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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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This is not to crap on your booking style at all, but the way game mechanics work, for a SE promotion, there must at least one guy with a HUGE amount of popularity. Your booking style has a back-and-forth. That's okay, as long as there is one wrestler that is dominant over almost everyone else most of the time. It's needed for good Angles and what-not, and in a pinch, decent match grades as well. Without it, things tend to wishy-washy in terms of grades.


I know Jim Cornette is no SE guy, but he always aaid, one guy must get over before others can get over; you then use your most over guy to get the other guys over.


As for using a Scaffold match, go for it. Bear in mind, though, "AS GOD AS MY WITNESS, HE'S BROKEN IN HALF" moments are rare. Tons of "teases" of falls, but nothing actually happen, save for a single, dramatic moment.


While I am back-and-forth with undercard talent, my main event talent is not necessarily that way. Jack Bruce has yet to lose a match. The same is also with Vengeance. Outside of that, yes, Frehley has dropped one, Remo as well, Faith a few times, but I don't believe I've made it too much of an even playing field (in which to generalize grades).


With that said, I have Jack Bruce at an A. Remo, Frehley, Vengeance and Rich Money at B+. In connection, most all of these guys range from B+ to A* in momentum as well.


Then again, I could be reading your statement wrong. ha.


Haven't tested this yet, but is anyone in SWF willing to take a crazy bump to begin with?


Christian Faith has accepted two bump requests thus far on PPV (January and February). Outside of that, I was able to have Frehley take a 'bump' as well; however, later decided against it as faith was already bumping.

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While I am back-and-forth with undercard talent, my main event talent is not necessarily that way. Jack Bruce has yet to lose a match. The same is also with Vengeance. Outside of that, yes, Frehley has dropped one, Remo as well, Faith a few times, but I don't believe I've made it too much of an even playing field (in which to generalize grades).


With that said, I have Jack Bruce at an A. Remo, Frehley, Vengeance and Rich Money at B+. In connection, most all of these guys range from B+ to A* in momentum as well.


Then again, I could be reading your statement wrong. ha.




Christian Faith has accepted two bump requests thus far on PPV (January and February). Outside of that, I was able to have Frehley take a 'bump' as well; however, later decided against it as faith was already bumping.

Actually, you are reading my statement correctly-I guess I was wrong. That being said, the game never seems to grade out the way it should for you. :p

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Actually, you are reading my statement correctly-I guess I was wrong. That being said, the game never seems to grade out the way it should for you. :p


Okay, good. ha. I re-read it afterward and was starting to second guess. Either way though, TEW likes to punish me for whatever reason.

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Rich Money. I don't see much impact on the match grades when he takes a crazy bump, but there is a positive impact as per the dirt sheet.


Christian Faith has accepted two bump requests thus far on PPV (January and February). Outside of that, I was able to have Frehley take a 'bump' as well; however, later decided against it as faith was already bumping.


ZOMG! Thank you guys, that is really nice to know going into Supreme Challenge of all the PPVs :p

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Has anyone attempted a Scaffold Match in the SWF yet? I'm wondering if it's 'allowed'?


I'm devising a plan for a match to be highlighted on "Awesome Impact" sharing the same name. In a sense, it's a scaffold match; however, without the game in front of me, I'm unable to know if such a match would 'work' in the SWF?




Meanwhile, it's good to know there are others out there who are feeling the same way I am about booking the SWF. I'll admit. I'm no expert at booking an SE company. Hell, almost ALL of my shows end up as a "B" with an occasional "B-" making me cringe. That said, I feel as though, this time around, I feel more at ease with having someone drop a match.


That said, there are certain people (Jack Bruce and Vengeance come to mind) who I protect from losing on a more consistent basis. For me, to have one of them drop a match, there HAS to be a really good reason for doing so.


I barely put Vengeance in the ring with SWF. It's the benefit of an SE company that the guys you have at the top (who aren't Money, Faith or Gilmore) don't have to wrestle all that much to get over. They have to work more than they did in TEW2010 but compared to companies like TCW your Main Eventers can almost stay out of the ring until a PPV.


Old habits die hard for me, though. I like my Champion to be a guy who can work with anyone, not someone who needs protecting. So the belt always ends up back on one of the aforementioned three.


I tend to book Bruce and Frehley like The Rock: short reigns with long periods of being awesome in the chase, because that's where they excel. Remo I dunno about. I don't like Goldberg's. They're too one-dimensional for my tastes and I can't find anything to do with them once they've one a title.

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I find a lot of the roster will take bumps. I find Rich Money an excuse to win the belt by having Marat Khoklov run in at a PPV and get someone to take a bump from it. My original intention was a spear through the wall of a steel cell kinda scenario.


A couple are picky, e.g. Eric Eisen but it always spices up a PPV to have a bump somewhere in the card.


Does anyone struggle to get anything good out of Khoklov? I got one A* rating from a menace angle, the others haven't been rated well. He seems to suck in the ring a lot too and hasn't got the stamina to take on other main eventers. Really considering letting him go. :( Running out of squashes and handicap matches to feed him.

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I find a lot of the roster will take bumps. I find Rich Money an excuse to win the belt by having Marat Khoklov run in at a PPV and get someone to take a bump from it. My original intention was a spear through the wall of a steel cell kinda scenario.


A couple are picky, e.g. Eric Eisen but it always spices up a PPV to have a bump somewhere in the card.


Does anyone struggle to get anything good out of Khoklov? I got one A* rating from a menace angle, the others haven't been rated well. He seems to suck in the ring a lot too and hasn't got the stamina to take on other main eventers. Really considering letting him go. :( Running out of squashes and handicap matches to feed him.


I've had pretty good luck using him as a special attraction. I mentioned the idea way at the start of this thread, but hyping him as the "Russian Smashing Machine". I created a "Russian Pit Fight" match type that I use for him on PPV. It plays off his history as a "legit" fighter in INSPIRE. I give him a patriotic Russian stance and add a special challenge for storyline purposes - that he's never been slammed and there is an open $1,000,000 for anyone who can slam him.


I put him in a feud with Lobster Warrior with pretty good results. Lobby did a solid job of hyping the feud, talking about the challenge of taking down the Russian. I got solid (B range, I think) matches out of the pairing on the first two PPVs. The intent - if I keep going with that game - is to have Lobby go over in the third match. He's already had some solid popularity gains and going over Marat could jump him to main eventer. My own regret is that I could have and perhaps should have used Lobby in a feud with Rich Money to give Money something to do off the start.


I'll probably have Marat smash midcarders for 2 or 3 PPVs after that, then put him in another feud with someone else like Robbie Retro. He might not even go over, but the feud should boost him up in popularity a bit. The grades won't be fantastic for some of the Marat smash matches, but they shouldn't be terrible. Eventually, someone will manage to do the slam - could be a face turn moment for a heel, perhaps, like Luger with Yokozuna. Which would launch off another storyline regarding who bankrolled Marat for that.


Marat isn't massively useful, but he can certainly help you build up other guys. And to me, that makes him fairly useful. Just pick and choose who you have him feud with carefully.

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Another steal from TCW will see Rick Law debut as Marshall Law in SWF soon. I'm aligning him with (demoted >_<) Deputy Dillon and I think I'll name their team SWPD - Supreme Wrestling Police Department - as they'll join forces with Richard Eisen in his ongoing struggle against Eric and his team of former TCW guys - Joey Minnesota, Rocky Golden and Troy Tornado - with who he tries to establish himself as the boss of the SWF. This is so important for Eric that he is willing to help Joey win the SWF title as long as Eric makes it to his desired position.


Dillon and Law will be complete goody-two shoes during this feud, fighting for what is right and just and ofc against corruption and powermongering. Here's hoping SWPD will not have bad chemistry teaming together though...

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Proving that while Richard Eisen may be an analog for Vince McMahon, Eric Eisen is certainly no Shane McMahon! :D


A young Eric Eisen would be the old Shane O'Mac easily.. but the current Eric Eisen is kind of like a what-if Shane McMahon stayed on as a wrestler and got injured constantly. I tried booking him in something slightly risky (something to do with a cage) and he rejected flat out to do it. :(


Even though he's one of my most disliked on the SWF roster he can put up some pretty good performances which surprises me. I'll always take his momentum away from him before he gets too big, that creative control leads to problems.

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So I started a stable called The Sinners, which started out only as a tag team (John Greed and Joseph Lust [Joe Sexy]) Who dominated the tag division for two months before taking the titles form The All-Americans. then they added Josiah Wrath (Primus Allen) and started to really show their stuff holding their own as the tag champions with the help of their muscle. Right now Lust is a Main Eventer and is going on to feud with Upper Midcard Jungle Jack who has swooped in to save the newest member of the stable Joanna Evy (Krissy Angelle) who doesn't want or need saving. While Lust has given his half of the tag belts to Josiah Wrath who with greed is defending them against The Amazing Bumfholes.


At some point I'll have to enlist a fat slop (who isn't a locker room cancer because I already dropped Everest) to be Gluttony. A pretty boy to be Pride and maybe some one other than Lazy Joe who can handle the Narcoleptic gimmick to be Sloth. Obviously all names will begin with Jo.

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So I started a stable called The Sinners, which started out only as a tag team (John Greed and Joseph Lust [Joe Sexy]) Who dominated the tag division for two months before taking the titles form The All-Americans. then they added Josiah Wrath (Primus Allen) and started to really show their stuff holding their own as the tag champions with the help of their muscle. Right now Lust is a Main Eventer and is going on to feud with Upper Midcard Jungle Jack who has swooped in to save the newest member of the stable Joanna Evy (Krissy Angelle) who doesn't want or need saving. While Lust has given his half of the tag belts to Josiah Wrath who with greed is defending them against The Amazing Bumfholes.


At some point I'll have to enlist a fat slop (who isn't a locker room cancer because I already dropped Everest) to be Gluttony. A pretty boy to be Pride and maybe some one other than Lazy Joe who can handle the Narcoleptic gimmick to be Sloth. Obviously all names will begin with Jo.


I think that's a cool idea.


For the pretty boy I'd either hire Steven Parker or split the Bumfholes. Dunno about the slob though; call up Avalanche maybe?

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I think that's a cool idea.


For the pretty boy I'd either hire Steven Parker or split the Bumfholes. Dunno about the slob though; call up Avalanche maybe?


I was thiinking Justin Sensitive since h's in development right now for the pretty boy as well but I like the Parker idea.

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Parker would be good for Pride, or you could just nab from your own roster and use Valiant. He's basically a pretty boy, but would already have the overness. For Gluttony, Giant Tana might work, or if you just want a body, OX Mastodon. And for sloth, it doesn't have to be a narcoleptic gimmick as I think any really lazy, doesn't expend effort gimmick might work.
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Parker would be good for Pride, or you could just nab from your own roster and use Valiant. He's basically a pretty boy, but would already have the overness. For Gluttony, Giant Tana might work, or if you just want a body, OX Mastodon. And for sloth, it doesn't have to be a narcoleptic gimmick as I think any really lazy, doesn't expend effort gimmick might work.


Alright then Parker it is and Tana is still signed with TCW so we'll see. Maybe if Kanishoki comes off Hiatus I'll grab that big sumo slob for Sloth.

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It's a great idea for a stable and I think I will 'steal' it for my private SWF game ^^ because right now I have the 'Church of Greed', a stable obviously led by John Greed with brute henchmen Bulldog Allen and Dominus Nox (latin for lord of the night - bit of a Warhammer 40k reference :p ... it's Scythe actually) as well as main eventers Marat Khoklov and Vengeance. Vengeance and Khoklov lost a tag match against Faith and Bruce on PPV however and this caused Khoklov to freak out, attack Vengeance and turning him face in the process.


With that in mind, I think I'll now expand the stable in a similar direction to the Sinners in your game. I really like the idea plus - I like to use stables to build unknown workers up.


I'm doing the same with the Chase Agency, who 'steal' a lot of camera time atm because so much is going on with them - Rogue took the NA title from Gilmore when Brandon James failed to do so (Gilmore is off to bigger things) and Emma now puts all her focus on her champion. James is not only envious as hell but also treated as second rate by Rogue (and Emma, somewhat) which will lead to a face turn by James down the line. At the same time, Emma is helping the Keith brothers Matt and Greg with their popularity a lot and they're hunting for the tag team titles atm.


Fun stuff, I should have started playing CV games MUCH sooner - but it's never too late, is it? ^^

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After thinking it over, I believe I'm going to take another's perspective (I read awhile back) linking "Awesome Impact" with the WWE's "Royal Rumble" approach. I originally thought of doing a 'scaffold match' under the PPV's name, making it an attraction of the PPV; however, later felt it was 'too extreme'; especially coming off of "Nothing to Lose" (which I've booked as more of an extreme PPV).


Originally, I was afraid of jumping in with the Royal Rumble approach as Captain Atomic just won the "New Year's Revolution" match (Much like MITB) at "When Hell Freezes Over" but then realized that the both could coincide in close proximity. While Atomic's is for any title in the calendar year of 2013, the "Awesome Impact" winner will be given a World Heavyweight Championship match sometime in the future. Since I don't have my laptop in front of me, I'm not quite sure WHICH PPV will house that match though (as I don't want it to be the Supreme Challenge; as it's too far in between PPV's).


Now, I just have to drum-up who I'd like to see win the whole thing?


A question I have for SWF bookers who have booked such a battle royal/royal rumble concept, how long of a match do you typically book? I'm thinking an hour is about right; however, don't want that to be too much out of the ordinary. In reality, I'd love to do 90-minutes; however, that could be a little too long.

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I've booked a 40 minute 30 men over the top battle royal where Joey Minnesota stole one over Jack Bruce as finalist - the match rated 88. Not sure how it would have done had it gone for an hour, but seeing as I had some lower mids in and not a whole bunch of guys had great stamina, I thought 40 minutes were okay - and they sure were indeed because I never expected the match to score 88 to begin with.
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A question I have for SWF bookers who have booked such a battle royal/royal rumble concept, how long of a match do you typically book? I'm thinking an hour is about right; however, don't want that to be too much out of the ordinary. In reality, I'd love to do 90-minutes; however, that could be a little too long.


I ran a 60ish minute Royal Rumble style match. The majority of my roster with a push of midcard or above was in it. Rich Money won it and it got an 83 rating.

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I just noticed something and I apologize if it's already been said.


I just started the month of April and I took a look at my finances. The Taxes column seemed rather... interesting to me it read like this:


Jan: 1,128,000

Feb. 0 (GASP)

March: 484,430


Does everyone's look like this, or should I be worried the tax man is really going to come after Eisen here soon?

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So I love stables love them apparently I just can't help it.


I signed


The Second Sons Of Wrestling


Ash Campbell

Brett Star

Cameron Vessey

Casey Valentine

Greg Keith

Matthew Keith


The Kings of Samoa


Arthur Dexter Bradley

Akima Brave


Rhino Umaga

Samoan Machine


(Toma won't sign doesn't like the risque and I'm just waiting for Tana's contract to be up)

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A question I have for SWF bookers who have booked such a battle royal/royal rumble concept, how long of a match do you typically book? I'm thinking an hour is about right; however, don't want that to be too much out of the ordinary. In reality, I'd love to do 90-minutes; however, that could be a little too long.

Do it a long as possible-90 minute match time. The only isue would be balancing with other matches and angle time.

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Started my first SWF game in '13, and so far, ran 2 Supreme TV's. For now, I'm sticking with the "out of the box" storylines but may tinker with them a little.


I'm enjoying Gilmore / Eisen most...


I've had Eisen play mind games with Gilmore, causing him to lose 2 weeks in a row. In both matches, Eisen's music played mid-match, distracting Gilmore. After the 2nd match, Gilmore made his way backstage, absolutely raging and looking for Eisen when out of nowhere he's taken out by a speeding car.


Eisen will then challenge Gilmore to a match at When Hell Freezes Over, and when Gilmore can't comptete due to his injuries, he'll be forced to drop the title, which will then be contested at When Hell Freezes Over in a 6-Way Elimination match involving Eisen (and probably Losbter Warrior, Captain Atomic, Joe Sexy, Squeaky McClean & Robbie Retro)


The final 2 in the match will Eisen & Lobster Warrior. Although Gilmore will be "injured" I'm going to have him make his way to the ring on crutches and cost Eisen the match before celebrating with the new champ.


I plan on this being a lengthy feud, with Gilmore hell bent on finding out who the driver was. So far, I've considered 2 people;


1) Rich Money - At some point in my games, Gilmore & Money will have an epic feud and this could be the catalyst. However, I'm not entirely sold because Money wouldn't really have a motive other than, well, Money. I could play it out that Eisen put a bounty on Gilmore and Rich Money (being all about the money) took out Gilmore and collected it.


2) Spencer Spade - Spade would have a better motive; he wanted to make an impact on the SWF Universe. Hearing that Eisen wanted to take out Gilmore, the promising youngster stepped up. This undoubtebly help me get Spade over in a big way, being involved in what I hope to be the hottest feud of 2013.

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I just noticed something and I apologize if it's already been said.


I just started the month of April and I took a look at my finances. The Taxes column seemed rather... interesting to me it read like this:


Jan: 1,128,000

Feb. 0 (GASP)

March: 484,430


Does everyone's look like this, or should I be worried the tax man is really going to come after Eisen here soon?


Yeah, it seems taxes are collected every other month. I don't have my game open in front of me but I remember seeing that myself.

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