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Will pictures be the same format?

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I know developer's journal is a little while away, but I'm hoping Adam will give us one answer as soon as possible.


Will pictures still work the way they do now in terms of being in .jpg format and 150x150? It's lasted this way for a few TEWs so I expect no changes, but just in case, I want to make sure I don't waste time on cutting between now and then!

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I know developer's journal is a little while away, but I'm hoping Adam will give us one answer as soon as possible.


Will pictures still work the way they do now in terms of being in .jpg format and 150x150? It's lasted this way for a few TEWs so I expect no changes, but just in case, I want to make sure I don't waste time on cutting between now and then!


I've wondered if maybe one of the big changes will be full body renders as opposed to just faces. Would be cool to see tights and would make tag teams, managers, etc. that much more interesting.

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I've wondered if maybe one of the big changes will be full body renders as opposed to just faces. Would be cool to see tights and would make tag teams, managers, etc. that much more interesting.


Call me oldfashioned but I've always been a fan of the older, more (almost) cartoony 150x150 renders, circa TEW04. When they changed Mainstream Hernandez photo to this new clean cut modern render I simply couldn't use him anymore. I had to find the very old bio of him. Same goes with a lot of other workers too.


I must be going against the tide when I'm saying I seriously hope there won't be any full body renders. Think about the size of the database even, it'd be a lot of work to begin with.


All that aside, I hope for transparent backgrounds/screen that would be a lot easier to mod. I did several skin mods in TEW series and they were a lot of work.

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Very unlikely. Unlike WMMA, TEW is largely based on gimmicks and creativity. You start using full body pictures and you either limit yourself to the amount of gimmicks you can give a character or you find yourself making unreasonable alt requests like "can someone give Giant Redwood a leopard print onesie?".


At most, I think an up in the resolution might be nice. Boost them up to 250x250. Stretch the images out at the moment, then let renderers make new higher res photos for everyone.

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I am also a fan of NOT having full body renders, for the same reasons already given. But it would be nice to have some of them posted for use in diary promos etc. And there just isn't any room in the interface imo.


Higher resolution faces could be an option (300x300 like in WMMA).

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I've been in favor of full body renders forever. I would love it to be like WMMA or CBH, with one of each.


To me it's simple (maybe not to code, but the idea of "how to"). You have the database use the default "normal" pics in any situation that calls for a full body render on those that don't have one (or waist up render, whatever would be decided on), which would be the normal 150x150 (or a new rez of 250x250 stretched for ones that are still 150x150.. would love that as well). There are a ton of even really old renders that already have full body renders for them. Seems like about 30% or more of the renders being done in the render threads include full body renders as well.


As far as gimmicks are concerned :

You start using full body pictures and you either limit yourself to the amount of gimmicks you can give a character or you find yourself making unreasonable alt requests like "can someone give Giant Redwood a leopard print onesie?".

To me I think the face is harder to make new gimmicks for, but as I said, the default would be used in this situation if no full body render is added for the gimmick. I can't see why people are so scared of it (for years now), when it seems common sense that it would make the game visually more appealing drawing in more consumers, a normal part of evolution in a game. The ease at which you can "fix" not having a full body render for any or all characters if you don't want them yourself, by just utilizing the headshots instead.


well that would require people to do full body renders of everybody in the cverse... so I doubt it.

This seems to be the very heart of "why not" more then anything else. It's not a "requirement", so it's not really a problem, at least the way I see it. IF the render looks interesting, no matter if there is a full body render or not for it, it should still be used as we normally would. I would love to just be able to use the one's that we already have, and I wouldn't object (nor do I think anyone else would) to new people being added that have no full body render, meaning I wouldn't change the way you do renders (for those that do them), unless you WANT to. Just do like normal, and we will still use them.


Example: I would still use London and Stark's pics for new workers, although I don't have many full body renders on them. I use them in "real world" games as well, and although I wish renders were made with similar backgrounds as real world mods, I don't mind using them at all, because I need visual stimulation for my games.


TO ME, my opinion, a full body render would only give me more idea's for workers because of the visual reference I can see. It's nice to know that The Force is built like a bodybuilder (for example). It would be nice to see how fat or skinny others are, with more then just the head to go by, and that alone gives me a dozen more idea's for them. To me, creatively, it would be completely opposite then what was stated earlier in this thread.


So yeah, I would love to have an option for full body renders, and I also feel that the longer we keep putting it off, the more we are really holding back on evolving graphics of this particular game series.

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I think everyone already knows that I'm a big fan of integrating .PNG format (alongside the .JPG we already use) if we're going to .NET (sure the file sizes can be larger, but no reason that the default database would have to ship transparent-ready, plus easily moddible backgrounds would be amazing and save us modders so much time in the long run), and I thought I'd just chime in with my opinion on the full body render debate.


I'm not fervently for or against full body pictures, but if we were to expand the view we get of a worker, I'd opt for torso upwards more than anything. I'd say that 98% of the time I don't need to see a worker's knees to get a better idea of his physique or character. The other good thing about that is that you don't need to have such a big image. I've been cutting 150x200 (width by height) pictures for a long time now, for diary purposes, and most of the time that extra 50 vertical pixels does the job of conveying what you need to about a character.

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I think everyone already knows that I'm a big fan of integrating .PNG format (alongside the .JPG we already use) if we're going to .NET (sure the file sizes can be larger, but no reason that the default database would have to ship transparent-ready, plus easily moddible backgrounds would be amazing and save us modders so much time in the long run), and I thought I'd just chime in with my opinion on the full body render debate.


I'm not fervently for or against full body pictures, but if we were to expand the view we get of a worker, I'd opt for torso upwards more than anything. I'd say that 98% of the time I don't need to see a worker's knees to get a better idea of his physique or character. The other good thing about that is that you don't need to have such a big image. I've been cutting 150x200 (width by height) pictures for a long time now, for diary purposes, and most of the time that extra 50 vertical pixels does the job of conveying what you need to about a character.


I agree with you, no need to see "Knee's" really. I think most mean that same thing though when saying full body renders.

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For me, having full body pictures is not so important. If Adam decide to go that way, fine. Keeping the 150*150 style, fine. Going a between them, fine too. But I agreed than we don't need to see their knees. Don't forget than the C-Verse have more than 2000 peoples inside. Make a full body pic for everyone will be a long, long work (and maybe the game will be release later).


But something will be interesting, is having pics a little bigger to have a style like WWE when they talk about an upcoming match for their next PPV (during Raw or Smackdown)... we see more than only their face... but not their full body.


Before I finish my point, I will add one more thing. The size of workers' pic is not the most important thing of TEW 2013. Many others points will be more important and more interesting.

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Well, I must say that I join the 'keep it in 150x150' bandwagon. Same background also.


The reason is that I stocked many of random renders made by the community, which is very much useful in making your own personal mods (creating new workers, promotions, etc.). Making new formats for pics and logos will make those renders go to waste, a great shame.

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I can't imagine new graphics to be a requirement, and the old one's thrown out.


It would just stretch the old ones (if it was any different) as it does now if you just use any old pic you find, to fill in blanks.


It would be available for people that wanted them, but just an option. IF there was a play ability that was going to harm us, or a main feature that would be left out because of it, I could understand. It's annoying that the only reason is because a dozen or so people think everything would have to be "re-done" or their old renders would be "useless". There is absolutely no reason to throw out your favorites. There is absolutely no reason to go through the whole C-Verse, person by person, redo-ing them. The C-Verse is fine the way it is, and there is already many full renders, or just larger renders for many of them... in fact you can already use them, the 150x150 is just to small to show much more then their heads in it, but you can already use 300x300, 600x600, and even 150x300, and they will all shrink down to 150x150 in the game, the latter shrinking the 300 part to 150 and warping your pic.


My only point is that there is no reason anyone should feel that all the sudden there is going to be major work involved with renders, when it should just be an option in the first place, like some of the WMMA real world mods do it.


I would be happy if the game showed the pics bigger, and stretched the pics that weren't, to any "square" size bigger then 150x150.

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Just throw in a picture gallery tab (or separate in-game screen) on each worker which allows players to display four alternate pictures of the worker with few size restrictions. That way it keeps the picture pack aspect of the game open and doesn't require some drastic change.
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I'd love full body renders. I think it would look awesome. When the whole "C-Verse Re-Render" thread popped up, I had hoped it would have been a jump-start to the project. If we'd started doing full-body work to match the 150x150's, maybe it wouldn't be so insurmountable a task now to get the whole C-Verse done. Alas.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TeemuFoundation" data-cite="TeemuFoundation" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have 265mbs worth of real world KyKy 150x150 pictures on my hard drive that I have both collected and cut over the years of being a TEW fan, so I really hope that the old fashioned 150x150 is at least available as an option in the game.<p> </p><p> That's 8,475 pictures.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Can't someone write a script so your pc can resize 'em all while you're sleeping? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I'm still hoping for 300x300, but you should be able to have 150x150 pictures be usable instead. It might show some unused space, but that's hardly a problem now, isn't it. Like many have said, you can easily resize the pics. Obviously everything's fine as it is, as TEW was a great game. But if you're out to 'improve' the game, you might as well improve everything...</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TeemuFoundation" data-cite="TeemuFoundation" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have 265mbs worth of real world KyKy 150x150 pictures on my hard drive that I have both collected and cut over the years of being a TEW fan, so I really hope that the old fashioned 150x150 is at least available as an option in the game.<p> </p><p> That's 8,475 pictures.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.faststone.org/FSResizerDetail.htm" rel="external nofollow">http://www.faststone.org/FSResizerDetail.htm</a></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Can't someone write a script so your pc can resize 'em all while you're sleeping? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zhariken" data-cite="Zhariken" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="http://www.faststone.org/FSResizerDetail.htm" rel="external nofollow">http://www.faststone.org/FSResizerDetail.htm</a></div></blockquote><p> /nod. I think just about every photo/picture program has an easy way to re size pictures. Even my old Jasc PSP version 7 has the ability. I don't think it would be a "Must Have" since the pic's (at least in previous versions) in TEW just stretch or shrink to fit as I do it all the time... An Indie worker not in the pic pack, but in the database, I just look them up on google, try to find the pic of them that is as close to a square as I can, save into the pic folder, and "Presto"... auto-re sized by TEW. </p><p> </p><p> IF the format goes from 150x150 to 300x300, the game will re size them. The only glitch is if you let the game do it, it's not really a re size, but a stretch, so you have the little jagged edges. IF you re size the pic, they are smooth as if they were still 150x150. I played around, and a simple contrast setting, plus color correction will give you what appears to be a higher quality render without the worry of re-rendering in Daz or Poser. This would be much quicker then re-rendering everyone, plus it gives much older renders that haven't been re-rendered in the past, a notably higher quality. None of that has to be necessary though.</p><p> </p><p> Also, I would be in favor of keeping the "Square" look, since that seems to be more of a concern then anything. Someone suggested just having it waist up or similar, which I think is a great idea as well.</p><p> </p><p> My "ULTIMATE" though, would be the use of .png images, and be able to physically see the size difference (eye balling difference, doesn't have to be exactly to scale) of workers. Just to look at "Small" and "Big Heavyweight" pics, even in real world pic packs, you really can't always tell their is a difference in size with them. This is the "Future" though, not something I would shoot for just yet. However, I AM hoping for being able to use .png images, at least have the choice.</p>
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<p>Lots of talk of re-sizing going about... given that there's a brand new GUI, there's always the possibility that it would be designed with the mind that it could display 150x150 (with some additional background space) for legacy images AND whatever other new size that might possibly be used for moving forwards into the future.</p><p> </p><p>

A little bit of image repositioning for centering up disparate image sizes isn't that difficult (generally speaking anyway - there may be other things with TEW13 to take into account), but how the backgrounds are expected to work can play a big part in it looking good or bad</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mr.Macho" data-cite="Mr.Macho" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34290" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I hope this is answered soon, before I begin cutting and preparing for the new game.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> For all my wishing and dreaming, etc.. I honestly think you will be completely safe, or their probably would have already been a thread explaining any major changes.</p>
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