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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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3 weeks. Of course I'm going to try and get AA over but I'm not sure I have enough time.


Oh, yea 3-weeks could be hard to get him above Eric Eisen's overness level. That said, the protect/keep strong scenario may be your best bet? It's the tricky aspect of putting the gold on Eisen as you don't know for sure who he'll job for.


You could always do the classic "add in another worker to take the fall" scenario that ran a lot throughout history. Wrestler A doesn't want to lose to wrestle B, so, wrestler C is brought in to take the pin. It may be hard to write in another guy in 3 weeks though and make it convincing.

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Oh, yea 3-weeks could be hard to get him above Eric Eisen's overness level. That said, the protect/keep strong scenario may be your best bet? It's the tricky aspect of putting the gold on Eisen as you don't know for sure who he'll job for.


You could always do the classic "add in another worker to take the fall" scenario that ran a lot throughout history. Wrestler A doesn't want to lose to wrestle B, so, wrestler C is brought in to take the pin. It may be hard to write in another guy in 3 weeks though and make it convincing.


Now that could be a good idea! Eisen decides to bring in some hired muscle in the form of Enforcer Roberts to ensure that he keeps the title and therefore the match becomes a three way (well basically it will be 2 vs 1). Aaron Andrews overcomes the odds, pins Roberts and wins the title which would then set up a one on one rematch between AA and EE. I'm liking it! Thanks for the idea.

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Whelp...Signed Wolf Hawkins and picked up Aaron Andrews and Freddy Huggins when TCW opted not to resign them (why?).


Golden's been tearing it up as Chase's newest signing and ally of Brandon James. James is scheduled to take the strap off of Frehley at Supreme Challenge in a couple weeks. I've got Hawkins, Huggins and Andrews cooling their heels til then.


They'll all debut when they join Rocky Golden in beating the ever-loving hell out of Brandon James right after he wins the title. Big Money will turn face and be off TV until Awesome Impact (my SummerSlam equivalent) and Rocky Golden will win the newly created Supreme Championship, effectively an interim world belt. Golden, Hawkins, Huggins and Andrews will make up Total Domination, our new powerhouse invasion stable. When James returns as the "true world champion who was never beat," he'll have a ready made feud with Golden as they struggle to unify the two belts.


This is a slight change of my booking plans, but I couldn't resist when I snatched Hawkins out of TCW (while he was still champ, no less.) :D

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This is incredible - about a month and a half after Joey Minnesota has debuted in my SWF game, he has replaced Jack Bruce (who is 100 pop nearly all across the US and Canada no less) on top of the franchise players list. When Joey came in he was 77 overall pop in the US, and he now is around 90. This isn't all on himself ofc, I've booked him strong and in segments with Faith, Bruce etc, but still - one and a half months and I have him for another 8 years so ... w00t ^^.
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Now that could be a good idea! Eisen decides to bring in some hired muscle in the form of Enforcer Roberts to ensure that he keeps the title and therefore the match becomes a three way (well basically it will be 2 vs 1). Aaron Andrews overcomes the odds, pins Roberts and wins the title which would then set up a one on one rematch between AA and EE. I'm liking it! Thanks for the idea.


its ok when its in a 3 way.

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This is incredible - about a month and a half after Joey Minnesota has debuted in my SWF game, he has replaced Jack Bruce (who is 100 pop nearly all across the US and Canada no less) on top of the franchise players list. When Joey came in he was 77 overall pop in the US, and he now is around 90. This isn't all on himself ofc, I've booked him strong and in segments with Faith, Bruce etc, but still - one and a half months and I have him for another 8 years so ... w00t ^^.




That's a huge pick-up for you then, Harmor.


Plus, unlike others who could have risen up the ranks, Minnesota can actually carry a match.


The inner 'wrestling as a sport' fan is salivating at the notion of Minnesota vs. Gilmore! :D

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That's a huge pick-up for you then, Harmor.


Plus, unlike others who could have risen up the ranks, Minnesota can actually carry a match.


The inner 'wrestling as a sport' fan is salivating at the notion of Minnesota vs. Gilmore! :D


That will certainly happen ^^ ... He is a 'best-in-the-world' kind of heel, arrogant to the bone and not afraid to let everybody know who he thinks the best wrestler is while belittling the success of people like Bruce, Faith and Gilmore because none of their achievements matter until they have bested him :p.

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That will certainly happen ^^ ... He is a 'best-in-the-world' kind of heel, arrogant to the bone and not afraid to let everybody know who he thinks the best wrestler is while belittling the success of people like Bruce, Faith and Gilmore because none of their achievements matter until they have bested him :p.


Sounds like a great storyline.


This way, anyone of them (hopefully Gilmore though) can stand as the ultimate contrast to Minnesota: "You may have been good out there... but this is the SWF". In turn, that babyface SWF wrestler can almost go on to define the company (if they don't already do so) through beating the arrogant outsider.


Great stuff!

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Sounds like a great storyline.


This way, anyone of them (hopefully Gilmore though) can stand as the ultimate contrast to Minnesota: "You may have been good out there... but this is the SWF". In turn, that babyface SWF wrestler can almost go on to define the company (if they don't already do so) through beating the arrogant outsider.


Great stuff!


Thanks and in turn, great idea, I think I will deffo use it - to finally have the arrogant tard get beat cleanly (prolly at Supreme Challenge in 2014) and then, in a shock moment, shake hands with the guy who beat him and turn face, in some ways finally 'arriving' in SWF. It'll be a passing of the torch moment because Minnesota will have all but defeated the guy until in the very last moment he gets surprised. Now, all I need is the patience to sit this whole development out for almost a year in-game time ^^.


Edit: Undecided atm who that babyface will be to make Joey come to his senses in the end - either Gilmore or Remo I think. Faith is far too old and Jack Bruce - a) will be 41 in 2014 and b) doesn't need a win over Minnesota to be accepted by the fans.

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Thanks and in turn, great idea, I think I will deffo use it - to finally have the arrogant tard get beat cleanly (prolly at Supreme Challenge in 2014) and then, in a shock moment, shake hands with the guy who beat him and turn face, in some ways finally 'arriving' in SWF. It'll be a passing of the torch moment because Minnesota will have all but defeated the guy until in the very last moment he gets surprised. Now, all I need is the patience to sit this whole development out for almost a year in-game time ^^.


Edit: Undecided atm who that babyface will be to make Joey come to his senses in the end - either Gilmore or Remo I think. Faith is far too old and Jack Bruce - a) will be 41 in 2014 and b) doesn't need a win over Minnesota to be accepted by the fans.


I'm not sure if Remo would work? If memory serves me right, He is terrible at playing s babyface (58?).

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I know that people here are talking about the booking, but I have found something that I found more interesting about the current status of SWF, and it may or may not come into play in a future version of TEW. Here is Eve Runcord's profile.


"For many years the IRS has been extremely interested in the activities of SWF head honcho Richard Eisen, believing that he has systematically dodged millions of dollars of tax over the years by classifying his workers as 'independent contractors' when they are nothing of the sort. In 2011 they joined forces with the FBI to begin "Operation Lullaby", sending three agents deep undercover into the world of wrestling to try and work their way up onto the SWF roster and thus gain valuable evidence. "Eve Runcord" is really Junior Agent Angela Bruin of the FBI, disguising herself as a promising young female wrestler (in the hopes that SWF will launch a women's division to stick it to USPW and thus will need new talent) and working out of the Seattle office."

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I know that people here are talking about the booking, but I have found something that I found more interesting about the current status of SWF, and it may or may not come into play in a future version of TEW. Here is Eve Runcord's profile.


"For many years the IRS has been extremely interested in the activities of SWF head honcho Richard Eisen, believing that he has systematically dodged millions of dollars of tax over the years by classifying his workers as 'independent contractors' when they are nothing of the sort. In 2011 they joined forces with the FBI to begin "Operation Lullaby", sending three agents deep undercover into the world of wrestling to try and work their way up onto the SWF roster and thus gain valuable evidence. "Eve Runcord" is really Junior Agent Angela Bruin of the FBI, disguising herself as a promising young female wrestler (in the hopes that SWF will launch a women's division to stick it to USPW and thus will need new talent) and working out of the Seattle office."


Didn't notice that initially.


With the creation of taxes in the game, I was actually expecting something like this to happen at the open of TEW'13. Either way, it'd be earth-shattering but pretty cool as well.

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That being said, SWF is the Cornellverse's WWE. If he gets busted, Eisen himself would either pay a fine or go to jail and hand the reigns of the company to someone else. Regardless, if something comes of this, I would expect the SWF to take a hit in terms of both popularity and prestige like WWE did after both the 1993 steroids scandal and after the Benoit incident.


If that happens, that may give TCW the opportunity to step in become SWF's equal in terms or popularity, or even the rise of USPW to that level. It may even spark a Cornellverse equivalent to the Monday Night Wars. Or I could just be taking too many liberties with the possibilities.

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5 months into a SWF game and Jack Bruce, Christian Faith, Rich Money and Vengeance (along with Enforcer Roberts) are all in time decline. I could cry. I'm giving Bruce a final run as champion then I will probably use him and Faith to get younger talent over. Rich Money and Vengeance will be used as main event gatekeepers. Thank god I managed to nab Rocky from TCW, he's getting a monster push right off the bat as my top heel (alongside Remo). He's going to win his first feud vs Faith and then go after Bruce for the belt. I'm also positioning Gilmore and Valiant (Valiant is getting really over and is improving lots in the ring and on the mic) to be my number 1 & 2 babyfaces respectively as Bruce and Faith begin to wind down their roles within the company. I do feel really bad for Bruce, he's losing 1-2 skill points in some areas a month! He's still over as hell though so he will still be a good entertainer.


I let Marat and Sexy's contracts expire. The Pain Alliance and Atlas are in development for the time being. Atlas will stay there until his contract expires and Pain Alliance will be brought up to job to my face tag teams in a few months after they improve a bit. The SWF Universe will never again see another Big Smack Shuffle! There are also a few other guys (American Machine, Quad B, John Greed) whose contracts I'm gonna let expire as I have a lot of young talent I want to start phasing in and getting over. Spencer Spade has managed to get himself to E level overness just by jobbing a few times on Uprising (my B show) and is really improving his skills in dark matches. I see great things.

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I'm not sure if Remo would work? If memory serves me right, He is terrible at playing s babyface (58?).


He IS terrible at it, but I have him as face right now (story reasons) and it is bearable. But overall I think I will indeed give the honor to Gilmore - I think he just suits the role of a guy who stands against a heel who thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread better than Remo anyways.

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He IS terrible at it, but I have him as face right now (story reasons) and it is bearable. But overall I think I will indeed give the honor to Gilmore - I think he just suits the role of a guy who stands against a heel who thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread better than Remo anyways.


If Remo was a better babyface then he'd be a good call. Then again, with Gilmore, a man who is much smaller and less menacing as Remo, there is more ambiguity whether he cab actually beat Minnesota. That adds further drama as the fans want to see him win but don't know if he can. With Remo, it might be harder to sell that someone of Minnesota's size can be a true threat to him on a consistent basis.


Great storyline!

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What's your plan with the Amazing Bumfholes?


I want to push them. They've got A LOT of talent on their side. That said, I just can't get past their last name (as everyone has the same trouble I'm sure and have had for a long time now). The hard thing is, that's ACTUALLY their last name (as given in their bio) so it's hard to run a storyline where they strip down to their real names.


I've thought about putting them under masks but they've accomplished too much to hide who they are now.


Equally, turning them on one another is a great way to give them some interest BUT they still have the same name. Plus, from a booking perspective, I don't know if I want to entirely book a Zimmy vs. Randy feud on Supreme TV as their angles will most likely fall too low for my interests.


So, I guess, I'm just wondering what everyone's perspective is as it pertains to the talented bunch.

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I had Randy turn heel and start using the last name Buckminster, as he no longer wanted to be associated with his "loser brother" and intended to give him a push.


Except his popularity never increased while Zimmy's did. So Randy is a midcarder while Zimmy is knocking on the main event door.

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What's your plan with the Amazing Bumfholes?


I want to push them. They've got A LOT of talent on their side. That said, I just can't get past their last name (as everyone has the same trouble I'm sure and have had for a long time now). The hard thing is, that's ACTUALLY their last name (as given in their bio) so it's hard to run a storyline where they strip down to their real names.


I've thought about putting them under masks but they've accomplished too much to hide who they are now.


Equally, turning them on one another is a great way to give them some interest BUT they still have the same name. Plus, from a booking perspective, I don't know if I want to entirely book a Zimmy vs. Randy feud on Supreme TV as their angles will most likely fall too low for my interests.


So, I guess, I'm just wondering what everyone's perspective is as it pertains to the talented bunch.


I despair of what to do with them. They're a terrific tag team, but they've been together now for eight years. Apart from Zimmy's brief time as Shooting Star champ, they've been a duo that whole time. They seem too stale, and too over, for the tag team division in SWF.


At the same time, the top of the card is actually pretty crowded too. You've got Faith, Bruce, Money, Vengeance, Khoklov, Frehley and Remo in the main event, and James, Rogue, Valiant, Gilmore, Eisen and Huntingdon nipping at their heels. It just seems too crowded in the North American and World title scene to add a couple of guys who, while talented, don't really stand out in the pack. Especially since Dubois (if you keep him) and Huntingdon especially fill the "blue chipper" niche just as much.


And like you said...that last name...

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What's your plan with the Amazing Bumfholes?


I want to push them. They've got A LOT of talent on their side. That said, I just can't get past their last name (as everyone has the same trouble I'm sure and have had for a long time now). The hard thing is, that's ACTUALLY their last name (as given in their bio) so it's hard to run a storyline where they strip down to their real names.


I've thought about putting them under masks but they've accomplished too much to hide who they are now.


Equally, turning them on one another is a great way to give them some interest BUT they still have the same name. Plus, from a booking perspective, I don't know if I want to entirely book a Zimmy vs. Randy feud on Supreme TV as their angles will most likely fall too low for my interests.


So, I guess, I'm just wondering what everyone's perspective is as it pertains to the talented bunch.


I tried a different focus. I created a stable. The Bumfhole Family. See it a sort of Stones or DeColts in SWF.


Add a few fake family members, especially with high sex appeal males (examples: Mainstream Hernandez, Kirk Jameson, Jamie Atherton), fitting their image as young & cool babyfaces. Add as starting manager Dawn, a good to great mix of entertainment & sex appeal. Maybe add later Kristen Pearce or acquire Haley Buck or Krissy Angelle.


My personal goal is to keep the real brothers on the same disposition.


An example: they will exchange a single belt, the North American, Angry Gilmore is too valuable to let him stay in the swamps of the undercard, without facing each other on 1-on-1 matches.


Or a loose alliance with Jack Bruce & Valiant fighting the Chase Agency will be very helpful in the long term.

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What's your plan with the Amazing Bumfholes?


I want to push them. They've got A LOT of talent on their side. That said, I just can't get past their last name (as everyone has the same trouble I'm sure and have had for a long time now). The hard thing is, that's ACTUALLY their last name (as given in their bio) so it's hard to run a storyline where they strip down to their real names.


I've thought about putting them under masks but they've accomplished too much to hide who they are now.


Equally, turning them on one another is a great way to give them some interest BUT they still have the same name. Plus, from a booking perspective, I don't know if I want to entirely book a Zimmy vs. Randy feud on Supreme TV as their angles will most likely fall too low for my interests.


So, I guess, I'm just wondering what everyone's perspective is as it pertains to the talented bunch.


Their last name is amazing and I won't hear a word against it. :mad: I like running them as heels and having them go over the numerous babyface tag teams. But they're versatile enough that there's really no wrong answer, other than re-naming Marc DuBois Marc Bumfhole and instituting the Freebird rule. That would probably be the wrong answer.

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What's your plan with the Amazing Bumfholes?


I want to push them. They've got A LOT of talent on their side. That said, I just can't get past their last name (as everyone has the same trouble I'm sure and have had for a long time now). The hard thing is, that's ACTUALLY their last name (as given in their bio) so it's hard to run a storyline where they strip down to their real names.

Yeah, I know just what you mean about wanting to push them but not being able to get past the silly name. Here's what I do:


I run storylines where, in true soap opera fashion, the Bumfholes come to learn that Tito Bumfhole is not actually their father. Instead, they're the illegitimate children of a different wrestling superstar from yesteryear. After a few weeks of family drama, recrimination and angst, with Randy and Zimmy not seeing eye to eye and teasing a split, I'll transform The Amazing Bumfholes into The Sensational Streets, turning them heel with user character Sid Streets managing them. Randy's "Bumfhole Buster" finisher gets swapped out for the "Road To Nowhere" while Zimmy gets the "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams."


I give Sid an Old School Heel or Coach gimmick, aggressively pushing young Randy and Zimmy Streets to break the rules whenever possible and develop the killer instinct they'll need to finally reach the main event. After challenging for the SWF Heavyweight Title a few times and coming up just short, they break from Sid and turn face. It's the old bit where Sid goes from abusively screaming at them for the loss to actually putting his hands on them and they snap, throwing him out of the ring, and we never see him again.


As face main eventers without the silly Bumfhole name keeping them down, they're at last ready to win the top title in sports entertainment. And then whichever one of them didn't win the belt gradually gets tired of watching his brother's back and turns heel again to jealously feud over the belt.

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