first time these two teams have faced off within another on this tour, with the TWC coming out on top in their first encounter. But with a shot at the All Asia Tag titles assured for the winners this could end up being a much more fiery encounter.


Further tag team action see's New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) take on The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse and Kohei Hidaka) with both teams looking to get themselves back into Junior Tag Team title contention.


ShimiKuma had been showing signs of breaking apart for the past month, with Horiuchi Inokuma becoming increasingly frustrated with the failings of his tag team partner Aki Shimizudani- those feelings came to a head when Inokuma turned on his partner at the previous show in Hiroshima. Here they face of against one another, Inokuma keen to force home that he was the stronger partner and Shimizudani equally keen to exact revenge and prove Inokuma wrong.


Rounding out the show will be an handicap match between Junichi Matsuo and the Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr). It is a match that Matsuo himself requested after the last show and stems from the fact that Matsuo who is still looking for his first victory in DIASPORA has become increasingly irritated by MOE! MONEYs attention towards him. M!M! defeated the Kuro-Nadeshiko duo on the previous show and it looks as though Matsuo is trying to send a message to M!M! by defeating the Delinquents by himself and that he is perfectly fine by himself, despite Meido and HUSTLE'S insistence that he needs allies to survive.


Bonus pre-show action comes in the form of an Openweight four way featuring Dark Wolf II, Kan Mitsubishi, Xtinction and Yachi Kotara.


Here is a run-down of the full card for Show 23 of the the Full Metal Panic! Tour.....



Full Metal Panic! Tour - Show #23


Bunkyo Hall, Tokyo, Kanto

Tuesday 13th March 2012.


~Treacherous Doubt~

Final (No Time Limit): 'Loser Must Leave' Eight Man War

* Loser of the Fall must his stable- match ends when a fall has occured by pin, submission or knockout.


'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Junior Champion- Prime Dragon

Heavyweight Champion- Hyotaru Ichigawa

Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa


'Representing Kuro Nadeshiko'

Sariento, Tian Long &

All Asia Tag Team Champions- Udon Noodle Killers (GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono)


~Fireworks on Standby~

Semi Final: (30 Min Limit ): Super Junior Championship Contenders Singles Challenge

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Hiroto Nori


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'



~We like Fun, We Like Winning~

5th Match (60 Min Limit): Junior Tag Team Championship

'Representing Guardians of DIASPORA'

Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman)


MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro)


4th Match (30 Min Limit): All Asia Tag Contenders

'Representing S.H.I.P'

Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date)


'Representing S.H.I.P'

Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


3rd Match (20 Min Limit): Junior Tag Challenge

'Representing S.H.I.P'

New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki)


'Representing The Forgotten'

Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka


2nd Match (20 Min Limit): Former Partners Collide- Intense Bitterness!

Aki Shimizudani


Horiuchi Inokuama


1st Match (20 Min Limit): Junior Division Handicap Challenge

Junichi Matsuo


'Representing Kuro-Nadeshiko'

The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)


Match 0 (10 Min Limit)- Openweight 4 Way

Dark Wolf II vs Kan Mitsubishi vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara




Predictions Form


Loser Leaves Unit: Prime Dragon,Hyotaru Ichigawa, Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa vs Sairento, Tian Long, GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono

Bonus Question: Who on the losing team will be be forced to leave their unit?


Hiroto Nori vs Incognito


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro


Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)


Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma


Junichi Matsuo vs The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)


Dark Wolf II vs Kan Mitsubishi vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara


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Loser Leaves Unit: Prime Dragon,Hyotaru Ichigawa, Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa vs Sairento, Tian Long, GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono

I already speculated with this one and there´s plenty of possible outcomes. However most of them have one thing in common and that´s Guardians losing. The only way I could see it go the other way is that Long is retiring and needs to be scripted out.


Bonus Question: Who on the losing team will be be forced to leave their unit? Prime Dragon

Darn, I was hoping to avoid this one as I really don´t know... I believe it´s between Dragon, Ichigawa and Minamoto but I could make a case for all three. I think there´s suprise waiting to happen though and since Minamoto betraying someone wouldn´t really be a suprise after his recent attitude I go with most shocking option I can think and say that Prime Dragon is forced to leave after Ichigawa betrays him.


Hiroto Nori vs Incognito

I´m probably said it earlier and likely will say it again, but I expect Nori to be next Junior champ and to that end he needs to win this one.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro

I don´t see Whispered losing this one, not to a comedy team even if they actually not that bad.


Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)

Well this is interesting one espesially considering that there´s a possibility of fourth stable being born (depending how the main event goes) which, if it will happen will likely saw some members of the existing stables to deflect and with two heavyweight tag teams in S.H.I.P one of these teams are prime candidates in S.H.I.P to do that jump. Why I´m mentioning that here? Simply because that causes possibility of sheningans, though it´s little bit unlikely since the big suprise is likely going to happen in the main event, not earlier. Still after all this rambling I go with Ganbatte! simply because TWC got the win last time and because Ganbatte! would be fresher opponents.

New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)

Solution is slighly higher on my books.


Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma

I´m guessing that Shimizudani is on his way out soon so I give this one to Inokuma.


Junichi Matsuo vs The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)

So, if you can´t win 1 vs. 1 matches you should try to fight two guys on your own? There might be a logic here for Matsuo but I sure don´t see it. :p


Dark Wolf II vs Kan Mitsubishi vs Xtinction vs Yachi Kotara

Wolf is the only guy with any real importance in this one.

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I forgot to add who people think would be forced to leave their unit in the main event as a question in the predictions form- after all that's more important than which side actually wins the match.


I've added it now, so perhaps Zergon would like to amend his predicitons and answer that question.

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Predictions Form


Loser Leaves Unit: Prime Dragon,Hyotaru Ichigawa, Eikichi Minamoto & Taheji Ebisawa vs Sairento, Tian Long, GUSHIKEN & Chojiro Ono

Yes been waiting for a match like this. Wonder when or if we'll see a Captain Fall's, Loser Revival Matches because those are pretty fun. Anyways I got the Kuro team winning.


Bonus Question: Who on the losing team will be be forced to leave their unit?Minamoto

For this reason. I'm thinking he will lose willingly. What I suspect is that he turns on his partners and then lays down in the middle of the ring so one of the Kuro guys can pin him and then he joins them or create his own unit.


Hiroto Nori vs Incognito


Junior Tag Team Championship: Whispered (Zodiac & Talisman) vs MOE! MONEY! (Meido Machine & HUSTLE Umiro


Tokyo Wrecking Crew (Oda Yamawaki & Hiro Date) vs Team Ganbatte! (Koto Arato & Go Takashi)


New Solution (Kotei Yamato & Shintaro Hideki) vs The Forgotten (Hideaki Kasuse & Kohei Hidaka)


Aki Shimizudani vs Horiuchi Inokuma

Another theory I have is that wherever Minamoto goes, Inokuma will follow him


Junichi Matsuo vs The Salty Delinquents (Soh Terajima & Blood Spider Jr)

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