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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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I ****ed 17 girls in a row last night

and 10 of them gave me head


I had to tip the maid a hundred dollar bill

to clean the wet spot off the bed,


I banged 17 girls in the grocery store

and never lost my erection


Seventeen girls in a row

When I was done, they were begging for more


*Coming Next Week*


Hell to the yeah.

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“Welcome everyone to The Wastelands of Burnington, England, welcome to New World Wrestling. We have a stacked show for you tonight…”


This is how we survive now, after “it” happened. Those of us left had limited options; farm, scout, hunt, salvage, or… do what we do, give the people some time each Saturday night to unwind, to forget about the world we live in.


You may remember professional wrestling, or at least have been told about it by your elders. The spectacle and pageantry of sports entertainment, pitting athletic contests on the back drop of what was essentially a masculine soap opera. That was then.


After the event, after people came back out of hiding, they tried to rebuild their lives. Years passed and as small villages and micro-towns appeared again, working for a living just wasn’t enough. There needed to be a medium to unwind and I remember as a child, being told about those larger than life characters performing in front of thousands of people. As the stories got passed down through time, as they become folklore and the folklore became legend, the details started getting fuzzy and now, people believe this shit is real again. Who am I to tell them any different? This is the one thing they have to look forward to, the one thing that pulls them away from their piss-poor existences. I can’t really blame them for getting engulfed and for it to be so easy to suspend disbelief. It’s an easy escape.


This is New World Wrestling, and we are home to the toughest four corners of The Wasteland.



OOC: This isn't exactly exactly a hype in the sense that the diary is coming out very soon. More though that I am working on it in terms of the mod and the diary and it might take a little while (it isn't a big mod). But was thinking of posting the diary when I start the game and was just looking for general feedback to see if it's worth posting or keeping to myself when it gets sorted :-)

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Sounds intriguing, Powerful_Fox!


Similarly, I'm not 100% sure I'm going to do a diary, but quite tempted to - I've JUST got my first ever TV deal, after hitting Cult a few months ago, and it figures like being an interesting place to start. I'm using Derek B's superb CVerse 14 Reworked mod, and I'm at the start of September 2019. The fed I'm using is Heart of Texas Rodeo Wrestling (imported, I think, from Derek's also excellent CVerse 97 mod!) Product has Traditional at Key, Mainstream/Cult/Lucha at Medium, and Risque/Daredevil/Pure at Low. It's a weird mix, but gives a popularity over performance product which works well.


The plan would be to focus solely on 'on screen' stuff and drip feed in information about what's happened over the last five years or so via shows and previews. Would people be interested in reading? I've written up a preview of the first show as an example.


HTRW Crash, Sunday September Week 1, 2019


In the last show of the pre-TV era for HTRW, Cherry Bomb and Joanne Rodriguez finally stepped in the ring together, facing off in tag team action. J-Ro and Alina America fought hard, but Bomb and Lily Snyder, backed at ringside by the rest of their A List stable Demelza Wade and Nadia Snow, were too much for the popular duo. Eventually, Bomb hit her Cherry Bomb finisher on the Women's champ, and became the first person in over a year to pin Rodriguez. Post-match, Bomb said two simple words.


"Next week."


When she won the belt from the legendary Danielle Sweetheart last year, Rodriguez was quick to state that Bomb could have a shot any time. The two twenty-year veterans of the squared circle clearly have a healthy respect for each other. Bomb's failure to even acknowledge the offer left some fans speculating that she was running scared, as Rodriguez time and time again showed her class in defeating Snow, Wade, Jillian Jarvis, Maribel Mercado, and other challengers. But was the redhead simply waiting for the perfect moment to strike? The HTRW Women's title will be on the line in our first televised main event!


Unless Bruce the Giant makes a rare appearance (it's been confirmed Sean McFly will not be in Texas this weekend) then the two most well-known wrestlers to appear on the show will almost certainly be Chris Caulfield and Jim Force. Since joining the federation, though, both have had mixed fortunes. The same can't be said of their opponents. The Lord of the Ring, hand picked successor to Donnie J, won the Big Gold Belt on his debut, defeating Fumihiro Ota who'd cheated to end J's last match in HTRW. The Lord looked unstoppable until recently, when Quentin Queen managed to put him down with a huge implant DDT to take the belt. His Team Riot tag partner, Roman Heidenseik, is the man with one of the best win-loss records in HTRW history. Exploding onto the scene with 27 wins in a row - a streak which only Danielle Sweetheart, our most successful ever champion, has ever beaten - Heidenseik has become a huge favourite of the HTRW fans.


The Big Gold champion will also be in action. Quentin Queen will team with fellow HTRW veteran Matthew Keith in the occasional pairing the duo call Amazingly Awesome. No shortage of confidence, but it's a tough task ahead of them as they'll face a couple of men with vastly more experience as a team - Frankie-Boy Fernandez and California Love Machine, Going Coastal. The crowd will no doubt be behind the duo of GC; they've taken Queen and Keith to the limit on several earlier matches but never quite pulled off the victory. Will this Sunday be the day that teamwork pays off?


And in the first ever HTRW televised match, two of our top teams collide! Team USA - Alina America and Ashley Grover - face off against Pearl Slam - Jillian Jarvis and Maribel Mercado.


Join us for the first ever show from the 18,000 seater New Texas Rodeo Arena!

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Before Darth Vader there was Anakin Skywalker




Before The Batman there was Bruce Wayne




Before Heisenberg there was Walter White




Before Spider-Man there was Peter Parker




Before World Wrestling Entertainment there was the World Wrestling Federation



This is the Reign of 'The Immortal King', find out how we got to Legacy Wars



The War before the Legacy Wars




Coming Soon.......



Let me know what you think, more information coming soon.

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Well this morning I walked in on someone posting a link to my old "WWE:What did I just watch" diary in another forum that they didn't know I even participated in and giving it high praise. I find that to be really encouraging and I'm tempted to reboot it. I'd carry over some storylines possibly, if it was popular enough but otherwise I'd be doing new storylines.


Although I'm worried about not living up to my past work so who knows :p

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Well this morning I walked in on someone posting a link to my old "WWE:What did I just watch" diary in another forum that they didn't know I even participated in and giving it high praise. I find that to be really encouraging and I'm tempted to reboot it. I'd carry over some storylines possibly, if it was popular enough but otherwise I'd be doing new storylines.


Although I'm worried about not living up to my past work so who knows :p


Dooooo IIIiiiiiitttt!!!! your diary was always fun to read! When I saw you'd posted in the diary preview/hype thread, it made my day :D

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Hi there, I'm a relatively new user on here, was thinking about doing my first dynasty in the very near future, would people be more interested in reading a January 1993 diary or a December 1994 diary? (Both WWF) I'm generally thinking of doing it around that time period because it's probably one of the best eras for untapped potential, with '93, I'd be able to use the Golden Era superstars like Hogan to put over up and coming superstars, whereas with '94, most of the work is done for me and I've only got to put the wheels in motion.
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How did I ever miss that dynasty? ROMAN REIGNS!....I was laughing my ass off! I got something to read until you start writing again.


Thanks.. You're too kind. I'm getting closer to being ready and spent a lot of last night mapping out potential storylines so I'm close to pulling the trigger.

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I'm curious if I'm doing anything wrong with my diary, or if its just a matter of people reading but not replying.


I've been following it, really liking the direction you're taking it with the Four Horsemen, it's interesting to see how both WCW '94 diaries have taken their dynasties in different directions, even at this early stage of your diary. Keep up the good work!

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To those who read my work, I have to say that I'm toying with an itch these days. There was a company I once ran called Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR). It was one of my favorite projects that I ran back a few years ago. That version was ran by J.K. Stallings Jr. who was looking to get back into the industry and take down Richard Eisen/TommyCornell. It was a fun project filled with Nemesis, Troy Tornado, Chris Caulfield, James Prudence, etc.


In recent weeks, I've started to think about the kind of wrestling company that I'd like to watch in the real world. It has a very specific look and feel. It allows for characters but focuses on the reality on their hatred for one another (not so gimmicky). It also lets any style walk in and give it a go & praises those who can actually "go" between the ropes (but still gives room for stories). More or less, it's one of THE most demanding styles as you A) need to be able to "go" in the ring, B) need to be able to "entertain" and "act", and C) have to have a good enough "look" to make people want to follow you.


It's like the ultimate action movie wrestling approach.


With the WAR name, I wouldn't return to JK running the place. That doesn't seem fitting with my vision. Instead, it would be a low regional (high small) company run by Buddy Garner (who now wants to stay stateside and set up a company in the city for which he lives... Vegas).


There would be the usual suspects making their way in (that often get used with a company this size). That said, my plan would be to create a full-360 feel of their character/intentions/motivations. This would be rather easy given the small size of the roster. I may even have a former MMA buddy of Buddy Garner come in and be part of the company as a wrestler? Not sure.


I love what I've done with LAX Wrestling (and what you all have added to it). I feel, my problem is that I only have small window to devote to my writing. This drives me to really analyze (when I'm not able to write) what I really want to work with/write for/promote. So, I'm torn at this current point.


I feel the WAR product I'm looking to use could really jive well with my own perspective on what makes "good wrestling." Also, I have a very distinct visual style that I'm looking to use with the company (which only furthers the brand in my mind).


I don't believe there's a new TEW game on the horizon any time soon; so, my plan would be to create a long-term game with this product in mind (as it goes well with, as I said, my personal choice of wrestling style/brand). My previous version, while different than this one, went for a good year+ by its end.

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To those who read my work, I have to say that I'm toying with an itch these days. There was a company I once ran called Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR). It was one of my favorite projects that I ran back a few years ago. That version was ran by J.K. Stallings Jr. who was looking to get back into the industry and take down Richard Eisen/TommyCornell. It was a fun project filled with Nemesis, Troy Tornado, Chris Caulfield, James Prudence, etc.


In recent weeks, I've started to think about the kind of wrestling company that I'd like to watch in the real world. It has a very specific look and feel. It allows for characters but focuses on the reality on their hatred for one another (not so gimmicky). It also lets any style walk in and give it a go & praises those who can actually "go" between the ropes (but still gives room for stories). More or less, it's one of THE most demanding styles as you A) need to be able to "go" in the ring, B) need to be able to "entertain" and "act", and C) have to have a good enough "look" to make people want to follow you.


It's like the ultimate action movie wrestling approach.


With the WAR name, I wouldn't return to JK running the place. That doesn't seem fitting with my vision. Instead, it would be a low regional (high small) company run by Buddy Garner (who now wants to stay stateside and set up a company in the city for which he lives... Vegas).


There would be the usual suspects making their way in (that often get used with a company this size). That said, my plan would be to create a full-360 feel of their character/intentions/motivations. This would be rather easy given the small size of the roster. I may even have a former MMA buddy of Buddy Garner come in and be part of the company as a wrestler? Not sure.


I love what I've done with LAX Wrestling (and what you all have added to it). I feel, my problem is that I only have small window to devote to my writing. This drives me to really analyze (when I'm not able to write) what I really want to work with/write for/promote. So, I'm torn at this current point.


I feel the WAR product I'm looking to use could really jive well with my own perspective on what makes "good wrestling." Also, I have a very distinct visual style that I'm looking to use with the company (which only furthers the brand in my mind).


I don't believe there's a new TEW game on the horizon any time soon; so, my plan would be to create a long-term game with this product in mind (as it goes well with, as I said, my personal choice of wrestling style/brand). My previous version, while different than this one, went for a good year+ by its end.


Before I start off, please don't think this is an attack on you personally. It's not. But here is the but...


...personally I'm kinda getting a bit fed up of seeing the great big posts showcasing your ideas for your next game.


I mean, I get why you're doing it, sometimes the urge to just stop and start afresh is too much but it just feels like every six months or so, you've got a this urge and a great "new" idea that you're going to start with and that means leaving the thing you're currently working on to one side. It all just feels...kinda cheap to me, especially since with LAX you got the whole community involved. To me, this feels a bit like saying "thanks for your creations. I appreciate it but I've decided that I'm going to just completely ignore them to do my own thing". I know that isn't 100% the case with this as you've gotten a fair distance into LAX and you've featured the community sourced characters quite a bit but the feeling of both turning your back on the community creations and the quick turnaround in ideas still remains especially since from cradle to now it's only really been four months that LAX has been up and running.


I've been a big fan of most of your previous works, your last WAR diary included and no doubt the next one (should you go forth with the idea) will be of a similar standard but the great grandstanding "here is what I'm going to do" posts instead of just going forward with the ideas seem well, they seem unnecessary.


I do realize that this might come across as being standoffish but the intention is the complete opposite.

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Before I start off, please don't think this is an attack on you personally. It's not. But here is the but...


...personally I'm kinda getting a bit fed up of seeing the great big posts showcasing your ideas for your next game.


I mean, I get why you're doing it, sometimes the urge to just stop and start afresh is too much but it just feels like every six months or so, you've got a this urge and a great "new" idea that you're going to start with and that means leaving the thing you're currently working on to one side. It all just feels...kinda cheap to me, especially since with LAX you got the whole community involved. To me, this feels a bit like saying "thanks for your creations. I appreciate it but I've decided that I'm going to just completely ignore them to do my own thing". I know that isn't 100% the case with this as you've gotten a fair distance into LAX and you've featured the community sourced characters quite a bit but the feeling of both turning your back on the community creations and the quick turnaround in ideas still remains especially since from cradle to now it's only really been four months that LAX has been up and running.


I've been a big fan of most of your previous works, your last WAR diary included and no doubt the next one (should you go forth with the idea) will be of a similar standard but the great grandstanding "here is what I'm going to do" posts instead of just going forward with the ideas seem well, they seem unnecessary.


I do realize that this might come across as being standoffish but the intention is the complete opposite.


I expected some sense of a response like this, to be honest. I get the feeling about the LAX Wrestling thing and I must say that I was not "thinking of another project" when I created that one. That was my focus. I was watching a lot of Lucha Underground and had copious amounts of time through the night (as I had night duty with my boy). I wanted to do something new for me and that's why I created a whole new roster. I truly enjoyed to see what people created.


I don't see my posts as grandstanding. Why? This is a "diary preview and question" thread; so, I tend to write out my thoughts to see what others think? I use it as a way to put my thoughts on paper/internet and talk it through with those who've liked my projects before. So, since I've done it a few times, am I supposed to not reach out and ask my readers what they think? It's not to grandstand or promote myself. It's to ask what others think and if they'd be interested.


I guess I've rubbed people the wrong way over the years or something. Am I perfect? Not at all. I'm just a guy who likes to write and uses GDS as my place to do so. I'm a creature of inspiration and, if I don't feel inspired, I look to find something that does. That's what happened with my SWF projects (I found my niche). I don't expect everyone to "love me" or my work. I also don't expect for everyone to always think I'm doing something "great." We're all human beings and, in doing so, we have opinions/feelings about anything that comes up before us. I guess, for me, I'm just wondering why, whenever I attempt to do something, I tend to get a blowback from at least a person or two? It's not a normal blowback though. It's like actual annoyance... anger... dismissive...


Whenever I start a project, I end up with a number of people who rate my projects super low (1 star) straight out of the gate. It's not the worst thing in the world but it's still something that makes a creative writer think... "Is this where I want to spend my time... If people are turned off by me straight out of the gate?"


Sorry if I went over the top here. This is just something I've been thinking for a while and, normally, it just slides off. That said, after a busy/tough/overwhelming week of teaching, I felt my openness to be somewhat low.

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I expected some sense of a response like this, to be honest. I get the feeling about the LAX Wrestling thing and I must say that I was not "thinking of another project" when I created that one. That was my focus. I was watching a lot of Lucha Underground and had copious amounts of time through the night (as I had night duty with my boy). I wanted to do something new for me and that's why I created a whole new roster. I truly enjoyed to see what people created.


I don't see my posts as grandstanding. Why? This is a "diary preview and question" thread; so, I tend to write out my thoughts to see what others think? I use it as a way to put my thoughts on paper/internet and talk it through with those who've liked my projects before. So, since I've done it a few times, am I supposed to not reach out and ask my readers what they think? It's not to grandstand or promote myself. It's to ask what others think and if they'd be interested.


I guess I've rubbed people the wrong way over the years or something. Am I perfect? Not at all. I'm just a guy who likes to write and uses GDS as my place to do so. I'm a creature of inspiration and, if I don't feel inspired, I look to find something that does. That's what happened with my SWF projects (I found my niche). I don't expect everyone to "love me" or my work. I also don't expect for everyone to always think I'm doing something "great." We're all human beings and, in doing so, we have opinions/feelings about anything that comes up before us. I guess, for me, I'm just wondering why, whenever I attempt to do something, I tend to get a blowback from at least a person or two? It's not a normal blowback though. It's like actual annoyance... anger... dismissive...


Whenever I start a project, I end up with a number of people who rate my projects super low (1 star) straight out of the gate. It's not the worst thing in the world but it's still something that makes a creative writer think... "Is this where I want to spend my time... If people are turned off by me straight out of the gate?"


Sorry if I went over the top here. This is just something I've been thinking for a while and, normally, it just slides off. That said, after a busy/tough/overwhelming week of teaching, I felt my openness to be somewhat low.


First, Having read statements on the matter, I do believe there will not be a new edition of TEW -- Adam seems to have moved onto other things. That is one of the [many reasons] I originally embarked on creating a "future mod".


Second, I enjoy you posting in the Preview Thread, it is a good way to get feedback on a potential project. I've posted ideas [and projects] here I never intended to start, to [greg] gauge interest in them, and this thread is an invaluable tool for doing so. It supports and attracts other viewers to the board.


I understand where you're coming from. Angel's diaries suffered from the same 1-star problem, even though [on-average] they lasted longer than the average diary. There is an "old-school" mentality that "diaries should last X amount of months" and considerable repercussions if people are perceived to "stop-and-start" projects. It seems to be on a "reputation" basis and not based in any factual metric, and it is applied inconsistently.


I think a "monthly" or "bi-monthly" show schedule would help you -- it is something I have to think about as I've entered a new phase of my life as well [though not nearly as hectic as yours!]. It's understandably difficult to juggle heading a family, working on academic projects and teaching while attending graduate schools, and it take a lot of mental fortitude to handle those responsibilities.


As [someone who fancies himself] a writer, I view both the board, the community and the game itself a means to "sharpen my skills", to get better at writing. The quality of the writers here, including you, is incredible, and the community is extremely enthusiastic. That being said, the only way to improve is criticism, so it is important we analyze and dissect each others work -- I think some here are too sensitive.


On the "above project": I would use the save game, but I don't think it would get widespread use, simply because long-term simulation rarely produces realistic results. It was a critique I faced making my 2015 project.


I'd recommend developing a 2016 Mod in lieu of starting a diary for the project. It is something I've currently embarked on [and completed a Beta as part of a previous project], and it "flexes" my creative muscles well. It allows you to give insight to a number of separate characters and multitude of short, detailed writing prompts to work with. It can be a long project, sure, but there are guides and people willing to help fill in areas you don't know what to do with. The LAX characters could be incorporated as future "debuting wrestlers" in the mod itself, taking them back to "original" regions they represent.


If you need help/advice, I'm always here, and others who have worked on such a project are happy to help. With either a future game save or a 2016 mod, the release will face significant criticism -- everyone has their own "idea" of how the C-Verse works, and it is impossible to please everyone. The good news is, many individuals have tried this before and can help you deal with the harder times.

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