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The League, Season Six (Game Thread)

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In other news... Legacy Pro Wrestling has finished it's hiatus. Two promotions, two Scott Stevens, two Severe Beatings by Psycho Sam.



Say what? I didn't see indication of that on the LPW site, unless IER changed it up on us. :confused:


It's on the dog pound.


Yep, been doing some behind the scenes stuff getting prepped. Haven't updated the site yet, but that is to come soon.

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Yep, been doing some behind the scenes stuff getting prepped. Haven't updated the site yet, but that is to come soon.


If I'd have known that, I wouldn't have put the story-line stips on the LPW title (especially the Stevens one). This is going to make things a bit difficult....


Perhaps we could hash out differences via PM to not clutter the game thread.

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You should have told me. I have nothing to do I could have helped.


Would have kept me from getting to Act II in Diablo II earlier, but still. :p


You can still help out. Things are still weeks away.


If I'd have known that, I wouldn't have put the story-line stips on the LPW title (especially the Stevens one). This is going to make things a bit difficult....


Perhaps we could hash out differences via PM to not clutter the game thread.


Sure thing my good man.

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The League website posted these videos hyping Scorpion and his match vs Psycho Sam.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PiGkSn87J3Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/GiomYxsmCvw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/60jniw8mTOA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Ian Carlisle (2-2, 11%) vs. Diamond (2-2, 11%)

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (1-3, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (3-1, 12%)

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (1-3, 15%) vs. Master Imoka (2-2, 15%)

Johnny Triumph (2-2, 17%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (3-1, 13%)

Jack Lightning (2-2, 14%) vs. Ly Quang Bao (1-3, 20%)

Psycho Sam (3-1, 21%) vs. Scott Stevens (2-2, 13%)

The Phoenix (3-1, 23%) vs. Sebastian Moore (1-3, 12%)

Tarik Nolan (1-3, 23%) vs. III (3-1, 13%)

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Tweets for Glory


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>@<a href="https://twitter.com/Survive_The_Sting">Survive_The_Sting</a>! Most of the time a cage is my home. So I feel at ease into it.</p>— Psycho Sam (@Psycho_Sam_BBW) <a href="https://twitter.com/Psycho_Sam_BBW/status/211398161963556864" data-datetime="2012-06-09T10:03:44+00:00">June 9, 2012</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>What @<a href="https://twitter.com/Survive_The_Sting">Survive_The_Sting</a> doesn't know is that I've got plenty of moves ready when I need them.</p>— Psycho Sam (@Psycho_Sam_BBW) <a href="https://twitter.com/Psycho_Sam_BBW/status/211398572522999808" data-datetime="2012-06-09T10:05:21+00:00">June 9, 2012</a></blockquote>

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Psycho Sam's League Vlog Episode 6!!!

Psycho Sam: Hello Everyone and WELCOME to EPISODE SSSIXXXX!!! of my League Vlog. The ONLY OFFICIAL Vlog of PSYCHO SAM!!! You can follow me at Twitter here-> https://twitter.com/#!/Psycho_Sam_BBW

OR on Facebook here-> http://www.facebook.com/pages/Psycho-Sam/434872249856261!




Psycho Sam: MY picks are as follows... also... **** YOU MJDGOLDENEYE FOR STEALING THE LEAD.

OOC: I hope that mjdgoldeneye does well in the predictions, Psycho Sam's rant was done in character...

Carlisle vs. Diamond: Evenly matched, but I see Diamond taking the win & an expansion of her pairing's lead

Winner: Diamond

Stanton vs. Templeton: The rematch of the tournament finals, I see this match being seven shades of awesome. I still say Templeton wins.

Winner: Templeton

Gaius vs. Imoka: Even with Gaius' upset victory over Thor, I still say Imoka gets the victory

Winner: Imoka

Triumph vs Thor: Both Triumph and Thor's losses took a blow to their morale. I say Triumph has been shaken up more, so..

Winner: Thor

Lightning vs. Bao: Bao's toughness makes him the victor.

Winner: Bao

Sam vs. Stevens: All I have to say to Stevens... this will be awesome for me and the fans...

Winner: Sam, *****!

Phoenix vs. Moore: I see Phoenix taking the win...

Winner: Phoenix

MAIN EVENT: Nolan vs. III: III takes the win here.

Winner: III



Superstar In Review: Scott Stevens

Psycho Sam: This week, we take a look at Scott Stevens. Why the **** am I reviewing him??? We all know he sucks *** in the ring, but a threat forces me to be unbiased.

Scott Stevens: Career Record: 29-35 , 6 Matches of The Night

Best Season: Season 3

Worst Season: Season 5

Pros: Resilient, A jack of all trades

Cons: JOAT usually means Master Of None (I'm not related to the mafia!)


Psycho Sam: Steven's debut was in Season 2, and was one of the better rookies, taking the Delta Division race to the final week before losing, thus being eliminated due to the Gamma Division's 'Big Three''s hold on the wild cards. His opponent, the eventual champion Johnny Triumph.

Season 3 was better. Once again, he took his division, in this case, the Beta Division, to the final week. He beat Phoenix, thus eliminating him from the playoffs, but all of that was for naught, as he earnt a D rating, catapulting Diamond to the playoffs as the Beta Division champ. Once again, he wasn't in the division, again, due to the Gamma Division's 'Big Three V2''s hold on both playoff spots.

Season 4's Scott Stevens, looking very ****ed off, due to aforementioned incident, came. He wasn't the Scott Stevens in Season 2 and 3 (and that was good), with a 6-8 record.

Season 5 was even worse, coming at the bottom of the Alpha Division, finishing with a 6-12 record.

This season does him no favors, with his first loss against III. He does look better, but will not break the .500 mark.[/center]


Psycho Sam: Until next time, this is Psycho Sam, the official ****ing blog for Psycho Sam! And by the way, Scott Stevens, **** you, **** LPW and **** your championship. If I get it, I shall make it the NEW Big Battle Wrestling title!!!

OOC: No, he hasn't realized LPW has gotten out of financial troubles yet... imagine his suprise when he finds out the fact:p


Shortened predictions...


Ian Carlisle (2-2, 11%) vs. Diamond (2-2, 11%)

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (1-3, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (3-1, 12%)

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (1-3, 15%) vs. Master Imoka (2-2, 15%)

Johnny Triumph (2-2, 17%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (3-1, 13%)

Jack Lightning (2-2, 14%) vs. Ly Quang Bao (1-3, 20%)

Psycho Sam (3-1, 21%) vs. Scott Stevens (2-2, 13%)

The Phoenix (3-1, 23%) vs. Sebastian Moore (1-3, 12%)

Tarik Nolan (1-3, 23%) vs. III (3-1, 13%)

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Ian Carlisle (2-2, 11%) vs. Diamond (2-2, 11%)

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (1-3, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (3-1, 12%)

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (1-3, 15%) vs. Master Imoka (2-2, 15%)

Johnny Triumph (2-2, 17%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (3-1, 13%)

Jack Lightning (2-2, 14%) vs. Ly Quang Bao (1-3, 20%)

Psycho Sam (3-1, 21%) vs. Scott Stevens (2-2, 13%)

The Phoenix (3-1, 23%) vs. Sebastian Moore (1-3, 12%)

Tarik Nolan (1-3, 23%) vs. III (3-1, 13%)


May the Odds be ever in My Favour



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Ian Carlisle (2-2, 11%) vs. Diamond (2-2, 11%)

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (1-3, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (3-1, 12%)

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (1-3, 15%) vs. Master Imoka (2-2, 15%)

Johnny Triumph (2-2, 17%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (3-1, 13%)

Jack Lightning (2-2, 14%) vs. Ly Quang Bao (1-3, 20%)

Psycho Sam (3-1, 21%) vs. Scott Stevens (2-2, 13%)

The Phoenix (3-1, 23%) vs. Sebastian Moore (1-3, 12%)

Tarik Nolan (1-3, 23%) vs. III (3-1, 13%)

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Season Six, Week Five

Hiroshima, Japan

June 12, 2012


<object width="400" height="25"><embed src="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfblGznVLJo?version=3&hl=en_US&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="25" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>



This week, it is Hiroshima Big Arch that hosts The League, and a capacity-plus crowd of 52,144 who greet the camera with enthusiastic cheers. The scene quickly shifts to ringside and our three-person commentary crew.


Bob Sinclair: The season keeps marching along; welcome to Hiroshima and week five of The League! Bob Sinclair at ringside with Frankie Garnett and Tori Montgomery, and tonight the focus is on the steel cage match and the smack talking that has gone down on Twitter over the last week between Scott Stevens and Psycho Sam.


Tori Montgomery: Yeah, the less I say about him, the better.


Frankie Garnett: What's wrong, Tori? Truth hurts? Phoenix kick you to the curb after you "tended" to III?


Tori Montgomery: No. More like I should give Stevens a nice swift kick to the—


Bob Sinclair: Anyways, everyone in the locker room is ready to go, so let's head to the ring and get tonight's opening match underway!


Ian Carlisle (2-2, 11%) vs. Diamond (2-2, 11%)


Linkin Park's "What I've Done" blares through the arena as the upset specialist of The League steps into the arena, a look of determination on his face. A moment later, he sprints towards the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope and heading to a corner to appeal to the fans, mentally preparing himself for his next battle.


Amelia Williams: Ladies and gentlemen, our opening match of the evening is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Blackpool, England, weighing 222 pounds...Ian Carlisle!


Bob Sinclair: A win here would be rather surprising for Carlisle; it's not been very often that he's had a winning record in League competition.


Tori Montgomery: He's got his work cut out for him, though. He's sporting a losing record against his opponent tonight.


Frankie Garnett: You say that like it's surprising.


"Don't Cha" hits the arena to a mixed reaction as The League's lone female member emerges from backstage. There is a confident smirk on her face as she talks trash with some of the louder fans before sprinting into the ring by diving under the bottom rope. As she stands, she proceeds to the corner nearest the announce table, hands thrown in the air as the soaks in the crowd reaction while her manager stands outside, also applauding her client.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, accompanied to the ring by Jayde, from Aberdeen, Scotland, weighing 137 pounds...Diamond!


Bob Sinclair: Diamond is 2-1 against Carlisle in her career, and a win would keep her comfortably ahead of Bao in their pairing.


Frankie Garnett: I dunno, guys, I think Diamond looks a bit off tonight.


Tori Montgomery: That's because of that cube you're looking through, Frankie.


Ian Carlisle applied the Arm Wringer

Ian Carlisle hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Ian Carlisle applied the Side Headlock

Ian Carlisle hit the Kick To Knee

The Knife Edge Chop was countered into a Arm Drag.

Diamond hit the Stomp

Diamond hit the Face Rub

Diamond hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Ian Carlisle moved and the Half Senton missed!

Ian Carlisle picks up Diamond.

Ian Carlisle hit the Punch

Ian Carlisle hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Ian Carlisle hit the Rolling Wheel Kick

Diamond slipped out of the Knee Pull.

Ian Carlisle broke the Front Facelock by reaching the ropes.

Diamond hit the Punch

Diamond hit the European Uppercut

Ian Carlisle broke the Front Facelock.

Ian Carlisle hit the Eye Gouge

Ian Carlisle hit the Snap Mare Takedown

Ian Carlisle hit the Stomp

Ian Carlisle hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Ian Carlisle applied the Single Leg Grapevine

The Splash was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

Diamond hit the Half Senton

Diamond hit the Handspring Moonsault

Diamond used the La Magistral Cradle

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Diamond hit the Dropkick To Knee

Ian Carlisle blocked the Women's DDT.

Diamond hit the Spinning Arm Drag

Diamond hit the Rolling Senton

Ian Carlisle blocked the Legdrop To Groin.

Ian Carlisle rushed the Stripper Dance.

Ian Carlisle hit the Spinning Arm Drag

Ian Carlisle applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Diamond counters by fighting back.

Diamond hit the DDT

Ceud Mile Failte! Diamond gives Ian Carlisle the benefit of a Hundred Thousand Welcomes!


Bob Sinclair: Is that going to be enough to put Carlisle away?


Tori Montgomery: Doubt it. It's not really a pinning-type move. It's more to disorient the foe and set him up for a Florentine or even a Diamond in the Sky.


Frankie Garnett: And you'd know this how?


Tori Montgomery: Research. You know, what you're SUPPOSED to be doing.


Frankie Garnett: ....


Ian Carlisle blocked the Florentine.

Ian Carlisle rushed the Top Rope Point.

The High Knee was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

Ian Carlisle moved and the Ceud Mile Failte missed!

Diamond moved and the Running Dropkick missed!

Ian Carlisle moved and the Slingshot Legdrop missed!

Diamond counters by fighting back.

Ian Carlisle broke the Rana Pinfall.

Diamond is in a world of hurt thanks to that Cradle Piledriver!

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

The Small Package was countered into a Punch.

Ian saw it coming, and ducked the Hell Fire Kick!

Diamond broke the DDT.

The Jawjacker was countered into a Spinning Back Kick.

Diamond moved and the Springboard Rana missed!

Ian Carlisle blocked the 24 Carat Kiss.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Diamond hit the Rana Pinfall

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...

Kick Out At The Last Second!

Diamond hit the Running Dropkick

Ian Carlisle broke the Florentine.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Diamond is in a world of hurt thanks to that Cradle Piledriver!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of ten minutes even...Ian Carlisle!


Bob Sinclair: It took two cradle piledrivers, but Carlisle picks up his third win of the season and may actually leave Hiroshima with the lead in his pairing!


Frankie Garnett: That'd be a first, wouldn't it?


Tori Montgomery: Yes, it would. We'll see how things go as the night progresses.


Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (1-3, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (3-1, 12%)


"Here Comes the Money" hits the speakers, as one of last season's surprises emerges from the back, with a beautiful woman hanging off his left arm. A cocky grin plastered on his face, he arrogantly walks to the ring, turning up his nose at those in the audience that he deems to be beneath one such as himself. Arriving at ringside, his manager gives him a kiss for good luck before he slides in under the bottom rope and stands in the nearest corner, facing the center of the ring.


Amelia Williams: This match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Missy Callistra, from Providence, Rhode Island, weighing 224 pounds...Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr.!


Bob Sinclair: Stanton has struggled to start the season, and in a pairing against the reigning League Champion, that's not a situation to be envied.


Tori Montgomery: It's almost to the point of a must-win this early in the season, Bob. If you let Phoenix get too far ahead, you're never catching up.


Frankie Garnett: Oh, for heaven's sake, Tori, will you please stop sucking up to the guy?


Billy Idol's "Shock to the System" hits the speakers, bringing the crowd to their feet in ovation as one of the League's more recognizable faces emerges from backstage and across the green-tinted stage. Behind him, shouting final words of wisdom at him as he strides to the ring, is his manager, who seems unfazed by the surroundings. As they reach the bottom of the ramp, Nuclear grabs the Tag Team Title belt off his shoulder and raises his arms in the air, causing twin mushroom clouds to explode on the entrance stage before he slides into the ring, ready to go.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, accompanied to the ring by Coach Robert Greene, from Atlantic City, New Jersey, weighing 278 pounds, he is one-half of the reigning Tag Team Turmoil champions...Nuclear Templeton!


Bob Sinclair: Nuclear pulled off a huge win over the man he won the Tag Team Turmoil titles with last season, and once again people are saying that this could be his time to win it all.


Tori Montgomery: He has a chance, I'll give him that much. But he's got the tournament to overcome—and when it's for the League Championship, remember, he has not found a way to get the job done.


Frankie Garnett: Please, child. Nuclear has this season all wrapped up, already. Just a matter of time.


Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Blow

Nuclear Templeton hit the Bell Clap

Nuclear Templeton hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. moved and the Open Handed Chop missed!

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Forearm Blow

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Punch

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. applied the Front Facelock

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Knife Edge Chop

Nuclear Templeton took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. blocked the Bell Clap.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Kick To Gut

Nuclear Templeton hit the Open Handed Chop

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. counters by fighting back.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Punch

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. applied the Front Facelock

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Knife Edge Chop

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the European Uppercut

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Punch

Nuclear Templeton took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Blow

Nuclear Templeton hit the Bell Clap

Nuclear Templeton hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. moved and the Kick To Gut missed!

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Running Clothesline

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Knee Pull

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Seated Dropkick

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Nuclear Templeton broke the American Figure Four Leglock.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Bell Clap

Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Blow

Nuclear Templeton hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Strike

Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Blow

Nuclear Templeton hit the Open Handed Chop

Nuclear Templeton hit the Face Stepping

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. blocked the Mounted Elbow Smashes.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. recovers and stands up.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. slipped out the back of the Belly To Belly Suplex.

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. hit the Back Suplex

Nuclear Templeton counters by fighting back.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

Nuclear Templeton hit the Seated Dropkick

Nuclear Templeton hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Nuclear Templeton hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

Nuclear Templeton picks up Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr..

Nuclear Templeton looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.

Forget Armageddon, this is Apocalypse Now for Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr.!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of seven minutes even...Nuclear Templeton!


Bob Sinclair: Nuclear wasting little time tonight, as he rolls on to 4-1 and, at least for the moment, the best record in The League!


Frankie Garnett: I'm telling you, this is his season! Coach Greene is going to take this guy to the top!


Tori Montgomery: There's still something about that guy that doesn't settle well with me....


Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (1-3, 15%) vs. Master Imoka (2-2, 15%)


Disturbed's "Indestructible" hits the arena as The League's resident monk emerges from the back, looking surprisingly at ease despite the hard beat of the song. Jumping onto the apron from the floor, he steps between the ropes and calmly walks to the far corner of the ring, waiting for the bell to get the match underway.


Amelia Williams: Our next bout is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from the Island of Tria, weighing 205 pounds...Eidenhoek Gaiaspade!


Bob Sinclair: I find it surprising that, for a couple of guys with similar styles, this will be their first match against each other.


Frankie Garnett: I predict a lot of shin-kicking in this one.


Tori Montgomery: Really, Frankie?


Frankie Garnett: Just look at how their kicks land, and tell me I'm wrong!


"You're the Best" blasts from the arena speakers as The League's lone Samoan emerges from the back, staring a hole through the ring as if by doing so, he can change it to his preferred medium of a martial arts mat. As he gets to ringside, he quickly lashes out and kicks the top half of the steel steps off the bottom half, snarling as he slides into the ring and stands motionless, waiting for the bell to sound.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from the Isle of Samoa, weighing 214 pounds...Master Imoka!


Bob Sinclair: Imoka needs a win to remain competitive in his pairing.


Tori Montgomery: On the flip side, Gaius needs to win this to keep from falling too far behind against Triumph.


Frankie Garnett: And on the third side, I want this match to get going, so ring the bell already!


Eidenhoek Gaiaspade applied the Hammerlock

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Dropkick

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Seated Kick

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Stomp

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Knee Pull

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade picks up Master Imoka from behind.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Kick To Thigh

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Elbow Strike

The Running Dropkick was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Master Imoka applied the Nerve Pinch

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade broke the Knee Bar.

Master Imoka blocked the Spinning Arm Drag.

The Leg Lariat was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

Master Imoka hit the Knee Pull

Master Imoka applied the Nerve Pinch

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade broke the Knee Bar by reaching the ropes.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade blocked the Snap Mare Takedown.

The Forearm Blow was countered into a Arm Drag.

Master Imoka slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Master Imoka hit the Japanese Binta

The Top Wrist Lock was countered into a Elbow Strike.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Spinning Head Scissors

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade picks up Master Imoka from behind.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Spinning Arm Drag

Master Imoka moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Master Imoka applied the Nerve Pinch

Master Imoka hit the Knee Pull

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade slipped out of the Knee Bar.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the High Knee

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade picks up Master Imoka.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Spinning Arm Drag

The Splash was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

Master Imoka applied the Nerve Pinch

Master Imoka hit the Knee Pull

Master Imoka hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Master Imoka moved and the Flip Legdrop missed!

Master Imoka applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

The Leg Lariat was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade picks up Master Imoka from behind.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Lung Blower

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade picks up Master Imoka.

The Runic Embrace was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Master Imoka applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Master Imoka hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

I think Imoka just broke Gaius's jaw with the Skull Shocker!

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!


Bob Sinclair: What impact on that kick!


Frankie Garnett: How did Gaius get out of that?


Tori Montgomery: I think Imoka has to be asking the same thing....


Eidenhoek Gaiaspade moved and the Obliteration missed!

Master Imoka moved and the Bonebreak missed!

Master Imoka hit the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

Master Imoka hit the Ring Apron Suplex

Master Imoka picks up Eidenhoek Gaiaspade.

Master Imoka hit the Strong Charging Forearm

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade moved and the Plancha Dive missed!

The referee begins counting the competitors out.

The Splash was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

Master Imoka gets into the ring.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade moved and the Running Plancha Forearm missed!

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade picks up Master Imoka from behind.

The referee is almost ready to count both competitors out.

Master Imoka blocked the Lung Blower.

Both competitors return to the ring before they are counted out.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade hit the Strong Charging Forearm

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Master Imoka moved and the Corkscrew Plancha Dive missed!

The referee begins counting the competitors out.

Master Imoka rolls Eidenhoek Gaiaspade back into the ring.

Master Imoka picks up Eidenhoek Gaiaspade.

Master Imoka hit the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

Master Imoka drags Eidenhoek Gaiaspade back into the ring.

Master Imoka hit the Japanese Power DDT

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of eleven minutes and fifty seconds...Master Imoka!


Bob Sinclair: Both men are going to be sore after this one, I can tell you that!


Tori Montgomery: I was expecting the match to end by knockout, the way those forearms and kicks were flying!


Frankie Garnett: Okay, we need to see that match again sometime.


Bob Sinclair: Rare praise from Frankie....


Johnny Triumph (2-2, 17%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (3-1, 13%)


A remixed version of "Ecstasy of Gold" hits the speakers, which is nearly drowned out in jeers as he emerges from the entryway. Instead of taking the steps closest to him, he walks around to the opposite side of the ring, drawing in more jeers as he finally climbs the steps and enters the ring, deciding to enter on his terms and his terms alone.


Amelia Williams: This contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Des Moines, Iowa, weighing 228 pounds...Johnny Triumph!


Bob Sinclair: And in a twist, the other halves of those two pairings are facing off in this match.


Tori Montgomery: The advantage goes to Triumph here, who comes in with a 3-2 record against his opponent tonight in the regular season.


Frankie Garnett: Which means he wins. Simple.


Bob Sinclair: Apparently Frankie can't grasp the concept of the aforementioned two losses....


Anthrax's "Blood" hits the speakers, to a decent ovation he emerges from backstage, looking every bit the part of a Viking warrior as he strides to the ring with a determined look on his face...and scattering some of the fans away from the entrance ramp as he turns to glare at them. Making sure the fans are sufficiently cowed, he climbs the steps and enters the ring, his eyes never leaving the middle of the ring as he takes off his entrance gear.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Oslo, Norway, weighing 310 pounds...Thor Hammerskald!


Bob Sinclair: Thor needs to win here if he wants to keep the lead in his pairing.


Tori Montgomery: With Imoka's win just a few moments ago, the pressure is on Thor to do just that.


Frankie Garnett: This is the part where Thor chokes. I know from experience.


Johnny Triumph hit the Kick To Gut

Thor Hammerskald took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Punch

Thor Hammerskald applied the Hammerlock

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Atomic Drop.

Johnny Triumph hit the Elbow Strike

Johnny Triumph hit the Eye Gouge

Johnny Triumph hit the Single Leg Trip

Johnny Triumph hit the Knee Pull

Thor Hammerskald slipped out of the Elbow Drop On Knee.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Throat Thrust

Thor Hammerskald applied the Nerve Pinch

Thor Hammerskald hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Slingshot To Corner

Thor Hammerskald hit the Corner Boot Choke

Thor Hammerskald hit the Corner Knife Edge Chop

Thor Hammerskald hit the Corner Elbow

Johnny Triumph slipped out the back of the Corner Ten Punch.

Johnny Triumph hit the Forearm To Back

Johnny Triumph hit the Running Neck Snap

Johnny Triumph hit the Face Stepping

Thor Hammerskald moved and the Stomp missed!

Thor Hammerskald hit the Punch

Thor Hammerskald hit the Elbow Strike

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Belly To Belly Suplex.

Johnny Triumph hit the Slap To Chest

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph hit the Neckbreaker

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Johnny Triumph used the Stalk Grounded Enemy

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph hit the Running Hot Shot

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Johnny Triumph gets into the ring.

Thor Hammerskald rushed the Stalk Grounded Enemy.

The Roundhouse Body Punch was countered into a Side Headlock Takedown.

Thor Hammerskald broke the Horns of Victory by reaching the ropes.

Thor Hammerskald counters by reversing on Johnny Triumph.

The Corner Clothesline was countered into a Drop Toe Hold.

Johnny Triumph hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

The referee was not happy with that move.

Thor Hammerskald broke the Camel Clutch.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Overhead Fallaway Slam

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Giant Swing.

Johnny Triumph hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

Thor Hammerskald blocked the Gutwrench Suplex.

Johnny Triumph climbs the turnbuckles.

Johnny Triumph looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.

Johnny Triumph hit the Flying Forearm Strike

The Camel Clutch was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Thor Hammerskald picks up Johnny Triumph.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Inverted Atomic Drop

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Legdrop To Groin.

Thor Hammerskald blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

Thor Hammerskald moved and the Triple Forearm Blow missed!

Johnny Triumph blocked the DDT.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Roundhouse Body Punch

Thor Hammerskald hit the Legdrop To Groin

The referee warns that that was illegal.


Tori Montgomery: And Thor showing how little he cares with that single gesture towards the official.


Bob Sinclair: Shouldn't he get fined for that?


Frankie Garnett: If he doesn't get fined for all of the other blatant cheating, Bob, he surely won't get fined for this.


Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Thor Hammerskald broke the Gutwrench Suplex.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Belly To Belly Suplex

Thor Hammerskald really wrenching back with the Viking Longship...

Thor Hammerskald climbs the turnbuckles.

Thor Hammerskald waits as Johnny Triumph stands.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Thor Hammerskald picks up Johnny Triumph from behind.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Japanese Backdrop Suplex Pin.

The Slepnir Strike was countered into a Single Leg Grapevine.

Thor Hammerskald blocked the Horns of Victory.

Thor Hammerskald slipped out of the Heel Hook Leg Grapevine.

Thor invokes the spirits of Asgard to deliver a Warriors Three Combination!

Thor Hammerskald climbs the turnbuckles.

Thor Hammerskald climbs down off the top rope.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Loki's Lariat.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Ring Apron Slingshot. This is the second block in a row, and Johnny Triumph takes control.

Johnny Triumph gets into the ring.

Thor Hammerskald blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

Johnny Triumph takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Thor Hammerskald slipped out the back of the Horns of Victory.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Back Suplex Pin.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Thor Hammerskald applied the Full Nelson

Thor Hammerskald climbs the turnbuckles.

Thor Hammerskald waits as Johnny Triumph stands.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Thor Hammerskald picks up Johnny Triumph.

Johnny Triumph slipped out the back of the Blood Eagle.

Johnny Triumph hit the Running Hot Shot

Johnny Triumph gets into the ring.

Thor Hammerskald counters by fighting back.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

Thor Hammerskald with a devastating Loki's Lariat on Johnny Triumph!

Johnny Triumph blocked the Loki's Lariat.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Ring Apron Suplex

Thor Hammerskald hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

The referee was not happy with that move.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Viking Longship.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Thor Hammerskald hit the Legdrop To Groin

Thor Hammerskald picks up Johnny Triumph from behind.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Back Suplex Pin

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Warriors Three Combination was countered into a Side Headlock Takedown.

Johnny Triumph applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Johnny Triumph hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

Thor Hammerskald is busted open.

The referee was not happy with that move.

Johnny Triumph applied the Heel Hook Leg Grapevine

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of seventeen minutes even...Johnny Triumph!


Bob Sinclair: With that win, Triumph begins to pull away from Gaius!


Tori Montgomery: Meanwhile, Thor is tied record-wise with Imoka, and only the head-to-head tiebreaker is keeping him in the lead at the moment.


Frankie Garnett: Heh, I called it. Thor wants to make me sweat over that lousy title? He needs to worry about his own problems first!


Jack Lightning (2-2, 14%) vs. Ly Quang Bao (1-3, 20%)


Psykosonik's "Panik Kontrol" echoes throughout the arena as our next participant emerges, nearly hidden amidst the red spotlights. As the beat continues, he calmly walks down the aisle, leaping onto the apron and somersaulting over the top rope, coming to a halt in the middle of the ring and looking ready to fight as the song fades.


Amelia Williams: This bout is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Bien Hoa, Vietnam, weighing 177 pounds...Ly Quang Bao!


Bob Sinclair: Is anyone else surprised at how ineffective Bao has been so far this season?


Tori Montgomery: Not really. The person who should be happiest about it is Diamond; 2-3 is not very promising for someone who could appear in the playoffs.


Frankie Garnett: So the Seattle Seahawks, then?


Tori Montgomery: If you have to go there, Frankie, then yes....


Metallica's "Ride the Lightning" hits the speakers as the first Canadian to enter The League emerges from the back, looking surprisingly at ease as he steps onto the ring apron and leaps over the top rope. Climbing onto the turnbuckles, he raises an arm in the air and drinks in the cheers of the crowd before dropping back to the mat and preparing for his match.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from London, Ontario, weighing 233 pounds...Jack Lightning!


Bob Sinclair: Lighting is in serious danger of becoming the first person to relinquish their lead this season.


Tori Montgomery: With Carlisle's win earlier on, Lightning needs one as well to keep pace.


Frankie Garnett: Against Bao? Well, actually, I wouldn't put it past these two to pin each other at the same time....


Ly Quang Bao hit the Elbow Strike

Jack Lightning took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Jack Lightning hit the Jab Punch

Jack Lightning hit the Running Clothesline

Jack Lightning hit the Stomp

Jack Lightning hit the Knee Drop

Jack Lightning applied the Rear Chinlock

Jack Lightning picks up Ly Quang Bao from behind.

Jack Lightning hit the Schoolboy Roll Up

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Jack Lightning hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Jack Lightning hit the Fist Drop

Ly Quang Bao blocked the Arm Bar.

Ly Quang Bao moved and the Knee Drop missed!

Jack Lightning moved and the Elbow Drop missed!

Ly Quang Bao blocked the Rear Chinlock.

Jack Lightning applied the Arm Bar

Jack Lightning hit the Stomp

Jack Lightning applied the Rear Chinlock

Jack Lightning hit the Knee Drop

Ly Quang Bao moved and the Corkscrew Legdrop missed!

Ly Quang Bao hit the Knee Pull

Ly Quang Bao applied the Knee Bar

Ly Quang Bao hit the Elbow Drop

Ly Quang Bao hit the Knee Pull

Ly Quang Bao hit the Knee Drop

Jack Lightning slipped out the back of the Single Leg Grapevine.

Jack Lightning takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Ly Quang Bao moved and the Running Dropkick missed!

Jack Lightning moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Jack Lightning used the La Magistral Cradle

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Ly Quang Bao blocked the Spinning Head Scissors.

The Rana Sunset Pinfall was countered into a Forearm Strike.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Charging Forearm

Ly Quang Bao applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Jack Lightning moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Ly Quang Bao moved and the Seated Dropkick missed!

Ly Quang Bao hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Ly Quang Bao applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Ly Quang Bao hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Jack Lightning broke the Camel Clutch by reaching the ropes.

BRAAAAAAINNBUSSSSTAAAHHHH! ...Um, no, Frankie, not quite....

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of six minutes and thirty seconds...Ly Quang Bao!


Tori Montgomery: Frankie, that's the loudest I've ever heard you get for a move!


Frankie Garnett: What can I say, that looked like it hurt!


Bob Sinclair: With the win, Bao ties Diamond in his pairing, while Lightning becomes the first to lose their lead this season, as Ian Carlisle—yes, folks, you heard me—is currently leading his pairing!


Psycho Sam (3-1, 21%) vs. Scott Stevens (2-2, 13%)


The lights in the arena go pitch black, as red lasers and spotlights light up the area. The video screen lights up and flashes across the screen, "Nothing survives my sting!" The crowd starts booing as Dave Mustaine's voice echoes throughout the arena, "I am the Scorpion, whoa!" The jeering intensifies as a mash-up of "I Stand Alone" and "Amazing" hits the speakers, drawing out the former Legacy Pro Wrestling champion. Walking down the aisle, he talks trash the entire way while raising a fist at a few of the more vocal bashers. As he finally gets to the ring, he climbs the nearest turnbuckle and stares down the aisleway, an icy glare and the throat slash gesture his only actions as he drops to the mat.


Amelia Williams: This bout is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Houston, Texas, weighing 256 pounds...Her Goddess Selket's favorite Arachnid, The King of Sting, The Venomous One and Only...he is "The Scorpion" Scott Stevens!


Tori Montgomery: So, Frankie, how does it feel knowing that you could be defending that LPW title soon on an LPW show?


Frankie Garnett: WHAT? Last I heard, they were closed until further notice!


Tori Montgomery: That notice is coming sooner than you think, according to my sources.


Bob Sinclair: Now that I would pay good money to see, Tori.


A rather non-descript rock theme plays as the League's newest member emerges from the back, striding towards the ring with the look of a cold-blooded psychopath on his face. Behind him, his chosen manager seems to be overwhelmed by the thousands of people in attendance as he tries to shrink into his robe of many rocks and stay on his client's heels as best he can.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, being accompanied by The Rock, from the Island of Alcatraz, weighing 296 pounds...Psycho Sam!


Bob Sinclair: Sam has promised, in terms too colorful to repeat on-air, that he is going to break Stevens' hopes of doing anything meaningful this season.


Frankie Garnett: It's all bluster. Scorp's better than that.


Tori Montgomery: Then explain Stevens' tweets bashing everyone he knows.


Frankie Garnett: Haters gon' hate, Tori.


Tori Montgomery: ....


Scott Stevens hit the Knife Edge Chop

Scott Stevens hit the Punch

Scott Stevens hit the Slap Kick

Psycho Sam took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Psycho Sam hit the Punch

Psycho Sam hit the Eye Gouge

Psycho Sam hit the Headbutt

Psycho Sam hit the Stomp

Psycho Sam picks up Scott Stevens.

Psycho Sam hit the Running Body Smash

Psycho Sam hit the Face Stepping

Psycho Sam hit the Face Stepping

Psycho Sam hit the Stomp

Psycho Sam hit the Face Stepping

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

The Forearm Strike didn't seem to faze Psycho Sam, who just stood there and glared at Scott Stevens.

Scott Stevens hit the Punch

The Slap Kick didn't seem to faze Psycho Sam, who just stood there and glared at Scott Stevens.

Scott Stevens hit the Kick To Thigh

Scott Stevens hit the Knife Edge Chop

The Punch didn't seem to faze Psycho Sam, who just stood there and glared at Scott Stevens.

Scott Stevens hit the Forearm Strike

Scott Stevens hit the Back Kick

The Kick To Thigh didn't seem to faze Psycho Sam, who just stood there and glared at Scott Stevens.

Scott Stevens hit the Punch

Psycho Sam took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Psycho Sam hit the Low Blow

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Headbutt To Groin.

Scott Stevens hit the Triple Kick Combo

Psycho Sam took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Scott Stevens blocked the Raised Choke Hold.

Scott Stevens blocked the Snake Eyes. This is the second block in a row, and Scott Stevens takes control.

Psycho Sam moved and the Thrust Kick missed!

Scott Stevens slipped out the back of the Hammerlock Shoulder Breaker.

Scott Stevens hit the Kick Rush

Scott Stevens applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Scott Stevens hit the Slingshot Senton Bomb

Psycho Sam blocked the Legdrop To Groin.

Psycho Sam suddenly sits up, then stands.

Scott Stevens hit the DDT

Scott Stevens applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Scott Stevens hit the Slingshot Senton Bomb

Scott Stevens picks up Psycho Sam.

Scott Stevens looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.


Frankie Garnett: Don't let up on him! Keep him down!


Bob Sinclair: Sam looks like he doesn't want to stay down, though. He looks almost impervious to pain!


Tori Montgomery: Something that most of the people in The League have never seen before now, that's for sure.


Psycho Sam counters by reversing on Scott Stevens.

Scott Stevens counters by reversing on Psycho Sam.

The Rock tries to interfere, so Scott Stevens knocks him off the apron. The distraction allows Psycho Sam to make a comeback though.

Psycho Sam hit the Reverse DDT Neckbreaker

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Rear Naked Punch Flurry.

Psycho Sam blocked the Powerbomb.

Scott Stevens whips Psycho Sam into the ropes.

Scott Stevens takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Psycho Sam broke the Hot Shot by falling on top.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Psycho Sam hit the Hammerlock Shoulder Breaker

Scott Stevens counters by fighting back.

Scott Stevens is calling on the Venomous Wrath of the Goddess Selket!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

A short struggle ends with the escape!

The Rock tries to interfere, so Scott Stevens knocks him off the apron. The distraction allows Psycho Sam to make a comeback though.

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Hammerlock Drive.

Scott Stevens hit the Powerbomb

Scott Stevens picks up Psycho Sam.

Scott Stevens hit the Triple Kick Combo

Scott Stevens takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Scott Stevens picks up Psycho Sam from behind.

Psycho Sam slipped out of the Venomous Wrath of Selket.

Scott Stevens broke the Raised Choke Hold.

Psycho Sam blocked the Powerbomb.

Psycho Sam counters by reversing on Scott Stevens.

Scott Stevens rushed the Hot Shot.

Scott Stevens hit the Triple Kick Combo

Scott Stevens picks up Psycho Sam.

Scott Stevens is calling on the Venomous Wrath of the Goddess Selket!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of ten minutes and thirty seconds...Scott Stevens!


Bob Sinclair: Stevens using that crossface submission to great effect, as he puts Sam away and puts pressure on III to do the same!


Tori Montgomery: Stevens might actually be back to Season Three form, when he came within a match of the playoffs!


Frankie Garnett: You only know that because of Sam's blog!


Tori Montgomery: You forget the obscenely inexpensive ToriBook 5000, Frankie. The portable League database!


Frankie Garnett: ....


The Phoenix (3-1, 23%) vs. Sebastian Moore (1-3, 12%)


It is to Muse's "Assassin" that he emerges, an arrogant smirk crossing his face as he soaks in the jeers of the crowd. Looking up at the spotlight for a moment, his smirk seems to get even bigger as he walks down the ramp, ignoring the catcalls of the crowd as he ascends the steps, wipes his feet on the apron, and steps through the ropes, looking more at ease than the casual fan may think.


Amelia Williams: This contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Manchester, England, weighing 237 pounds...Sebastian Moore!


Bob Sinclair: Moore continues to struggle, but may find that spark to get him back into the game tonight.


Tori Montgomery: It was season two, remember, that he was part of the "Big Three" in the Gamma Division, and he's struggled to get back since.


Frankie Garnett: Well, see you when you come back crying over a loss, Tori!


Within Temptation's "Stand My Ground" hits the arena speakers as the reigning League Champion emerges from the back, through a wall of flame pyro. His face gives no emotions away as he walks to the ring, stopping at the ring steps to lay his title belts on the top step. A moment later, he slams both fists into the second-highest step before looking up the heavens with a cry of "For the Fallen" coming from his lips. With no further ado, he grabs his belts and steps between the ropes, ready to go to war once again. At ringside, Tori drops her headset to the table and walks towards his corner, her mental transition from color commentator to manager complete.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, joined at ringside by Tori Montgomery, from the End of Nowhere, weighing 337 pounds, he is one-half of the reigning Tag Team Turmoil champions and the defending League Champion...this is The Phoenix!


Bob Sinclair: Phoenix is 2-1 against Moore, and looks to better that mark tonight while all but shutting out Ben Stanton this early in the season.


Frankie Garnett: Yeah, not happening. Moore picks apart the knee, Phoenix forfeits the rest of the season, everyone is happy.


The Phoenix hit the Forearm Strike

The Phoenix hit the Elbow Strike

Sebastian Moore broke the Front Facelock by reaching the ropes.

The Phoenix hit the Punch

The Phoenix hit the Forearm Blow

Sebastian Moore blocked the Single Leg Trip.

The Punch was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Sebastian Moore hit the Knee Pull

Sebastian Moore hit the Stomp

The Phoenix broke the Western Spinning Toe Hold.

The Phoenix hit the Elbow Strike

The Phoenix hit the Forearm Blow

Sebastian Moore rushed the Single Leg Trip.

Sebastian Moore hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Sebastian Moore hit the Knee Pull

Sebastian Moore hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Sebastian Moore applied the Body Scissors

The Phoenix broke the Knee Bar.

The Phoenix applied the Front Facelock

The Phoenix hit the Forearm Strike

The Phoenix hit the Punch

Sebastian Moore broke the Side Headlock Takedown.

Sebastian Moore takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Sebastian Moore hit the Forearm Blow

Sebastian Moore hit the Knife Edge Chop

Sebastian Moore hit the Kick To Thigh

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Sebastian Moore hit the Forearm Blow

Sebastian Moore hit the Knife Edge Chop

Sebastian Moore hit the Punch

The Kick To Thigh was countered into a Single Leg Trip.

Sebastian Moore broke the American Figure Four Leglock by reaching the ropes.

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

Sebastian Moore broke the Single Leg Boston Crab by reaching the ropes.

The Triple Forearm Blow was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Sebastian Moore applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Sebastian Moore hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

The Phoenix slipped out of the Rear Naked Punch Flurry.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

The Phoenix applied the Single Leg Boston Crab

The Phoenix picks up Sebastian Moore.

The Vertical Suplex was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Sebastian Moore hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Sebastian Moore applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Sebastian Moore hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

The Phoenix moved and the Corkscrew Legdrop missed!

Sebastian Moore slipped out of the Rear Crossface Blows.

The Triple Kick Combo was countered into a Single Leg Trip.

Sebastian Moore broke the Single Leg Boston Crab.

The Phoenix broke the Short Arm Clothesline.

The Phoenix hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

The Phoenix is struggling, trying to...yes! He has the Eternal Requiem locked in!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of eight minutes and twenty seconds...The Phoenix!


Bob Sinclair: You were saying, Frankie?


Frankie Garnett: Son of a...


Bob Sinclair: Phoenix claims the second-best record in The League, trailing only Templeton due to their match last week!


Tarik Nolan (1-3, 23%) vs. III (3-1, 13%)


"Regulate" hits the speakers, immediately drawing the ire of the crowd as a large figure stands in the entryway, backlit by a clear spotlight. Pyro explodes on the stage, causing the light to shut off as the figure finally emerges onto the stage proper. Laughing at the boos hurled in his direction, he takes his time walking to the ring and subsequently entering it for his next match.


Amelia Williams: This is our main event of the evening, scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Shreveport, Louisiana, weighing 292 pounds...Tarik Nolan!


Bob Sinclair: Much like Moore in the last match, Nolan has struggled since Season Two.


Tori Montgomery: His task doesn't get any easier tonight against someone riding a huge wave of momentum, but his physical health is suspect at best.


Frankie Garnett: This is the week that Nolan returns to form. Calling it now.


"Reaping Stone" by Iced Earth starts to play, the somber melody of the intro a far cry from what we're used from the man now known as III. As soon as Jon Schaffer's guitar kicks up III emerges from the curtains, in a long flowing robe in the pattern of a star chart. He takes his time getting to the ring, where he leaps over the top rope, then stands on the second turnbuckle as he slides his robe off, revealing his tights, black pleather with a white III on the left leg, and a Celtic armor belt with the words "Cosmic Destiny" written on the front. He takes off the belt as well before handing his entrance gear to a ring crew member and stretches out a bit.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from The Third Altar of the Third Tier of the Third Pyramid, weighing 199 pounds...III!


Tori Montgomery: He seems to be in good condition to wrestle, guys.


Frankie Garnett: You'd know. You've probably been with him all week.


Tori Montgomery: So help me, Frankie, I will climb into that cube and beat you myself if you keep that up!


Bob Sinclair: Focus, people. There's still a match to be done.


Tarik Nolan hit the Punch

Tarik Nolan hit the European Uppercut

III blocked the Face Rub.

III recovers and stands up.

Tarik Nolan hit the Punch

III moved and the Eye Gouge missed!

III hit the Spinning Back Kick

Tarik Nolan took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Tarik Nolan hit the European Uppercut

III moved and the Stomp missed!

Tarik Nolan moved and the Back Kick missed!

The Punch was countered into a Spinning Back Kick.

III hit the Kick To Gut

III hit the Dropkick

III picks up Tarik Nolan.

III hit the Snap Mare Takedown

Tarik Nolan moved and the Seated Kick missed!

III moved and the European Uppercut missed!

III hit the Dropkick

III hit the Seated Back Kick

III picks up Tarik Nolan from behind.

III hit the Enzuigiri Kick

Tarik Nolan took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

III moved and the Punch missed!

III hit the Back Kick

III hit the Kick To Gut

III hit the Punch Flurry

Tarik Nolan took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Tarik Nolan hit the Toss To Corner

Tarik Nolan hit the Turnbuckle Smash

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Rub

Tarik Nolan hit the Seated Kick

Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Tarik Nolan used the Power Taunt

Tarik Nolan picks up III.

The Front Slam was countered into a Kick To Gut.

III takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Tarik Nolan blocked the DDT.

III hit the Side Spinning Kick

III hit the Running Dropkick

III hit the Seated Dropkick

The Rolling Senton was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

III slipped out the back of the Rear Naked Punch Flurry.

III hit the Running Dropkick

Tarik Nolan took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Tarik Nolan applied the Bear Hug

III slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Tarik Nolan moved and the Triple Kick Combo missed!

Tarik Nolan hit the Front Slam

III blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

Tarik Nolan hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Tarik Nolan picks up III from behind.

Tarik Nolan hit the Blindside High Knee

Tarik Nolan leaves the ring.

The referee begins counting the competitors out.


Bob Sinclair: This can't be good news for III.


Tori Montgomery: There's way too much outside the ring that can and will hurt you, Bob, and Nolan knows how to use it all.


Frankie Garnett: III's going to need another costume change after tonight. Maybe to "Red Letter Daze" or something.


Bob Sinclair: ...


Tori Montgomery: That was horrible, even for you.


III easily rushed the Slit Throat Motion.

III hit the Face Plant

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count.

III hit the High Knee

The referee is almost ready to count both competitors out.

III hit the Seated Dropkick

Both competitors return to the ring before they are counted out.

Tarik Nolan moved and the Dropkicksault missed!

The Repeated Knee Lifts was countered into a Spinning Back Kick.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Tarik Nolan blocked the Face Plant.

III hit the Triple Kick Combo

Tarik Nolan counters by fighting back.

Tarik Nolan hit the Pump Kick

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

III slipped out of the Dirty South Strangla.

III hit the Running Dropkick

III picks up Tarik Nolan.

The Occam's Razor was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Tarik Nolan picks up III.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Tarik Nolan climbs the turnbuckles.

The Flying Double Axe Handle was countered into a Dropkick.

III picks up Tarik Nolan.

III hit the DDT

Tarik Nolan slipped out the back of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

III blocked the Regulator.

Tarik Nolan hit the Released German Suplex

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

III blocked the Dirty South Strangla.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Tarik Nolan looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.

Tarik Nolan whips III to the corner.

Tarik Nolan hit the Pain Train

Tarik Nolan picks up III from behind.

The Blindside High Knee was countered into a Dropkick.

III picks up Tarik Nolan.

Tarik Nolan counters by fighting back.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

Tarik Nolan is in total control of this match at the moment, and knows it.

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

III blocked the Dirty South Strangla.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Tarik Nolan whips III to the corner.

Tarik Nolan hit the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry

III blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Tarik Nolan picks up III.

III moved and the Pump Kick missed!

Tarik Nolan counters by fighting back.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Tarik Nolan hit the Strong Gut Buster

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Tarik Nolan locks in the DS2! How can III deal with the pain?

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of seventeen minutes and ten seconds...Tarik Nolan!


Bob Sinclair: Nolan picks up the submission victory, and maybe he's turned the corner and can go from here.


Tori Montgomery: We'll see how that works next week, Bob. Too much can still happen.


Frankie Garnett: On the flip side, Tori gets to care for her idol over there in the ring...


Tori Montgomery: That's it!


Tori drops the headphones and charges at the cube, trying to jump over the side and into the structure. Frankie wastes little time in opening the door to the side and hopping the barricade, escaping into the crowd as Tori looks on lividly. The last thing we see this week is Frankie's back as he darts through one of the doorways leading towards the outside of the arena....




1. Ian Carlisle (3-2) def. Diamond (2-3)

* Time of Match: 10:00

* Match Grade: C-

* Winner's Offense: 49%

* Ian Carlisle's Body Condition: Head 59, Body 75, Arms 97, Legs 94

* Diamond's Body Condition: Head 63, Body 78, Arms 97, Legs 72

* 2 winners in the prediction pool each earn 4.00 points towards their season totals.


2. Nuclear Templeton (4-1) def. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (1-4)

* Time of Match: 7:00

* Match Grade: F

* Winner's Offense: 63%

* Nuclear Templeton's Body Condition: Head 65, Body 87, Arms 99, Legs 86

* Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr.'s Body Condition: Head 50, Body 83, Arms 99, Legs 85

* 5 winners in the prediction pool each earn 1.60 points towards their season totals.


3. Master Imoka (3-2) def. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (1-4)

* Time of Match: 11:50

* Match Grade: D

* Winner's Offense: 51%

* Master Imoka's Body Condition: Head 68, Body 83, Arms 94, Legs 90

* Eidenhoek Gaiaspade's Body Condition: Head 38, Body 76, Arms 96, Legs 74

* 5 winners in the prediction pool each earn 1.60 points towards their season totals.


4. Johnny Triumph (3-2) def. Thor Hammerskald (3-2)

* Time of Match: 17:00

* Match Grade: C+

* Winner's Offense: 43%

* Johnny Triumph's Body Condition: Head 38, Body 75, Arms 90, Legs 79

* Thor Hammerskald's Body Condition: Head 29, Body 85, Arms 92, Legs 83

* 6 winners in the prediction pool each earn 1.33 points towards their season totals.


5. Ly Quang Bao (2-3) def. Jack Lightning (2-3)

* Time of Match: 6:30

* Match Grade: F

* Winner's Offense: 45%

* Ly Quang Bao's Body Condition: Head 53, Body 80, Arms 98, Legs 95

* Jack Lightning's Body Condition: Head 57, Body 77, Arms 99, Legs 76

* 5 winners in the prediction pool each earn 1.60 points towards their season totals.


6. Scott Stevens (3-2) def. Psycho Sam (3-2)

* Time of Match: 10:30

* Match Grade: C-

* Winner's Offense: 61%

* Scott Stevens's Body Condition: Head 70, Body 92, Arms 93, Legs 91

* Psycho Sam's Body Condition: Head 66, Body 81, Arms 95, Legs 85

* 1 winner in the prediction pool eachs 8.00 points towards his season total.


7. The Phoenix (4-1) def. Sebastian Moore (1-4)

* Time of Match: 8:20

* Match Grade: F

* Winner's Offense: 51%

* The Phoenix's Body Condition: Head 67, Body 87, Arms 99, Legs 85

* Sebastian Moore's Body Condition: Head 62, Body 91, Arms 99, Legs 80

* 7 winners in the prediction pool each earn 1.14 points towards their season totals.


8. Tarik Nolan (2-3) def. III (3-2)

* Time of Match: 17:10

* Match Grade: C+

* Winner's Offense: 63%

* Tarik Nolan's Body Condition: Head 48, Body 82, Arms 99, Legs 98

* III's Body Condition: Head 32, Body 49, Arms 99, Legs 78

* 3 winners in the prediction pool each earn 2.67 points towards their season totals.

* This is the Match of the Night (11 for Tarik Nolan, 2 for III)






1. Jman2k3: 52.34 points (20.34 last week), 25 total picks correct.

* Was one pick away from having a perfect week, earns high score of the week.

2. mjdgoldeneye: 48.46 points (6.74 last week), 22 total picks correct.

3. Psycho Sam: 45.72 points (5.94 last week), 27 total picks correct.

4. OctoberRaven: 37.77 points (4.07 last week), 23 total picks correct.

5. CJAlex: 36.19 points (6.93 last week), 22 total picks correct.

6. Ranson: 35.37 points (4.34 last week), 24 total picks correct.

7. Derek B: 34.74 points (7.27 last week), 23 total picks correct.

8. masterded: 30.84 points (8.34 last week), 22 total picks correct.

9. I effin rule: 24.28 points (0.00 last week), 17 total picks correct.

10. moon_lit_tears: 7.58 points (0.00 last week), 5 total picks correct.

11. Prophet: 4.95 points (0.00 last week), 4 total picks correct.





(Bolded names denote the wrestler leading the head-to-head pairing in case of tie-breaker)


The Phoenix (4-1, 2.400 AMR)

Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (1-4, 6.800 AMR)


Psycho Sam (3-2, 3.800 AMR)

Tarik Nolan (2-3, 4.600 AMR)


Ian Carlisle (3-2, 5.800 AMR)

Jack Lightning (2-3, 5.400 AMR)


Johnny Triumph (3-2, 2.800 AMR)

Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (1-4, 3.000 AMR)


Thor Hammerskald (3-2, 4.800 AMR)

Master Imoka (3-2, 4.000 AMR)


Diamond (2-3, 4.000 AMR)

Ly Quang Bao (2-3, 4.000 AMR)


Pizza Mask III (3-2, 6.000 AMR)

Scott Stevens (3-2, 4.800 AMR)


Nuclear Templeton (4-1, 4.400 AMR)

Sebastian Moore (1-4, 5.400 AMR)



WEEK SIX SCHEDULE: Fukushima, Japan (Japan—Tohoku)

(Strict Rules Enforcement, Ref Bumps Allowed, Strong Style Match)


Ly Quang Bao (2-3, 6%) vs. III (3-2, 15%)

Scott Stevens (3-2, 14%) vs. Ian Carlisle (3-2, 8%)

The Phoenix (4-1, 6%) vs. Master Imoka (3-2, 18%)

Johnny Triumph (3-2, 16%) vs. Diamond (2-3, 10%)

CAGE MATCH: Thor Hammerskald (3-2, 7%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (1-4, 19%)

Sebastian Moore (1-4, 20%) vs. Tarik Nolan (2-3, 9%)

HARDCORE MATCH: Jack Lightning (2-3, 14%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (4-1, 24%)

Psycho Sam (3-2, 26%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (1-4, 15%)






COMING UP AT SOME POINT BEFORE THE NEXT SHOW: An LPW Heavyweight Championship match!

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Ly Quang Bao (2-3, 6%) vs. III (3-2, 15%)

Scott Stevens (3-2, 14%) vs. Ian Carlisle (3-2, 8%)

The Phoenix (4-1, 6%) vs. Master Imoka (3-2, 18%)

Johnny Triumph (3-2, 16%) vs. Diamond (2-3, 10%)

CAGE MATCH: Thor Hammerskald (3-2, 7%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (1-4, 19%)

Sebastian Moore (1-4, 20%) vs. Tarik Nolan (2-3, 9%)

HARDCORE MATCH: Jack Lightning (2-3, 14%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (4-1, 24%)

Psycho Sam (3-2, 26%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (1-4, 15%)

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After the Show


Well I have taken the Lead in my group and now Scotty Boy it is time , I have been waiting for this moment since day one in the league when you insulted Tori and threatened the league itself and I may only get one shot at defeating you and I will be dammed if I let this chance slip away to teach you a lesson , and I know that something that you don't know.

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