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[Thunderverse] Gureisu Pro, Wrestling is Fun!

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Tony Pearce vs Riddle

The Infestation (Red Beetle & Blue Beetle) vs The Commander and The Titan

Leroy Winters vs Devon Homicide

Weird Science (Doctor Euan Reeka & FinEATo) vs Mercenaries Inc. (Blaize & Devastation)

Chloe Bourel vs Kristopher Bryant

The Infestation (Green Beetle & Brown Beetle) vs DISCO Fox & RIKU

Gureisu Dream Pair Championship Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service (Sir Thomas & Oliver III) © vs ???

Blue Beetle vs Artemis

Adam Manchester vs Joey Sleaze

Gureisu Championship Match

Cameron Cody © vs Scott Seal


BONUS POINT! : Guess which team got the title shot. Options are The Infestation, Weird Science, Black Science and Pieces of The Puzzle.

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Tony Pearce vs Riddle

Pearce is the singles guy so he goes over.


The Infestation (Red Beetle & Blue Beetle) vs The Commander and The Titan

If I remember right Red Beetle was a rookie guy so I have heels going over.


Leroy Winters vs Devon Homicide

I would assume that Winters is more important at this point.


Weird Science (Doctor Euan Reeka & FinEATo) vs Mercenaries Inc. (Blaize & Devastation)

Black Science makes their presense felt.


Chloe Bourel vs Kristopher Bryant

To be honest I don´t have much idea about how skilled Chloe is so I go with guy I known better.


The Infestation (Green Beetle & Brown Beetle) vs DISCO Fox & RIKU

Higher on the ladders.


Gureisu Dream Pair Championship Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service (Sir Thomas & Oliver III) © vs ???

I go with Weird Science as their mystery opponents but which ever team it is I doubt we see a title change just yet.


Blue Beetle vs Artemis

I had Beetle´s losing elsewhere so guess I need to give them a win back here.


Adam Manchester vs Joey Sleaze

Sleaze seems to have more important role right now.


Gureisu Championship Match

Cameron Cody © vs Scott Seal

Will be a good match but I don´t see Seal getting the title.


BONUS POINT! : Guess which team got the title shot. Options are The Infestation, Weird Science, Black Science and Pieces of The Puzzle.

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Tony Pearce vs Riddle

The Infestation (Red Beetle & Blue Beetle) vs The Commander and The Titan

Leroy Winters vs Devon Homicide

Weird Science (Doctor Euan Reeka & FinEATo) vs Mercenaries Inc. (Blaize & Devastation)

Chloe Bourel vs Kristopher Bryant

The Infestation (Green Beetle & Brown Beetle) vs DISCO Fox & RIKU

Gureisu Dream Pair Championship Match

Her Majesty's Royal Service (Sir Thomas & Oliver III) © vs ???

Blue Beetle vs Artemis

Adam Manchester vs Joey Sleaze

Gureisu Championship Match

Cameron Cody © vs Scott Seal


BONUS POINT! : Guess which team got the title shot. Options are The Infestation, Weird Science, Black Science and Pieces of The Puzzle.

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Gureisu Pro Michigan Is Not In Scotland

Held At The Kalamazoo Academy

Attendance – 26 (Our best audience total yet!)


DISCO Fox is out first to open the proceedings on the first Gureisu Pro show outside of Denver. At his heels were Kristopher Bryant and Scott Seal, two men who previously had nothing to do with DISCO. Grabbing a microphone and looking at the crowd with disgust, DISCO Fox began to speak.




DF: “Well Michigan is showing the love tonight isn't it. What's the matter, couldn't take time away from ruining your own lives to watch me ruin Cameron Cody's life? You people don't even deserve to see me tonight. I'm taking it easy tonight. Those beetles are small play. The main reason I'm out here right now instead of enjoying the company of some fiiiiiine honeys is because tonight Fox Enterprises goes global. These two men standing next to me are on the next plane out to Japan to take part in a tour with UPJ. These two men will show what Fox Enterprises has for the world. Soon enough you'll be seeing world class stars here in this two bit promotion, and they'll be operating under my banner. As a gesture of good faith, I managed to convince the Gureisu Board of Directors that it would be in their best interests if one of my men went to Japan a champion. Cameron, don't get used to that belt. Scott's taking it to Japan and when he gets back, that belt comes home.”


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Riddle.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/TonyPearce.jpg


Riddle vs Tony Pearce


  • The opening match to Gureisu's Michigan field trip was a technical minded bout as Tony Pearce and Riddle matched each other hold for hold.
  • Tony Pearce nearly had the match won, taking notes from his tag partner The White Mask and wrenching on a tight Honour Armbar. Riddle broke the armbar and tried to immediately counter with a kimura lock, almost losing via DQ as he ignored Referee Miles Grissom's rope count until just before the count of 5.
  • With Pearce's good arm weakened via the kimura, Riddle stayed in control for the rest of the match, ending the match by way of pinfall after an Impact Buster, shades of the missing Shawn Impact shining through.


Riddle won via an Impact Buster

Rating: 38

http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/BlueBeetle-1.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/RedBeetle2.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/TheCommander-1.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/TheTitanBot2.jpg


The Infestation vs Mercenaries Inc.


  • The Infestation were out first, slapping hands with the fans and looking in general high spirits. The arena lights soon dimmed to a dull red as The Commander came out first and roared “UNLEASH THE TITAN” to people behind the curtain.
  • An impressive specimen of a man-bot came out, the only expression on his face being sheer hatred for Mercs Incs' enemies standing in the ring.
  • The Titan fought most of the match for his team, overpowering both beetles and throwing them around the ring like a ragdoll. At one point he lifted both beetles up for a vertical suplex, stalling them in the air for what seemed like forever before slamming them into the mat.
  • Tagging out to The Commander immediately after this, The Commander picked up Red Beetle and after toying with his limp body for a couple of minutes, he picked him up and planted him on the mat with the Command and Conquer, making a statement that Mercenaries Inc. were back in business.


The Commander and The Titan won via Command and Conquer.

Rating: 41


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/DevonHomicide.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/LeroyWinters.jpg


Devon Homicide vs Leroy Winters


  • Devon Homicide was the hometown favourite here and in a rare showing from him, he acknowledge the crowd support and shook Leroy Winters hand before the match...
  • ...drawing Winters into a false sense of sportsmanship, using dirty tricks to get Leroy onto the ground where Homicide could open up on him, using his body as a proverbial punching bag in the early goings. The assault only stopped when Referee Joe Preston forcibly dragged Homcide off of Winters.
  • From here on Winters slowly got into the zone, using several different holds to slow the tempo down. The tactic worked as Homicide began to get reckless and made small mistakes that allowed Winters to gain an advantage.
  • Any advantage gained proved to be fruitless though as Winter's nemesis Joey Sleaze showed up and began mouthing off again. This distraction allowed Homicide to get to his feet and rush Winters, punching and kicking away at him until he grew bored and finished Leroy off with the 187 piledriver.
  • However, Homicide didn't looked pleased at the fact Joey Sleaze decided to interfere with his match, warning him that if it happened again Sleaze wouldn't be able to walk for a month.


Devon Homicide won via the 187 Piledriver and Joey Sleaze distraction.

Rating: 41


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Blaize-1.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Devastation-1.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/JeffStarfield-1.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/FinEATo-1.jpg


Mercenaries Inc. vs Weird Science


  • Both Blaize and Devastation knew the match was one that wasn't to be taken lightly given the success of their leader earlier on. Devastation tried to laugh off Weird Science but Blaize shut him up with a glare.
  • Weird Science took advantage of their opponent's lack of focus, using quick tags to keep a fresh man in the ring whilst cutting Blaize off from Devastation. It wasn't until FinEATo got over-excited and tried to lift Blaize up for a powerbomb that Blaize got to tag in Devastation.
  • Devastation ran roughshod over both of the smaller men, even going as far as attempting the same suplex The Titan pulled off earlier. Both Doctor Euan and FinEATo had the move scouted though and using science, they managed to generate enough force to reverse the move and drive Devastation into the canvas.
  • After seeing this Blaize shook his head and walked to the back, leaving Devastation confused. Doctor Euan noticed this and waited until Devastation turned around before hitting the Warp Factor: Destroy on him for the surprise win to Weird Science.


Weird Science won via Warp Factor: Destory & Blaize leaving Devastation by himself.

Rating: 26


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/ChloeBourel.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/KrisBryantFE.jpg


Chloe Bourel vs Kristopher Bryant


  • Chloe Bourel came out looking angry at the fact her scheduled opponent was now definitely part of the enemy.
  • Bryant looked more cocky than usual, a hard task, as he swaggered down to the ring. Knowning that he had an edge over Bourel, Bryant asked her if she wanted to lie down and just accept a pinfall defeat. Bourel answered this with a hard kick to Bryant's head.
  • Bryant became enraged at this, screaming at Bourel that she was just a little girl and that she should be at ringside not in the ring. The words only served to anger Bourel more as she kicked away at Bryant, ending the assault with an Axe Kick to the head. Bourel took the opportunity to taunt Bryant, asking him if he wanted to take an easy pinfall before lifted him up.
  • Positioning Bryant so that she was locking in the Canadian Cloverleaf whilst facing the entrance way, Bourel looked to be sending a message to DISCO Fox with the move. However, the funky fox had other ideas and appeared from through the crowd.
  • Helping Bryant to the ropes, who then distracted Referee Joe Preston, DISCO Fox and Chloe Bourel began to argue. Fox soon grew tired and reared back for a Pimp Slap. Knowing what was coming up, Bourel moved out of the way, laughing at DISCO Fox...
  • ...forgetting about her scheduled opponent, who spun her around and nearly decapitated her with an End of The Dirt Road superkick. The pinfall followed soon, with Referee Joe Preston looking suspicious of DISCO Fox's appearance at ringside.


Kristopher Bryant won via End of The Dirt Road.

Rating: 49


Intermission followed. Highlights of the 30 minute break included;

  • The Magic 8 Ball allowing Black Beetle to take the place of Blue Beetle in his match against Artemis.
  • Three hooded men watching Cameron Cody from a the back of the school hall. When noticed, they scurried away. It was almost as if they were scouting Cody for some unknown purpose. Interestingly, they were also watching Black Beetle's movements.
  • Joey Sleaze running away from Devon Homicide, screaming about how if Homicide got him his good looks would be ruined forever. A group of fans encouraged Homicide to get him, even telling him which way Sleaze went to hide.
  • Just before the end of intermission, Doctor Kat A. Strophe came out and declared that Black Science would be this month's challengers for the Dream Pair championships before warning Doctor Euan Reeka that a colleague of hers from Mexico had some VERY good news for her which means VERY bad news for him.


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/DISCOFoxcoatFE.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/RIKUFE.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/BrownBeetle-1.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/GreenBeetle-1.jpg


Fox Enterprises vs The Infestation


  • DISCO Fox looked mildly annoyed to be here whilst RIKU was his same angry self. The Infestation, Green Beetle in particular, were apprehensive and looked cautiously towards the pair as they made their way out.
  • The caution was flung out immediately as RIKU rushed the beetles, punishing them with every blow whilst DISCO Fox looked on in delight.
  • When it came time for DISCO Fox to enter the match, Green Beetle tried something foolish. Plucking up the courage, Green Beetle chopped DISCO Fox right in the crotch. Fox, well known for his resistance to all attacks crotch related, simply laughed in his face before delivering a Pimp Slap from the heavens upon Green Beetle. Picking up his limp carcass, DISCO Fox added salt to the wounds with The Last Dance before allowing RIKU to run straight at El Hijo Del Brown Beetle with the RIKU Rush. No pinfall was needed.


Fox Enterprises won via RIKU Rush KO.

Rating: 37



Gureisu Dream Pair Championship Match


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/OliverCrowlingtonIII-1.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/SirThomas2.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/HombreAranaBS.jpghttp://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/ScorpionBS.jpg


Her Majesty's Royal Service vs Black Science


  • Her Majesty's Royal Service appeared to be a united front, no servants at ringside as Artemis was preparing for his match and Patel was still recovering from his match last month.
  • Black Science, led to the ring by Doctor Kat A. Strophe, hissed at the audience, being particularly angered by one fan who proudly wore a Weird Science t-shirt at ringside.
  • Oliver Crowlington and Scorpion started things off, Oliver stopping Scorpion from going airbourne with a slick series of moves. An abrupt tag to Sir Thomas puzzled both Sir Thomas and the crowd but allowed Scorpion to go on the offensive.
  • Hombre Arana looked dangerous when tagged in, evading most of Sir Thomas' moves and nearly winning the match with a Spider's Web. Oliver Crowlington, perhaps with a change of heart concerning his attitude towards his friend, broke up the submission and rolled Sir Thomas out of the ring.
    • Setting his sights on Hombre Arana, Oliver unloaded with all he had, hitting Arana with a beautiful butterfly suplex before locking on the Prince's Lock. Sir Thomas managed to keep Scorpion at bay, and with nowhere to go Arana tapped out.


Her Majesty's Royal Service won via Prince's Lock

Rating: 44


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/Artemis2.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/BlackBeetle-1.jpg


Artemis vs Black Beetle


  • Artemis passed his employers on the way to the ring, earning a glare from Oliver Crowlington and a warning that he better not let down Her Majesty.
  • Black Beetle emerged from under the ring, with Referee Miles Grissom and the commentary team of Marcus Mitchell and Tony Pearce stumped at how long he had been under the ring for.
  • Black Beetle dominated the match, unsurprising given that Artemis had a change of opponent right before intermission. He tried pleading this fact to get the match called off but no one cared.
  • The same three hooded men appeared again, eyeing up Black Beetle like a piece of meat. He didn't notice them and finished Artemis off with the Dung Roll before rolling back under the ring.


Black Beetle won via Dung Roll.

Rating: 30


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/AdamManchester.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/JoeySleazeFE.jpg


Adam Manchester vs Joey Sleaze


  • Joey Sleaze looked fearful coming out to the ring, cries of “Devon's Gonna Kill You” crying out amongst the 26 strong crowd.
  • Manchester played on this in the early goings, pulling off an arm drag before freezing in place and acting like Devon was making his way out to the ring. Sleaze lept into the arms of Referee Joe Preston with a yelp. Embarrassed by Manchester laughing at him for this, Sleaze hammered away at him, setting him up for The Climax.
  • The Climax never came however as Leroy Winters appeared, brandishing one of Sleaze's many feather boas. Sleaze looked outraged at the fact Winters had managed to get into his personal belongings and started shouting at him.
  • In what appeared to be a regular theme for the night, Manchester waited for Sleaze to regain focus before taking him to the mat amateur style and locking in New England's Finest. Sleaze tapped almost immediately.


Adam Manchester won via New England's Finest

Rating: 34


Leroy Winters stuck around, taking the microphone and staying a safe distance away from Joey Sleaze.




LW: “Not so big now, eh? You see Joey, I've seen a dozen of you come and go. You think you're the first to be calling yourself the next best thing. You're a talented kid, I'll give you that. But this sense of entitlement you've got, this thought that you are the next big thing. That annoys me. You see, I founded Gureisu Pro to showcase the best in young talent. It's no hidden secret that I'm getting on in years. I'm trying to make sure this business is in a good position for when I retire. The only way that can happen is if punks like you are stomped out. So next month Joey, it's you and me. Face-to-face. I'll see what you're made of. Better bring your A-Game son.”


Leaving Sleaze fuming in the ring, Leroy headed to the back.


As does the camera as we see Cameron Cody in the medical room keeping an eye on Chloe Bourel.




CC: “You happy now DISCO? You feel like a big man now? You and your pack of cronies are taking this too far. That's the headcount at what, one person and two beetle for tonight. And now you're sending Scott Seal, a man who only tries to take out his opponents, after me. And all because you flashed the cash. Well newsflash DISCO, I'm taking Seal out tonight. I took out RIKU last month. And next week? I've got my own meeting with our illustrious board members. I'm coming for you DISCO, I swear if it is the last thing I do in this promotion, I will take you down. I will make sure this company is safe from you and your people.”


Cameron grabs his title belt and leaves, psyched up and ready for a war against Scott Seal.




Gureisu Championship


http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/CameronCody.jpg vs http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/ScottSealFE.jpg


Cameron Cody vs Scott Seal


  • No entrances were needed as Cody and Seal came out fighting, brawling their way through the entrance way and all through the crowd. Seal gained the upper hand, throwing Cody down onto a row of empty chairs before picking him up and throwing him into a wall.
  • Seal hurried to the ring and demanded that Referee Miles Grissom start the match, and the 20 count. Cody made it to the ring by the count of 15 and the match officially got under way.
  • Seal was tenacious in his attack, focusing on the weakened ribs of Cody. After a barrage of kicks to the ribs, it looked like Cody would give up but he somehow found the strength to fight on, lookig Seal in the eyes before smacking him with a big right hand.
  • Fighting back to a vertical base, although slowed down by the early goings of the match, Cody took control and used everything he could to make sure the Gureisu championship stayed with him.
  • Seal grew angry and tried to end it with the Reality Plex. Cody managed to break free from the initial German suplex and using the momentum he hooked Seal up before using the Zero G Roll to retain his championship.


Cameron Cody won via Zero G Roll

Rating: 68


Final Show Rating: 56

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Prediction Ladder!


Midnightnick - 7/11

TheEnforcer - 7/11

jhd1 - 7/11

kanegan - 6/11

Zergon - 6/11

MJStark - 4/11


Prediction Contest August - January


Welcome all returnees (and one newcomer in kanegan) to the second prediction contest. This time, the prize will be decided on points, so missing a show may prove to be invaluable! The prize I speak of. Well, the lucky winner gets to decide the 8 of the 16 people to fight in the King of The White Castle tournament in February. Any worker can be picked however titles will be not be on the line. Any worker from associate promotions (Rosters will be given to the winner so that they have a plethora of choices) can be picked as well.


tl;dr : The winner picks 8 participants in the King of The White Castle tournament.


Post-Show Notes


1) My boy DISCO Fox delivers with him and RIKU having great chemistry. RIKU was only scheduled for 3 appearances now I'm finding that he's going to become a mainstay in Gureisu. :D

2) People need to have more faith in science. :p

3) Having a show in an area with 0 pop just so you can have a funny name is NOT a good idea.

4) I have some serious making up to do to Chloe Bourel. She needed to take a loss to further the story. She's not happy with me.

5) As usual, any wrong prediction scores/match results/general things, let me know and I'll fix them semi-sharpish!

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Triple post (Sue me, I run this show. :cool:)


Reader Feedback


I've reached the stage where I am comfortable enough with the dynasty to take any and all feedback. If a mass of people early on had said "We hate this, please die", I probably wouldn't have took this well, similarly if a mass of people had said "OMG MichiganHeroWhoIsn'tReallyFromMichigan, this is the best thing we've EVER read" I probably would have gotten too cocky and tried to be big headed.


So! With the help of the following questions, I want to see what works for you. Don't hold back. If you don't like a character, say so. Similarly, if you love a character, feel free to share that.




What do you like most about Gureisu Pro?


What do you like least about Gureisu Pro?


Is there anything you wish I would do more of?


Is there anything you wish I would do less of?


What day is it?


Are you ever annoyed by me wildly missing deadlines I set myself?


Has reading this dynasty ever inspired you to try out the Thunderverse mod?


Is this an entertaining read?


You can either post replies here in the thread, or PM them to me if you don't want other people stealing your answers. :p

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What do you like most about Gureisu Pro?

Its POW with a crazier roster, what's not to like?


What do you like least about Gureisu Pro?

How much I suck at predicting the cards :p


Is there anything you wish I would do more of?

S'all good


Is there anything you wish I would do less of?

Stealing bits of my alts to make awesome new characters? :p Nah, not really :D


What day is it?

Errrrrrr, Friday? Yeah, I have to go shopping in a bit. Definitely Friday.


Are you ever annoyed by me wildly missing deadlines I set myself?

You miss deadlines?


Has reading this dynasty ever inspired you to try out the Thunderverse mod?

Not really, no. I may have been here first :p


Is this an entertaining read?

See question one ;)

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What do you like most about Gureisu Pro?

The stables, the characters and the sense of fun. Plus, Magic 8 Ball is genius.

What do you like least about Gureisu Pro?

Not being able to read the shows in time to predict!

Is there anything you wish I would do more of?

Shows. This diary is too young to die... :D

Is there anything you wish I would do less of?

Not that I can think of...

What day is it?


Are you ever annoyed by me wildly missing deadlines I set myself?

Like MJ, I hadn't noticed any deadlines. Deadlines are there to be broken after all.

Has reading this dynasty ever inspired you to try out the Thunderverse mod?

Er... :p

Is this an entertaining read?

Absolutely. Fortunately (excluding my own) all of the ThunderVerse diaries at the moment are very entertaining :)

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What do you like most about Gureisu Pro?

Fun characters and great stables.


What do you like least about Gureisu Pro?

Nothing comes to my mind really, this is a great read.


Is there anything you wish I would do more of?

Is there anything you wish I would do less of?

No to both of these, things are just fine for how they are.


What day is it?

Monday, I think. Hey my time management has never been all that good. :D


Are you ever annoyed by me wildly missing deadlines I set myself?

Nope, I didn´t really knew there was any and besides everyone writes with their own phase anyway so deadlines aren´t really needed.


Has reading this dynasty ever inspired you to try out the Thunderverse mod?

No, I already tried it with 2010 and might try it with 2013 too but right now I have hands full with default database and Effverse.


Is this an entertaining read?


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What do you like most about Gureisu Pro?



What do you like least about Gureisu Pro?



Is there anything you wish I would do more of?



Is there anything you wish I would do less of?



What day is it?

The first day of the rest of your life


Are you ever annoyed by me wildly missing deadlines I set myself?



Has reading this dynasty ever inspired you to try out the Thunderverse mod?

Only Verse I play


Is this an entertaining read?

Sure is! :D

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What do you like most about Gureisu Pro?

POW like goofiness


What do you like least about Gureisu Pro?



Is there anything you wish I would do more of?

Weird Science/Black Science rivalry


Is there anything you wish I would do less of?



What day is it?

No idea


Are you ever annoyed by me wildly missing deadlines I set myself?



Has reading this dynasty ever inspired you to try out the Thunderverse mod?

Well, i started using it before reading this so


Is this an entertaining read?


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There will be an event center for the next show tonight but I wanted to take this time to talk about someone that inspired Gureisu Pro in a roundabout way.


I don't know how many of you know this but today marks the second anniversary of the death of "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney. I got into CHIKARA because of Larry Sweeney. I started watching around the time him and Eddie Kingston were feuding and I was immediately drawn in by Larry Sweeney. The way he talked amazed me. One of my favourite moments in CHIKARA is The Colony coming out to the ring, Sweeney is on commentary, and their music pauses. The Colony pauses as well. There is an awkward silence and then Sweeney bursts out laughing. It's hard not to laugh along with him at the absurdity of the situation.


As time went on, my interest in Sweeney never faltered. I never really cared much for Mitch Ryder or Shane Hawke but Sweeney made me care about them. I kinda stopped paying attention to wrestling for a while as the self-conscious "Wrestling Isn't Cool" side of me took over.


Eventually, one day during the summer of 2010, I made my way back to the promised land. And to my dismay, Sweet & Sour was no longer in CHIKARA. I was upset for a while but soon enough I became engrossed in the BDK.


Then the cibernetico. That god damn Cibernetico. Chikara Gen 1 vs the BDK. Chikara have Vokoder on their side, originally one young Timothy Donst being a spy for the BDK against UltraMantis Black. Vokoder comes out, the mask comes off and the man standing in his place? None other than Sweet & Sour himself. Looking back, it's a bittersweet moment. Sweeney came back home, to where he belonged. But it was his last match in CHIKARA. A great moment during the match is when Kingston and Sweeney, two long time rivals, are back-to-back in the ring and fighting off the BDK to help protect the company they love.


I remember the shock when I found out about Sweeney's death. I remember running down the stairs and informing my brother - he got me into independant wrestling by way of his pic fed on another board. I hoped it wasn't true. As I read along a topic on the CHIKARA forums later on, the same sentiment was shared by a lot of fans. Sweeney was one of those people who didn't need to make it to the WWE or TNA. No matter where he went, he always had the crowd in the palm of his hand. I still miss Sweeney. Looking at promos he cut on Youtube reminds me of his passing and makes me sad.




R.I.P. Larry Sweeney (1981 - 2011)








P.S. here are links to moments I talked about earlier and some more Sweeney stuff I like.


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An Event Centre you say! The usual opening montage plays and as it fades out, the host of the Event Centre is there to greet the viewer as always.




MM: "Hello and welcome to your Gureisu Pro Event Center. Last month we had invaded Michigan but don't worry, this month we are back in Colorado at the brand new home of the Clay Lite City Theatre. That's right, we're moving up in the world so now there is no excuse for you to miss the action! Last month in Michigan Leroy Winters threw the challenge down to Joey Sleaze and it has been accepted. Standing by with comments about this match up is the challenger himself.






LW: "Once upon a time Joey I agreed with what you say. When I broke into this sport I found myself in Seattle. And I spoke to Les Gotch to way you speak to me. The end result wasn't pretty but I learned to respect people. You and the rest of that group you find yourself with don't understand the concept of respect. You want it all, you want it now. It doesn't work like that anymore. When WWWE went down, the four pillars went up. And everyone has earned their way into those companies. If I leave the Clay Lite City Theatre having done one thing, it'll be teaching you the art of respect. I promise you Joey, you will respect me."






MM: "And that's not all we have in store for you as we ask Can You Imagine Doing This To A Bear? Also on the card we have tag team action as Cameron Cody and Chloe Bourel team up to face the highly impressive duo of animal-human hybrids in Black Science, DISCO Fox faces Adam Manchester in singles action and we have a big 8 man tag for you as well. It's no secret that Her Majesty's Royal Service and The Infestation aren't fans of each other and this match is sure to be no different in terms of intensity."






http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/BlackBeetle-1.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/BlueBeetle-1.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/BrownBeetle-1.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/GreenBeetle-1.jpg http://i1342.photobucket.com/albums/o765/Wrestlesaurus_X/Gureisu%20Pro/RedBeetle2.jpg


The Infestation Cave is a hub of activity as the camera feed heads to them. Black Beetle is checking some unidentifiable equipment, Red Beetle is pacing around angrily and the other three beetles are in deep discussion. Noticing the camera, Green Beetle breaks off and steps up to address their upcoming match.


GB: "This dance is never ending. You go on a break to defend your belts but somehow you always find your way back to us. And everytime we come up just that little bit short. Everytime there is always something that stops us from winning. But this month, we have the numbers advantage. Red is sitting this one out. You've got the original four. We're a unit. We've trained together since day one. Can you and your boys say the same Tommy? We'll find out in the theatre. Funny thing, I've always wanted to go to the theatre. Better dig out my opera glasses."


Green Beetle goes back to Blue Beetle and El Hijo Del Brown Beetle, snippets of the conversation can be heard. One interesting point is that El Hijo Del Brown Beetle mentions that The Original Brown Beetle is coming to visit soon, sending shock to all the members of The Infestation.






MM: "The Infestation, determined to finally get the win over the combined forces of Her Majesty's Royal Service. Will they be able to do it? Can You Imagine Doing This To A Bear? Join us at the Clay Lite City Theatre to find out!"


Can You Imagine Doing This To A Bear? Quick Picks


Weird Science (Newton Cambridge and FinEATo) vs Tony Pearce & The White Mask

The Commander vs Devastation

Earl Ray Travis vs Anwar Saad

Devon Homicide vs RIKU

Adam Manchester vs DISCO Fox

Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel vs Black Science

The Infestation vs Her Majesty's Royal Service

Leroy Winters vs Joey Sleaze


Predictions are open until Sunday when the show will be posted.

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What do you like most about Gureisu Pro?

The goofiness. It's something akin to ZEN. :D

What do you like least about Gureisu Pro?


Is there anything you wish I would do more of?

Random Cat Noises. :p

Is there anything you wish I would do less of?

No...not yet.

What day is it?

Tuesday the 21st of October, as said by THE FORRRRRCE...

Are you ever annoyed by me wildly missing deadlines I set myself?

I miss more deadlines than you do so no.

Has reading this dynasty ever inspired you to try out the Thunderverse mod?


Is this an entertaining read?

Most definitely




Weird Science (Newton Cambridge and FinEATo) vs Tony Pearce & The White Mask

The Commander vs Devastation

Earl Ray Travis vs Anwar Saad

Devon Homicide vs RIKU

Adam Manchester vs DISCO Fox

Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel vs Black Science

The Infestation vs Her Majesty's Royal Service

Leroy Winters vs Joey Sleaze

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Weird Science (Newton Cambridge and FinEATo) vs Tony Pearce & The White Mask

The Commander vs Devastation

Earl Ray Travis vs Anwar Saad

Devon Homicide vs RIKU

Adam Manchester vs DISCO Fox

Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel vs Black Science

The Infestation vs Her Majesty's Royal Service

Leroy Winters vs Joey Sleaze

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Weird Science (Newton Cambridge and FinEATo) vs Tony Pearce & The White Mask

The Commander vs Devastation

Earl Ray Travis vs Anwar Saad

Devon Homicide vs RIKU

Adam Manchester vs DISCO Fox

Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel vs Black Science

Because you owe Chloe one!;)

The Infestation vs Her Majesty's Royal Service

Leroy Winters vs Joey Sleaze


R.I.P. Larry Sweeney (His Sweet 'N' Sour Inc. stuff with ROH was good also)

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Weird Science (Newton Cambridge and FinEATo) vs Tony Pearce & The White Mask

Real team over random pairing plus you said we need to have more faith on science :p


The Commander vs Devastation

I guess Commander grew tired of Mercenaries losing ways and kicks Devastation out from the group here.


Earl Ray Travis vs Anwar Saad

Coin flip for me, neither guy haven´t done much so far but I know Travis better so I go with him.


Devon Homicide vs RIKU

Homicide seems to be little bit lost into shuffle right now with no storylines for him so I go with RIKU.


Adam Manchester vs DISCO Fox

Bigger name.


Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel vs Black Science

As much as I like Black Science I doubt that they would be established enough to go over Cody.


The Infestation vs Her Majesty's Royal Service

I hate to go this way but HMRS clearly has some inner troubles at the moment and that ends up costing them matches and this would be a good spot for that.


Leroy Winters vs Joey Sleaze

I pretty much always seem to pick Leroy and he just seems to keep losing but he has to win one day so I stubbornly pick him once again :p

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Weird Science (Newton Cambridge and FinEATo) vs Tony Pearce & The White Mask



The Commander vs Devastation



Earl Ray Travis vs Anwar Saad



Devon Homicide vs RIKU



Adam Manchester vs DISCO Fox



Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel vs Black Science



The Infestation vs Her Majesty's Royal Service



Leroy Winters vs Joey Sleaze

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I think I did fairly terribly last time around, so here's hoping for an improvement :D


Weird Science (Newton Cambridge and FinEATo) vs Tony Pearce & The White Mask

The Commander vs Devastation

Earl Ray Travis vs Anwar Saad

Devon Homicide vs RIKU

Adam Manchester vs DISCO Fox

Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel vs Black Science

The Infestation vs Her Majesty's Royal Service

Leroy Winters vs Joey Sleaze

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Weird Science (Newton Cambridge and FinEATo) vs Tony Pearce & The White Mask


The Commander vs Devastation


Earl Ray Travis vs Anwar Saad


Devon Homicide vs RIKU


Adam Manchester vs DISCO Fox


Cameron Cody & Chloe Bourel vs Black Science


The Infestation vs Her Majesty's Royal Service


Leroy Winters vs Joey Sleaze

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