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SWF: Where Men Become LEGENDS

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I love the way you've characterized Frehley and Bruce. They both really fit the tweener model so well right now. Do you have them both as faces in the game?

Whoever turns officially, I can't wait for the showdown.


Thank you! They're both booked as babyfaces right now. Especially with Bruce though, he's the anti-hero if there ever was one. To me, he reminds me entirely of a 90's HBK. Even as a babyface he was an arrogant jerk; out for himself only. All that time he was in DX he was supposed to be a heel, and was booed accordingly at points, but he was too cool to hate. That's Bruce. He's a babyface by disposition but he's not your "kissing babies, shaking hands, celebrating his opponents effort" kind of guy. He's more of the rude, crude, and full of attitude, styled good-guy (bad boy).


Frehley is more naturally babyface than Bruce; however, he's got some grit to him. He's tough, always looking for a fight, & and all-around loose cannon. Especially when watched with Money during their program, he's 110% SUPER babyface in a way (mostly due to Money being 1,000% deplorable heel douche).


Between the two though, even with Frehley on top with the belt, and a babyface himself, I wanted to convey the very real scenario he'd be facing right now: He's the champ but not the top draw (it seems). In a way, he's still in the shadow of Jack Bruce. He's surpassed Faith (at least in his current form) right now; so, he's a strong #2 BUT Bruce still stands above all. He's the one, real, MEGA-STAR on the SWF Roster (much higher than your typical superstar). Faith is a LIVING LEGEND, which carries it's weight, but, right here, right now, he's almost more nostalgic in a way than being the #1 guy right now.


So, there certainly is a level of tension between the two as they 'tween' back and forth.


Great show. I never thought I'd mark for Jack Bruce but I sure did. Just like SCSA back in the day, great write-up.

Great show. I really love your Jack Bruce character.


Thank you guys!


Bruce was always a tough character for me to write in the past. He was so iconic to the SWF that I often felt I couldn't really capture the guy. I'm MUCH happier with his persona this time around. He has an air of a SCSA (selfish; quick hitting finisher) but also carries the persona of a 90's HBK as well (mixed with a legit rocker kind of feel). So, more or less, he's arrogant, self-absorbed, self-centered, rude, crude, and chalked full of attitude. The crazy thing is though... He can back it up. It makes his persona bearable in a way to fans.


I really REALLY hope Lobby comes back unmasked as his badass self.



And Lobby! Come back! We need you!

Interested in seeing how Lobby bounces back after Rogue took his mask off.


Lobbie's a personal favorite for a lot of us when booking the SWF. He's got talent, overness, entertainment skills & an easy 'get out of a campy gimmick free-card' if you want to go that route. His downfall? He's 37. That said, it's not enough of a downfall to not have him miss out on opportunities.


I must admit. I love the Lobster Warrior character. He's comical, off-the-wall, a little weird, but he's one of those kind of characters that has people interested in what he's doing. Right now, he's locked in a total sympathy angle, being mistreated & under respected by many; so, it just adds to his likability I believe. Will he take this opportunity to ditch the mask & become Chris? Possibly. The story has some legs first before anything like that will be decided for the crowd/readers though.


The good thing is, while it may take a bit for you to find out, that just means MORE focus on Lobster Warrior going forward!


How the hell did Darren Smith not be automatically knocked out completely by the a CHAIR SHOT! Everyone knows refs are made out of glass and marshmallows.


Most referees can't take a shot. Darren Smith CAN! He's the Chuck Norris of wrestling referees. haha.


In all seriousness, I booked the chair shot to land across Darren's back. While this caused serious pain (he was shown to be in intense pain and only, after a good 10 seconds, was able to weakly call for the bell while gripping to consciousness) it wasn't enough to put him out right away. He stayed coherent enough to call for the bell & ultimately bring an official end to the match.


Now, if Money would have clobbered him over the head then there's a good chance the match would be still taking place as we speak. ha.

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TV RATING: 0.88 (- 0.10)




  • SWF Head Scout,
    Joseph Sexy
    , is shown talking with
    backstage. In doing so, Mr. Sexy makes it known that he's 'keeping an eye' on Zim-ME; feeling he's making the right strides to succeed as a singles superstar. The two rip on Randy (Bumfhole) a little before Sexy says that 'The Big Man' (Rich Money) has told Mr. Sexy that he's aware of Zim-ME's recent strides.

  • The Awesomeness
    Death Row
    Remmy Skye/Snap Dragon
    in 9:47 via pinfall.

  • A hype video/produced promo video is shown capturing
    King Swoop's
    rise to America. Focusing on his childhood in Australia, his rough upbringing, and his 'break into the industry', Swoop is projected as a budding force to be reckoned with. During this segment, Swoop touches on a few things SWF; most importantly,
    Rich Money
    . He doesn't hold back any punches as he writes the SWF Owner off as a 'country club punk'.

  • Zim-ME
    Gino Montero
    in 5:47 via "It's all about ME". Despite that, Montero looks strong.

  • Kris Cage
    holds a promo backstage where he talks about not being the 'next best thing' but the ONLY 'next thing'. He plays off his nickname being "The Untouchable" and comes across as an all around douche-bag.

  • Kris Cage
    Robbie Retro
    in 7:58 via an underhanded pinfall; using a handful of tights.

  • A hype video is shown for the SWF World Tag Team Champions, the
    . The video is there to project the year-long tag team champions as one of the toughest teams in wrestling history.

  • Jungle Lord
    American Machine
    in 5:52 via a "Jack Hammer" following a run-in attack by John Greed.

  • The
    (American Machine & Des Davids) are assaulted in a 3-on-2 attack by
    "The Truth"
    (John Greed, Squeeky McClean & Jungle Lord). The SWF Tag Team Champions fight back strongly; however, eventually, the numbers game becomes too much; Jungle Lord being the ultimate "X-Factor" for the dubious trio.


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RUMOR: Bruce the Giant out of USPW? Eisen goes for the steal...





Further signs point toward a potential reunion between the Supreme Wrestling Federation and the international wrestling ICON, Bruce the Giant. Recent reports have stated that the USPW has not offered Bruce a new contract and, in doing so, Richard Eisen has reportedly moved in for the steal. In reality, this comes as somewhat of a shock given Bruce’s strong friendship with USPW Owner, Sam Strong. Either way though, rumors have circulated that either Bruce is asking for too much or they’re growing tired of booking the big-man in an infrequent manner due to his deteriorating knees.


It’s being said that Bruce’s contract may resemble the SWF deal recently negotiated with fellow giant, Marat Khoklov. In this vein, Bruce would be deemed as a “Special Attraction” and would most likely be used in matches sparingly.


Either way, it seems as though we could have a very HUGE development coming for the Supreme Wrestling Federation; especially as the company looks to broaden it’s popularity abroad (a scenario for which the Australian-born Bruce the Giant could help with).


With such a hefty scenario at hand, there’s bound to be several rumors circulating in the next week-or-so. Make sure to check in here for ALL the inside information as it comes!


SWF – USPW – Bruce the Giant – Richard Eisen – Sam Strong


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Eric Eisen signs six-year extension with the SWF





SWF Insiders have stated that North American Champion, Eric Eisen, has signed a six-year extension with the company earlier today. While this shouldn’t come as somewhat of a shock, seeing how his tenure with the company was never in jeopardy, the details of said contract are said to be “nothing new” as it pertains to typical Eisen politics.


There are several in the business department who claim that Eisen has maintained his long-standing contractual perks: Creative Control and Hiring Veto. In addition though, Eisen is no longer expected to partake in house shows for his Father’s company. Instead, only major TV events & PPV’s are to be expected from here on out.


Eric has long been considered to be a controversial figure due to his political stranglehold backstage; however, it’s been said that Duane Fry, SWF Headbooker, is, in no way, looking to diminish his role in the company. If anything, Fry has stated that the “Eisen Character” will see greater heights under his direction most likely.


All in all, Eric Eisen is locked up through 2019 and considered to be a major player in the SWF moving forward.


SWF – Eric Eisen – Richard Eisen – Duane Fry


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Whilst they're obviously not as fleshed out as the immense write-ups for Supreme TV, I always find myself rather looking forward to the Underground recaps being posted to see how you're positioning and repackaging your lower card talent.


Hopefully Zim-ME isn't too far away from a proper televised run as I love what you've down with his character.

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Whilst they're obviously not as fleshed out as the immense write-ups for Supreme TV, I always find myself rather looking forward to the Underground recaps being posted to see how you're positioning and repackaging your lower card talent.


Hopefully Zim-ME isn't too far away from a proper televised run as I love what you've down with his character.


Thank you, Sebs!


It's a great change of pace for me; being able to plan without having to invest the time that goes into writing a SupremeTV episode. That said, I look forward to the show just as much.


If you like Zim-ME then you definitely have some greener pastures ahead as a reader. It may not be instantaneous, as there are a few avenues I am thinking of taking with him, but I do have plans for him to step-out and do something more than just winning Underground matches. In reality, it may have happened sooner but the bombing of his feud with Randy (at least in-game wise; they have terrible chemistry as opponents) has forced me to put him on the back-burner as their feud must take place on Underground (in which not to hurt me/SWF but to give it it's due after booking it to happen).


All in all, good to know that you're enjoying the new version of Zim-ME. I think he's got a lot of room for growth as a character!

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I was hoping to get some more work done this week, in between school/work, on this project; however, am coming to the tale end of a horrible month. I got Norovirus twice in February. From there, bacteria from that scenario got lodged in my nasal cavity & festered there for about a month before I finally went in to get it checked (I thought I was just having migraines that wouldn't go away). An ER visit, 2 different forms of antibiotics, a steroid and a blood-thinner later and I'm just now coming back to where I can sit upright & not feel as though I'm about to die. With this in mind, I plan to get the card for the next episode of SupremeTV up in the next few days & results before the end of the week (as it's my Spring Break). Sadly, I thought I would have MORE time to devote to this project during Spring Break but, with coming down with this nasty scenario, I find myself drastically behind (even if it's just in my mind). So, I'm going to do my best to keep this pumping strong after my recent limitations while also closing out my semester strong.


All in all, thank you to everyone who is following along. This has been an awesome creative outlet for me (especially as grad school has been challenging me at every direction).


Please don't ditch the Lobster Warrior gimmick! :D


I can't publicly state what will happen to Lobbie/Chris going forward, as I do have a plan in mind, but I can say that he's going to get a proper amount of focus from here on out. He's an important piece of the SWF (in my mind); so, know either way, I'm hoping to to capture that.


Just wanted to say Big E that I am still reading and following. It truely is a different take on SWF. But different is good. Love what your doing.


Thank you, Coop!


I really wanted to give the SWF (excuse me for the terminology if it offends) some 'balls'. Sports Entertainment gets a bad rap. It can be so much more. To me, I'm not making any mistake about it; I'm looking for the 18-34 year old male demographic. Not overtly in an 'attitude era' aspect but much like any major action movies does the same thing. Wrestling with aggression, with toughness, with explosiveness & as entertaining as a blockbuster film in some cases.


I'm sure that makes this dynasty different but It's how I believe the SWF is most entertaining. With personas like Christian Faith, Remo, Steve Frehley, Jack Bruce, Angry Gilmore, Vengeance, Rich Money, etc., atop the SWF Landscape, I feel as though this product best utilizes their characters & skill sets.


All in all, I appreciate the nod, Coop. I've been stopping into your "Building an Empire" project when I have the time. I'm a big fan of looking back at the history of the Cornellverse &, with it being SWF, you've got me hooked.

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Episode #:

90 minutes

Shown on:
Tuesday Night, LIVE on C.A.N.N.

Illinois State Park (Great Lakes)

Main Event:
Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Rich Money and ????


It was only a week ago that SWF Owner, Rich Money, was left down-and-out by the rag-tag duo of Jack Bruce and the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley. Violently floored by an obviously frustrated Money, the depleted combo was forced to work as one; flooring their collective rival and ending the broadcast with a “New York Minute” from Jack Bruce. Right there, the show could have come to a conclusion with a warm-and-fuzzy alliance of sorts, the proclaimed ‘good guys’ getting one over on the pompous owner; however, said moment became more of an inferno than a comforting vision.


Seconds later after Bruce’s defiant drop upon Money, the rebellious rocker was shown springing into action once again; using the very last burst of energy he has left to drop Steve Frehley with an equally jarring “New York Minute”.


In one moment, it went from apparent allies, forming as one to overcome their hated rival, to budding adversaries.


Fast forward a week and it appears that Rich Money may be up to his ‘bag of tricks’ once again. This time around, Frehley & Bruce will HAVE to rely on each other as they square off against Rich Money & a mystery partner in a tag team main event extravaganza. As many have already come to expect, this scenario SHOULD be one hell of a powder-keg waiting to blow…


With “The Demon” cast into the depths of the underworld, WHO will Rich Money choose as his counterpart in such an important match?


More importantly though, can Steve Frehley & Jack Bruce ACTUALLY work as one; especially after what we saw last week?


This and SO much more as the Supreme Wrestling Federation brings it’s brand of epic warfare to the Illinois State Park! This… is… SupremeTV… THIS… is Wrestling!


Randy Bumfhole vs.
w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

Only a week removed from heinously attempting to expose Lobster Warrior’s true identity, leaving him maskless for the first time in SWF history, what will the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” have in store for the equally whirl-winding Randy Bumfhole?


Christian Faith vs. Hammer
w/ Ms. Chase & Eric Eisen©

[standard Singles Match]

Ms. Chase personally employed the menacing Hammer in which to protect her most recent asset, SWF North American Champion Eric Eisen©. Now, with a booking a week later against a man for which Eisen has set in his cross-hairs, what is the dubious plan they have set for “The Iron Man”?


Captain Atomic vs. ????

[unknown Match; Rumored]

SWF-Wrestling.com has received word that Captain Atomic is scheduled to compete on SupremeTV this week; however, his opponent has yet to be named. Given his recent history, sending “The Demon” into the deep underworld at “Awesome Impact” via a powerful generator mishap, what does the SWF Owner, Rich Money, have in-store for the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine”?


Joseph Sexy vs.

[standard Singles Match]

Rumor is Joseph Sexy asked for this match exclusively. What does the SWF’s Head Scout want with “The Honorable” Valiant? Either way, just another example of Money’s “Inner Circle” getting what they want; no questions asked.


Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Rich Money and ????

[standard Tag Team Match]

A week removed from feeling the effects of a ring-rattling “New York Minute”, WHO has Rich Money pegged as his counterpart going into such a high profile main event? Equally as important, can Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley work as one; given the way SupremeTV ended last week?

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Randy Bumfhole vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. Hammer w/ Ms. Chase & Eric Eisen©




HEAD SWF SCOUT Joseph Sexy vs. “THE HONORABLE” Valiant


Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Rich Money and ????

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Randy Bumfhole vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. Hammer w/ Ms. Chase & Eric Eisen©




HEAD SWF SCOUT Joseph Sexy vs. “THE HONORABLE” Valiant



Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Rich Money and ????

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Randy Bumfhole vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. Hammer w/ Ms. Chase & Eric Eisen©




HEAD SWF SCOUT Joseph Sexy vs. “THE HONORABLE” Valiant


Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Rich Money and ????

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Randy Bumfhole vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. Hammer w/ Ms. Chase & Eric Eisen©



HEAD SWF SCOUT Joseph Sexy vs. “THE HONORABLE” Valiant


Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Rich Money and ????

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Randy Bumfhole vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Only a week removed from heinously attempting to expose Lobster Warrior’s true identity, leaving him maskless for the first time in SWF history, what will the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” have in store for the equally whirl-winding Randy Bumfhole?

Rogue is higher on the ladders right now. That said it will be interesting to see if Randy manages to rise above midcard as singles guy.


THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. Hammer w/ Ms. Chase & Eric Eisen©

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Ms. Chase personally employed the menacing Hammer in which to protect her most recent asset, SWF North American Champion Eric Eisen©. Now, with a booking a week later against a man for which Eisen has set in his cross-hairs, what is the dubious plan they have set for “The Iron Man”?

I doubt Hammer has enough overness to warrant going over Faith., Perhaps a DQ loss for Hammer?



[unknown Match; Rumored]

Question: SWF-Wrestling.com has received word that Captain Atomic is scheduled to compete on SupremeTV this week; however, his opponent has yet to be named. Given his recent history, sending “The Demon” into the deep underworld at “Awesome Impact” via a powerful generator mishap, what does the SWF Owner, Rich Money, have in-store for the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine”?

Atomic still hasn´t cashed his title shot so I figure you would keep him strong and since this isn´t either main or semi-main event I figure that the mystery man isn´t that big of a name.


HEAD SWF SCOUT Joseph Sexy vs. “THE HONORABLE” Valiant

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Rumor is Joseph Sexy asked for this match exclusively. What does the SWF’s Head Scout want with “The Honorable” Valiant? Either way, just another example of Money’s “Inner Circle” getting what they want; no questions asked.

Valiant is doing more as far as main show is conserned. Of course this could well be a start for Underground feud between these two too and in that case Sexy might be getting the first win. Still I go with Valiant.


Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Rich Money and ????

[standard Tag Team Match]

Question: A week removed from feeling the effects of a ring-rattling “New York Minute”, WHO has Rich Money pegged as his counterpart going into such a high profile main event? Equally as important, can Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley work as one; given the way SupremeTV ended last week?

With this being the main event Money´s partner will be a big name, maybe Vengeance, Remo or even some new signing. Whoever it will be Money really needs the win more than Bruce or Frehley.

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Randy Bumfhole vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Only a week removed from heinously attempting to expose Lobster Warrior’s true identity, leaving him maskless for the first time in SWF history, what will the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” have in store for the equally whirl-winding Randy Bumfhole?


Another win for Rogue, and I also believe this is the match that moves the Randy/Zim-ME feud to Supreme TV.


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. Hammer w/ Ms. Chase & Eric Eisen©

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Ms. Chase personally employed the menacing Hammer in which to protect her most recent asset, SWF North American Champion Eric Eisen©. Now, with a booking a week later against a man for which Eisen has set in his cross-hairs, what is the dubious plan they have set for “The Iron Man”?


Hammer is nowhere near Faith's overness. Faith wins by DQ



[unknown Match; Rumored]

Question: SWF-Wrestling.com has received word that Captain Atomic is scheduled to compete on SupremeTV this week; however, his opponent has yet to be named. Given his recent history, sending “The Demon” into the deep underworld at “Awesome Impact” via a powerful generator mishap, what does the SWF Owner, Rich Money, have in-store for the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine”?


Predicting it's Jungle Jack and Atomic wins by DQ.


HEAD SWF SCOUT Joseph Sexy vs. “THE HONORABLE” Valiant

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Rumor is Joseph Sexy asked for this match exclusively. What does the SWF’s Head Scout want with “The Honorable” Valiant? Either way, just another example of Money’s “Inner Circle” getting what they want; no questions asked.


Valiant needs this more than Job Sexy.


Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Rich Money and ????

[standard Tag Team Match]

Question: A week removed from feeling the effects of a ring-rattling “New York Minute”, WHO has Rich Money pegged as his counterpart going into such a high profile main event? Equally as important, can Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley work as one; given the way SupremeTV ended last week?


Bruce will lose this for his team due to his arrogance (never thought I'd say that about a face). Frehley and Bruce won't be able to get along.

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Randy Bumfhole vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Only a week removed from heinously attempting to expose Lobster Warrior’s true identity, leaving him maskless for the first time in SWF history, what will the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” have in store for the equally whirl-winding Randy Bumfhole?


I believe the answer is SQUASH! Thanks for playing Randy.

“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. Hammer w/ Ms. Chase & Eric Eisen©

[standard Singles Match]

DQ win for Faith.

Question: Ms. Chase personally employed the menacing Hammer in which to protect her most recent asset, SWF North American Champion Eric Eisen©. Now, with a booking a week later against a man for which Eisen has set in his cross-hairs, what is the dubious plan they have set for “The Iron Man”?


I'm thinking in ring attack by Eisen from behind like a coward. That and Faith making him regret it with a Leap of Faith on his sorry ass.


[unknown Match; Rumored]

Question: SWF-Wrestling.com has received word that Captain Atomic is scheduled to compete on SupremeTV this week; however, his opponent has yet to be named. Given his recent history, sending “The Demon” into the deep underworld at “Awesome Impact” via a powerful generator mishap, what does the SWF Owner, Rich Money, have in-store for the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine”?


Cap is gong to be a major star down the line, so hes not gonna get drummed out too harshly i'd imagine.


HEAD SWF SCOUT Joseph Sexy vs. “THE HONORABLE” Valiant

[standard Singles Match]

Question: Rumor is Joseph Sexy asked for this match exclusively. What does the SWF’s Head Scout want with “The Honorable” Valiant? Either way, just another example of Money’s “Inner Circle” getting what they want; no questions asked.


Sexy isn't gonna beat Valiant, as Sexy is on the lower tiered show so a win won't help him. I don't think it'll be a dq or anything. Solid win for Valiant.

Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Rich Money and ????

[standard Tag Team Match]

Question: A week removed from feeling the effects of a ring-rattling “New York Minute”, WHO has Rich Money pegged as his counterpart going into such a high profile main event? Equally as important, can Jack Bruce & Steve


Money needs a victory in some fashion to stop making him look like a failure I'd say Eisen since he's not wrestling to night but not really sure.

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Randy Bumfhole vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. Hammer w/ Ms. Chase & Eric Eisen©

[standard Singles Match]



[unknown Match; Rumored]


HEAD SWF SCOUT Joseph Sexy vs. “THE HONORABLE” Valiant

[standard Singles Match]


Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Rich Money and ????

[standard Tag Team Match]

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Randy Bumfhole vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase

[standard Singles Match]


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. Hammer w/ Ms. Chase & Eric Eisen©

[standard Singles Match]



[unknown Match; Rumored]


HEAD SWF SCOUT Joseph Sexy vs. “THE HONORABLE” Valiant

[standard Singles Match]


Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Rich Money and ????

[standard Tag Team Match]

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As a friendly heads-up, Episode #12 for SupremeTV will be up tomorrow (Friday; 3/29) at some point.


Despite being 'out' for a bit with norovirus/sinusitis, I was able to blow through this weeks results pretty quickly as I was really excited about the show as a whole. With this in mind, I'm excited to get it out there! For me, it feels like a really strong SupremeTV broadcast; concrete booking, storyline movement, etc.


There's still time to predict if you'd like. Either way though, the results will be up on the board tomorrow.


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Randy Bumfhole vs. “THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL” Rogue w/ Ms. Chase


“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. Hammer w/ Ms. Chase & Eric Eisen©




HEAD SWF SCOUT Joseph Sexy vs. “THE HONORABLE” Valiant


Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Rich Money and ????




Looking forward to seeing who Rich Money's tagteam partner is going to be :cool:

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Tuesday, 4th Week of March 2013

Illinois State Park || Great Lakes








Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen

Peter Michaels:
[Pyro is heard going off in the background]
That’s right, folks. The GREATEST, most IN-YOUR-FACE, wrestling action only comes from one show and you’re watching it! I’m Peter Michaels and alongside me are my partners in crime, Duane Fry & Jerry Eisen.
Boy, do we have a show for you!

Duane Fry:
That's right, Peter. Only a week removed from knocking Steve Frehley out of NOWHERE in a “New York Minute”, Jack Bruce must NOW TEAM with the “Dark Destroyer” as they take on SWF Owner Rich Money & a mysterious partner. I don’t know HOW the hell these two plan on working as one…

Jerry Eisen:
They won’t. They’re not really ‘ally’ kind of guys; more on their own accord if anything. Outside of that, we ALSO have the “Iron Man” Christian Faith in one-on-one action with the latest muscle-man hired by Ms. Chase to protect the SWF North American Champion, and my punk of a brother, Eric Eisen. While we don’t know MUCH about Hammer at this point, one HAS to expect that he’s going to bring a heavy onslaught to SupremeTV tonight!

Peter Michaels:
‘Aint nothin’ that Faith hasn’t seen before!

Jerry Eisen:
That’s true! As we ALL know, Faith has NEVER shied away from taking on the biggest and the baddest of our industry!

Peter Michaels:
Before we get to all of that though, we’ve got one HELL of an opening match between the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” Rogue and the recently solo, Randy Bumfhole. One man is riding a wave of controversy after STEALING the mask STRAIGHT from Lobster Warrior’s face. The other is struggling through a nasty fallout with his, self-absorbed, brother. It’s BOUND to be one hotly contested match… and it happens… now!




Randy Bumfhole vs.

”Down-and-Dirty; hated for it"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Rogue


  • Randy Bumfhole seems agitated; not his normal, fun-loving, self. Rogue, on the other hand, looks in-line with his typical self; vicious, down-and-dirty, and overtly vile.

  • As he strolls toward the ring, Rogue actually has Lobster Warrior’s mask in his hands. He looks to be carrying it as a polarizing prize of sorts; even toying with the crowd, at one point, pretending to make the mask speak with his right hand. He’s pissing off A LOT of people with such disrespect.

  • Randy makes good use of his frustration; catching Rogue off-guard with a speedy assault from the get-go. This sends the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” directly onto his heels.

  • Randy scores a couple 2-count pinfalls early on as well. It’s looking good for the youngster. That said, it doesn’t last long for Rogue to coldly put Randy in his place with a stiff upper-cut punch off the ropes.

  • Rogue quickly jumps on the dazed Randy; stomping the living hell out of him… from every which angle… on every inch of his body.

  • Randy is able to reverse the fortunes with a quick drop-toe-hold, while already on the campus, following a blowing of Rogue’s snot upon the fallen Bumfhole. As we can tell, Randy’s not putting up with it. He’s got a backbone for once it seems.

  • The drop-toe-hold only really amounts to a few speedy strikes from Randy before the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” is, once again, able to floor his opponent with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker off the ropes.

  • Following a butterflied back-breaker maneuver seconds later, adding further injury to Randy’s back, Rogue is eventually able to force his opponent into his signature “Crashing On”.

  • Randy puts up a good fight, shows a sense of a backbone, even if it has been spawned by frustration, but it’s simply not enough to overcome the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel”.


<hr color="black">
Rogue via pinfall

“Crashing On” (Flatliner)




Jerry Eisen:
A strong showing from Randy but his best was just not enough when matched with the cold-violence of the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel”.

Duane Fry:
It looks like Zim-ME’s backstabbing ways have REALLY gotten to Randy. Maybe it’s a good thing though? He looks inspired; just not enough to pick up the win here tonight. It’s going to take MORE than just inspiration to knock off someone like Rogue.

Peter Michaels:
He’s a sociopath if there ever was one. Rogue is one sick man. The thoughts in his head… don’t want to step inside there.

Duane Fry:
It looks like he’s pulling out the mask again…

Jerry Eisen:
He’s a master at pissing people off; that’s for sure…

Duane Fry:
He just doesn’t care really; that’s one of his biggest assets as a Supreme Superstar. He just doesn’t give a damn WHAT you think…





Rogue and Ms. Chase

“Twisting the knife"


[The match has come to a close and the fans are obviously unhappy about the outcome. To make matters worse, Rogue has grabbed Lobster Warrior’s lifeless mask from the nearby turnbuckle perch it once laid upon. In doing so, the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” is shown toying with the crowd by disrespecting Lobbie in the process. Using his right hand to make the mask ‘speak’, Rogue eventually PUTS the mask on himself; becoming a weird version of Lobster Warrior no doubt.]


[in the end, as the crowd boos like crazy and Ms. Chase watches on in an emotionless state, arms crossed in her power-skirt-suit-combo, Rogue ultimately paints himself as public enemy #1; disrespecting the beloved Lobster Warrior by leaving the ringside area with his former mask on.]

B -


Duane Fry:
What an a$$hole…

Jerry Eisen:
I feel like that’s what we say EVERY WEEK with Rogue…

Duane Fry:
It’s true though. He’s done nothing but jab at the SWF Nation, and those within it, since day one. He’s a troublemaker; a “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” if there ever was one. He seems to relish in the idea of causing unadulterated mayhem.

Peter Michaels:
Wearin’ Lobbie’s mask is a new low. He KNOWS this is drivin’ the SWF Nation insane. These folks LOVE Lobbie, This is just a damn disgrace!

Duane Fry:
Come back, Lobbie… Wherever you are… we NEED you!

Jerry Eisen:
Put Rogue in his place for what he did to you! We’re begging you!

Peter Michaels:
No man’s seen Lobbie since last week. He’s been off in the shadows. Who knows if we’ll ever see him again…






Valiant + Hannah and Joseph Sexy

“I don't see it..."


[We transition backstage in which to see “The Honorable” Valiant seated upon a steel chair within the locker room area. Half-dressed in his ring-attire, wearing a black V-neck shirt which he came to the arena in no doubt, the tough-minded youngster looks to be preparing himself for a night’s worth of action. With that said, as he slides a black compression half-sleeve over his right arm, the young Valiant is shown slowly rising to his feet; staring off into the distance in a strong fashion.]


What do YOU want?


[The camera man pans out slightly to see the recently appointed Head Scout of the SWF, Joseph Sexy, strolling into the room in an ultra-arrogant fashion. There’s almost a strut to his step; the consummate showman. With a gigantic, yet uncomfortable, grin upon his face, Sexy projects nothing short of pure sleeze; a fact that further perpetuates itself as he takes a second to ‘look-over’ the beautiful Hannah off to Valiant’s left.]


[Joseph Sexy]:
Oh, Valiant… Why the anger?
[smirks; lazily]
You’d think, with something so lovely as Hannah on your arm, you’d be a little less… tense…


[sexy laughs to himself in a sleazy fashion. Valiant doesn’t look interested in the conversation; stepping forward in a threatening fashion to protect his love.]


I think it’s time for you to leave…


[Joseph Sexy]:
What? And miss what I’ve got to say?
[shakes his head in a tisk-tisk fashion; smirking]
Believe me, you’re going to WANT to hear this…


[Valiant sternly stares upon the sleazy, Sexy. Meanwhile, Joseph doesn’t budge.]


[Joseph Sexy]:
It’s been a couple weeks now since Rich Money assigned me the Head Scout position here in the SWF. He’s placed his trust in me & I VOW to deliver THE best talent this industry has EVER seen. With that said, I was looking around the roster over the last few days, watching some recent footage from SupremeTV, and it hit me…
[Pauses; smirks]
There are SOME around this place who are simply unworthy of the immense hype they’ve been given over the years.
Now, that’s not ALL their fault; we DO work within ‘The Machine’ that is the SWF. Everyone knows who we are… That’s obvious. BUT, there are those who have been touted as being great who are simply… Well… nowhere near that.


And let me guess… YOU think that I’M one of those guys…


[Joseph Sexy]:
At least your aware of your own downfalls, Valiant. I’ll give you that.


[sexy smirks. Valiant doesn’t take the comment.]


Get out of here…


[Valiant states strongly but not overtly threatening.]


[Joseph Sexy]:
I’m not done yet, young Val…
You see, before I was granted my position, It was easier to let bloated egos like you run-a-muck around here. It didn’t affect me. Now that I AM the Head Scout around here… NOW your little ‘next big thing’ persona has become a bother.
Tonight, when we step into that ring, I’m going to show you, first-thing, that you’re nowhere NEAR the platform you think you’re on.
You’re a poor-man’s Christian Faith; always have been… always will be…
It’s time that someone FINALLY show that to you… well… And Hannah…
[Looks over to her; smirking]
You deserve SO much better, my dear…


[Valiant steps closer to Sexy; almost nose-to-nose now.]


That’s enough…
Hannah has nothing to do with your delusional world.
You want to prove something to me? That’s fine… Go ahead… I’m not afraid of you, Joe.
I may not be the ‘next big thing’; to be honest… I’ve always hated that name.
I’m a wrestler; born-and-raised… It’s in my blood… it’s who I am… I don’t really care about all of the other stuff. Tonight, ‘next big thing’ or not, I’m going show you what I’m made of… Not because you’ve got some fancy job that was thrown to by Money but because that’s just what I do.
We’ll see if you’re insight means anything…


[Joseph Sexy]:
Oh, but it does… Val… It does…


[Joseph smirks in an arrogant fashion as Valiant continues to sternly stare down his opponent. None the less, as he slowly walks past him, the “Honorable” wrestler is shown never diverting his focus. Meanwhile, Sexy seems unafraid. He even goes as far as to lick his lips slightly, smirking in a sleazy fashion, as Hannah strolls past him in a sheepish fashion.]

B -


Duane Fry:
Valiant has been touted as the ‘Next Big Thing’ since he debuted in the SWF. He’s got the look, the strength, the composure; everything. He’s a wrestlers-wrestler. That’s why so many people have likened him to Christian Faith. They’re cut from that ‘no frills’ mold; they do what they do because THAT’S who they are. Blue-collar to a “T”.

Jerry Eisen:
Sadly, it’s that connection to Faith, whether true or not, that has also placed a GREAT deal of pressure on the young man. He can’t EVER seem to live up to his shadow…

Peter Michaels:
Well, it’s an awfully large shadow…

Duane Fry:
Very true. Tonight though, his challenge is to prove to Joseph Sexy that he’s worthy of all the focus; of the nicknames… the glory… etc. Honestly, I don’t think Valiant has ANYTHING to prove to someone like Sexy but that’s not the reality we live in right now. With Rich Money at the top, his ‘cronies’ are all getting in on the corporate ladder; Sexy as the biggest example of this. In the modern day SWF, in Money’s SWF, Joseph Sexy is… actually… relevant…

Jerry Eisen:
Very relevant at that…
He can make or break the future of the SWF with his scouting abilities…

Peter Michaels:
We’re all screwed; ya know…

Duane Fry:
Yea, probably…




vs. Hammer



Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Hammer

Eric Eisen© w/ Hammer


  • Hammer is a physical specimen. From his big-man stomp toward the ring, to the ultra-arrogant, “I’m going to pummel you into the ground whether you like it or not” smirk upon his face, the youngster looks like a million bucks. Faith, especially when matched with Hammer’s youth & energy, looks as weathered as ever. He’s got a stiffness to his stride, a lack of mobility to his back & a hard stare that can only tell of a man who’s seen & gone through it all.

  • As they meet in the center of the ring, Hammer simply smirks as he stands high over Faith. “The Iron Man”, no stranger to wrestling big-men, doesn’t bat an eye. That said, seconds before the bell is rung, Hammer makes first impact by lifting Faith directly off the canvas with a cold guerilla press slam. The ring rattles, Faith bounces hard on his back, and the crowd looks to be shocked at such a powerful opening for the youngster.

  • The SWF North American Champion, Eric Eisen©, smirks in a weasel-like fashion at ringside; happy with what he just witnessed. Meanwhile, Ms. Chase shows no emotion; as always. Cold, firm stare, with her arms crossed directly before her.

  • Faith bounces back quickly; throwing stiff strikes toward the towering Hammer. This sends the big-man reeling slightly. That is until he shoves his massive hip square into the unprotected stomach of the “Iron Man”.

  • It doesn’t take long for the overall narrative to shine through. Faith, bouncing back as always, throwing everything he has but the question is: Will it be enough? Meanwhile, Hammer practically smirks his way through most of the match; confident in his power-game throughout (and for good reason).

  • Faith hits a desperation back-elbow off the ropes; the crowd pops. Hammer staggers to the ground. It looks like the strike caught him off guard; plus the added force of the back elbow has him somewhat dazed.

  • Faith attempts his signature “Leap of Faith”; however, is simply unable to lift Hammer off the canvas. A few tries later & the “Iron Man” is shown being thrown wildly over Hammer’s shoulders with a back-body-drop. Again, the impact looks tough on Faith’s back.


    Passing along the steel...



  • Toward the end of the match, Eric Eisen is shown folding up a nearby steel chair; shoving the bell ringer off of it in the process. Tossing it into the ring, Eisen makes Hammer aware of the weapon. He simply nods; smirking.

  • Darren Smith tries to kick the chair away almost immediately; however, Hammer stops this by simply stomping his foot down on the steel. Smirking devilishly toward Mr. Smith, Hammer bends down and picks up the chair. Darren tells him he will “DQ him” if he uses it. Hammer doesn’t seem to care.

  • Faith returns to his feet only to get a cold-clock square over the top of his head with the steel chair. One powerful strike from Hammer forces the “Iron Man” to collapse lifelessly on the canvas. Darren Smith calls for the bell.

  • Despite calling for the bell, Hammer swings downward as if he were slamming a nail into the ground; landing each shot across the unprotected, and obviously weathered, back of Christian Faith. Despite the impact, Faith barely responds mentally; out-cold it seems. That said, his body certainly flops with each impact.


<hr color="black">
Christian Faith via DQ

Steel chair strikes from Hammer on Christian Faith


C -


Duane Fry:
Does this REALLY shock ANY of you? I mean, Really?! Hammer wasn’t sent out here to ‘wrestle’ Christian Faith. He was sent out here to HURT, Christian Faith.

Jerry Eisen:
It’s pretty obvious he just did EXACTLY that too.

Duane Fry:
Faith’s spinal cord can’t take this kind of impact! He’s no 20-year-old anymore. This could SERIOUSLY put the “Iron Man” in a BAD… BAD…way…

Peter Michaels:
Well GOD-Dammit… Who’s going to STOP this carnage?

Duane Fry:
Eisen’s a ‘made-man’ here in the SWF; even with his Father no longer at the helm. You’d HAVE to think that SOMEONE will come to the aid of Christian Faith but… They may have to think TWICE with someone like HAMMER in the ring. Plus, he’s got a damn steel chair in his hand… Who the HELL is going to be THAT stupid to stop this?

Peter Michaels:
It ‘aint stupidity… It’s respectin’ a man who’s done EVERYTHING for this damn company!! Someone GET OUT HERE!

Jerry Eisen:
Eric’s grabbing a microphone… great… that’s what we want now… a long-winded rant about himself…

Duane Fry:
It’s like clock-work; every week. It wouldn’t be a SupremeTV episode without your brother singing his OWN praises…






Christian Faith, Eric Eisen©, Ms. Chase and Hammer

“You're a victim!"


[Christian Faith is brutishly trying to return to his feet despite being steamrolled by Hammer’s steel chair strikes. That said, this scenario comes to an ugly halt as the towering powerhouse slams said steel, once again, across the back of the floundering Faith. In doing so, the “Iron Man” collapses to the canvas; rolling onto his side.]


[As Hammer stands with an arrogant smirk upon his face, brought on by the sheer power he possesses, the SWF North American Champion, Eric Eisen, is shown slowly strolling into the ring with a microphone in hand. Taking his sweet time, Eisen does his best ‘tough-guy’ impersonation as he lazily kicks Faith over onto his back; looking up at the bright lights.]


[standing over Faith, Eisen looks down upon his fallen victim & begins to speak; all as the crowd boos like crazy.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
How does it FEEL…?
[Crowd boos; Eisen pauses]
After years of being the so-called ‘Iron Man’, the one that EVERYONE loves,… How does it FEEL to be nothing more than a victim?
[Pauses; smirks]
Because that’s exactly what you are; a defenseless… victim.
You know, I’ll be honest, at first… I thought taking your “Mr. SWF” nickname was just a great business venture for me. I knew it would drive these idiots crazy…
[Crowd boos]
and it’d have me on the lips of EVERY wrestling fan; world-round.
But now… Now it’s just plain… FUN…
[Pauses; smirks]
You ARE a has been; that’s obvious. There’s no denying the truth that you’re no longer FIT to carry the “Mr. SWF” banner. I, on the other hand, am…
So now, getting to BEAT that out of you… Oh…
It’s like a drug I just can’t get enough of...
As I’m traveling the world, extending MY brand to every corner there is, you’re quickly becoming nothing more than a footnote; something of history…
Someone who stands ONLY as a shell of what they used to be.
It’s really a beautiful thing; one man’s career explodes into the ether while the other implodes like a black-hole…
Unable to escape the REALITY of it’s own destruction.
In a little under a month, the SWF is heading to Hollywood as the World WILL be watching. What better place, what better NIGHT, than THAT to finally put an END… to Christian Faith?
It’ll be epic; I’ll become synonymous with the SWF FOREVER… and you’ll be a bloody mess lost in the sands of history.
So, pop those pills of yours, get your walker ready,… because next month… As “The World is Watching”… It’ll be YOU… and ME… one-on-one…
Money’s already signed off on it… It’s GOING to happen… and, when I’m all done with you, It’ll be impossible…


[Eisen is leaning downward in which to add further bite to his speech; however, in doing so, Christian Faith appears to ‘re-jolt’ with whatever energy he has left; slamming his weathered right fist across the face of the North American Champion repeatedly.]


Peter Michaels:


Duane Fry:
As ALWAYS, Christian Faith continues to fight!!


[Eisen staggers off of Faith, dropping his belt in the process, as Faith slowly tries to get himself back to his feet. However, instead of doing so, the “Iron Man” is, once again, KO’ed by a speeding locomotive in Hammer; slamming his heavily dented steel chair, once again, across the head of the slowly ascending Wrestling LEGEND.]


[As expected, the crowd boos like crazy at the sight of their beloved LEGEND incapacitated once again.]


[Angered now, Eisen stomps back over the top of Faith, kneeling down over him, and grabbing the back of his head by his hair. Hitting him in the head a few times with his microphone, a sickening thud with every strike, Eisen eventually speaks once again, in an angered fashion, as it’s obvious he’s growing frustrated with Faith’s unwillingness to ‘just die’.]


[Eric Eisen©]:
It’s ALWAYS the idiots who don’t know WHEN to JUST…STAY… DOWN…
[Hits him in the head with the microphone again]
Now, where was I? OH yes. You may THINK you’ve got some fight left in there but we ALL know it’s just fading truth. You’re going DOWN… Faith… Forever… Never to return. I’m going to do to you what Vengeance was unable to…
I’m going to END… Christian Faith… I’m going to DESTROY… “The Iron Man”… and I’m going to cement MY place… as the TRUE… MR…SWF… Whether YOU, or any of these IDIOTS, like it or not…


[With that, Eisen slams the microphone on Faith’s head a final time. In doing so, the “Iron Man’s” head collapses heavily to the canvas. Meanwhile, the NA Champion has slowly returned to his feet, intensely focused, as his music once again begins to blare.]


[The segment comes to a close as we witness the trio of Eric Eisen, Hammer and Ms. Chase slowly exiting the ringside area. Meanwhile, Christian Faith lies in the center of the ring; looking as though he’s suffered through a terrible car accident.]

B -


Duane Fry:
I never thought I’d see the day where Eric Eisen’s ego was SO large, SO out of control, that he’s lost touch with ALL things reality. Is he a dominant figure in the SWF? Yes. That’s obvious. He’s the SWF North American Champion. No matter HOW he got the belt… He still has it… That said, what we’re seeing with he & Faith, the carnage he’s instilled with the help of Ms. Chase & Hammer, this is something of a shocking scenario… even for Eisen…

Jerry Eisen:
He’s got Pop’s cold-streak in him. He won’t rest until he gets what he wants. He WANTS to be “Mr. SWF”. Not because he loves this place but because it feeds his ego that much more. So, he’s sought out EVERY avenue to ensure that he not only GETS that but retains it. Seriously, I love Christian Faith; he truly IS a wrestling LEGEND. But how can he compete with the devious mind of Eric Eisen, the powerful explosion that is Hammer and the consummate ‘mastermind’ in Ms. Chase? This really COULD be where Faith loses it all.

Duane Fry:
He COULD do the unthinkable; do what Vengeance was unable to do…

Peter Michaels:
Never. The “Iron Man” will NOT fall to someone like Eisen. It’s not possible. He WILL live on.

Jerry Eisen:
Believe me, I want to think the same thing… I just don’t know…

Peter Michaels:
Keep the faith… You MUST… Keep… the faith…





Rich Money and Captain Atomic

“Welcome to HELL; Money's HELL..."


[We transition backstage in which to see the overtly intense Captain Atomic stomping through a backstage hallway. His eyes are fixated, his body insanely energized, and his muscles flexing with every passing step. More or less, he looks like a juiced up freak, running high on adrenaline and sheer intensity, who could explode at any second. The, almost, cartoonish smirk on his face speaks to that potential breaking moment.]


[As he turns a corner, there awaits SWF Owner, Rich Money; standing inches from his personal luxury suite.]


[Despite this, Atomic keeps on storming past; fixated and practically blinded with energy.]


[Rich Money]:
Not so fast, you freak…


[Atomic abruptly comes to a halt; aggressively spinning his body to look over at Money. Breathing heavily, seconds from exploding no doubt, it looks as though Money has grabbed his attention.]


[Rich Money]:
I need a word with you…


[Rich Money looks like an All-American beefcake from head-to-toe. Dressed in a beautifully crafted grey suit, his hair projecting an equal sense of perfection in it’s current gelled state, the SWF Owner appears to resemble a rugged GQ-Model more so than a professional wrestler. All in all, this well-put-together figure doesn’t seem to have EVERYTHING going for him right now; he appears annoyed in an underlying sense.]


[Rich Money]:
You took something VERY important from me, Atomic.
[Pauses; annoyed]
I don’t do well with those who steal from me.
Vengeance was mine… ALL… mine…
He was the backbone of my ascent into the Owner’s office here in the SWF; he orchestrated the fear campaign that I needed to force Richard Eisen’s signature. Not only that, he was one hell of a watch dog…
Men lived in a constant state of fear…
and YOU… took that from… ME…


[Money seems more so angered now. His jaw line protrudes outward slightly.]


[Rich Money]:
The rest of the roster may be singing your praises but they mean nothing in the greater scheme of things. I own this company; my word is everything. So listen up and listen up good… You TOOK Vengeance from me… So now… I’m going to TAKE… your CAREER… from you…


[The crowd boos like crazy; watching this unfold on the Money Tron. Meanwhile, Captain Atomic hasn’t budged in the slightest. He’s still in the same state of sheer intensity as before.]


[Rich Money]:
You think that Vengeance could dish out punishment? Wait until you see the HELL…I have in store for you…


[Money grows a slight, very dark, very devious, smirk upon his face. It’s only in the corner of his mouth though.]


[Rich Money]:
When I’m done with you… There will be nothing left for people to cheer. You’ll be a cautionary tale of a drug-induced psychopath who crossed the WRONG path…
NOBODY messes with Rich Money and gets away with it. I am THE most powerful man in professional wrestling…
… and I’m going to see to it that you’re demise is just another example of this fact…


[With that, Rich Money stands in extreme confidence. There’s no smug air to the owner right now. If anything, he seems actually quite pissed off.]


[Across from him, Captain Atomic continues to stare upon the SWF Owner in an overtly intense fashion. Breathing heavily, his body rising and falling with every major intake/outtake, Atomic stands in aggressive silence. That said, without needing to say a word, the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine” is shown slowly running his thumb across his throat in a ‘slit’ kind of fashion. This drives the fans absolutely nuts; cheering like crazy at the sight of it. Meanwhile, as Atomic returns to storming away from the scene, projecting pure intensity with every millisecond, the final image is that of Rich Money appearing appalled by such a gesture. He shakes his head slowly, snarling with anger, as he has an air of “How DARE he do that to ME; I’m RICH MONEY!” radiating from his every pour!]



Jerry Eisen:
I think I just found my new favorite Supreme Superstar…

Duane Fry:
It doesn’t look like Captain Atomic is all that fearful of Rich Money’s wrath. Maybe he should be though. Money, for what we’ve seen throughout his history, is one selfish, pompous, holier-than-thou douche; and that was when he DIDN’T OWN the SWF! Now, with the company in his hands, there’s NO TELLING what he could have in store for Captain Atomic. Just look at what he’s done to Steve Frehley in the past few weeks; Rich Money is NOT the kind of guy to threaten like that…

Jerry Eisen:
He may not be… but I’m loving the HELL out of this…

Peter Michaels:
Between Jack Bruce, Steve Frehley and now Captain Atomic… It looks like Rich Money is getting A LOT of blow-back from the rest of the SWF. They’re not taking this lying down; they’re not intimidated by Money’s power. As you said though, Duane, this could be the recipe for DISASTER for ole’ Cap…

Duane Fry:
Either way, Captain Atomic took Vengeance away from Rich Money… So now… Rich Money is going to attempt to take Atomic’s career from him!




Captain Atomic vs. The Pain Alliance



2-on-1 Handicap Match//No Disqualification Rule Set; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • Captain Atomic has a tall-task before him but it doesn’t seem to faze him in the slightest. Shaking a nearby ring rope as if he were electrocuting the ring, the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine” looks as intense as ever; practically foaming from the mouth as he points toward the “Pain Alliance” across the ring. Meanwhile, Big Smack Scott & Kurt Laramee aren’t impressed. As veterans would, they arrogantly snicker at the youngster trying to look tough.

  • With no DQ, the “Pain Alliance” jumps right into the action; not worrying about ‘tagging anyone in’. In doing so, the two develop a vicious 2-on-1 beatdown that keeps Atomic floored almost immediately. That said, the Captain doesn’t stay down; quite the contrary. He’s seen bouncing back to his feet, over-and-over again, as if it were by sheer intensity.

  • This sheer intensity bodes well for him though. Bouncing back to his feet at one point, Captain Atomic is able to catch his opponents off-guard; executing his signature “Mushroom Cloud” (Running/Leaping Closeline) on an unsuspecting Big Smack Scott. This sends the “X-factor” heavyweight crashing to the floor outside of the ring. Leaving Laramee & Atomic one-on-one.

  • Laramee restores his dominance; beating Captain Atomic down. That said, over time, it’s as if Atomic’s intensity is deflecting all of Laramee’s violence. With time, Atomic is able to ‘power himself up’ once again; KO’ing Laramee this time with his signature “Mushroom Cloud”! The crowd pops but Atomic can’t make a pin of it due to Big Smack making his return to the ring.

  • The Pain Alliance would work their numbers game back into the fold, taking Atomic outside of the ring & inflicting double punishment upon the fan-favorite. A double Irish whip into the guardrail, steel steps, and a successive spear into the ring apron by both men ultimately slow Atomic down considerably.

  • It looks bad for Atomic; however, he’s somehow able to kick out at 2 for every pinfall attempt.

  • Big Smack Scott grabs a steel chair as Laramee pounds on Atomic’s forehead; eventually throwing him into the ring. Laramee follows; as does Big Smack.

  • The two toy with their prey; however, ultimately Atomic is able to fend both of them off with fists of sheer intensity.

  • Big Smack eventually springs back into action, swinging his steel chair like a mad-man; however, in doing so, he actually strikes his own partner in the process.

  • Seconds later, Big Smack is knocked out of the ring, once again, by a ‘powered-up’ upper-cut from Atomic. Big Smack lands rough outside of the ring.

  • As the crowd cheers along, Atomic watches on from the corner of the ring, getting into position, as Laramee rises to his feet. Once he’s there, staggered but upright, Laramee spins around only to get a face-full-of a “Mushroom Cloud”! Seconds later, Atomic is able to score a standard three-count; doing the unthinkable. He beat the “Pain Alliance” all by himself.


<hr color="black">
Captain Atomic via pinfall

“Mushroom Cloud” (Running/Leaping Closeline)




Duane Fry:
Did YOU see THAT?!?! Captain Atomic!! Captain Atomic WON the match!!

Jerry Eisen:
Even with ALL the leverage in the Pain Alliance’s corner, Atomic steamrolled his way through with SHEER intensity! Isn’t this guy INSANE?!?!

Duane Fry:
You KNOW Rich Money is back there unhappy about this one…

Jerry Eisen:
Yea, this isn’t quite the ‘hell’ he was hoping for; I’m sure.

Peter Michaels:
We’ve seen HIGH intensity in the SWF many times but this kid, whewh… This kid is like a 2-liter of red-bull jam-packed into a damn wolverine!

Duane Fry:
Well, that’s a new one…

Jerry Eisen:
Pretty apt though…

Peter Michaels:
We’ve got ourselves a sure-fire FIRESTORM here, folks. Captain Atomic; this kid CANNOT be stopped!





Steve Frehley© and Jack Bruce

“Won't happen again..."


[We transition backstage once again to see an over-the-shoulder image of the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley. With a determined stride, the “Dark Destroyer” looks to be in a confrontational mood; as always. That said, the gleaming belt over said shoulder, springing back images of light as he walks, creates a sense of grandeur to his pace.]


[As he turns down another hallway, leading into the open loading dock area, we see Frehley stomping aggressively toward an idled black limo.]


[Growing closer, we now witness that the passenger side door is already opened and several beautiful, scantily-clad, if not scandalously-clad, bombshells are shown piling out of the backseat of said limo. In all, there appears to be four breath-taking beauties present; smirking collectively as they do their best to look as lazily hot as possible.]


[The final person to exit the limo? SWF ICON & rebellious rocker, Jack Bruce. The crowd pops at the sight of this.]


[The camera man slowly pans around Frehley’s back shoulder now in which to get a good side shot of the action at hand. Frehley, coming to a stop, looks to be coming for Jack Bruce.]


[There’s no physical confrontation; however, tension is obviously there. That said, both stare at one another with a collective arrogant smirk upon their faces. Neither is afraid of the other; that’s obvious.]


[Jack Bruce]:
Well… well… well… If it ‘aint ‘the champ’…
Good to see you UPRIGHT again…


[Frehley pauses before speaking; simply smirking in a devilish fashion in return.]


[steve Frehley©]:
Ya funny, Bruce…
[smirks; on-edge though]
Really funny…
I’ve got a way to fix that…


[Jack laughs in return; putting his arms around the two nearest ladies at his side. He doesn’t seem threatened in the slightest. Meanwhile, Frehley, while smirking, appears as though he could, as always, explode into action at ANY time.]


[Jack Bruce]:
Oh, Stevie… Don’t take it personally…
I just couldn’t help myself… THERE you were… Sittin’ on top of the world… When you KNOW… That’s only a perch for Jack Bruce…


[both men pause once again; tension mounting. That said, smirks all-around.]


[steve Frehley©]:
You got me once… That’s where it ends…
[smirks; pauses]
Believe me, it WON’T happen again…


[Jack Bruce]:
It ALWAYS happens, Stevie. It doesn’t matter WHO you are; Jack Bruce ALWAYS comes out on top.


[Again, tense pause.]


[Jack Bruce]:
I like you though… Honestly; I do. You’ve got that raw, loose-cannon, Crazo feel to ya. It’s so… Rock-n-Roll. I LOVE it.
But, you see, you’ve got something that I want over that shoulder of yours…. And if you can make it to July with it STILL there… I’ll be more than happy to take it from ya.


[steve Frehley©]:
I’m sure you would. Problem is… It’s not goin’ anywhere, brotha…


[Jack Bruce]:
Good; well at least for the time being. You make it to “Supreme Challenge” and I can garun-damn-tee you that it’ll be in THESE god-given hands…
[smirks; looks down at his hands. The girls ‘oooh’ as they scoot in closer to him.]
They really ARE a work of art, aren’t they?


[steve Frehley©]:
Look like a bunch of hoes to me…


[The crowd laughs, watching this on the Money-Tron; a fact that Bruce actually engages in. The girls look somewhat pissed by the statement but, after seeing Bruce laughing, change their tune in a way.]


[Jack Bruce]:
Talkin’ bout my hands, Stevie…
It’s got me droppin’ punks… ALL in a “New York Minute”…


[Tense silence; smirking though.]


[steve Frehley©]:
Keep your head up tonight, brotha… I’d hate for you miss the comet…


[Frehley smirks; readjusting the belt upon his shoulder.]


[Jack Bruce]:
I wouldn’t miss it for the world…


[After a brief stare-down, Frehley begins to walk off scene; stomping away from Bruce in the process. In doing so, Jack appears to laugh to himself once again; pulling the girls in closer as he braces himself for another statement that he KNOWS will get a rise out of Frehley.]


[Jack Bruce]:
Try not to end up on your back again tonight, Stevie…


[Frehley slowly comes to a stop; spinning around to look at Bruce. A stare-down follows once again.]


[steve Frehley©]:
Same to ya…


[With that, the segment comes to a close as we slowly fade to a commercial break. Before doing so; however, we all witness the awkward tension that is budding between Frehley & Bruce. Despite their arrogant smirks, and relative cordial nature, it looks as though their connection may be a powder-keg waiting to blow.]



Jerry Eisen:
There is NO WAY these two work as a team tonight…

Duane Fry:
Nope. Not one bit. Rich Money has them RIGHT where he wants them it seems. He KNEW IT when he booked the match.

Peter Michaels:
I’m sure Money’s lookin’ to ‘thin the competition’ by throwing these two together. As you said, there ‘aint no way these two work as one tonight. No damn way.

Jerry Eisen:
This is going to be interesting…

Duane Fry:





Angry Gilmore

“I'm coming..."


[We transition backstage in which to see consummately heated Angry Gilmore standing before a single camera lens. His nostrils are flaring, his veins protruding, and his eyes fixated; there’s no denying the fact that he’s in the throes of a full-on anger expulsion.]


[Angry Gilmore]:
[breathing heavily; pauses]
[Pauses; enraged as always]
[Pauses; breathing heavily]
[Pauses; grabs the camera lens to pull it in closer]
[Pauses; breathing heavily]


[The crowd pops as Angry Gilmore shoves the camera lens away rather aggressively. In doing so, the camera man struggles to regain his focus in just enough time to watch the overtly angered Gilmore stomping off the scene; wrenching his fists in the process.]

B -


Duane Fry:
His blood pressure HAS to be through the roof…

Jerry Eisen:
I’m sure that’s the least of his worries…

Peter Michaels:
Gilmore’s a one-track mind. Always has been. He’s gotten even worse the older he gets. He wants Khoklov and won’t rest until he gets the behemoth. As he said, it may kill him but that’s a chance he’s more than willing to take…

Duane Fry:
He’s the physical personification of a death-wish…

Jerry Eisen:
In this case, as in many before it, I’m afraid you’re right. Gilmore won’t rest until he gets what he wants. Then, even when he gets it, there’s no subduing the beast. There’ll be a new thing ‘ticking’ him off; putting him on a path to an early burnout no doubt.

Peter Michaels:
I’m surprised that burn-out hasn’t come already…




Joseph Sexy vs.

”Passing a test"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Hannah w/ Valiant


  • Joseph Sexy appears unfazed by the match tonight. If anything, he seems overtly confident; more so than normal. Smirking, presenting himself to the crowd, mostly the females in attendance at that, the appointed Head Scout of the SWF looks, and feels, as though he’s walking into a guaranteed win. Valiant, on the other hand, steps through the “Supreme Gate” in a bound-and-determined manner; very blue-collar if you will.

  • Hannah stands sheepishly at ringside. It’s not that she’s a ‘beaten puppy’ or anything. Valiant treats her really well. She’s just a very shy persona all together. More of the girl-next-door meets that shy girl in math class you never really spoke to.

  • The action in the ring opens with Joseph Sexy extending a faux right handshake; only to pull it away. Laughing to the crowd, Sexy seems full-of-himself and then some. For his action, Valiant doesn’t strike back. He simply shakes his head slightly, maneuvering slowly around the ring once again, as he prepares for their collar-and-elbow-tie-up.

  • Once tied up, Valiant shows a brief expulsion of strong, very low-impact, chain-wrestling. That said, it’s not as though he’s in full control. Joseph Sexy, the knowledgeable veteran that he is, is able to utilize Valiant’s own strength against him at times.

  • A cheap Irish Whip over the top rope, sending Valiant tumbling to the floor, brings on a lot of heat for Sexy. That said, he simply smirks it off. Exiting the ring to go after his opponent, Sexy lands a few hard-rights across Valiant’s temple; however, eventually is floored for his own good; Valiant dropping him on the lightly padded cement floor with a back-shattering suplex. The crowd pops loudly for this.

  • After brawling around the ring for a second go-at-it, Valiant breaking the count at one point, Sexy gains the upper-hand once again with a simple chest-drop across the top of the steel guardrail. In doing so, he presents a ‘creepy uncle’ kind of smirk before slowly shuffling toward Hannah. Displaying himself to her, in great shape though for a man his age, Sexy looks as though he’s trying to pick up the young Hannah in his typical sleezy fashion. Luckily, nothing happens as, once he gets close, Valiant is able to deck Sexy from behind.

  • Sexy would try to, once again, turn his attention toward Hannah later in the match, thinking he has Valiant down-and-out with a snap DDT, but this lapse of judgment, once again, goes against him. With his back to his opponent, Sexy is kicked in the kidney area, spun around, and stomped once again in the stomach. Seconds later, a “V-Split” is all that’s left. Sexy is KO’ed. Valiant looks depleted by vindicated and Hannah sheepishly brushes her hair out of her face as she smiles in a simple fashion; happy Valiant has won.


<hr color="black">
Valiant via pinfall

“V-Split” (Falcon Arrow Suplex)




Jerry Eisen:
A hard fought match but, in the end, it’s the “Honorable” Valiant coming away with the win here tonight.

Duane Fry:
Joseph Sexy may have transitioned into a new role here in the SWF but he can still go; that’s pretty obvious from what we saw tonight. That said, he always seemed just a step behind Valiant in the match. A strong, well-deserved, win for Valiant.

Peter Michaels:
It’s these blue-collar wins that will continue to push him up the ranks. A loss here would just put him back. My hats off to the young-man for ‘getting the job done’ and getting it done right.

Duane Fry:
A class act no doubt.





Rich Money, Remo and Ms. Chase

“The deal is on the table..."


[We transition backstage once again to see a rather ominous view. Standing within Rich Money’s personal luxury suite, the trio of SWF Owner Rich Money, Ms. Chase and her bruising client, Remo, are all shown in rather close proximity within the room.]


[seated on the edge of his desk, his suit jacket opened up slightly, Money looks out upon the “Chase Agency” figures with an air of confidence. His jaw strong. His gaze rather focused. He looks like he means business.]


[Meanwhile, Ms. Chase projects her typical, emotionless, stare; almost machine-like. She reeks of power-business; regardless of her sex. In connection, the “Alpha Dog” stands as stoic as ever. His arms crossed, showing his tree-trunk like arms in the process, the muscle-bound heavyweight looks like a true Adonis physically. More or less, he’s a specimen if there ever was one.]


[Rich Money]:
It’s really quite simple…
[Pauses; looks over both Chase & Remo]
We have a shared interest in the demise of Jack Bruce.
You, Ms. Chase, have been interlocked with him for months now, trying at every venture to crush him under your dainty fist, and yet… You’ve failed. That’s not like you.
You’re not a failure…
[Pauses; smirks]
Quite the opposite really… and that’s why you reached you to Remo here;… to FINALLY get the job done.
But… once again… somehow… someway… You’ve BOTH failed…
Jack Bruce is STILL standing and, because he is, now he’s become MY problem once again…
[Pauses; closes his eyes for a second]
and you have NO IDEA what I would give to have that problem removed from my plate once-and-for-all…
That’s where you two come in…


[Rich Money pauses for a brief second. The combination of Ms. Chase & Remo haven’t budged.]


[Rich Money]:
I want Bruce gone… YOU… want Bruce gone… You see, there’s room for a deal here. A negotiation; something to… work toward if you will.
I KNOW you value a good negotiation, Ms. Chase…


[Money smirks]


[Ms. Chase]:
I’m good at what I do; yes.


[Rich Money]:
Of course you are…
[smirks; pauses]
You have an uncanny ability to locate talent. You can see what others do not; perceive where others fail to locate. I’d say it’s a sixth sense but, at times, I wonder if you’re actually human…
You’re a machine &, in this industry, ‘Machines’ are the ones who prevail.
So, let’s get down to the details, shall we?


[Ms. Chase]:
I’m listening…


[Rich Money]:
Personally, I know that I could do the job myself. I’ve beaten Jack Bruce before; I’ve even put him on the shelf a time or two. That said, I simply don’t have the time now that I’m THE most powerful man in professional wrestling. Running the SWF takes every fiber of my being. So, sadly, I must look outside of my own expertise to get what I want…
[Pauses; smirks]
… What YOU want as well.
If YOU, Remo, can put Jack Bruce down-and-out for good; and I mean… FOR GOOD… Then I’ll reward you handsomely. The sky will be the limit…


[Ms. Chase]:
In actual terms…


[she states in a cold fashion.]


[Rich Money]:
If Remo can do-in Jack Bruce, putting him on the shelf for, at least the rest of the year, then I will guarantee you HIS World Heavyweight Championship shot at Supreme Challenge 33.


[Ms. Chase changes her stance slightly; her eyebrow rises slightly. Remo, meanwhile, remains stoic.]


[Rich Money]:
Jack MAY have won the “Awesome Impact” battle royal which gives him the RIGHT to go onto Supreme Challenge 33 BUT… If he’s unable to wrestle… that leaves the opportunity open & vacant. That’s where your client comes in.
If he can put Bruce on the shelf… It’s his…


[Ms. Chase]:
The time-frame for completion?


[Rich Money]:
It doesn’t matter; as long as it’s before Supreme Challenge 33. Hell, it could be THAT night for all I care. You put Bruce down… That spot becomes YOURS… big-man…


[Money looks to Remo. Breaking from his stoic stare, a slight, menacing, smirks forms upon his face.]


[Ms. Chase]:
The terms of your deal are fair…
In return, we’re asking for a neutralizer.
Big Cat Brandon has been a consummate thorn in my side since he decided to devolve into the animal that he is today.
Help us keep him at bay and you’ve got yourself a deal…


[Money thinks about it for a second; looking around the room as he smirks in a smug fashion. He then turns back to Ms. Chase; a little stronger in presence than his lighter thinking time.]


[Rich Money]:
Take the deal as is or it’s pulled…
This opportunity dies the second you leave this room. Accept on the original terms or lose it all.
How’s THAT for negotiating?


[Ms. Chase]:
Well played…


[Rich Money]:
I know my way around a negotiation…


[Ms. Chase]:
Fine. We accept.
Jack Bruce WILL be eliminated by Supreme Challenge 33 and Remo WILL accept his opportunity in the end.
Pleasure doing business with you.


[Rich Money]:
Oh hunny, the pleasure is ALL mine…


[Money chuckles to himself slightly; arrogant as all get-out. Meanwhile, Ms. Chase is shown slowly exiting the room with her powerhouse Remo at her side. In the end, the final image is that of Rich Money looking off camera; smirking at his own evil genius.]



Duane Fry:
We just witnessed pure evil in the form of business, folks…

Jerry Eisen:
Rich Money just put a HIT on Jack Bruce’s head. If Remo can eliminate Bruce from the picture BY July, it’ll be the “Alpha Dog” who gets his World Heavyweight Championship opportunity that he RIGHTFULLY won at “Awesome Impact”. Cold… Very cold…

Duane Fry:
Leave it to Ms. Chase to be involved… She’s the “Queen of Cold”…

Peter Michaels:
This is the kind of deal that makes Rich Money looks FAR more vile than we EVER thought he was. Sure, he’s a selfish prick… But this? He REALLY wants Bruce out of the picture…

Duane Fry:
If he IS able to beat Frehley next month and Remo DOES go on to knock Bruce out of the picture… This could ALL BLOW UP in Money’s face; pretty bad. Remo vs. Money at Supreme Challenge 33 for the belt? I’d say that’s a pretty BIG blow-up for Money if he’s able to walk into the PPV with the belt…

Jerry Eisen:
That means everything falls into place though… Plans hardly do so… EVEN for someone with absolute POWER like Money…

Peter Michaels:
We’ve got ourselves one HELL of a sin-ar-eo, don’t we?

Duane Fry:
You’re damn right we do…





Steve Frehley© and Jack Bruce



[Only minutes before tonight’s main event, we transition backstage in which to see a split-camera view of Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley© walking through independent back hallways; leading toward the back-end of the “Supreme Gate”. Both appear overtly confident, possessing their own sense of swagger which is inherently ‘them’; however, there’s an air that this combination could TRULY be a powder-keg waiting to blow; especially after what took place last week on SupremeTV between the two. In the end, the overall narrative permeates: “Can these two work as one OR will Rich Money’s master-plan prove to be a successful creation?”]



Duane Fry:
I don’t know about you guys but, the more I think about it, there’s NO WAY these two can work as a team. Not tonight. Probably not ever.

Jerry Eisen:
This is going to be a BIG power-move for Rich Money here tonight. Depending on WHO he brings to the ring with him, we COULD see an all-out massacre from the controversial SWF Owner. I mean, how can you expect to win a match of SUCH grandiosity if you can’t even find common ground; even for a 20-minute period? This is a POWDER-KEG waiting to blow!

Peter Michaels:
They could shock the world, boys… It’s possible…
It ‘aint goin’ to happen BUT it’s possible…

Duane Fry:
I guess we’re going to find out now…. Can Frehley & Bruce take home the win in tonight’s main event? Who has Rich Money pegged as his partner? Here…we…GO!




and Rich Money

”Muddying the water"


Standard Tag Team Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Remo


  • Remo just exudes a menacing air of dominance as he stomps toward the ring in a stoic fashion. There’s no bells-and-whistles. No real excitement to speak of. His sheer, calm, silent, intensity, matched with his Adonis-like physique, makes for a true spectacle. In a sense, his entrance feels more in-line with a UFC fighter than a pro wrestler. Either way, Ms. Chase adds that extra level of credibility to his walk; slowly shuffling before him in an equally cold fashion.

  • Rich Money is hated by the crowd; it’s rather obvious. His pompous presence makes almost everyone react negatively. That said, he doesn’t seem to care in the slightest. He’s full-of-himself; he doesn’t need input from others.

  • Bruce & Frehley both bring a rock-n-roll like vibe to the main event; however, it’s obvious, from the get go, that neither seem to trust the other. It’s not in an overt fashion but certainly underlying. Both project their trademark smirks, catching each other out of the corner of their eye at times, but they feel more like two individuals forced to be a team than one cohesive unit. Then again, both are HUGE right now (A* overness all around the world).

  • The match opens as Rich Money tempts that he’s going to start the affair against Steve Frehley, only to tag in Remo. This doesn’t faze Frehley; he just smirks and starts to throw-down right away with his former challenger of January & February. That said, Money would later tag himself back in, a good 20-seconds later, by slapping Remo on the back (unseen by Remo at first) after the “Alpha Dog” is able to get an upper-hand with a shoulder-block-strike off the ropes.

  • Money makes quick work with Frehley down; dropping elbows like they’re going out of style. Frehley struggles to get back to his feet; however, does. In doing so, Money is quick to sucker-punch the SWF World Heavyweight Champion; finally taking him down to the matt with a amateur wrestling takedown.

  • It’s obvious that Money is trying to get as much of his onslaught in before Frehley can really react. It’s working pretty well.

  • Stomped in the corner, Frehley eventually fights his back out. The crowd pops. Money eventually tags Remo back in; lying on the canvas while checking for blood on his lips. He looks pissed.

  • Remo does a great job of playing the dominant heel role once again; however, it’s not as if Frehley is taking a back-seat. He’s delivering just as much punishment.

  • Remo adds an air of chaos though as he turns and closelines the illegal-man, Jack Bruce, off the apron as if from nowhere. In a powerful, hast-acting, fashion, the “Alpha Dog” sends Bruce reeling to the ground. Dazed for a second, Bruce springs back to his feet and tries to enter the ring for retaliation; however, is blocked off by Darren Smith. While it’s only for a few seconds, this gives Rich Money enough time to slide back into the ring and chop Frehley’s legs out from underneath him.

  • Frehley gains an upper-hand a little while later once again, reeling though, but instead of tagging in Bruce, who’s calling for the tag, Frehley is shown shaking his head with a devilish smirk on his face. A little jaw-jackin’ off camera & Frehley turns back toward Remo.

  • Eventually, Jack Bruce would finally get tagged in; however, it’s at an important point for which the babyfaces need a change. He springs around the ring like a bat-out-of-hell. Delivering flashy strikes left-and-right, the rebellious rocker turns the arena into a full-on metal concert in a way. The crowd is roaring, Bruce is on top of the world, and it looks good for the babyfaces…

  • That said, it doesn’t take long for Remo to muster up enough strength to return to form; literally spearing Bruce through the ropes and onto the floor. Both crash. It takes a good 6-seconds for either man to really show signs that they’re going to do anything.

  • Frehley would eventually return as the legal man; as does Rich Money.

  • Remo stomps aggressively to the other side of the ring, walking around the ringside area, and is shown pulling Bruce off the apron. Chaos ensues as the two continue their hellacious brawl around the ringside area.

  • Darren Smith tries to restore order but knows they are not the legal men.

  • In the ring, Frehley & Money both look depleted somewhat; however, still fighting strong.

  • Frehley attempts a “Frehley’s Comet” following a corner Irish Whip; however, Money is able to frantically dive out of the way. No harm-no-foul; however, a savior to Money’s chances.

  • A minute later or so, as Frehley & Money go-back-and-forth on a spring of simple wrestling maneuvers, it’s Rich Money who’s able to drop Frehley face-first on a nearby turnbuckle following a failed corner splash.

  • Frehley staggers. Money, depleted, springs to action and lifts the SWF World Heavyweight Champion off of his feet in a fireman’s carry position.

  • Frehley throws elbows to get down; however, the SWF Owner is somehow, someway, able to push through the pain and drop his rival with his signature “Money in the Bank”.

  • The crowd boos like crazy as Rich Money collapses on top of Frehley; picking up a clean 3-count victory in tag action over the SWF World Heavyweight Champion.

  • The smile on Money’s face, overtly smug in nature, says it all as he knows he just beat the champ. Meanwhile, Bruce & Remo are shown still brawling around the ring.


<hr color="black">
Rich Money and Remo via pinfall

Rich Money pins Steve Frehley

“Money in the Bank” (Shingo Spinebuster)




Duane Fry:
You can hate it, as do I, but you can’t deny the truth. Rich Money just cleanly pinned Steve Frehley in tag team action here tonight. You KNOW we won’t hear the end of this. You can pretty much pencil in Money challenging for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship at “The World is Watching” now…

Jerry Eisen:
Was there EVER any thought that he WOULDN’T? This is ‘Money’s playground now’… We all just have to put up with whatever the HELL he wants to do I guess…
[sarcastic tone]

Duane Fry:
While Frehley was able to beat Money last month at “Awesome Impact”, this DOES mark the 2nd time the SWF Owner has defeated the SWF World Heavyweight Champion in 2013; the previous being a singles match a few months back.

Peter Michaels:
These really are the cream-of-the-crop in the wrestling world. ANYONE can win; any week, boys. Rich Money is one crazy kook but he’s one hell of a wrestler on top of that. There’s a chance, with a springboard like this, we could see a new champion come next month at “The World is Watching”. Tonight proves that.

Jerry Eisen:
SWF Owner AND World Heavyweight Champion? I shudder to think of that day…

Duane Fry:
He’s got to BEAT Frehley when it counts FIRST for that to happen. The “Dark Destroyer” has been the World Heavyweight Champion for 8-months now. He KNOWS how to get the job done. He may have lost here tonight but… YOU KNOW he’ll come a-blazin’ next time they meet up…

Jerry Eisen:
All I can say is… I hope. Tonight though, we’re not going to hear the end of it. Rich Money… just pinned… Steve Frehley…






Jack Bruce, Remo, Ms. Chase and ????



[The final bell tolls as SWF Owner, Rich Money, is already halfway up the steel rampway; headed toward the “Supreme Gate”. Depleted but obviously overjoyed, projecting his typical smug smirk in the process, the GQ-looking beefcake looks to be on top of the world with his recent victory. That said, after a short pose at the top of the steel rampway, basking in his own glory as the crowd boos like crazy, Money is shown retreating into the back; confident with what he did tonight.]


Duane Fry:
Look at him; so smug. Rich Money is on TOP of the world right now; in his mind.


Jerry Eisen:
That’s EVERY day in Money’s world… and we ARE… as much I hate to say it… In Money’s world now…


[in the ring, Steve Frehley is slowly getting back to his feet. He looks pissed. Just as he gains his footing, the World Heavyweight Champion is handed his gleaming belt, ripping it away in a frustrated manner it seems, as he stomps up the steel rampway himself; looking to further the fight with Money no doubt.]


[Meanwhile, the hellacious brawl between Jack Bruce & Remo rages on. Bruce seems to have taken the greatest physical impact of their dueling though. He’s staggered, severely depleted, and may even be nursing a rib injury from a previous guerilla press slam from Remo onto the unforgiving, lightly padded, ringside floor.]


[The camera man captures the action as Bruce attempts to fend off the much larger Remo; however, before you know it, the “Alpha Dog” has completely floored the rebellious rocker with standing boot to the jaw. Seconds later, an intense Irish Whip sends Bruce flying over the steel gaudrail; crashing into a number of beer-drinking fans in the front few rows.]


Duane Fry:


Jerry Eisen:
Jack Bruce is in a BAD way right now… VERY bad…


Peter Michaels:
He’s about to make good on Money’s opportunity if he continues on like this. There ‘aint NO WAY that Bruce can survive something like this…


[Remo, methodically, pulls Bruce back over the gaudrail. Bruce looks lifeless; however, tries to throw a few weak punches. That said, Remo is, once again, able to bring that to a halt with a forced tackle into the nearby steel ring pole; back-first for Bruce.]


Duane Fry:
OH! His BACK… his RIBS… Everything… WOW…


Jerry Eisen:
He can’t take much more of this…


[it’s looking BAD for Bruce…]


[As Jack lay on the lightly padded ringside floor, wincing as he holds his back, Remo is shown removing a number of items from the nearby commentary table. Said commentary team backs away, not wanting to get in the middle of Remo’s onslaught, as the crowd continues to boo like crazy.]


Jerry Eisen:
Oh no…


Duane Fry:
Hasn’t THIS all been ENOUGH?!


Peter Michaels:
Best not to anger the man, Duane… You’re not going to get him to do otherwise… Nothing will…


[Meanwhile, Ms. Chase stands only a few feet from the fallen Bruce. Her arms crossed, emotionless in her stare, the power agent looks to be enjoying this in her own way.]


Duane Fry:
You KNOW Ms. Chase is loving every second of this…


[Remo returns to the semi-lifelessly Bruce and lifts him off the ground. Again, Bruce tries to fend off his attacker with a string of inspired rights; however, a hip to the rips ends that pretty quickly.]


[Remo pounds Bruce downward & looks to be setting him up for his signature move; “The Destroyer” (Dominator).]


Duane Fry:
Oh no… OH NO…


Peter Michaels:
Looks like we may have to get a new desk…


[As Remo gets ready, there’s a commotion heard off to the right…]


[before you know it, the camera man has panned out slightly to show that Big Cat Brandon appears to be stomping through the crowd; heading toward the ring.]



HERE... ME... ROAR!!!


Duane Fry:


Jerry Eisen:


[Remo doesn’t see this.]


[big Cat steps over the guardrail in one swoop; making it impossible for Ms. Chase to alert Remo fast enough. In doing so, Big Cat is shown striking Remo from behind with a club-like strike to the back of the “Alpha Dog’s” head.]


Jerry Eisen:
The Big Cat has SAVED the day!!


Peter Michaels:
I think it’s less about ‘saving Bruce’ and more about his hatred for Remo…


[Remo staggers slightly; however, springs back into action. In doing so, Bruce has fallen to the ground; semi-motionless as he winces in pain next to the commentary table.]


[The Big Cat & the “Alpha Dog” brawl intensely until the Big Cat is finally able to overpower his rival with a standing big-boot of his own. Seconds later, as Remo forces himself off the ground, the Big Cat is shown springing into action; power-lifting, moving and dropping Remo in one jaw-dropping manner… Throwing him through the nearby commentary table with a standing spinebuster.]


Duane Fry:
OH… MY…. GOD!!!


Jerry Eisen:


Peter Michaels:
Remo’s DOWN and out!!


[The crowd erupts as the table disintegrates under Remo’s muscle-bound frame.]


[Ms. Chase slowly shakes her head in anger; obviously unhappy about what has just happened. Yet, still as emotionless as most moments.]


[in the end, SupremeTV goes off the air with a four-headed camera angle: Remo lying in a world of pain atop a crumbled commentary table, Jack Bruce lying in pain just off to the side of said table, Ms. Chase growing mad from afar and Big Cat Brandon flexing in an overtly primal warrior-manner to close the show (up-close).]



Duane Fry:
WHAT a way to end the show, folks!! The Big Cat, whether he was coming to save Bruce or not, just turned EVERYTHING upside down for the “Alpha Dog” and Ms. Chase! They THOUGHT Remo was on the fast-track to Supreme Challenge 33. They THOUGHT that Jack Bruce was only SECONDS away from potentially being down-and-out… BUT BAM… The Big Cat changed ALL of that!

Jerry Eisen:
BOY did he!

Duane Fry:
Jack Bruce lives to fight another day! His title shot at Supreme Challenge 33 is STILL in tact & the “Alpha Dog” has met his OWN match in Big Cat Brandon! WHAT a show!! WHAT A MOMENT!!

Peter Michaels:
Make sure ‘yall tune in NEXT WEEK as the fallout of Big Cat’s actions are bound to turn SupremeTV upside down ONCE again! Plus, how will the World Heavyweight Champion rebound from a loss in tonight’s main event? Will Rich Money take ANOTHER step toward possibly becoming the NEXT Champ?! This and SO much more, folks… LIVE… NEXT WEEK… On the ONLY wrestling show that matters… Supreme…TV! Goodnight, Folks!







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Jack Bruce is a marked man.


… Rich Money made sure of this.


Seeking to END Bruce’s career before “Supreme Challenge 33”, the controversial SWF Owner has reached out to Ms. Chase, and her client Remo, in which to ensure that this devious plan becomes reality. It’s an ugly scenario but, truthfully, what do you expect from someone like Money?


Rich Money is creeping ever-so-close to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, throwing everything he can at it’s current holder, Steve Frehley, with the hopes of securing absolute power in the Supreme Wrestling Federation. What trumps an overpowering dictator as it pertains to power? An overpowering dictator who ALSO stands as THE Champion; above all.


Think about it. If Rich Money becomes the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, he can book himself HOWEVER he feels fit. In doing so, potentially holding the belt forever.


Knowing this, Money is doing ALL he can to remove any obstacles in his way. In this case, Jack Bruce stands as one of those lingering obstacles…


If “The Alpha Dog” can eliminate the rebellious rocker from the Supreme Landscape then his (Bruce’s) title opportunity, given to him after winning the “Awesome Impact” battle royal, will be his to accept. In doing so, everything that Bruce went through this month, outlasting 40 other Supreme Superstars, will be for nothing.


If Remo can accomplish this feat, “Supreme Challenge 33” will be HIS for the taking; a fact that, you know, will drive the “Alpha Dog” to levels unseen.


Can Bruce survive Remo’s impending wrath?


… that remains to be seen.


Either way though, it’s impossible to neglect the reality of our situation in the SWF now… Rich Money, the controversial Owner of this great company, is and will book HIS company into a personal playground of sorts.




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