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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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Here was a more crazy idea... In the real world Vince is basically trying to find a way to become immortal by funding loads of crazy research. He gets a call one day that they believe they have created a portal to some other dimension or something like that. Vince being Vince decides he has to be the first human ever to cross into the new world. He's warned that they may not be a way back but knowing he's conquered Earth with the WWE he wants a new challenge. So Vince goes through and it's pretty similar to Earth but it's the C-Verse. So he scouts out SWF for a while (probably with him mocking how bad it is, not realising how close it is to the WWE) He then somehow starts to get messages through from 'home' (don't ask me how it's not like the story isn't already unbelievable). He tells the people his plan to take over this wrestling world. Re-starts the WWE.


Now... this is where I needed to sort the sci-fi bit of the story out more because for this to truly work... Vince needs to be able to communicate not just with Earth.. but Earth at any time period. Now a lot of the story writes itself now but the diary would again be more about the backstage of it. I.E Vince tries to persuade Stone Cold to come across, he doesn't want to, so instead he gives the Stone Cold gimmick to someone else. He brings in Hogan first, then after failing Stone Cold, Bruno maybe, Undertaker soon after... after a bit he goes for HHH but he's pissed to find out that he was Vince's like 10th pick. It could also be interesting if he couldn't always get the wrestlers in their prime. Say if he went to Hogan in the middle of Hulkamania and asked him to come and start a new company and leave his family etc he would say no... so perhaps to get Hogan he has to settle for 2005 Hogan and offer him the chance to relive his past glories etc. One thing I liked about this is it would look really cool using Bio Hizzle's work here especially when the inevitable SWF invasion happened.


I actually had the most fun planning this and built up lots of ideas but then sort of looked back at it a week later and thought what on earth am I writing haha.



But yeah I've just dumped all the ideas down basically in case anyone wants to discuss them/has any thoughts.


Yeah this is the one.....you have my interest sir.

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I'm working on some graphic's for my 2012 dynasty i'm planning on starting up here soon and was wondering if I could get some feedback on this so far. It's going to basically be what I use for my Past Shows where you can click on the logo for the show you want to read and it sends you to that show, I used one of Lloyd's posts from his Dynasty as an example for the hyperlinks. Any feedback would be appreciated guys :p




<div align="center"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/T2J7KIU.png" style="max-width:100%;"><table><tbody><tr><td style="padding:5px 0px 5px 0px;width:500px;border:0px;background-color:#000000;background-image:url(http://i.imgur.com/7N0DMgf.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;"><div align="center"><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1895342&postcount=354"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/QD7ESoY.png" style="max-width:100%;"></a> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1895342&postcount=354"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/rtxJbfQ.png" style="max-width:100%;"></a><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1895342&postcount=354"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/2GzP7Tx.png" style="max-width:100%;"></a><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1895342&postcount=354"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/KOaQq2n.png" style="max-width:100%;"><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1895342&postcount=354"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/BMTIJIY.png" style="max-width:100%;"></a><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1895342&postcount=354"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/Ecssxwb.png" style="max-width:100%;"></a><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1895342&postcount=354"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/4XBVkG5.png" style="max-width:100%;"></a><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1895342&postcount=354"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/nQPE4R1.png" style="max-width:100%;"></a><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1895342&postcount=354"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/TFYAYNH.png" style="max-width:100%;"></a><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1895342&postcount=354"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/l14jYqG.png" style="max-width:100%;"></a>





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"Has anyone seen Fuzzy? He was supposed to be here a half hour ago. Oh man, how can I lose him all ready?"












"I can suplex you in 13 different ways just from where you are standing"




"Where am I? And what the f**k is a Bob Shrunkle?!"






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I'm working on some graphic's for my 2012 dynasty i'm planning on starting up here soon and was wondering if I could get some feedback on this so far. It's going to basically be what I use for my Past Shows where you can click on the logo for the show you want to read and it sends you to that show, I used one of Lloyd's posts from his Dynasty as an example for the hyperlinks. Any feedback would be appreciated guys :p




http://i.imgur.com/T2J7KIU.png<table><tbody><tr><td style="padding:5px 0px 5px 0px;width:500px;border:0px;background-color:#000000;background-image:url(http://i.imgur.com/7N0DMgf.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;">





This is a really cool idea! I may do a variation of this for my dynasty as well. I love the sleekness of it.

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It is the year 1991 of the real world, six years have passed since Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Federation became a national wrestling superpower, thanks to both the popularity of it's main star, Hulk Hogan and it's flagship event, Wrestlemania.


However, this national juggernaut might be for the hassle of it's existence as they face Ted Turner's World Champioship Wrestling, which it's still part of the National Wrestling Alliance, the result of the bought of Jim Crockett Promotions.


But they're not alone, as a bunch of smaller promotions are striving to stay live, even under the threat of being bought out by either of the two companies.


What does await for them.. for the U.S. wrestling scene?


I think i must be time soon to write my first dynasty, the main idea is to let democracy choose, let them choose the user character and the company that i'll play. First suggest and then the poll, i'll give at least one week so they can make the choice. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is going to be rather unusual question but, which do you think is better (in terms of success) for a dynasty, replies or views?


Of the two, I'd go with replies.


I'll throw a few more in there: Inspiration. If a lot of people start exploring either the game type or the mod you're using, then that is a sign that you have a "successful" diary.


Second, if you are getting nominated for DOTM regularly and getting votes there, your diary is successful. In general, I view my work on its own merits for success.

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This is going to be rather unusual question but, which do you think is better (in terms of success) for a dynasty, replies or views?


I´m going to say views. Replies are nice and might help motivate the writer (or at least it helps for me) but those aren´t always the best way to measure success. For example, diaries that won´t have prediction contest will likely have less replies than one that do but could still be more popular/succesful one.

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This is going to be rather unusual question but, which do you think is better (in terms of success) for a dynasty, replies or views?


Views by far and away are more important. Simply because not everyone will take the time to write replies. The view count shows you what kind of audience you have (Minus the bots who come on here.). I would not even put much stock into replies, because some writers might not attract a vocal following.

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Replies are a good way of seeing what part of your diary is successful, rather than whether the whole thing is working. If people mention certain characters, you can feature that character more. If you get more replies after one episode than usual, you know it had something worth talking about. As mentioned, replies aren't the be all and end all. And if you want them, you gotta do things to court them.
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Replies are a good way of seeing what part of your diary is successful, rather than whether the whole thing is working. If people mention certain characters, you can feature that character more. If you get more replies after one episode than usual, you know it had something worth talking about. As mentioned, replies aren't the be all and end all. And if you want them, you gotta do things to court them.



This pretty much hits the nail on the head. The occasional "hey, I'm still reading" post is great to let you know that someone is following along, but without any discussion of the diary, it can feel like you are writing in a vacuum sometimes.


I know personally, I have always appreciated the folks that offer predictions with some small notes underneath that explain why they picked like they did. And I've always been fond of Self's assertion in his diary that folks pick who they'd like to see win, not necessarily who they think will win.


That said, (sorry to ramble) I think more the more replies a diary has, the more views it is likely to get, just based on its position on the board. Nothing draws a crowd like a crowd, right?



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Would anyone be interested in a dynasty with a format similar to this?




That is actually a great format. I really dug what Captain2 did with that diary. It is a great way to do a Real World diary because you don't have to worry about doing justice to the matches or the promos/angles but you can still get across what is happening.


So to answer your question yes I would be interested in a diary like that. I will have to admit I have gotten away from Real World diaries as of late even though I think Michgcs' WWE diary, Oldschool's WWWF diary, and TFC's ROH diary are three of the best ever on this board.

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Personally, replies make me happier than views. Replies make me feel like you care enough about the dynasty to go out of your way and provide me feedback.


Replies are a good way of seeing what part of your diary is successful, rather than whether the whole thing is working. If people mention certain characters, you can feature that character more. If you get more replies after one episode than usual, you know it had something worth talking about. As mentioned, replies aren't the be all and end all. And if you want them, you gotta do things to court them.


Views by far and away are more important. Simply because not everyone will take the time to write replies. The view count shows you what kind of audience you have (Minus the bots who come on here.). I would not even put much stock into replies, because some writers might not attract a vocal following.


I´m going to say views. Replies are nice and might help motivate the writer (or at least it helps for me) but those aren´t always the best way to measure success. For example, diaries that won´t have prediction contest will likely have less replies than one that do but could still be more popular/succesful one.


If you are having fun writing it and are excited for people to read your shows then that's all that really matters in my opinion.


Of the two, I'd go with replies.


I'll throw a few more in there: Inspiration. If a lot of people start exploring either the game type or the mod you're using, then that is a sign that you have a "successful" diary.


Second, if you are getting nominated for DOTM regularly and getting votes there, your diary is successful. In general, I view my work on its own merits for success.


Yea you could have really good written dynasties with not too many replies.




This pretty much hits the nail on the head. The occasional "hey, I'm still reading" post is great to let you know that someone is following along, but without any discussion of the diary, it can feel like you are writing in a vacuum sometimes.


I know personally, I have always appreciated the folks that offer predictions with some small notes underneath that explain why they picked like they did. And I've always been fond of Self's assertion in his diary that folks pick who they'd like to see win, not necessarily who they think will win.


That said, (sorry to ramble) I think more the more replies a diary has, the more views it is likely to get, just based on its position on the board. Nothing draws a crowd like a crowd, right?




Being relatively new to doing a diary, views would be but replies help with motivation and I think for a lot of newcomers who are giving it their first shot it helps to know what's working and what's not as they try and find their voice.


Thanks for the replies guys. Just been thinking about ending 1 or 2 of my diaries and I just wanted to see if I could put them in the success or failure column.

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I've been thinking a lot lately about this whole dynasty thing and came to a realization. In my 7 years that I've been part of GDS, there's one company that I really enjoy booking above all. I used to be all about niche products, or underdogs looking to take down the 'big dogs', but those days of 20's angst is just not there anymore. I'm not that guy (and haven't been for some time now).


As you've noticed, my writing productivity has dropped down drastically. I used to be able to pump out a show a week. Now, with teaching (which is my top priority; along with my wife and baby on the way), I don't have half the amount of time that I once had. Instead of cutting on quality, I'm instead cutting down on quantity. So, to follow one of my projects now means you have to be able to wait quite some time for new updates.


With all of that said, again, I've been thinking lately. DOA has been fun BUT there's one company that I love to book above all. That's SWF.


Now, mind you, this project would NOT be anywhere NEAR as fast moving as "Where Men Become Legends." Also, I have some fears about jumping back into a lane that was so successful (as I hope I can still live up to what I was able to do). That said, I'm looking at this much like a sequel would; it may or may not be as good.


This would not really be a true sequel. This project would be a 'new world' and I feel I've come up with a great story that would be unique (versus just a rehashing of my last project). Sure, there are some characters that I don't think I can (or want to) write differently BUT there will be some new takes on the characters that I once booked before (essentially a clean slate).


My reasoning for posting this is to ask... Would you be willing to read (ie: go down that road again) an SWF project from me; especially with one that doesn't move half-way as fast? I mean, with DOA, I was able to finish one show in about a month. That's what I'm expecting (possibly 2 if I have free time).


So, what do you think?

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I've been thinking a lot lately about this whole dynasty thing and came to a realization. In my 7 years that I've been part of GDS, there's one company that I really enjoy booking above all. I used to be all about niche products, or underdogs looking to take down the 'big dogs', but those days of 20's angst is just not there anymore. I'm not that guy (and haven't been for some time now).


As you've noticed, my writing productivity has dropped down drastically. I used to be able to pump out a show a week. Now, with teaching (which is my top priority; along with my wife and baby on the way), I don't have half the amount of time that I once had. Instead of cutting on quality, I'm instead cutting down on quantity. So, to follow one of my projects now means you have to be able to wait quite some time for new updates.


With all of that said, again, I've been thinking lately. DOA has been fun BUT there's one company that I love to book above all. That's SWF.


Now, mind you, this project would NOT be anywhere NEAR as fast moving as "Where Men Become Legends." Also, I have some fears about jumping back into a lane that was so successful (as I hope I can still live up to what I was able to do). That said, I'm looking at this much like a sequel would; it may or may not be as good.


This would not really be a true sequel. This project would be a 'new world' and I feel I've come up with a great story that would be unique (versus just a rehashing of my last project). Sure, there are some characters that I don't think I can (or want to) write differently BUT there will be some new takes on the characters that I once booked before (essentially a clean slate).


My reasoning for posting this is to ask... Would you be willing to read (ie: go down that road again) an SWF project from me; especially with one that doesn't move half-way as fast? I mean, with DOA, I was able to finish one show in about a month. That's what I'm expecting (possibly 2 if I have free time).


So, what do you think?


Just do whatever you want to do. You will get readers either way. Do what you want to do without getting bored or feeling obligated.

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I've been thinking a lot lately about this whole dynasty thing and came to a realization. In my 7 years that I've been part of GDS, there's one company that I really enjoy booking above all. I used to be all about niche products, or underdogs looking to take down the 'big dogs', but those days of 20's angst is just not there anymore. I'm not that guy (and haven't been for some time now).


As you've noticed, my writing productivity has dropped down drastically. I used to be able to pump out a show a week. Now, with teaching (which is my top priority; along with my wife and baby on the way), I don't have half the amount of time that I once had. Instead of cutting on quality, I'm instead cutting down on quantity. So, to follow one of my projects now means you have to be able to wait quite some time for new updates.


With all of that said, again, I've been thinking lately. DOA has been fun BUT there's one company that I love to book above all. That's SWF.


Now, mind you, this project would NOT be anywhere NEAR as fast moving as "Where Men Become Legends." Also, I have some fears about jumping back into a lane that was so successful (as I hope I can still live up to what I was able to do). That said, I'm looking at this much like a sequel would; it may or may not be as good.


This would not really be a true sequel. This project would be a 'new world' and I feel I've come up with a great story that would be unique (versus just a rehashing of my last project). Sure, there are some characters that I don't think I can (or want to) write differently BUT there will be some new takes on the characters that I once booked before (essentially a clean slate).


My reasoning for posting this is to ask... Would you be willing to read (ie: go down that road again) an SWF project from me; especially with one that doesn't move half-way as fast? I mean, with DOA, I was able to finish one show in about a month. That's what I'm expecting (possibly 2 if I have free time).


So, what do you think?


EV, I think most people on these boards would agree that "Where Men Become Legends" was one of the best (in my opinion the best diary) of TEW13. That being said, what you're doing now is great too!


Personally I will follow whatever project that you decide you want to do. Make it fun for you! Work at it at a pace that you're comfortable with and works for you. The followers will be there no matter what you decide to do. If SWF is your interest right now, go for it! If it feels like too much of a commitment, than stick with DOA. Make it easy, make it fun and don't worry deadlines.

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