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Something I recommend for review would be Jormungand.


Child soldier who hates weapons finds himself working as a bodyguard for an arms dealer named Koko, who straddles the line between Affably Evil and Faux-Affably Evil. Bullets, blood, and explosions a plenty occur.


Definitely one for fans of Black Lagoon. The characters are more down to earth and the supporting cast tends to fade into the background (a bit like GITS: SAC where half of the unit are little more than named extras in the first season). The antagonists are occasionally memorable (Orchestra being a huge example) and Koko's brother and his head bodyguard also shine in their appearances but some of the characters seem to be just there.


The protagonists who do get a share of the spotlight are for the most part well written. Jonah, the child soldier, takes his job seriously and seems to take a liking to Koko. Koko is a Balalaika-esque strategist and charismatic leader who seems to have a heart and is trying desperately not to become a total villain. Her right hand, Lehm, is a grizzled veteran and master sniper who becomes a mentor figure to other characters. And her left hand, Valmet, is a one-woman spec ops team who happens to have a yandere-like obsession with Koko.


There is a bit of fanservice and comedy (mostly involving Valmet and either her yandere-ness or her massive chest) which sometimes takes away from the action (Example: During a serious combat situation, Koko complements Valmet, and Valmet mentions getting a nosebleed). There's also a point in the second seaon that, while probably intended as comical, can be interpreted as offscreen date rape, so watch out for that.


Either way it's a pretty good series. I'm only 4 episodes in to the second season so I don't know if the series ends in a satisfying way. Season one manages to save what would have otherwise been a non-ending finale with a foreshadowing of season two.


Oh, and don't skip the 'previously on' moments, because they segue right into the actual start of the episode almost seamlessly. So don't just fast forward to the (pretty neat) intro sequences.

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* Warning the review may contain some spoilers in regards to Fate Stay/Night


Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural, Action


Studio: Ufotable Director: Ei Aoki Writer: Akira Hiyama/Akihiro Yoshida Source: Light Novel by Gen Urobuchi

Original Broadcast: October- December 2011/ April-June 2012 Episodes: 13 + 12


Notes: The first episode was a double length episode. Though the series if technically two seasons, the break between them was only 4 months, and the first episode of the 'second season' is a direct continuation of events from the first season. So it's not really worth perceiving the series to be two separate seasons. Fate/Zero is a prequel to the Visual Novel (and then Anime) series Fate Stay/Night- originally as Light Novels written by Gen Urobuchi and then as this anime adaptation.


Synopsis: Seven magi shall summon seven heroic spirits in order to take part in the fourth Holy Grail War (the three previous incarnations failed to find a conclusive victor) to take place in Fuyuki City, Japan in order to obtain the elusive Holy Grail and in turn be granted a miracle.


Three families have been central to the Holy Grail wars since the beginning, the Tohsaka's, Matou's and Einzberns and after three straight failures the Einzberns are determined to win the Holy Grail, even if that means hiring the despised 'magus killer' Kiritisigu Emiya.


Kiritisigu once dreamed of being a hero, but he has since cynically abandoned this ideal, realising that in order to save the many, he must sacrifice the few and for the sake of lasting peace, he will ruthlessly destroy those who threaten it. Torn between providing protection for his new family and doing everything he can to complete his task, Kiritisigu summons a heroic spirit whose deep rooted sense of chivalry and idealistic justice, clash with Kiritisigu's more cynical world view.


Meanwhile Kiritisigu's toughest opponent in the Holy Grail War, may just be the jaded priest Kirei Kotomine, who has been hired by the Tohsaka family in order to assist their effort.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and up- There isn't much in the way fanservice (if any at all, as far as I can recall) but Fate/Zero is definitely not for kids or even younger teenagers in all honesty- plenty of blood is shed, characters get bumped off in some fairly graphic ways and the whole side angle with the Matou family and their power being based around parasitic bugs can get quite disturbing.


Action Level: Fairly High- Fate/Zero isn't an all guns blazing/swords clashing action series all of the time, but it does feature plenty of battles between the various Magi's and their servants (the summoned heroic spirits)- that are delivered with variety and impressive showmanship that really shows off Ufotable's gorgeous animation. No one battle feels the same (no matter how big or small), and from a personal viewpoint, the quality of the action on hand in an anime will always outweigh the frequency of action provided and there is little doubt that Fate/Zero provides plenty of captivating action sequences.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Low- Fate/Zero isn't what you would call a moe or cute series, but one or two of the characters have some 'moe' like qualities if you want to clutch at straws here, such as the Von Einzberns (both mother and daughter), the young Rin Tohsaka or even Saber herself when she becomes flustered.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Whilst Studio Deen's production of Fate/Stay Night back in 2006 wasn't terrible, it didn't quite hit the mark in delivering the epic beauty that a series as grandiose as the Fate series truly deserved. Ufotable's adaptation of Fate/Zero effectively fixes that- the background art is at times astonishingly gorgeous whilst the key action scenes are flawlessly animated. There really is little to find fought in terms of the visual delivery for Fate/Zero.


Music: It pains me to say it but none of the Opening's or Endings for Fate/Zero really captured or excited me and given how potentially great this series could be both from a visual and story standpoint, that came as a disappointed. None of the openings or Endings used are dreadfully unlistenable but all were rather generic to my ears.


Yuki Kajiura's soundtrack, also suffers from the same fate (pun not intended) to a certain degree. It's perfectly serviceable and does a decent enough job of complimenting what is taking place on screen but none of the soundtrack manages to stand out or truly enhance what is going on.


Plot and Characters: The central plot that ties Fate/Zero together is the holy grail war but behind the battles that take place between the various teams, the story is really about the relationships between the masters and their servants, and the personal journeys that each of the characters go on.


The main protagonist team of the series are the cynical Kiritsigu Emiya and his idealistic, chivalrous partner Saber (Arturia Pendragon- viewers that have already seen Fate Stay/Night will know that she is a genderflipped version of King Arthur). Kiritisigu's and Saber's viewpoints regularly clash right to the very end, the main strain in their working relationship coming from the fact that Kiritisigu is willing to do anything to get to his goal (no matter how underhanded) whilst Saber believes in fighting with honor and challenging their opponents head on. Providing support to the Kiritsigu/Saber team are Kiritsigu's powerful yet frail wife Isrisviel Von Einzbern and Kiritisgu's fiercely loyal assistant Maaya.


A couple of flashback episodes during the series second half, give us insight into how Kiritsigu's viewpoint on life came to be and we come to learn to the woman that raised Kiritisugu to be a ruthless assassin Natalia Kominski.

Providing what looks to be the main opposition to the Von Einzbern/Kiritsigu alliance is the alliance formed by the Tohsaka family. In order to help win the war, the head of the Tohsaka family Tomioki Tohsaka has enlisted the help of Kirei Kotomine an inquistador from the church that is serving as a magecraft apprentice to Tohsaka, whose father also happens to be the 'neutral' overseer of the Holy Grail War. At first Kotimine who is the master of 'Assassin' feels he is just there to be a hired gun and that he has no calling himself to win the Holy Grail, but as things progress he finds his own selfish reasons to stay in the fight and becomes obsessed over the man he feels can help 'find himself' Kiritisigu Emiya.


Tohsaka is very much a strict tradionalist when it comes to following the rules of Mage Craft, so much so that he was willing to give up his younger daughter to another family (even if that family are known to be cruel) so that his eldest can have the best chance to grow up to be a powerful mage. Tohsaka's servant is the immensely powerful Archer class King Gilgamesh, a very arrogant man who thinks of himself as a 'God'. Gilgamesh becomes bored and somewhat irritated by his straight laced, by the book master and it is conversations between Gilgamesh and Tohsaka's apparent ally Kirei Kotimine, that light a fire of ambition under the empty priest.


Connected to the Tohsaka's are the Matou's, a family of mages that use a disturbing style of magecraft based around the use of bugs. The connection comes from the fact that Rin's younger sister Sakura was adopted by the Matou's, but that has resulted in her having to endure being put into a pit of worms by the families sadistic head Zouken Matou. In order to 'save' Sakura from her cruel fate, the Matou's estranged son Kariya Matou agrees to endure the parasitic worms in order to enter the holy grail war, in order to realise his goal of saving Sakura. Kariya's servant emerges as one from the Berserker class, a crazed Black Knight with a borderline suicidal fighting style- and one who appears to have a deep seated grudge to settle with Saber.


The rest of the Master/Servant teams are made up of those outside of the three main mage families, but one's that a certainly no less important to the plot. Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald is a renowned mage at a magus college. Kayneth who strongly believes that a long bloodline inheritance makes for only the best and most powerful magi, tears up a controversial thesis from his student Waver Velvet, that challenges those viewpoints. In retaliation Waver steals an artifiact that would have helped Kayneth enter the Holy Grail War.


The inexperienced Waver ends up summoning a servant from the Rider Class, the brash and over the top 'King of Conquerers' Iskander (Alexander The Great). Though the wimpy Waver and the manly Iskander often quarrel at first, this pairing end up perhaps becoming the closet of all the teams in terms of forming an actual friendship, with Iskander helping Waver to grow from being a somewhat obnoxious and self centred brat to a much braver 'man' by the end of their journey.


Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, eventually does manage to summon a servant of his own from the Lancer Class, but Diarmuid (who rivals only Saber in terms of following the code of honor and chivalry) frustrates his smug-snake of a master. Another thing to note is that the arranged fiance of Kayneth Sola-Ui, has eyes for his servant Diarmuid, a situation that happens to hark back to Diarmuid's own legend.


The final team one who appears to have no real desire to obtain the holy grail and appear to have entered the battle by accident- that being the team of the sadistic child killer Ryuunosuke and his servant from the Caster Class Giles De Rais, who delusionally thinks that Saber is Joan of Arc (Giles De Rais fought alongside Joan of Arc but was also found guilty of carrying out many child killings that he was eventually executed for). Because of their similar backgrounds this master and servant team ends up getting along rather well, but soon find themselves being the first target of being eliminated from the war by all the other teams, due to their openly evil deeds and the fact that they appear to actually have no goal in obtaining the mythical Holy Grail themselves.


In terms of the fact that all the servants are mythical heroes/villains from folklore, that is revealed a lot more readily than in Fate Stay/Night where that was kept under wrapped for a lot longer- with much of the audience already familiar that Saber is King Arthur etc, there was no point in shrouding most of the servants in secrecy. The only servant they end up doing this for is for Berserker, who has taken on the identity of a crazed Black Knight.


Analysis: The challenge that prequels always have to overcome is the fact that a large percentage of viewers already know what the ultimate outcome of the prequel is going to be. Everything hinges on the journey, rather than the destination and quite often that journey is going to come under heavy scrutiny from an established fanbase, it's very rare that a prequel gets the green light for a creation/product that wasn't already well received, and though Studio Deen's adaptation of Fate Stay/Night in 2006 did have it's flaws it was a generally well received series, so Ufotable's adaptation of Gen Urobuchi's prequel Light Novels had pressure on them to produce something that could at least match up to, if not surpass the original Fate Stay/Night.


From a visual standpoint Ufotable's Fate/Zero adaptation already has the jump on Studio Deen's Fate Stay/Night. Whilst it's slightly unfair to compare an anime from 2011/12 to 2006- Fate Zero's art and animation is considerably better and will make you feel that the Fate series has finally been given the visual palette that something this grand within the ambitions of it's story deserves.


With a story revolving around the battle between teams of magi and mythical heroes fighting over the Holy Grail, the Fate series was always something that had lofty ambitions and though Fate Stay/Night touched upon the concept's great potential, it was far too centred on it's irritatingly idealistic 'hero of justice' main character Shirou Emiya.


Fate/Zero pretty much looks at the weakest elements of Fate Stay/Night and wipes them away, by making Saber's partner in Fate/Zero Kiritisigu Emiya a whole lot more damn deeper, complex and interesting that Shirou ever was and also make near enough all the over masters and servants feel just as important to the holy grail war that takes place in Fate/Zero (only really Assassin gets short changed in terms of any significant screen time/development)


Where Fate/Zero really thrives is not in the gorgeously animated battle sequences, but in the relationships between the primary characters, both within each of the teams and when the various master and servants face off against each other- the story of Fate/Zero isn't so much based around the clashing of weapons but more a battle of wills, a battle of whose belief in what they stand for is stronger than everyone else, no matter how flawed that may be.


Fate/Zero really does do a great job of presenting an ensemble of characters whose driving forces all get put across with a strong conviction, whilst also giving those characters room to grow when they have their ideals/point of view challenged by the situations put in front of them.

The scripting of the series also does a good job of throwing in enough interesting twists and turns in regards to alliances being formed and broken throughout the story, to keep the viewer on edge, without ever going overboard in that regard. Though many viewers will be aware of what the ultimate end will be for Fate/Zero (because it sets up the events that took place in Fate/Stay Night) there is little to complain about the execution of the journey in getting to that point.


As I already alluded to in the music section of this review, the only disappointing part of Fate/Zero is the soundtrack (op and eds included) and even then it does little to hurt the fact that Fate/Zero manages to be not just a good, but a great contemporary fantasy series.


Closing Verdict: Simply put mediocre soundtrack aside Fate/Zero, sees the Fate series finally achieve the anime adaptation it's epic scenario deserves, both in terms of a truly fulfilling script with strongly executed characters and Ufotable's beautiful visual representation.


Highly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Aniplex of America, took on the dub for Fate/Zero using mostly L.A based voice talent. Using a mostly experienced voice cast, the dub for Fate/Zero is one of the better L.A dubs from recent years (Probably because it's one of the few truly great properties suited to western dubbing not snapped up by Funimation).


Despite the original Fate Stay/Night dub also being one to use L.A based V.A talent, the role of Saber is recast with Kari Wahlgren taking over from Kate Higgins.


In terms of standout performances Matthew Mercer does a very commendable job in the lead role of Kiritisigu Emiya, whilst Jamieson Price often stole every scene he was in as Rider/Iskander.

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A remake of Fate\stay Night just finished on Crunchyroll. I had watched the first episode but then came across that fate\zero was out so decided to watch that first before I start watching Fate\stay night. Also haven't seen the original version from 2006 so don't know if there were any changes between the two versions, other than the animation being brought up to Zero's level.
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A remake of Fate\stay Night just finished on Crunchyroll. I had watched the first episode but then came across that fate\zero was out so decided to watch that first before I start watching Fate\stay night. Also haven't seen the original version from 2006 so don't know if there were any changes between the two versions, other than the animation being brought up to Zero's level.


The 2006 adaptation focused on the Fate route of the game and the new one focuses on the Unlimited Blade Works route. Essentially, it's a completely different story compared to the original anime.

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Black Butler II

(aka Kuroshitsuji II)







Genre: Dark Fantasy (TV) /Comedy (OVA's)


Studio: A-1 Director: Hirofumi Ogura Writer: Mari Okada Source: Anime Original *


Original Broadcast: July-September 2010/ October 2010- April 2011 (OVA's) Episodes: 12 + (6 OVA's)

* Though Black Butler was originally a manga series written by Yana Toboso, the second season is entirely an anime original story.


Synopsis : Following the events of the original Black Butler, we are introduced to a new Master and Servant pairing, that of the sadistic yet cheerful Alois Trancy and his enigmatic butler Claude Faustas......


It turns out that Sebastian Michaelis was prevented from consuming the soul of his master Ciel Phantomhive- which in turn is the trigger for Sebastian/Ciel crossing paths with Claude/Alois and thus begins a battle of Butler vs Butler over the soul they both wish to consume.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (approx 16 +) and up- The second season is slightly more adult in content than the first season, and pretty all because of one new character in particular.


The producers probably felt there wasn't enough fanservice for the guys in the first season- so they threw the considerably large breasted Hannah Annafellows into the mix- however despite being the seasons 'Miss Fanservice' she also provides some of the seasons more squickier moments such as having her eye poked out by Alois Trancy or having a sword pulled out of mouth.


Action Level: Fairly High- More of the same quirky and creative action from the first season, with Sebastian's delightfully amusing utilization of eating utensils as weaponry. Because there is less focus on the comedic aspect of this season/plus the shorter run, the ratio of action scenes to the number of episodes appear to be delivered at a higher frequency than the first season.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- What I said for the first season of Black Butler, still applies here...Ciel's fiance the enthusiastic Lizzy is still the most 'moe' character in this series.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Much of what I said about the first season of Black Butler still applies here- the series maintains the same style with the main success remaining it's ability to bring to life it's Victorian gothic setting.


Music: Opener 'Shiver' by visual kei act The Gazette is a bit of a generic rocker, but has plenty of energy and does a relatively decent job of getting the viewer pumped up for the coming episode. Ending song is the gentle ballad 'Bird' by Yuya Matsushita, which is nicely sung by all means but is rather forgettable.


Kalafina bring their dramatic/gothic tinged vocal stylings with 'Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni' as a special one off ending song. Kalafina's style fits in well with the aethestic of Black Butler, but I'm starting to think that if you've heard one Kalafina song, you've probably heard them all (probably being a bit harsh there mind you- they are no where near as rinse and repeat as ALI Project).


Taku Iwasasaki continues on as the soundtrack composer, and just like his soundtrack to season 1 it does a solid job of supporting the content on screen, without really standing out.


Plot and Characters: Black Butler II primarily revolves around the battle for Ciel Phantomhive's soul between his butler Sebastian Michaelis and the butler of Alois Trancy, Claude Faustus.


Though Claude has made a contract to be Alois butler, he is in fact much more fascinated and enamored with Ciel and is determined to steal the 'Queens Guard Dog' away from Sebastian. Claude much like Sebastian is very efficient and highly skilled as a demon butler, but has more of a colder and officious personality compared to the Phantomhive Butler.


Alois Trancy is introduced as a sadistic jerk who abuses his servants but is very needy and dependent on Claude. However his tragic back story, which involved him being abused as a younger child, goes some way to explaining his current unstable mental state.


Also in service at the Trancy household, are three creepy triplets that work under Claude and the much abused (by Alois) and submissive maid Hannah Annafellows. However there is much more to Hannah, than originally meets the eyes-she's certainly not as vulnerable as she is made out to be at the beginning of the story and ends up playing a major role in the story.


Though the Trancy household are major factors that ultimately drive the second season, Ciel and Sebastian remain the primary protagonists of Black Butler. Between the end of the second season and the events of this season, Ciel has lost all memory of the recent past (i.e the events of the first season), however he has grown more of backbone and is more willing to fight his own battles, rather than be dependent on Sebastian. Sebastian of course id determined to protect Ciel, if only because he wants to be the one to consume Ciel's soul, though there are hints that the demon butler has grown a little more genuine respect for his master.


The comedy elements that were evident in the original Black Butler are still in place, such as Sebastian's unflappable efficiency or Grelle Sutcliffe's over the top campness, but the more overtly comedic episodes are certainly less in nature, whilst the incompetent staff of the Phantomhive Manor have largely been reduced to minor supporting roles.


That's certainly the case for the TV series, the OVA's on the other hand have a considerably more light hearted focus- which I will delve into deeper with a mini review of the OVA collection at the end of the review.


Analysis: The second season of Black Butler was always going to have a bit of an uphill battle to follow it's predecessor, from the fact that it was going to be an anime original, and not follow then manga- something which was always going to come under even more scrutiny from the fanbase the franchise already had in place. However just because the anime ended up taking a different path, that didn't necessarily mean that the path it was going to take was going to be a bad one....


Well unfortunately the first episode will have the alarm bells ringing for many, because we are introduced to a new master/butler pairing and not the beloved Ciel/Sebastian partnership. And this new pairing are pretty much guaranteed to piss you off, from the first time you will set eyes on them. Alois is a foul and abusive jerk that makes Ciel at his most pompous look an angel in comparison, whilst Claude is an inferior model Sebastian. Sure he's efficient like Sebastian but from the get go, there's something very off/considerably less charming about him and assure you you're not going to like it.


Thankfully the opening episode is a bit of a ruse, and by the end of the episode we learn that Ciel and Sebastian are still our main protagonists, because I don't think I could have suffered an entire season focused entirely on the Trancy household (even if they still have a major role to play in the story).


In fact one very clever thing that they pulled off for this series, was to make a special opening (same song/but different animation) that made the Trancy household to be the main protagonists of the series for the first episode. It's a subtle touch that I ended up really appreciating, and a nice way of futhering the illusion that this season of Black Butler was going to revolve around a different master and butler.


The two cour length first season, at times felt as though it was in a tug of war between being a macabre gothic fantasy set in Victorian England and a screwball comedy about a pompous young aristocrat, his cool and efficient Butler and their incompetent staff, but the second season save for one or two episodes pretty much kicks the incompetent staff and his screwball comedy to the kerb. But as hypocritical as this sounds, considering that I felt the first season was sometimes a little unfocused in what it wanted to be, I did kind of miss having more of those lighter moments this time round.


As for the plot itself, it tries to be compelling stuff but it ends up being over-reliant on shocking plot-twists, many of which end up being relatively nonsensical when you truly look into the logic of the series- however I will give Black Butler II credit, that I never felt bored watching the series and in a lot of ways illogical but entertaining is better than logical but dull.


The good thing about Black Butler II, is that the relationship between Ciel and Sebastian has at least evolved, with Ciel having grown some proverbial balls in this second season, and be a lot dependent than in the first season, something which contrasts greatly with the very needy Alois Trancy.


I would say that I even managed to warm up to Claude in the end, sure he's nowhere near as charming as Sebastian, but I ended up liking the fact that they were these two demon butlers, who were in a lot of ways similar but so very different. However I could not ever warm up to Alois Trancy- even with the series doing a commendable job of explaining his back story and giving a valid reasons as to why he has turned into a such despicable jerk- the character is still such a little shit through the entire season, that I still wish he had been bumped off after the first episode.


A-1 Pictures producton values are still very good, and the returning supporting cast (though underutilized) this time round are still as entertaining as they were in the first season. All in all despite it's flaws the second season of Black Butler, still has it's moments but it ends up being brought down by a plot riddled with holes and an abhorrent major character.


Closing Verdict: Black Butler II is by all accounts, no where near as charming as the first season but its not a complete disaster and is still relatively entertaining. Just don't go into this one, thinking you're going to get a repeat of the first season and be prepared to suffer through an extremely irritating character (Alois) to appreciate the good stuff (Sebastian).


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: The two new major additions are Jason Douglas pulling off an impressive job of playing against type as Claude Faustus (as much as I love Tatum's performance as Sebastian, from a technical stand point Douglas performance as Claude is more impressive, as Sebastian is very much in Tatum's natural comfort zone), whilst as much as I despised the character himself- the always reliable Luci Christian did a good job as Alois Trancy.



Black Butler II- OVA Collection (Mini Review)




I decided to do a mini review of the OVA collection, because it's 6 extra episodes of content and it's a much different beast from the broadcast television series, being much more comedic in focus.


The OVA's are very much the kind of OVA's that are one off throwaway stand alone affairs, that have no effect on the plot and not the sort of OVA's that end up filling in some of the holes between seasons or adding some further depth, that the television series may not have had time for.

What you get is a two part spoof of Alice in Wonderland, a more humorous look into the Trancy household (which reveals that the triplets are in fact gossips who think that their master is a bit of a nutcase), an episode viewed mostly from a first person perspective of a visitor to Phantomhive manor, an OVA based entirely around the fledgling days of the Reapers (William.T.Spears and Grelle Sutcliffe) and a spoof making of documentary for the second season of Black Butler.


All the OVA's are quite amusing, but the biggest successes are the first person perspective 'Welcome to Phantomhive Manor' and the hilarious spoof making of documentary, that ends with a gloriously over the top trailer for the second season featuring a plot even more nonsensical and ridiculous than that of the T.V series itself.


Though the OVA's are little more than disposable time wasters, they do a good job of bringing back some of the light hearted charm that was missing from the second season proper of the T.V series and for the most part did end up being quite amusing and fairly creative as far as inconsequential OVA's go. Mostly it's refreshing that this time round there isn't a pool/beach/onsen/ blatant excuse for fanservice episode in sight.


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Mayo Chiki!






* Mayo Chiki is an abbreviation of Mayoeru Shitsuji to Chikin na Ore to. Which translates into English as 'The Stray Butler and Myself the Chicken'.


Genre: Comedy, Romance, Harem


Studio: Feel Director: Keiichiro Kawaguchi Writer: Reiko Yoshida Source: Light Novels by Hajime Asano

Original Broadcast: July- September 2011 Episodes: 13


Synopsis: Kinjiro Sakamachi is a 17 year old Highschool boy, who suffers from gynophobia (an abnormal fear of females), which results in him having a nosebleed everytime he has physical contact with a member of the opposite sex.


Meanwhile the daughter of the school principal Kanade Suzutsuki is accompanied by her handsome and popular (with all the girls in school) butler Subaru Konoe. However whilst using the men's restroom Kinjiro accidentally discovers that Suburu is in fact a girl.


Girl phobic Kinjiro then finds himself roped into helping Suburu and her sadistic mistress Kanade, keep Suburu's secret from being discovered in order for Suburu to continue her family's proud tradition of serving the Suzutsuki family as their personal butlers.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and up- As one will expect Mayo-Chiki! features a fair amount of sexual innuendo and relatively strong fanservice (mild nudity). The sexual content here is mostly played for laughs and there are series with much stronger adult content but it's still unsuitable viewing for younger audiences (my personal opinion is that this is fine for those over 15- which incidentally is the certificate it received in the UK from the BBFC).


Action Level: Fairly Low- Kureha likes to bust out pro wrestling moves on her brother, and occasionally the series plays up on Suburu being a Butler with superpowered martial arts training- but any hint of action here is purely played up for comedy and it's certainly not a series you could consider to be one that will please action fans.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Fairly High- Mayo-Chiki! features plenty of cute girls, not least it's cross dressing co-protagonist Suburu, whilst some of the other girls such as Usami and Nakuru also have their 'cute/moe' moments.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The art and animation of Mayo-Chiki falls firmly in the middle ground of not being bad but not being great either. From the character designs to the background art it's exactly what you would expect from a comedy/romance based on a relatively light novel series. The most impressive part of the animation is that they do a good job of recreating a fairly prolific variety of pro wrestling moves (whenever Kinjiro is being 'affectionately' beaten up by his younger sister Kureha).


Music: Opening song Be Starters by Eri Kitamura is exactly what you would expect for a series of this nature, a slice of disposable J-Pop that is relatively catchy but pretty forgettable after you are done watching the series. Rinse and repeat with the slightly more sweeter and a little less energetic ending theme 'Kimi ni Gohoushi' sung by Yuka Iguchi.


Plot and Characters: Mayo Chiki revolves around Kinjiro who suffers with gynophobia and Suburu a girl cross dressing as male in order to carry out her families tradition of being a butler to the Suzutsuki family. Basically the plot is driven by two strands the fact that Suburu's identity as a girl needs to be kept a secret between Kinjiro, Suburu (and her family) and Kanade (and her family) from everyone else and Kinjiro and Suburu gradually falling for each other despite Kinjiro's problems when it comes to physical contact with women.


Kinjiro whose mother is a professional wrestler, regularly found/finds himself as a regular punching bag by his sister Kureha (who clearly wants to follow in her mothers footsteps), and this sowed the seeds of Kinjiro's gynophobia. He is also nicknamed 'Chicken' due to the fact that Japanese naming customs put the family name before the surname (Sakamachi Kinjiro), and if you combine the Chi from the end of Sakamachi and the Kin from the start of Kinjiro, it sounds like the English word Chicken- this ties in neatly to the fact that Kinjiro is a 'Chicken' around women.


Suburu Konoe is the handsome butler of Kanade Suzutsuki, and is admired by all the girls in the school to the point that 'he' has his own fan club. Except the fact that Suburu, isn't really a 'he', he is in fact a she. The reason Suburu is Kanade's Butler and his cross dressing as a male, is that her family the Konoe's have been in service to the Suzutsuki's throughout the generation. However she was an only child and being a female she could not continue the Konoe's proud butler tradition. However Suburu was determined to continue her families tradition, so Kanades father agreed to let Suburu be Kanade's butler, but on the condition that Suburu attends school as a 'boy' and be able to keep it a secret from everyone else. If Suburu's secret is revealed she must give up being a butler.


Suburu was able to keep up the act without anyone noticing until Kinjiro accidentally stumbled upon her secret, however Kanade manages to use Kinjiro's own personal problems as a bargaining tool to rope him in to helping keep Suburu's real gender identity a secret. A thing that both Kinjiro and Suburu have in common is the fact that they have both lost a parent (Kinjiro his father, Suburu her mother) but as Mayo Chiki is a light hearted comedy, this is rarely brought up and is only really central to one episode, with a visit to a cemetery.


Kanade Suzutsuki is the daughter of the school head and a from a rich family. Though obviously in a priviledged position, she actually doesn't act too high and mighty around others. However when it comes to those she feels she can take advantage of such as Kinjiro, she has a sadistic streak and takes great pleasure in teasing people. However her teasing of Kinjiro, does seem to have a motive behind it- to help him get over his gynophobia and help him be more comfortable around the girl he is obviously growing feelings for (Suburu).


The main supporting cast include Kinjiro's, wrestling mad sister Kureha (who has a crush on Suburu, not realising that the butler is in fact a girl), Suburu's overprotective father Nagare Masamume Usami a tsundere type who is a member of the Suburu fanclub (S4- Shooting Star Suburu Sama) that becomes quite close with Kinjiro and is also a regular victim of Kanade's teasing, and Nakuru Narumi a well endowed cat-eared 'kogul' who is a member of the sub section of Suburu's fan-club that likes the idea of him hooking up with another boy- naturally she has a fetish for 'Boys Love' manga and also has a fetish for glasses.


Analysis: Female characters cross dressing as males and having to keep a secret aren't anything new (Ouran Highschool Host Club comes to mind), and the nosebleed trope has also been hammered to death. But Mayo Chiki's central plot/romance of a gynophobic male lead- roped into helping keep a cross-dressing female butler keep her gender identity a secret, did at least feel somewhat original, even if the idea felt very 'high concept' and the kind of thing that probably wouldn't have much mileage out of it and likely to lead to a crass fanservice comedy.


Here's the pleasant surprise about Mayo Chiki! however- the series is still a harem, it is still chock full of fanservice and nudge nudge wink wink innuendo, but the slow burning central romance between the two central leads Kinjiro and Suburu had a surprising amount of heart and a genuine sweetness to it.


Some of the other girls such as Usami clearly hold a proverbial torch for Kinjiro by the end of the series, whilst Kanade probably ends up having the most physical contact with Kinjiro, but the story does a relatively good job of putting across the fact that Suburu is the only girl that really matters in the end and there are some genuinely tender (if also awkward- given Kinjiro's condition) when the two protagonists find themselves alone with each other.


The comedy itself is hit and miss, some of it is genuinely rip roaringly funny, whilst some of it feels laboured after a while. Many of the awkward situations are born from the machinations of the sadistic 'mistress' of Suburu, Kanade.


Though Kanade is clearly needed to provide a spark for the series, there are times where her sadistic tease personality becomes a bit irritating- personally for me her schemes made the jump from 'this character is highly amusing' to this 'character is irritating and someone who probably deserves a bit of a slap', but your mileage will probably vary (if you're a Kanade in real life- you'll probably love the character). In Kanade's defence, the series does do a relatively good job of showing that she isn't a fully fledged bitch and that her teasing may be done with good intentions.


Though it feels like progress has been made in the central relationship between Kinjiro and Suburu by the end of the series, the conclusion itself is frustratingly open ended (teasing a second season that has yet to materialize and is increasingly looking like a read the manga ending), whilst the final episode itself feels like an anti climax that has no bearing on the plot and could have been kept back as a DVD only OVA.


Closing Verdict: Though still far from being a great series, the 'high concept' Mayo-Chiki! ends up being better than it probably has any right to be, and that's mainly down to the pleasant surprise of the main protagonists genuinely sweet and understated central 'romance', amongst all the fanservice/innuendo and zany comedic situations.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Originally a sub only release, Sentai Filmworks did finally release a dub for this series in 2014. I can only form an opinion of the dub from one episode (as I saw this series sub).


From what I've seen of the dub, it's passable but no better than that, like many of these kind of series the original Japanese performances just feel more natural. From what I listened to, it's not the worst dub I've heard but it's not really good enough to refrain me from recommending that people switch to the sub for this one.

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The last few reviews are not really my cup of tea, but great reviews. I've seen some of the Fate/zero series but didn't get drawn in or anything. I might watch Mayo Chiki!, these kinda shows are just cute fun and after a day of dealing with special people, it's a welcome change.
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Magical Shopping Arcade- Abenobashi






Genre: Comedy Adventure, Supernatural, Parody


Studio: Gainax/Madhouse Director: Hiroyuki Yamaga Source: Anime Original

Original Broadcast: April-June 2002 Episodes: 13


Synopsis: Sashi and Arumi are friends that have grown up in Abenobashi, a crumbling shopping district in Osaka that is due for redevelopment. Sashi becomes depressed upon the news that his friend will be moving with her family to Hokkaido in the North. However after witnessing an accident involving Arumi's grandfather and the breaking of one of Abenobashi's god statues, the childhood friends suddenly find themselves transported into an Abenobashi based on an RPG adventure world.


The pair want to make it back to their own world but each time they ask to go back 'home' they jump to another bizarre world. Could there be a deeper reason, why they can never make it back to reality, and why is every world populated by a mysterious man that goes by the name of Eutus and the buxom redhead Mune Mune?


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (approx 14+) and up- The main deliverance of fanservice is the ample breasted Mune Mune (her name literally means breast, breast), who regularly where's skimpy outfits that draw attention to her considerable assets. There is also generally quite a bit of relatively crude/lewd humour that won't be suitable for kids.


Action Level: Medium- Martial Arts, RPG Adventure, War Films, Mecha are amongst the genre's being sent up by Magical Shopping Abenobashi, so there is plenty of over the top action on offer. Of course being a parody, the action on offer here is nonsensical and illogical to the extreme.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Low- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi can be considered to be somewhat an anti-moe series. Some moe type characters, do get introduced in the dating sim world, but like everything else in this series they are there to be sent up.


Animation Quality/Art Style: In general the character art style is a little dated, though against much of todays 'cookie cutter' moe stylings, the designs look refreshingly original. The series does have plenty of fun though, with changing art styles in accordance to what theme they are parodying.


Meanwhile the background art and general animation level are fairly well detailed and pretty impressive for an early 2000's anime, which should be expected from a collaborative effort between the surreal/creative minds of Gainax and the reliability of powerhouse studio Madhouse. Compared to today's anime it does show it's age, but when put up against other anime of the day, Abenobashi holds up pretty well.



Music: Both the opening and ending songs were sung by Megumi Hayashibara. The opener 'Treat or Goblins' is both extremely naff and kind of awesome at the same time. A episode commentary featuring the dub cast, mentions that the song sounds like an 'Eddie Murphy movie theme' and to be fair that's a pretty accurate description. The so bad it's great song features some really cheesy background rapping and nonsensical Engrish lyrics and despite sounding like it was dug out from 1985, ends up being a great fit for the series.


The whimsical and nostalgic ballad Anata no Kokoro ni (In Your Heart) provides a nice contrast to the funky opening song, and ties in nicely with the more heartfelt side of the story.


Shiro Sagisu's OST is bright and lively, and able to find the appropriate mood for each of the episodes. There are some obvious nods to other soundtracks, but as this is a parody based comedy that's exactly what is wanted and expected. Listen out for a snippet of the Evangelion soundtrack, of which Sagisu also helmed the OST.


Plot and Characters: The basic premise of Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi is that revolves around two pre-teen's in Elementary school, finding themselves jumping from one strange world (each based on a different genre) to another.


Sasshi like a lot of 12 year old boys, has a vivid imagination, is into 'geeky' interests and is just discovering an attraction to the opposite sex. Arumi on the other hand like many girls at that age is a little more 'mature'. Each gimmicked version of the Abenobashi Shopping Arcade, they find themselves transported into finds Sasshi having fun and embracing each new world and it's rules, whilst Arumi is frustrated an angered by not returning to reality.


Whilst at first it appears that hopping to each new 'world' is a random occurrence, it soon becomes apparent that each new world is in fact the figment of Sasshi's vivid imagination and that in truth he doesn't really want to go home. That may be because Sasshi is afraid of seeing his closest friend move away when they return to reality, whilst later on another reason emerges, that involves Sasshi wishing to shield his friend from the a horrifying truth. But the more Sasshi denies them going back home, the more Arumi gets frustrated with Sasshi for not telling her exactly what is going on.


The supporting cast is made up of Sasshi and Arumi's family and friends from Abenobashi- all of whom pop up as characters in each of the 'hobby worlds' that Sasshi and Arumi find themselves transported to. Each world is also inhabited by the enigmatic middle aged man Eutus and the buxom bespectacled redhead Mune Mune (who randomnly appears as villain, comic relief, ally). However Eutus and Mune Mune's appearance in each world is not as random as it first appears, and the two characters have a deep connection to Abenobashi and the families of Sasshi and Arumi, and as the story progresses, it also reveals a strong connection to Abe no Seimei, an Omyoji ( a sort of mystic tied into Japanese folklore).


The main basis for Abenobashi's delivery of comedy, is the fact that it pretty much sends up a different genre for each episode- ranging from RPG adventures to Hollywood movies via hardboiled 1930's film noir detective stories amongst other things. As expected there are also plenty of running gags that thread through the various parodies, such as Arumi being disgusted/cheesed off with whatever bizarre world the two kids find themselves in next, or Sasshi's face being pushed into Mune Mune's ample breasts.


Analysis: Any anime comedy that is entrenched in the 'parody of the week' format is always going to find itself compared to Excel Saga, but to it's credit Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi does throw in a surprisingly semi serious story amongst all the madcap antics, which in turn help it to stand out as being a little bit more than an Excel Saga knock off.


The first episode of Abenobashi is relatively sane and gives me the false impression that it's a whimsical slice of life series revolving around a shopping district in Japan. But from the second episode on- the viewer and the main characters are transported into a stream of bizarro worlds and over the top parodies, save for an equally surprising diversion into more dramatic territory with an episode that looks into the older generation and the formation of the Abenobashi Shopping Arcade.


It's that occasional turn into more serious drama, that gives a welcome breather from the insanity and as I've already pointed out helps give the series it's own flavour when compared to other series of this ilk. The comedy being so reliant on parodies and references, won't connect with everyone and as always with something like this there is broad comedy that will appeal to a large amount of people, but equally so there are obscure references that perhaps only a handful of people will get. If I'm being entirely honest much of the comedy in place for Abenobashi evokes a 'aah! I get that, that's quite clever' with a hint of a smile reaction, rather than regularly providing a belly fully of non stop laughs.


Over all though Abenobashi's attempts at parody are genuinely more hit than miss, with only a few episodes being total duffers (an episode where they visit a prehistoric dinosaur world comes to mind). Amongst the winners are the Martial Arts and Western Cinema based episodes- that will probably have the most success of reaching the funny bone of western audiences and my personal fave an episode based in a 'Dating Sim' world, packed full of cute girls that hilariously sends up the cliches and tropes regularly found in those games.


As far as our two lead main characters go, they are amongst the more realistic portrayal of children on the cusp of becoming teenagers, that I've seen in any anime, despite the often bizarre and over the top situations they find themselves transplanted into. However I found myself growing a severe dislike for Arumi by the end of the series. Arumi unfortunately is one of those girls who likes to regularly dish out physical abuse to the dumb male protagonist- in this case her apparent friend Sasshi. These kind of characters just annoy me, as I don't know why anyone would put up with their selfish behaviour, equally the dumb male that suffers the abuse also annoys me- for taking it.


In all honesty, despite their generally more grounded and realistic portrayal of elementary school kids at the start, both of the leads end up being irritating. Arumi annoys me because she is pretty much of a Grade A bitch towards Sasshi, despite apparently being his friend and in the end her behaviour ends up wiping out any sympathy I may have had towards her for constantly 'suffering' at the whims of Sasshi's vivid imagination. Whilst Sasshi annoys me, because I think 'move on, this girl isn't worth it- you have nothing in common accept for the fact that you've known each other since birth'. Overall though Sasshi is the more likeable character, as though very much on the dumb side, he means well- even if his well meaning just ends up causing more problems.


I will give some credit where it is due though, and that the creators of this series obviously ended up realising how annoying Arumi was becoming, and had all the physical misfortune turn around on her in the Dating Sim episode- which may also go someway to explaining why I enjoyed that episode so much- because I was fed up seeing her abuse and berate Sasshi and her 'suffering' in that episode just felt like sweet justice.


As far as the story itself goes, it does end up being quite interesting and thought provoking- centred around themes such as accepting fate, facing up to reality and that simple realization of growing up. But unfortunately being a Gainax production, it ends up throwing away the moral lessons that it's built up for both it's main characters and the audience throughout the series, by giving us a typically nonsensical 'Gainax Ending' which ends up rendering the more serious/dramatic elements of the story a complete waste of time.


Closing Verdict: There is plenty to like about Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi- the parodies whilst not always hilarious, generally hit the mark and are treated with the wild and vivid imagination that is to be expected from a Gainax production, whilst the occasional diversion into more sombre territory provides a nice change of pace and gives the random insanity a sense of purpose. However the series ends up being blotted by one of the central leads being a stuck up/physically abusive girl and a cop out of a 'Gainax Ending'.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: The English dub was done by the now defunct ADV films with Luci Christian and Jessica Boone in the lead roles of Sasshi and Arumi. In order to find a way of replicating the Osaka accent in an 'English form' they went down the route of giving the inhabitants of the Abenobashi Shopping Arcade a southern hick accent- which is kind of distracting at first, but after a while you get used to it and at least they showed some kind of effort in acknowledging that dialect being different from standard Japanese plays some role of importance.


Whilst I would personally give the edge to the original Japanese version, the English version ends up being pretty decent and Luci Christian's performance where she has to tackle both a strong southern drawl and take on being cast as a 12 year old boy, is highly commendable.

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Crunchyroll Request Month


Yeah so I've decided to do another one of these Crunchyroll request things again, as I thought it was a fun way for me to watch/review random stuff on Crunchyroll.


Just as last time, once I have 4 requests in (only 1 request per reader though), those will be the series I will review.


Also just as with the last time I did this, the rules are:


1. Series can't currently be airing.


2. No series over 30 episodes long.


3. Must be available on the UK version of Crunchyroll (I appreciate that readers from North America/Australia will not necessarily know which series are eligible- but just fire off a request and I'll let you know if I can watch it).


And to state the obvious- first of all check the opening post of the front page to see if the series has already been reviewed, before placing your request.

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Clannad-After Story





Genre: Drama/Romance with a hint of the supernatural.

Studio: Kyoto Animation Director: Tatsuya Ishihara Writer: Fumihiko Shimo Source: Clannad Visual Novel developed by Key

Original Broadcast: October 2008- March 2009 Episodes: 22 (+ 3 OVA)


Synopsis: Following immediately on from events of the first season, after declaring their love for one another Tomoya and Nagisa begin to have a close relationship but their life will have many emotionally tough challenges ahead.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (approx 13+) and up- Again no fanservice to speak of (apart from one scene in an OVA episode featuring the Fujibayashi twins bathing together) but the heavy emotional drama dealing with issues such as death, alcoholism and child abandonment amongst other things see's Clannad remain unsuitable viewing for younger viewers- I would say that this is even more the case with 'After Story' than the first season and that you will need to have a certain maturity level to fully appreciate this series.


Action Level: Virtually Non Existent- Misae the dorm landlady likes busting out some wrestling moves, and there's the odd fistfight here and there, but everything is either done for comedic or dramatic effect and one certainly couldn't mistake Clannad After Story for being a series that will appeal to action fans.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Extreme Moe Overdose- Despite the bigger focus on the adult supporting cast, than the highschool characters as the series progresses- Clannad remains a very 'moe' series, especially as the series lead heroine Nagisa Furakawa is a cute introvert who suffers with a seemingly incurable chronic illness.


Animation Quality/Art Style: What I said about the first season pretty much applies here. Background art and the general animation level as always is beautiful, as is expected to be expected from Kyo-Ani who are the masters of making the mundane look magnificent. And the very moe/big eye faithful to the visual novel character designs may be a sticking point for some people.


I will say that I came across as a little harsh, when it came to the 'Illusionary World' segments for the original series- as these segments whilst the CGI is obvious, the animation for them are majestic. Maybe it's more a case that I got used to them more this time round and found them less jarring against the rest of the series.


Music: The soundtrack which is largely adapted from Jun Maeda's original soundtrack for the visual novel, isn't the most expansive of OST's, with quite a few tracks being noticeably repeated throughout the series- but in some ways the 'limited' soundtrack makes each track all the more memorable and the soundtrack also succeeds in providing appropriate emotional backing.


Opening theme Toki O Kizamu Uta, sung by Lia is run of the mill Maeda whimsical J-Pop but it does at least fit well with the series, and is nicely sung by Lia. Ending theme Torch also sung by Lia, is a surprisingly up beat and cheerful ditty (given that this series like's to put you through the emotional wringer) but ends up being largely forgettable/skippable especially in comparison to the first seasons beautifully bittersweet ending song Dango Daikazoku (which thankfully makes a reappearance in several guises throughout the soundtrack).


Plot and Characters: After Story can effectively be split into two parts, the first third which follows the short-arc format focusing on a different central character for a few episodes, and then the final two thirds of the series which concentrates on the main relationship of the series between Tomoya and Nagisa and their transition from highschool into adulthood and beyond.


The first episode is a light hearted episode featuring all the main characters playing baseball, before going into a series of mini-arcs, giving a little bit of limelight to some of the more periphery characters- which include Tomoya's best friend Youhei Sunohara (problems with the soccer team), 'librarian' Yukine Miyazawa (secret involvement with the cities rival gangs) and student dorm landlady Misae Sagara (flashback to when she was in highschool and had her own romance issues).


The real story kicks in after Tomoya has graduated from highschool, with most of the (highly emotional) drama centred around or at least connected to Nagisa's mysterious chronic illness. This leads to issues such as Tomoya feeling as though he is going to leave Nagisa behind in life (with her illness holding her back) and of course major problems when it comes to starting a family together.


I don't really want to go into too much more detail in regards to the drama that Tomoya and Nagisa have to face along the way, but let's just say that both the audience and Tomoya are put through the emotional wringer.


Whilst Nagisa and Tomoya's fellow highschoolers are reduced to periphery supporting roles in After Story, the adult characters step up to take a more prominent role. Nagisa's parents Akki and Sanae grow even further beyond their semi comic relief role from the first season, to become important emotional support to both Nagisa and more vitally Tomoya. Yuusuke Yoshino (the former rock star turned electrician) becomes Tomoya's work colleague and see's his own character development fleshed out whilst becoming a good friend to Tomoya via working together and Tomoya's 'useless drunk' father gets some development and some explanation for his problems whilst earning a degree of sympathy from both the audience and Tomoya.


There one more very important character that appears in the final third of the series and ends up providing a link between the 'real' world and the mysterious 'Illusionary World' that features a lone girl and a robot made of junk.


Whilst Clannad continues to be primarily driven by it's emotional drama and even more-so with After-Story, the odd moment of light relief still remains, such as Akki (Nagisa's father) hamming it up. All in all the series still has that ability to make you smile (or even laugh) between the 'heavy' stuff.


Analysis: It's widely accepted that 'After Story' is superior to the first season of Clannad, but after the first 8 episodes you'll be wondering what the general consensus are on about. The opening episode, featuring a baseball involving the primary cast is good fun, and the mini-arcs are fine too but everything for those first 8 episodes, just fills like filler left over from the first series- and the kind of material that could fill up a couple of discs worth of OVA's.


But then the focus gets turned back onto Tomoya, Nagisa and the Furukawa clan and Clannad turns into the heartwarming/heartbreaking tour de force that the series deservedly has a reputation for obtaining by it's conclusion.


Immediately the most refreshing part about 'After Story' in it's all important final two thirds, is that focus beyond that period of life after highschool, and also that period in a relationship beyond the courtship (so many anime relationships go unexplored beyond the first kiss or declaration of love).


It's also refreshing to see an anime put so much focus on making it's adult characters feel important, and certainly the role that Nagisa's parents have to play reiterate Clannad's general message about having/needing a 'family' there to support you through your toughest times. Certainly the central over-riding theme of Clannad (and it's something that is only enforced during After Story) is that if you believe in 'Love' then you can conquer even the most challenging of hardships. The most cynical amongst us, may scoff at that, but Clannad's commitment to it's over-riding message by the conclusion of it's story feels heartfelt and genuine.


Though the tragedy that delivered in 'After Story' is of an even grander and more gut wrenching scale than the first season of Clannad, it is still able to mix in some lighter moments to go with it's darker moments. Firstly these lighter moments are much needed to give a much needed break from the misery, whilst the comedy itself is surprisingly effective and even manages to be genuinely funnier than some fully fledged comedy series.


As for what 'After Story' is best known for, those moments of overwhelming heartbreak for the characters (primarily Tomoya) and the viewer- only the most cruelly cynical and with a heart of a brick, will be unable to prevent themselves from being moved to tears. I guarantee that by the end of this series, you will be blubbering like a baby at some point, whether or not you breakdown at the first major gut-wrenching moment of sadness or finally break down later on, 'After Story' will get to you- because the nature of it's sadness should hit close to home for most people or at the very least most should be able to empathize with the characters, even if the most heartbreaking moments are unlikely to be something that most thankfully will not endure.


The ambiguous ending might leave some viewers with a sense of feeling unfulfilled, given the unflinching emotional rollercoaster 'After Story' places upon both it's main characters (Tomoya especially) and it's viewers, but the ending ingeniously stays true to Clannad's visual novel roots and does at least finally give some meaning and purpose to the 'Ilusionary World' segments that felt kind of random and out of place during the first season.


Just as with the first season, the presentation of the series obviously helps add to the experience with Kyoto Animation's mastery of giving routine everyday life a sense of wonder, and proving positive that not all anime needs to have epic action sequences to make it worth your while.


By all means 'After Story' isn't perfect and it admittedly won't be for everyone.... a lot of people won't be able to get past the 'moe' character designs and quite a few won't feel like they could enjoy a drama that revels in putting it's main protagonists through the most painfully sad of situations.


It's also possible in that case those with stonier hearts will find 'After Story' a tad melodramatic. Though from my own personal viewpoint, I'm not ashamed to admit that I was blubbing like a newborn baby by the end- in that regard the story hit it's mark, because surely it's aim all along was to touch everyone with raw heartfelt emotion , that watched the events of Tomoya, Nagisa and their extended 'family' unfold over the course of Clannad's two seasons.


Closing Verdict: As much as I'm tempted to give Clannad- After Story the rarefied air of a Highly Recommended rating, due to just how emotionally rewarding the story was by the end, I can't quite bring myself to do that.


First off I fully understand, that emotionally draining melodrama like this won't be for everyone, plus there is is the fact that the characters themselves, both in their aesthetic design and behaviours are very moe.


Finally the series isn't perfect even with those obvious barriers, as the opening third of After-Story, is the weakest part of the entire Clannad story and felt like throwaway OVA filler.




Is the Dub Any Good?: The cast of the first season return, as Sentai filmworks continued to have the license for Clannad. As with the first season, the dub isn't terrible but it's not exactly great either and thus to get the best experience out of Clannad is to stick with the original Japanese voice cast.

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I'll third Invaders and add one.


Magimoji Rurumo. Cute show with witches.


Review for Invaders will be up soon, but disappointingly I'm still waiting for two more recommendations. Must be something else, that readers of this thread, want to see me review from Crunchyroll's collections of anime titles! :p

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Review for Invaders will be up soon, but disappointingly I'm still waiting for two more recommendations. Must be something else, that readers of this thread, want to see me review from Crunchyroll's collections of anime titles! :p


I have a couple, the thing is they are still running on CR so they aren't eligible :/

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Invaders of the Rokujyōma!?





Genre: Harem Comedy with a Fantasy Twist.


Studio: Silver-Link Director: Shin Ōnuma Writer: Shogo Yasukawa Source: Light Novels by Takehaya

Original Broadcast: July- September 2014 Episodes:12


Synopsis: When Kotarou Satomi starts highschool, he decides that he wants to be independent of the family and makes the decision to move into a place of his own. He finds a ridiculously cheap apartment (Room 106, Corona House). Unfortunately for Kotarou he soon finds that various supernatural girls also want Room 106 for themselves for various reasons.

Kotarou ends up with living with this unusual set of girls, as they try to find a way to settle who will take ownership of Room 106.

Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 12 and up- Some light fanservice during an obligatory beach episode, with the girls in swimsuits- but that's about it. 'Invaders' cashes in more on the moe charm of the various heroines, rather than ecchi levels of fanservice and innuendo. As a harem aimed at primarily teenage/male audience goes, this is one where you won't have to reach for the remote if your little sister/brother walks into the room.


Action Level: Medium- I wouldn't call 'Invaders' a pure action fantasy series, in fact most of the time it's a harem comedy but because of the girls being various supernatural types- we do end up with some fantasy battle sequences, especially when the rivals to the girls come into the picture. As for the quality of the action sequences, they aren't anything to get too excited about (if that's what you're mainly going to be coming in for this series for) but they aren't devoid of creativity or effort either.


Moe/Kawaii Level: High- This series features a highschool boy, surrounded by cute girls (cute girls that are a bit weird- but hey that makes them all the more cuter in the anime world!). At the end of the day if you strip away their various mystical/super powers the girls in 'Invaders' are stereotypical moe-blobs and if stereotypical moe-blobs make your toes curl, then it's likely your enjoyment of this series will be hindered.


Animation Quality/Art Style: 'Invaders' is directed by Shin Onuma, who cut his teeth working at Shaft under Akiyuki Shinbo. In fact the majority of Silver Link's projects have been helmed by Onuma but in terms of art and animation they have certainly been more conventional than the works of Shaft and in trying to find his own individual style away from his mentor, Onuma's work for Silver Link has kind of ended up looking like everyone else.

Despite of the somewhat generic (from character designs to background art) feel that the series visually ends up having, the art and animation levels are pretty high, with 'Invaders' being bright and vibrant throughout, something that suits the series generally fun mood.


Music: Opening song "Koukan win-win Mujouken" sung by a collective known as Heart Invader (which is actually the respective seiyuu for the four main featured heroines of the series) is a typically energetic and fun slice of J-Pop- disposable and not leaving much of an impression after the series has ended but a suitable fit for generally fun series, whilst ending song Koi Wa Milk Tea by Petit Milady (who are actually the two seiyu for Kiriha's two loyal Kokeshi doll servants) is a more restrained J-Pop effort.


Plot and Characters: 'Invaders' revolves around the protagonist Kotarou Satomi and the various supernatural girls he ends up sharing his apartment with. Things take an interesting turn for Kotarou after he has an accident at the archeology sight he works at, after which he gains the ability to see ghosts and handle supernatural items. It's after this accident that Kotarou finds Room 106, being 'invaded'.


At first Kotarou and the girls have a rivalry over who should ultimately end up with ownership of the room, but eventually they all become 'fire forged friends' especially when the various girls have to fend off trouble that has followed them to Room 106. Throughout the course of the series, Kotarou goes from wanting to be rid of the girls as soon as possible to genuinely caring about their well being.


The main four girls consist of a ghost, a magical girl, an intergalactic alien princess and the one that's perhaps the weirdest to explain of them all, a magic wielding descendent of an ancient race of people that moved underground centuries past.


The first girl to lay claim on Room 106, is the resident ghost Sanae, but the problems don't just end there for Kotarou. They are soon invaded by the clumsy magical girl Yurika (though no one else believes she actually is one and that she is just a cosplaying otaku) who claims that she needs to defend the apartment from a set of evil magical girls and the intergalatic princess Theaimillis (usually referred to Theia or her nickname Tulip) a flat-chested tsundere type (think Eri Sawchika from School Rumble if she were from another planet) whose aim is to make Kotarou her servant, in order to prove her worthiness of being a successor to the throne of Fortorthe. Then top it all off, Kotarou finds himself invaded by Kirhiha a well endowed oracle of the Earth People who claims that they her and her people will be invading the surface but in order to do so she needs to seize control of Room 106.


The most prominent member of the supporting cast is Harumi Sakuraba the well mannered president of the Knitting Club that has feelings for Kotarou, who feels mutually the same way- though they are never quite able to tell one another how they really feel. It is also hinted throughout that Harumi might not be as completely 'normal' as it first seems.


The remaining supporting cast includes Theia's dependable servant Ruth, Shizuka the landlady of Corona House, whose exceptional fighting abilities means that she is able to command authority and control over the 'residents' of Room 106 (despite their various supernatural abilities), Kirhiha's magical wooden Kokeshi dolls Karama and Korama (my personal favourite minor characters of the entire series) and Kotarou's highschool friend Kenji (who is perhaps the only completely normal character of the entire show- given that Kotarou himself has gained the ability to see ghosts and wield magical artifacts).


Analysis: As harem Invaders of the Rokujyōma!? is refreshingly sweet (in the fact that it's much more about friendship than the girls trying to get in the protagonists pants or vice versa) and also equally fun. Sure there are those fantasy elements and some action too but at it's heart 'Invaders' is a comedy and one of the much maligned harem variation.


What 'Invaders' successfully manages to do is show that the harem set up can genuinely be fun. The girls personalities are a bit stereotypical, amongst these stereotypes you have the ditzy one (Yurika), the tsundere ojou (Theia) and the mature big breasted one (Kiriha). But despite their stereotypical all the girls do manage to get some development, especially when the series delves into their own individual character arcs after the first few episodes.


Those first few episodes end up being a bit misleading, as it looks as though 'Invaders' was going to revolve around Kotarou and the girls competing against one another in various challenges until one of them would end up as the victor- as it is the series veers into a different direction, with the girls having to fend off a series of antagonists- the events of which end up bringing them all closer together. In some ways it's disappointing 'Invaders' did not keep upon it's original path, as the 'competition' element of the first few episodes felt fresh and original.


But what the rest of the series trades in for originality, it makes up for in character development and an endearingly sweet take on the harem formula, with all the girls winning Kotarou's heart not as girlfriend material (throughout the series it's made abundantly clear that he only has eyes for Harumi Sakuraba in that sense), but merely as friends. Throughout the trials and tribulations that Kotarou and the girls that have invaded his life have together, 'Invaders' does a good job over the course of it's 12 episodes to make you believe in their journey from initially being all antagonistic towards one another, to having a strong bond of friendship by the end of the series.


As male protagonists amongst a sea of females goes, Kotarou continues the much welcome trend of harem leads, that aren't wimpy and/or accidentally perverted. Kotarou by all accounts just comes across as regular joe, who just happens to have accidentally stumbled into being a weirdness magnet. OK so far, so generic but what's likeable about Kotarou is that he's willing to stand up for himself but at the same time isn't completely insensitive to when he ends up being in the wrong. Plus when it comes down to stepping up to the plate and helping protect his friends, he is able to do so. He believably wins the various girls trust and collectively in turn the girls get him to believe in them.


The only thing that really holds 'Invaders' back from stepping up from merely being an enjoyable show to a great one, is that it doesn't really do anything exceptionally well- whilst it's handling of it's harem element is endearing as a romance it's lacking, the comedy is relatively funny but not side-splittingly so and the action elements are fun but they aren't going to wow you anytime soon, and as I already alluded to in the Moe/Kawaii segment of this review, if you are adverse to moe-blobs then you probably won't enjoy 'Invaders'.


As far as the ending goes, it does a decent enough job of wrapping things up for a first season, but leaves things very much up in the air for a second season. Though I get the feeling that this is more in faint hope than anything else and this will end up in the 'read the manga' category with hundreds of other shows over the years. That's not a knock on 'Invaders' in fact I would personally welcome a second season but I'm just not sure it's the kind of series that will make a strong enough impression against the competition to earn another run.


Closing Verdict: A fun and at times really quite endearing harem comedy with a fantasy twist, 'Invaders' is the kind of series, that whilst it has very little to fault it for, it's unlikely to have anyone going into bat for it proclaiming it's credentials as a MUST SEE anime.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Sentai filmworks have obtained the North American license for the show, but thus far no dub has been produced nor has the dub cast even been announced. I'm not at all surprised this got picked up by Sentai, as Funimation and/or the L.A based dubbing studios tend to steer clear of the kind of anime that is unlikely to produce a dub that has a strong chance of being able to stand up to the original Japanese track yet alone surpass it, where as Sentai are happy to pick up the leftovers (which sounds a bit harsh- considering I actually quite liked the series that I've just reviewed here).

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my three i'd love a review of that appear to still be running are:


Aldnoah Zero


Parasyte - the maximum


World Trigger


Looked those shows up, and those look like three shows I would look forward to watching.


Aldnoah Zero, a mecha that see's another collaboration between Ei Aoki and Gen Urobuchi , I have high hopes for that!


Parasyte at the very least looks interesting, and it's from a studio Madhouse that's usually good at handling those kind of shows.


World Trigger is set to run for 50 episodes, so it will be a while before I get to that one, but it looks like the kind of thing I would enjoy and potentially be worth being invested in 50 episodes for.

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Looked those shows up, and those look like three shows I would look forward to watching.


Aldnoah Zero, a mecha that see's another collaboration between Ei Aoki and Gen Urobuchi , I have high hopes for that!


Parasyte at the very least looks interesting, and it's from a studio Madhouse that's usually good at handling those kind of shows.


World Trigger is set to run for 50 episodes, so it will be a while before I get to that one, but it looks like the kind of thing I would enjoy and potentially be worth being invested in 50 episodes for.


Thanks! I think you'll like them, though to be fair im only caught all the way up on Aldnoah Zero. I like the story a lot, and the action scenes are also very good.


I found one that's done, but missing on the list. I'd request a review of


Akame ga kill

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Magimoji Rurumo







Genre: Ecchi Comedy with a supernatural twist.


Studio: J.C Staff Director: Chikara Sakurai Writer: Mariko Kunisawa Source: Manga by Wataru Watanabe


Original Broadcast: July- September 2014 Episodes: 12


Synopsis: Kota Shibaki can't stop thinking about girls and his obsession over the fairer sex has seen him branded as the most perverted boy in school and unfortunately for him the girls he is so desperate to attract, give him a wide berth or berate him for his perverted tendencies.


One day Shibaki (who is also a member of the Mysterious Discoveries Club) stumbles across a book that can summon witches. Shibaki tries the book out as a joke but an apprentice witch Rurumo appears before him. However Shibaki learns that as punishment for not taking his soul for summoning her, Rurumo has been demoted to an apprentice witch which means she must stay on Earth, and in order to become a fully fledged witch again, Shibaki must use up a book of 666 Magic Tickets in order for Rurumo to complete her training.


Later on though, Shibaki learns from Rurumo's familiar Chiro (a talking cat) that once the last ticket has been used, he will die. Shibaki is left with a choice does he keep making wishes and help Rurumo become a witch again or does he resist temptation in order to maintain his own life.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (approx 14+) and up- One could consider Magimoji Rurumo to be an ecchi comedy, considering the perverted tendencies of the main character and the consistent level of fanservice. Though the fanservice is quite constant, it's actually fairly mild in comparison to plenty of other shows and despite some slapstick violence here and there, there isn't really anything else that is likely to offend. All in all it's a show that's not at all suitable for younger viewers, but if say a 13 year old stumbled across this, as fanservice driven comedies go, this ones relatively 'innocent'.


Action Level: Virtually Non Existent- Pretty much an action free show- if you're looking for high octane action then this show won't deliver it for you.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Fairly High- Rurumo the titular female witch of the series, pretty much fills the series 'moe' quota by herself, due to her gradually defrosting emotionless girl personality and her clumsiness.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The best thing about Magimoji Rurumo's art style is it's character design and the worst thing about Magimoji Rurumo's art style is it's character design. I know I just contradicted myself there, but here's the thing- though the art style isn't necessarily original in itself, it has a slightly old school look that manages to look fresh against the art style of choice that has been en-vogue with many an anime studio ever since K-On! was a huge commercial success.


However some of the character designs are flat out terrible- especially when it pertains to Shibaki's male friends. The female's of the cast generally fair better, but the male characters generally look as though they're all suffering from some kind of deformity.


As goes the background art and general animation quality, it's not the worst but it's far from being the best. In all honesty it's what J.C Staff (who churn out a lot of anime, but must do so by cutting corners all the time) serve up when comes to the visual delivery for their shows.


Music: Opener "I Want to Convey This, With All My Might!" is a cute J-Pop opener sung by the seiyuu for Rurumo (Suzuko Mimori)- with the light fluffy sung, suiting the generally light hearted nature of the show. Ending song "Our Chronostasis" sung by Yurika Endo is another generic J-Pop number (the gentle acoustic opening is really sweet, but the rest of the song sadly- isn't anything special)


Plot and Characters: The plot of Magimoji Rurumo is a simple on to follow, and the series is almost entirely episodic. Each episode usually throws up a situation where Shibaki will be tempted into using one of the magic tickets, whether that's fulfilling a wish or as the series progresses more likely to get him out of a difficult situation. For the most part Shibaki tries to resist using the magic tickets knowing full well that his life will end if he uses them all up but the various situations he finds himself thrown into results in him having to summoning Rurumo's help.


Though the show has a relatively large cast of characters, it soon becomes pretty clear that Shibaki and Rurumo are the only one's that truly matter. The male protagonist of the series Shibaki is your typical kind hearted pervert character- he tends to become overdramatic and is a bit pest when in the company of attractive females but over the course of the series he shows that he is a caring and thoughtful friend- which especially shines through over this blossoming relationship with Rurumo- who really does come to care for, even though their bond was accidentally forced upon him.


The deadpan Rurumo is a shy klutz, who is only good at doing magic spells (though she does reveal another talent late in the series), even though she is desperate to complete her training (unaware that doing so will result in her contractor Shibaki losing his life in exchange) she gradually begins to experience more 'human' emotions, and begins to have fun whilst growing ever more closer to Shibaki during her time as a 'trainee' whilst stuck on Earth.


The large supporting cast includes Rurumo's familiar Chiro (a mischievous/slightly obnoxious talking cat, that can also change into human form), Shibaki's mother (who turns psychotic when she thinks he has brought back a girl or a pet) and his younger brother. The members of the Mysterious Discoveries Club (all of whom take Mysterious Discoveries alot more seriously than Shibaki), Shibaki's other friends (who come to him for dirty mags etc), a girl who has a crush on the president of the MDC, a big breasted girl, a gang of female bullies- erm I mean the Hall Monitors (one of whom holds a secret pastime that belies her serious nature as a monitor) who constantly give Shibaki a hard time, an attractive, large breasted female cop- whose assets are even larger than the big breasted girl in Shibaki's school and finally another witch, who is an old friend/rival of Rurumo.


Analysis: If you like shows that are happy to settle for mediocrity, then Magimoji Rurumo quite possibly is the show for you. The premise of the show isn't all that bad, even if the idea of a 'pervert with a heart of gold' protagonist will have your eyes rolling regardless. But the set up with the trainee witch (Rurumo) appearing before Shibaki, and them entering into a pact where if he uses summons her help, he goes a step closer to losing his life was relatively intriguing. But it goes absolutely nowhere, leading to a final episode that practically screams 'read the manga'.


As far as the two lead protagonists goes, Shibaki's softer caring side is aimed to make him more sympathetic as a character, and in some degree it does but he's hugely irritating when in OTT pervert mode- or perhaps blame here could be shifted to the OTT performance of his voice actor (Makoto Takahashi). I don't usually like to critique too much on the Japanese voice acting performances but language barrier or not, even I could recognise that Takahashi needed to reign it in a bit.


Which in turn contrasts greatly with Suzuko Mimori's, turn as the titular Rurumo. I appreciate that Rurumo is supposed to be emotionally repressed, but at time Mimori's performance just comes across as lazily flat, it's only when Rurumo begins to show a little more emotion towards the end that she manages to make the trainee witch more appealing as a co-protagonist.


As for the supporting cast, most of them pretty much useless- either being deadweight (the big breasted girl in school, Shibaki's friends) or unsympathetic and annoying (the trio of Hall Monitors) - Sure I found Shibaki irritating enough sometimes, that I felt like punching him myself- but the hall monitors just came across as stuck up bullies. I know they do manage to soften the hall monitors later on, by peeling back their uptight facade but it wasn't enough to make me shake off my lowly their opinion of them.


The only supporting character's that actually add anything to this show, are Rurumo's mischievous talking cat familiar Chiro- easily the most fun character in the entire show, and Rurumo's fellow witch Harulily- who ends up being wasted on a single arc.


As far as being a comedy goes Magimoji Rurumo does manage to provide a few laughs here and there, but from my viewpoint it mostly relied on lame slapstick and cliched fanservice related gags. However I could forgive the show misfiring on the comedy front, if it offered up anything great elsewhere, there a glimmers of hope here and there with some genuinely tender moments between Shibaki and Rurumo (whose relationship blossoms more like a cute older brother/younger sister relationship- rather than a romantic one) that tease the show delivering 'charm' at the very least if nothing else but they end up being overshone by the crude attempts at comedy. And in all honesty, if ecchi fanservice shows are really your thing, there are plenty of shows that offer up better quality fanservice, if 2D titillation really is your bag.


The biggest let-down though of Majimogi Rurumo is that the supernatural element, the very thing that could have added some spark to the show, comes across as a tacked on afterthought. The moments where Rurumo gets to use her magic, never really come across as a big deal, and this is the area where the show suffers the most from J.C Staff's churn them out on the cheap policy.


Closing Verdict: Whilst Magimoji Rurumo isn't the worst show I've had to endure, it's a long way away from being something that I could actively recommend people to watch. It's got some promise in there somewhere, but it doesn't do anything consistently well enough (be that hilarious comedy or heartwarming drama) nor does it have the production values to provide some smoke and mirrors to hide the flaws with it's characters and script.




Is the Dub Any Good?: Thus far no dub has been produced, and in all honesty it wouldn't surprise if a dub never see's the light day for this show.

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