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And yet another awesome, gimmicked pair have dropped their gimmicks and become another drop in the bucket that is genericness.


What the C-Verse needs is a hero, a savior from the evils that NOTBPW and UEW have permeated throughout wrestling. If we don't stop them now, its only a matter of time until Jim Force is instead something like "James Smith" or some crap. These are dark times, my friends.

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I know but I still miss the gimmick. It had wonderful wrestlecrap tendencies. :(


Same used the guy .. Alot! Was used more than most in my SAW dyansty (8 of the 9 seasons i did i believe ..)


I can see me using him as a ref after the hard work he put in for me over the years :)

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I used to team The Toronto Terror, The Wizard of Ottawa and Tempest Appleby under his Mutant gimmick as The Vancouver Mutant as a weird supernatural Canadian stable.


That said I would never use the Chaos Demons with those renders so I'm putting their masks back on and reteaming them if I use them in a Japan game. I mean hey you took off the masks and now you're unemployed I would think that was a sign.

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And yet another awesome, gimmicked pair have dropped their gimmicks and become another drop in the bucket that is genericness.


What the C-Verse needs is a hero, a savior from the evils that NOTBPW and UEW have permeated throughout wrestling. If we don't stop them now, its only a matter of time until Jim Force is instead something like "James Smith" or some crap. These are dark times, my friends.


You are incorrect, sir. Jim Force, following his real world equivalent, would change his name to 'Force'. :p


And we've had four consecutive editions of people taking on crazy gimmicks. It's time to take a step back, if only to reload (ala Tony Montana). Just as in reality, sometimes the gimmick overshadows the worker (or gets them typecast as JUST the gimmick). Harrison Hash, as an example. The Swarm took on new gimmicks that allow them to be individuals. Back in 07, I think it was, the Evil Henchmen did the same thing, no?


(And yes, I know you were kidding. I was just trying to point out how sometimes shaking things up means moving toward 'genericness')

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(And yes, I know you were kidding. I was just trying to point out how sometimes shaking things up means moving toward 'genericness')


I think the issue is the jarring sense of so much 'genericness'. Coupled with the fact that there seem to be very few 'big' happenings in the C-Verse in the 3 years that passed between TEW '10 and TEW '13 (outside of the death of Shawn Gonzalez and the AWESOME alliance systems), it takes something away from the immersiveness and uniqueness of that universe.

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To be fair, the Trends in Europe have moved away from Mainstream/Comedy focus and the most popular product type is now Pure, which isn't very gimmick friendly. If anything, the gimmick changes are for the benefits of the workers involved in the changing European market. :)
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To be fair, the Trends in Europe have moved away from Mainstream/Comedy focus and the most popular product type is now Pure, which isn't very gimmick friendly. If anything, the gimmick changes are for the benefits of the workers involved in the changing European market. :)


That is an excellent point - I did not even consider that, to be honest. But despite that product shift, it is still jarring to see the old standbys like Fortius Minimus, Super Falcon, Dark Falcon, Wonder Boy, and Minion take on 'generic' names to help them succeed in a "Pure" product model.

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I love how people are complaining that there are no big changes, in the thread where people are complaining about one of the big changes.


Ahhh, people. People are wonderful.


To me, as convoluted as it may sound, the critique is based on the same rationale - the Cornellverse is an immersive 'alternate world' that thrives on unique gimmicks, personalities, and roster shakeups.


When the main event for the big US and European promotions looks much the same as in 2010 (I've not delved into Japan, Mexico, or Australia and so cannot speak to those), the world loses some of its luster.


When those workers who *did* give those regions some of its unique characteristics (the aforementioned Dark Falcon, Super Falcon, Chaos Demons, etc.), the world loses some of its luster. I think that, overall, the changes will make for a better world. But losing some of the true characters from past editions will take some getting used to.


That being said, some of the new additions to TEW13 look amazing. Operation Lullaby, Tennessee William, Kruge the Executioner, to name just a few, will certainly spice up the C-Verse!

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I understand your point Remi, but it's like everyone who ever had a gimmick or mask in Europe has decided to drop them. Even Double Dutch have reverted to their real names


I don't have the game on this comouter, so I must ask...how did Puffy the Sand Iron Player turn out?

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