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WWE: A Change for the Best

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February Week 1 2013


WCW gets underway with Triple H heading to the ring.


Triple H: This Sunday at the Royal Rumble I fell short. I am disappointed I didn’t win, but I’m not disappointed with my performance. I was in the thick of things I had a good run and I feel like I’ve prepped myself for the Elimination Chamber in a few weeks. I feel like I’m very close to winning the WCW Title and it’s just a matter of time.





Ryback v. Charlie Haas

Ryback defeats Haas by pinfall.


Schiavone: Ryback has been a dominant force and he continues to impress.


Zbyszko: Tony, he says to feed him more, he is running out of things to feed on.



Paul Bearer and his Disciple head to the ring for the upcoming match.


Bearer: Taker, I’ve told you time and time again, there is no escaping me or my Disciple. This past Sunday our only goal was to eliminate you and we did that with ease. You will face my Disciple at Wrestlemania. My Disciple will end your streak and Undertaker, your career will be over. Your career will be over and I’m killing it for your own good. I do it Taker, because I care.


Disciple v. Sin Cara

Disciple defeats Sin Cara by pinfall.


Schiavone: Paul Bearer’s Disciple continues to send a message to The Undertaker and the wrestling world each and every week.


Zbyszko: Who is this guy? Where did Paul Bearer find him? When will we find out?


The Undertaker’s comes out to the ramp after the match.


The Undertaker: Paul and whoever your Disciple is, you two are really starting to piss me off. That said, you still aren’t worth my time. I have been told I will be in the Elimination Chamber, it is then that I will capture the WCW Title and frankly your Disciple has no business being in a title match. The good news is that at the Chamber you can’t interfere. Me versus your Disciple is not possible for Wrestlemania, so I suggest…if you knew what was good for you, you’d leave me alone before you rest in peace.




A highlight video of the WCW Title match between Chris Jericho defeating Booker T is shown.


Schiavone: What a classic match that was Larry between 2 WCW stalwarts, and we get to see the rematch tonight.


Zbyszko: If tonight is anything like the match at the Rumble, these fans are in for a treat.




Wade Barrett makes his way to the ring.


Barrett: Earlier Triple H was out here talking about how great he did at the Royal Rumble despite losing. How is it that a wrestling great is getting the jollies after losing a match? This is a performance oriented business and winning is all that matters. If you look at my eliminations and how long I was in the ring then I had one of the best performances at the Rumble, but that means nothing. All that matters is who wins, which is why tonight I resume my winning ways over another ex-WCW Superstar, bring him out so I can show him what the Barrett Barrage is all about.


Wade Barrett v. Road Warrior Animal

Barrett defeats Animal by pinfall.


Schiavone: Barrett does indeed get back to his winning ways. Larry,

you’ve been critical of Barrett, did tonight change that?


Zbyszko: Sort of, I’d like to see him against better competition, but I did like what he said. He knows it’s a performance business and I think soon Barrett will face stiffer competition.




Camera cuts backstage to Booker T.


Booker T: Tonight I get another crack at Chris Jericho. I was close to winning the WCW Title Sunday, but that doesn’t matter sucka. What matters is my quest to get that WCW Title back on my waist, can ya dig that? Tonight, I have to prove that I deserve a shot, I need to prove to everyone I still belong with the big wigs in WCW.


Chris Jericho v. Booker T

Booker T defeats Chris Jericho by disqualification.


After the match, Jericho continues to beat down Booker-T with a chair and puts him in the Walls of Jericho for a while until backstage officials come out to break it up. Jericho grabs a mic.


Jericho: Tonight I kicked the hell out of the sucka, Booker T. Just like I did at the Royal Rumble, who thought it would be a good idea for myself, the ayatollah of Rock n Rolla, to face Booker T again? I beat him once, I proved to the world that I’m better, I didn’t need to prove that again. So instead, I punished him just like I will punish anyone else who steps in front of me.


Schiavone: Well Booker was giving Jericho all he could handle and Jericho instead of fighting back, just grabbed a chair and started his beat down on Booker.


Zbyszko: Jericho, as he said, didn’t like the fact that he had to fight Booker again after winning clean 5 days ago. He knew it wouldn’t cost him the title, so instead he sent a message.




Kevin Nash with Vince Russo head to the ring and stare down Chris Jericho as they cross paths.


Nash: Jericho, as you are walking away, Sunday night was nothing personal. You had to send your message tonight, I had to send mine at the Rumble. Why did I send that message I’m sure many of you are wondering. The answer is simple, Shane McMahon is trying to screw me. He knew that if I entered the Royal Rumble I would win, I’d win the WCW Title at Wrestlemania and he couldn’t handle the thought of that possibility, so Shane, if you don’t put me in the chamber, I will make WCW my personal stomping grounds.


Shane McMahon comes on to the ramp.


Shane: Nash, that’s all empty threats to me. I have people that would squash you, I have authority to make your life a living hell, just like I am doing. I do have an interesting thought though that just popped into my head. You know, I’m willing to put you in the Elimination Chamber match, but before you get excited, there is a downside to it. If you beat The Undertaker tonight in our mainevent, the spot is yours. If you lose, you leave WCW forever.


Nash is shocked by the proposal and seems to be in heavy thought; Vince Russo angrily grabs the mic.


Russo: Shane, you just made the worst decision of your life, we accept, bring on the deadman.


Nash is visibly upset with Russo but has to get ready for his match.


Kevin Nash v. The Undertaker

Kevin Nash defeats The Undertaker by count out after Paul Bearer’s Disciple made an appearance and The Undertaker chased after Paul Bearer’s Disciple leading to the count out.


Schiavone: Wow, Shane McMahon’s worst nightmare, the man he hates has a chance to win the WCW Title at the Elimination Chamber.


Zbyszko: The match meant more for Nash than it did Taker, but it was even throughout. Kevin Nash owes Paul Bearer a big thank you.


After the match Sting sneaks in behind Kevin Nash from the crowd. Nash is celebrating with Russo, Sting taps Nash on the shoulder and walks in to a Death Drop inverted DDT.

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Prediction Standings



Pig. 4-1

Theheel 4-1

franticloser 4-1

christmas_ape 3-2

Destiny 2-3



soxfan93 3-1

Pig. 17-8

Timber 8-4

Theheel 29-17

Destiny 21-14

christmas_ape 37-27

franticloser 38-27

Jaysin 5-4

Psycho Sam 5-5

Russelrules44 8-10

guyver3 2-3

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Doh Paul's Disciple cost me a perfect score. I am intrigued by who this might be. Maybe I missed it but what does this disciple wrestle in ( what kind of outfit) and what is his approximate size (hgt & wgh)



White robe with mask hiding face...haven't given height or weight, but have said he is large.

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February Week 2 2013


2 more spots at the Elimination Chamber are up for grabs. We already know4 of the contestants; The Champ John Cena, CM Punk, Shawn Michaels and Batista.


Last week Dolph Ziggler wanted Daniel Bryan to put his shot at the title that he won at the Royal Rumble on the line against him. Bryan said no, but is there more to the story?


Will Carlito be ready for his Intercontinental Title shot as he recovers from a concussion?


What do the Terrorists have in store?


And will Kenta, the Japanese Superstar, continue his hot streak?


Match Key:

CM Punk v. HBK

Cody Rhodes v. The Rock

Alberto Del Rio v. Chris Hero

Daniel Bryan v. Damien Sandow

Antonio Cesaro v. Kenta

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February Week 2 2013


Mr. McMahon is in the ring to begin WWE Raw.


Mr. McMahon: Welcome to Monday Night Raw. 4 of our 6 spots in the Elimination Chamber are booked. John Cena, CM Punk, Shawn Michaels and Batista. 2 more spots can be locked up tonight, if The Rock or Alberto Del Rio win their respective matches then they will be in the Chamber as well. If not, then I will have to figure something out. The Intercontinental Title will be defended by Dolph Ziggler next week. Carlito still has not been cleared and is not expected to be cleared for a few more weeks, but we can’t sit still. So the winner of Kenta v. Antonio Cesaro will get a crack at Ziggler’s title. Also, I am fed up with brutal sneak attacks by vandals and 2 groups have been the main culprits for this, the Terrorists on WWE and Los Zetas in ECW, and I’m going to put an end to it right now. Jinder Mahal and Muhammad Hassan have been suspended until after Wrestlemania and Los Zetas will have 2 of their 4 members suspended until after Wrestlemania and those same 2 will leave ECW and join either us here in WWE or WCW. To determine which 2 of the 4 it will be, 2 of the gang members will face the other 2 in a tag match and the winning team stays. Paul Heyman will have more on that on ECW this Wednesday.




Daniel Bryan heads to the ring for his match and grabs a mic.


Bryan: Last week Dolph Ziggler asked me to face him at the Elimination Chamber with my Wrestlemania mainevent spot on the line. Did he really think that I would in any way be interested in that? I am a fighter, I am a competitor but I’m not an idiot. There is nothing in it for me and I’m not in the making terrible decision business.


Daniel Bryan v. Damien Sandow

Bryan defeats Sandow by submission


Dolph Ziggler makes his way to the ramp after the match.


Ziggler: Bravo, Bryan, Bravo. You looked great tonight, you looked so good tonight that you might have a chance against me at the Elimination Chamber. If you are a fighter, if you are a competitor and if you believe in yourself, you would have no problem putting the Wrestlemania main event spot on the line against me at the pay per view this month.


Cole: Bryan looked good tonight in his win over the Intellectual, but Dolph Ziggler again stealing the spotlight.


King: Daniel Bryan has to stay on the right path in order to be a real threat at Wrestlemania.


J.R.: Bryan is a young superstar and on the verge of becoming a real player in this business. He can speed that process up at Wrestlemania. The same can be said for Ziggler and apparently he wants what Bryan has.




Antonio Cesaro v. Kenta – Intercontinental Title shot on the line

Kenta defeats Cesaro by pinfall


Cole: Arguably the toughest opponent for Kenta so far, definitely the biggest match and he secures an Intercontinental Title match next week.


King: The Japanese Superstar has been exciting from the start, next week he has a chance to put his name on the map.


J.R.: Whatever happens next week you have to be thrilled about the future of Kenta. He has been here just a short time and he has already earned a title shot, the future is bright.




Alberto Del Rio v. Chris Hero

Del Rio defeats Hero by submission.


Cole: And Del Rio locks up a spot in the Elimination Chamber match.


King: Big win for Del Rio, but I think most people thought Chris Hero would easily win this one, not the case as Hero gave Del Ro everything he had.


J.R.: Del Rio is hoping the time is now and Chris Hero is starting to get closer to his time too.


After the match Del Rio picks up a mic.


Del Rio: It is my destiny to win the WWE Title and now that I have guaranteed my spot in the Elimination Chamber, I will show the world that the WWE Title is to be mine.




The Rock heads to the ring before his match and grabs a mic.


The Rock: Del Rio, The Rock doesn’t know what kind of destiny or who is giving you this information but The Rock knows that you make your own destiny. The Rock believes in boots to asses and stomping anyone that is in the way of the Brahma bull. You see The Rock is the most electrifying superstar in sports entertainment today. If it is truly your destiny then Cody Rhodes will beat The Rock tonight because if The Great One is in the Chamber with you, Del Rio, you stand no chance. If You Smell What The Rock is Cooking.


Cody Rhodes v. The Rock

The Rock defeats Rhodes by pinfall.


After the match, Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez attack The Rock leaving him beaten down in the ring.


Cole: The Rock locks up the 6th and final spot in the WWE Chamber match, but Del Rio sends a message.


King: Oh boy, WWE has the best 6 wrestlers top to bottom, anyone can win and there are some rivalries brewing.


J.R.: It’s a few weeks away and I wish it was tonight, I’m not sure how I can wait this long.




The WWE Champ, John Cena, heads to the broadcast table and joins the broadcast crew for the upcoming match.


CM Punk comes to the ring before his match and grabs a mic.


CM Punk: What a joke that John Cena is providing color analysts on the main event of Raw. I guess this company is willing to throw anyone on the mic. The WWE Elimination Chamber match is set. The fluke champ, John Cena, my opponent tonight The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, The Animal Batista, The Mexican Aristocrat Alberto Del Rio, The Great One The Rock, and me, The Best in the World CM PUNK. Most of you idiots probably look at this match and say, well it’s going to be tough to win there are 6 great wrestlers in there and the odds are long. Yes, there are great wrestlers, but there is only one best in the world. Do you know what best in the worlds do? The battle through the flu at the Royal Rumble and nearly beat that jerk over there for the WWE Title, they wrestle night in and night out against the likes of Mr. Wrestlemania which is what I have tonight, they don’t sit and watch at ringside. The best in the world though also doesn’t fear being in the ring with anyone or with a 5 of the top guys in this company, because best in the worlds get things done.


CM Punk v. Shawn Michaels

CM Punk defeats Shawn Michaels by pinfall.


After the match CM Punk taunts John Cena. Cena gets in the ring and stares CM Punk eye to eye. Batista’s music blasts through the arena and he comes to the ring and separates the two as the show goes off the air.


Cole: Big win for CM Punk


King: And then Cena gets in the face of Punk, then Batista comes out. Goodness.


J.R.: The 6 men in the Elimination Chamber all are very stubborn, all are confident in their abilities, all will go to all costs to win...this is going to get interesting.

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Prediction Standings



franticloser 5-0

christmas_ape 5-0

Pig. 4-1

Theheel 4-1

Destiny 3-2



soxfan93 3-1

Pig. 21-9

Timber 8-4

Theheel 33-18

franticloser 43-27

christmas_ape 42-27

Destiny 24-16

Jaysin 5-4

Psycho Sam 5-5

Russelrules44 8-10

guyver3 2-3

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February Week 2 2013


Last week on ECW, The Miz became the first Superstar to secure his spot in the Elimination Chamber. Tonight he has a celebration in store.


The ECW Champ, Christian accepted Sheamus tag team challenge. Christian will team with Edge, but who will Sheamus team up with?


2 more spots for the Elimination Chamber match are up for grabs.


Tommy Dreamer and Rhino continue their brutal rivalry in a hardcore match.


Jeff Jarrett makes his ECW Debut


And the 4 Los Zeta members will be in a tag team match against each other. The loser leaves town and will be suspended until after Wrestlemania.


Match Key:

Christian & Edge v. Sheamus & Surprise Partner

Bobby Lashley & Kane v. The Big Show & Mark Henry

Jeff Jarrett v. Zack Ryder

Tommy Dreamer v. Rhino – Hardcore Match

Hunico & Camacho v. Homicide & Hernandez – Loser Leaves ECW

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Christian & Edge v. Sheamus & Surprise Partner

Bobby Lashley & Kane v. The Big Show & Mark Henry

Jeff Jarrett v. Zack Ryder

Tommy Dreamer v. Rhino – Hardcore Match

Hunico & Camacho v. Homicide & Hernandez – Loser Leaves ECW

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February Week 2 2013


The Miz is in the ring to begin ECW.


The Miz: Welcome Miz TV. Last week on ECW, I proved that I am must see TV. I beat the Television Champ, John Morrison with ease and qualified for the Elimination Chamber match at the end of the month. The most exciting part is whenever I win the match, whenever I win the title, I’m on the fast track to once again main eventing Wrestlemania. That is what I do, I main event Wrestlemanias because I’m the Miz and I’m…


John Morrison heads to the ring.


Morrison: Miz, great job last week. You know, we’ve faced off twice recently. Once, with this Television Title on the line and then you won the rematch with the Elimination Chamber spot on the line. The thing is Miz, you won the match to qualify for a title you probably won’t win. While I won the match that won gold. I’m not one for acting tough with a mic, how about we settle the score with a rubber match.


The Miz: Johnny boy, I am going to win the ECW World Title, I don’t

have time for you and I don’t have time for a midcard title.


The Miz then hits Morrison with the mic setting off a fight between the two until backstage officials run to the ring to break it up.




Paul Heyman heads to the ring.


Heyman: As far as Miz and Morrison are concerned, the way I see it they are fighting for two different titles. The Miz is going for the ECW World Title while Morrison will be defending his ECW Television Title, so if they can’t agree to fight, I’m not booking it. Now Morrison will be defending his title at the Elimination Chamber and he will face the winner of tonight’s match between Jeff Jarrett and Zack Ryder. Also, as you may have heard on Raw, half of Los Zetas will be facing the other half of the Los Zetas and they will have to decide who is teaming with who, the loser leaves ECW. Two more men will qualify for the ECW Elimination Chamber Match, it will be the winner of the tag match between The Big Show and Mark Henry v. Lashley and Kane. The losing team will then have a 1 on 1 match next week to qualify for another spot.


Mercer heads to the ring.


Mercer: Mr. Heyman, I wanted to thank you for the opportunity of bringing me to ECW. I do have a question though, what is your plan for me?


Heyman: Mercer, be patient, good things are coming.




Hunico & Camacho v. Homicide & Hernandez

Homicide defeats Hunico by pinfall.


After the match Hunico and Camacho embrace Homicide and Hernandez for a farewell goodbye. After the hug, Hunico and Camacho go grab iron rods from under the ring and hand them to Homicide and Hernandez. Hunico and Camacho then turn away and close their eyes, Homicide and Hernandez begin to clobber Hunico and Camacho with the iron rods, leaving them unconscious in the ring.


Styles: What the hell was that?


Tazz: Well Joey, a lot of gangs have traditions on how you leave the gang, it may be a Los Zeta tradition to beat up the leaving members. Regardless, Los Zetas have been cut in half and Hunico & Camacho are gone from ECW once and for all.




Camera cuts backstage to a brawl between the ECW Tag Champs Brian Kendrick and Paul London fighting with Kofi Kingston and R-Truth.




Tommy Dreamer v. Rhino – Hardcore Match

Rhino defeats Dreamer by pinfall.


Styles: These two old ECW fixtures put on a classic ECW Hardcore Match.


Tazz: Joey, it makes me want to get back in the ring. Something tells me this isn’t the last we’ve seen of these two though.



Jeff Jarrett v. Zack Ryder – ECW Television Title #1 Contenders Match

Jarrett defeats Ryder by pinfall.


Styles: Jeff Jarrett already impactful on ECW.


Tazz: Morrison v. Jarrett for the ECW Television Title, that has the making of being a classic.




The Big Show & Mark Henry v. Kane & Lashley

The Big Show defeats Lashley by pinfall.


Styles: 2 more qualifiers to the ECW Elimination Chamber Match, Big Show and Henry join Christian and The Miz.


Tazz: And now next week Kane and Lashley will square off for one of the two final spots.




Sheamus comes out before his tag team match with Christian and Edge.


Sheamus: Tonight, me and my tag team partner will punish Christian and Edge, we will beat them up because my partner and I have a respect for the business, we don’t believe in under minded tactics to win titles. We don’t believe in interfering in a match so your buddy can we a belt, we believe in hard work and fighting for what you want. So without further ado, my tag team partner…Mick Foley.


Christian and Edge come out for the match and Christian has a mic.


Christian: Nice pick Sheamus. An over the hill freak show. I guess you picked someone that you have a little in common with. Socially awkward, stupid, not mentally right, and playing second fiddle to Edge and I.


Christian & Edge v. Sheamus & Mick Foley

Christian defeats Mick Foley by disqualification when Foley won’t break a hold after Christian gets to the ropes.


After the match, Mick Foley continues to go berserk. He beats up Edge when Edge comes to the aid of Christian. Then when Sheamus tries to pull Mick Foley off Edge, Foley attacks Sheamus. Once Foley has knocked all 3 out, he leaves the ring.


Styles: What has gotten into Mick Foley, has he lost his mind?


Tazz: It wouldn’t be the first time. See you next week.

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Prediction Standings



christmas_ape 5-0

Pig. 4-1

Theheel 4-1

franticloser 4-1



Pig. 25-10

Theheel 37-19

christmas_ape 47-27

franticloser 47-28

Destiny 24-16



As you can tell, I've done some spring cleaning. I'm only going to list the regulars on the overall standings. I still have everyone's record on file, so if you become a regular I will put you back. If you have never predicted and become a regular, I will put you in as well of course.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="franticloser" data-cite="franticloser" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34693" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>you plan on doing a monthly overall winner prize, like letting us pick a new signing or something</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ya, that's a good touch, we will start that going forward. Winner can pick a main event of a weekly show.</p>
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