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JD Morgan in the 21st Century

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Great show, 21-cent. It's obvious to see that you're weaving your storylines quite well thus far. For me, the Adam Matravers & Jonathan Faust feud is what's pulling me back in thus far. I especially like the 'get into the girl's' head scenario that you're creating. Will she turn on Adam? Stand by her man? Will Faust eventually put her in a bad position; growing tired of her loyalty & look to turn his initial pandering into frustrated action toward her? So many different ways you could go. Meanwhile, Adam gets to play the consummate hero; the White Knight if you will.


I was wondering though, is there a reason you don't list the grades for your segments/matches? I know that there area few dynasty's these days who don't utilize this. For me, as a reader, it's great to follow the stories; however, it's also nice to see how the crowd reacted to those stories in real-time.


It's a lot like watching wrestling in general. I may mark out for something regardless of how the live fans react. That said, to know their reaction is to also have a feeling how the show itself is being perceived (both in real-time and from a greater, world-round perspective).


All in all, great show!

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  • Replies 72
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Great show, 21-cent. It's obvious to see that you're weaving your storylines quite well thus far. For me, the Adam Matravers & Jonathan Faust feud is what's pulling me back in thus far. I especially like the 'get into the girl's' head scenario that you're creating. Will she turn on Adam? Stand by her man? Will Faust eventually put her in a bad position; growing tired of her loyalty & look to turn his initial pandering into frustrated action toward her? So many different ways you could go. Meanwhile, Adam gets to play the consummate hero; the White Knight if you will.


I was wondering though, is there a reason you don't list the grades for your segments/matches? I know that there area few dynasty's these days who don't utilize this. For me, as a reader, it's great to follow the stories; however, it's also nice to see how the crowd reacted to those stories in real-time.


It's a lot like watching wrestling in general. I may mark out for something regardless of how the live fans react. That said, to know their reaction is to also have a feeling how the show itself is being perceived (both in real-time and from a greater, world-round perspective).


All in all, great show!


Thank you for the feedback; so far the Matravers/Faust fued is the one that I've really gotten passionate about; I have a loose plan for where it's going to go and I'm really excited about it! Faust is my favourite character so far. I'm hoping to explore him more thoroughly.


To be honest, I haven't thought about grades; I may well start with the next show posting a ratings summary at the end of the show just so everyone can have an idea how things are going.


Thanks for your support E-V.



J2O? Wheres the red bull?



Crossface chickenwing! Great to see it included


Nice show


Thanks man; great to hear a positive review from someone who has written for 21CW before; it's much appreciated.

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I will apologise in advance for the briefness of this weeks blog but I have two hours of television and a Pay Per View to prepare for this week. I know, I know; exciting times. I suppose it wouldn’t help if I hadn’t celebrated my second successful show with a rather extravagant party at my fathers house; one which he of course picked up the bill for. Not that he knows it yet, so yeah, the next two days were a slight blur. On the plus side, things are starting to pick up, especially as it concerns the evolution of some of the companies characters.


Jonathan Faust is a bell end; that, in itself is enough of a reason to make you all hate him, but it’s much, much more than that. He has a skill on the mic, I said it last week, a skill in which he has the ability to talk you into believing him, following him; he had me convinced that Matravers is useless and I know he’s not! His interaction with Phoebe was class, pure class; he showed that he is what he says he is; a voice, a conscience, picking up on those little insecurities and digging away at them until they’re raw. By the way, I don’t know if he talked to Adam about that promo before he cut it or not, because I don’t script them. They do what they do, how they do and they’re doing it really well. Expect Steel Cage Challenge to be a continuation point for them, not an end.


Wade Orson yet again came across strong; this time mirroring Danny Patterson the week before. Nothing sneaky, nothing underhand, just two men who want a legitimate fight. They’re booked at the Pay Per view, by the way, a shoot fight. Two men in a cage, allowed to do what the hell they want. The referee will be there for no other reason than to raise the hand of the winner.


Stevie Stoat is a strange fella; really, in real life he’s odd. He keeps coming to me with ways he can hurt himself to get himself over as a loose cannon; I can tell you it’s working, the segment with him and D.B.F. flying off the rampway is the most watched 21CW clip on Youtube this week; damn sure look like it hurt, reminded me of a bump that I took with Johnny Martin back… Never mind, we don’t need to go over old memories. Tables are a theme with Stevie right now, so expect them to have some kind of a bearing on how their fued will play out.


The Coop’s character is still evolving, although he’s finding it difficult to drop the ego I can tell. He’s flamboyant, which helps, but I’ve spoken to him about watching some of the other faces, and not just in 21CW, I mean around the world to see how they carry themselves. Even if he drops the tone and the way he talks, his body language will still show him up as a bad guy trying to be a good guy; his confidence has dropped despite his great start last week. He’s not sure he could take over from Angel as the number one guy; I am, but it’s more about him than me.


Again, I’m really sorry about how brief this weeks review is; next week will be a double hitter with both the Best of British Wrestling and the Steel Cage Challenge discussed; got to admit, I’m more than psyched for my first ever 21CW Pay Per View. As for who really stood out this week? I’m going to plum for the three teams in the Tag team Title hunt; Flawless, Ivanoffs and The Pride. They’re really telling a beautiful story of determination in the face of adversity, so look for that to continue this week.


Thanks for spending your time with me, and look for an announcement later on this week as concerns the expansion of 21CW. Nothing huge, but definitely interesting!.


P.S. I said psyched; I know the boys are going to give me crap for that one.



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<hr>New Pay Per View deal for 21CW, Location and Rumour on Stipulation for SCC

by Robert Westford on Monday,21st January 2013

<hr>- It has been announced recently that 21CW is looking to attempt to extend it’s reach further than Great Britain and Ireland, after announcing a new partnership with Pay Per View Broadcaster, V-Corp. Stretching across the vast and far reaches of Mainland Europe, V-Corp enables 21CW to establish a foothold in the areas that currently only have access to either Ultimate European Wrestling, European Wrestling All-Stars and Victory Wrestling Association. Many have begun to consider that this is the influence of one Dunton Hall, who has recently become involved with 21CW. Having previously masterminded a number of huge and unlikely takeovers in his business career, he could now be using his experience to help 21CW now eliminate competition in the rest of Europe.


- The Location booked for the Steel Cage Challenge had originally been pencilled in to take place in an arena in London, as all previous 21CW Pay per views had been done over the last 6 years; however, a change as recently been brought in that will see all Pay Per Views travel around the United Kingdom. For World War 6, and all future World War events, however, London will remain the base.


- Rumoured matches still to be announced for the Steel Cage Challenge are Rolling Johnny Stones Vs K’Lee Hawkins in a regular cage match and Stevie Stoat Vs Daniel Black Francis inside a steel cage tables match, where the winner must be put through a steel cage, either inside or out, in order to be victorious.


Jennifer Cornell spotted in a strip club with WHO?! See the pics of what happened… And WHO was doing the stripping! -></td></tr></table>

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Questions were raised and were answered,

Contenders were named and were sought.

Our Steel Cage Challange enhances,

Warrior dreams of battles to be fought.

Steel and sinew colliding,

Pain and agony to come.

Fear and loathing uniting,

In order for battles to be won.

Destiny is nought but the future,

The journey to destiny saw,

The start of the path is the Challange,

The end of the road is World War.







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Live Thursday, Week 3, January, 2013

from Bolton Rugby Fields, Bolton






Two very similar acts of war, two opposite sides of one fight; Wade Orson and Danny Patterson seem destined to meet, destined to clash, and destined to use their individual talents in battle. Both skilled brawlers, with a ground and pound style that would suit a match inside a steel cage, could our upcoming Pay Per View be their meeting ground? Tonight, however, Orson takes on the man who once knew Patterson better than any; “Blood and Beer” Harley Neill. An accomplished brawler in his own right, he should prove a good warm up for the opponent of his former tag team partner.




Vs Daniel Black Francis


Jones’ path to The Steel Cage Challenge has been one of disappointment, firstly finding himself out of the running for the World Heavyweight Championship, secondly finding himself having to fight a man who newly hates his very guts and thirdly, having to fight him inside a Steel Cage. It would appear, Kevin Jones doesn’t feel like the MVP of 21CW. His opponent has troubles of his own, dealing with one Stevie Stoat whom he has defeated twice already this month, once in singles and once in Tag Action. Stoat, however, has developed an erratic streak that makes him dangerous. Tonight the two meet to gain some momentum going into their matches at the Challenge.



Edward Cornell & Hot Stuff Vs Harry Wilson &


Last week, the Defence Force struck back a blow against Hot Stuff following Jay B’s disinterest in wanting to cheat to gain victory; if that is indeed the case, they will need to be weary of their partner tonight as Edward Cornell is always willing to do what he needs to do to win, especially when facing an opponent he has a strong dislike towards, in this case Harry Wilson. The World Champion’s little brother met the wrath of Cornell when he challenged him to a match at the Steel Cage Challenge, thus ending Cornell’s chance of Championship gold for now. Tonight, he teams with the Defence Force who will look to continue last weeks momentum, and hopefully gain some for young Wilson too.



The Ivanoff Brothers Vs Lance Martin &


In the cage last week, Kelly Martin and Leigh Burton were, for the want of a better word, decimated by The Ivanoff Brothers. While their partners and, in Kelly’s case, brother, still wanted to gain revenge for last weeks attacks, it was deemed prudent that Kelly and Leigh were given time to recuperate. Thus, tonight’s strange tag team contest. Lance Martin and Leo Price have, along with their partners, fought tooth and nail to have an opportunity to face the Ivanoff’s, and while tag team gold is not on the line, Family and Pride are both at steak. Can this odd couple defeat the champions? Or will the Ivanoff’s once again reign supreme over the Tag Team division.




Stevie Stoat Vs


Turning his hand to being cheered by the fans may have been an illuminating experience for The Charasmatic Chameleon over the last couple of weeks, but it has not exactly been rewarding. In the midst of a heavy losing streak, continuing last week despite not being pinned, The Coop will see this as a must win contest in terms of moving into the Steel Cage Challenge with momentum. This, of course, will be compounded based on the outcome of the nights earlier match. Stevie Stoat, on the other hand seems less than interested in success, or so it would seem as he is more than willing to put his body on the line in order to put a hurting on his current rival, D.B.F. Tonight, it would seem, could be used as a catapult for greater things, but on the other hand Stevie may well be walking the road of loose cannon with no real goals he wants to achieve; other than anarchy of course.





Following his “discussion” with Phoebe Plumridge last week, Jonathan Faust would be loathed to consider that he could well have done little but motivate his opponent against him. Attempting to turn the head of the women Adam Matravers’ loves, could well have been a mistake, could well have been a turning of the tide in what has become a hellacious battle between good and evil. Spirited although their rivalry has become, it could be dangerous for both men when the eventually reach the scramble cage. Our World Heavyweight Championship contender has finally been crowned, and his moment of extasy became a moment of agony when he found out he would have to fight The Dark Angel inside a Steel Cell. There is no way to prepare for such a match, nevermind an opponent that has constantly defeated you since his debut over one year ago. Angel would be forgiven should he be seen as confident, but the professional that he is would never consider any match a sure thing. It only takes one mistake to cost a Champion dearly, and that would not be his way. Tonight, four men look to take a step forward in their personal journey and would prefer their opponents to take two steps backwards. Who will be victorious? And will victory be enough?





<table bgcolor=#696969 border=1 spacing=1 padding=1 width="900"><tr><td>Quick Picks

Harley Neill Vs Wade Orson

Kevin Jones Vs Daniel Black Francis

Edward Cornell & Hot Stuff Vs Harry Wilson & The Defence Force

The Ivanoff Brothers Vs Lance Martin & Leo Price

Stevie Stoat Vs The Coop

Jonathan Faust & Joss Thompson Vs Adam Matravers & Dark Angel</td></tr></table>

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Harley Neill Vs Wade Orson

It's a tune up for Orson. A tune-up always goes in the favor of the man for which a moment of strength is important.


Kevin Jones Vs Daniel Black Francis

I love me someone with an erratic streak. Hell, it's how I've booked almost every major character in most of my projects. So, as you can guess, I'm going for the man who is a little off his rocker!


Edward Cornell & Hot Stuff Vs Harry Wilson & The Defence Force

I like Eddie!


The Ivanoff Brothers Vs Lance Martin & Leo Price



Stevie Stoat Vs The Coop

Stoat has a better look & this is an SE company. I suppose, Coop wears a hat & looks like a legit rip-off of the Miz a few years back. That said, I'm a Stoat man.


Jonathan Faust & Joss Thompson Vs Adam Matravers & Dark Angel

Personal favorite.

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Harley Neill Vs Wade Orson


Patterson will probably interfere, but Orson's the one with the PPV match coming up.


Kevin Jones Vs Daniel Black Francis


DBF can't be 100% after Stoat's attack last week, and that'll be enough for Jones to edge out a victory.


Edward Cornell & Hot Stuff Vs Harry Wilson & The Defence Force


Could go either way, but Eddie tips the scales in my opinion.


The Ivanoff Brothers Vs Lance Martin & Leo Price


Martin and Price may both want revenge, but they'll be fighting each other at the PPV and the champs will use that dissension to their advantage.


Stevie Stoat Vs The Coop


Coop has some momentum following his turn, and Stoat doesn't seem to entirely care whether he wins anyway.


Jonathan Faust & Joss Thompson Vs Adam Matravers & Dark Angel


My draw sense is tingling.

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Harley Neill Vs Wade Orson

Wade cant lose now.


Kevin Jones Vs Daniel Black Francis

Keep the big name strong. DBF's push can wait a little longer.


Edward Cornell & Hot Stuff Vs Harry Wilson & The Defence Force

I'd have this as a draw but you seem to like strong finishes. Harry can simmer for now and have a turn/sibling rivalry later.


The Ivanoff Brothers Vs Lance Martin & Leo Price

Shenanigans. This result might do some strange things to tag team pop/momentum.


Stevie Stoat Vs The Coop

Not really sure I buy Coop as a face but let's see. Stoat needs to drop to UM (if he's not there already).


Jonathan Faust & Joss Thompson Vs Adam Matravers & Dark Angel

This cant be anything apart from a draw surely? Why nerf your stars momentum ahead of the SCC?

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A really nice dynasty you have there! Very enjoyable to read, very exciting and well-planned. That said, I've to admit that I still have some problems to 'get' some characters, but that's probably because I'm not familiar with 21CW and therefore this circumstance surely will alter soon.


Both graphically and contentswise great work so far (:

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Live Thursday, Week 3, January, 2013

from Bolton Rugby Fields, Bolton

Attendence – 7,525


<table bgcolor=#696969 border=1 spacing=1 padding=1 width="1000"><tr><td>”The time for metal and mayhem has almost arrived, just one more stop on our journey to the Steel Cage Challenge; tonight, our Centurions will step forth into the arena to build pace and poise on their way to attempted glory. It is often said, preparation for battle is the more important than the fight itself, if that is the case then tonight will be more important than any week before and the Challange itself.”</td></tr></table>


As the pyro explodes and the sound of

begins to to die down, we head to ringside and our announce team for the evening.


Announce Team


Steve Smith


Smith: Welcome everyone to another action packed edition of Best of British Wrestling! One night, just one more night of fighting left before we reach the night that we’ve been building up to! The Steel Cage Challenge! Without further ado, let’s head up to Jeff Nova in the ring!


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Signed, Sealed, Delivered…


”The Strongman” Jeff Nova, “The Total Package” Joss Thompson & “The Oncoming Storm” Dark Angel


We head straight to the ring as 21CW Owner, Jeff Nova stands by to open the show as he does on most weeks; this night, however, is slightly different as in the ring is a shrouded desk upon which lies two microphones, besides which sits two large leather chairs. The final element to this picture is a leather bound folder, complete with a pen. Nova extends his left hand, whilst lifting his right to his mouth, within which a microphone is held.


Nova: Ladies and gentlemen of the Twenty First Century, I am proud to welcome each and every one of you to the Best of British Wrestling!


He allows the crowd their moment to show their appreciation, before returning to his falsely professional accent which clearly slips when he’s in any state of emotion.


Nova: We have a fantastic night of entertainment planned for you, culminating with a Tag Team match that will show case the participants of two of our Main Events at the Steel Cage Challenge when Jonathan Faust teams with Joss Thompson to take on Adam Matravers you’re your World Heavyweight Champion, Dark Angel!


Once again, he allows time for the fans to cheer, before again lifting his hand to ask for quiet.


Nova: Speaking of the World Heavyweight Championship, right now we’re going to have the contract signing for the Steel Cell match at Steel Cage Challenge, so without further ado, I would like to introduce each and every one of you to the Number One contender for the 21CW World Heavyweight Championship, “The Total Package” Joss Thompson!


The crowd immediately begin to boo, but their cat calls are cut through as if merely whispers as Earthquake by Labyrinth hits and Joss Thompson makes his way out to the ring sporting a clearly expensive Slate Suit with a Burgundy skinny tie and, for some reason despite being in doors, a pair of Aviator Sunglasses. He grins, arrogantly at the fans at ringside as he makes his way into the ring. He smiles, without speaking, at Nova as he completely ignores the offer of a respectful handshake before taking one of the seats and leaning nonchalantly backwards. Seemingly disgruntled, Nova continues.


Nova: And his opponent at The Steel Cage Challenge, the World Heavyweight Champion, “The Oncoming Storm” Dark… ANGEL!


He places emphasis on the last word as the lights dim immediately and Clubbed To Death by Rob D begins to play, a single spotlight illuminates the rampway as the Champion makes his way onto the ramp, his signature long Leather Jacket covering his black singlet, black boots and knee pads; the fighting Champion, ever ready for a scuffle. He, unlike Thompson, accepts Nova’s hand, and doesn’t take a seat.


Nova: Gentlemen, you both know why you’re here. Although announced last week, I wanted to make it official in front of the World, I wanted to make you both declare your acceptance of this match in front of the men and women of the twenty first century. In the spirit of competition, I’d like to give you both the opportunity to say a few last words before signing your agreement. First, Mr. Thompson.


Smiling, the American leans forward on the desk, still chewing gum, still smiling arrogantly. He picks up the microphone, still staring Dark Angel dead in the eye, before starting to speak.


Thompson: You know something, Cliff, sorry, I mean “Angel”, last year I heard you were coming to 21CW and I couldn’t wait. I remember back in 2000 when I was just starting out, I had dreams that the great North of the Border Pro Wrestling would pick me up and then I would be able to fight the great Dark Angel. I had dreams of walking into the dressing room and you giving me advice, telling me how to be a star. It never happened for me over there, and I’m glad of that because if I had I’d never have been the dominant superstar I am right here, right now; but what bothered me the most was when you walked into the building on your first night and you just disappeared up to the rafters. No “Hey Joss, I’ve seen good things from you…” no “Pip, pip me old china, how you diddlin’?” nothing; just you, heading up to the rafters to wait for your big introduction. Then the world finds out that the great Dark Angel is getting the Main Event match at World War 5 against Kevin Jones, a spot that should have been mine. Still, I sat back and I thought… Dark Angel is good for the company, he’s good for business… But do you want to know the truth people? Dark Angel is just like everyone else; in it for himself.


Angel’s hand seemed to twitch slightly, as if readying himself for a fight. As he talks, Thompson flips open the contract and signs it, slowly and deliberately, still not taking his eyes off the Champion.


Thompson: Whoa, whoa, whoa Champ, these ain’t no wrasslin’ clothes I be wearing. This is sophisticated attire for a sophisticated gentleman, which is exactly what I am. In two nights time, however, when you and I roll into Dublin, I will be anything but sophisticated. You see, I feel like you’ve got something owing to you, I feel like you’ve got almost a year of pent up dislike and resentment coming your way. You may have earned your stripes over in Canada, but last year you walked in here like you owned the place and you took my spot. Sure, you’ve defended that belt for the last eleven months, but that doesn’t change the fact that you didn’t earn the spot in the first place. So now, it’s my duty, no wait scratch that, it will be my honour to not only end your championship reign just short of one year straight, but it will be my honour to end your career. So here it is champ…


Thompson grabs the contract and throws it at Angel with force; it collides with the champion’s chest but he’s quick enough to catch it.


Thompson: … Sign away. Sign away the last moments of your championship reign, sign away the last vestiges of your career and sign away everything you think you are because at the Steel Cage Challenge, I’m going to prise it all from your unconscious grasp.


Angel’s eyes are wide with fury as he drops the contract on the desk and flips it open, signing on the dotted line he picks it up and slams it against the chest of Jeff Nova before flipping the table to it’s side. Thompson jumps to his feet, and quickly removes his jacket as he stands nose to nose with the World Champion. Like a flash, Nova is signalling and security flood the ring becoming between the two.


Nova: Hold it, hold it laddies… I don’t want our Main Event for tonight ended before it’s even started. I suggest you both back off or else I’ll make sure neither of you compete at the Steel Cage Challenge.


Neither man drops their focus, but Thompson has his mic again, lifted to his lips pushing security aside.


Thompson: Get the hell off me you fat piece of crap; Angel, I’ll see you later tonight, but you need to spend some quality time with that title, because next week, live on the Best of British Wrestling, I’ll be holding myself a new champion celebration.


He drops the mic and leaves the ring, heading back up the ramp, soon followed by Dark Angel shrouded by security as Jeff Nova returns to his ringside position.



Smith: Unbelievable Jeff, what a start to the night!

Nova: Aye, Smitty, but I sometimes wonder if I’m getting too old for all this excitement.

Smith: Let’s test this theory, and head to ringside for our opening contest!


<table bgcolor=#696969 border=1 spacing=1 padding=1 width="1000"><tr><td>http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Matches/RSMcopy_zps642214d0.png




  • Once upon a time, Harley Neill was the tag team partner of Danny Patterson in a team named The Cockney Rebels; having both found their way to 21CW, both have found different paths, but tonight they inadvertently cross as Neill takes on Patterson’s Steel Cage Challenge opponent and United Kingdom Champion, Wade Orson.
  • The match started off slow, with neither man wanting to make an error, besides neither really relied on speed, more power. Orson took control of the match, matching the more experienced opponent punch for punch.
  • Blood and Beer retook control when Orson was clearly distracted by the appearance at the top of the ramp of The Insurance Policy, Danny Patterson, and Neill looked to take advantage of the fact. He looked to wear down his opponent with some smash mouth style moves.
  • Neill came close to victory on more than one occasion as he looked on numerous occasions to hit the East End Piledriver, each time his opponent finding a way to escape.
  • This, of course, proved integral to the matches end as out of no-where, Orson nailed the
    . However, instead of going for the pin, Orson looked to taunt his giant challenger, by locking in The Torture Chamber. Patterson looked on as his former Tag Team Partner slumped to unconscious defeat, before giving a mock round of applause and leaving ringside.

Winner of the match by Stoppage following the Torture Chamber – Wade Orson



Smith: Orson just beat Harley Neill with Danny Patterson’s finishing manouver.

Nova: But what does that prove? That the Torture Chamber is a more prolific finisher than The Bounce Back? Not sure that was wise.

Smith: And it could well spur Danny Patterson on! Ladies and gentlemen, up next… Wait, what the hell is this.


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He’s a Rock and Roll Star…


”The Strongman” Jeff Nova & “The Rock Star” Rolling Johnny Stones


Without any music, nor fanfare, the crowd break into a chorus of boos as Rolling Johnny Stones makes his way out into the arena. He makes a bee-line immediately for Jeff Nova at the announce desk. As he reaches the desk, before he can come into earshot of the microphones, he’s already mid-flow.


Stones: … Booked here tonight and not booked at The Steel Cage Challenge; I mean come on Jeff, when is the Rock Star going to be given an opportunity to shine? You can’t hold me down forever, otherwise I’ll find somewhere else where my talents will be appreciated.


Nova takes a moment to stifle a smile, before lifting a mic to his lips so the whole attending crowd can hear.


Nova: Ladies and gents, Mr. Stones here is upset that I’ve not booked him in a match here tonight, nor at the Steel Cage Challenge. While I would love to offer Mr. Stones the matches he so desires, we are, unfortunately, fully booked .But next week, Johnny, next week LIVE on the Best of British Television, I have an opening for a match. And should you impress me, then I think I have a way to reward you for your performance.


Stones begins to nod and smile, as if finally being given that which he always wanted.


Nova: But understand, laddie, if you don’t impress me, and it turns out you’ve taken the spot of someone who could have impressed me, then I will find the most ingenious ways of punishing you. Do you understand?


Stones seems, suddenly, less intrigued by this prospect, but nonetheless nods his understanding.


Nova: Oh, and by the way, that match will be a Submission match, against the man who last week came so close to making you say “I Quit”, K’Lee Hawkins. If I were you, I’d stay away from Chicken Wings for the next week or so.


Stones world seems to have collapsed around him, although a great technician, Stones is not known for his submission skills, and seemingly didn’t get exactly what he wanted afterall. After a few seconds, and a realisation that he had brought this on himself, Stones turns on his heels and storms back out of the arena.



Smith: Another blockbuster announcement Jeff! You’re full of them tonight!

Nova: I’m sure they’ll be one or two more before we reach the Steel Cage Challenge laddie.

Smith: Well ladies and gents, after the break we’ll head back to the ring for our next contest!


<table bgcolor=#696969 border=1 spacing=1 padding=1 width="1000"><tr><td>http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b577/the21stcentury/21CW/Graphics/Promotion/Matches/RSMcopy_zps642214d0.png


w/ Kathleen Lee Vs Daniel Black Francis


  • ”The MVP” has found, as of late, that crossing The Coop a couple of weeks back had been a decision that was clearly poorly placed. So far it had cost him his chance at the World Title and left him with an Angry Hat-wearing Chameleon on his tail. His opponent tonight, however, is no slouch, having found himself on the receiving end of some heavy treatment at the hands of Stevie Stoat, the fact that he’s competing at all is a testament to the Romford Rasta.
  • From the get go, Francis was clearly suffering with a bad shoulder and bad ribs. These were clearly taped, but worse still, he was gingerly holding them away from attack. This, it would appear, was a bad idea. Sensing blood, Jones focused on these point of pain for the early part of the contest.
  • D.B.F. showed his heart to come back with some big retaliatory defensive moves including a big section of offence that included three big clotheslines one after the other. He even looked to end the contest when he dropped Jones with the Dreadlock Drop/Rasta Lock Combo but couldn’t hold on to it due to his bad shoulder.
  • Jones retook control of the match again, focusing on the ribs of his hurt and suffering opponent. Grinding down Francis, little by little, the ribs taking more and more punishment by the second.
  • Black Francis came back once more, one final act of heart, reversing an attempt to hit the
    into another Dreadlock Drop/Rasta Lock Combo the crowd go wild as Jones seems destined to tap out, yet their cries turn to boos as Stevie Stoat arrives and jumps on the apron. Francis releases the hold and advances on his newest enemy, who drops down and steps out of reach. Francis shouts obscenities at Smasher, before turning round straight into
    . On the back of those injured ribs, Francis just couldn’t muster the strength to kick out of the pin.

Winner by pinfall following The Most Valuable Suplex – Kevin Jones



Smith: D.B.F. showed some great heart there Jeff, but Stevie Stoat just cost him what would have been a fantastic victory.

Nova: Aye, but that’s the nature of the business Smitty! You make enemies, you have to deal with them, whenever they show their face.

Smith: Speaking of enemies… Looks like we have a visitor.


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A Leopard Never Changes it’s Spots… But a Chameleon?


”The Charismatic Chameleon” The Coop


The MVP celebrates in the middle of the ring, bowing to each side with Kathleen Lee by his side, but as he turns to face the ramp way and half bends, the opening chords of Super Massive Black Hole by Muse hits and his face turns ashen white. Onto the ramp moves “The Charismatic Chameleon” The Coop.


Coop: Congratulations Jonesy, you did it again… Winning a match on the strength of what someone else did for you. Last week, Eddie Cornell beats Harry Wilson and you celebrate like you’ve won the World Cup, this week you pick the bones of a half broken Daniel Black Francis, and you still needed help to do it.


Jones clearly looks less than happy as he stares down his Steel Cage Challenge opponent.


Coop: All I’ve heard and read in the last few weeks is about how me challenging you tonight cost you the chance to fight Dark Angel at The Steel Cage Challenge, but let’s be honest Kevin; the last year of your life has been pretty much awful. It all started with a loss to Dark Angel at World War 5, so I have to ask you this; what makes you think you’d have what it takes to beat the World Champion one on one when firstly you couldn’t do it last year, and secondly you couldn’t beat a one armed man with bad ribs tonight? What makes you think you have what it takes to win the big one? Honestly, I think I’ve done you a big favour. The last thing you need “MVP” is to lose another title opportunity, because no-one would ever take you seriously again.


Smiling at the clear discomfort he’s causing, The Coop carries on.


Coop: You all me a joke, Kev; I think you need to take a long hard look in the mirror, because there isn’t a bigger joke in the world of professional wrestling than you, and considering I’ve met The Minor Annoyance… I’d say that’s the funniest thing of all. I can’t wait to get the Most Valueless P*ssy inside a Steel Cage at the Challenge, because you’ll finally get to see how far away from a joke I really am. See you on Saturday, Kevin.


Super Massive Black Hole plays out one more time as The Coop leaves ringside, and leaves Kevin Jones looking furious.



Smith: I think The Coop made his point.

Nova: And a crackin’ point it was, Laddie. Kevin Jones has had a bad, bad year and I don’t think it would have been him I’d have chosen if I’d had the chance.

Smith: That being said, poking an already angry bear is never a good idea, speaking of which, we have a great six man tag team match up next after this short break.


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Edward Cornell & Hot Stuff Vs Harry Wilson &


  • Two wars cross paths again, as Edward Cornell teams with Hot Stuff to face off against the thorn in his side, Harry Wilson to face off against their duo of dislike, The Defence Force.
  • The match started off slowly with both teams trying to find an edge, and in the end it was the greater tag experience of Hot Stuff that garnered the greatest effect. Some quick tagging, also involving Cornell, managed to cut the ring off for young Harry Wilson.
  • Wilson seemed to have got the tag on two separate occasions, first to DJ Reason and then to Pit Bull Brown, but on both occasions the referee, trying to deal with Cornell and Buff Martinez in turn, didn’t see the tags allowing the advantage to continue.
  • Finally, a break for Harry Wilson after several near falls came, when the normally perfect Edward Cornell made the mistake of charging Wilson in the corner who dropped out of the way. The Business struck the turnbuckle with force, and the race was on. Finally Harry got the Tag to DJ reason and Cornell seemed to change plans. Reason took out Cornell, and the advancing Jay B, and Buff Martinez with clotheslines! The referee had lost control as Pit Bull Brown entered the ring and the newest tag team partners were on fire.
  • Jay B and Martinez were finally cast outside, Cornell was hit with both The Edge of Reason and the Doghouse Piledriver! The fans were on fire as Reason and Brown both looked to the now returned Harry Wilson; he looked to the crowd that acknowledged this moment. Wilson tagged in, and suddenly Hot Stuff were back in the ring! They took The Defence Force out of the ring with clotheslines. Wilson still looked to take his chance as he pulled Cornell to his knees, he hooked Cornell with the Full Neslson ready to hit the
    , but with the referee trying to control things on the outside he did not see the leg swing up and back into Wilson’s groin. Cornell, immediately hit the ropes, and rebounded hitting
    . The referee turned round just in time to slap his hand on the mat three times.

Winner of the match by pinfall following The Black Lightning – Edward Cornell & Hot Stuff





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My Girl…


”Mile High” Adam Matravers & “The Conscience of Society” Jonathan Faust


We head backstage to find a disgruntled at best, and furious at worst Adam Matravers storming around backstage, pushing open doors and looking inside, checking round corners, his eyes moving from place to place for his quarry. He stops and speaks to a man with a headset on.


Matravers: Where the [beep] is Jonathan Faust?


Man: Last I heard he was heading into catering.


Matravers storms away without so much as a thank you, heading in the direction of the catering area. As he walks towards the end of the corridor, the inside of catering can be seen, Jonathan Faust stood looking out, leaning forward on his white Cane, a malicious grin on his face.


Matravers: FAUST!


Adam shouts in fury and his pace picks up, but as he reaches two feet away from the doorway, it’s suddenly filled with the frame of two men in black clothes. They hold out hands, preventing Matravers from getting any closer.


Matravers: Get your hands off me or I’ll break them off and give them back to you.


The forced calm in his voice seems to please Faust even more who walks forward, his head in the gap between the two guards.


Faust: Something you wanted to say to me Adam?


Matravers: Stay away from Phoebe.


Faust smiles, inhales deeply and then nods slightly.


Faust: Well I must admit that I find myself disappointed, I had hoped that she would keep our little tet-a-tet from last week between just the two of us but there we are; it’s a good sign for you Adam, you shouldn’t be angry. She came to you and told you about the big bad man that came to poison her mind against you.


Matravers seemed to shift uncomfortably, a note of something crossing his face that wasn’t triumph. Faust’s smile returned, his head turning slightly in realisation, his eyes flashing with malice.


Faust: Or did she? Could it be that the beautiful Phoebe didn’t betray my trust after all. Did you go home and look back over the show, Adam? See that I‘d spoken to her and immediately feared that maybe, just maybe she had started to realise I was telling the truth? And of course the fact that she came home with you, lay next to you, whispered sweet nothings into your ear but never told you about our conversation compounded that very fear, did it not Adam? You started to worry that if the lovely Phoebe started to doubt you, then these people would start to doubt you, and when these people start to doubt you then your façade will start to wither and die, the world will see you for what you truly are Adam.


Smiling again, Faust moves his head forward into touching distance for Matravers.


Faust: You don’t need to worry about that, Mr. Matravers. Because come this Saturday in the Scramble Cage at the Steel Cage Challenge, the world is going to realise just what you are without the need for Phoebe’s betrayal. You still have time, Adam, admit you fraud that you are and all will be forgiven. These people may even find a way to love the real you; Phoebe, I would suggest however, may well be lost to you forever, I think she may want to find a real hero’s bed in which to lie. There happens to be a vacancy next to me of a night…


Matravers snaps, luging forward, but is gripped around the arms and forced backwards against the wall by the two guards. Faust advances, pressing the handle of his cane into Mile High’s throat.


Faust: Maybe I should just end it all now and avoid that pitiful cage…


Faust rears back to strike Matravers in the head, but his boot lifts and kicks the Conscience in ths stomach. Faust doubles over and Matravers begins to fight the security. He slams the first head first into the wall, stunning him before using the wall to perform a step up shining wizard. The second advances but his own momentum is used to smash him through the nearby door into an empty storage cupboard. Matravers turned around, ready to strike, only to find Faust gone.


Matravers: Main event Faust, Main event…


Matravers turns and leaves the area as we head back to the ring.



Smith: My god, Adam Matravers was like a man possessed; we asked the question last week, was Faust speaking to Phoebe a good idea and I think we’ve just had our answer!

Nova: Looks like Faust could have awoken something dangerous in Adam Matravers.

Smith: Speaking of new awakenings, last weeks devastating attack by the Ivanoff’s has brought together an unlikely team, and that match is after our commercial break.


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The Ivanoff Brothers Vs Lance Martin &


  • Last week, the Ivanoff’s attempted to foil Jeff Nova’s attempts to find opponents for them at the Steel Cage Challenge, and in doing so embarked on the brutal attack of Kelly Martin and Leigh Burton, tonight the unlikely team of Lance Martin and Leo Price look to gain revenge for their fallen comrades.
  • From the start, neither Price or Martin looked to trust the other; their timings were off, their chemistry was non-existent and the Ivanoff’s kept gained control. They toyed with their opponents letting them tag in and out only to out manoeuvre them every time.
  • Individually, Martin and Price looked impressive, each mounting comebacks against their more seasoned opponents. Each man even had opportunities to get an advantage leading to the Ivanoff’s fun and games to come to an end.
  • Leo Price was the man chosen to take the fall, as the ring is cut off from Lance Martin. The Ivanoff’s rip and tear at The Lion as he scratches and claws to make the tag. Price took some huge punishment before reversing a double team slingshot avalanche in the corner.
  • Both Ivanoff’s are out on their feet in the corner, the crowd go wild as Price slowly makes his way to the corner, Martin holds out his hands, Price lunges and… Nothing. Kelly stepped back and pulled his hand out of the way, dropping off the apron to the ground and grinning at Price. Suddenly, the Ivanoff’s are back up, Price is dragged up before being hit by The Iron Curtain and making the cover.

Winners of the match by pinfall following The Iron Curtain – The Ivanoff Brothers



Smith:Kelly Martin has no honour! He just dropped out and let Price take the fall!

Nova: Maybe a dirty trick Smitty, but it leaves the Martin’s unscathed which could mean everything come Saturday night.

Smith: And that might not be all we see happen here…


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The Lion Circled…


”The Destroyer” Ivan Ivanoff, “The Punisher” Igor Ivanoff & “The Lion” Leo Price


As Lance Martin walks backwards up the ramp, a smile on his face, he watches the scenario unfold in the ring. The Ivanoff’s set upon Leo Price, like Hyenas, picking the bones of the damage already done. Boots, knees and punches are the order of the day; finally with Price already almost out cold, he is dragged to his feet and held in position by Igor. Ivan pulls from inside his boot an addition of some sort which he immediately straps to the sole of his boot. Stepping back, he takes a long run up and hits the



Smith: My goodness! Someone has to stop this! Leo Price is being decimated!


Price falls hard to the ground, his head bouncing off the mat. If this was to be the end however, the plan had clearly changed. Once again Price is pulled up to his feet, this time Ivan does the holding and Igor pulls something shiny and golden from within his trousers. Taking several steps back, he takes a running start into the



Smith: Jeff, can’t you do something to stop this!? At this rate, there wont BE a Tag Title match at the Steel Cage Challenge!


Leo’s fall is uncomfortable to watch; slumped and ungainly as if not in the slightest bit controlled. He hits the mat hard, but is hardly given a moment to recover as once more he is dragged to his feet, for the forth time tonight, Price is held up in position. Once again, Ivan hits the ropes, and for the second time tonight, The Lion is hit with The Iron Curtain. The Tag Team champions stand tall, arms raised, with Lance Martin watching, clearly happy with his nights work.



Smith: After the last two weeks, it looks like only Lance Martin will be 100% when it comes to the Steel Cage Challenge. I can tell you one thing for sure, The Pride have little or no chance after tonight.

Nova: Aye, it’s unfortunate… But Leo Price should have known better than trusting one of Absolutely Fabulous.

Smith: Perhaps, but it throws your Tag Team Title match into some doubt, Jeff. Up next we have another fantastic contest planned, but first lets head backstage where Melanie “The Scoop” Florence is standing by!


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Quelling the Storm


Melanie “The Scoop” Florence & ”The Total Package” Joss Thompson


The smiling Melanie Florence is backstage, microphone in hand for her latest interview.


Florence: Thank you Steve, ladies and gentlemen at this time my guest is “The Total Package” Joss Thompson.


The reception for Thompson is less than positive as the fans boo their champions current opponent.


Florence: Joss, earlier tonight you made some rather scathing accusations about the feeling towards Dark Angel over the past year and, despite my best efforts, I’ve found it difficult to find anyone willing to disagree with you, the question is, why is it that you’ve taken up the mantle of being the man who is to avenge all those who feel wronged?


Thompson: Let me get one thing straight before you start jumping to conclusions, I’m not in this to avenge anyone else. I’m in this because in the last year, I’ve been ignored and pushed aside, after putting the last six years of my career into this place. If I’d been the World Heavyweight Champion and been the focus of this company since Dark Angel came in here, I wouldn’t have given a tiny little rats ass about who else was being pushed aside, this is about me, about the fact that I had opportunity taken away in favour of a washed up, face paint wearing moron. I got news for you Cliff, Face Paint is for four year olds and members of Kiss, on a grown ass man it just looks pathetic.


He smiles at his jibe, although Melanie looks anything but impressed.


Florence: Alright, well would you care to address your indication that next week you will have a Championship Celebration live on Best of British Wrestling? This is a bold move considering our World Heavyweight Champion has not been defeated one on one in the year that he’s been here?


Thompson: And why, I ask you, is that? Quite simple, because in the last year he’s only faced me once and even then, it wasn’t a real match, it wasn’t for the title. It was a warm up; you think when the title isn’t on the line I’m going to put it all on the line? You think I’m going to telegraph my best stuff on free TV, when I’ve got nothing extra to gain. His guard is down, he thinks I’m easy pickings and guess what? I’m anything but; tonight I’ll prove that in our tag team match and in two nights time in Dublin, I’ll prove it all over again. For now, you can call me the Total Package, but come Sunday each and everyone of you will bow down to the 21CW Total Champion.


Smiling, he turns and walks away leaving Florence alone.


Florence: Confident indeed, I’ll be looking forward to the Main Event tonight gents, but mainly because in his wrestling trunks I’ll be able to check out HIS total package. Back to you boys at ringside.



Nova: Sometimes I wonder why I hired her…

Smith: I believe it was her charm and wit, Jeff.

Nova: Grand, at least one of us knows why…

Smith: Time to head back to the ring, I think for our penultimate match of the evening.


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Stevie Stoat Vs


  • Having cost his Steel Cage Challenge opponent earlier tonight, Stevie Stoat looks to take on the newest phenomenon in the 21st Century, The Charismatic Chameleon, Coop or Triple C for short; earlier tonight, Coop told the world what he thought about Kevin Jones and wanted to prove he could do things alone.
  • The match started slow, with the erratic Stoat threatening to go off the deep end at any moment, constantly looking on edge when outfoxed or out played by the less experienced Coop.
  • Triple C maintained control early on, fighting off Stoats wild swings and wilder sprinting moves. Using the crazed attack to his advantage, Coop gained three or four near fall attempts, each one seemingly infuriating Stoat more.
  • Stoat’s erratic behaviour suddenly managed to gain control after a wild right hand caught Coop square in the jaw knocking him back. Stoat took over, gaining near falls of his own, and even hitting the
    . He made the cover, and sensationally The Coop kicked out.
  • Smasher pulled Coop up one more time and whipped him into the ropes, he attempted a second Smasher Kick but the Coop ducked, turned on the spot and hit Stoat with a Double Knee Facebreaker! The crowd go wild, knowing exactly what this is a set up for! The Coop climbs to the top rope and springs off with the
    ! He makes the cover and the referee slaps the mat three times!

Winner of the match by pinfall following the Cooper-Fly Splash – “The Charismatic Chameleon” Coop



Smith: What a fantastic win by The Coop! Some major momentum heading into the challenge!

Nova: Aye; nothing better than a victory just before a big match, something I’ve learnt over the years.

Smith: And no interference by either Kevin Jones or D.B.F. which keeps things fair…

Nova: Don’t be so sure about that lad.


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Smashing Down the Walls


”Smasher” Stevie Stoat & “The Romford Rasta” Daniel Black Francis


As The Coop heads up the ramp, Stand Up Tall by Dizzee Rascal hits and a limping and clearly hurting Daniel Black Francis storms out of the ramp, slowing down as he’s met by Triple C coming the other way. These two former enemies, coming off a heated rivalry over the last two months stand off for a moment before Coop breaks into a smile, stands aside and extends his hand beckoning Francis to pass. Francis wastes no more time suddenly forgetting his injuries and sprinting to the ring. He slides inside and immediately begins brawling with the now awakened Stoat. The two exchange blows, rights and lefts, clashing like warriors. Within moments, Stoat has wildly swung into Francis’ ribs, connecting with a hard shot that stops the Romford Rasta in his tracks. A moment later, out of no-where, Stoat has hit the

. The crowd boo as the crazy eyed Stoat drops to the outside and pulls a table out, setting it up at ringside. He climbs back inside and lifts up Black, lifting him to the top rope in a sitting position. He backs up to take a running start for another Smasher Kick…


Voice: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Stevie no!


A voice booms out and a figure is suddenly in the ring between the teetering Francis and the manic looking Stoat.


A Crucial Intervention


“The Strongman” Jeff Nova


Nova: Stevie, lad, I can’t let you do this… Francis is in no condition to take a fall like that and it wouldn’t be right… Now I’m not one for holding our warriors back from a fight, so to balance out my intervention here tonight I’m going to give you something you’ll want.


Stoat’s wild eyes seem, for a moment, to retract as if listening, before becoming wide and wild again, and looking to advance, only for Nova again to get in the way.


Nova: Listen to me; I know that this Saturday is the Steel Cage Challenge, but how about this… If you back off now and leave Daniel be, I’ll book you both inside the Steel Cage and I’ll fill that ring with tables… Think about it; six, seven, eight tables, however many you like… You fight it out one on one in that cage and the winner will be the man who puts his opponent through a table.


Stoat stops, then goes to move in Francis’ direction again, but stops once more… He thinks on it for a second… The crowd’s breath collectively held, before finally he relents. He steps back towards the ropes and slowly removes himself from the ring, Francis starts to come to his senses and climbs down from the ropes. He exchanges words with the 21CW owner, whether positive or negative it can’t be seen.



Smith: What another blockbuster announcement by our Owner! This is the advantage of having our Owner at ringside, he can step in and make changes and decisions right then and there! Ladies and gentlemen, let’s head to a break before our Main Event.


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w/ Phoebe Plumridge &


  • The Main Event of the evening pit the Number One contender and the Conscience of Society against the Champion and the most high octane competitor on the roster. With big rivalries penned into this match, the anticipation for this match was palatable.
  • Dark Angel started off the match and showed his class to upstage both Faust and Thompson individually, his grounding style prevented neither of his opponents from getting a foot hold in the match, each time fighting off each man without much of a response.
  • The two fan favourites continued their dominating display when Adam Matravers turned the match on it’s head from the twisting and tearing of Angel to the high flying, high speed attack of Adam Matravers; admittedly, this was helped by Jonathan Faust’s unwillingness to get his hands dirty.
  • The end seemed to be near as Joss Thompson, the legal man, found himself completely cut off from the unwilling Faust. Dark Angel tagged in once more, and seemingly this did not improve Jonathan’s Faust’s willingness to get involved. Matravers climbed to the top rope, Dark Angel dragged Thompson to his feet, hooking and hitting
    immediately, Adam Matravers sprung from the top rope and hit the Mile High Moonsault. Matravers makes the pin, but the referee refuses to count.
  • This, of course, is because Matravers is not the legal man! As the referee remonstrated with him, trying to get him out of the ring, Dark Angel turns around to be hit square in the face with the white Cane of Jonathan Faust that shatters into pieces on impact. Staggering around, Thompson jumped to his feet and out of no-where hit the Clean Cutter. The referee turns to find Matravers knocked off the apron by Faust, and legal man covering legal man.

Winners of the match by pinfall following a smash to the head with a Cane and the Clean cutter – Jonathan Faust and Joss Thompson



Smith: Come on! That’s not the way to win a match!

Nova: Maybe not, but if the referee doesn’t see it, he can’t call it. That’s the rules, and that’s the way that it goes.

Smith: Oh come on, it doesn’t look like it’s finished yet.


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And It Doesn’t End There…


”The Conscience of Society” Jonathan Faust, “The Total Package” Joss Thompson, “Mile High” Adam Matravers & “The Oncoming Storm” Dark Angel


Back in the ring, after a moment of celebration, Joss Thompson is celebrating in the ring when the crowd popped. Adam Matravers had returned to the ring, Faust escapes, but Thompson is left behind. He turns round and comes face to face with the eye bulging Matravers who let’s fly with lefts and rights! The referee tries to get involved, but Matravers shoves him to the ground. Mile High gets the momentum, rocking Thompson calling for the set up for the Mile High Moonsault, a jumping corkscrew roundhouse kick. He left the ground, but Thompson ducked out of the way and when Matravers turned around, he felt the metal of a steel chair connect with his skull.


Smith: Oh come on! This is ridiculous.


The boots start to get laid into Matravers as the chair is cast aside. Thompson waylays the return to full form of Dark Angel but laying the boots into him too. The crowd boo in unison as Phoebe shouts from ringside trying to stop the carnage. Faust drags Matravers to his feet, holding up Matravers he begins talking to him, chastising him, before slapping him across the face. Once more, Matravers eyes widen, but that is quickly quelled with a boot to the groin.


Nova: Ach come on laddie! There’s no need for a shot in the pills.


The doubled over Matravers is hooked and Faust hits

, but not on the mat, on the steel chair. The crowd boo profusely as Thompson takes the chair and positions it himself; he waits, stalking, as Dark Angel slowly gets to his feet. He turns around, and is hit with the second Clean Cutter of the evening; this time, on a steel chair. The show comes to an end, with Steve Smith’s voice calling what he sees over the scene of Faust and Thompson stood celebrating over the fallen bodies of Adam Matravers and Dark Angel, and the look of a clearly anguished looking Phoebe Plumridge scared of getting back in the ring.</td></tr></table>


Smith: What we have just witnessed was heinous, deliberate assault intended to give an edge to Faust and Thompson; I for one, can’t wait to see the reaction of Angel and Matravers at the Steel Cage Challenge. Join us, ladies in gentlemen, in two nights time Live from Dublin on Pay Per view! Thank you for joining us, and good night!



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Those who flock to come and watch,

To see Centurions fight,

Expect to see the kind of pain,

That we will see this night.

The Sound of flesh and bone connect,

With wood, with iron, with steel,

The screams of fallen warriors,

Nothing but pain seems real,

When glory comes to call for us,

We fight through all we must,

With Sweat, With Blood, With Tears

We pay the price that’s just.

Tonight we fight for all of you,

Each and every one,

Tonight warriors go to war,

The Steel Cage Challane has come.







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Live Saturday, Week 3, January, 2013

from The MacAuliffe Motors Arena, Dublin




Stipulation – Cage Escape Only Match

w/ Kathleen Lee Vs


Following a Tag Team walk out by Kevin Jones three weeks ago, Kevin Jones and The Coop finally meet one on one inside of the steel cage. Following the weeks of trying to escape The Coop, tonight The Coop will be trying to escape from Kevin Jones. It should be interesting to see just how The MVP will react to being trapped with a man who has had blood on his mind for weeks. It will also be interesting to see how The Coop will treat the match, with revenge or victory on his mind.




Stipulation – Pinfall Only Triple Threat Tag Team Championship Match

The Ivanoff Brothers© Vs Absolutely Flawless Vs


After weeks of sneak attacks and vicious assaults, the time has come for The Ivanoff’s to finally defend their tag team championships. Of their two sets of opponents, The Pride seem less likely to be victorious as both members of the team were decimated at the hands of the Russian Champions, whereas only (as if it’s Ok) Kelly of Absolutely Flawless felt the full force of the Moscow Maulers. Will The Ivanoff’s retain? Will The Pride find the animal spirit? Or will The Martin brothers be Absolutely Flawless?



Stipulation – Tables Match

Stevie Stoat Vs Daniel Black Francis


Three weeks ago Stevie Stoat put himself through a table, Two weeks ago he put himself and the Romford Rasta through a table, last week he looked to put Francis through a table himself… It would appear that Smasher is getting closer to the task of destroying his opponent instead of himself. That would set up this match perfectly, but not just for Stevie, for D.B.F. too. Francis will look to gain some semblance of revenge for the last few weeks when he takes on his current nemesis, but will he have recovered from his wounds of the last couple of weeks?




Stipulation – Pinfall Only Match

Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson


Three weeks ago, these two men clashed in a match that Edward Cornell assumed would catapult him into the Main Event of tonight’s show; how wrong could he be? A post match attack that was meant to send a message to Harry Wilson’s brother did little more than fuel the fire of the Hell Raiser, and cause him to use the rules of tonight against Cornell, not only forcing him into a one on one Cage match, but preventing Cornell from being eligible to fight Dark Angel. Cornell’s fury has been tangible in the last couple of weeks, will that be his success or his downfall?




Stipulation – MMA Style United Kingdom Title Match



This brutal rivalry has reared it’s head over the last few weeks with both men taking a more straight ahead course of action as it’s concerned the other. Both men have walked to the ring, giving their opposition plenty of time to be ready, both men have used fists of fury to their advantage, and both men have gotten an equal and opposite amount of offense in against the other. A strange reality has come to pass between the two, a seeming mutual respect based upon one another’s ability to brawl. Tonight they fight in a match with “MMA” rules, meaning only stoppage or submission will end the bout. It should be an interesting contest.




Stipulation – Escape Only Tag Team Match

Hot Stuff Vs


Hot Stuff have, in the past, been known for their sneak attacks and backhanded techniques to win matches, in fact those very actions were the very cause of the formation of The Defence Force. In recent weeks, however, Hot Stuff have been a little more reluctant to take the easy way out against their veteran opponents; could this be a sign that Hot Stuff want to prove themselves? Or that that they, perhaps, are starting to get a little more mellow in their older age. Will they continue this path in this match, or will they return to form?




Stipulation – Scramble Cage Match

w/ Phoebe Plumridge


What started out as a rivalry based on what appeared to be Jonathan Faust’s jealousy of Adam Matravers’ status as “Mr. 21CW” has quickly developed into a personal slander of the entire brand that is “Mile High” Adam Matravers. Faust has made it is personal goal to “reveal the real Adam Matravers” and prove that he’s a “fraud”. Matravers, on the other hand, is out to not only protect his own honour and dignity, but also protect his relationship with Phoebe Plumridge who has also fell under the very gaze of “The Conscience of Society” and, as a side note, has been targeted for freedom by Faust. Will Mile High reach the stars or will the Conscience prove his point and prove Matravers a fraud?




Stipulation – World Heavyweight Title Match



The Main Event of the night, for the World Heavyweight Championship match in the Steel Cell; a match between an icon, a living legend, “The Oncoming Storm” Dark Angel and the man who feels that he should be the number one man 21CW, the man who thinks he should be the chosen one, “The Total Package” Joss Thompson. This past week, Thompson made his feelings on Dark Angel perfectly clear; his spot, or so he thinks, was taken when Dark Angel came into 21CW just over a year ago. His mission is clear, he wants to end not only Dark Angel’s reign as Champion but also his career in 21CW. Whether he can accomplish either of these tasks is unclear, but a victory in tag team action this week gave momentum, as did the attack afterwards. If nothing else, however, Dark Angel has proven just exactly why he was such a huge name across the pond, and just why he is called the “Oncoming Storm”, will he continue his tremendous year long reign? Or will he fall at the final hurdle?





<table bgcolor=#696969 border=1 spacing=1 padding=1 width="900"><tr><td>Quick Picks

Kevin Jones Vs The Coop

The Ivanoff Brothers Vs Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

Stevie Stoat vs Daniel Black Francis

Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson

Danny Patterson Vs Wade Orson

Hot Stuff Vs The Defence Force

Jonathan Faust Vs Adam Matravers

Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel


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A really nice dynasty you have there! Very enjoyable to read, very exciting and well-planned. That said, I've to admit that I still have some problems to 'get' some characters, but that's probably because I'm not familiar with 21CW and therefore this circumstance surely will alter soon.


Both graphically and contentswise great work so far (:


Thank you, again, for your support. Sorry that the results have been late this week, but getting back to work after the holidays was a little more hectic than I'd hoped. Hopefully, things should be back to normal now going into the new year so with luck I can crack on and really get things rolling with this. I'm happy to have reached the Pay Per View as some stories really start to kick up from here, plus we have the build up to the biggest PPV of 21CW's year, World War!

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Just caught up, and I'm going to join everyone else in saying that I'm loving this - please keep up the great work!


Predictions hmm ...


Kevin Jones Vs The Coop

You look like you're trying to build the Coop up, and I am personally not a fan of Jones anyway


The Ivanoff Brothers Vs Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

Stab in the dark. My gut feeling is the Ivanoffs won't retain


Stevie Stoat vs Daniel Black Francis

Been a DBF mark since the first time I loaded up TEW08


Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson

Not sure about this one, but I think Cornell's had more build up


Danny Patterson Vs Wade Orson

Love me some Wade, so hopefully this goes his way.


Hot Stuff Vs The Defence Force

Big fan of Jay B and the Barcelona Bull, so they get my vote.


Jonathan Faust Vs Adam Matravers

Phoebe-related shenanigans?


Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel

Just hoping this is the case, really, because I love a happy ending!

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Kevin Jones Vs The Coop

The Ivanoff Brothers Vs Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

Stevie Stoat vs Daniel Black Francis

Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson

Danny Patterson Vs Wade Orson

Hot Stuff Vs The Defence Force

Jonathan Faust Vs Adam Matravers

Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel

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Kevin Jones Vs The Coop


Coop just turned face, and seems to have a lot more momentum behind him.


The Ivanoff Brothers Vs Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride


This probably won't happen, but I could see the faces scoring an upset victory after the Heel teams turn on each other.


Stevie Stoat vs Daniel Black Francis


Stoat beats a weakened DBF, but the feud continues.


Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson


Eddie winning sets him up for a title match with Dark Angel


Danny Patterson Vs Wade Orson


Why not.


Hot Stuff Vs The Defence Force


This could go either way, but I'll take the faces to win here.


Jonathan Faust Vs Adam Matravers


The feud still has legs, so I think the master of mindgames will take this match.


Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel


Thompson could win this, but it feels to me like you're setting up Eddie as the next challenger so I'll have Dark Angel retain.

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Kevin Jones Vs The Coop

The Ivanoff Brothers Vs Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

Stevie Stoat vs Daniel Black Francis

Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson

Danny Patterson Vs Wade Orson

Hot Stuff Vs The Defence Force

Jonathan Faust Vs Adam Matravers

Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel




As a fellow UK C-verse dynasty writer, i am following this closely.

Keep up the good work.

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Thanks for all the predictions guys; I had feared the card had fallen under the raidar after the posting of the last show, but didn't want to bump the thread without good reason.


A lot of interesting theories on how things will go, it should be fun to see how the card turns out once written out in full. Should be up within the next 48 hours or so, so I hope you all enjoy!

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I really like The Coop, as the way you turned him seems relatively perfect to me and he now got a whole bunch of momentum on his side. Also love the way you involve so many characters in the title race, you present your dynasty and your shows... it's great fun to read your shows and - especially - the well-written blog entries, so go on like that (:
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Kevin Jones Vs The Coop

The Ivanoff Brothers Vs Absolutely Flawless Vs The Pride

Stevie Stoat vs Daniel Black Francis

Edward Cornell Vs Harry Wilson

He seems to have more about him that Wilson

Danny Patterson Vs Wade Orson

I really like Patterson

Hot Stuff Vs The Defence Force

Jonathan Faust Vs Adam Matravers

Expect it to continue...

Joss Thompson Vs Dark Angel


Very enjoyable so far especially JD's blogs.

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