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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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Olympus Power Wrestling






Owner: Homer (Known famously as Dunton Hall)




Head Booker: Zeus (Maxmillion)



Premise: My last journal, "Enter the Dragon" didn't seem to go over as well as I wished, so for now, I will be shelving it due to lack of interest from readers/participants. I think my best work has come from diaries based on kayfabe rather than real life, as sometimes fiction can resonate better with us than reality. I spent time planning out this new diary, so if you are interested in seeing this diary become a thing.


The year is 2016, as wrestling has changed so much since 2013. With the retirement of Sam Strong, USPW soon folded as Peter Valentine and Giant Redwood failed consistently to put a good, honest product on television. With much of its talent out of work, and a story-driven product restricted to SWF on American television, Olympus Power Wrestling sprung up. A simple product, based mainly on traditional and mainstream forms of content, OPW was masterminded by Dunton Hall, commonly known as the world's smartest man, and the innovator of Universe X, the biggest space exploration program in the world, and Einstein, the first fully electronic car in the world. His idea was to use Greek mythology as a driving point to entertain audiences of all ages while putting on an entertaining product for all, in addition to a strong workrate. His goal was to use wrestling as a way to educate audiences through entertainment, and since 2014, his product has helped him become the second most powerful man in wrestling. Massive in the States and Europe, OPW is rapidly gaining ground on SWF as TCW and CZCW are far behind, fighting for cult superiority.


Every character in OPW is based strictly on Greek mythology and wrestlers are expected to act out their characters precisely to the lore of Olympus. Held in a large theatre in central Manhattan named the Pantheon, OPW produces weekly shows, full of short, but entertaining matches and plenty of cutscenes and dramatizations in order to sell the point of Greek mythology.


My goal in the end for all diaries is to create an entertaining journal for everyone. If you are interested in following or contributing (I love you history buffs), please feel free to let me know! I thrive off feedback for my diaries! I plan to make this promotion a lot like that of Lucha Underground: an obvious suspension of disbelief matched with interesting stories that allow us to converge the inner mark and smark of us.







Meet the Main Eventers








Measurements: 6’5”, 262 pounds

From: Mount Olympus

Alignment: The Gods of Olympus (Face)

Bio: The real life booker of Olympus Power Wrestling, Zeus broke into the business as a journeyman, wrestling throughout the Canadian independent scene. Making a name for himself within CGC, he became the biggest benefactor when USPW went out of business, shortly after Sam Strong’s retirement. In kayfabe, Zeus is the leader of the Gods of Mount Olympus, his powerful abilities over thunder make him the most powerful force in OPW. The supreme figure of the company, Zeus rules the entire universe with the might of the Gods.




Cronos, “Lord of Time”




Measurements: 6’8, 274 pounds

From: Tartarus

Alignment: The Titans (Heel)

Bio: The leader of the surviving Titans, Cronos is possibly the most powerful force in OPW, and is one of the few figures that is powerful enough to face against the mighty Zeus. His incredible ability to manipulate time matched with his skill to crush his foes in battle make Cronos nearly unstoppable to mortal foes. Cast into the pit of Tartarus, Cronos arose from the abyss by destroying the mythical guards protecting the universe from the Titans. His children, Zeus, Hera and Athena, are his main targets, as he seeks revenge for centuries of torture in Tartarus. In the wrestling world, Cronos is played by legendary wrestler, “Jungle” Jack Marlowe, most famous for his recent stint in SWF where he won a tag-team title as Jungle Lord.








Measurements: 6’9, 284 pounds

From: Athens, Greece

Alignment: The Heroes (Face)

Bio: The greatest warrior in history, Hercules is well-known for his feats of strength and heroism. Famed for slaying the nastiest of beasts, and overcoming the most impossible obstacles, Hercules is a legend in the parts of mythology. In OPW, Hercules is tasked with handling with worst of mortal problems, and often cast to help defend earth from powerful monsters and immortals. In real life, Hercules is played by mega-star Rocky Golden/Prince Adam, one of the most well-known wrestling stars on Earth.







Measurements: 6’7, 324 pounds

From: The Underworld

Alignment: Gods of the Underworld (Heel)

Bio: Lording over the legions of dead, Hades leads a small group of renegade gods against Zeus and the rest of those who reside above in Olympus. Powerful, but silent, Hades employs his supernatural powers of the dead to conquer throughout OPW. Aided by rebel gods such as Ares, creatures such as the Cerberus and the Furies and his seemingly endless armies of the dead, Hades sits at his throne patiently as he waits for the one day he has the power to storm the heights of Olympus and take it by force. In real life, Hades is played by up-and-comer, Scythe.








Measurements: 6’6, 268 pounds

From: Troy

Alignment: The Heroes (Face)

Bio: The only hero possibly as great as Hercules, Achilles is one of the most invincible mortals to grace the OPW square circle. Bathed in the river of Styx, Achilles is impenetrable by most mortal attacks and can even resist attacks from immortals. His inspirational comebacks have inspired many a mortal and his endurance can swing the tide in any battle. Achilles is loyal, powerful and compassionate beyond mortal ability. His only physical weakness is his ankle, which was never exposed to the Styx. He is played by popular star, Nicky Champion.








Measurements: 6’8, 300 pounds

From: Mount Olympus

Alignment: The Gods of the Underworld (Heel)

Bio: The God of War, Ares is bred for combat, and can hold his own against any OPW competitor within the realms of a physical fight. His hard-hitting style makes it almost impossible for any mortal, with the possible exception of Hercules and Achilles on their very best day. After Hades renounced the Gods of Olympus, Ares was the only God with a seat on Olympus to defect to the side of Hades. He is a brilliant military strategist, and his use of discipline and fear makes his possibly the most feared man to march the fields of OPW. The character of Ares is portrayed by independent wrestling mega-star, Findlay O’Faraday.








Measurements: 6’4, 266 pounds

From: Mount Olympus

Alignment: The Gods of Olympus (Tweener)

Bio: The god of the oceans, Poseidon rules his underwater kingdom with an iron fist. Fair, yet power hungry, Poseidon commands respect throughout the entire ocean, whether it be from the simplest marlin to the deadliest of sharks. The middle son of Cronos, Poseidon is loyal to only his older brother Zeus, despite their increasingly more dangerous competition between one another. Poseidon is fighting two fronts, one against the Titan, Oceanus, who is eager to reclaim his former domain now ruled by Poseidon, while fighting another against Odysseus, a hero Poseidon insists on challenging due to his arrogance. Poseidon is one of the greyest of characters, as he fights on the side of apparent good, but struggles to put aside his ego for these “young upstarts”, namely mortal heroes. Poseidon is played by the all-time great, Christian Faith.








Measurements: 7’1, 457 pounds

From: Gaea

Alignment: The Monsters (Heel)

Bio: “The Father of All Monsters”, Typhon is legendary in these parts. Gargantuan in size, Typhon is possibly the only entity in the universe with the power to defeat Zeus single-handedly. Towering over empires, Typhon has the power to erase massive armies without effort. Created by rogue Titans in exile, Typhon was blessed as the counterpart to Zeus. However, everything went wrong, as Typhon became a vessel of destruction, creating the most devastating force in the universe. Terrible, outrageous and lawless, Typhon was locked away for millennia after Zeus and the rest of the gods imprisoned him in the pits of Tarturus. Typhon’s anger could not be controlled as volcanoes and earthquakes sprung out as the creature shook in order to break from its chains of imprisonment. A million years since his exile, Typhon has broken his chains, and with the loyalty of the masses of monsters, Typhon may bring Olympus to Her knees.

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The year? 2004.


The month? January.


The head booker? McMahon...Shane McMahon.


My Dad is coming up on his 60th year on this Earth, most of them spent in the pro wrestling business, which he inherited from his father before him. Well, inherited is maybe not the right word. Like many things in life, my father took the then WWF by the balls and turned it, and the entire pro wrestling--sorry, dad, sports entertainment--world on it's head. But even the strongest man in the world faces a rival he can't beat. Even the world's best wrestler has to pass on the torch. Even the best promoters have to step down at some point. Enter, me. Six-foot-two of bouncing baby booker.


That's not to say that dad stepped down and handed everything over cold turkey. No, he was still decidedly the boss. He got to make the final decision on everything that was said and done on WWE programming, and he reminded me of that every night we talked. But he was trusting me with more and more responsibility as we met in the board room each month to discuss plans for the future with the rest of dad's most trusted advisors.


It was a lot of pressure, but I knew I was up to the task. If I was going to take the company away from dad one day, I would have to learn how to run it, and fast. After all, if it wasn't me, who was going to run the WWE? Stephanie? There was no way that would ever work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You may already know me. I’m Michael Moore, the most successful documentary maker in history.


After years of criticizing America, I finally gave up and decided to move to Canada.


Canada has many great things. Free healthcare. A true range of choices of who to vote for. Gun control. Four distinct seasons.


But one thing it doesn’t have is a great wrestling federation. That’s about to change. You may not have realized I was a wrestling fan, but I love men in spandex leaping around like maniacs.


Don’t worry Canada. Moore Wrestling is on the way.



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That depends on how your diaries are doing and who's following them to begin with, but I honestly recommend not getting too far ahead of your readers anyhow.


There are a few reasons for this.


First, it encourages you to focus on the writing more, making for a better diary that pulls more folks in.


Second, and more important, your game has one audience but your diary has two; the digital numbers of your attendance and how they like your shows, and the way your readers grab onto a given wrestler's story.


Being able to throw a stronger spotlight on someone when he catches fire with your readers is well worth doing in terms of building something enjoyable. Have a long term plan by all means, but be ready to modulate for feedback. If you're steadily months ahead, you miss opportunities.

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In all honesty, I hate TNA at the moment. I Absolutely hate it. I continue to

watch the product, though, for what ever reason. Mainly because they have

my favorite wrestler but he continues to job out to other no names. I've

decided to start up a dynasty to continue on TNA Wrestling seeing as they'll

probably go under soon. I am the Green Arrow Stephen Amell, and I look to

take hold of the reigns for Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. This will be the

ultimate test as it's October and Bound For Glory is coming up. After a

horrid BFG from Japan last year, can I right the wrongs that is TNA? God, I

sure hope so.



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Join me 1 year into my RW Dynasty that started after Wrestelmania 30 and we have just passed WM31. New friendships have been formed, old alliances have been tested and new blood has inserted itself into the Title pictures.


I focus on bringing up different faces into places within the WWE that you may not have thought of and try to give them to you in a realistic setting.


Predictions are welcome and awards are given and above all else, Smackdown is worth a watch as well as Raw!!!!!


Come and see if I can make WWE worth watching again... join my



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Photobucket users:


How the BLEEP do you search your own library? I can't possibly do a diary with images if I can't figure that out.


It helps to put them into separate folders. For NJPW I have a general one for my VS and show logos, one for my roster and one for title belts, but here's a pro tip for you that saves you even having to browse Photobucket.


When you're uploading all your pictures, give them simple names like okada.jpg - something that you know you'll remember.


Then, find the link once it's uploaded and remove the last file name. For my New Japan diary, my wrestler image link looks like this.




It has the img tags around it too so I just take that, throw the name on the end and hey presto, I have a picture. Formatting a show takes all of five to ten minutes for me now, it used to take close to an hour when I was finding all the links in Photobucket.

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<a href="

http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v139/LucianCarter/TEW/TEW%20RW/Lucha%20Underground_zpsgyebmkrc.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo Lucha Underground_zpsgyebmkrc.jpg"/></a>


Lucha Underground - As Real As It Gets


I haven't seen any Lucha Underground diaries, so I figured I'd give one a try.


This diary will treat wrestling as a shoot. Dario Cueto will be my user character and the real owner of the company. I will treat the shows the way they are done in real life, i.e., my shows will be a drama about a wrestling federation, not a sports show. I'm going to avoid talking about the backstage as much as I possibly can. I will have pictures and I'll be doing a fair amount of the dialogue, rather than just describing it. I'm not going into a ton of detail on the matches, just a paragraph or so on the highlights.




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The first ever edition of the TNA Top 5 List has been posted. Go see if your favorite star made the cut. It will be updated week after week and YOU will have the chance to predict who the 5 wrestlers will be to get an extra point in the prediction league! Go now!


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Grey Dog Software is the place to be. The length of my old diaries are the ones to beat(in my own mind). I just wanted to say that I believe I will be back at full strength here very soon and be returning to the diary writing forums. I haven't decided which mod I am going to be using or which promotion. I have a few of them in mind. I haven't gotten a new computer but my woman is letting me download and install TEW 2013 on her computer. That means that, hopefully, I will be back sooner than later. Thank you to everyone who posted in my previous threads, specifically about them coming to an untimely end due to my old computer dying out. I did manage to get the save games e-mailed to myself. So there is a slim possibility of them being revived as well. Again, thank you to those who have been reading and I am hoping to be back soon.
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Imagine a parallel universe...



...one where Professional Wrestling never became mainstream...



This legendary match between Sam Strong and The Sudan Smasher in Supreme Challenge III didn't occur...


...one where the 'Supreme wrestling Federation' never existed...



This legendary promotion is just a whole lot of nothing...


...one where the 'Strongamania' cultural hype didn't occur...




In this universe, Sam Strong is a legendary body builder of the 1980s.


...one where Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts became the huge trend...



ALPHA-1 continues to dominate the World of Mixed Martial Arts...


...one where everything changes...




...Introducing the Wrestling Premier League tournament...


coming soon to the dynasty forums

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Grey Dog Software is the place to be. The length of my old diaries are the ones to beat(in my own mind). I just wanted to say that I believe I will be back at full strength here very soon and be returning to the diary writing forums. I haven't decided which mod I am going to be using or which promotion. I have a few of them in mind. I haven't gotten a new computer but my woman is letting me download and install TEW 2013 on her computer. That means that, hopefully, I will be back sooner than later. Thank you to everyone who posted in my previous threads, specifically about them coming to an untimely end due to my old computer dying out. I did manage to get the save games e-mailed to myself. So there is a slim possibility of them being revived as well. Again, thank you to those who have been reading and I am hoping to be back soon.


GDS just ain't the same without a diary from angel... :D

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Hello GDS community. As you may know I run a diary on the boards called World Wrestling Entertainment: The Mad King and I am having a lot of fun doing so. Now I have always been interested in adding another player to the game who will have another diary in the same world. That promotion can be TNA or ROH or whatever. If anyone is interested send me a PM. Thanks guys!
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He gambled, and he drank. I knew that. So when I invited him to my New Year’s Eve party to welcome in 1997 with a high stakes poker game, I knew he would come. So that’s how I wound up across the table from a sloshed Trenton Evenrud.


<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v139/LucianCarter/TEW/RyanDiary/Trenton%20Evenrud_zpsejgws4s8.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo Trenton Evenrud_zpsejgws4s8.jpg"/></a>


“It’s your bet,” I said.


“I’m… I’m a little low on cash.”


“That’s ok, we can make it interesting.”


“How?” he slurred.


“If I win this hand, I take over as head booker of your wrestling company.”


“My company?’


“Hell, you can keep the pot either way.”


“Oh yeah? Ok hotshot, you got it.”


I didn’t leave it to chance. His vision was too blurry at this point to notice me slipping the extra two aces from my sleeve. When I beat his three Jacks with my three aces he looked sullen, even as he scooped up the cash.


“To hell with it,” he said, “I didn’t like doing it anyway.”


It was January 1, and I was now the head booker of Awesome Max Wrestling.


“Head Booker Ryan Aitchison" I liked the sound of that.


<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v139/LucianCarter/TEW/RyanDiary/Wade%20Orson_zps63x6tvu7.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo Wade Orson_zps63x6tvu7.jpg"/></a>


Out of character: Using DerekB’s C-Verse 1997 mod I am taking the Ryan Aitchison challenge:



You have to start with your reputation set to lowest and you can only take your first job with a promotion at Local or Small size (you can create your own if you wish), with the goal being to get your reputation to Greatest. What this means is that you're going to need a long career and you'll have to work your way from the bottom to the top, possibly changing jobs a couple of times in the process. Good luck!


My Michael Moore diary has now ended. I will be continuing my Lucha Underground Diary, but I have lots of free time right now and can handle two diaries. This one will be on more of an out of character level than my LU diary. I really love Voeltzwagon’s All Action Wrestling Diary so I’ll be emulating his style a lot.


I hope people enjoy this one!



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The year is 1995...




"Just ten years ago we changed the wrestling industry. We shook it at it's very foundation!


Oh how times have changed...


Wrestling's golden age seems like a distant memory. Dangerous competition has surfaced in the form of WCW with the one goal of becoming the new number one company in the industry and taking out WWF in the process.


WCW's new show Nitro debuts this Monday night. They have Hogan, they have Savage, they have a live product and rumour has it that they plan to give away our results on air to take away viewers. They're coming out guns blazing...and right now we are fish in a barrel. We need to keep our number one spot. We need our New Generation to succeed! We need to survive these Monday night blues!


I've tried my best to run this show by myself, but clearly times are changing. You have a mind for this business a LOVE for this business! I'm hoping...no I'M EXPECTING you to turn our misfortunes around before things get worse! Do you think you can get the job done ?"


"Do I think I can get it done?"




"On my Oklahoma ass I'm gonna' give it a shot!"



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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>"Are you sure you won't join me?"</p><p> </p><p>

"Nah man, I'm out."</p><p> </p><p>

"It's going to be awesome. I can be booker and owner, on my own terms."</p><p> </p><p>

"You'll do great."</p><p> </p><p>

"You bet. A company full of real wrestlers. Men. Big men, scary men. None of these little flippy dudes just there as filler."</p><p> </p><p>

"You'll do great."</p><p> </p><p>

"Thanks Scott."</p><p> </p><p>

It was time, again.</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="<a href="http://photobucket.com/" rel="external nofollow">http://photobucket.com/"</a> target="_blank"><img src="<a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v139/LucianCarter/TEW/Nash/Kevin%20Nash_zpsonttcus9.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v139/LucianCarter/TEW/Nash/Kevin%20Nash_zpsonttcus9.jpg"</a> border="0" alt=" photo Kevin Nash_zpsonttcus9.jpg"/></a></p><p>


</strong><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">N</span></strong><strong>ash</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">R</span></strong><strong>ules</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">W</span></strong><strong>restling</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=532314" rel="external nofollow">http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=532314</a></p><p> </p><p>


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Hello Grey Dog peeps! As you may know, I'm currently in the middle of my TNA: Righting the Wrongs Diary which I'm very much enjoying and the support has been awesome! GFW has been a company I've been interested in trying out in TEW, however their roster is just awful. So I've been going back and forth on if I should play a save with them. Then I thought.....DYNASTY! That could be a good way to play GFW, and as far as I'm concerned, there've been zero Global Force dynasties here, so I'd like some help, on if people sound interested. I wouldn't want to diminish the support on my TNA with another diary, but that's the risk I'm running. Global Force could turn out to be a flop, losing some support with my TNA in the process, or it could turn out great and I get equal support on both. So my question is, does this sound interesting and would you read? (The formatting would probably be the same as RTRs) <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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Thank you for meeting me here today. Now I know in

this industry, we've never really seen eye to eye when it comes to running a

company. But I'm running out of options. I need your....*gulps*...help. I

thought this would go 100x better than it has been, but GFW so far has been

a laughing stock. I need a mind like yours to help me run this place, Karen

and I can't do it on our own. We're losing money, we've yet to make a TV

deal, our attendances are lower than ever. Please. I'll get on my knees if I

have to. I'm practically begging you at this point. So what do ya say? Great!

Thank you! Thank you so much! I'm giving you complete control of head

bookings. Best of luck to you! Together, we will turn this place around and

start a Global Revolution!



OOC: 2 Diaries for me! Let's do this!! Trying to make it short and sweet because I'm not a fan of long intros for diaries. I'm waiting to reveal my user character until our first big PPV! I hope you guys are hyped. Any feedback is ALWAYS appreciated! I will be writing this Global Revolution, but I can only do it with the support of you. So if I've peeked your interest at all, I'd love to hear it. Thanks for reading and take care.


Until next time, when the Revolution continues.



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