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I might give it a chance if not for the fact that NCSoft axed City of Heroes for it. So I honestly hope it becomes a failure so bad it bankrupts the company.


I miss CoH too, but I doubt it will go south. It's really good, and it's my understanding it's already a smash hit in Korea, I guess it's been out like 2 years there. This is just the English localization.

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Comedy/MMA if you wanted to play it straight. And book lots of awkward romantic misunderstandings and love triangles and quadangles lol.


If you wanted to lose the stiffness of the martial arts in the show and just focus on the crazy anime feats of athleticism, then Comedy/Lucha maybe?

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Okay, would you know what would be the best Product Appeal Definition for a Ranma promotion?


I had to look that up, I've never seen someone use the full name Product Appeal Definition.


Needs Comedy, Modern, a little Risque (there is some nudity). You can really make a case for Mainstream as well due to the romantic soap opera elements. Some daredevil as well. No Pure, Realism, Hyper Realism, Hardcore, or Cult. I personally would say no lucha as well. Lucha is a well defined style in my mind that has nothing to do with the action in Ranma.


So maybe:


Key Feature: Modern, Comedy


Medium: Mainstream

Low: Risque, Daredevil


50/50 or 60/40 on Match Ratio.


Pretty much everyone in Ranma has a clearly defined gimmick, though I would turn off gimmick decay. The status quo pretty much never changes and character growth is glacial.


Face/Heel divide is probably moderate. There are a few definite heels. The Principal, Kodachi, and Pantyhose Taro being examples. Most characters are more fluid, either being enemies or allies depending on what aspects of the web of relationships are being invoked in a particular adventure.

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Okay that looks all good, I'll put that in on the Product, are you sure about no heavy? What about Traditional? and like what crownsy said about, maybe some MMA to keep with the stiffness of it?


Also what would be the good for the Expected Match Lengths?

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I am aware that things have gone a bit off the boil with my anime reviews, with not many forthcoming of late, however I genuinely have been struggling to find the time to do them. Just been having real life stuff to deal with-nothing upsetting, just stuff that has got in the way of me finding the time to sit down and write up some reviews.


However I should have a new review up fairly soon, and I'm hoping after that I can at least deliver a review a week for the next few months.

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Genre: Supernatural Action/Drama


Studio: AIC Spirits/ Asread Director: Ei Aoki Writer: Katsuhiko Takayama Source: Prequel anime original to the manga series Ga-Rei by Hajime Segawa

Original Broadcast: October-December 2008 Episodes: 12


** Warning***: There will be some spoilers in the plot and characters section of the review- So if you want to go into this series completely blind, then you may want to skip over this review. The way the story has been structured, makes it impossible not to spoil part of it.


Synopsis: Both the Japanese Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Environment have departments that see it as their duty to protect the countries citizens from supernatural and paranormal events. However one fateful night see's the the Ministry of Defence's special Paranormal unit almost wiped out battling demons, causing the Ministry of Environment's Supernatural Countermeasure's Division to step in and try to deal with the escalating situation.


However things take an even bigger turn for the worst, when it turns out that one of the Supernatural Countermeasure's Division has gone rogue and been lured down an evil path. Now those who have formed a close bond to the rogue member must face a painful choice to either carry out their duty or risk the lives of everyone else, themselves included.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and Up- There are more extreme series out there but Ga Rei Zero contains enough blood stained violence, fanservice (including one nude bathing scene) and some odd hints as Yuri (such as pocky kisses between the series main protagonists) that it can't really be seen as suitable viewing for those under 15.


Action Level: High- When the episodes concentrate on the action, as they do during their opening pair and down the closing stretch, Ga Rei Zero is packed with fight sequences, with the SCD fighting off an endless stream of zombies and beats, whether that's with Katana's or other forms of weaponry (some of it pretty innovative, such as souped up wheelchairs or suitcases that can be turned into blasters)- then there's the Katana vs Katana showdowns and battles between giant spirit beasts. The action might not be the only focus of the show, but when it is the main focus of Ga-Rei Zero it's full on and pretty intense.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Low- Whilst the two main protagonists of the show do have elements of being cute girls that could have ended up being in a happy go lucky slice of life series, especially the vulnerable Kagura- in general Ga Rei Zero cannot really be viewed as a series with a heavy moe or kawaii vibe to it.


Animation Quality/Art Style: On the whole the animation and art quality in Ga Rei Zero can be considered to be pretty good. The animation is at it's strongest during the fluid action sequences which are brimming with plenty of energy and impact. Ga-Rei Zero's modern Tokyo setting isn't particularly remarkable but it does a good job of portraying the increasingly ominous and grave situation that gradually builds.


The character designs are of that semi realistic style that can at times look a bit bland and generic, this is particularly the case with the series two main characters Yomi and Kagura who look like they could be easily confused with several other highschool girls from a plethora of anime series. A number of supporting characters stand out a little more in character design, such as the Nabu Brothers, comic relief sword maker Michael and mysterious antagonist Kazuhiro, whose glistening blue butterflies whom he controls make for one of Ga Rei Zero's most striking effects.


Music: Opening theme 'Paradise Lost' is sung by Minori Chihara*, the seiyuu for Kagura one of the primary protagonists of the series. It's pretty much a standard fare J-Pop number that does a decent job of getting you pumped up for the series and is quite catchy but other than that is fairly unremarkable.


The ending theme 'Yume no Ashioto ga Kikoeru' is performed by Kaoru Mizuhara, who plays the series other primary protagonist Yomi, it's more of a rock style song that has more of an underlying darker edge that plays into Yomi's gradual character turn.


The soundtrack for the series composed by Noriyasu Agematsu (founding member of the production group Elements Garden) is primarily a mix of moody and atmospheric and high energy electronica pieces. It's not the most memorable of soundtracks but does a solid enough job of accentuating the drama or action on screen.


Plot & Characters: Ga Rei Zero's first episode introduces you to a Japan seemingly over-run with supernatural beasts, evil spirits and hordes of zombies that a Supernatural fighting force are struggling to keep in check. At first it looks like Ga Rei Zero is going to follow a team from the Ministry of Defence's Paranormal Countermeasure's force that has their own way of doing things from the rest of the squad but get the job done....


That is until they are faced down with a Category A threat (The supernatural threats are categorized from D- Weak Zombies to A- Ominously powerful) and the elite team we thought we were going to be following end up becoming wiped out themselves.


We are then introduced to the Supernatural Countermeasure's Division from the Ministry of Environment, as they themselves try to deal with the category A threat. They do end up playing a larger role in the story, but they too end up having trouble containing the Category A threat, who as it turns out is a former member of their's that has been possessed by an evil spirit, a Katana wielder called Yomi Isayama. Just as it looks as though Kagura Tsuchimiya (who looked up to Yomi as a surrogate big sister) is about to be slained at Yomi's hands, the story then winds all the way back to the past to the point where Yomi and Kagura first met....


As it turns out the story of Ga-Rei Zero isn't really about an elite supernatural fighting force, but rather about the bond between Yomi and Kagura and as to how Yomi was lead down a dark path into the 'monster' we are introduced to in the series opening few episodes.


Yomi and Kagura, share the bonds of belonging to a line of magic wielders that are able to control powerful beasts and also the fact that both have lost parents. In Yomi's case it was both her parents as a young child and she has since been raised as the adoptive daughter and eventual heir of the Isayama house. When Kagura loses her own mother in a demon hunting accident, Kagura's father (with whom she has a strained relationship) sends Kagura to live at the Isayama household.


Over time Kagura and Yomi build up a strong bond with Kagura looking up to Yomi as a big sister figure. When they first meet Yomi is already putting her skills to use, as she goes out on missions with the SCD and under instructions from her adoptive father tries to keep her extra curricular activities a secret from Kagura, who at this stage isn't ready to take on the burden of being a demon slayer.


Eventually though Yomi is forced to relent, and Kagura is eventually introduced to the same demon slaying path and becomes integrated into the SCD herself. At first Kagura is just a tag along member but grows stronger and more skilled over time that she eventually becomes an integral member of the team. Kagura's has more natural talent within her than Yomi, who took longer to get to the same skill level but Kagura's gentle and fragile nature holds her back from progressing quicker and her kindess and unwillingess to slay those (once) close to her could well end up an achiles heel in being able to carry out her duty.


Despite being the adoptive daughter of Isayama, Yomi will take over as leader of the clan when he passes away, however this decision does not go down well with her adoptive Uncle, who feels that his daughter Mei is more suited to taking over as the head of the Isayama clan. That jealously towards Yomi, ends up being the catalyst that eventually sends Yomi spiraling into a dark path of her own that ends up with her opposed to those she once loved.


Whilst most of the rest of the SCD are little more than minor supporting characters, one member of the team that also has a strong bond with Yomi and struggles with his duty, when turns rogue is her fiance Noriyuki Izuna. Their engagement is an arranged one, and at first the arrangement appears to be little more than the union between two magic wielding families but they eventually realise they do actually have feelings for each other.


Playing an important role in the story are Sessosheki (Bane Stones in the English dub) stones made from power of the Nine Tailed Fox. These stones give their users limitless spiritual power and regenerative abilities, but because they are made of evil energy they tend to corrupt the users minds, until they have lost all sense of their humanity.


Essentially Ga Rei Zero follows three acts, the introductory pair of episodes that introduce Yomi would become, the middle act that follows the progression of Yomi and Kagura's bond as surrogate sisters and the final act which see's Yomi's descent into evil and Kagura's struggle with having to face off against the friend she looked up to as an older sister.


Analysis: Ga-Rei Zero is a prequel story that features some of the characters that feature in the manga series The Enchained Spiritual Beast Ga-Rei by Hajime Segawa, with the manga's main protagonist only featuring very briefly. Though both the manga series and this anime sequel share the baseline genre of being a supernatural action series, the manga's tone was generally a bit lighter and aimed at a younger audience with more comic relief. Though there is still a smattering of light relief (such as the almost naked sword maker Michael) in Ga-Rei Zero, the tone of this prequel anime is considerably darker as it follows one girls descent into becoming consumed by evil and the increasingly destructive situation (both physically and emotionally) that unfolds.


Even if you haven't read the manga series, the opening episode may well throw you for a loop- introducing false protagonists that just end up being a precursor to the real story. Whilst some may feel a little 'tricked', the explosive opening sets up an atmosphere where literally no one is safe from harm and by the end of the series you probably could count on one hand the list of survivors. The decision to present what appears to be the primary antagonist early on and then reset the story to the past can be seen as quite brave, as we the viewers already know that character will end up turning bad- so it doesn't become a case of will they end up being lead down a dark path, the story becomes about the how, when and why.


By and large Ga-Rei Zero does a rather commendable job of getting you to become emotionally invested in Yomi (despite the fact you know things aren't going to end well) and her relationship with Kagura. The sisterly bond that gradually develops between Yomi and Kagura becomes the central focus of a story that goes beyond simply being a generic demon slaying tale.


The tagline of Ga-Rei Zero is "Will you kill someone you love because of love?" and as the story heads towards it's conclusion, most viewers should be able to empathise with Kagura's torn emotions, as she must face down the girl that has become like a big sister to her. Can she really bring herself to kill someone she loves, even though she knows they are no longer the person they once were? If you were in that situation yourself, would you be able to do that?


Whilst Ga-Rei Zero's impressive action sequences, particularly during the explosive opening episodes and in the increasingly tense climax once Yomi has been 'turned', they are by and large just the window dressing around the personal plight of it's two primary protagonists. Anyone who feels cheated by the series reigning back on the action and honing more in on character development during the series middle 'act' really shouldn't, as the series provides more than enough explosive moments to keep action fans happy. Without the solid storyline and character development presented here, Ga-Rei Zero would be a much weaker series.


That's not to say that Ga-Rei Zero isn't without it's flaws. Admittedly the run of episodes in the series first half, after such an explosive opening can be a little slow going at times but it's worth just sitting patiently through 'the calm' before the storm rages again.


Also being a one cour length series, it does suffer from the usual problem of an underdeveloped supporting cast, besides Yomi and Kagura the only other characters to get any real development is Yomi's fiance Noriyuki and Kagura's father (during an important part of the story, that see's their estranged relationship brought closer together). Everyone else stays pretty much static, whilst this actually matters little for most of the cast (not every character has to have a deep back story or show progression to enrich a story) it can be a little frustrating for some of the characters, primarily the antagonistic character of Kazuhiro who is introduced as an irritating 'troll' and pretty much remains an 'irritating' troll and you never really get to learn as to why that is. It's a shame that such a potentially interesting villain is left to be little more than a plot device.


By and large though it probably ended up a wiser decision to concentrate on making the central protagonists story and development as strong as possible, rather than trying to add a little more depth to the supporting cast and risk weakening the characters the story should be focused on. It's a continuing dilemma for any script writer(s) for a one cour anime, that features a relatively large supporting cast and despite some flaws the writers for Ga- Rei Zero handled that fairly well.


Final Verdict: Something of a forgotten gem from the mid to late 2000's Ga Rei Zero ends up being much more than the generic supernatural action series it might appear at first glance, with an emotionally captivating story, centering upon a grave situation that should see most viewers empathise with the plight of it's protagonists.



Is the Dub Any Good: Funimation did the English Dub adaptation for this series with Leah Clark and Alexis Tipton, cast in the lead roles of Kagura and Yomi. Whilst the dub is far from bad (as is par for the course for a Funimation dub) it does struggle to match the original Japanese original with some of the performances, such as Clark's take on Kagura struggling to perhaps deliver as much emotional impact as their original counterparts.


* Interesting Fact: Ga Rei Zero's opening theme song Paradise Lost, was revived by Minori Chihara in the guise of Yuki Nagato, in episode 6 of the gag shorts spin off, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya-chan.

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A Bridge To The Starry Skies

(aka Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi or Hoshikaka)






Genre: Romantic Comedy Harem


Studio: Dogakobo Director: Takenori Mihara Writer: Go Zappa Source: Eroge Visual Novel game developed by Feng.

Original Broadcast: April-June 2011 Episodes: 12 (+1 OVA)


Synopsis: High school student Kazuma Hoshino and his younger brother Ayumu are moving to the rural town of Yamabiko, as their parents (who will follow on later) feel it would be better for Ayumu who suffers with asthma.

Their journey however to the Yorozuyo Inn where they will be lodging is far from a smooth one. They end up getting on the wrong bus and whilst waiting for the correct bus to come, a mischievous monkey steals Ayumu's hat. Kazuma gives chase but gets lost in the forest, on the way back Kazuma is greeted by a local schoolgirl Ui Nakatsugawa who helps to guide Kazuma on his way back from the forest.


When crossing a shallow river, Kazuma accidentally slips on some stones and just happens to fall onto Ui, accidentally kissing her in the process. To cause further complication and embarrassment the incident is witnessed by Ui's friend Ibuki Hinata, who immediately brandishes Kazuma a pervert- despite Ui's own protestations that it was nothing more than an accident.


The next day when Kazuma transfers into his new school, he finds at both Ui and Ibuki are in his class. Kazuma continues to meet various other girls, often in embarrasing circumstances but all of them can't help being won over once they actually get to know him for the kind hearted and generous person he really is.


Recommended Viewing Age: Mid Teens (Approx 14+) and up: Despite being based on an eroge game, as is often the case the anime adaptations sexualized content has been toned down considerably. There is still some nudity (albeit censored rather heavily on the broadcast version with convenient streaks of light and steam clouds etc) and the odd sex reference but on the whole the adult content is quite tame-especially in the steam cloud riddled broadcast version.


Action Level: Non existent- Nothing more needs to be said.


Moe/Kawaii Level: High- It's a harem show with stereotypical moe girl archetypes.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The generically 'moe' character designs are about what you would expect from a visual novel adaptation. Whilst the faces show very little in the way of variation, at least the multitude of hairstyles and colours keeps the characters looking unique, whilst the range of outfits for each character is also reasonably impressive.


This is mainly a dialogue based show so the animation doesn't have to go out of your way to wow you, but it's solid enough for a rom-com harem show such as this and the background art is subtly impressive, showing off it's sleepy rural town and surrounding Japanese countryside setting rather well.


Music: The opening theme Hoshikaze no Horoscope by Nomico is a sweetly sung J-Pop opener that evokes the right atmosphere of care-free days in the country, whilst the energetic, fun and actually pretty catchy ending theme Dash do Cinderella is sung by Eriko Nakamura (seiyuu for Ai) and Ai Shimuza (seiyuu for Koumoto).


Atsushi Umebori's soundtrack isn't the most striking but it's calm and tranquil air throughout provides a suitable background for the series relaxing atmosphere.


Plot & Characters: Based on a visual novel romance game, A Bridge To The Starry Skies follows it's main protagonist Kazuma Hoshino as he moves to the rural town of Yamabiko with his younger brother Ayumu, as the country air will do the often sickly Ayumu some good.


The plot then mainly follows Kazuma's interactions with the residents of Yamabiko, most notably a number of girls. Being based on a romance girl where the player is meant to take a number of routes, several of the girls remain as romantic interests, whilst a number of others just get their 'routes' turned into friendship stories. The first Kazuma meets in the village is the ditzy Ui Nakatsugawa , quickly followed by her friend Ibuki Hinata- due to Kazuma accidentally kissing Ui, he is soon on the end of Ibuki's wrath.


The early episodes then see Kazuma have several awkward meetings with a number of the town's young female residents, but over the course of the series Kazuma wins them over with his kind hearted nature and turns around the initially quite negative first impression he makes with them, to the point that by the end of the series several of the girls are interested in him romantically.


Whilst staying in Yamabiko, Kazuma learns of the towns folklore- with the town celebrating a festival that sounds rather similar to Tanabata, but according to it's residents is apparently based on it's own local legend. This local legend and festival ending up being of much importance by the end of the series and results in the all important love confession that the story basically builds up to over the course of it's twelve episodes.


Out of the series heroine's the most prominent one's include the cheerful but naive Ui (whose outrageous appetite for food would put Adam Richman to shame); Ui's best friend Hinata- academically one of the best friends in school and also a member of both the student council and archery club, she takes an initial dislike to Kazuma but is eventually won over by his kind hearted nature, gradually revealing a softer, tender side herself beneath the often abrasive exterior; the shy Shinto shrine maiden Madoka Koumoto who also holds feelings for Kazuma (Spoiler: Madoka has actually known Kazuma since childhood, when he visited Yamabiko as a young boy and has held feelings for him since that day) and Hina Sakai an aloof and stoic senior who is a much softer and delicate person on the inside and secretly adores cute, fluffy things to the point that she personalizes stuffed toys.


In more of a supporting role throughout the series are Tsumugi Toudou- a Yamato Nadeshiko type who works part time at the Yoruzuyo Inn where Kazuma and his younger brother Ayumu is staying with her calm nature often putting her in the role of mediator and her younger sisters the brash Koyori (who much like Ibuki takes an initial dislike to Kazuma but is won over by his acts of kindness) and the inquisitive Kasane.


Rounding out the main supporting cast are Kazuma's adorable, affectionate and artistic younger brother Ayumu (the catalyst for their move to the country), Senka Yorozu the owner of Yorozuyu Inn and Daigo- an energetic but somewhat dumb boy who befriends Kazuma and whose mind is usually wondering about cute/hot girls.


Analysis: If it was the creators aim to produce the most generic and cliched anime romantic comedy harem series of all time then A Bridge To The Starry Skies would be a crowning achievement, in real terms it's about as mediocre as anime gets. It's not painful to watch by any means but there's already a tonne of these type of shows already out there and it does absolutely nothing new and in the end it just feels like a checklist of well trodden tropes and cliches.


The characters feel like a checklist- generic harem lead, ditzy girl, tsundere girl, shy girl, stoic girl (that secretly loves cute things), bratty girl, annoying dumb perverted best friend and 'shota' little brother.


It's not just the characters though that feel like a tropes and cliches checklist is being ticked off along the way, the episodes and scenarios feel like that too with well trodden fare such as the beach episode, the theme park episode, the festival episode and the fun day out into the bigger city (featuring playing in the arcade and partaking in karaoke).


Whilst it ends up being nothing more than a generic harem, it probably harbours ambitions of hitting the same emotional notes as several adaptations of visual novels by Key (such as Clannad) but unfortunately with 'Starry Skies' you can see the cogs turning and even the attempts at trying to inject some emotion into the series end up coming off flat.


There really is nothing more I need to say about this series, if you've not seen one of these shows before it's a serviceable time waster/palette cleanser and if you are already familiar with the harem comedy genre, then there are plenty of other shows out there that at least attempt to be a little more creative and original within that genre's restrictions.


Final Verdict: A Bridge To The Starry Skies isn't the most painful of watches but it's far from the most inspiring either. As mediocre and cliched as anime gets.




Is the Dub Any Good: No English dub has been created for this series, which comes as no surprise as it wasn't even a massive hit in Japan (where it was always likely to have a bigger appeal).

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#A0522D;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Chrome Shelled Regios </strong></span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#A0522D;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong> </strong></span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#A0522D;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>

</strong></span></span></span><span>http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/</span><img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ-GGelE_7MnOJAOv7qlMr0mzkQZdPivyRK6aUYinlggDyjaUaY" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ-GGelE_7MnOJAOv7qlMr0mzkQZdPivyRK6aUYinlggDyjaUaY" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTVbB2qmnluZl8RP3bJzvh9yqNSjXVyCLmqf1xl8UqZWvN9gr1K1Q" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTVbB2qmnluZl8RP3bJzvh9yqNSjXVyCLmqf1xl8UqZWvN9gr1K1Q" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span>http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/</span></p><p> </p><p>

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<strong>Genre: </strong>Post Apocalyptic Fantasy Action</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Studio</strong>: Zexcs <strong>Director:</strong> Itsuro Kawasaki <strong>Writer:</strong> Mamiko Ikeda <strong>Source: </strong>Light Novels by Shusuke Amagi.</p><p>

<strong>Original Broadcast:</strong> January-June 2009 <strong>Episodes:</strong> 24</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Synopsis:</strong> In a post apocalyptic world overrun by large mutated beasts known as Filth Monsters (<em>referred to as Contamanoids in the English Dub) </em>humanity is forced to live in domed mobile cities known as Regios. Those trained in the Military Arts learn to use special weapons known as a DITE in order to take part in capture the flag type battles between cities over resources or to use them in order to protect their cities coming under attack from the Filth Monsters. </p><p> </p><p>

Layfon Alseif has just arrived in the academic city of Zuelni in order to escape his past and start a new life, but his past accomplishments catch the attention of the cities manipulative student council president Karian Loss and driven military arts student Nina Antalk- the captain of the 17th platoon who feels that Layfon's abilities can help turn the 17th into the strongest unit in Zuelni. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Recommended Viewing Age:</strong> <em>Approx 15 and up-</em> There's nothing overly gratuitous here but an accumulation of adult content, including some fairly graphic violence, fanservice <em>(including some nudity)</em> and some sexualized comedy means that Chrome Shelled Regios is a series that is definitely unsuitable for kids and probably should even be out of reach for younger teens. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Action Level:</strong> <em>High- </em>Pretty much every episode will have some sort of action sequence, with regular battles taking place- whether that's between the human's in training battles/testing their skills against one another or them trying to take down one of the ugly, gargantuan Filth Monsters- Chrome Shelled Regios is not short of hack and slash style action. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Moe/Kawaii Level:</strong><em> Low- </em>There are a few female characters such as Felli that can be considered to have moe traits but overall Chrome Shelled Regios can't really considered to be a cutesy/moe style of series. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Animation Quality/Art Style</strong>: When it comes to the art and animation side of things, it has to be said that Chrome Shelled Regios is a mixed bag. It's main strength lies in it's world building, with both the locations and colour palette showing considerable variation, in spite of the post apocalyptic setting. With such as setting it's all too easy to go for a grim, dark and grey landscape but Chrome Shelled Regios, is able to get across the desolation of the bug infested wasteland in contrast to the hope for survival that the dome shelled cities known as the Regios bring.</p><p> </p><p>

There's some obvious CGI being used during the series for both the Filth Monsters and during the battle sequences but in spite of it's inconspicuous presence it is generally integrated into the overall aesthetic of the series fairly well. </p><p> </p><p>

However the character animation is rather inconsistent, resulting in some at times ugly looking character artwork that lets the presentation side of the series down. The character art in general shows solid variation over it's large cast of characters and fundamentally the designs fit in well with a shonen action series such as this one, but far too often standards seem to slip and the characters end up being drawn sloppily, often making them look dopey eyed. </p><p> </p><p>

Interestingly though the series does take on a different look during an occurring side story that takes place in conjunction to the main story, that is randomly placed throughout the series. The look of these shorts have a darker, almost greyed out colour palette but generally has a more stylized look, especially in regard to the character designs- which in my opinion look more attractive and striking than those to be found in the main story. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Music</strong>: Opening song Brave Your Truth by Daisy x Daisy is a high energy slice of J-Pop- pretty good choice as an opener it's quite catchy and feeds into the shows combination of frantic action and the characters desperate struggle in a difficult world. </p><p> </p><p>

Both the ending songs are attributed to 'Chrome Shelled' with different versions featuring guest vocals from the characters that episode was most associated with. First ending 'Yasashii Uso' is a lighters in the air rock ballad, whilst the second opening 'Ai no Zuellni' follows pretty much the same formula, just a bit more slower and with added piano. </p><p> </p><p>

The soundtrack done by Daisuke Asakura heavily comprised of high energy techno themes does a decent enough job of complimenting and accentuating an action heavy series but isn't particularly memorable in it's own right, but that can be said for a lot of OST soundtracks. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Plot & Characters:</strong> Set in a dystopian alternate earth, where most of the planet is over-run by giant bugs known as Filth Monsters/Contamanoids and the human population are forced to live in large domed cities- Chrome Shelled Regios primarily follows the fortunes of Layfon Alseif a skilled fighter who is trying to build a new life for himself in the educational city of Zuelni and move on from his violent past. </p><p> </p><p>

Only problem is,despite Zuelni being an educational city it still needs those trained in the Military Arts to help protect it or compete in battles with other cities, if challenged over resources and Layfon's abilities soon become exploited, and his plans of moving on to a more peaceful existence, Layfon finds himself being dragged into one of the platoons of Zuelni's Military Arts programme. </p><p> </p><p>

Unlike Layfon who wishes to move on from the Military Arts, the 17th Platoon's leader Nina Antalk only wants to get stronger. Over the course of the story Nina feels inadequate at times in the face of Layfon's natural strength, and the two end up clashing over their personal philosophies when Nina learns of the underlying reasons as to why Layfon was forced to leave his home city of Glendan (<em>which also happens to be the most powerful city in the world under the command of the Glendan Royal family)</em>. </p><p> </p><p>

Practically running Zuelni itself is the manipulative but well intentioned Student Academy president Kalian Loss, whose sister Felli Loss is in the same platoon as Layfon. A Nen'i operator <em>(someone who can use Psychokinesis to communicate with others)</em>, Felli is the eyes and ears of the team- she appears to be somewhat emotionless at first, but it's more a case that the strain of being a nani operator forces her to repress them, rather than being devoid of them. In great contrast to platoon leader Nina, Felli is very apathetic towards her duties and yearns to be free of the contraints of being a Nani operator but she gradually finds her stronger sense of purpose as events unfold. </p><p> </p><p>

Making up the rest of the 17th platoon are the teams laid back playboy sniper Sharnid and the teams mechanic Harley<em>(who has known Nina since childhood)</em>. Other notable Zuelni platoons to pop up in the story include the 5th platoon- consisting of Gorneo <em>(who knows about Layfon's past and wants vengeance against Layfon</em>) and his brattish but extremely loyal team-mate Shante and the 10th platoon consisting of Dinn Dee and Siena- who have past history with Sharnid. Whilst other notable supporting characters in Zuelni include the female student trio of the timid and homely Maysheen (who develops a crush on Layfon) and her friends budding journalist Mifi and trainee police officer Naruki. </p><p> </p><p>

Zuelni and all the other cities themselves are powered by electronic spirits, which have their own character and personalities- however when a city falls after losing too many challenges- it becomes weak and prone to being over-run by the Filth Monsters. This leads to the electronic spirit turning into a 'Haikizoku'<em> (Fallen One</em>)- at that point the spirit becomes very dangerous and uncontrollable and as it looks to find a host committed to becoming stronger. Once someone has been taken over by a Haikizoku, their humanity and reasoning will gradually ebb away and all that is left is just raging hatred- making them just as dangerous a threat (if not more so) than the Filth Monsters humanity is desperately trying to protect itself against. </p><p> </p><p>

Those charged with protecting the human population from the giant bugs, are trained in using a DITE, devices that can be turned into a weapon of the users choice and have a special organ in their bodies that can produce Kei- a source of energy that allows it's users to being able to summon special powers that improve their fighting abilities. The most skilled and talented Kei users, get to use a powerful DITE known as a Heaven's Blade and are the elite protectors of the Glendan Royal family. </p><p> </p><p>

Layfon himself is skilled enough to go toe to toe with the Heaven's Blades but just what history does he have with them? There is one Glendan resident though that he does have a strong bond with and one that wishes to see him again his childhood friend Leerin. As the story gradually unfolds we learn that Leerin, is not so ordinary herself and could play a key role in helping protect the world- something that her friend the Queen of Glendan, Alsherya seems very much aware of in contrast to Leerin who is unaware that her over physically friendly friend, and fellow student 'Synola' is in fact the most powerful person in all of Glendan if not the entire world itself. </p><p> </p><p>

Throughout the course of the series, we also see snippets of a different story- involving a genetic human able to pull out guns from her body and her partner a grizzled detective with an eye patch battling against monsters- and throughout we are left to ponder what connection the characters and events in these randomly placed shorts have to those taking place over the course of the main story. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Analysis:</strong> To get straight to the point, Chrome Shelled Regios is one of those series that had the potential to be really good but ends up being just average, that's because it ends up getting weighed down by it's constantly revolving cast of characters and lack of focus. What looks to be a simple enough humanity fighting for survival in a post apocalyptic world story, gradually evolves into a more complex affair involving cities powered by electronic spirits, a wishy washy hint at higher powers and clashes between the strongest human warriors over strength, pride and honor- whilst also shoe-horning in the tired high school setting, complete with absurdly powerful student council and a harem of love interests for the main protagonist. </p><p> </p><p>

There's nothing fundamentally wrong with any of the idea's explored in Chrome Shelled Regios and the fact that it did actually end up offering something more than just super-powered humans fighting monsters but the melding together of it's different strands just end up in one huge mess by the end. Watching the series one gets the feeling that those behind the anime adaptation were hoping for a second season to be green lit, so that the plot holes and more confusing elements could be explained better- in particular the random side story that does sort of connect to the main story in the end but still feels very vague. </p><p> </p><p>

But I can only assess on what's been executed in front of my eyes not on the potential the series could have had for second season, and perhaps there in lies the main problem of Chrome Shelled Regios, it spends too much time laying foundations for a richer and deeper story, instead of remaining focused on giving the story a coherent conclusion. </p><p> </p><p>

The characters for the most part are probably one of the series strength, and it's more the messy execution of the story itself that ends up hamstringing Chrome Shelled Regios than any of it's protagonists. They aren't always necessarily the most likable and there are times where some of the primary characters in the series will irritate with some of the decisions they make but I liked the way the series did explore a clash of ideals over themes such as survival and loyalty. </p><p> </p><p>

I suppose in particular when I'm thinking of a character that at times infuriated me but I couldn't really say was badly executed, would be Nina Antalk with her often blinkered and obsessive goal to become stronger, but what's to be admired is such views do not go unchecked, either by other characters in the series or by the writers themselves and she does actually evolve as the series progresses. </p><p> </p><p>

As main protagonists go, Layfon is typically over-powered but he does manage to show deeper layers beyond being a generic hero that wants to place all the burden on himself and save the world and the way various characters throughout the series re-act to his strength, at least makes for an interesting watch. There is an element to that generic hero protagonist to Layfon's character but it takes the course of the series for it to be drawn out from him, which at least makes him more intriguing than a bog standard 'I need to grow stronger, so I can save everyone' protagonist. </p><p> </p><p>

The highlight character of the series though would have to be the nen'i operator Felli Loss, who ended up being a highly original and amusing mix of stereotypical emotionless girl and childish tsundere. What could have been a generic emotionally suppressed character, ended up not only be a consistent provider of entertaining comic relief but also deliver an interesting internal conflict within Felli herself, who finds herself somewhat resenting the powers that she has to the point of apathy towards her duty and feeling the need to carry out that duty. </p><p> </p><p>

If the story ends up being a mess? Then does Chrome Shelled Regios make up for it in the action stakes? Well there is plenty of action throughout the series, but in all honesty the quality of the action ends up being a mixed bag, there are times where the battle sequences deliver with some spectacular, high energy battles againt the Filth Monsters but if truth be told, it perhaps spends too much time with boring curb stomps between Layfon going up against his fellow students. In all honesty I think the whole idea of the platoons within Zuelni Academy battling each other to prove themselves to be the strongest, is probably an idea they could have done away with.</p><p> </p><p>

Even with the inconsistent animation and artwork <em>(particularly in regards to issues over the character art</em>), it's the story crumbling under the weight of too many idea's that ends up hurting Chrome Shelled Regios more than anything on the aesthetic side of things. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Verdict:</strong> Chrome Shelled Regios isn't a bad series by any means and if you took each episode as an individual stand alone watch, they would probably all be reasonably entertaining- the problem lies in the fact that it tries to bake it's cake with too many ingredients and doesn't quite come together in the end. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#808000;"><strong>Mildly Recommended</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Is the Dub Any Good:</strong> Funimation took on the English dub for the series and whilst overall it's another solid effort from them, it's not without a notable flaw. For the most part the dub is solidly cast with Brina Palencia on the money as the tom-boyish Nina but is whiny voiced Todd Haberkorn really the right choice for Layfon? Layfon never really came across as a 'whiny' type of character to me, but lets Haberkorn's vocal stylings gave the character a wimpyish undertone, that isn't supposed to be there. Haberkorn's fine playing wimps and weasels but he shouldn't be let anywhere near an action lead role. </p><p> </p><p>

One advantage Funimation's English dub does have only the sub version though, is that the side story can be delivered in proper English, rather than the dodgy Engrish of the original Japanese dub. But who knows why those bits were attempted to be done in English in the first place?</p>

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<p>I watch a bridge to Starry Skies when I was watching random stuff on crunchyroll over a year ago. it was mildly entertaining.</p><p> </p><p>

been watching a collection of anime myself recently, mostly mediocre stuff such as the two seasons of 'Are you a Zombie?' , Cat Planet Cuties, and 2 seasons of Strike Witches. they were cheap so I bought a bulk bundle.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>One advantage Funimation's English dub does have only the sub version though, is that the side story can be delivered in proper English, rather than the dodgy Engrish of the original Japanese dub. But who knows why those bits were attempted to be done in English in the first place?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I watched the series in Japanese on Netflix just for those segments. They were hilarious. The English was just so bad I enjoyed it.</p>
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Magi:The Labyrinth of Magic







Genre: Fantasy Action Adventure


Studio: A-1 Pictures Director: Koji Masunari Writer: Hiroyuki Yoshino Source: Manga by Shinobu Ohtaka

Original Broadcast: October 2012- March 2013 Episodes: 25


Setting: Based upon the classical Middle Eastern story anthology One Thousand and One Nights (more commonly known as Arabian Nights), Magi takes several characters from those stories and places them into a new fantasy world that still maintains the same middle eastern flavour.


Synopsis: Due to the fact that their incredible treasures grant their conquerors with immense powers, Alibaba wishes to conquer one of the many difficult to conquer Labyrinths known as Dungeon's that have been popping up all over the world.


Working as a lackey for a local merchant, one day he stumbles across a young boy called Aladdin who has eaten all of the merchant's produce. Aladdin however just so happens to be a magician that can summon a powerful Djinn (Genie) with his flute. Having occured the wrath of the merchant, Alibaba convinces Aladdin to help him conquer the Dungeon in order to pay for the damages.


What Alibaba didn't know at that point, is that he was taking the first steps towards playing a key role in deciding the fate of the world and that Aladdin would be his guiding light against the forces of darkness.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (Approx 13 and up)- Magi is one of those shows that could have easily been suitable viewing for all of the family but they decided to make the action bloody enough and throw in enough sexual content to make it unsuitable for pre-teens, which is a little frustrating as the fanservice adds nothing. Despite one notable occurrence of full frontal nudity right near the beginning of the series and the running theme of Aladdin being a boob obsessed perv- the sexual content here is actually pretty light and generally played for (cheap) laughs, so I think (unless you're the prudiest of prudes) it should be OK for most teens to watch this.


Action Level: High- Magi is certainly not short of action, from sword fights to magic spell showdowns- this is a series that should satisfy those looking for plenty of bombastic shonen action.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Low- Whilst not overtly dark or serious in it's tone, Magi does not give off the vibe of being a cute and fluffy series either. I suppose if you're going to clutch at Moe straws, some fans could find Moe traits in some of the cast's female characters.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Once again here's a modern era anime, where I'm going to pretty much say the same thing as I have for many others and that is- Whilst in general the art style both for the character designs and even the style of back ground art isn't particularly original, it is well executed.


Even if the general art style of the characters isn't all that unique, each character does manage to stand out from one another within the art style's general framework, whilst the colourful background art manages to transport you into Magi's middle eastern inspired world.


The big fight sequences are regularly executed well, and consistently feel thrilling and spectacular. All in all even if things look a little generic at first glance, there's plenty of joy to be found in the finer details of Magi's art and animation.


Music: First opening 'V.I.P' by Sid is an energetic slice of J-Pop- it feels a little cheesy in places but does get across that you're about to go on a fun action packed adventure with these characters, whilst the second opening 'Matataku Hoshi no Shita de" by Porno Graffitti still follows the light pop-rock formula of the first opening, but seems to be packed with slightly more emotion, which reflects well on the audience becoming more invested in the plight of the characters.


The endings are the energetic pop song 'Yubi Boenkyo' by Nogizaka46 and slightly harder edged pop-rock song 'The Bravery' by Supercell. Whilst both of the endings are by no means bad songs, for me they just felt like generic pop-rock that had little connection to the series itself.


The OST by Shiro Sagisu is put together well, mixing some nice scene setting music (such as incorporating a middle eastern flavour into the soundtrack) with striking bombastic pieces, that give an epic feeling to the tense and exciting action showdowns.


Plot & Characters: Set in a world of magic, based upon the ancient old world of myth and legend, Magi primarily follows the trials and tribulations of (at the start of the series) merchant lackey and wannabe dungeon capturer Alibaba Saluja and his new friend a young magician called Aladdin.


In the world of Magi all living beings contain an essence known as Rukh and when someone passes on their Rukh joins a large gathering of Rukh that gives life to all beings in the eternal cycle known as fate. However there are dark forces at hands trying to turn fate into a darker direction, feeding on the potential despair within a person and sending the world into chaos.

If a person has been overcome with feelings of sadness or anger, their Rukh turns 'Black' and they are said to have become 'Fallen'. At the very heart of Magi's story is this struggle between light and dark, and it's impact on the stories main protagonists of Alibaba and Aladdin.


At the start of the series Alibaba wishes to conquer a Dungeon, because they contain magical treasures that are able to give the Dungeon capturer great power. Whilst at first glance Alibaba appears to just wish for a better and easier life, we soon learn that there are deeper reasons behind his wish to capture a Dungeon, in that he wants to help his struggling homeland get back on it's feet. As the series progresses Alibaba has to face up to a lot of emotionally challenging situations, that will see him clash with an old friend and will end up placing a huge strain upon him.


The Dungeons, which are the lairs of a powerful magic being known as a Djinn are not easy to conquer due to having many traps in place. However if someone is able to capture a Dungeon, they are rewarded with a magical weapon known as a Metal vessel (at the same time they can also make less powerful but still potent weapons for their companions known as household vessels).


All individuals have within them the ability to turn their Rukh into magical energy known as Magoi, which can be used to power magical weapons, however no one has a limited supply of Magoi and if a person overuses their Magoi, it causes them to become tired and weak and could even lead to death. With rest a person is able to restore their Magoi but they have to be careful not to over do it, to the point that they put their own life at risk.


There are a rare breed however able to gather Rukh from around them and not just within them, giving them a greater source of Magoi and magical abilities, known as a Magi. The young boy Aladdin is one of these individuals, though at the start of the story he seems completely unaware of just how powerful he is and does not yet have a full understanding of his abilities, though as the series progresses he gradually learns just how powerful he is and the influential role he has to play in order to maintain that the fate of the world continues on the right path.


The most powerful country in Magi's setting is the Kou Empire, which seems to be expanding it's territory more and more and taking over struggling states. Whilst there are some who look to expand the Kou Empire, through peaceful means such as negotiation, there are many that simply want to take other lands through more aggressive tactics and having an influence over the Kou is the shadowy organization known as Al-Thamen, with the Kou Empire's priest being the dark Magi Judar- who appears to find great pleasure in the suffering of others.


As Aladdin and Alibaba go through their journey together and occasionally apart, antagonists include slave traders, aggressive members of the Kou Empire, corrupt rulers, the underclass driven to desperation and members of Al-Thamen.


A notable supporting character to grow out of the first arc is the slave girl Morgiana, who seems reluctant to break free from the slave traders that are mistreating her, despite Aladdin and Alibaba's best efforts to free her from her awful fate. Starting out as something of a punch clock villain, she's arguably the character that experiences the most growth throughout the series.


Another important supporting character, during the second half of the series is the legendary dungeon capturer, King of Sindria and the head of the Seven Sea's Alliance Sinbad. With the support of the eight generals, Sinbad is at the forefront of providing resistance to the Kou Empire's aggressive expansion, though is level headed and experienced enough to know when it's best to settle things through negotiation rather than engaging the Kou in battle.


Analysis: Magi is of course not a fully accurate adaptation of Arabian Nights, what it does do however is take legendary characters from the anthology and place them into a new fantasy world (albeit one that still maintains a middle eastern influence among many of it's locations) in a story packed with action, adventure and of course magic!


Being based on an already on-going manga, the anime itself is of course also an adaptation of that- done whilst the manga was still on-going, the anime adaptation as is so often the case ends up veering off in a different direction to where the original author was heading. Whilst this may bother some, the anime scriptwriters manage do manage to arrive at a series conclusion that whilst it does drop a lot of hints towards a second season, also manages to reach a satisfying conclusion point for the progress of the main characters over the course of the first season. It is of course good to know that a second season (Kingdom of Magic) was produced but as far as relatively open endings going, there was at least some sense of closure if a second season were to never materialize.


Like most Shonen action series, when going into it you do wonder if it's going to just be dumb action and juvenile comedy that will only really appeal to teenage boys. Whilst Magi is indeed packed with plenty of action and does have it's moments of silly humour, it will appeal to those looking for something with a bit more to sink their teeth into. Much like Full Metal Alchemist (the benchmark for intelligently written shonen action) Magi manages to incorporate a deep and rich story amongst the action, that also tackles some relatively mature issues that feel relevant to the unstable realities of the real modern world.


In layman's terms, Magi is like so many other stories, simply a story about the struggle between Good and Evil but it tackles that simple concept by putting it's characters in situations that can lead to them being pushed towards believing they have no choice but to resort to measures such as terrorism. With ravaged nations due to war and corruption, disparity between the rich and the poor, refugees and up-risings engineered by shadowy figures looking to feed upon the turmoil of the world- the issues tackled in Magi at times feel all too relateable to the issues being faced up to right now in our world, albeit minus the ability to control magic and battling massive demons.


What Magi does particularly well is that it manages to incorporate these mature issues without ever losing sight of it being a fun action packed adventure, managing to tackle the more challenging issues faced by it's characters in an intelligent enough manner without becoming too bogged down by them. It's done in such a way where some viewers can find a deeper affinity for the plight of the characters, where as others (probably younger) viewers can just enjoy the good vs evil plot on a more base level and just enjoy it as a rip-roaring action adventure. All in all it's set up to be ideal family viewing.....


Or at least it should have been, because there are certain 'mature' elements that the series needlessly decides to throw in and that's the fanservice and sexualized humour. Whilst it's fairly sporadic and is just there as light relief, rather than being a major part of the series, that actually makes it more frustrating.....I'm of the belief that an anime should either go all in with the ecchi and be for a mature audience, or don't have any of that sort of thing at all and be suitable viewing for all the family. Magi could have very easily been this.


Another minor criticism of Magi, is that towards the end, the series does get more and more bogged down in generic shonen battle tropes, with angst ridden heroes taking to the villains in protracted battles, though that being said the battles are varied and thrilling enough to hold your attention.


Part of the being able to stay invested in the big showdowns, and wanting to cheer on the heroes is due to some great villains. Most of the villains in Magi are utterly detestable, but that's a good thing, because in a series like this you want the bad guys to make you feel like punching the screen at just how irritating they are. Whilst there is the odd 'woobie' antagonist, most of the villains here are simply just evil scumbags and all the better for it.


Final Verdict: Magi-Labyrinth of Magic does have a few minor issues that means it's by no means perfect, but if you're looking for a fun action packed adventure series with a richly involving story, with a fantastic setting, then you can do a hell of a lot worse than check this series out.


Is the Dub Any Good: The English dub of the series was done by Aniplex of America using L.A based vocal talent with Erica Mendez cast as Aladdin, Erik Scott Kimerer cast as Alibaba, Matt Mercer as Sinbad, Cristina Vee as Morgiana and Todd Haberkorn as Judar in what can be considered to the main roles.


Overall I found the dub for Magi to be very stellar, with the actors cast well in their roles, for instance Todd Haberkorn is certainly better suited to player a weasily, obnoxious villain like Judar than he ever is at playing the hero.


And whilst I feel at times that you can tell it's a female playing a young boy when it comes to Erica Mendez, performance as Aladdin- the original Japanese dub also features an actress in the role (Kaori Ishihara), with Mendez performance actually matching up well to the original performance.

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  • 2 weeks later...







Note: This is a combined review of the Nekomonogatari arc in Studio Shaft/Akiyuki Shinbo's adaptation of the Monogatari Light Novel Series. Nekomonogatari Kuro (Black) was released as an OVA, whilst Nekomomogatari Shiro (White) was the first part of Monogatari Secon Season when aired on TV but released as it's own DVD.


Genre: Supernatural Drama


Studio: Shaft Director: Akiyuki Shinbo/Tomoyuki Itamura Writer: Fuyashi To/ Akiyuki Shinbo

Source: Light Novels by Nisio Oisin

Original Broadcast: Kuro (Black) OVA: December 2012/ Shiro (White):July-August 2013 (as part of Monogatari Second Season) Episodes: 4+5


Synopsis: With the help of his classmate Tsubasa Hanekawa, Koyomi Araragi survived a vampire attack and begins to take a keen interest in Miss Hanekawa, questioning whether he is falling in love with her. As Golden Week starts, he encounters Tsubasa, and notices that she has a large patch of medical gauze over her cheek. Koyomi then learns that things are far from rosy in the Hanekawa Household.

Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (Approx 16+) and up: It's safe to say now that the Monogatari series is definitely not for kids- the violence that is there tends to be rather gory and then there's the consistent fanservice and sexualized tone.


Action Level: Low- You know what to expect with the Monogatari series by now- a lot of dialogue. When the action is there it's pretty intense, there just doesn't tend to be a lot of it, and it's definitely not the series for those looking for something more action driven, than character/dialogue driven.


Moe/Kawaii Level: High- As I said in my review for Bakemonogatari, the Monogatari series is centred around cute/beautiful girls with vulnerable personality traits- Nekomonogatari is no exception.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Nekomonogatari continues to forge ahead with the striking art and animation style that has become one of the Monogatari series trademarks- with it's minimalist yet bold background art, flashing screens of text and head tilting characters- if this art style wasn't for you in the first place, you aren't going to be converted here.

However with each installment of the Monogatari series, Shaft are becoming better at delivering the series unique visual projection and getting across the atmosphere of the story, with subtle flushes such as little shifts in the colour palette.


Music: Yui Horie, the seiyuu for Tsubasa Hanekawa sings both of the opening themes, Kuro's Perfect Slumbers is a dreamy melodic track with hints of melancholy, whilst Shiro's Chocolate Insomnia has a more playful arrangement. The two ending theme's are lively but fairly forgettable slices of J-Pop.


The Monogatari series opening and endings have always been a bit hit and miss, some manage to tap into the mood of the story, as in the case of Perfect Slumbers, whilst others just feel like generic J-Pop designed to sell a bit more Monogatari related merchandise (the two ending themes).


Satoru Kosaki's OST soundtrack to the Monogatari series continues to be a subtle delight, as it has been from the very beginning of the franchise's anime adaptation.


Plot & Characters: Whilst Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari is told from the viewpoint of Koyomi Araragi, Nekmonogatari is primarily told from the viewpoint of Tsubasa Hanekawa.


In Bakemonogatari, the audience were introduced to Hanekawa, as the ideal role model- an honor student, that will always do the right thing and doesn't appear to have a bad bone in her body. However what we learn in Nekomonogatari, that things are far from perfect with Hanekawa and that repressing her darker feelings is putting a huge strain on her.


Taking place prior to the events of Bakemonogatari, in Nekomonogatari Kuro , we learn that Hanekawa is in fact having to endure an abusive family life- suffering physical violence and neglect from her step parents. Repressing her anger towards the abuse by continuously projecting an image of someone that doesn't appear to have a bad bone in their body, ultimately results in Hanekawa taking on an alter-ego that manifests itself whilst she is asleep- a mischievous cat demon that is wreaking havoc across town. It all boils down to Araragi having to find a way to stop Hanekawa's dark alter whilst also finding a way to save his friend.


Nekomonogatari Shiro, takes place after both Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari with Hanekawa now aware of her dark alter-ego. At the beginning of the story we learn that the Hanekawa family home has been burned down, and that there's a dangerous new apparation on the loose, a giant tiger. In Shiro Hanekawa continues to further confront the darker feelings that she has kept repressed for years- in particular coming to terms with the concept of jealousy.


By the conclusion of Nekomonogatari Shiro everything ties together, between both installments of a story that focuses on Tsubasa Hanekawa facing up to her demons and coming out the other side a more well rounded person.


Analysis: Neither side of the Nekomonogatari coin, are likely to convert those not already on board with the unique charms of the Monogatari franchise. There's still that unique art style and presentation, long waffling conversations and the questionable fanservice.


Whilst the art style isn't generally perceived as a weakness of the series (and it really shouldn't be), the waffling dialogue and fanservice do provide more solid fuel to the fire for those who feel that the Monogatari franchise isn't really worth the hype.


Addressing the first weakness, at times there does seem to be episodes of aimless dialogue that really add nothing to the story, and there usually does end up being at least one episode in a Monogatari arc that feels almost unnecessary other than to fill the time with aimless fanservice and to remind the viewers that Araragi is one part unlikely hero, another part pervert. But there are other times where the Monogatari series takes the art of conversation to glorious heights, that peel away the psyche of it's characters and also help drive the plot of each arc forward.


The second weakness of the Monogatari franchise is of course it's sexualized nature and frequent fanservice. I'm not going to type away here and say that I completely disapprove of the fanservice, because as fanservice goes there is some admiration to be had in the way that the artists and animators at Shaft make the female characters look so alluring- which is probably making me sound as perverted as the franchise's male protagonist.


However there are times where Araragi's perversions and the fanservice does sail a little too close to the wind, mainly in regards to his borderline incestuous relationship with his two younger sisters (both of whom are still in Middle School). Whilst I appreciate that the original novelist of the series Nishio Ishin, wanted to make Araragi an imperfect character, did he really have to run with giving Araragi such an icky fault, as having inappropriate thoughts over his sisters?


Thankfully though Araragi being a perv isn't the main focus of Nekomonogatari and instead it shines it's light about the character of Tsubasa Hanekawa. A case could have been argued that after Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari, Hanekawa was the blandest and least interesting of the franchise's heroines, on the other hand she could well have been viewed as the series most enigmatic.


Across Nekomonogatari's two halves, those enigmatic layers get peeled away, as we get to see the true Hankekawa emerge from underneath her easy going honor student facade and confront her 'demons' in order to grow as a character. Those demons, built around being in the care of an abusive/neglectful family are delivered with an admirable subtly, that never becomes too preachy but makes the viewer feel uneasy enough over Hanekawa's unfortunate situation.


Whilst Kuro was released as an OVA and Shiro was originally broadcast as part of Monogatari second season and can still be viewed as seperate stories, I feel it's best to review them together as despite one being a prequel story and the other being a sequel to previous installments of the Monogatari franchise, the two halves end up completing the other and we follow Tsubasa Hanekawa's development from trying to turn away from her demons, to not only confronting them but somewhat embracing them.


Final Verdict: In the end whilst Nekomonogatari still displays some of the franchise's frustrating faults, Monogtari fans will be delighted that it's two arcs return the series to the standards set in place by Bakemonogtari, rather than it continuing to go a little off the boil, as it did with the still enjoyable but somewhat disappointing Nisemonogatari.




Is the Dub Any Good: As with the previous installments, there is no English dub to speak of and unlikely to ever be one, as the franchise is considered too challenging to dub.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dragonmack" data-cite="Dragonmack" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have to admit I went in not expecting much, but ended up getting hooked on the whole Monogatari series, basically marathoning all of them in a one week period.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's fun to watch visually. I stopped at the second season but I'm planning on restarting from the beginning whenever I have time.</p>
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I will have to say that I'm a fan of the Monogatari series but I'm the sort of person that would be attracted to it's quirky charms and I can certainly recognize that it's not something that would be accessible or likely to appeal to everyone <em>(especially when it comes to Western Audiences)</em>, which is why despite being a fan of the series, I can't ever see myself giving out a Highly Recommended rating for any of the arcs.
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#DDA0DD;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Beyond The Boundary</span></strong></span></span></p><p><span style="color:#DDA0DD;">

(aka Kyoukai No Kanata)</span></p><p><span style="color:#DDA0DD;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#DDA0DD;">


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<strong>Genre:</strong> Supernatural Urban Fantasy </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Studio: </strong>Kyoto Animation <strong>Director: </strong>Taichi Ishidate <strong>Writer: </strong>Jukki Hanada <strong>Source:</strong> Light Novels by Nagomu Torii </p><p>

<strong>Original Broadcast:</strong> October-December 2013 <strong> Episodes: </strong>12 <em>(+1 OVA+ 5 Comedy OVA shorts- titled as Beyond The Boundary Idol Trial). </em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Setting:</strong> Beyond the Boundary takes place in an alternate Japan, where supernatural beings called Youmu exist.... Whilst not all are a threat to the world, many are and it's the job of Spirit World Warriors, human's with special abilities to protect the world from the most dangerous Youmu. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Synopsis:</strong> Akihito Kanbara spots Mirai Kurayama on the edge of the school roof, thinking that she is about to commit suicide by jumping off. However following Akihito's plea's for Mirai to come away from the off, she stabs him with a sword made out of her own blood but is then shocked herself to discover that Akihito is an 'immortal' half Youmu. </p><p> </p><p>

Akihito then learns that Mirai is a Spirit World Warrior and the last surviving member of her clan and treated as an outcast amongst other Spirit World Warrior's. Their lives become intertwined as Akihito seeks to help Mirai regain the confidence to kill dangerous Youmu without using him as practice. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Recommended Viewing Age:</strong> <em>Teens (Approx 13+) and up:</em> There's some mild fanservice and much of the series light relief is based around the fetishes of the leading male characters, however it's really the relatively high blood and fairly graphic action that pushes this into teens only territory but with a main protagonist that uses blood manipulation as the source of their power, this was never going to be an entirely family friendly show. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Action Level: </strong><em>Fairly High-</em> It's not what I would call entirely action focused, but there's enough big supernatural battle scenes spread across the series, to satisfy those looking for something that isn't dialogue heavy. Mirai's blood manipulation abilities and her blade of blood, give the battles in Beyond A Boundary a unique vibe, something that helps it's action sequences stand out and not feel generic. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Moe/Kawaii Level:</strong> <em>High-</em> Here's more familiar ground for KyoAni, as the studio has built their reputation upon tapping into the moe appeal of their characters to the Otaku fanbase, well that and the fact that their shows always tend to have beautiful art and animation. In Mirai Kuriyama, KyoAni may have arguably stumbled across creating their most moe character yet- with her bespectled face, petite frame and insecure personality. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Animation Quality/Art Style</strong>: The art style and animation is what you would come to expect from a KyoAni series, which is becoming rather easy to take for granted. The most impressive thing on this occasion is that KyoAni show that they can easily do spectacular action, when they give themselves the opportunity to move away from slice of life fare <em>(No other studio puts so much effort into making slice of life fare look beautiful, but it's nice to see a studio as capable as they are push themselves beyond making streets and buildings look pretty)</em>. </p><p> </p><p>

Whilst the general character design is nothing new <em>(Though personally I actually like it when a studio finds their own style and sticks with it)</em> to KyoAni, the show's co-lead protagonist and series poster girl Mirai Kuriyama is particularly striking and memorable. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Music: </strong> The self titled opening song 'Kyokai No Kanata' is a relatively catchy slice of guitar and piano based J-Pop sung by Minori Chihara <em>(the seiyuu for supporting character Mitsuki Nase, but probably best known for playing </em><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=242" rel="external nofollow"><em>Yuki Nagato</em></a><em> and a seiyuu with plenty of singing experience)</em> whilst the ending theme 'Daisy' by Stereo Dive Foundation a hip hop tinged ballad, that ends up working surprisingly well. There is also the insert song 'Yakusoku No Kizuna' a quite catchy but fairly standard J-Pop number, paired up with perhaps a more memorable dance routine. </p><p>


Plot & Characters:</strong> At the centre of Beyond The Boundary's plot is the relationship that develops between the chastised spirit world warrior Mirai Kuriyama and the Half Yomu Akihito Kanbara and as their lives become more intertwined with one another, they find empathy towards the life each of them has had to endure. </p><p> </p><p>

Mirai part of a cursed clan of Spirit Warriors, that are able to manipulate their own blood into a weapon. As a child she was adopted by the Inami Clan, but an incident involving the clan's oldest daughter Yui seems to have broken her confidence as a spirit world warrior. An incident that has lead to Yui's younger sister Sakura trying to hunt down Mirai in vengeance over what happened. </p><p> </p><p>

When we are introduced to the red bespectacled Mirai, it appears that she is just trying to kill a Youmu in order to try and restore her lowly reputation, but as the story develops we learn that she was in fact ordered to specifically target Akihito, but as they spend more time together it becomes harder to Mirai to carry out her mission. As something of a defence mechanism, as she struggles to prevent becoming more emotionally involved, Mirai has a tendency to use the phrase 'How Unpleasant' as retort to something <em>(usually Akihito)</em> has said, even if she doesn't really mean it as such. </p><p> </p><p>

Introduced as nervous, clumsy and incompetent and always short of money to never completing any spirit world warrior jobs, as the series progresses we learn that Mirai is in fact a very powerful and capable spirit world warrior. Another character trait of Mirai is her huge appetite but this isn't merely a weird habit, it ties into the fact that using her blood leaves her anemic and exhausted and that she needs constant 'fuel' to keep herself alive. </p><p> </p><p>

Akihito is a half Youmu, born from the union between his mother <em>(a human)</em> and his Youmu father <em>(though it's never explained who Akihito's is/was)</em>. Though usually harmless, Akihito becomes extremely dangerous and goes berserk when his Youmu side takes over, and he usually becomes weak/depressed if he loses control. As a highschool student he is a member of the literature club and is attracted to girls with glasses, causing him to refer to Mirai as a 'Bespectacled Beauty'- at first his attraction to Mirai seems to be simply one based upon his 'megane' fetish but it's pretty clear as events unfold he comes to care for Mirai as a person and comes to the realization that he is perhaps the one person who truly understands how Mirai feels as a social outcast. </p><p> </p><p>

Governing the spirit world warriors within the city that Beyond the Boundary takes place is the Nase clan. Youngest sister Mitsuki and the older middle brother Hiroomi are both in the literary club with Akihito. The sharp tongued Mitsuki is always teasing Atsuki over his glasses fetish and despairs over her older brother's 'little sister' fetish. Though a capable spirit world warrior, she is usually left behind when it comes to tackling major threats, something that leaves her feeling slightly resentful and being treated like a weak link.</p><p> </p><p>

Laid back and a slightly perverted goof with a little sister fetish, Hiroomi is a strong spirit world warrior and is particularly proficient at setting up cages and barriers to prevent Youmu from entering a protected area. He constantly wears a scarf as his supernatural abilities leave him particularly sensitive to the cold, whilst he also bears large scars on his back, after fending off a rampaging Youmu. Despite this incident he does not appear to bear ill-will towards all Youmu, especially as the one who attacked him also happens to be someone he was very close to. </p><p> </p><p>

Oldest sister Izumi Nase is the head of the Nase clan, and has a more cold and ruthless outlook upon dealing with Youmu, seeing them as little more than the equivalent of farm animals that provide her livelyhood. Though she is not as far gone as wanting to purge the world of all Youmu<em> (even those that are docile),</em> as soon as one becomes a threat then they should become eliminated, no matter who they are. </p><p> </p><p>

Notable supporting characters include the teacher Shizuku Ninomiya <em>(who also happens to be another spirit world warrior</em>), Akihito's eccentric mother Yayoi Kanbara, a powerful spirit world warrior but whose often childlike behaviour leaves Akihito feeling embarrased, then there is Ayaka Shindo and her younger sister Ai- that run a business appraising the defeated Youmu of spirt world warriors- they also happen to be Youmu themselves, though one's that aren't considered to be a threat to humans and whilst Spirit World Warrirors and Youmu know the real nature of their business, their shop is disguised as a photoshop to normal humans.</p><p> </p><p>

Finally there is the shady Miroku Fujiyama and interrogation officer from the Spirit World Warriors Observation Department, whose actions and intentions could end up holding a larger threat of malice than the most dangerous of Youmu. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Analysis:</strong> Kyoto Animation as a studio isn't particularly noted for tackling more action based fare- whilst shows such as Haruhi Suzumiya and to a larger degree <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=256" rel="external nofollow">Chu-2 </a>have had snippets of supernatural/fantasy action among the quirky slice of life comedy, Beyond the Boundary is the studio's first real attempt at a more action based story since they adapted <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...2&postcount=35" rel="external nofollow">Full Metal Panic:The Second </a>Raid in 2005. Where as Chu-2 can be considered a romantic comedy with a supernatural action twist, Beyond the Boundary is a supernatural action show underpinned by the evolving central relationship of it's two lead characters with some quirky humour thrown in for light relief. </p><p> </p><p>

In Mirai Kuriyama an Akihito Kanbara, Beyond the Boundary has a male/female lead dynamic comparable aforementioned earlier Kyo-Ani works such as their adaptation of the Haruhi Suzumiya series and Chu-2, that see's a likeable yet interesting everyman paired up with a striking and memorable female. The timid Mirai, is probably more comparable to Rikka Takanashi than Haruhi Suzumiya, in terms of her clumsy,shy demeanour- Rikka used her delusions as a defence mechanism in Chu-2, where as Mirai tends to use her past failures as a defence against going through <em>(more) </em>emotional turmoil.</p><p> </p><p>

What Beyond the Boundary is particularly wise to do, is that it places its focus upon the two leads comparable plights as social outcasts. Whilst Akihito appears to be treated better by those around him, he still knows that he's on borrowed time, and as Mirai learns more about Akihito she finds an empathy that relates to her own situation as a social outcast. Watching their relationship blossom into friendship and then more, gives Beyond The Boundary an emotional core, that becomes essential to appreciating the story being told.</p><p> </p><p>

The supporting cast isn't the most memorable and no one really steps up as a potential 'break out character'- though had we seen a little more of Akihito's quirky mother then perhaps she would had the potential to be just that. For the most part Mirai and Aki give Beyond the Boundary it's emotional heart, whilst the supporting cast are reduced to quirky comic relief. That's not a bad place for them though, as when Beyond the Boundary does decide to lighten the mood it's pretty successful at doing so and it never feels as though the comedy has been shoe-horned in. </p><p> </p><p>

In fact the series 'silliest' episode, that involved them taking down a Youmu attracted to pretty girls, ends up being one of the most memorable of the series due to the fact that they try to distract the Youmu with a cute J-Pop Idol style dance routine. It's utterly absurd, and brilliantly bonkers. </p><p> </p><p>

In terms of the stories structure, Beyond The Boundary throws the audience right in at the deep end and the audience has to work out exactly what is going on through mostly subtle exposition. It's an approach that requires the viewer to take notice of little details such as the way a character behaves. It's not a storytelling approach I can personally call a weakness, as for me stories are much more engaging when the viewer is made to pay attention to fine details. </p><p> </p><p>

Admittedly though the closing arc of episodes does start to take things a little over the top, and the ultimate ending itself is something some viewers may end up feeling a little forced, but on the other hand we are dealing with a fantasy series here and perhaps it can get away with 'Logic Need Not Apply'. </p><p> </p><p>

Kyo-Ani do manage to establish an engaging atmosphere throughout Beyond the Boundary, during both it's more quieter and action packed moments. It is during the action sequences though where visually the series particularly stands out- perhaps it has something to do with the uniqueness of Mirai's choice of weapon, but the execution from Kyo-Ani in taking that from paper to screen is pretty much flawless. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Verdict:</strong> Beyond the Boundary does unravel a little towards the end, as the writers perhaps try a little too hard to try and knock it out of the park, but for the most part the series is an atmospheric fantasy series sprinkled with unique action and quirky humour, whilst being underpinned by a strong emotionally engaging central relationship. </p><p> </p><p>

All in all if someone would say in the words of Mirai Kuriyama herself<span style="color:#9932CC;"> </span><span style="color:#9932CC;"><em>'How Unpleasant'</em></span> when watching Beyond the Boundary, then I can't say I would be in agreement with them. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Recommended</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Is the Dub Any Good: </strong>Sentai Filmworks did the English dub for Beyond the Boundary. Whilst not perfect, for the most part it's a pretty solid dub. In my opinion most dubs succeed <em>(or not)</em> on the performance of it's lead characters and it would have to take a really terrible performance from a supporting cast member to derail it otherwise. </p><p> </p><p>

Clint Bickham does a solid job as Akihito, on the other hand relative newcomer Krystal LaPorte at times sounds as though she is trying a little too hard to be cute/moe as Mirai but she just about keeps it to a level where it doesn't become too annoying and at least the effort is there to try and get across Mirai's emotional vulnerability.It's a role though that shows once again, how hard it is for English voice actresses to try and recreate the more moe based roles, that come more naturally to Japanese seiyuu.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#4B0082;"><span style="color:#483D8B;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Plastic Memories</strong></span></span></span></span></p><p><span style="color:#4B0082;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> </strong></span></span></span></p><p><span style="color:#4B0082;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>


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<strong>Genre:</strong> Sci-Fi Drama/Romance </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Studio:</strong> Doga Kobo <strong>Director: </strong>Yoshiyuki Fujiwara <strong>Writer:</strong> Naotaka Hayashi <strong>Source:</strong> Anime Original </p><p>

<strong>Original Broadcast:</strong> April-June 2015 <strong>Episodes: </strong>13</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Synopsis:</strong> Through the request of his father to an old friend, after flunking his college entrance exams Tsukasa Mizugaki manages to land a job with the SAI Corporation, working for their Terminal Service Department, retrieving soon to expire Gifita <em>(human like androids, that have a set life span of 81,920 hours prior to deterioration setting in)</em>. </p><p> </p><p>

The Terminal Service work in pairs with one human partner and one Giftia partner, with Tsukasa paired up with the beautiful but inhibited and clumsy Isla. Tsukasa finds himself falling for Isla, but in doing so only comes to learn first hand the emotional turmoil the short life span of a Giftia brings to the human's that have come to care for them, and see them as more than just robots. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Recommended Viewing Age: </strong><em>Teens (Approx 13+) and up</em>- The combination of mild fanservice, violence and some mature content both in terms of the odd mild sexual reference and emotional content (death) means that Plastic Memories is a show that is suitable for most teens but is probably a little too 'mature' for younger viewers. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Action Level:</strong> <em>Low-</em> We get some moments where the Terminal Service team are trying to track down an escaped Giftia, and an arc that deals with an escaped 'Giftia' gone berserk, but Plastic Memories is far from being an action based Sci-Fi and is more of an emotional drama romance. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Moe/Kawaii Level:</strong> <em>High-</em> Series poster girl Isla, is like a more diminutive and softer Rei Ayanami from Evangelion. This very human like android, is practically 'Moe' incarnate. This is a show that isn't afraid to use the 'moe' appeal of it's co main protagonist to play a game of emotional manipulation with it's audience and your tolerance/appreciation of a blatantly 'Moe' main character will probably inform whether or not you will like this show. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Animation Quality/Art Style: </strong>Perhaps it's because so many modern anime series are going towards a uniform look and art style that many end up looking unremarkable, despite technically doing nothing wrong. Plastic Memories is one of these such anime's from an art and animation standpoint- everything looks nice enough and is certainly up to the current technical standards of modern anime. But there's nothing here to set the show apart from the crowd and make it stand out visually. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Music:</strong> The opening song 'Ring of Fortune' sung by Eri Sasaki is an orchestral backed slice of J-Pop, it's quite enchanting, managing to be both fairly upbeat and pretty at the same time and does a decent job of tapping into the central romance that develops at the heart of the story. The ending theme 'Asayake no Starmine' performed by Asami Imai is fairly generic J-Pop offering. A semi balladic song, it's typical closing song fare, that is performed nicely enough but makes little impact, as it sounds like a million other songs. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Plot & Characters</strong>: Plastic Memories is set in an undetermined future Japan, where androids, that are almost indistinguishable from humans, operate as part of society. Not only do these android called Giftia look human, they also have an advanced A.I that gives them a distinct personality and human emotions. </p><p> </p><p>

However these androids called Giftia, only have a set life span of around 9 years before they have to be retrieved. If they are not retrieved, then they risk becoming a danger to society, due to their A.I becoming corrupted through deterioration. It is up to the Terminal Service department Giftia's manufacturer the SAI Corp to retrieve those about to 'expire', but they often come up against resistance from those, who find it hard to give up their Giftia, having long forgotten that the Giftia are machine's with a set lifespan due to their human like nature.</p><p> </p><p>

Those giving up their Giftia are given the option of keeping the same Giftia but have it replaced with a new A.I but having someone that looks the same but now display's a different personality, could be as equally difficult to contend with emotionally for the Giftia's owner than simply saying goodbye to their machine companion all together. </p><p> </p><p>

Within SAI Corp's Terminal Service Department, the Giftia retrieval is done by a pairs of a human<em> (referred to as a Spotter)</em> and a Giftia <em>(referred to as a Marksman)</em>. It's up to the Giftia to deal with the task of erasing their fellow Gifitia's 'Memories' during retrieval, the human 'spotter' is simply there to make sure that the Giftia is carrying out their duties properly. </p><p> </p><p>

The series primarily takes place within the office of Terminal Service One, whilst the other sub departments follow a colder more mechanical procedure, Terminal Service One believe in trying to understand the emotional needs of the owner's about to give up their Giftia's. </p><p> </p><p>

Joining up with Terminal Service One at the start of the story is Tsukasa Mizugaki, who having failed his college entrance exams due, lands a job with SAI Corp due to his father's connections. Initially given a hard time by those skeptical about his ability to do the job, he wins the team over with his kind hearted nature and the way he has managed to entice Isla into opening up her personality, after somewhat shutting off her emotions. </p><p> </p><p>

However becoming deeply involved with Isla, ends up carry an emotional burden for Tsukasa, who after falling for Isla romantically, learns that his partner does not have long to go before reaching the expiry limit herself. </p><p> </p><p>

When we first meet Isla, she is clumsy and awkward, and not particularly communicative towards her work colleagues- what he learn as the series progresses is that Isla isn't so much devoid of emotion, nor is she is an incapable member of the team but that an incident in the past caused her to lose confidence in herself. Despite only having a short amount of time left, she is put back into the field and partnered up with Tsukasa- however Tsukasa helps Isla to re find her confidence and personality- however knowing she only has a short amount of time left, causes Isla a great deal of emotional turmoil, especially as she ends up caring deeply for her new partner. </p><p> </p><p>

One of those who appears to be initially unimpressed by Tsukasa, is his senior by one year Michiru Kinushima- though over time she develops feelings for him beyond friendship- only she refuses to admit the feelings she has developing for him. Raised by a Gifita parent herself, she has a strong empathy towards those who have been raised by Giftia herself and has experienced being on the other side of a difficult retrieval. Michiru's partner is Zack, a Gifitia with an appearance of a middle school boy, he has a mischievous personality, and he often liking to tease others, with his partner Michiru being his most frequent 'victim'. </p><p> </p><p>

Kuzaki Kuwanomi is the current boss of Terminal One. At first the hard drinking Kuzaki appears to be a tough and volatile character but soon shows a softer side and is highly protective of her former partner Isla. She also had to have one of her legs amputated, due to getting caught up in a dangerous incident with a 'Wanderer. Her current partner is Constance, a Gifitia with a calm and gentle personality. </p><p> </p><p>

Other notable members of the SAI Terminal One, include the laissez-fare veteran Yasutaka, and is often exasberated Giftia partner, Sherry- who has a serious personality in complete contrast to her all play and no work partner, and the maintenance team engineer Eru- she has an enthusiastic personality, and likes to dote on Isla <em>(though sometimes to Isla's annoyance</em>). In a day in the limelight episode Eru is confronted with her own difficult problem, when she see's an old Gifitia friend only to find that they have been replaced with a new A.I. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Analysis: </strong>Your reaction to Plastic Memories, may well depend on your expectations for the series. If you're expecting a thought provoking look into the integration of humanoid robots with distinct personalities into society, and the benefits and difficulties that it would bring, then you're coming into this series with the wrong expectations- it only really scratches the surface when it comes to exploring that concept. At only 13 episodes long, the writers had to make a choice on where they wanted to focus the story, and they decided to put their focus on the central relationship of Tsukasa and Isla, in the hope that the audience would become emotionally invested in their doomed relationship. </p><p> </p><p>

It quickly becomes apparent to the viewer, that Tsukasa is going to fall for the beautiful but awkward Isla, and as soon as we learn that she's a Giftia, anyone can work out that she's going to be one with little time left. Emotional manipulation of the audience it maybe, but you would have to be a pretty cold and heartless person, not to feel a tinge of sadness towards their hopeless situation and not have some admiration towards Tsukasa's eventual dedication towards his partner and those who have experienced losing a loved one to a terminal illness, will surely empathise the most with the heartbreaking situation Tsukasa and Isla eventually find themselves having to deal with. </p><p> </p><p>

From an overall standpoint Plastic Memories is at it's best, when it tackles the emotional stress of the human owners having to give up their Giftia, and the difficulties brought on by giving androids a human like appearance and personality. It's during the retrieval scenes, which are often delivered with a dignified underplayed poignancy, rather than overblown melodrama that Plastic Memories succeeds in packing the emotional punch that it's clearly aiming for. </p><p> </p><p>

As I have already said, those looking for a broader story that focuses on the impact of highly advanced androids being integrated into the society, are going to be off the mark and that the stories focus is much smaller in scope, and considerably more personal. However other parts of the series admittedly do feel like a missed opportunity- or to be more precise, they vaguely build things up within the supporting framework of the story without really paying them off. For instance we never get to know really why the Giftia's A.I has been programmed to last for 81,920 hours before it starts to deteriorate and we never get to know why Terminal Service One are allowed to get away with doing things differently from everyone else, despite running up huge financial bills- it's a potential philosophical conflict that ends up going absolutely nowhere. </p><p> </p><p>

Another criticism that can be levelled at Plastic Memories, is that it's reliance on obvious character archetypes and tropes can see the creators labelled as lazy, or more to the point someone in the creative process, whether it was the Director, the head writer or even someone else was a blatant Neon Genesis Evangelion fan to the point that they aren't even trying at all to subtly hide their obvious fandom for that series. </p><p> </p><p>

Whilst admittedly not every character in the series is an NGE clone, the three key female characters in the series are thinly veiled expy's for Rei, Asuka and Misato from the seminal 90's mecha series. Isla is the emotionless/emotionally repressed not quite human (Rei), Michiru is the fiery tempered red haired tsundere (Asuka) and Kuzaki is the hard drinking 'mother' figure (Misato). The Evangelion love letter from the creators of this series is so bleeding obvious, that they might as well have thrown in a bird based mascot. </p><p> </p><p>

Admittedly thhe Isla, Rei comparison by itself may actually be a bit harsh, as Isla is never quite as emotionally repressed as Rei was in Evangelion and with her clumsiness has a more childlike personality but it's hard not to draw comparisons between both shows, when they have the same team dynamic- though thankfully they didn't go as far as making Tsukasa a Shinji clone! </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Final Verdict:</strong> Plastic Memories is a series that admittedly does have a few problems, that have could done with ironing out. But you would have to be joylessly cynical or have the personality of a defective android to not be even remotely emotionally moved at some point during the series. It's far from perfect, but Plastic Memories is far from being a bad series either and manages to hit the mark where it matters most. It's the supporting framework around it's emotional center that knocks the serious down from a fully fledged must see to 'approach with slightly lowered expectations' fare.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#808000;"><strong>Mildly Recommended</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Is the Dub Any Good:</strong> Aniplex of America have purchased the North American license for this series, but thus far no English dub has been produced. Most Aniplex purchases end up with a dub at some point, so you can probably expect an English dub <em>(using L.A based talent)</em> appearing for this series, sometime within the next two years.</p>

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<p>Hey look this thread has now gone over the 1000 post mark! </p><p> </p><p>

Apologies for the slow review rate of late, but I've had the niece staying over the past few weeks and I've been re-watching a lot of stuff lately with her. There's both advantages and disadvantages of influencing a fellow family member with my interest. </p><p> </p><p>

The advantage is, I have someone in the family that shares my interest. The disadvantage's are that it slows me down on watching new anime, whenever she comes over to stay and I find myself with the financial burden of having to pay out for anime related merchandise for her as well as myself. Still I wouldn't have it any other way <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

She's 10, but certainly mature enough to handle BBFC certificate 12 or over in America some PG-13 fare. Certainly when it comes to the recommended viewing age segment of my reviews, most of the time I'm probably erring on the side of being conservative with my estimates <em>(that's why I say approx recommended viewing age)</em>. Really what it comes down to is the parent/guardian understanding where a younger viewer is at maturity wise as an individual, rather than simply looking at the Age certificate on a DVD box.</p>

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