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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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<p>If you really got behind Ernest Youngman from the beginning, he'd have the skills to get away with it (assuming he got a good destiny roll). He's 19, charismatic and is crazy talented...his SQ is a bit lower, but it's still higher than Paul Huntingdon's...and he's Extremely Conservative as well...but still...it could be done...</p><p> </p><p>

Otherwise, yeah, you'd need to get lucky with a rookie...</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="fusionfx!" data-cite="fusionfx!" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I experimented alot with TEW 2005 when it became freeware but never played with the Cornellverse at all. So I decided to go ahead and get TEW 2013 and try the Cornellverse out. I love the SWF product and everything about it, but can't seem to keep it going(in terms of sticking with it and not abandoning it like I have 3 times already).</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="fusionfx!" data-cite="fusionfx!" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's definitely a great promotion to work with, it's just difficult coming up with ideas.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> When you say you find it difficult coming up with ideas, I'm curious what you specifically mean. </p><p> </p><p> When it comes to the SWF, or any promotion, it can be a challenge to get really invested into the game and the characters. Without that investment, it can quickly turn into input-output for results, which isn't fun for most of us. Two suggestions to help get "deeper" into a game with the SWF...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>1. Invest in the Characters. </strong></p><p> </p><p> The beautiful thing about the C-verse is that we get history and canon and all of that, but many of the workers are really just outlines. They are sketches that we get to color however we choose. Filling them in takes some thought, however. What does a Jack Bruce promo sound like? What does a match of his look like? What are his catchprhases? Reading some diary projects and "borrowing" from them is an easy way. So is connecting directly to real workers. This thread has some great suggestions in this regard and is worth going back to read. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>2. Find a Story to Tell</strong></p><p> </p><p> Preferably more than one. Find the stories you want to see play out. That can help you stick to a game even when you make some mistakes and/or do things you don't like. You can take you favorite real stories and adapt them - like how about Steve Frehley, Rich Money and Marat redo the Hogan-Andre-DiBiase story. Or you can go the opposite direction and pick something you want do see happen, then plan the stories back from there - like maybe have Valiant become world champion within a year, so plot out his feuds to get him there.</p>
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<p>One thing I noticed is that gimmicks are a bit trickier in this game. I usually do Some Input when giving guys gimmicks. It's safer that way and I usually have about like an 80% success rate. But I'm curious to how many actually use Heavy Input or dare I say, creative freedom a little bit more. And to whom? </p><p> </p><p>

I've never tried this(for some reason) but I always like to think that a guy like Jack Bruce, giving his entertainment skills, would be someone you could fathom giving creative freedom with his character. In theory I've always envisioned Bruce as someone who could improvise stuff character wise because in my head he's this larger than life dude. This is kinda a segway to what Papa mentioned above me. Investing in the characters, especially in SWF, makes things more lively and more fun.When that happens, coming up with ideas should become much easier.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Lo-Drew" data-cite="Lo-Drew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>One thing I noticed is that gimmicks are a bit trickier in this game. I usually do Some Input when giving guys gimmicks. It's safer that way and I usually have about like an 80% success rate. But I'm curious to how many actually use Heavy Input or dare I say, creative freedom a little bit more. And to whom?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Most of the time I give them no input, especially my main guys, since I've noticed that no matter how much input you give them, it still seems kind of random how well the gimmick turns out. And even though it says in the game that with no input, there is no chance of the gimmick going horribly wrong or exceeding expectations, I've had initial gimmick ratings in the 50's as well as in the 90's when I gave them no input. </p><p> </p><p> I rarely use heavy input or creative freedom. The only guys I'd give it to are either jobbers you don't really care about or guys with an A rating in the gimmick type and a gimmick that fits extremely well to what your fans want to see according to the product analysis.</p><p> </p><p> Edit: Since we're talking SWF, with the default product, you should go for low risk gimmicks. As far as subtlety, there are two conflicting descriptions in the product, so I'm not sure in what range the subtlety level should be. I've also never played as the SWF, so I can't really say what works and what doesn't although the above should really apply universally.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MightyDavidson" data-cite="MightyDavidson" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Stupid question time: how do you make a wrestler a trainer in developmental?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Select the person on the roster page, click Developmental, and choose the last option on the drop down menu.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Lo-Drew" data-cite="Lo-Drew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>One thing I noticed is that gimmicks are a bit trickier in this game. I usually do Some Input when giving guys gimmicks. It's safer that way and I usually have about like an 80% success rate. But I'm curious to how many actually use Heavy Input or dare I say, creative freedom a little bit more. And to whom? </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I give everyone creative freedom on every gimmick and roll with what comes. I always filter by "don't show gimmicks not suited to this worker" and then pick something from that list.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="de knegt" data-cite="de knegt" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>And how succesful does that tactic tend to be?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Not horribly? But I tend to have decent luck with UM/ME workers and have gotten things like a 96 Law Enforcer on Rick Law and other phenomenal gimmicks on people I want to build.</p>
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<p>Has anyone had any success (grade-wise/matches & angles) with the Biggins Brothers? I've booked them into the ground (F+ and E- momentum). I doubt they'll ever make it 'back' but I can't fire them (as I have a soft spot, for whatever reason, for them). </p><p> </p><p>

More or less, I'm interested to see if anyone has actually seen a strong output from them?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eisen-verse" data-cite="Eisen-verse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Has anyone had any success (grade-wise/matches & angles) with the Biggins Brothers? I've booked them into the ground (F+ and E- momentum). I doubt they'll ever make it 'back' but I can't fire them (as I have a soft spot, for whatever reason, for them). <p> </p><p> More or less, I'm interested to see if anyone has actually seen a strong output from them?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I've seen some pretty solid stuff from Bart in a past SWF game after a split. Brett got jannetty treatment (or Matt hardy if you're into that whole modern thing) and Bart became a solid upper Midcard heel. Even challenged for the title on one occasion, pulling a B+</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eisen-verse" data-cite="Eisen-verse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Has anyone had any success (grade-wise/matches & angles) with the Biggins Brothers? I've booked them into the ground (F+ and E- momentum). I doubt they'll ever make it 'back' but I can't fire them (as I have a soft spot, for whatever reason, for them). <p> </p><p> More or less, I'm interested to see if anyone has actually seen a strong output from them?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> As a team, their matches seem to have a pretty high floor due to their tag team experience. This makes them great for putting people over and getting young tag teams to the next level. Once they're in momentum hell, it usually only takes a few wins on some low opponents to get them out. That's mainly how I use them. But I don't feel right calling that successful since they're overness has plummeted with this method.</p><p> </p><p> Bart definitely has the superior skills, though. When I split them up in my first SWF game, he was the clear standout, but neither had the skills to compete on their own, so I ended up dropping them both. But like you were saying, I can't bring myself to drop them in my current game.</p>
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<p>Well, what you can always do to ''spice'' it up is by splitting them up but instead giving them solo runs you can team them up with fresh kids.</p><p> </p><p>

Sell it as a challenge between the two of them to see who can nurture the best young prospect or something. I mean neither guys are top notch guys, but especially Bart should help a kid out quite a bit with his decent to good skills.</p><p> </p><p>

If you put him with a kid that already has talky skills, they might even each other out.</p>

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<p>Yeah for me I can't ever find it in me to fire them because I feel since they've been in SWF for so long that in a way I can't picture SWF without them. Of course they're not going to be tag champs again but people like them and Enforcer Roberts to me are some of the guys I immediately associate SWF with. And I can't find it in me to throw that away(nor would I want to.)</p><p> </p><p>

Anyways you would who I honestly think may be one of the most underrated guys in the C-Verse, let alone SWF? John Greed. He has great Star Quality(B+), pretty good Entertainment skills and is fairly decent in the ring. The star quality along with the good Entertainment skills should make it pretty easy to elevate him. Though at 33 he's about two years away from a decline(maybe). Regardless with Greed you probably have a 2-3 year window to elevate him. But in my games I have found it to be pretty easy thanks to the SQ and entertainment skills. How do you guys book Greed? Do you see him as someone that could be in the UMC-ME range or do you see him as a steady midcard hand?</p>

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Has anyone had any success (grade-wise/matches & angles) with the Biggins Brothers? I've booked them into the ground (F+ and E- momentum). I doubt they'll ever make it 'back' but I can't fire them (as I have a soft spot, for whatever reason, for them).


More or less, I'm interested to see if anyone has actually seen a strong output from them?


Same here. I had them jobbing to my more advanced tag teams and am now giving them a slight push and letting them punish some of the jobber tag teams. Their A+ experience helps too much for me to let them go.




My current game got smacked with the Popularity cap gods. Here's where my big names stand, all capped in June 2013.


Steve Frehley: 88

Vengeance: 83

Remo: 90

Christian Faith: 84

Rich Money: 84

Jack Bruce: 94


This is brutal. I'm pushing Rogue and Robbie Retro right now, hoping to phase out Faith. Also, Bear Bekowski has a high destiny according to the news reports, so I have him as Rich Money's bodyguard for now.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="We are APW" data-cite="We are APW" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have a January 2014 if you're interested?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes please.</p>
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Would be interested in any views/critiquing of what I've done so far.




The history for the World Title is a little weird


Remo wins the title yet two weeks later Rich Money is retaining it against Faith then Rogue defeats Money at SC33 and wins the title yet Money reatins it on the same show against Remo. Then there's somehow Rogue wins the title again ratining it against Lobby. What exactly happened there?


Same thing with the NA title with Oro Del Ray defeating James in a title match yet nothing happening. Was it James getting DQ'd or counted out and did you have Eisen vacate the title due to his creative control?

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I've been playing it a while so I need to go off memory.


Remo winning it was a mistake, so I "ignored" that it happened and replaced Remo with Money.


Money retained against Remo at SC33, but was cashed in on by Rogue, I believe.


Not sure about the other bits... I'll have a look.


Edit: Eisen got stripped of the NA title because he spends most of his time suspended.


Yeah I looked at SC33. I got confused since the title history says Rogue won the title and then Money retained against Remo but the show has Money vs Remo first followed by Rogue winning it.

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Question how do you guys get new signings or people called up from development more overness. It's harder to do this game that 10 for sure and sometimes I struggle with getting a new guy over. I don't rush it because with the current talent on the roster, I don't need too, but sometimes I have problems getting a new signing(say like the Keiths in my current game). So I'm curious to how people handle this. IDK maybe I can pick up something from you guys.
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Would be interested in any views/critiquing of what I've done so far.




I gotta go through it more thoroughly, but I notice that your roster's overness is brutal, but you're still consistently scoring grades 5-8 points above me!!!! I think I need to put the title on Money.


Edit: And Frank McMahon has future champ written all over him if he can improve in development for a year.

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Question how do you guys get new signings or people called up from development more overness. It's harder to do this game that 10 for sure and sometimes I struggle with getting a new guy over. I don't rush it because with the current talent on the roster, I don't need too, but sometimes I have problems getting a new signing(say like the Keiths in my current game). So I'm curious to how people handle this. IDK maybe I can pick up something from you guys.


The best thing is to simply play to their strengths. If they are entertaining guys, let them do promos that put over the fact that they are entertaining.

If they are menacing, let them do menacing segments.


In general it's much easier to push people who have strengths outside of the ring.

A guy who can't put on a headlock but looks like a monster is easier to push than a guy who is the best wrestler ever but has the charisma of a cinderblock. Naturally in performance feds it's the other way around, but in popularity feds it's all about the stories and the action instead of what happens in the ring.


With the Keith's Greg/Matthew you have the advantage that they are both in ring talents and are also entertaining. So what I would do is give them nice wins to up their momentum, whilst also letting them do entertainment/acting/mic based angles. They should be able to impress


And if you want to do it faster than that, the only real way is to make them win against bigger names but that might cause some turmoil when the bigger names don't want to job.

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In my July 2013 save I have almost all my main eventers capped in the mid to low 80's. My midcard and UMC are all around 60-80.


My entire Chase Agency is around 80.


Question how do you guys get new signings or people called up from development more overness. It's harder to do this game that 10 for sure and sometimes I struggle with getting a new guy over. I don't rush it because with the current talent on the roster, I don't need too, but sometimes I have problems getting a new signing(say like the Keiths in my current game). So I'm curious to how people handle this. IDK maybe I can pick up something from you guys.


I have Spencer Spade, Lenny Brown and Primus Allen being booked together as "Bad Company", a S.H.I.E.L.D. type stable who are going around and harassing everyone. They've spent the last 3 months in angles only and are all around 40-50. I'm going to have them amke their in ring debut when they reach around 60 by taking the tag team belts off The Awesomeness (who are sitting at 65).


At first, I hated the overness caps, but now I love them. It really makes you think who you should push and whether someones low pop but high skills would be better with the strap then someone with high pop and mid ranged skills.




Has anyone rebuilt the cruiser weight division?

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The best thing is to simply play to their strengths. If they are entertaining guys, let them do promos that put over the fact that they are entertaining.

If they are menacing, let them do menacing segments.


In general it's much easier to push people who have strengths outside of the ring.

A guy who can't put on a headlock but looks like a monster is easier to push than a guy who is the best wrestler ever but has the charisma of a cinderblock. Naturally in performance feds it's the other way around, but in popularity feds it's all about the stories and the action instead of what happens in the ring.


With the Keith's Greg/Matthew you have the advantage that they are both in ring talents and are also entertaining. So what I would do is give them nice wins to up their momentum, whilst also letting them do entertainment/acting/mic based angles. They should be able to impress


And if you want to do it faster than that, the only real way is to make them win against bigger names but that might cause some turmoil when the bigger names don't want to job.


QFT. This is one of the most simple and clear explanations about how to successfully book the SWF. Or any SE federation. Its great advice not just for how to book newcomers but how to book the SWF in general.


Question how do you guys get new signings or people called up from development more overness. It's harder to do this game that 10 for sure and sometimes I struggle with getting a new guy over. I don't rush it because with the current talent on the roster, I don't need too, but sometimes I have problems getting a new signing(say like the Keiths in my current game). So I'm curious to how people handle this. IDK maybe I can pick up something from you guys.


Its definitely more of a challenge in TEW 2013. Recent Fortunes means that its not possible to have a worker lose their way up the card anymore. It takes more planning. If you bring in a handful of new talent and try to build them all up at once, its going to be messy and really difficult. You need to pick a couple at most and target specific ways to build each of them up.


What de knegt mentioned above is key IMO. To go a bit further, some major options are obtaining a B show and/or using veterans. Pairing a veteran worker with a rookie (in SWF terms, at least) is an old standby and works a treat. Something like JamesCasey using Runaway Train and Swoop McCarthy as a team in his Generation Supreme diary (on 2010, as Train is still active). If Christian Faith is in steep decline, its a great use for him. A midcarder who isn't going to move up, like Everest, can be made somewhat useful in this way as well, or even a star who lacks a program currently. It obviously doesn't simply have to be a tag team. Maybe a star brings in a menacing new worker as a bodyguard, or a tag team as their hired muscle. A new addition to a stable. Or some other storyline - I've come to look upon Scythe as the new Vengeance as typically try to bring him trough in some kind of storyline, whether its having them together or opposed. Or simply use a manager who has solid overness to be their mouthpiece for awhile to get them over. Putting Emma Chase in charge of the Keith wins or Spencer Spade would bear pretty quick results.


But mainly, have them do positive things. Have them in good angles. Have them win some matches - not meaning win every match and/or going over guys well above them. As de knegt mentions, use them to their strengths and you should see progress.

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