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Lobster Warrior vs. Paul Huntingdon w/Ms. Chase

[singles Match]

”THE RADIOACTIVE WRECKING MACHINE” Captain Atomic vs. Squeeky McClean

[singles Match]


“THE SUPREMACIST” Eric Eisen vs. Jungle Lord

[singles Match]

“THE IRON MAN” Christian Faith vs. Rogue w/Ms. Chase

[singles Match]


Rich Money vs. “THE DARK DESTROYER” Steve Frehley DRAW or NO CONTEST

[singles Match] [Non-Title]

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Tuesday, 4th Week of January 2013

Utah Park Reservation || South West








Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen

Peter Michaels:
It's Tuesday night and ALL HELL is about to break loose! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, THIS is S...W...F... Supreme-TV!

Jerry Eisen:
What a show we have planned for you tonight! We have Rich Money and Steve Frehley in our main event! Man-o-Man!! What a match!!

Duane Fry:
We ALSO have “The Iron Man” himself stepping into the ring against “The Dirty Rotten Scoundrel”, Rogue!

Peter Michaels:
All of this and MUCH more, I’m sure, as Supreme TV comes to you from the Utah Park Reservation!





Steve Frehley© (Promo about Vengeance) and ????

“Not who I was asking for…"


[supreme TV opens with the overwhelming sound of
blaring over the Utah Park Reservation; a fact that has the SWF Nation exploding with excitement.]


[stomping through the “Supreme Gate”, Frehley doesn’t pause to celebrate like some bigger Supreme Superstars. Instead, he instantly stomps his way toward the squared circle with a devilish smirk upon his face, one that tells of a true troublemaker, and the SWF World Heavyweight Championship gleaming upon his right shoulder.]


[Once in the ring, Frehley wastes no time whatsoever. Speaking before his music comes to a close, the loose-cannon himself looks to be in rare form tonight; aggressive, defiant, and obviously ready for a fight.]


[steve Frehley©]:
I ‘aint lookin’ for a damn pity party. Vengeance came & that son-of-a-b*tch put me on my back in the parking lot. “X” in blood on my chest; a concussion that had me into next week … He really did a number.
[Pauses; smirks into a nearby camera]
That’s nothin’ I haven’t felt before.
[Crowd pops]
I’ve seen scarier motha’s on the street corner than that mask wearin’ punk!
[Pauses; looks up at the sky]
You don’t scare me, “Demon”… Hell, I ‘aint scared of nobody… no one… not a damn thing…
I’ve seen [CENSOR] go down too many times to flinch now. So, how ‘bout we speed this [CENSOR] up and get to the point… Vengeance… Get ya’ A$$ out here & fight like you have a pair!


[Frehley looks around, unafraid despite calling out Vengeance, as the fans are roaring with excitement. That said, like last week when Christian Faith attempted the same thing, there’s no sight of the “Demon”… Or at least that’s what they thought at first…]


[The lights begin to flicker madly as the sound of thunder begins to overtake the Utah Park Reservation. Unlike previous entrances though, there’s no plume of smoke. No lightning to be seen. Instead, we’re given the sound of Vengeance’s theme music & what appears to be a minor power-outage of sorts.]


[The reason? It’s not actually Vengeance coming…]


[From the darkness, a man walks out through the “Supreme Gates”; however, as the lights come up, there’s no “Demon”. Instead, there stands Steve Frehley’s opponent in tonight’s main event, Rich Money, with a microphone already in hand.]



That’s not the “Demon”!


[Appearing like the rugged GQ model that he is, Money stares upon the ringside area with a coy smirk upon his face. Meanwhile, Frehley trades a smirk of his own as he stands in the ring looking upon the ‘Money Man’. While some would despise being interrupted, it seems as though Frehley is ready for a fight regardless of who stands before him; Vengeance, Rich Money, his own Father. They all could take a licking if they are foolish enough to get in his way.]


[Rich Money]:
Expecting someone else?


[Money continues to grin in a coy fashion.]


[steve Frehley©]:
It don’t matter who ya’ are… I’ll kick your a$$ just as much as the next-guy. Hell, If you drag that pansy suit of yours down here, I’ll kick your a$$ right now! We don’t have to wait for tonight.


[Money scoffs]


[Rich Money]:
You see, that’s exactly WHY I sat down with Mr. Eisen a few weeks back. You have no class, Stephen.
You’re a damn thug with very little to offer society. I, on the other hand, have prestige… honor… respect… and a WHOLE lot of money to offer.
[Coy Smirk]
I’m the kind of figure that the world needs. Someone to restore a sense of class to their mundane, pitiful, and down-right useless lives.
And I can do that for you all by reclaiming MY World Heavyweight Championship once again.


[Money pauses as the two stare one another down. Frehley is practically laughing to himself like the defiant warrior that he is. Meanwhile, Money continues to carry himself in this holier-than-thou, overtly pompous, manner.]


[Rich Money]:
You’ve done nothing but drag that championship through the mud since you CHEATED me out of it 6 months ago.
I’ve had to stand aside and watch you ruin EVERYTHING that I worked so hard to produce. For the first time in ages, that title MEANT something again. Why? Because it’s champion was one that we could respect. He was a pillar of society & a true American success story.
[Crowd boos]
And then YOU… came along…


[Frehely points to himself saying “Me?” off microphone. With that said, it’s all an act to defiantly laugh off Money’s statement.]


[Rich Money]:
You’re a joke, Stephen. An absolute, utter, failure of a man.
… And it pains me to see what you’re doing to MY championship.
It pains Mr. Eisen… as well.
He’s on-board with my plans to restore this company’s honor. In doing so though, people like YOU must be knocked down a peg or two.
[Pauses; smirks]
First and foremost though, for the betterment of these people, this company, that championship, and the great legacy of our sport, there must be a NEW Champion atop the Supreme Landscape.
There really is ONLY ONE man who could restore us ALL to greatness and that’s… Me… Rich Money… The GREATEST Figure this industry has EVER known!


[steve Frehley©]:


[Money turns his head slightly to the side in an uncomfortable fashion. You can almost see his skin crawl.]


[Rich Money]:
As I was saying… You’ve tainted MY Championship for FAR too long. It’s now time that I restore it’s greatness… starting tonight. In that very ring, I’m going to humiliate you unlike you’ve EVER been humiliated before. I don’t expect it to be very hard. I mean, you’re nothing more than a common thug who happened to get ‘lucky’ at the right time. Punks like you are a dime-a-dozen. Meanwhile, men like me… We only come once a generation if you’re lucky.


[Crowd boos as the two stare one another down again.]


[steve Frehley©]:
[Pretends to yawn]
Alright, Money, Imma let you finish but first…
Get your a$$ down here so we can stop all this bull & get to what really matters… Me kickin’ your a$$!


[Crowd pops]


[Rich Money]:
You ALL would like that wouldn’t you?
[Crowd pops as Money smirks deviously]
Well, too bad. I’m to dignified to slum it with you on YOUR terms. No, No… You’ll get yoru chance on MY terms; later tonight. Until then, maybe it’s best you just go back to the hood you came from, Stephen.
You’re not welcome here…


[With that, Rich Money’s theme music blares once again as the pompous a$$hole that he is smirks in a coy fashion toward the ring. Meanwhile, Frehley is shown sitting down on the middle rope; almost begging the ‘Money Man’ to enter the ring and fight. In the end though, he does not. Instead, we go to a commercial break with the sight of Rich Money slowly spinning back around and walking through the “Supreme Gates”; leaving Frehely all alone in the ring.]



Duane Fry:
What an A$$hole…

Jerry Eisen:
Well, Money is in rare form tonight…
[Rolls his eyes]

Duane Fry:
He can’t talk to the champ like that! That was uncalled for!

Peter Michaels:
Rich Money has ALWAYS been quite the controversial figure and, tonight, he didn’t do anything to deviate from that. He’s pompous, intensely arrogant, and, sadly enough, accomplished. It’s that accomplishment though that makes his ego THAT much larger.

Duane Fry:
I don’t care HOW accomplished you are. That was disgusting! I can’t WAIT to see Frehley take it to Money tonight. What I wouldn’t PAY to see him end his career in THAT very ring!

Jerry Eisen:
We can only hope, Duane.




Lobster Warrior vs. Paul Huntingdon

"Oh no, It’s a trap! A Lobster Trap!"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Paul Huntingdon


  • Paul Huntingdon is no aristocrat anymore. He’s tough & rather harsh in his approach. Meanwhile, Lobbie is endearingly lovable & instantly has the fans on his side.

  • With Ms. Chase standing at ringside, arms crossed, cold-stare directed toward the action in the ring, Paul puts forth an onslaught that actually keeps up with the oceanic one.

  • Lobster Warrior has his moments; however, it’s Huntingdon who feels rather strong throughout the match.

  • In the end, though, it’s veteran understanding that proves to be Lobbie’s greatest asset.

  • Developing a 2nd wind, the crowd goes crazy as the oceanic one finds a way to reverse several of Paul’s attempts; ie: Suplex reversed into a snap suplex of his own & an Irish Whip reversed forcing the “Chase Agency” member reeling himself.

  • Following a front-facing low-dropkick with both feet to Paul’s knees, Lobbie quickly leaps back to his feet and executes his signature “Lobster Trap”.

  • There’s no kicking out for Paul as he lays motionless upon his back. Meanwhile, Ms. Chase stares toward the ring in a cold, emotionless, manner.


<hr color="black">
Lobster Warrior via submission

“Lobster Trap” (Double-Arm DDT)




Duane Fry:
The Oceanic One comes away with the BIG win to open Supreme TV tonight. Bravo, Lobbie!

Jerry Eisen:
It’s been a LONG time coming for Lobster Warrior as his 2013 campaign has been somewhat weak as of late. That said, this could be the win that catapults him BACK on the right path!

Duane Fry:
Ms. Chase HAS to be on the verge of losing it. The “Chase Agency” continues to rack up loss after loss.

Peter Michaels:
Young Huntingdon really looked strong out there but yea… You can’t separate this group from losin’ these days.

Jerry Eisen:
With Bruce getting under her skin, the Chase Agency seemingly falling from graces, and a very bleak future ahead of them, it’s more of a matter of WHEN Ms. Chase will LOSE IT.

Duane Fry:
Well, if that happens, she’ll fit RIGHT in with her clients; as LOSING is their common thread as of late.





Ms. Chase, Brandon James, and ????

“He’s out; or is he?"


[standing in a backstage hallway together, it appears as though Ms. Chase is finally having the talk with “Big Money” Brandon James. The big-man, arms crossed, almost defiant in his smirk, looks as though he’s unafraid of whatever his agent is about to hand-down. Meanwhile, Ms. Chase looks as stern as ever; never breaking eye-contact with the MUCH larger man before her.]


[Ms. Chase]:
For 6-years, I did exactly what I told you I was going to do. I made you one of the richest men in all of professional wrestling. I stood by your side, negotiated the biggest opportunities of your career, and made you one of the most dominant North American Champions this company has ever seen.
I took you from the rinky-dink side-show you came from (DaVE), wiped that stupid face-paint off, and gave you the respect you were due.
Lately though, it’s been YOU who have not lived up on YOUR end of the bargain.
You’ve failed me too many times, you’ve become a doormat for Jack Bruce, and it’s come to the point where I no longer find reason to keep your career afloat.
Mr. James, I have released you from the “Chase Agency” and will no longer have any vested interest in your career whatsoever.
I wish you luck… because, without me, you’re going to need it.


[James scoffs under his breath a little, unfazed by Ms. Chase’s announcement of his release from her agency. None the less, not tied to her anymore, James arrogantly shuffles to walk away. In doing so though, he comes to a minor halt for a second; looking to a man off-camera.]



Coming to rile things up!


[Jack Bruce]:
Little Brandon is being released to the wild.
[smirks and pauses again]
I guess I can ask you this one… last… time… Is the b*tch in?


[bruce smirks in his typical overtly arrogant fashion; however, what’s in return is not typical by any means. It appears that “Big Money” is sharing in the moment; cracking a smirk of his own.]


[brandon James]:
She’s ALL yours…


[James walks off scene, shuffling in a lazy manner, as the camera eventually pans over to the sight of just Ms. Chase and Jack Bruce. As one can expect, Ms. Chase doesn’t flinch despite standing before the man she hates the most. If anything, it looks as though it’s business as usual; projecting a stern coldness that Bruce seems to love to toy with.]


[Jack Bruce]:
That had to be hard; to finally cut the cord.
[Pretend to drop his face with sadness]
How EVER will you survive?
You know, I feel a tad responsible for crushing your little dreams of an Agency. I mean, if it wasn’t for me… I’m…


[before Jack can finish that statement, he’s all of a sudden attacked from the side by the returning big-man himself, “Big Money” Brandon James. He never really left it seems and was waiting, all along, for his moment.]



"Big Money" saves Ms. Chase?


[in a quick assault that’s primarily based upon “Big Money’s” overwhelming power, James makes quick work of the rebellious rocker; slamming his oversized boot square across the jaw of Bruce.]


[With Jack out cold, and James standing over him, the whole scenario we just witnessed appears to have been a ruse. For, as James cracks an arrogant smirk once again, the sight of Ms. Chase & Brandon James shaking hands once again tells the true story of what just happened: They suckered Bruce in, making it look like James was on the way out, in which to land a cheap-shot on the SWF ICON.]


[in the end, Ms. Chase and James are shown walking the opposite direction of the fallen Bruce; walking as one once again.]



Jerry Eisen:
They just suckered Bruce in! James wasn’t being released all along; it was all a ruse to pull him in.

Duane Fry:
It just shows you the lengths Ms. Chase will go to get one over on Bruce!

Peter Michaels:
Jack may need some medical attention after that big-boot. I think his head may have hit the wall as he was falling backward. It didn’t look right.

Jerry Eisen:
Either way, you know, once Bruce comes back to, there’s one hell of a fight to be had!





Valiant, Hannah, and ????? (Promo about Rogue)

“It continues…"


[We transition backstage now in which to see budding hero, Valiant, puffing his chest out in anger before a steel SWF logo. Next to him is the lovely doe-eyed beauty Hannah. She appears to be somewhat shaken up still after what happened last week. While eye-contact is never really her thing in general, far too shy to ever do so, there is certainly an added sense of shy defeat present.]




[Valiant’s tone fits the classic 1980’s wrestling promo style as he barks his rivals name.]


It sickens me to know that we were EVER confidants; that we EVER walked as one.
[shakes his head in anger]
You’re not my equal. You’re the lowest of the low; the dirt that rubs beneath my boot.
[Pauses; overly angered as he practically spits while speaking]
You and I have gone to battle many times. Blood has been shed… bones have been broken… LIVES… altered.
In our sport, that’s to be expected… but what ISN’T… is what you did last week when you SPIT… on the lovely Hannah.
[Pauses; points toward the camera with high anger]
You signed your own death-wish, Rogue… and I’m going…


[before Valiant can finish his statement, the lights suddenly dim & eventually turn off all together. There’s nothing but darkness for a matter of 5-6 seconds; a fact that leaves everyone on the edge of their seats.]


[upon the lights coming back up, the angered Valiant is now shown to be upright no more. Instead, he’s shown lying motionless upon the cold cement floor below; face-up. There on his chest is the mysterious “X” we’ve come to know from previous Vengeance attacks.]



"X" marks the spot!


[seeing what has happened to her beloved Valiant, Hannah is showing losing herself in sheer horror. Screaming at the top of her lungs, clenching the shirt she’s wearing in a sign of extreme fear, it’s quite obvious that the doe-eyed Hannah is locked in a state of unsettling shock.]



Peter Michaels:
It continues… the mysterious “X”… but what does it mean?

Jerry Eisen:
Someone needs to tend to Hannah as well as Valiant. His scars may be visible, they may be on the surface for us all to see, but Hannah’s may be more damning. With everything she’s seen and gone through lately, her scars may last her a life-time.

Duane Fry:
What’s happening to the SWF these days? This whole “X” thing is starting to turn this company upside down!

Peter Michaels:
No one is safe, boys… That’s evident…

Duane Fry:
Who the HELL can stop this? I mean, honestly! This NEEDS to stop!




Captain Atomic vs. Squeeky McClean

"The Truth comes out…"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • Squeeky McClean looks overwhelmed as Captain Atomic quickly steamrolls him from the very start.

  • Even as Squeeky attempts a number of underhanded tactics (ie: rake to the face, punch to the kidneys, eye-poke, etc.), the “Radioactive Wrecking Machine” brutishly blows right through them with absolute intensity.

  • At one point, following a powerful string of moves by Atomic, Squeeky is shown pulling himself out of the ring in desperation. Collapsing onto the floor outside, Squeeky is caught on a nearby camera mouthing something to himself about ‘Who the HELL is this guy’.

  • Atomic would follow Squeeky out of the ring, beating him rather mercilessly as he slams his body continually on the unforgiving mat outside. That said, once he rolls him back into the ring, the confusing sight of John Greed & Marc DuBois coming out of the back in tandem overtakes the ringside area.


    Unexpected duo!



  • Squeeky rolls further into the ring, screaming of intense pain, at one point even going as far as to yell in agony that he’s ‘bleeding internally’; however, it’s all a ruse to pull the referee’s attention away from what’s about to happen.

  • Captain Atomic goes to climb back into the ring but is pulled back by DuBois and Greed. Together, they beat Atomic down 2-on-1; a fact that he tries to combat but simply doesn’t have enough to keep up with the sheer force of two attackers at once.

  • A final Superkick from Marc DuBois is what sends Captain Atomic toward dream-street.

  • They roll him back into the ring, for which Squeeky is miraculously ‘fine’.

  • DuBois and Greed duck down, hiding behind the apron, as Squeeky pulls Captain Atomic’s depleted frame off the canvas and hits his signature “Stain Removal” shortly thereafter.

  • For the first time in 2013, Captain Atomic is lying on his back for a count of three. That said, this win was certainly brought together by dubious means.


<hr color="black">
Squeeky McClean via pinfall

“Stain Removal” (The Stroke) following outside interference from John Greed and Marc DuBois


C -


Jerry Eisen:
McClean, Greed, and DuBois? I’m confused as to what just happened here…

Peter Michaels:
It appears as though there’s a new trio in the SWF.

Duane Fry:
Great. Three of my least favorite people all working as one…

Jerry Eisen:
Well, while this will go down as a loss for Captain Atomic, I don’t think it’s one that many will feel was legit. DuBois & Greed did their dirty work, left Atomic reeling with an unseen Superkick to the jaw & with that, Squeeky McClean is your ‘winner’. A tainted victory if there EVER was one.

Peter Michaels:
A tainted victory still goes down as a victory, boys. So, while we may hate the outcome, this will prove to be beneficial to Squeeky going forward. A victory over the 2013 “New Year’s Revolution” winner? That’s going to make headlines no doubt.

Jerry Eisen:
These guys are going to have HELL to pay; there’s nothing mistaken about that. They may have pulled a fast one on “The Radioactive Wrecking Machine” tonight but that won’t continue much longer…





Remo and Ms. Chase

“The focus you need to be unstoppable!"


[We return backstage in which to see a shirtless “Alpha Dog” standing within the general locker room area. Built like a Greek Adonis, Remo carries a powerful air to his presence; so much so that not a soul is present in the room as he prepares for tonight. That is until someone unafraid made their way into the room.]


[Ms. Chase]:
You’d be deadly with the right focus…


[Remo slowly spins around in which to lock eyes with Ms. Chase. With a stoic stare, the “Alpha Dog” relies on his sheer size to intimidate. That said, Ms. Chase is not easily intimidated.]


[Ms. Chase]:
I can give you that focus.


[Remo doesn’t budge. Instead, he continues to stare upon Ms. Chase with the very same stoic stare; the kind that seems unfazed by anything set before them.]


[Ms. Chase]:
We’re a long way from 2011, aren’t we, Remo?
A long way from the days were you were on top.
No one can blame you, Remo. You’ve got size, speed, skill, power; you have everything.
Who we CAN blame is SWF management for missing out on what COULD have been.
I’m here to tell you that those days won’t happen anymore…
As long as you get the RIGHT representation.


[Remo continues to stare upon Ms. Chase in a stoic fashion; never batting an eye or moving an inch.]


[Ms. Chase]:
That’s where I come into the fold, Remo. I’m the one who can get you BACK to the top & make sure you NEVER leave. Think about it. I can make you whatever you want to be. The richest talent of all-time? The most dominant? The most recognized? The most… Legendary?
You want it; I’ll get it for you.
Just to show you that I’m serious… I’ve got an opportunity for you… So long as you join my side.
The re-match you want so badly; another chance to put Steve Frehley in the ground & walk away with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship for a 2nd time in your career. That’s right, with ONE phone call to Mr. Eisen, I can secure you a title shot at “Nothing To Lose”… but… that offer only extends to the “Alpha Dog” that accepts my representation. The one that doesn’t…. Well, he can continue to rest in the shadows; forgotten by the masses.


[Remo, still, doesn’t bat an eye; even with such a HUGE opportunity dangled before him.]


[Ms. Chase]:
I know… there’s always a catch, right? No catch here, Remo. The only thing I ask is, once “Nothing To Lose” has finished and you’ve walked out as the NEW champ, that you help me with a little… pest problem that I have.
It’s a pest you know ALL too well… and one that I’m sure you’re DYING to put-down just like Frehley.
So what will it be, Mr. Richardson? Do we have a deal?


[Remo continues his stoic stare for a few more seconds before slowly walking past Ms. Chase and leaving the locker room area. Despite not getting her answer, Ms. Chase doesn’t seem to grow frustrated. If anything, she watches on in stern confidence as her new vice shuffles off into the distance.]



Duane Fry:
Did we just see that right? Ms. Chase is fishing for Remo? Oh my…

Jerry Eisen:
She’s tired of losing. She’s pulling out ALL the stops to ensure that the “Chase Agency” moves forward instead of backward. If there’s ONE thing you can say about Ms. Chase, she’s not willing to go backward. She ONLY accepts success.

Peter Michaels:
If Remo takes the spot, you best be damn sure that’s what they’ll find… success and A LOT of it.

Duane Fry:
She scratches his back, gets him a title shot at “Nothing To Lose”, and, in return, she’s asking the “Alpha Dog” to do away with Jack Bruce?

Jerry Eisen:
That’s how it’s looking. Remo wants that re-match SO bad he can taste it. He’s been a constant shadow for Frehley since 2013 opened up. He won’t turn this down… Remo WILL join the “Chase Agency” before it’s all said and done. She’s dangling JUST the right bait for the “Alpha Dog” to bite down.

Peter Michaels:
Bringing in Remo may not necessarily save the “Chase Agency” though. As we’ve seen before, he doesn’t work well with others; hell he pisses off almost everyone that comes in his path. He’s an Alpha; the kind of guy you can’t stand to be around because he’s simply unstoppable at what he does. Bad attitude or not; Remo is one force to be reckoned with &, if he joins Ms. Chase, there’s no telling how much success but ALSO how much damage will be done to the Agency as a whole!

Jerry Eisen:
I think that’s a risk she’s willing to take in which to take Bruce out of the equation. She’s going for the nuclear bomb if you will.





Angry Gilmore©

“There’s progress… but no turnaround"


[A produced hype video is utilized at this point in which to tell the story of Angry Gilmore’s recent recovery from his injuries sustained at “When Hell Freezes Over” and beyond. Said video shows footage of Gilmore’s state when he was first brought in, the signs that he is progressing slightly, and a short snippet of a rehabilitation session as he struggles to walk with movement aids. All in all, in the end, this is used in which to A) highlight Gilmore’s progress and B) cast doubt that, while getting better, he may not be capable of wrestling at “Nothing To Lose”; a fact that would strip him of the SWF North American Championship.]



Peter Michaels:
It pains me to see such a warrior on the sidelines. I’ve been sayin’ since November that Gilmore may want to ‘hang it up’ but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss that sheer aggression he brings to the ring. Here’s hopin’ he can turn it around.

Duane Fry:
Even if he can turn it around, he may not be fit for competition for QUITE some time. If he can’t make it to his match with Eisen next month then the belt will handed over to the man who PUT him in this situation in the first place.

Jerry Eisen:
That’s if he’s EVER cleared to wrestle again. The SWF docs have gone on the record saying that they may NEVER clear him. Liability and his own long-term health seems to have a lot of people worried.

Peter Michaels:
For now, we just have to hope he’ll get healthy for himself. The brain is the ticker that makes it ALL work. If he’s havin’ troubles up there, there’s no telling how bad it could be long term.




Eric Eisen vs. Jungle Lord

"Devious wit trumps brawn"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith



  • Despite Jungle Lord’s explosiveness, Eric Eisen finds a way to continually control the match.

  • Whether it’s through cheap tactics, clever bending of the rules, or veteran understanding of the squared circle and all of it’s advantages, “The Supremacist” tempers Jungle Lord enough to never really feel as though he was really in trouble.

  • At one point, a missed shoulder-to-gut strike in the corner is what unravels the match further as the man of the jungle connects his shoulder upon the unforgiving ring pole.

  • Equally, later, Eisen is able to weaken the knee of his opponent as he positions his body through the middle ropes, calling for a ‘time-out’ and forcing Darren Smith to react in his favor. As Darren tries to stay in front of Jungle Lord, Eisen, while still between the ropes, kicks his free-leg out & connects with JL’s right knee.

  • With time, after systematically abusing the system & taking advantage of his opponent in this manner, Eisen brings about an end to their match by hitting his signature “Supremacy” as his opponent staggers toward him after hitting the nearby ring ropes.

  • A light boo can be heard as Eisen covers his opponent and takes the victory.


<hr color="black">
Eric Eisen via pinfall

“The Supremacy” (Falling forced double-knee to the face)




Duane Fry:
I don’t know if I’ve EVER seen someone SO good at abusing the system… and that’s NOT a compliment really.

Jerry Eisen:
He’s had a lifetime to master the skills to do so…

Peter Michaels:
I’ve seen Eric over the years grow from a scrawny little kid, to that of a focused brawler, to what we see now… A punk with an understanding for what gives him an underhanded edge. I don’t like his style, not one bit, but the man has a way of manipulating almost everything.

Jerry Eisen:
He pretty much got Darren Smith to inadvertently do his dirty work here tonight. If it’s not Khoklov recently, I guess it’s working referees until they lose track of what’s going on. Great legacy you’re building here, Eric. ‘Stellar’…

Duane Fry:
He’s building a legacy alright; one built around being the BIGGEST punk we’ve EVER seen in this industry.





Richard Eisen and ????

“Vengeance comes for Mr. Eisen"


[We transition via live video feed to the pristine penthouse office of SWF Owner, Richard Eisen; however, what greets us is not what was originally expected.]


[There’s no stern fist upon his desk. No steely stare into the camera lens. No, the grandiose promoter of absolute power looks nothing like we remember from previous announcements now many years ago.]


[slouched back in his executive black leather chair, his body limp without consciousness, the SWF Owner appears to be dire condition.]


Peter Michaels:


Jerry Eisen:


Duane Fry:
What is happening here? What the HELL happened to Mr. Eisen?


[A small smattering of blood upon his forehead has traveled down his dress shirt & now lay in a miniature pool upon his oversized oak desk. That said, as we follow said trail, we notice the glaring sight of a piece of paper seemingly stuck to Mr. Eisen’s chest. That paper is pretty much unreadable to the naked eye; however, it seems to have a number of flailing signatures positioned amongst gigantic blocks of text. More or less, it looks like a contract of some sorts.]


Duane Fry:
What’s on his chest there?


Peter Michaels:
It looks like a contract of sorts… There appears to be signatures there.


[This ominous sight leaves everyone speechless; struggling to make sense of what’s being presented LIVE from the SWF Headquarters.]


[Then, as the antique light upon his oversized oak desk begins to dim & fade in and out of power, he appears off to the right-side of the camera.]



His kind of Horror…


Jerry Eisen:
Someone call security NOW! This isn’t a joke! Do it; NOW!


Peter Michaels:
This doesn’t look good… not at all…


Duane Fry:
We should have known it was Vengeance. Only HE could produce such violence…


[With his back to the camera, looking down upon the unconscious Mr. Eisen from the side, Vengeance is shown slowly extending his gloved left hand toward the fallen Owner. With the same kind of molasses pace, he eventually grabs the paper from Mr. Eisen’s chest & crumples it up in his hand for keeps.]


[upon doing so, it’s now shown that Mr. Eisen sports the very same “X” that Christian Faith, Steve Frehley, and Valiant have previously.]


Duane Fry:
There’s the “X” again!


Jerry Eisen:
I think I’m going to be sick… Someone get in there NOW!


[Then, as if from nowhere, the feed is cut off. All we see is blackness. Unsettling… uncomfortable… Blackness.]



Peter Michaels:
Folks… This was not planned. I mean, we never plan for violence of this level but, when it’s the SWF Owner, he’s supposed to be in a safe place. SWF Headquarters is not a wrestling ring. It’s not a place that action is ever expected to take place. That said, it looks like that doesn’t matter to Vengeance. For some reason, “The Demon” has assaulted Mr. Eisen & appears to have taken some sort of contract with him.

Duane Fry:
Also, he branded Mr. Eisen with the very same “X” we’ve seen on others chests as well. What does this all mean?

[Jerry Eisen is no longer on a head-set; however, can be heard talking in the background on a cellphone]

Jerry Eisen:
My Father’s office… Yes… I need EVERY security member you have on staff right now… I don’t care what you need to do; get them ALL in there…

Peter Michaels:
This is just…

Duane Fry:

Peter Michaels:
Worse than that… Much…

[Jerry Eisen permanently leaves the SWF commentary desk following his cell-phone call. He’s ushered into the back, off-camera, by a number of company security officials. It looks as though they’re taking NO chances with Jerry’s safety at a time like now.]





Rich Money and Christian Faith

“Anything you can do, I can do better!"


[The SWF Nation pops with excitement as we transition backstage in which to see the “Iron Man” himself, Christian Faith, closing the driver’s side door of his black
behind him. Slowly walking away from this faded beauty, Faith projects an air of classic toughness; the kind that produces it’s own AC/DC soundtrack in the minds of all who witness it.]


[With that said though, Faith’s grandiose entrance comes to a sudden halt as the SWF LIVING LEGEND shuffles his way to a stop. At first, we don’t know why. Seconds later though, as the camera pans out, we see the reasoning. It’s Rich Money standing before him.]


[Rich Money]:
She’s a beaut…
How much you want for her?


[Faith stares Money down for a few seconds; gruff as all get out. Then, he slowly responds in a hardened manner.]


[Christian Faith]:
What the hell do you want?


[His statement ignores Money’s previous inquiry. Instead, he looks uninterested in chit-chat; like always]


[Rich Money]:
Your loss. I could have made you a rich man…


[Faith moves to walk past Money, staring him down in a stern fashion the entire way; however, is stopped once again. This time though, it sparks Christian’s interest due to the dismissive tone brought forth by Money.]


[Rich Money]:
You know… I don’t know if I would proceed much longer with “The Demon”.


[Faith stops; slowly turns his head to glare at Money in a cold fashion]


[Rich Money]:
That whole “Iron Man” shtick is starting to show some cracks. You’d hate to lose your brand over some petty feud.


[Faith slowly turns his body to look at Money. His every mannerism shows that he doesn’t care for Money in the slightest]


[Christian Faith]:
I’m not lookin’ for any advice from you…


[Rich Money]:
That’s fine…
Just thought you should know what this looks like to the REST of the world.
You can’t get it done, Faith. Maybe a couple years ago but not now. You don’t have what it takes to put down Vengeance.
He’ll kill you and your legacy before you EVER chop him down.
Me, on the other hand… I’m entering in the PRIME of my career; something you past decades ago.
And tonight, when I put Frehley’s shoulders down to the mat, it will be unmistakable…
I’ll be the man who’s known for getting the job done… And you… You’ll be just another casualty of your own tiring ego.


[A tense stare-down follows.]


[Christian Faith]:
Watch it, boy…
[Pauses; stares directly into Money’s eyes]
This ‘aint a fight you want.


[Rich Money]:
In due time, Faith… all in due time…


[With that, Rich Money steps past Christian Faith; sauntering away in a pompous fashion. Meanwhile, the “Iron Man” stands alone watching him go. The look upon his face tells of a hardened veteran, one who has seen and done it all, growing damn tired of the arrogance of youth. Not energized enough to land a blow; however, knowledgeable that their paths will certainly cross in the future… and that’s when he’ll get his.]



Peter Michaels:
Faith is right, Rich… That’s a fight you don’t want on your hands.

Duane Fry:
It’s customary for people to pick fights with Faith, jab at him whenever they can, because they KNOW he’s Mr. SWF. He’s carried this company on his back for decades; so, that makes him an easy target. That said, just because most want to take a swing doesn’t mean they’ll be successful. He’s the “Iron Man” for a reason & Money should know that by now. Last time they locked up, granted it was a while ago, practically put Money in the hospital.

Peter Michaels:
Coming up short this month against Vengeance has made some question whether or not he’s got it still. To be honest, I wouldn’t want to test that theory…

Duane Fry:
Well, if he’s dumb enough to do so then we may see a good ole’ a$$-kickin’ from the “Iron Man”!

Peter Michaels:
It’s what Money needs more than EVER!





"Keep the Faith!"


Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith

Ms. Chase w/ Rogue


  • Rogue plays the perfect bad-guy up against the blue-collar, tough-as-nails, image of the SWF LIVING LEGEND.

  • With this in mind, the fans are quite unhappy as Rogue actually holds his own pretty well. This keeps Faith from securing the excitement of a babyface steamroll. Instead, it leaves fans uneasy as their hero appears off his game; a fact perpetuated by Rogue’s ability to match wits.

  • At one point, Rogue gains a 2 ½ count following a stiff DDT off the ropes. Moments after, despite kicking out, people are starting to wonder if the “Iron Man” can beat the “Dirty Rotten Scoundrel”.

  • Later, Rogue actually attempts to hit Faith’s signature “Leap of Faith”, post-move arm-raising celebration and all; however, Christian is able to block it’s execution. Instead, he sends his opponent over his back with a back-body-drop.

  • Faith looks as though his back is really hindering him. While he won’t show it entirely, an occasional wince when he feels no one is looking can be seen.

  • A side back-breaker from Rogue would keep his opponent hindered a little longer.

  • Eventually, the glorious, if not super-human, 2nd wind takes hold as Christian Faith bounces around the ring like he were in his 20’s again. A big closeline here, powerful punches there, and a ring-rattling Powerslam ALL work together to bring the “Iron Man” back into the lead.

  • In the end, as Ms. Chase watches on with her arms crossed, staring upon the ring in her typical emotionless manner, she’s forced to ultimately watch yet ANOTHER client fall victim to the hands of another.

  • After Rogue has thrown Faith into the ropes, he bends down in which to land a back-body-drop of his own. That said, Faith was ready for this. In a stiff manner, he lands a strong kick to the head of his opponent. This drops Rogue to his knee just long enough for Faith to lock-in & execute his signature “Leap of Faith”.

  • Ms. Chase shakes her head slowly in disgust, still emotionless in her face though, as Christian Faith secures a three-count in his favor.


<hr color="black">
Christian Faith via pinfall

“Leap of Faith” (Leaping Piledriver)




Peter Michaels:
“The Iron Man” claims another victim! Shockingly enough, it’s his first of 2013.

Duane Fry:
After running into the likes of Remo & Vengeance, it’s not unthinkable to be a little behind. As you said though, “The Iron Man” finally put one in the win column here in 2013! Big win over an up-and-coming Supreme Superstar!

Peter Michaels:
Rogue gave it everything he had, pushed Faith to the brink and back, but it simply wasn’t enough to stop the LIVING LEGEND.

Duane Fry:
After the loss earlier by Huntingdon it was looking pretty bad for the “Chase Agency” but now… They HAVE to be in full-on panic mode.

Peter Michaels:
I’m sure Ms. Chase is thinking of ANYTHING she can do to sweeten the pot for the “Alpha Dog”. The “Chase Agency” needs a brute like him. Without Remo, they certainly will fizzle into nothing if they keep up this pace.

Duane Fry:
Let’s hope Remo does the RIGHT thing and turns her down. We could see the END of the Agency!

Peter Michaels:
That’s asking Remo to do ‘the right thing’… I don’t think that’s possible…






Jack Bruce, Ms. Chase, Brandon James and ????

“Alpha Agency"


[We transition backstage now in which to see “Big Money” Brandon James lazily seated in a black leather chair in his personal locker room area. Slouched back, grinning like a frat boy about to score, James doesn’t appear to be alone as Ms. Chase has recently walked into the room as well.]


[Ms. Chase]:
Always remain 2-steps ahead of your enemies…


[A slight smirk forms in the corner of her mouth as she walks past the big-man. For the first time in a LONG time, it appears as though Ms. Chase is gloating. That said, this sense of momentary happiness is exactly that thanks to Jack Bruce]



Coming for revenge!


[speeding into the room like a bat out of HELL, Bruce soars seamlessly toward the seated James. Within seconds, Bruce is all-over “Big Money”; catching the big-man off-guard in the process.]


[With his hand gripping the back of James’ head, Bruce wails away violently with furious punches to his recent rivals forehead. Meanwhile, Ms. Chase has slowly backed away from the proceedings; taking refuge in the far corner of the room.]


[With time, James is able to show his immense power by shoving Bruce off of him. The SWF ICON rolls backward upon the floor; however, instantly bounces back up to his feet and goes after a standing James now. Back-and-forth they brawl until Bruce actually lays out the big-man with his signature “New York Minute” (Diamond Cutter) square upon the thinly carpeted floor below.]


[slowly, dusting himself off, Bruce turns his attention toward Ms. Chase.]


[Jack Bruce]:
Uh-Oh… “Big Money” went boom-boom…


[He states in an overly arrogant fashion; playing off the fact that he knows he has Ms. Chase RIGHT where he wants her. That said, he wasn’t expecting what awaits him in seconds…]


[As Bruce moves towards Ms. Chase, a tight camera angle on his back, the rebellious rocker is violently attacked from behind by a large-framed man.]


[As the camera man pulls out slightly, we now see that it’s none other than the “Alpha Dog” Remo stomping the living hell out of the fallen Bruce.]



The great equalizer!


Duane Fry:
It’s Remo!! Does this mean?


Peter Michaels:
I think it does…


[Jack tries to pull himself back up and fight; however, before you know it Remo has overpowered Bruce; ultimately throwing him through a nearby craft table with his signature “Destroyer” (Dominator). Upon impact, the table crashes into pieces as several pieces of food converge upon the fallen Supreme Superstar.]


[As Bruce lay motionless in a heap of food & silverware, Remo is shown standing over his victim. Meanwhile, from the corner of the room, now walking on scene, Ms. Chase is shown physically taking Remo’s side. With this in mind, without words, without any sort of verbal confirmation, Remo is shown accepting Ms. Chase’s proposition to join the “Chase Agency” with a simple brutish head-nod.]



Duane Fry:
The “Alpha Dog” has joined the “Chase Agency”. I repeat, Remo has accepted Ms. Chase’s proposition and has become her newest client. Holy…

Peter Michaels:
In ONE night, the “Chase Agency” has gone from death’s door to the penthouse. Seriously, signing Remo HAS to be the BIGGEST acquisition Ms. Chase has EVER landed. I shudder to think what this will mean for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship! Remo, by joining the group, has solidified his re-match at “Nothing to Lose”!

Duane Fry:
It remains to be seen if she can control the “Alpha Dog” though. That has LONG been the issue when working with Remo. Can you trust him? Will he abide by the rules? When will he turn his aggression back on you? While all quite daunting, some see this as a necessary evil when working with someone as POWERFUL as Remo!

Duane Fry:
I can’t believe what I’m seeing here tonight… Remo has joined the “Chase Agency”; forever shifting the power in the SWF for the foreseeable future!




Rich Money vs.

"Benefiting from the War…"


Non-Title Standard Singles Match; First Pinfall/Submission


Darren Smith




  • The two polar opposites meet in the center of the ring as the devilishly smirking champion is ultimately slapped firmly by the rugged GQ-model turned wrestler.

  • Frehley continues to smirk as he takes a second, looks away holding his jaw, and then retaliates with an barrage that sends Money reeling early on.

  • “The Dark Destroyer” does exactly that, destroys Money, for the first couple of minutes; relying heavily upon his brawl-based approach to fighting. With time though, Money is able to bring the match back toward an even scenario following a chained series of moves that keeps the champ equalized.

  • Sensing this is the best approach for him, knowing that a brawl-fest would ultimately stand in Frehley’s wheel-house, Money continues forth with his low-impact, ground-based, technical approach.

  • Several rest-holds are utilized in which to keep Frehley grounded & unable to explode as is customary for the loose cannon.

  • This fact begins to frustrate the champ as Frehley drops the devilish smirk.

  • The action would ebb-and-flow throughout with neither man really taking the absolute lead. With this in mind, the low-impact, ground-based, approach put forth by Money would prove to be beneficial; however, would, at points, seem too safe. Before you know it, limited in what he’s looking to do, Money would give rise to an explosive return by Frehley.

  • The match looks to be a perfect example of polar opposites becoming equals in competition; however, that grand scenario quickly falls apart at the sight of Remo.


    Making an impact!



  • Slowly stomping toward the ring in a stoic fashion, as Ms. Chase walks at his side, the “Alpha Dog” quickly draws the attention of nearby fans; Darren Smith included.

  • SWF referee, Mr. Smith, instantly yells up the ramp-way for Remo to leave; however, such a statement falls on deaf ear.

  • Meanwhile, by accident or not, Mr. Smith is knocked through the middle ropes & to the unforgiving pad outside of the ring by an irish whip by Rich Money. In doing so, Frehley collides with the referee and knocks him out in the process.

  • Equally staggered, Frehley would regain his footing & wail away on Money with a string of fiery rights but, before you know it, the “Alpha Dog” makes the difference.

  • Attacking his rival from behind, Remo lays into Frehley with a string of powerful strikes that send the Champ reeling. He would attempt to fight back, landing a few powerful strikes of his own; however, ultimately falling victim to a “Destroyer” (Dominator) from Remo.

  • Money would attempt to take advantage; however, would be brushed off by Remo. A short stare-down exists; one for which Money eventually puts his hands up in a “Okay… I’m not going there” kind of fashion.

  • Remo would land a 2nd “Destroyer” (Dominator) upon the fallen Frehley.

  • On his own accord, Remo would exit the ring just as he entered it; in a stoic, yet menacing, fashion.

  • Meanwhile, Darren Smith is coming back too and is slowly crawling back into the ring.

  • Seeing it’s his chance, Money lifts the motionless Frehley off the canvas and executes his own signature move, the “Bank Roll”, in the center of the ring.

  • There’s no stopping Rich Money’s pinfall count seconds later as Mr. Smith slowly, and rather dramatically, counts to three while seeming he could pass out at any second.


<hr color="black">
Rich Money via pinfall

“Bank Roll” (TKO/Fireman Carry Cutter)




Duane Fry:

Peter Michaels:
Rich Money has just pinned the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. I’m sure we won’t hear the end of this…

Duane Fry:
Great… Just what we ALL wanted; a reason for Rich Money to gloat further.

Peter Michaels:
All thanks to Remo. It looked like Frehley was regaining the lead and then… BAM… It’s all over with. The “Alpha Dog” gave Money the greatest gift he’s ever received; Reason to be BACK in the title race.

Duane Fry:
Which is funny seeing how it’s Remo who will be going up against Frehley at “Nothing To Lose” next month.

Peter Michaels:
Knowing what he did to GET this match, it wouldn’t be out of left field if Money, somehow, works his way into the main event next month. The win tonight, as annoying as it is, gives him that ability I suppose.

Duane Fry:
Rich Money wants NOTHING of Remo though. Unless he can work a deal with Ms. Chase, he’s putting himself in a BAD position trying to get in the middle of the Frehley/Remo feud.

Peter Michaels:
Money is the king of gettin’ in the middle of OTHER people’s feuds. I’m sure he’ll find a way to do it again.

Duane Fry:
Things aren’t looking all that good for the champ right now. This may be the BIGGEST uphill battle he’s seen since securing the belt last year.





Remo, Rich Money, and Steve Frehley©

“Main Event Triangle"


[supreme TV rolls into it’s final credits with the sight of Rich Money arrogantly celebrating within the squared circle. His hair has fallen out of it’s perfect place; however, it suits him well in this moment. He looks like a rugged competitor; defying the GQ good-looks that often defines him. Meanwhile, as the screen fades to black, we’re given one last shot of the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Steve Frehley, lying motionless in the center of the ring; beaten & bruised. All the while, Remo slowly back-peddles of the steel-rampway with an emotionless Ms. Chase at his side.]



Duane Fry:
There’s a triangle forming…

Peter Michaels:
It’s looking a little crowded around the World Heavyweight Championship these days.

Duane Fry:
It wouldn’t be the first time that Money has used Remo to get to the World Heavyweight Championship. They may not be on great terms now but history tells us that the ‘Money Man’ knows EXACTLY how to use the “Alpha Dog” to his advantage; whether he likes it or not.

Peter Michaels:
He has Ms. Chase to deal with now though. Remo isn’t on his own anymore; easy to be manipulated. Ms. Chase has BIG plans for the “Alpha Dog” no doubt and those plans don’t have ANYTHING to do with Rich Money I’m sure.

Duane Fry:
As much as I hate to say it, I wouldn’t rule that out just yet…

Peter Michaels:
Well Folks, tune in NEXT WEEK as I’m sure this little triangle will move closer toward an inevitable three-way match at “Nothing To Lose”. Also, stay tuned to SWF.com for ALL the new details about Richard Eisen & what happened here tonight. Honestly, I don’t know what Vengeance is doing these days but he crossed a WHOLE new line when he attacked the SWF owner!
Good night!








<hr color="black">



14,936 (out of 15,000)

12.65 (- 0.16)



10,000 (out of 10,000)

6.91 (-/+ 0.00)


SWF – 4 vs. TCW – 0

TCW “Malice in Wonderland” pulls a “B” show rating; however, only produces a 1.80 PPV buy-rate (1.18 lower than SWF’s “When Hell Freezes Over” PPV)


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I don't like doing this but


Jerry Eisen: That’s right, folks. We’re only 5-days removed from our PPV extravaganza “When Hell Freezes Over” and something tells me tonight won’t be a normal broadcast. Then again, when is it EVER normal around here?

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I don't like doing this but


Jerry Eisen: That’s right, folks. We’re only 5-days removed from our PPV extravaganza “When Hell Freezes Over” and something tells me tonight won’t be a normal broadcast. Then again, when is it EVER normal around here?


Well, Dammit, Ricky!




Thank you for catching that. I was home sick today; so, I'm sure I missed some things throughout the write-up. Thank you for the quick heads up though!

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Yep, my predictions were as accurate as usual.:)


Good to see the double sneak attack and the big signing of Remo by the Chase Agency. Very devious and just what is needed to get them back on track.


[Valiant]: It sickens me to know that we were EVER confidants; that we EVER walked as one.


All those sunset walks on the beach. And those NIGHTS! Wait, wrong promo.


And Atomic lets all the little atoms down. The faction should be alot of fun, though. Asssuming DuBois doesn't get fired, like he does from most SWF games.

[A produced hype video is utilized at this point in which to tell the story of Angry Gilmore’s recent recovery from his injuries sustained at “When Hell Freezes Over” and beyond.


And you'll be happy to know, he remembers his own name now. He just thinks Angry Gilmore is his sock puppet. But he remembers the name.


If Captain Atomic has the Ultimate Warrior vibe, Jungle Lord just makes me think of Renegade in the WCW. Not sure why.

[Then, as if from nowhere, the feed is cut off. All we see is blackness. Unsettling… uncomfortable… Blackness.]


And we are left with the real question. Why? the attack on Faith, Frehley, even Valient I can see a good reason for. But Richard Eisen? Something else is going on here than just shooting for the title. Very mysterious.


[Rich Money]: In due time, Faith… all in due time…


Foreshadowing, available in all fine fiction.


Go Rich! If you ever do a 'win a date with a SWF superstar' contest, I know my pick! Ok, he had a little help but the win is a big step toward making him the prime contender for the title. And it makes sense for the Chase Agency, since it weakens Frehley.

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is a day that will forever be important to the sport of professional wrestling. Years will pass, decades will move us further and further from the date in question; however, it’s meaning amongst history will never subside.




This is the day that it was made official.


Richard Eisen has sold the Supreme Wrestling Federation.


After cultivating supremacy, crumbling many weaker opponents under his mighty wrath, Mr. Eisen shockingly transitioned his ownership to an unknown buyer.


For months now, many have claimed that the company’s patriarch was growing ill. Questions arose on a daily basis as many wondered what it would mean for the greater SWF landscape. As collective whispers grew to outright voices, company officials were steadfast in denying the merit of such rumors. Standing before the news today though, one has to wonder if said rumors were true & that Mr. Eisen was looking to secure his proudest creation as his own health began to fail him.


Health concerns are certainly at the forefront for Richard Eisen currently; however, not for the same reason first thought. The victim of a heinous attack, seemingly at the hand of Vengeance himself, the former SWF patriarch was left bloodied, bruised, and dawning the mysterious “
” written in, what appears to be, blood upon his chest. Security officials were able to finally break his office door down, giving way to medical professionals; however, not before, what seemed to be, a contract was lifted from his chest; one that vanished along with the “Demon” himself.


What was this mysterious piece of paper upon his chest; positioned above the “
”? Could this be the information we’re looking for as it pertains to the new owner’s name? Also, what does Vengeance mean to all of this? Does it tie into the “
” branding we’ve seen lately? So many questions… so many answers to derive.


It should be noted that Richard Eisen is currently receiving medical treatment at his home in Burlington, Vermont. He’s expected to make a full-recovery.


Through all of the questioning, all of the hypothesizing and rumor-mulling, the BIGGEST question must reside in the fact of “Why”? Why would Richard Eisen sell his powerful empire?







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I was just about to write that this very last Supreme TV episode was stunning when I recognized that news article - and, hell, THIS ONE is stunning!


Mr. Eisen selling his company? That's what I call a breaking news. Can't wait to read who will be his follower and what Vengeance has to do with that decision.


Concerning Supreme TV - it was an awesome episode with some happenings I wouldn't have predicted before, especially that whole Remo-Chase-Agency thing. Your storylines evolve pretty well and I'm curious about what will happen next (:

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I see two possibilities here.


1. Eisen really did sell the company and he's just working that into the storyline. Which seems fishy, but possible.


2. This is a storyline. I know 'X loses control of his company' storylines have been run in real life feds. And this ties in so well to Vengeance's rampage and his attack on Eisen.

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Another great show in the books. I really like how every stroyline with your main guys interact and interconnect on different levels. Still not convince Big Money is no longer in the Chase Agency though ;)


And holy hell, Eisen sold his baby ? I guess if some people sell their souls to the demon, some others can sell their wrestling promotion...hehe

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Friends and family of Richard Eisen are apparently just as confused as the general public as it pertains to his sale of the Supreme Wrestling Federation. While there could be a level of ‘poker-face’ being employed here, the startling news of said sale has left many in a state of shock so it seems.


“We were just talking about the organizational goals for the SWF in 2013 a few days ago. We had just booked a number of business flights for Mexico on Tuesday morning. He [Richard Eisen] personally brokered our distribution deal with Seleccion Mexico the night before. Honestly, this came out of left-field for me. There was never ANY talk of him selling the company. That’s something we would have talked about.”
– Jerry Eisen


“Who knows. I gave up trying to forecast my Father’s direction long ago. I don’t have anything to do with the business side of things; so, I can’t tell you whether or not I knew of something coming. I will say though, it seemed as though he and Jerry were focused on this expansion into Mexico. They [Jerry & Richard Eisen] worked all the way through Christmas dinner.”
– Eric Eisen


“We don’t talk business much. It’s not my place. I can say that, personally, I never heard anything about feeling ill or wanting to sell the company. This is what Rich [Eisen] loves to do. It’s his obsession. Something’s up. I don’t know what but someone, or something, got in his ear.”
– Christian Faith


“I’ve been serving as Mr. Eisen’s personal bodyguard for 16 years now and I can say I’ve never heard a moment where he was interested in selling. He once told me he’d rather ‘die in the office’ than anywhere else. This doesn’t seem right. I attend to get to the bottom of it.”
– Enforcer Roberts


The collective response appears to be that of shock due to the lack of signs that such a sale would take place. That said, something had to move the SWF patriarch to make the deal. What it was? That may go down as the world’s greatest mystery. That is unless the new owner makes this information known. As of right now, his lack of identity (the new owner) makes us unconfident that such information will ever be addressed.





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I just caught up on this awesome diary, loving every second of it!!


Only one point of negativity from my part: while I do like the titles of every match/skit, it really spoils the outcome most of the time.

I like to read it slowly from top to bottom, and even while I try not to look my eye is always caught by the title... removing part of the excitement.


Still two thumbs up for this one, looking forward to the next updat!!

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Really enjoying this dynasty E-v! Unlike the poster above, I was actually going to say I quite like the almost CBH-esque feel of the segment taglines in conjunction with a fed like SWF. :)


Even though you've only held a handful cards, you've already done something I always struggle with when playing SWF over many years in this series: defining Vengeance & Jack Bruce as characters. I mean, I always got the gist of what they were and would use them accordingly, but I frequently felt that they were just cardboard cutouts. Your characterizations have brought new life to these characters in my own savegame, so thank you!


Hasn't been a Powerhouse News in a while (I think!). Do you use that for specific events only or have plans to expand it?

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It’s been officially announced that this upcoming episode of Supreme TV will open with a press conference from the former SWF Owner, Richard Eisen.


At this point, it is unknown as to what information will be addressed during said press conference; however, many expect a number of questions to be answered at that time. Until then, Mr. Eisen’s lawyers have stated that their client will not speak on the matter and will not entertain any entity attempting to undermine their directive.


The only snippet of information that has been divulged thus far is that the highly anticipated public statement will be delivered from the tarmac of the Burlington International Airport in his home city of Burlington, Vermont.


More information to come…





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I just caught up on this awesome diary, loving every second of it!!


Only one point of negativity from my part: while I do like the titles of every match/skit, it really spoils the outcome most of the time.

I like to read it slowly from top to bottom, and even while I try not to look my eye is always caught by the title... removing part of the excitement.


Still two thumbs up for this one, looking forward to the next updat!!


Thank you, flaviooooooooooooooooooooo!


(I couldn't count the number of o's there were so I just decided to extend it on my own part. ha)


The skit name was something I've used for quite some time as many of my readers in previous projects would only skim the results. Giving a segment name helped keep people who were skimmers a greater ability to know what was coming. I understand it could derail full readers and may look into omitting that in the future (if I feel like I have more full-readers). I've enjoyed using them as it keeps the tone for each segment in my own mind!


Really enjoying this dynasty E-v! Unlike the poster above, I was actually going to say I quite like the almost CBH-esque feel of the segment taglines in conjunction with a fed like SWF. :)


Even though you've only held a handful cards, you've already done something I always struggle with when playing SWF over many years in this series: defining Vengeance & Jack Bruce as characters. I mean, I always got the gist of what they were and would use them accordingly, but I frequently felt that they were just cardboard cutouts. Your characterizations have brought new life to these characters in my own savegame, so thank you!


Hasn't been a Powerhouse News in a while (I think!). Do you use that for specific events only or have plans to expand it?


Thank you, Purple Cowboy!


We all have our characters that we struggle with. For me, it was always Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley. Bruce because he's THE guy & one who has moved the meter for quite some time now. He HAS to be unique & entertaining or else you run the risk of making your most important character quite bland. Frehley because I used to fall into the trap that I couldn't distinguish him from Remo. They both are brawlers, roughly around the same age, and running with the same gimmick. Luckily, this time around, I've found a way to define them both & that's keeping me extremely excited with each passing show. I'm glad I've been able to give some vigor back to your game as well (as I know the frustration of not being able to frame SWF characters as well as I would like to. It eventually forces you to become less interested and give up).


As for "Powerhouse News", it's used exclusively for kayfabe-breaking news. With that in mind, there really hasn't been much to report on that front. Despite having a negative backstage area, I've only had Eric Eisen step out of hand. Marc DuBois tested positive for soft-drugs but the site wouldn't be able to pick that up (as it's internal information). That said, once something comes along that warrants a kayfabe-breaking story, Powerhouse News & Poindexter will be there to report it!

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Just wanted to get in line with those to compliment you on your work - this diary is beyond awesome!


From the lay-out over the storylines and the booking up to the writing style, everything is perfect! Sometimes, the shows are a bit long for my taste - especially since I, as a German, have to read some parts more than once, but this is my own problem, not yours - but they never get boring.


Your storylines are consistent and make perfect sense. In some diaries I have problems remembering what was going on on the previous show. However, here this is not the case.


I'm interested to see whether Richard Eisen actually stepped down as the SWF owner or if it is an angle.


Keep it up!

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Just wanted to get in line with those to compliment you on your work - this diary is beyond awesome!


From the lay-out over the storylines and the booking up to the writing style, everything is perfect! Sometimes, the shows are a bit long for my taste - especially since I, as a German, have to read some parts more than once, but this is my own problem, not yours - but they never get boring.


Your storylines are consistent and make perfect sense. In some diaries I have problems remembering what was going on on the previous show. However, here this is not the case.


I'm interested to see whether Richard Eisen actually stepped down as the SWF owner or if it is an angle.


Keep it up!


Thank you, Kingster!


My length of write-ups has often been a challenge as it pertains to keeping people interested. That said, this is actually a shorter write-up style than I've ever used before. I understand that it can be daunting at times, especially if English isn't your first language, but just know that I'm always here to talk over any Q's you may have about a show, storyline, match, etc. Whether on here or via PM, you can always ask and I can clarify in which to make it an easier read for you.


I tend to write JUST enough to get the point across. I used to go overboard with detail and that became too time consuming (especially with graduate school starting again in 20 days or so). This time around, I'm trying to find the happy balance between detail & time.


To you, or anyone, don't hesitate to contact me with anything that may confuse, inspire, or need further explanation. I'm one who likes to weave storylines in-between one another in which to create a more realistic landscape (not just guys on opposite sides of the company, warring with their one rival and never coming in contact with eachother). I think that makes things more interesting and, again, real.


I must say also, Thank you to everyone who have shown their support thus far. I could go on-and-on about specific people, and specific things said, but that'd take too much of your time. That said, I just want you to know that I read everything inch of feedback given & work quite hard to see that everyone is entertained.


Thank you!


NEXT: SWF.com's first-ever Webisode of "Lights Out" (an interview with Ms. Chase & Rogue)

The segment is written but I'm still working on the imagery. It should be up later tonight.

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Damn, I'm really curious about the background of Mr. Eisen's decision to sell his company. And the way you develop this happening indeed points towards a well-planned storyline which makes me even more excited as virtually everything could happen.


Just have to repeat myself - I absolutely love your dynasty.

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Damn, I'm really curious about the background of Mr. Eisen's decision to sell his company. And the way you develop this happening indeed points towards a well-planned storyline which makes me even more excited as virtually everything could happen.


Just have to repeat myself - I absolutely love your dynasty.


Thank you, Xendraii!


The background of Eisen will be fleshed out over time. Also, yes, you're spot on with there being a lengthy storyline that is soon to follow in his absence. It's one of the major developments I created when I first mulled an SWF Dynasty; so, I'm quite happy to finally be at this point. I hope, in the end, it'll be just as grandiose as you expect it to be.

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Ms. Chase and Rogue

“You're on!"


[We open our scene with a candid view of Ms. Chase and her client, Rogue, standing in his personal locker room from this past Supreme TV. The commotion of equipment being broken down in the hall, coupled with random conversations that come and pass, signify that said show has come to a close; giving opportunity to the "Lights Out" SWF.com program to provide a 'scoop' to the web-masses.]


[As Rogue stands at her side, arms crossed, displaying a gritty sense of general anger, Ms. Chase is shown to be his exact opposite; calm, reserved, and entirely focused.]


[Ms. Chase]:
I've heard your plea, Valiant. You want my client, Rogue, at "Nothing To Lose". To be honest, I'm all for it.
My client is destined for bigger and better things here in the SWF than constantly driving you into the canvas.
.. And that's why I have accepted your challenge so that Rogue may finally move on past this obnoxious waste of time.
You can puff your chest out all you want, vow revenge for what my client did, but the truth of the matter is quite simple... You're not good enough to put Rogue away.
He's better than you; always has been... always will be.
I would venture to guess that THAT is the real issue that's bugging you today. Not the act that my client took part in 2 weeks ago...
It's more about your own jealousy.
Your former tag partner has gone on to become one of the hottest up-and-coming Supreme Superstars this company has ever seen. Meanwhile, you're still locked in a lovable throw with the under-educated fans of the SWF.
So, frame the fight however you want, Valiant, it doesn't really matter. What DOES matter though is, in 2-weeks time, my client will finally have the chance to put you away for good.
And when he does that, he'll move onto living his destiny... atop the Supreme Wrestling Federation.


[With that, the scene slowly fades to black as Ms. Chase stares into the lens with a stare built upon absolute sternness. Meanwhile, Rogue continues to project the gritty sense of aggression that we've come to know from the "Dirty Rotten Scoundrel". With no redeeming qualities, this vile figure is one you'd LOVE to see finally put-away by someone like Valiant. We'll see, in 2-weeks, if that's the case.]


"Lights Out" is an original program of SWF.com. The reasoning for it's development is centered around the notion of greater access for the SWF Nation. Wrestlers, managers, personalities, and authorities, can all utilize this program to air grievances, reflect upon recent scenarios, and/or make sense of the current Supreme Landscape. More or less, once the lights have gone off, the fans have gone home, and the equipment has been packed for further travel, the men and women of the SWF can step out of the shadows and make their voices heard.


It may be "Lights Out" but the spotlight couldn't be any brighter.


OOC: It should be noted that the footage used for "Lights Out" comes from 'dark time' shortly before Supreme TV airs. The interviews are almost always taped backstage, in which to not interfere with the impending broadcast, and ultimately show the response said promo receives from the crowd (as those in live attendance watch these promos on the video tron before it's mass produced on SWF.com). The choice to have said promos in backstage areas is so that it feels more authentic; less pro wrestling grandeur and more personal reflection & response.




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Episode #:

Tuesday, 1st Week of February 2013

90 minutes

Shown on:
Tuesday Night, LIVE on C.A.N.N.

Main Event:
Brandon James & Remo vs. Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley


The balance of power has shifted.


At least, that’s what’s to be expected with the signing of “The Alpha Dog” Remo to the “Chase Agency”.


For weeks now, the embattled “Chase Agency” has shown cracks as if it were crumbling slowly before our eyes. A once deadly force had been rendered a ‘lost cause’ by many experts. Well, that all changed in one night as the acquisition of Remo certainly adds a level of immense power to the once dwindling faction. What will this mean for Jack Bruce, Steve Frehley, Valiant, and the rest of the SWF Nation? Can they survive such an impending onslaught?


There are many who think otherwise.


Meanwhile, with the recent sale of the SWF by Richard Eisen, we will FNIALLY hear from the Supreme Patriarch LIVE at the open of Supreme TV. One has to wonder what Mr. Eisen will address, or what answers he may present, but chances are, regardless of the questions, his statement is bound to be newsworthy.


Will we see/hear from the new owner? Who is this mysterious new leader?


What kind of relation does the Vengeance "Demon" have to the new owner? What was the unknown contract he took from Eisen's unconscious chest? Does it list the new owner's name?


And the biggest question of all, why would Richard Eisen sell his greatest creation?


This, and much MUCH more, this week as Supreme TV invades Plum Park in the Tri-State Area!


Captain Atomic vs. James Prudence
w/Frederique Antonio Garcia

[singles Match]

Can Captain Atomic continue his rise when the trio of Squeeky McClean, John Greed, and Marc DuBois are seemingly hot on his trail?



Randy Bumfhole
w/ Zimmy Bumfhole
vs. Rich Money

[singles Match]

Can Randy Bumfhole make good on one of THE most important matches of his career?



w/BJ O'Neil
vs. The Awesomeness

[Tag Team Match]


With their opponents dominating the tag scene for over 10-months now, can the newfound Awesomeness team walk away with a career-defining win?



Lobster Warrior vs.
w/Ms. Chase

[singles Match]

Can the Underwater ICON overcome the "Dirty Rotten Scoundrel"?



Brandon James & Remo
w/Ms. Chase
vs. Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley

[Tag Team Match]

Can the newly evolved "Chase Agency" pick up a BIG win over two hated rivals?

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"THE RADIOACTIVE WRECKING MACHINE" Captain Atomic vs. James Prudence w/Frederique Antonio Garcia

[singles Match]

Question: Can Captain Atomic continue his rise when the trio of Squeeky McClean, John Greed, and Marc DuBois are seemingly hot on his trail?

You can't stop the rise of the Atomic Man.



Randy Bumfhole w/ Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Rich Money

[singles Match]

Question: Can Randy Bumfhole make good on one of THE most important matches of his career?

No, Rich Money is always Golden. This will be a short but important match for Randy.



All-Americans w/BJ O'Neil vs. The Awesomeness

[Tag Team Match]


Question: With their opponents dominating the tag scene for over 10-months now, can the newfound Awesomeness team walk away with a career-defining win?

No, it's just not their time.



Lobster Warrior vs. "THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL" Rogue w/Ms. Chase

[singles Match]

Question: Can the Underwater ICON overcome the "Dirty Rotten Scoundrel"?

Rogue needs this win so he can go against Valiant with a strong bit of momentum.



"THE CHASE AGENCY" Brandon James & Remo w/Ms. Chase vs. Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley

[Tag Team Match]

Question: Can the newly evolved "Chase Agency" pick up a BIG win over two hated rivals?

I think that there's a cheat for Remo to get a win on Frehley. Emma has her plans and she's the key.

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"THE RADIOACTIVE WRECKING MACHINE" Captain Atomic vs. James Prudence w/Frederique Antonio Garcia

[singles Match]

Question: Can Captain Atomic continue his rise when the trio of Squeeky McClean, John Greed, and Marc DuBois are seemingly hot on his trail?

I'm guessing a DQ win, following interference from Greed et al. Then maybe post match maybe we'll get our first insight into what Greed wants...


Randy Bumfhole w/ Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Rich Money

[singles Match]

Question: Can Randy Bumfhole make good on one of THE most important matches of his career?

Randy is generally a massively underrated talent around here imo, but, talented or not, he's not getting the win here.


All-Americans w/BJ O'Neil vs. The Awesomeness

[Tag Team Match]


Question: With their opponents dominating the tag scene for over 10-months now, can the newfound Awesomeness team walk away with a career-defining win?

May the domination continue...


Lobster Warrior vs. "THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL" Rogue w/Ms. Chase

[singles Match]

Question: Can the Underwater ICON overcome the "Dirty Rotten Scoundrel"?

Lobby seems to be less central to your plans than Rogue/Chase. I think Rogue will get a momentum boost before his match with Valiant.


"THE CHASE AGENCY" Brandon James & Remo w/Ms. Chase vs. Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley

[Tag Team Match]

Question: Can the newly evolved "Chase Agency" pick up a BIG win over two hated rivals?

Now that Remo has joined the Chase Agency's ranks, maybe Emma can finally get her win over Jack Bruce

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"THE RADIOACTIVE WRECKING MACHINE" Captain Atomic vs. James Prudence w/Frederique Antonio Garcia

[singles Match]

Question: Can Captain Atomic continue his rise when the trio of Squeeky McClean, John Greed, and Marc DuBois are seemingly hot on his trail?

I doubt that Atomic would pick up another loss to another midcard guy who has nothing to do with current feuds so I go with win followed by three on one attack.


Randy Bumfhole w/ Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Rich Money

[singles Match]

Question: Can Randy Bumfhole make good on one of THE most important matches of his career?

Randy is good talent and all but this match is little too much for him.


All-Americans w/BJ O'Neil vs. The Awesomeness

[Tag Team Match]


Question: With their opponents dominating the tag scene for over 10-months now, can the newfound Awesomeness team walk away with a career-defining win?

Short answer no, long answer: Hell, NO!


Lobster Warrior vs. "THE DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL" Rogue w/Ms. Chase

[singles Match]

Question: Can the Underwater ICON overcome the "Dirty Rotten Scoundrel"?

Could go either way but Rogue could use the win after losing to Valiant in last show and since Lobby doesn´t have much going right now he could pick up the loss.


"THE CHASE AGENCY" Brandon James & Remo w/Ms. Chase vs. Jack Bruce & Steve Frehley

[Tag Team Match]

Question: Can the newly evolved "Chase Agency" pick up a BIG win over two hated rivals?

Hard to go against Bruce and the champ but I think that heels need to win more.

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