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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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Try something different for Jack Bruce, maybe again Jay Chord, as a sort of Legend of the Legend Killers and true heir of the SWF Style. Compare Bruce-Chord as the old Sam Strong - Rip Chord and you have your rivalry.


Yeah that was the one I was most unsure about


The problem there is that this is definitely happening at Supreme Challenge 36, and at that time (if everything goes according to plan) the only main event heels in his brand will be Eddie Peak, Remo and perhaps Brandon James or even Golden Scorpion.


Then again I could turn him heel after he retires Christian Faith (Faith is heel at the moment for a storyline called Face Value (Jack Bruce and Nicky Champion moulded their values on Faith but now that he's turned on them, they have to fight him off, all the while Remo is stalking Bruce and Champion and Bruce aren't aligned in any way))


So what about Nicky Champion?


A perfect solution (in my eyes anyway) would be the stealing of Champagne Lover. I know that his contract comes up in time, but the problem would be if I could build him up in time (I'll probably have about eight months).


Also, Rocky Golden's contract hasn't come up (I'm currently at mid-May 2015) so if it does could that be a possibility? (I can imagine them teaming together but not feuding).


In fact, having just checked, not only does Champagne Lover's contract come up in 70 days, but Trent Shaffer's is in 71 days, Golden's is 84 days and Rick Law's is 98 days. So those are all viable options. Although I rather want to create a Teen Idol/Rock Stars stable of Bruce, Golden, Shaffer and The Awesomeness.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Sons of Kohral" data-cite="Sons of Kohral" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Unfortunately, I have no clue what to do with the tag team belts. Hero Squad is so kitschy but i don't want to push either of them. Out of my entire tag team division, the only person I actually want to push is Des Davids, but I fear that there may be no room at the top of the card for him. So the tag team belt is kind of staying where it is now and stagnating. They feuded with The Pain Alliance and I had the alliance job to them due to BSB attitude issues. Now? I don't know.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kitarzu" data-cite="Kitarzu" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hire Donnie J to form a stable with the Platinum Blondes, and give the titles to them.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I did the exact same as the idea above, yet threw away Garcia and renamed Donnie J to Donnie Judgement and changed the name of the tag team to Common Sense.</p>
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Finally decided to give the new 2014 data a run with the SWF. Oh man, how I've missed running this company. First show grabbed an A grade. Absolutely love some of teh starting storylines.


Completely agree with you there, PA. The SWF starts off at an interesting point in 2014. I only wish I had more free time to turn it into something fun.


I'm sure we'd ALL love to see a BigPapa42 SWF dynasty once again... ;)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eisen-verse" data-cite="Eisen-verse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Completely agree with you there, PA. The SWF starts off at an interesting point in 2014. I only wish I had more free time to turn it into something fun. <p> </p><p> I'm sure we'd ALL love to see a BigPapa42 SWF dynasty once again... <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No doubt. I find Bruce is a ratings machine. He's so much fun and so easy to book to success. </p><p> </p><p> Was a bit surprised on that grade. Segments with workers I didn't expect to grade all that well were still strong. Like putting Valiant on the mic, talking about Eric Eisen. Think it still got a B or B+. </p><p> </p><p> Thanks for the vote but not likely. Still rolling with the AWF project - albiet very slowly - and any future projects are likely going to be monthly recap style like my WCW projects.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="fusionfx!" data-cite="fusionfx!" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Would Lug Phelan be a good addition to SWF?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> After some time in RIPW he could make a good midcard brawler with his decent star quality and brawler style. Plus he has decent psychology.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="fusionfx!" data-cite="fusionfx!" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34914" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks man. Another question, How do I go about booking the SWF Supreme TV show? Like can I get some tips?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This was earlier in the thread on teh original TEW 2013 database but it might give some ideas: </p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1853376&postcount=108" rel="external nofollow">http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1853376&postcount=108</a></p><p> </p><p> Some tips. based on how I tend to book: </p><p> </p><p> -don't be in a rush to change the show to 2 hours. 90 minutes gives you lots of time and let's you feature your top guys. Which works really well as they are you most popular. And the product is rated on popularity, so....</p><p> </p><p> -as mentioned, highlight your top talent. Build your shows around your top guys. They will pull your strongest grade. And that can carry your show. </p><p> </p><p> -angles are your friend. I will try to book angles for all major storylines first, then for other top talent. I will often get close having too high of a percentage of angles. Then fill in some matches. A key to good angle grades if making sure to use talent to their strengths. I always create a series of simple "promo/interview" angles - Worker #1 is rated on Entertainment, talking about Worker B who is rated on Overness and Off Screen". Variations with an interviewer or manager. Those angles tend to be an easy B+ and often an A with any top worker in the SWF who can talk. </p><p> </p><p> -there is some good in-ring workers in the SWF, particularly in the midcard and upper midcard. You can score a pretty solid main event grade by having Remo go over Gilmore, or Bruce or over Squeeky, etc. But you don't want to job out those guys. If you have them lose one week, give them a win the following week plus a solid angle. That keeps their momentum up. </p><p> </p><p> -everyone loves to develop new stars. One of hte most fun aspects of TEW. But putting them on-screen before they have much overness can be detrimental - they end up with crappy grades which could affect the show. so use them carefully and in a limited capacity. Have some patience. The cmopany doesn't have a burning need for "new blood" so you don't need to rush workers to the top. </p><p> </p><p> -there are different approaches to the main event scene and how to book main events on TV. Some like to have star versus star on TV, often with non-finishes. This typically scores solid grades but comes with consequences (it affects PPV buys). Putting a star against a upper micard as mentioned above (guys like Gilmore, Valiant, Rogue, Squeeky, Lobby) can extremelly effecive. So can using tag matches. I tend to mix up all three. Just take care not to over-job anyone. </p><p> </p><p> Hope that helps.</p>
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<p>So I shouldn't have the lower midcard or lower than that shown very much on Supreme TV? Also, I started a new game. How's this for the first show?</p><p> </p><p>

Angry Gilmore def. John Greed</p><p>

Steve Frehley def. Squeeky McClean</p><p>

Brandon James/Rogue def. Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole</p><p>

Jack Bruce def. Paul Huntingdon</p><p>

Remo def. Lobster Warrior</p><p>

Christian Faith def. Eric Eisen</p>

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I like to keep my SWF shows at 4-5 matches personally since otherwise next week I have already used a lot of midcarders to lose and I can't give them all a win. Not all your main event talent have to be in a match since they can carry angles so I only use them for the main and semi along with the occasional squash match after a PPV loss.
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So I shouldn't have the lower midcard or lower than that shown very much on Supreme TV? Also, I started a new game. How's this for the first show?


Angry Gilmore def. Joe Sexy

Steve Frehley def. Squeeky McClean

Brandon James/Rogue def. Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole

Jack Bruce def. Paul Huntingdon

Remo def. Lobster Warrior

Christian Faith def. Eric Eisen


I don't tend to. Its not wrong to, but I just book a certain way. There will typically be a couple lower card guys on a show, but they are often against upper card opponents. They are getting squashed in a short match or losing in some form of tag effort (big fan of 3v3 matche). I will very rarely put a midcarder against a lower card guy on TV - a grade somewhere between D and C is likely and while that won't kill a show that is booked soundly otherwise but I just typically avoid it.


That's not bad. A bit heavy, as you have 3-4 matches that could be a TV main event. Also a few more matches than I typically book. I try to make sure my top guys are on TV but not always in matches. I also use a lot of tag matches, especially 3v3. I would probably meld one of them together - maybe Gilmore & Frehley over Sexy & McClean and turn one of them into more of a squash - take Remo out and have Lobby go over DuBois.

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Dark Matches: Hero Squad def. The Biggins Bros - 77

Des Davids def. Kurt Laramee - 70

Enforcer Roberts def. Marshall Dillon - 68


Christian Faith, Steve Frehley, Remo, and Vengeance confrontation - 88

Angry Gilmore def. John Greed - 74

Angry Gilmore beaten down by Eric Eisen backstage - 80

Squeeky McClean def. American Machine - 69

Brandon James/Rogue def. Randy and Zimmy Bumfhole - 81

Jack Bruce and Valiant ambushed by Brandon James and Rogue, distraction by Emma Chase - 78

Remo def. Lobster Warrior - 90

Rich Money's attack on Lobster Warrior failed - 78

Christian Faith challenged Eric Eisen to a match, Eisen accepts - 84

Christian Faith def. Eric Eisen - 86

Christian Faith and Steve Frehley beaten down by Vengeance and Remo - 84


Final Rating: 86


Edit: I also wanted to say thank you for all your help Bigpapa42 and Rickymex.

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In multiperson matches(3 and 4 way matches), I'm guessing that the people that get pinned will lose overness/popularity and the one that gets the win will gain in overness/popularity. But what about the ones that aren't involved in the decision? What happens to them?


I'm asking because I'm at When Hell Freezes Over and I'm gonna put the World title on the line with Frehley defending against the other 3 contenders. I don't want Faith to take the fall because I know his popularity will bomb. So I was thinking since Frehley is the worst out of all 4 of them, then he will take the fall and most likely be demoted to Upper Midcard.

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Finally decided to give the new 2014 data a run with the SWF. Oh man, how I've missed running this company. First show grabbed an A grade. Absolutely love some of teh starting storylines.


Probably better than 2013.


You have your headliner Bruce with the gold against Remo, Gilmore nearby the main event with Money, The Chase Agency against a wrecking machine like Frehley and Valiant heading to the top spots, battling Eisen. Faith and Vengeance are also free, with potential storylines with youngsters.


One particular note: Eric Eisen loves to hospitalize people!


Nice show Fusionfx! If you want a great tag team main event later on, go with Gilmore & Bruce VS The Almighty Dollar, Remo & Rick Money.

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Probably better than 2013.


You have your headliner Bruce with the gold against Remo, Gilmore nearby the main event with Money, The Chase Agency against a wrecking machine like Frehley and Valiant heading to the top spots, battling Eisen. Faith and Vengeance are also free, with potential storylines with youngsters.


One particular note: Eric Eisen loves to hospitalize people!


Nice show Fusionfx! If you want a great tag team main event later on, go with Gilmore & Bruce VS The Almighty Dollar, Remo & Rick Money.


Thanks man. I'll surely do that once I get Gilmore to main event. Shouldn't take too awfully long. How many matches do you guys usually put on in PPV's? Right now my WHFO card has 6.

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Thanks man. I'll surely do that once I get Gilmore to main event. Shouldn't take too awfully long. How many matches do you guys usually put on in PPV's? Right now my WHFO card has 6.


From 6 to 10. It depends mainly of the storylines.


I would also try to follow the PPV instructions. For example, in the Welcome To The Jungle the AI plays as a main event a battle royal, filled of main eventers and uppercarders. I usually do a main event Royal Rumble style main event, with the winner gets a guaranteed spot in the main event of the next Supreme Challenge.

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Thanks man. I'll surely do that once I get Gilmore to main event. Shouldn't take too awfully long. How many matches do you guys usually put on in PPV's? Right now my WHFO card has 6.


Having recently started my first SWF game with the 2014 data this was my card for the first PPV


Des Davids d. Squeaky McClean to retain the NA title (won on first TV. Sexy/Clean vs All Americans in sort of a singles feud)


Brandon James d. Christian Faith (who helps Frehley)


Eric Eisen d. Valiant via interference from Vengeance


Hero Squad d. Platinum Blondes to retain the tag belts


Frehley d. Rogue in a strap match


Gilmore d. Money


Bruce d. Remo to retain the belt



That's 7 matches but I usually aim for 8-10 since I try to have 5-6 storylines ongoing at all times. I also found it a necessity to change to 2 hours in 2014 whereas with the 2013 data I could book the 90 minute shows but the roster and tag division in particular usually gets shafted when I tried with the 2014 SWF

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When I run Popularity promotions (more often CGC than SWF) my philosophy is that Main Eventers are special. Very rarely will you see more than a few of them wrestling on free TV. My main champion never wrestles on free TV. I save that for PPV's. Angles are of course a different story. You want to feature those top guys heavily in angles, hyping up the money bouts.


I also go by the idea that I want a kick ass main event... a pretty good semi-main... and the rest can be garbage. Absolute garbage. Squash matches and lower-midcard tags. Stuff that builds people up for the future. As long as my main event hits home (and one long, strong, angle) I'm safe. Undercard grades don't really matter.


For PPV's I go with 7 matches. When I bump it up to 8 (including pre-show) I tend to find my main event gets the 'burnt out crowd' penalty. 7 does the trick.

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I also go by the idea that I want a kick ass main event... a pretty good semi-main... and the rest can be garbage. Absolute garbage. Squash matches and lower-midcard tags. Stuff that builds people up for the future. As long as my main event hits home (and one long, strong, angle) I'm safe. Undercard grades don't really matter.


This is basically what I do. Main Event tags matches, ME vs Squeeky/Sexy/Lobster and use the other 3 matches to build up my tag teams and midcarders since I lower the TV ration to 50/50. Bruce in angles is the best thing in the world.

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I tend to hold the same perspective towards main eventers in entertainment companies, but I usually just feature a single main eventer, of course in the main event. Though it applies only to the guys I am actually pushing as the main stars, not just their popularity. Christian Faith for instance wrestles a hell of a lot when working programs with guys lower on the card to train their skills though Remo doesn't wrestle nearly as much as Faith.


Though by being in a 3 way war in SWF there is incentive for me to have main eventers wrestling slightly more often but rarely against each other and never in singles

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<p>Old school wrestling. I love it! </p><p> </p><p>

Even the WWF used to have the champ wrestle on TV once in a while lol. Once or twice a year (usually during sweeps month). Hogan pretty much never wrestled on free TV (except SNME).</p><p> </p><p>

Without a good main event you can't get the good grades. But you can get by sometimes with a great jobber to the stars (like Dark Angel) vs a top guy who can perform in the ring. Get a B, main angles get an A and you have a good show.</p><p> </p><p>

I do squash matches and such, tags with top stars but I put a few world title matches and other such big matches on free TV. Not too often but I do it. So its a cross between classic 80s / early 90s style TV and modern shows.</p><p> </p><p>

BTW: I do have the repeat booking penalty turned off. I think its a good idea but a bit too restrictive. I would prefer 6 times in a year. Have a series of matches then take a long break. I doubt I've violated it more than a handful of times if that. Some of those violations are probably in squash matches as just be chance I match the same jobber vs the same star.</p>

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Angry Gilmore def. James Prudence

Hero Squad and All-Americans def. Marc DuBois, Everest, and The Pain Alliance

Bumfholes def. Biggins Brothers

Paul Huntingdon def. Robbie Retro

Valiant def. Enforcer Roberts

Christian Faith and Steve Frehley draw w/Vengeance and Remo


Started a new game, first card for Supreme TV..How do you guys keep yourself interested in booking SWF? Because after only a few months I split away from the game and start a new one.

And another question, on squash matches do I go under 5 minutes for them and use the domination note?

Also another edit..when you start games with SWF do you usually sign more PPV deals to cover PPV's outside of the US?

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