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JD Morgan in the 21st Century

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<hr>Breaking News: JD Morgan Officially Announces Retirement

by Robert Westford on Friday, 23rd November 2012

<hr>Last night, at PSW F*ck the Mainstream, JD Morgan took on the young Nelson Callum during what most thought was the beginning of one final run for the aging brawler. The match was for Nelson Callum's number one contendership an in order to recieve a match for the contendership, JD Morgan put his career on the line. Much to everyone's suprise Morgan lost the match.


The expectation immediately following the match was that this would be rectified with some kind of new gimmick or turn, or even perhaps that Morgan would leave PSW and move somewhere else, but the match was immediately followed by a tear-filled good-bye from Morgan where he was celebrated by former DaVE alumni Alex Braun, Eric Tyler, Johnny Martin, Teddy Powell, The Wolverine and of course, PSW Owner, Mitch Naess. This type of send off is not usually utilised in any but real-life situations. More on this when it is available.


Update: JD Morgan has himself confirmed that he is indeed retiring, There were plans in place to offer Morgan one last push in front of the PSW crowd, but he was unable to find the physical capability to push forth with such an honourable end to his career. It would appear that another one of the DaVE legends has indeed hung up his boots.


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Retirement is crap; no-one tells you this when you’re thinking about it, they tell you that you deserve a rest, they tell you how good it will feel when you’re not getting punched in the face day in day out, they tell you to think about your family and how much they’ve missed you for the last twenty five years, how they’ll finally be able to rest easy knowing that you’re not going to risk getting hurt anymore. What they don’t tell you is just how frigging boring the whole thing is; I mean come on. It’s not like I’m sixty five, it’s not like I can sit at home growing old with someone. I was a career traveller, moving from city to city and from bar to bar. Even now, I feel most at home with bottle and a glass. Tell me that’s a good thing to have hanging over you when you’re looking at spending the rest of your bloody life sat in a one bedroom flat in Salford looking out over the waste land that is Manchester. Don’t get me wrong, I love the place in a lot of ways, but it reminds me of what I wanted to get away from. I did, of course, making my life over in the good old US of A. First in Dave, then in Pittsburgh Steele; what I didn’t make is money.


So now here it is; when I decided to hang up my boots there wasn’t a place for me anymore; Eric Tyler was pulling double duty and saving money was what Mitch is all about. I tried Phil, John (Campbell), I even drove my $300 tin can car two and a half thousand miles across the country only to be told that Brother Grimm “thought I was Johnny Martin”. I pointed out, with a slight attitude, that Johnny Martin didn’t have a manc accent, but he waved me away. At this point, my piece of crap car decided that it didn’t want to start anymore; it didn’t matter, I didn’t have any petrol money anyway. That was it, I was done; just weeks after my last ever match and I was miles away from home, no money, no prospects and absolutely no options left.


And then it rang; well, not straight away. After a few days of sleeping on a very cranky looking Nemesis; and even then, to be fair, the call was in response to the fact that I’d been on Nemesis’ couch for three days, hadn’t moved and pretty much drank all of his Scotch. My mobile rang and when I answered, the voice at the other end was one I wasn’t expecting. My father; a man to whom I hadn’t spoken in almost twenty years, a voice that I’d last heard saying “If you carry on with this wrestling rubbish, then you’re no son of mine.” This was the moment I decided that moving to America was probably the best thing for me. This time, however, he was calling to tell me that there was a one way ticket waiting for me at the check in of Pittsburgh International Airport to Heathrow, there would be a bus ticket waiting for me at East 7th Street bus depot that would take me to Phoenix where I would get another bus to St Louis before finally arriving in Pittsburgh, two days later I might add; with just five rest stops. Suffice to say, my father was still the prick I’d grown up with.


I grudgingly agreed, seeing as I couldn’t spend the rest of my life gin soaked on John Campbell’s couch. That long, sober journey gave me time to think. I thought about my career, about what I could do next. The truth is that I’ve never really been very good at anything, I mean, even as a wrestler I’d always been the fella who could get better guys over with a good match and in truth, during my last few years I hadn’t even done that very well. I’d considered teaching, but where? TCW or SWF weren’t going to give me the chance when I’d likely turn up drenched in tequila every day. At this point I’m sure you’ve realised that many people over the years have told me I have a problem with drink; I don’t, drink is my best friend, my one consistent companion over the years. To me, I could have come away from this business with a much worse addiction; I never drank when I was wrestling, just before and after. Anyway, that’s besides the point.


I had considered starting my own wrestling school, but who would come and learn from the man who never left the middle of the card. In the end, I’d realised that at the age of forty four, I was going back home to do exactly what my father had told me to do at twenty two, give up at the wrestling business and get a “real job”. The long bus ride made the long economy flight easy; it was a little more difficult spending almost four days without so much as sniff of alcohol, but I’d gone longer when living with my last, I suppose I would call her a girlfriend, I mean I stayed at her house for three weeks or something. She wouldn’t let me drink around her kids, which is why I left. Got up, walked out of the house without saying a word and never went back. Still, my old friend was waiting for me at the first bar I see. I sat down with Jack, a man with the same initials as myself, and made amends for the time we’d spent apart.


When I reached Heathrow, I expected to be met with another bus ticket; National Express up the M6 back to the flat I’d inherited from my grandfather years ago. Much to my surprise, I found my father stood waiting for me; he looked old. I’d never considered that he’d look older, I still expected to find the same six foot two steel worker that I’d walked away from in my twenties. He was still tall and strongly built, but his hair was fully grey and at sixty eight, he was still surprisingly menacing, but still he looked old, old and… Well… Rich. He wore a gold watch and was dressed in a sharp, sharp suit. I laugh now, but my first thought was that he was a cheap pleb for making me fly economy, a thought that intensified when he led me outside to his jaguar. Our conversation was forced at first, I asked how my mam was, whether she was still working in that café. He pointed out that as he now lived over two hundred miles away from that café, it would be difficult.


After a while, we thawed, it turned out that he’d tried to contact me after I left for America but he had no way of finding out where I was. He’d contacted DaVE but let’s be honest, it was never exactly well ran. So I’d never got the letters, of course he didn’t know that and assumed I didn’t want to hear from him. We got to his house; I call it a house, I’d wrestled in smaller buildings; and he showed me a scrapbook of my career. Everything; my three DaVE Extreme Title wins, my DaVE Tag Title wins, my DaVE Brass Knuckles title win… All of it, everything. He’d created an encyclopedia of all of the matches I’d had since I’d been away. I was touched, I’ll admit, although being Northern men we didn’t show it. It was only when we were half way through a bottle of the finest scotch he owned that we moved on to the subject of his house.


Turns out, he’d moved into construction after I’d left and was part of the team that built the Manchester Arena. The success of this venture led to him being involved in the groups that built many other sporting structures around the UK. I couldn’t help but curse my luck, when I left he was fitting railway line for Northern Rail and three years later he’s helping to build sports arenas. He’d moved to London to help build a new arena in Euston Road, an arena that was well known for hosting 21st Century Wrestling’s London events. He’d met Jeff Nova a number of times and Jeff had, he hinted, asked how I was doing. I didn’t respond, I just continued to listen; my father asked whether or not I followed 21CW. I confirmed that I did, but didn’t know too much about it.


The conversation didn’t go much further, I was tired and wanted to sleep. For some reason, he made me sleep on the couch, despite my mother’s pleas for otherwise. While they slept, I drank, deep into the night, finally falling asleep at some point between midnight and seven am. It was at nine am, I was shaken awake by my mam telling me that my old man was waiting for me with a guest in his office. She advised me to put on pants but I argued that as it was three hours until I was supposed to get out of bed they would take me as they find me. I regretted this decision instantly as I opened the door to the office and found Jeff Nova sat there in front of me, immediately starting at my only-just-covered meat and two veg. More awkward was the moment when neither he nor my father would let me leave to put my trolleys on.


The next couple of awkward hours were spent discussing all kinds of wrestling; Japan, Canada, USA, Europe and most of all, Britain. I congratulated Jeff on his dominance in the country, but told him he needed to expand, Europe obviously, and then hopefully stretching across the pond and reaching the eyes and ears of SWF. It would be nice to have a Sports Entertainment company to rival SWF. I was looking to bid Jeff good day, I was starting to get thirsty and to be honest I’d started to worry about the smell coming from my armpits, when he proposed that I joined him at a 21CW that night for the taping of Best of British as he had a proposition for me. I had to admit; I was excited! This could be the chance I was looking for, a chance as an Agent for 21CW. We shook hands, I took a shower and even forgot to drink; I was somewhat surprised that I turned up sober. I watched what was a surprisingly good show, head back stage and shook hands with those that I knew. Cliff “Dark Angel” Wilson and I had crossed paths back in 1992 in Men of Steel Combat, as had Colin “The Steamroller” Chalke and I. Cliff had introduced me to Harry, his little brother back when he was trying to find him work.


The pleasantries died away and I took my place with Cliff, Colin, Pitbull and Jeff backstage, my thirst was quenched by a beautiful 21 year old malt whiskey, and we talked about the show. Jeff told me that he planned to open a development promotion; I continued to listen as he told me that he wanted Colin to head down there to help train the next generation. I continued to listen as he told me that Pitbull had decided that he needed to focus on the remaining years of his active career and there was a gap I could fill. I didn’t speak as Jeff offered me the opportunity to book for 21CW on the basis of two things; Cliff Wilson’s recommendation and the fact that I knew “the American way”. I blinked for a few moments, took a long drink of whiskey, before asking for a night or two to think about it. They agreed, we shook hands and I left. As I walked home; I couldn’t remember where I’d left the car, or even if I’d brought one, I considered just how lucky I was. I considered that I may well have fallen on my feet; for the first time in what felt like months, I felt a smile cross my face.


That was it, the new beginning I’d been looking for. And that, is the story about how I came to be sat at a desk in an office in central London, planning for the first television show of 2013 for 21CW. My name is JD Morgan, and so begins the next stage of my career, as the writer of a Sports Entertainment television show. What in the bloody hell have I gotten myself into?



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<hr>Breaking News: JD Morgan Returns Home, Hired for 21CW

by Robert Westford on Friday, 21st December 2012

<hr>Just short of one month since his shock retirement, JD Morgan has announced via his personal blog that after weeks of alcohol soaked rejection, he has made the hard decision to return to the country of his birth. This decision comes on the back of a number of difficult to take rejections from the major companies and even some lowly ones too. Unable to find work outside of the ring, Morgan returned home only to be shockingly offered the opportunity to book for 21st Century Wrestling, owned and operated by former strong man Jeff Nova.


It is believed that Nova, colour commentator and on screen authority figure for the promotion, was looking for ways to further “Americanise” his company after closely following the SWF blueprint since his purchase of the company to varying success. It is believed that the “return home” of one of the British Isle’s favourite sons could well be a lightening rod to further invigorate the business in the area, which has somewhat stagnated in recent years.


21CW are the sole company operating out of the British Isles following purchase of Ring of Fire and Men of Steel Combat in 2010. Since then, interest has waned with the dearth of any real competition for the Sports Entertainment brand.


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Our roster is what defines us; it is the men and women that go to war for each and every single one of our fans every week; it is our strength, our weakness, our hope and our desire. It is our ups and downs, our elation and our misery, it is what makes 21st Century Wrestling what it is. Our superstars are our tools with which we craft works of art, with which we produce our theatre. They are the core of what we are. Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present the Superstars of 21st Century Wrestling.




Row 1 - “Mile High” Adam Matravers, “The Oncoming Storm” Dark Angel, “Up All Night” DJ Reason, Edward “The Business” Cornell

Row 2 - “The Conscience of Society” Jonathan Faust, “The Complete Package” Joss Thompson, “The MVP” Kevin Jones and “The Coopman” Philip Cooper





Row 1 – “Marvellous” Buff Martinez, “The Romford Rasta” Daniel Black Francis, Harry Wilson, “The Punisher Igor Ivanoff

Row 2 – “Brilliant” Jay B, “The Mauler” Pit Bull Brown, “The Rock Star” Rolling Johnny Stones, “Smasher” Stevie Stoat





Row 1 – “The Immovable” Brickhouse Balder, “The Insurance Policy” Danny Patterson, “The Destroyer” Ivan Ivanoff, Kelly “The Perfection” Martin, “The Ripper” K’Lee Hawkins, Lance “The Body” Martin.

Row 2 – “The Bulldog” Leigh Burton, “The Lion” Leo Price, “Ice Cold” Luke Cool, “The Demon of Dreams” Nightmare, “Iron Fists” Wade Orson, “The Dominant” War Machine




“The Inmate” Bedlam, “Blood & Beer” Harley Neill, “Average” Joe Simpson, “The Manc Menace” Nate Manchester, “Sensational” Ricky Storm, “The Artist Formerly Known As” Sifu



“The South London Suplex Machine” BW Eddie, “The Camden Criminal” Kelvin Badberry, “The Wee Glaswegian” Michael X




“The Hammer” Viktor Beskov, “The Sickle” Yuri Iliakov




“The Executive Consultant” Cliff King, “The Rock Chick” Kathleen Lee, “Double P” Phoebe Plumridge





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Those men who forge relationships deeper than friendships, more solid than brotherhood and more lasting than stone build the Tag Team division of 21st Century Wrestling. These bonds are not taken lightly, as the trust in your partner is sealed with the naming of your team; those who choose this path shall not shed the responsibility without caution as once broken, this level of trust cannot be rebuilt.


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Absolutely Flawless


Kelly & Lance Martin


Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu


Ricky Storm & Sifu


Hott Stuff


Buff Martinez & Jay B


The Defence Force


DJ Reason & Pit Bull Brown


The Faust & The Furious


Jonathan Faust & Stevie Stoat


The Ivanoff Brothers©


Igor & Ivan Ivanoff


The Pride


Leigh Burton & Leo Price


The Red Devils


Viktor Beskov & Yuri Iliakov


The Underdogs


Joe Simpson & Michael X




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Honour and Glory is what the superstars of 21st Century Wrestling strive for; the chance for greatness, to be recognised, to be a champion. Below we will find our champions, proud and forever etched in the annuls of our history. Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present the Champions of 21st Century Wrestling.


”The Oncoming Storm” Dark Angel

Week 2, February 2012 - Present




“Iron Fists” Wade Orson

Week 2, September 2012 - Present




The Ivanoff Brothers

Week 2, March 2012 - Present




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  • Thursday, Week One, "The Best of British Wrestling" | Card | Results |
  • Thursday, Week Two, "The Best of British Wrestling" | Card | Results |
  • Thursday, Week Three, "The Best of British Wrestling" | Card | Results |
  • Saturday, Week Three, "The Steel Cage Challenge" | Card | Results |
  • Thursday, Week Four, "The Best of British Wrestling" | Card | Results |

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Great graphics thus far, 21-Cent! :D


(Yes, I'm envisioning you as an English 50-cent now)


I love the idea of JD Morgan going home. He makes for a great user character from a booking perspective as I would expect him to be pretty tough on the youngsters. Somewhat of a curmudgeon.


21CW is untapped for the most part, outside of Bolthino from what I remember, so you have SO many ways to go with this one. Not to mention, there's some great talent there (especially now Dark Angel came aboard).


Great stuff!

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Nice to see someone else have a crack at 21CW. I'm not really in love with their roster this time around and I absolutely hate that all the other promotions have closed but the UK Cverse is awesome and it's plenty easy to get it the way you like it.


As if anyone ever doubted it I'll be paying close attention.

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Thank you all for the support, it's been really, really appreciated.


I'm hoping to have the roster/champions etc. updated later tonight and then should get the first card up tomorrow. With the upcoming Christmas holidays I will probably be looking at just after Christmas day to get the first show up. Between now and then there will likely be a blog post from JD himself and then at least one if not two posts from our dirtsheet.


Thank you all again for commenting so far.

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<hr>Breaking News: 21CW Website Overhaul, New Roster and Champions Pages revealed

by Robert Westford on Tuesday,8th January 2013

<hr>Following the hiring of JD Morgan, the gritty and talented veteran of DaVE and PSW fame, 21st Century Wrestling has undergone somewhat of a transformation. Over the last few hours the entire website has been overhauled and all traces of colour have been removed. Insiders have noted that this has been done in an attempt to add a gritty and rebellious tone to a product that many felt seemed to have stagnated.


Add to this the addition of Morgan to the booking team and we could see some more hard-hitting television in the near future. Some speculate that this new approach may alienate fans, but it will be interesting to see just how different shows are immediately from the get go. It would appear prudent not to make wholesale changes in one go as this could well turn off the regular viewers. However, with the apparent cosmetic changes already in place, we could well find bigger changes sooner rather than later.


Click here to view the roster changes.


We should be back later on today with any further news, and also more information on JD Morgan’s first show in charge this Thursday night.


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The dawning of the 21st Century saw an anxious wait for change; the threat of the Y2K bug had millions upon millions of people the world over waiting to see if time would stand still. It had been said that everything could come to a cataclysmic end on that very moment when every single person alive would be celebrating a the start of not just a new year, not just a new decade but a new millennium. As we counted down from ten to zero we waited, all of us, to see if the lights would go out, if networks would cease transmission, if the internet would stop providing pornographers with a means to make money; it did not. In truth, nothing was different; the world was the same, just another year older.


Now? Now it’s time to really start the 21st Century over again. Our first show of 2013 will see the beginning of a new era for 21st Century Wrestling, the question that we have for each and every one of our fans is simple. Are you looking forward to our new beginnings, or waiting for an unmitigated disaster?







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Live Thursday, Week 1, January, 2013

from The Euston Road Arena, London




Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson


Can the Edward Cornell do “The Business” against the Dark Angel’s younger brother or will the youngster make a name for himself and put a dent into Cornell’s plans to take the 21CW World Championship from his older brother? This is a match that could well make or break either man as we head into the New Year.




Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride


For Seven months spanning both 2011 and 2012, Absolutely Flawless were the team to beat in 21st Century Wrestling, now usurped by another sibling duo, the Martin’s have been relegated to almost-rans within the halls of the 21CW Tag Team Division. Tonight they take on The Pride, a team that have been together for two years but never held tag team gold. During a Leigh Burton injury last year, Nate Manchester teamed up with Leo Price stepped in and proceeded to win gold, but it was lost before Leigh returned. Which team will go on to challenge the Ivanov Brothers and which will fall by the wayside?




Stevie Stoat Vs Daniel Black Francis


Since signing for 21CW, “Smasher” Stevie Stoat has made a name for himself as a vicious brawler with a penchant for pain; what he’s struggled with is success. Never having held a championship of any kind, his recent actions towards his opponent tonight have been seen as a way of catapulting himself into bigger things. The “Romford Rasta” D.B.F. was on the receiving end of what was a somewhat hellacious beating last week following his victory in Tag Team action with Adam Matravers over Stoat and Faust as seemingly frustration got the better of his new enemy.




Kevin Jones w/ Kathleen Lee & Philip Cooper Vs The Defence Force


Two more men embroiled in the war for Heavyweight Championship gold team up for the first time tonight. “THE MVP” Kevin Jones, the man defeated by Dark Angel in February, looks to take back the Championship before we reach a year long reign teams with Philip “The Coopman” Cooper who, despite never having won Championship gold, seems to believe he is the rightful Champion. These two, however have not seen eye to eye in recent weeks but are now forced together to take on The Defence Force. “Up All Night” DJ Reason and Pit Bull Brown were forced together following two individual attacks by the team of Hott Stuff. Just three weeks from their match at the Steel Cage Challenge, they tune up against two of 21CW’s hottest stars.




Luke Cool Vs Wade Orson©


Since becoming champion back in September, “The Mauler” Wade Orson has vowed to fight every single challenger that comes his way, his only stipulation being that to challenge for the title, you must defeat him first. Last week, “Ice Cold” Luke Cool outsmarted the Champion to gain a pinfall victory and tonight cashes in his championship opportunity. Whilst he may not be able to outbrawl the Mauler, he could well out-wrestle him, and if he does, a new United Kingdom Champion there could well be.




Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge


During his newly formed battle with “The Conscience of Society” Jonathan Faust, “Mile High” Adam Matravers has found himself with many obstacles to cross; this week, he finds himself faced with a man who has been convinced that Matravers has stolen his “spot” in 21CW in “The Rock Star” Rolling Johnny Stones. In an attempt to slow Matravers’ onslaught, Faust managed to make Stones believe that had it not been for “Mile High” he would be World Heavyweight Champion by now. Whilst it is true that Matravers did defeat Stones in a Number One Contenders match earlier in the year, it was actually Stones own mistake that cost him. Tonight’s match could either serve to be vindication or victimisation for either man.




Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel©


Arguably the man with most to gain tonight is “The Complete Package” Joss Thompson. Having been the first man to face and fall to the World Heavyweight Champion after his win last February, Thompson has found himself faced with a number of difficult opponents. Huge losses to Pit Bull Brown and Harry Wilson earlier in the year saw Thompson’s self-confidence falter, but recent fortunes have picked up, especially after victory over DJ Reason just two months ago. His roll tonight is made all the more important by his opponent, the current reigning and defending World Heavyweight Champion, “The Oncoming Storm” Dark Angel. Entering his eleventh month as 21CW World Heavyweight Champion, Angel is currently on course to surpass Joss Thomposon’s year long reign from September 2008 to September 2009. Should he last just five more weeks, he will surpass that reign and be forever etched in the annuls of 21CW history. This match, however, means more than that as Angel currently has a target in his back and victory over Joss Thompson tonight could well shift one set of crosshairs from between his shoulder blades. What will our main event bring? Will this be our champion’s eulogy in Euston Road? Or just another chapter in his epic story?





<table bgcolor=#696969 border=1 spacing=1 padding=1 width="1000"><tr><td>Quick Picks

Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson

Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

Stevie Stoat Vs Daniel Black Francis

Kevin Jones & Philip Cooper Vs The Defence Force

Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Adam Matravers

Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel


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Great start, big fan of 21CW here .. You've hooked me, i'm in.


Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson

Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

Stevie Stoat Vs Daniel Black Francis

Kevin Jones & Philip Cooper Vs The Defence Force

Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Adam Matravers

Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel

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Amazing graphics! :D Honestly, just really stellar look here, 21-Cent!


Now, I'll say I know VERY little about the UK scene but I thought I'd throw some predictions your way!


Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson

Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

Stevie Stoat Vs Daniel Black Francis

Kevin Jones & Philip Cooper Vs The Defence Force

Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Adam Matravers

Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel

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Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson - Wilson could be very strong in the future, but Cornell is one of your go to guys now.


Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride - That awesome tag experience should keep them strong for a while.


Stevie Stoat Vs Daniel Black Francis - DBF is perhaps my favourite UK C-Verse guy, can't go against him.


Kevin Jones & Philip Cooper Vs The Defence Force - Named team wins.


Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Adam Matravers - Time limit draw, maybe? Too close to call.


Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel - Dark Angel should be doing barely any jobs for the first year or so, I'd say.

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7 matches?


Giving your best match away free on TV?


A grittier approach?


This is a new 21CW!


Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson

Harry is an important piece now he's on a written and almost noone else is


Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

As much as I love Leigh Leo is just a gatekeeper these days. Flawless/Ivanoffs is a nice feud


Stevie Stoat Vs Daniel Black Francis

Not a fan of the new Stoat render? DBF is a cverse STAR


Kevin Jones & Philip Cooper Vs The Defence Force

This is probably wrong but Im going with my favourites. I hope you have a better feel for Jones than I ever did.


Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Adam Matravers

Im still surprised Matravers isnt in the US. CZCW or TCW would be a great fit.


Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel

Well if it was me... I'd have this as a draw all day. Why give one of your top stars a loss so early? Use this to build a rivalry

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Really impressed thus far with this- well written backstory, nice presentation


Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson

Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

Stevie Stoat Vs Daniel Black Francis

Kevin Jones & Philip Cooper VsThe Defence Force

Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Adam Matravers

Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel

I'll start adding comments to my predictions, once you've done a few shows- at this stage I'm justy picking on firstly who is more over, and then personal preference.

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Enjoying this so far, KUTGW


Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson

Never taken to Wilson


Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride


Stevie Stoat Vs Daniel Black Francis

I'll pick Stoat - Boltinho is right though, DBF is quality


Kevin Jones & Philip Cooper Vs The Defence Force


Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Adam Matravers

Matravers is the star here


Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel

Angel is your biggest star

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So I suppose all you fine ladies and gentlemen out in the blogosphere want to hear my thoughts on the first card of 2013 and why I’ve done what I have; well, here it is. My first day, sat in the office writing the very blog that would out me as the new booker for 21CW, I found myself inundated with call after call after call requesting meetings from guys in and out the current 21CW roster. I’ve seen this happen before; when Nemesis took over the book in DaVE back in 97, he didn’t buy a meal for a month. First impressions are the best impressions, I remember him telling me, and obviously I hadn’t impressed. Don’t get me wrong, John and I always got along; the problem was he never felt he could trust me. He saw me drink too much for too long to ever believe I’d never turn up to work drunk; he was wrong, that wasn’t me, but I digress.


I knew these calls would come; guys who were in the Main Event wanting to know if they’d stay there, guys in the under card wanting to know if they’ll be made Main Eventers, guys who’d had less matches than I’d had shots last night telling me they could be the next Dark Angel, the next Jack Geidroyc. I kid… No-one’s wrestled as many matches as I took shots last night. What? Don’t look at me like that. It’s not just the calls from the current roster, but the past roster, the future roster, the never-will-be-on-the roster. It was endless, in the end I took the phone of the hook and watched footage.


As I’d told Jeff, I knew about 21CW; I’m British, how could I not notice what was going on in my industry in my home country, but there was no TV deal in the US so other than the odd brief recap, I hadn’t watched much except youtube. Yes, I watch youtube, yes I write blogs. I know, I’m a hip old timer. I spent my time filling myself in on the last few months of storylines, and caught up to where we were. That afternoon I sat down with the website guys and told them I wanted a change, things needed to be grittier, dirtier, they needed to be more like me but sober.


A couple of hours later and the new website was up and running, fans seemed to enjoy it or although one or two thought some of the pictures were a little out of date. I had to concur, and arranged for a photo shoot over the next few weeks. Then I sat back, and did what I’m paid to do; I started to write. I picked through the roster, picking and choosing, deciding just how to make the biggest impact on my first ever show. Thankfully, it came too me quickly; I had stories to continue on with. Matravers and Faust, The Defence Force and Hott Stuff and the rest of the Main Event scene vying for the World Title.


I want to take a moment, before I come to the end of my blog, to point out just how varied this roster is. We’ve got high fliers, we’ve got technicians, we’ve got brawlers, we’ve got talkers, we’ve got athletes we’ve got monsters. The problem, I envisage, is getting all of this talent on one show. I have confidence in my ability but the likelihood is that we’re going to have to rotate workers in and out. An announcement in the next few weeks could potentially help, or so I hope, but until then I just have to keep working. All in all, it’s going to be a good show, I promise you that if nothing else you will be entertained.




<table bgcolor=#696969 border=1 spacing=1 padding=1 width=900><tr><td>Quick Picks

Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson

Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

Stevie Stoat Vs Daniel Black Francis

Kevin Jones & Philip Cooper Vs The Defence Force

Rolling Johnny Stones Vs Adam Matravers

Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel


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<p><strong>Edward Cornell</strong> Vs Harry Wilson</p><p>

<strong>Absolutely Flawless </strong>Vs The Pride</p><p>

Stevie Stoat Vs<strong> Daniel Black Francis</strong></p><p>

Kevin Jones & Philip Cooper Vs<strong> The Defence Force</strong></p><p>

Rolling Johnny Stones Vs <strong>Adam Matravers</strong></p><p>

<strong>Joss Thompson</strong> Vs Dark Angel</p>

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