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[C-Verse 97] [HGC/DaVE] Everybody Knows

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Steve Flash hasn't said much so far, nor has he picked any fights bar the early one with Peter Valentine. He's just quietly accumulated victories – twenty to date since his late-July debut – and at Psycho Circus that's put him in a surprising position.


Steve Flash is going head to head with Charlie Homicide with the World Heavyweight Championship on the line.


“So, Steve,” Whistler asks as the two limber up before a tag match pitting them against Homicide and Colossus the week before, “you ready?”


Flash considers for a moment before answering. “I don't usually ask myself that question. I wrestle. Someone wins. More often than not it's me. This would be the big one for me – the biggest stage I'd have taken a title solo on.”


“That's not prepared for Homicide,” Whistler says as a warning. “That slimeball crawls inside your head. There's a reason they call him-”


“-the devil's only saint.” Flash nods. “Yeah, I know. He's smart. Savvy. And he may be better than I've fought before.


“But I'll learn something about that tonight, and I'll know for sure when I wrestle him solo.


“I've had a good year, and I'm not going to psych myself out ahead of this. If I'm not champion this New Year's Eve, there's always being champion by the next, right?”


Whistler considers, and nods his respects.


“Meantime,” Flash continues, “don't look past this match. I know you're busy with the crazies who invaded, but believe me – you do a lot better if you wrestle the match in front of you each time.”











Backstage, we find an area where wrestlers can gather on long benches to watch the action as it unfolds. As the monitors there show the aftermath of the match just finished, in which the Fox Den took on the Demons of Rage, Richie Pangrazzio gathers in front of an assembled group of young tag teams; Young Blood, the Stardusts, the Nation of Filth, the Next Generation, Sweet Sensations, the Alley Cats, and the Mavericks.


“My father was a great teacher,” he says. “That's what made me a great athlete, and made the Vesseys into a championship team.


“What my father never was was an athlete himself. He knew the game perfectly from the outside, and I know it outside and in.


“And it's time I started passing that knowledge along. It's time to take someone under my wing. And I am therefore announcing the Young Tag Team Olympics.


“Over the next little while, you will be facing athletic challenges and obstacle courses both on the shows and around them. The team which does best will get my backing, my expertise. A chance to become All Stars.”



Over the next few weeks, we see the tag teams show their athleticism or strength in a variety of different situations, always as contests.


Young Blood and Sweet Sensations split the contests which are primarily about athletic capacity.


The Next Generation, the Stardusts, and the Mavericks ace challenges on teamwork.


The Alley Cats and the Nation of Filth get an even split on contests of power, strength, and endurance.


It's the games that challenge combinations of the three which make it difficult to predict a winner...


The match between Homicide and Flash is a startling one, mostly hold and counter with sudden outbursts of violence. The challenger builds his offence steadily, mounting a concerted attack which slowly takes a toll on the champion, and when he's ready, he hits the ropes, looking to build momentum for a leaping Flash Bang – and Karen Killer catches his ankle.


He stumbles, but ducks Homicide's lariat. The champion catches him with the next swing, however, and the match goes the way of Homicide for a long while, until Flash counters a powerbomb attempt by dropkicking clear on the lift. He hits the ropes again and delivers a baseball slide that sends Killer crashing into the guardrail outside, then turns back, only to be cut off by Homicide.


Babylon carries Killer away while Colossus takes her place on the outside. Meanwhile, the champion unleashes a volley of punches on Flash in the corner, bloodying him. He rubs his hand across the blood and draws it across his chest, letting loose that high-pitched, unearthly giggle again, and crosses the ring, taking a moment at the opposite turnbuckle.


In an obvious dig at Christian Faith, who he claims is still avoiding him, he rushes across the ring looking for the Leap of Faith – but Flash dodges! Flash Bang! The challenger covers – but Homicide kicks out! A series of suplex attempts and counters ends when Homicide hits a European uppercut to break Flash's offence, then a second which sends the challenger through the ropes and out of the ring.


Sam Sparrow is too busy holding Homicide back to notice the two-handed choke bomb Colossus delivers on the outside. He rolls Flash back in and the champion capitalises, hitting his own powerbomb to be sure before making the pin and retaining his championship.

Shane Sneer usually looks in command of the space in his office, but with all of the Untouchables crowding him, he looks smaller, more concerned.


Regardless, he forges ahead with his comment.


“Christian Faith has a title shot. That's going to be the Malice main event. So no, his tag title defence isn't going to be on the same night.”


“My boys deserve the PPV bonus,” Steadyfast says, a dangerous tone to his voice.


“Hey, if they win, I'll find them some-”


“Killer,” Steadyfast cuts across him, and the man who's become known as Killer Kovach moves fast. Sneer is in a chokehold against the wall mere moments later.


Steadyfast plants his hands on the desk. “The Specialists and the champs. At Malice. Done deal?”


Sneer shakes his head, then visibly stiffens as Kovach tightens the hold.


“One more time,” Steadyfast says. “Your successor might be friendlier. You know?”


Sneer nods, and Kovach releases him. Satisfied, the Specialists leave as Sneer gasps for breath.


Killer Kovach gives him a friendly pat on the back as he goes.

The Specialists start out the next show in the ring, waiting for opponents. As Azaria welcomes people to the show, Kyle Rhodes notes that even they don't know who'll face the number one contenders here, and Goldworthy laments how unfair that is.

Young Blood emerge, and the opening match of the show is a good one, with the Specialists coming out on top when Paul Blood misses a splash on Bryant and Oxford connects with the top rope knee drop.

They take a moment to celebrate when the music of Sweet Sensations hits and they hit the ring at speed. The bell rings, Eugene Williams registers surprise, and another match is on.


Once again, the Specialists manage to eke out a close win, Jackie P succumbing to a One Shot Drop from Bryant. The boy band may be improving, but they're not done yet.


Moments later, the steel guitar of the Mavericks sounds, and as the newest technician team to arrive in HollyWeird head down the ramp, the camera is on the Specialists as they see exactly what's happening. As one, they lie down, waiting to be pinned.


The Mavericks exchange glances; Clark shrugs, going to pin Bryant, only to be rolled up in a flash counter. John breaks it up but Oxford chop blocks him from behind, and a new battle is on; evidently not caring too much at this point, Oxford feints left then goes right, leaving Sparrow unsighted against a discus punch by Bryant.

The referee is down, and the rest of the Untouchables heed the sign. Kovach, Steadyfast and Tornado are in the ring in moments, Tornado feeding Kovach so he can hit his signature shotei palm strike on John, Steadyfast piledriving Clark. Robert Oxford is already climbing the turnbuckles for the famed kneedrop-


The Next Generation are on their way to the ring, and behind them are Shining Force and the Maple Leafs.

The besieged Untouchables get ready to take on these new attackers, while Azaria notes that the Black Serpent Cult and the Vesseys don't seem too bothered here, not having a presence – and then the Nation of Filth, the Stardusts, and the Alley Cats join the brawl.


As the show goes to commercial, the undercard tag teams fill the ring with flying fists as the HollyWeird security crew struggle to restore order.


The following show, the Untouchables march out as the HollyWeird Girls are finishing their routine. Four of them find turnbuckles to relax against; Steadyfast secures a microphone and goes front and centre.


“Very funny, Sneer,” he begins. “And the really funny thing is, it didn't-”

Keep The Faith starts playing over the arena's sound systems, cutting him off. Christian Faith and Liberty emerge, both holding microphones, both wearing their championship belts.


“Oh, that wasn't Sneer,” Faith begins. “That was us.”


“We're not stupid,” the American Outlaw continues. “You two want us worried about being worn down? Well, we'll cope. Because you're gonna take a beating from everyone in the back who looks up to us... everyone in the back who has a problem with you... until the show before.


“I'd say we're coming up even.”


Faith smiles. “And in a fair fight, we'll win. I know, because...” He gestures to the crowd.




The warning is a seriously meant one, but the Untouchables respond to it smoothly. Steadyfast, Tornado and Kovach show up ringside for each and every Specialists match – and there's one every show – until the PPV itself.


Azaria and Rhodes talk about how the Untouchables had seemed like Steadyfast might be losing control after his pursuit of Walker, but point out how well they're unifying around another cause.


“Maybe this is what we keep hearing will happen,” Rhodes says. “Maybe the Untouchables actually are a group who don't get jealous.”

“The man of faith has a challenge,” Charlie Homicide tells us from deep within his derelict armchair-throne. “And the man of faith is confident, yes? Of course. For that is one of the lies told by faith, that belief alone is enough.


“Man of faith, you hold gold already, and you are unfit for what you have; those who come now to take it for you are eager to spill blood in their victory. Eager to return this nation to its founding principles. They may not be upright men, but they understand.


“Your faith misleads you. Your confidence is that of a fool, and it must be destroyed. But I am here for you, man of faith, as I am here for the just and upright men, and as I am here to test those who will fail to become them.


“You will fall, and others will learn from this. And all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.”


At the start of the broadcast for Malice in Wonderland, the tag team championship is the first contest.


Goldworthy assures listening viewers with a sneer that if Christian Faith is any kind of wrestler, he'll be ready by the main event to make a challenge there. Rhodes and Azaria disagree hotly that this might make the main event fair.


The battle is a tough, even contest, with Faith and Liberty showing solid teamwork – though it's as nothing compared to the teamwork their opponents are demonstrating.


On multiple occasions, Oxford or Bryant sacrifice themselves to prevent the legal man taking a telling blow, and on each of those occasions the Specialists are able to turn the tide against the champions.


After about seven minutes, Steadyfast joins the Specialists at ringside. He makes pains to stay well away from the apron whenever one of the champions comes near, raising his hands and backing off, and Azaria comments that he's evidently keen to avoid getting his team disqualified.


Still, whenever his team's corner isn't the focus of action, he's there, talking with the resting partner, offering advice perhaps, a new perspective.


The result is startling; Liberty gets caught from behind by Bryant, who holds him up in the first half of the One Shot Drop – and Robert Oxford connects his top rope knee drop while Liberty's in midair, before the One Shot Drop completes.


Oxford knocks Faith from the apron with a shoulderblock as Bryant makes the pin, and we have new Tag Team Champions.


The Hype's challenge for the International Championship, like Mustafa's attempt to regain his lost Hardcore Championship from Frankie Future, is unsuccessful, although for other reasons.


While the Baddest tried to outplay Future's willingness to bring any weapon to the party, the Hype and Lady Melissa had Giant Redwood scouted. The Hype had promised on multiple occasions during the month Redwood's reign would end at the first defence, and every time they'd come face to face he'd shown that he had some insight, even if honours were even from their physical encounters – Redwood leaving him lying at least once.


Despite that, when it came to the match Redwood was on the back foot throughout as the Hype played rope-a-dope, keeping the giant off balance, striking hard and fast and dancing away, and Redwood's success in connecting was even lower than is usually the case in such matches.


But, with Eugene Williams attending to Lady Melissa after an errant Irish whip on the outside, the Hype was caught from behind by someone else.


The two big men levelled him and left him outside the ring to be counted out, sure in the knowledge that between the two of them there was no way he was answering the ten count – and he didn't.


Redwood promptly got on the mic.


“All you p*****t little punks in the back, all you even worse morons sittin' out there, lissen up,” he declared.


“Think you're funny all you want. Try an' embarrass me all you want. But it don't matter. You can't hold back the unstoppable force. You can't knock down the immovable object.


“Yellowstone and me, we're forces of nature, jack-****s, an' we're better than you. Out-thinkin' us ain't no escape. Just means we gotta hit ya harder.


“We are Parks and Wreck, and we're gonna be here as long as we wanna be. So suck it up.”


After the bout between the Streets brothers and Flash and Whistler, in the semi-main event ahead of Strong vs. Bruce in the cage, Christian Faith awaits Charlie Homicide in the ring.


Homicide comes out with Babylon by his side rather than Karen Killer; Killer, together with Colossus, suffered the wrath of Azrael and Lilith earlier in the night when Karen attempted to recruit the Lord and Lady of the Undead.


The belt is raised and the match is on, opening with an escalating exchange of punches in the centre of the ring. Homicide gets the better of the exchange and presses his attack, but Faith catches the kick, moves in close and improvises a spinebuster.


Homicide takes a moment to recover, then knees Faith in the side of the head, rolls him onto his back, and starts raining down punches. It works for a while, but Faith is able to scramble clear. He baits Homicide in for another attack, meeting him with a big boot as he goes.


The challenger takes over for a while with Faith Hammers, but Homicide falls far enough back off one impact to get separation. He meets Faith's charge well, sending him over the top to the outside.


Babylon sees Faith crash to the mat just a couple of feet away from him. Rather than attack, he watches, impassive. Christian picks himself up and climbs back onto the apron; he ducks Homicide's swing, grabs his head in both hands, and drops, guillotining him across the ropes. Re-entering the ring, he gathers the champion up for a slam, then meets him as he rises with a lariat.


From there, however, Faith's early advantage starts to disintegrate; Homicide's eerie laugh clearly disturbs the challenger, and he uses that to take over.


A volley of punches is followed by a couple of German suplexes and the champion moves into a period of hard-fighting dominance, scoring some near-falls before Christian manages to rally, slipping out of a slam and getting two off a quick roll-up.


Homicide keeps control, however, capitalising on the challenger's tired nature, and somewhere along the way Faith's head crashes off the steel steps. By the time Charlie has him back in the ring, thick scarlet blood is pouring from the challenger's head.


The Devil's only saint gestures to his acolyte, and Babylon snatches the championship belt from the timekeeper. As Homicide has done multiple times now, he holds his bleeding opponent over the belt's faceplate, spattering the gold with blood. This time, however, Faith delivers an elbow to his guts, then grabs his head, sweeps the leg, and spikes him hard into the mat.


Homicide kicks out, but the blood staining Faith's headband appears to be the trigger he needed, and he takes total control of the contest in the following minutes, dominating the battle so thoroughly that when he connects with a Leap of Faith the conclusion is absolutely forgone; HollyWeird is a year and two months old, and has its third World Heavyweight Champion.

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*golf clap*


EDIT: Also did you mention who the other two members of the Fox Den were? I could've sworn you said it was John and Clark Maverick, which would be their presumed gimmicks after the unmasking. Also, awesome gimmick name for Raven Robinson. I know I've said it before but HOMINAHOMINAHOMINAHOMINAHOMINAHOMINAHOMINA

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*golf clap*


EDIT: Also did you mention who the other two members of the Fox Den were? I could've sworn you said it was John and Clark Maverick, which would be their presumed gimmicks after the unmasking. Also, awesome gimmick name for Raven Robinson. I know I've said it before but HOMINAHOMINAHOMINAHOMINAHOMINAHOMINAHOMINA


I did not say those are them, and they are not. Someone PMed me guessing both of them right, so the answer is definitely guessable.

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The War To Settle The Score is set to close out February in HollyWeird, and with tempers at an all-time high, it's never been more needed. So what's on the agenda?


First up is the first of two caged matches of the evening. On one side, Azrael, supported by Lilith. On the other, the man who knows the Lord and Lady of the Undead best, 'Sidewinder' Ricky Dale.


Lady Melissa's clients, the Hype and the One Percenters, have agreed to face Richie Pangrazzio and his new clients, the winners of the Young Tag Olympics, in eliimination play. Will their experience together triumph?


In four-way tag wars, the Vesseys are looking to deal with threats from both the Hustlers and the Alley Cats - but they have allies, as Aaron Mustafa and Dark Angel are teamed up with their eyes doubtless set on the Hustlers.


Eight-man competition to follow, as Peter Valentine, Charlie Thatcher, and the tag team Heavy Duty face off with the targets of Valentine's recent bullying; Dark EAGLE, Duane Stone, and Mucha Lucha.


Four cruiserweights will then vie for the right to challenge the Human Arsenal for his Cruiserweight Championship next month in elimination style; 'Cali Kid' Mario Heroic, 'Darkness Personified' Tayler Morton, 'Ultimate' Blue Sky and Ramon Paez are all hoping to take the next step forward in their career.


Rip Chord's Submission Challenge makes its PPV debut. Following the chaos of last week's show, he's finally issued a specific challenge rather than an open one, and we can confirm that Monty Walker has accepted.


And after that, a real treat as the HollyWeird Girls take part in the first ever HollyWeird Cheerleaders Strip match, in which two teams of three, dressed as cheerleaders, will attempt to strip the other team to their bras and panties. The Knockout Bombs challenge Victoria's Vixens!


The Fox Den's sights continue to be set higher, and in our next elimination contest they challenge the Just and Upright Men.


Two teams of two tag teams apiece will take each other on, elimination-style, looking to settle the disputes that have built up over the past year. It's the Black Serpent Cult and Next Generation against the Demons of Rage and Powers of Hell in our semi-main event.


And lastly, Cage Wars Rules will be invoked as Bruce's Batallion take on Strong's Army in the war to finally settle the biggest score in HollyWeird history!




Azrael w/ Lilith vs. Sidewinder Ricky Dale



The Hype and the One Percenters (Mayhem Midden & The Night Rider) w/ Lady Melissa vs. Richie Pangrazzio & ???? (???? & ????)



Alley Cats (Brandon & Jack) vs. Aaron Mustafa & Dark Angel vs. the Hustlers (Ernie Turner & Roger Cage) w/ Frankie Future vs. the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey)


Charlie Thatcher, Heavy Duty (Human Arsenal & Jimmy Power) & Peter Valentine w/ Jimmy Power vs. Dark EAGLE, Duane Stone & Mucha Lucha (Electrico & Mr Lucha)



Blue Sky vs. Mario Heroic vs. Ramon Paez vs. Tayler Morton



Monty Walker challenges Rip Chord



Knockout Bombs (Ashley Amazon, Cherry Bomb & Dream Girl) vs. Victoria's Vixens (Kamikaze Kit, Miss Mexico & Victoria)



Fox Den (American Fox, Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Just and Upright Men (Babylon, Charlie Homicide & Colossus) w/ Karen Killer



Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) & Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) & Powers of Hell (BLZ Bubb & Nemesis)



Bruce's Batallion (Bruce, Dusty Streets, Masked Patriot & Sid Streets) vs. Strong's Army (Christian Faith, Liberty, Sam Strong & Whistler)

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Azrael w/ Lilith vs. Sidewinder Ricky Dale



The Hype and the One Percenters (Mayhem Midden & The Night Rider) w/ Lady Melissa vs. Richie Pangrazzio & ???? (???? & ????)



Alley Cats (Brandon & Jack) vs. Aaron Mustafa & Dark Angel vs. the Hustlers (Ernie Turner & Roger Cage) w/ Frankie Future vs. the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey)


Charlie Thatcher, Heavy Duty (Human Arsenal & Jimmy Power) & Peter Valentine w/ Jimmy Power vs. Dark EAGLE, Duane Stone & Mucha Lucha (Electrico & Mr Lucha)



Blue Sky vs. Mario Heroic vs. Ramon Paez vs. Tayler Morton



Monty Walker challenges Rip Chord



Knockout Bombs (Ashley Amazon, Cherry Bomb & Dream Girl) vs. Victoria's Vixens (Kamikaze Kit, Miss Mexico & Victoria)



Fox Den (American Fox, Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Just and Upright Men (Babylon, Charlie Homicide & Colossus) w/ Karen Killer



Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) & Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) & Powers of Hell (BLZ Bubb & Nemesis)



Bruce's Batallion (Bruce, Dusty Streets, Masked Patriot & Sid Streets) vs. Strong's Army (Christian Faith, Liberty, Sam Strong & Whistler)

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Azrael w/ Lilith vs. Sidewinder Ricky Dale



The Hype and the One Percenters (Mayhem Midden & The Night Rider) w/ Lady Melissa vs. Richie Pangrazzio & ???? (???? & ????)



Alley Cats (Brandon & Jack) vs. Aaron Mustafa & Dark Angel vs. the Hustlers (Ernie Turner & Roger Cage) w/ Frankie Future vs. the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey)


Charlie Thatcher, Heavy Duty (Human Arsenal & Jimmy Power) & Peter Valentine w/ Jimmy Power vs. Dark EAGLE, Duane Stone & Mucha Lucha (Electrico & Mr Lucha)



Blue Sky vs. Mario Heroic vs. Ramon Paez vs. Tayler Morton



Monty Walker challenges Rip Chord



Knockout Bombs (Ashley Amazon, Cherry Bomb & Dream Girl) vs. Victoria's Vixens (Kamikaze Kit, Miss Mexico & Victoria)



Fox Den (American Fox, Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Just and Upright Men (Babylon, Charlie Homicide & Colossus) w/ Karen Killer



Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) & Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) & Powers of Hell (BLZ Bubb & Nemesis)



Bruce's Batallion (Bruce, Dusty Streets, Masked Patriot & Sid Streets) vs. Strong's Army (Christian Faith, Liberty, Sam Strong & Whistler)

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Azrael w/ Lilith vs. Sidewinder Ricky Dale



The Hype and the One Percenters (Mayhem Midden & The Night Rider) w/ Lady Melissa vs. Richie Pangrazzio & ???? (???? & ????)



Alley Cats (Brandon & Jack) vs. Aaron Mustafa & Dark Angel vs. the Hustlers (Ernie Turner & Roger Cage) w/ Frankie Future vs. the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey)


Charlie Thatcher, Heavy Duty (Human Arsenal & Jimmy Power) & Peter Valentine w/ Jimmy Power vs. Dark EAGLE, Duane Stone & Mucha Lucha (Electrico & Mr Lucha)



Blue Sky vs. Mario Heroic vs. Ramon Paez vs. Tayler Morton



Monty Walker challenges Rip Chord



Knockout Bombs (Ashley Amazon, Cherry Bomb & Dream Girl) vs. Victoria's Vixens (Kamikaze Kit, Miss Mexico & Victoria)



Fox Den (American Fox, Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Just and Upright Men (Babylon, Charlie Homicide & Colossus) w/ Karen Killer



Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) & Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) & Powers of Hell (BLZ Bubb & Nemesis)



Bruce's Batallion (Bruce, Dusty Streets, Masked Patriot & Sid Streets) vs. Strong's Army (Christian Faith, Liberty, Sam Strong & Whistler)

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Azrael w/ Lilith vs. Sidewinder Ricky Dale

Face wins at the blow-off, Heel continues now that he's got a girl. Unless this feud continues to run, of course.



The Hype and the One Percenters (Mayhem Midden & The Night Rider) w/ Lady Melissa vs. Richie Pangrazzio & ???? (???? & ????)

Has to be. No point otherwise.



Alley Cats (Brandon & Jack) vs. Aaron Mustafa & Dark Angel vs. the Hustlers (Ernie Turner & Roger Cage) w/ Frankie Future vs. the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey)

The also-rans don't get to touch the Vesseys, however good they may be.


Charlie Thatcher, Heavy Duty (Human Arsenal & Jimmy Power) & Peter Valentine w/ Jimmy Power vs. Dark EAGLE, Duane Stone & Mucha Lucha (Electrico & Mr Lucha)

Petey V and the others will win until the end of the feud, and this isn't it.



Blue Sky vs. Mario Heroic vs. Ramon Paez vs. Tayler Morton

Anyone's guess here.



Monty Walker challenges Rip Chord

Yeah but no.



Knockout Bombs (Ashley Amazon, Cherry Bomb & Dream Girl) vs. Victoria's Vixens (Kamikaze Kit, Miss Mexico & Victoria)

Useless non-match, the Faces win.



Fox Den (American Fox, Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Just and Upright Men (Babylon, Charlie Homicide & Colossus) w/ Karen Killer

Charlie Homicide, eh? Yeah. Even off the back of a somewhat humiliating World Title run, he doesn't get to job here.



Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) & Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) & Powers of Hell (BLZ Bubb & Nemesis)

Everyone's a JOBBER to Nemesis.



Bruce's Batallion (Bruce, Dusty Streets, Masked Patriot & Sid Streets) vs. Strong's Army (Christian Faith, Liberty, Sam Strong & Whistler)

Let's see if Sam can eliminate one of his own team this time.

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Azrael w/ Lilith vs. Sidewinder Ricky Dale

Despite this beinga Cage match, I kind of figure that Lilith will be a factor here and that probably won´t help Ricky.



The Hype and the One Percenters (Mayhem Midden & The Night Rider) w/ Lady Melissa vs. Richie Pangrazzio & ???? (???? & ????)

Pangrazzio and his new clients get a win here.



Alley Cats (Brandon & Jack) vs. Aaron Mustafa & Dark Angel vs. the Hustlers (Ernie Turner & Roger Cage) w/ Frankie Future vs. the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey)

I would assume that Vesseys are still the top team on this one.


Charlie Thatcher, Heavy Duty (Human Arsenal & Jimmy Power) & Peter Valentine w/ Jimmy Power vs. Dark EAGLE, Duane Stone & Mucha Lucha (Electrico & Mr Lucha)

I assume that it´s Bowen not Power who´s in this match but regardless, this is a pretty close match up. At the end, I go with faces though simply because I think that Duane and Mr Lucha are big enough names to warrant going over Valentine espesially when he can blame his partners for a loss.



Blue Sky vs. Mario Heroic vs. Ramon Paez vs. Tayler Morton

No idea on this one so random pick.



Monty Walker challenges Rip Chord

Chord is still bit unlikely to lose a lot.



Knockout Bombs (Ashley Amazon, Cherry Bomb & Dream Girl) vs. Victoria's Vixens (Kamikaze Kit, Miss Mexico & Victoria)

No idea part 2.



Fox Den (American Fox, Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Just and Upright Men (Babylon, Charlie Homicide & Colossus) w/ Karen Killer

I would assume that Homicide is too big of a name to lose to Fox Den.



Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) & Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) & Powers of Hell (BLZ Bubb & Nemesis)

I find it hard to go against bubb and Nemesis so I don´t.



Bruce's Batallion (Bruce, Dusty Streets, Masked Patriot & Sid Streets) vs. Strong's Army (Christian Faith, Liberty, Sam Strong & Whistler)

With names like Faith and Strong on the face team, they just look like stronger unit to me even though I´m fully aware that it might not be the case.

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I've been following but I can't honestly say I remember all the interworkings and machinations after the 'dark period' and quicker recaps.

Hence, mostly, I'm just guessing here.



Azrael w/ Lilith vs. Sidewinder Ricky Dale

- Seems that the Lord n' Lady Undead are being positioned higher up the card than a rootin' tootin' cowpoke. This is Hollyweird after all.



The Hype and the One Percenters (Mayhem Midden & The Night Rider) w/ Lady Melissa vs. Richie Pangrazzio & ???? (???? & ????)

- I never bet against ???? but I refuse to bet for Panagopizza. Midden... headbutt!



Alley Cats (Brandon & Jack) vs. Aaron Mustafa & Dark Angel vs. the Hustlers (Ernie Turner & Roger Cage) w/ Frankie Future vs. the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey)

- Because I fear what ribs the Vesseys would pull is not permitted to go over these other punkinheads!


Charlie Thatcher, Heavy Duty (Human Arsenal & Jimmy Power) & Peter Valentine w/ Jimmy Power vs. Dark EAGLE, Duane Stone & Mucha Lucha (Electrico & Mr Lucha)

- Because Jimmy Power is wrestling and managing in the same match! Plus, it is the end of February, everybody loves a Valentine.



Blue Sky vs. Mario Heroic vs. Ramon Paez vs. Tayler Morton

- Because I've always felt Heroic was an underappreciated gem of the CVerse.



Monty Walker challenges Rip Chord

- I love me some Monty Walker but I can't bet about the Resurrection of Rip Chord.



Knockout Bombs (Ashley Amazon, Cherry Bomb & Dream Girl) vs. Victoria's Vixens (Kamikaze Kit, Miss Mexico & Victoria)

- Uh... Dream Girl is the deciding different; KitTorIco for the win.



Fox Den (American Fox, Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Just and Upright Men (Babylon, Charlie Homicide & Colossus) w/ Karen Killer

- Great stable name, and as much merchandise as the Fox Den ships, I refuse to bet against Charlie Homicide.



Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) & Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) & Powers of Hell (BLZ Bubb & Nemesis)

- The Power of Rage go all Demonic Hell Attack on Black Serpent Generation.



Bruce's Batallion (Bruce, Dusty Streets, Masked Patriot & Sid Streets) vs. Strong's Army (Christian Faith, Liberty, Sam Strong & Whistler)

- I'm thinking a feel good win for the HGC crew?

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Azrael w/ Lilith vs. Sidewinder Ricky Dale



The Hype and the One Percenters (Mayhem Midden & The Night Rider) w/ Lady Melissa vs. Richie Pangrazzio & ???? (???? & ????) The Mavericks?



Alley Cats (Brandon & Jack) vs. Aaron Mustafa & Dark Angel vs. the Hustlers (Ernie Turner & Roger Cage) w/ Frankie Future vs. the Vessey Brothers (Bryan & Larry Vessey)


Charlie Thatcher, Heavy Duty (Human Arsenal & Jimmy Power) & Peter Valentine w/ Jimmy Power vs. Dark EAGLE, Duane Stone & Mucha Lucha (Electrico & Mr Lucha)



Blue Sky vs. Mario Heroic vs. Ramon Paez vs. Tayler Morton



Monty Walker challenges Rip Chord



Knockout Bombs (Ashley Amazon, Cherry Bomb & Dream Girl) vs. Victoria's Vixens (Kamikaze Kit, Miss Mexico & Victoria)



Fox Den (American Fox, Fire Fox & Night Fox) w/ Vixen vs. Just and Upright Men (Babylon, Charlie Homicide & Colossus) w/ Karen Killer



Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) & Next Generation (Brent Hill & Bryan Holmes) vs. Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) & Powers of Hell (BLZ Bubb & Nemesis)



Bruce's Batallion (Bruce, Dusty Streets, Masked Patriot & Sid Streets) vs. Strong's Army (Christian Faith, Liberty, Sam Strong & Whistler)

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  • 4 weeks later...


As ever, as the music video ends, there are representatives of the HollyWeird Girls dancing to the tune.


Less usually, the camera's focus doesn't stay on them until the end of the song. Instead, to the accompaniment of highly audible backstage consternation, the feed cuts to the familiar arena corridors the public only ever see on television.


Sam Strong, unconscious, is being loaded onto a stretcher and then an ambulance, his face slick with blood. Shane Sneer, pacing up and down near the stretcher, is frantic, his hair dishevelled from his hands tugging at it.


“Uh, boss, we're live,” someone tells him. He looks in their direction utterly blankly, apparently unable to process that information with the leader of one of the teams in his main event out for the count.


“We're live, boss,” the man says again. Sneer blinks, and seems to snap back into life. “Right. Right. Get Azrael's music playing. Prep the winch operators.”


The orders are relayed by the static of a walkie talkie.


“Boss, what are we going to do about the main event?”


Sneer stares at his unseen questioner again. “He'll be back by then,” he says simply. “He has to be.”

“Larger than life.”


The phrase becomes the announce team's mantra during this match. Sidewinder, as he's become known, and Azrael put on a display of power and brawling that doesn't seem like matches before.


There's no slowdown to this, no minor moves, just power on power, and for these two seemingly supernatural competitors, that seems to make sense.


Sidewinder comes out looking a slightly better warrior; a Southern Justice into the cage wall staggers Azrael, and he crosses to the door for the victory – only for Lilith to slam the door on his head, knocking him out and allowing the Lord of the Undead the victory.

Azrael defeated Sidewinder Ricky Dale

Rating: C+


As the cage is being winched away and the Sidewinder limps up the aisle, JK Stallings emerges for only the third on-air appearance in HGC history. Hw steers clear of the supernaturally-charged wrestlers before making his way to the ring, collecting a microphone from a stagehand with a nod and climbing into the ring.


Obviously nervous, he takes a moment to adjust the fit of his ridiculously expensive leather jacket before raising the microphone to his lips.


“How you all doing tonight?” he asks. There's some response, but he can't drive it too strongly himself, and the prior match has left them lukewarm.


“OK, good. But there's some news coming. The world is going to get better for you guys. I know, because it's getting better for me. I'm excited.


“We're back on Tuesdays now, too.”


That wakes the crowd up and no mistake. Stallings smiles. “Joining HollyWeird Boulevard is going to be a show to make a statement, and that statement is what I promised six months ago; these wrestlers can survive anything.


“So make sure you tune in to HGC Invincible... where the roster will be dividing.


“Too many great wrestlers aren't getting their shots. So I'm splitting the company into two divisions, so the cream has an easier path to the top.”


As the crowd process that news, the feed cuts away, showing a slickly edited montage of the Young Tag Olympics' latest challenges, this one focusing on the teams carrying “weighted cubes” across a lengthy assault course, having to throw them through hoops to their teammates who've climbed to higher levels and so on.


Thanks to a judicious bodycheck on Richard Blood in the final yards, the Nation of Filth win this one.





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The Hype & the One Percenters w/ Lady Melissa



Richie Pangrazzio & the Nation Of Filth

That puts the Nation into this match alongside Pangrazzio. He doesn't seem as happy with that as he might be, but he provides tactical and technical support alongside their power. Early on, the Nation catch the Night Rider on his own, while Pangrazzio scrabbles to intercept any rescue. Stink makes the cover.


Elimination #1: The Night Rider


Moments later, Midden stops trying to go round Pangrazzio and sacks him, giving the Hype the chance to get past. He peppers both of the Nation with punches for a while before Grunt gets through, tossing him out of the ring and heading out after him. Richie tries to calm him down on the outside, and Midden comes through on the distraction, laying Stink out with his piledriver and making the cover.


Elimination #2: Stink


Richie and Grunt look at each other then, and move simultaneously. Grunt shoves the dazed Hype into the ring as Pangrazzio leads the charge and feints, drawing Midden's attention. Grunt throws the biker from the ring, leaving Pangrazzio to pin the Hype off a stalling suplex.


Elimination =3: The Hype


As one, they exit the ring, flanking Midden. Azaria and Rhodes are speculating furiously on whether Richie is just determined to win or whether he's letting his new charges' viciousness rub off on him as they force Midden back into the ring. Stink holds his arms, goading Pangrazzio to fire off some punches, which he duly does before Stink connects a backdrop driver to secure the victory.

Richie Pangrazzio & the Nation of Filth defeated The Hype & The One Percenters

Rating: C


There's a lot of yelling backstage from within Shane Sneer's door. It opens, and someone scrawny and roughly intern-sized in a Sid Streets shirt flies out and crashes into the wall, his nose bloodied.


Steve Flash, approaching the door, looks down at him as Sneer slams his door shut again.


“What happened to you?”


“He – he's feeling a lot under pressure right now...”

Flash shakes his head slowly, then moves to knock on the door – only to find that his path is now blocked by Hollywood Mike Kinsey, with the rest of the Player's Club around him.


Flash sighs. “Again?”


“It's very simple,” Constantino glowers.


Kinsey's grin is more effusive. “Steve, Steve, Steve, you've got potential. I mean, real potential. You could have it in you.”


There is a slightly awkward pause.


Romeo picks it up. “What is it now? Two people who've pinned you down and made you cry uncle? That's still low... very low indeed.


“But you need excitement outside the wrestling world, Steven. And we're willing to take you in. Teach you the ways. Help you find the ladies who'll make your... heart... throb.”


Kinsey grins. “You could have it in you, Steve. Alone, you're a target. In the Player's Club, you're going to have the chance to rule this place. Make headlines. Make the wrestling earth move. Become the nightly delight of millions.


“What's it going to be?”


He chuckles. “It's OK, boys. I don't think I need to speak to Shane quite this urgently.” He heads away, leaving them to it. “See you later.”


The camera cuts to April, who, dressed to compete and holding an HGC microphone, is with a camera crew in what definitely looks like a hospital, looking more than a little irate.


“Good evening,” she says. “I'm April, and I'm here to keep you all posted on Sam Strong's condition.


“We don't have much to tell you right now. He's still unconscious, but they assure me they're trying everything they can to get him back on his feet.”




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Aaron Mustafa & Dark Angel vs Alley Cats


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The Hustlers w/ Frankie Future vs. Vessey Brothers

The Alley Cats' power is impressive, but it's all they have, and in the early going Larry sends Jack into a Vessey Line from Bryan, earning a very early elimination.


Elimination #1: Alley Cats


Meanwhile, the Hustlers are beating down on the Baddest, though it should be noted that he very much is giving as good as he gets. When Bryan gets involved, the Hustlers turn on him, hitting a team DDT, only for Mustafa, as they pop up, to mow them down with a double clothesline.


He hits the corner and tags out, and Dark Angel goes to the top and soars with a beautiful frog splash, connecting on Ernie Turner and scoring the pin.


Elimination #2: The Hustlers


That leaves the Vesseys against the Baddest and the shadowy avenger. The match extends another five minutes, most of it seeing all four men in the ring. Mustafa wows the crowd when he powers out of the Vessey Driver, while the Dark Angel nearly wins when a missile dropkick/bulldog combination takes out both Vesseys. Larry kicks out, however, and the tag team experience of the veteran team tells when stereo powerbombs keep the challengers down.

The Vessey Brothers defeated Aaron Mustafa & Dark Angel, the Alley Cats, and the Hustlers

Rating: C+




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Charlie Thatcher, Heavy Duty & Peter Valentine w/ Jimmy Power



Dark EAGLE, Duane Stone & Mucha Lucha

In stark contrast to the tag wars, this is a battle of power against speed, and for a while, Thatcher and Bowen are even able to keep up with the mostly-masked competitors, though they tire a little more quickly.


Stone and Valentine achieve the impressive trick of appearing to be evenly matched, while Eagle flounders somewhat against the Human Arsenal. The downside for the powerhouses is that that leaves Marcus Bowen and Charlie Thatcher up against Mr Lucha and Electrico, and in the closing moments of the match Electrico nails Thatcher with a stunning springboard moonsault to secure the pin.

Dark EAGLE, Duane Stone & Mucha Lucha defeated Charlie Thatcher, Heavy Duty & Peter Valentine

Rating: C+


The camera cuts back to April at the hospital, though she has her back to the camera and is talking to a doctor some way away. After about thirty seconds, she looks up and returns.


“Hi, guys,” she says. “I'm happy to say that Sam has regained consciousness. They're assessing the extent of the damage now. Dr. Lister here tells me that there's been speculation on what would have been used to do this, and the consensus is that he must have been hit by something beyond anything we've seen used in wrestling to date.


“I'm hoping I'll be able to tell you he can compete tonight.”


The four men each approach the ring in turn, looking at each other, sizing one another up. Paez and Blue Sky stay out of the ring on opposite sides, waiting as Ryan Holland completes a check for concealed weapons on Morton, who's more than earned the suspicion in past weeks.


All of which gives you the state of affairs as it was when Dread heads to the ring. He catches Blue Sky from behind before getting in, leaving him sprawled and shattered after a huge backbreaker.


Entering the ring, he sees “Cali Kid” Mario Heroic charge him and levels him with a single punch while Azaria comments on how those punches have dropped Sam Strong before now.


Morton bails, throwing Paez into the path of the shadow of fear, who picks him up and powerbombs him almost casually.


That seems to buy Morton time, and he skirts the ring, looking to get clear, but Dread catches him with a huge suicide cross body, to the crowd's audible sympathy.


Leaving all of them down for the count before the match ever began, his point apparently proven, the shadow of fear heads back to the locker room without every saying a word.

Rating: NR

The crowd truly come alive here. Walker, recently bereft of his International Championship, wears his DaVE Extreme Championship to the ring with a confident swagger. He's hoping to step up, and it's a very strong performance here if, alas, not quite a star-maker.


Chord tries to control, but the ghost who walks is fast, unpredictable, and what he lacks in honed submission knowledge he makes up for in concerted attacks, starting with a series of kicks to Chord's right shoulder that seem to take his signature DDT out of play as well as other moves.


Wrestling's lethal weapon, however, knows the score. He keeps his cool, he inflicts damage where he can, and when Walker tries one inventive assault too many and Chord evades, he leaves himself open to a sudden flurry of counters, by the end of which Walker has to tap to protect his knee from the pressure of the single-leg crab.

Rip Chord defeated Monty Walker

Rating: A




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Ashley Amazon, Cherry Bomb & Dream Girl vs. Kamikaze Kit, Miss Mexico & Victoria

The objective for these two teams of cheerleaders – one in red and white, the other blue and gold – is simple; eliminate members of the other team by reducing them to their bra and panties.


The strategy for this appears to be divided into technical submissions and violent gusto. Cherry Bomb, in particular, loves to hurl people around in a variety of suplexes. Kit and Miss Mexico combine in submission holds tied to high-flying excellence. It's a good three minutes before anyone loses anything, before Dream Girl eats a flying neckbreaker from Miss Mexico who capitalises, ripping top and then skirt free.


Elimination #1: Dream Girl


Amazon moves to retaliate swiftly, spearing her down and tearing her top open. Mexico squirms free before she can lose her skirt, and then all hell breaks loose, garments flying everywhere. The camera cuts with astonishing rapidity between images of clothing carnage.


Eliminations #2, 3, and 4: Kamikaze Kit, Ashley Amazon, Miss Mexico


Cherry and Victoria settle down into an extended entertaining match after that, Victoria already minus her skirt, Cherry minus her top. Victoria ultimately wins when she counters a powerbomb into a sit-out facebuster and takes advantage.

Kamikaze Kit, Miss Mexico & Victoria defeated Ashley Amazon, Cherry Bomb & Dream Girl

Rating: R


April Appleseed greets the camera with a professional polite smile. “Hello, folks,” she says. “I'm told Sam was administered adrenaline earlier and is now at least somewhat conscious. They're testing his recall, memory, and senses at present, as well as checking for concussions.


“I couldn't say for sure, but it seems really likely to me that Strong's Army will be one man down.”


“What do you think of the divisional split?” Wanda Fish's recognisable voice asks.




“I'm in favour. Maybe Black Cobra will show up on one or another.”




“The Fox Den is beyond petty concerns like a split. We're here to make life safer for everyone. We won't let this stop us.”




“Get out of my face. I've got s**t to do.”




“I came in here doing the best I could. I'm still going to do that this way.”




“I smell more people. I smell more targets.”




“The Future is coming, no matter what. If I lose the Family, I lose the Family. Nothing else changes.”





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Fox Den w/ Vixen


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Just And Upright Men w/ Karen Killer

The bell rings and rules are immediately thrown aside. Babylon and Colossus start double-teaming American Fox, which leads to all three Foxes getting involved simultaneously. Punches and kicks are exchanged for some time before the Den get the upper hand.


After stereo dropkicks stagger Colossus, a triple-team powerbomb puts Babylon down. Night Fox makes the pin; he's mown down by a Homicide lariat moments later.


Elimination #1: Babylon


Fire Fox bundles the devil's only saint from the ring, leaving Colossus free to hit American Fox with his two-handed choke bomb and pick up the pin.


Elimination #2: American Fox


The remaining duos square up, the crowd getting a little excited about what's been building so far. Karen Killer sneaks into the ring behind the Foxes, looking to get the advantage, and is speared by Vixen so hard that one of her boots flies off.


In the ensuing brawl, Homicide clobbers Night Fox upside the head with said boot, but Fire Fox makes the save. Colossus mows him down with a big boot and goes for the Death From Above, only for Night Fox to catch him on the top rope with a springboard enzuigiri, and scramble for the pin.


Elimination #3: Colossus


Homicide, less than impressed, throws Fire Fox into Night Fox, then hits the shadowy avenger with a brainbuster. Fire Fox tries to break up the pin but, unseen by Homicide, is pulled out of the ring by Karen Killer – who promptly eats a bulldog from Vixen.


Elimination #4: Night Fox


Homicide stays on his knees after the pin, head thrown back, emitting that unsettling high-pitched giggle. He starts to rise as Fire Fox soars, catching him with a missile dropkick that sends the former champion ricocheting off the ropes. A slingshot senton confirms the pin.

Fox Den defeated Just And Upright Men

Rating: C+


April's expression is solemn as the camera returns to the hospital.


“It's not great news, guys,” she says. “Not for tonight. Sam can't maintain his balance right now, he was hit so hard. He told me to promise you he'll make it to the main event, but one of the doctors called in the orderlies.”


In the background, a doctor leaves the room behind her wearing a Streets of Rage T-shirt under his white coat.

The Untouchables are gathered backstage, talking in low tones. The Specialists are polishing their belts while Tornado, Kovach, and Steadyfast continue their discussion. The camera keeps moving toward them.


“...no, I think that's going to work,” Kovach says as the camera mic reaches audibility. Steadyfast nods. “We just need to make sure we're together. Then whatever the split, we can take over.”


Tornado chuckles. “I guess we're choking Sneer out, then.”


“Or Stallings,” Steadyfast shrugs. “Let's hustle. We've got some things to find out before Tuesday. Some stuff to do.”


“Did... did they just say they were willing to choke the owner?” Rhodes asks, disbelievingly.


“See, these guys understand what the business takes,” Goldworthy enthuses.






Black Serpent Cult & Next Generation



Demons of Rage & Powers of Hell

Power against technique, strength against strong style... There's never going to be definitive answer, but these eight men try very hard to provide one. For the first ten minutes there are no falls – the tags are rapid, particularly among the Cult and the Next Generation, and rescue is always possible.


But a match with so many competitors will always break down sooner or later, and in the middle of the chaos, Bryan Holmes tries for an elbow drop on a downed Nemesis. It connects, but winds Holmes, too, who is promptly yanked off his quarry and curled into a pin by Bubb.


Elimination #1: Bryan Holmes


Having lost one man, the Cult and Hill have a harder time making tags, recovering between them, hitting back, and it begins to take its toll. Hill manages to weather an onslaught of blows from Bubb, even transitioning to the Complete Package submission. The Cult spring into action, holding their opposition back, and Bubb fights, and fights... his hand wavers...


Nemesis ducks in to make the save while the Cult fight the Demons.


He pulls Hill up and Bubb tries for the Hades Bomb, but can't. Brent tries again – Nemesis Arrow!


Elimination #2: Brent Hill


“This looks bad,” Azaria says. “Two on four is hard for anyone. Are the Cult finally losing their step?”


“Why blame the Cult?” Rhodes replies. “The Generation are the ones who are out.”


“But it's the Cult who didn't realise what was happening to Brent. They used to be one of the most aware teams there were. And that's a chink in their armour.”


“Shut up, you two,” Goldworthy cuts in. “These goody-two-shoes good-for-nothings are about to learn a harsh lesson and I want to savour every minute of it.”


Bubb bails from the ring, nursing his arm. Nemesis eats a brutal roundhouse kick which, on top of the elbow he sustained earlier, sees him bail from the ring too. The Demons are without remorse, however, and Viper is grabbed and hoisted for the Double Demon Down – only for Cobra, hitting the ropes, to chop block Spite! Viper catches Anger on his way down with a high momentum DDT!


Elimination #3: Demon Anger


Spite pushes himself back to his feet with a furious roar, taking Cobra down with a lariat and bulling a recovering Viper into the air with a backdrop. He plants his feet and roars again to the heavens, then turns and grabs Viper, hitting a belly-to-belly suplex before looking around.


There's a moment of clear frustration as he starts reflexively setting up a Double Demon Down before realising Anger isn't there. In response he hits a backbreaker and tags out.


Nemesis ducks Cobra's kick, hits the ropes, and comes off with a football tackle. Throwing Cobra from the ring, he grabs Viper and goes for the Nemesis Arrow, only for Viper to slip free.


He unleashes a volley of strikes, driving Nemesis back into the corner, and goes for a superplex, only for Nemesis to elbow free, grabbing him by the head and jumping in a super neckbreaker. A quick pin!


Elimination #4: Viper


That leaves Cobra on his own against three, and he won't get much respite – as the pinfall is counted, Bubb presses him over his head and tosses him into the ring. He staggers up, cutting off Nemesis' punch, and grabs the arm, hitting a short-arm lariat then dragging Nemesis up, twisting the arm again, and delivering another. He pulls him up again; another follows.


With nobody to tag out to, he has to pause for a moment, recovering his breath – and Nemesis finds discretion the better part of valour, diving for the corner and Demon Spite, who explodes into the ring with a charge and a headbutt, then another, then – Cobra ducks back out of reach, kicking him in the gut and buying some time.


Spite goes into his flex-and-roar routine, and Cobra stays unfazed. Both men look at one another, then fall backwards, hitting the ropes.


The double lariat cleans both men's clocks. Bubb clambers into the ring and pins Cobra, but neither man recovers from the impact before the ref has counted three...

Demons of Rage & Powers of Hell defeated Black Serpent Cult & Next Generation







Bruce's Batallion



Strong's Army

It's Liberty and Sid Streets who start. Liberty looks to overpower in the early going, while Sid demonstrates speed and ring savvy to control their exchanges. Outside the ring, the coin toss for who next puts a man in takes place, but neither wrestler bats an eyelid or breaks stride; their focus is and has to be on one another.


Four minutes in and Liberty manages to gain the upper hand, sidestepping a kick and throwing a punch before yanking Sid in close to hit a spinebuster. He follows that up with a standing elbow drop and a suplex as the five minute mark sounds and Eugene Williams opens the cage door.


In comes the Masked Patriot. “Oh, that's all we needed!” Azaria exclaims. “These guys have a man advantage, and now every time they've got an advantage in there, too? Come ON!”


Liberty turns to face the Patriot and holds his own until Sid enters the fray again, his boot catching Liberty by surprise with a blindingly fast superkick. Patriot and Sid high-five and start going to work with a will, and while the lone star rebel fights back as best he can, the others have too great an advantage to be easily denied.


Another klaxon brings Christian Faith in to help, however. FAITH HAMMERS FOR EVERYONE! Patriot and Streets are set reeling by his determined, fresh assault, and he presses his advantage, whipping Patriot into the steel, then the same for Sid. He helps Liberty up and the two pick a target apiece, two separate slugging wars breaking out in the ring as time ticks down.


Liberty and Faith fall back-to-back as the klaxon sounds again, getting ready to fight off a renewed assault as Dusty Streets enters the ring. The three former invaders circle them, facing off confidently. Patriot feints in. So does Sid. Dusty catches Liberty before he can reorient and the pair's guard is broken.


Shortly after that they become overwhelmed. Faith and Liberty get enough of a breather to knock the Streets' head together, but Patriot is right there with a double shoulderblock. They shut down Patriot's offence with sheer power, but Sid flies in while they're busy with a blindside bulldog. Sid falls to a Faith Hammer, but Dusty low blows Liberty and turns the momentum.


With the penultimate klaxon Whistler enters the ring, and Louis Williams eggs him on from outside. Sid charges him; Whistler blocks the punch, boots to the gut, whips him to the ropes and catches him with a twisting powerslam. Dusty nails him from behind, only for Whistler to shrug it off, the fresh man that he is, and set up a Rebel Yell.


He pops up, punching the air, and the crowd begin to get behind him as the Masked Patriot attacks. They trade blows for a few moments, but Whistler's much fresher; he shrugs off two, then three, of Patriot's punches, daring him to keep going, then traps the arm, shutting him down with a volley of shots of his own.


Patriot crumbles as Sid comes in to rescue him; Whistler cuts him off. Onto the shoulder. Powerslam! Dusty closes, putting the boots to the fighting Philadelphian. Whistler cuts him off. Onto the shoulder. Powerslam! Patriot, half-recovered, tries a lunge. Whistler cuts him off. Onto the shoulder. Powerslam!


He turns to the crowd, raising his fist in the air, calling for and getting their approval. Sid tries again, but Whistler cuts him off. Onto the shoulder. Powerslam! And then...


Then the klaxon sounds, and Bruce steps easily over the top rope. The fans can feel Whistler's momentum start to crack, but he doesn't let the giant get him down; hitting the far rope he comes in with a Rebel Yell. Bruce is staggered, but never leaves his feet. Whistler tries to hoist to the shoulder, but Bruce shoves him away and meets him with a hard right as he turns.


He surveys his surroundings; Whistler punch-drink, Liberty's face dripping in blood in the corner as he recovers, Christian Faith pulling himself up by the ropes, beckoning Bruce on.


“Whistler bought his teammates time to recover,” Rhodes exults. “But can it be enough?”


Bruce takes two steps before Faith explodes off the ropes with a desperation Leap of Faith. It's the biggest impact anyone's had on the giant in his time in HollyWeird, but even that doesn't take him off his feet. Almost lazily, he picks up Faith in both hands, pressing him up and tossing him into the ceiling, then catching him again.


And the klaxon sounds.


“That's adding insult to injury!” Azaria exclaims. “Must be automated – wait-”


Steve Flash is sprinting down the aisle. He meets Eugene Williams on the outside, exchanging words, then grabs the key from the ref and unlocks the door. Entering, Flash climbs to the top rope and launches off in a legdrop which puts Sid back on the mat. He's met by the eager boots of the Masked Patriot, just as Liberty, surging forward in a sudden access of hope, catches Bruce with a hard forearm to the back of the thigh.


The giant loses his grip on Christian Faith, and the man of faith and Liberty combine against him, throwing punches, chops, forearms, everything they have.


Flash blocks a Patriot attack and smashes him face-first into the steel, as Whistler breaks free of a Dusty Streets bearhug. He shoves Dusty into Flash's hands, joining Faith and Liberty in an assault on Bruce. The giant is stunned, but it's hard to imagine him being taken out of the match. He remains the trump card.


And then Faith calls for it. As Flash and Dusty vie for position in the corner, Faith, Liberty, and Whistler unite – and, united, the three powerhouses acting in concert, they suplex Bruce!


Flash evades a chop from Dusty, hitting the Flash Bang, and Liberty catches Masked Patriot with a Liberation Slam. Then the four men who make up 'Strong's Army' look at one another for a long moment and, as one, pile onto Bruce.


Between the four of them they keep his shoulder to the mat for the pinfall.

Strong's Army defeated Bruce's Batallion

Rating: B+



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Dread looks at the camera for a moment, his expression deadpan though his eyes are twitching. He rises and drives his fist into the wall behind him, then returns to his seat.


“So the word had come down from J.K. early in ninety-seven that we were going to take the old TWL concept, the Cage Wars, and we were going to have a PPV main event built around it,” Rip Chord says. “And we decided, around then, that we'd keep the PPV names standardised month to month and we'd do it at The War To Settle The Score, and we'd build that PPV around multi-man wars.


“OK, so fine. It's a bit of a gimmick, but we can make that work. TWL had a cage war once a year, and almost always the same time of the year. Nobody cared, you know. And the other multi-man matches? It's not like wrestling doesn't lend itself to them. So that was fine.


“Around October the bookers sat down and talked about who'd do it, and Nemesis actually held up his hands and said, you know, there's no way he could build a tag teams conflict into the same peak that the invasion had been, so if the Invasion war was still going, that would be a hell of a blowout.


“Well, that got decided. So it's obviously Dusty, Sid, Bruce, and Patriot on one side. And on the other, well...”


Whistler sighs. “...Yeah. So I was still in the program, because with how it had started I couldn't not be – I mean, if you look at my career since then, more often than not I've been either wrestling those guys or working programs that remind people of that one.


“Liberty, same thing. So we were a lock, and with all the top heels tied up one way or another, putting the champ in with us made sense.


“And the guy who'd been trying to topple Bruce for months, Sam Strong? Well, he was the only fourth man who made sense. So around December, when Marketing was getting posters ready, his name got put in, I want to say Dread said to? Sam wasn't around when they called. I think it was Dread. It might even have been Bruce.


“It wasn't until February that we figured out that Sam wasn't happy with the idea.”


“Booker's prerogative is to look good,” Dread tells the camera, his point made with a firm stare. “I've got no problem with that, especially when I was pretty much coasting at the time. Hands up to it, I let the Lucha program kinda fizzle. When he pinned me it didn't mean what it should.


“Thing is, booker's prerogative only goes so far. He didn't want to drop the title. He didn't want to look bad in multi-man matches. I forget when it was, but there's a point where he tried changing the finish of a TV main event, and if you watch it back – someone online will be able to tell you – you can see what happened, because what happened is I knocked him out and we got on with the old finish.


“Sam wanted to get the blowoff match on that one, but he didn't want to be in a cage with Dusty, because there was a real chance Dusty would put the hurt on, and Sam wasn't doing that around then.


“We didn't know what the finish was going to be until the day, and what happened was Stallings caught wise.


“Smarter kid than I thought, you know?”


“J.K. was on hand to do the announcement of the split,” Rip remembers. “But after the last time he'd showed up had had all that trouble, he had his eye out for something like that. So the plans all change.


“It's not going to be Sam, he can be injured. It's going to be Steve, because the kid really dug Steve's work and he was hot, he'd been beaten about once, and THAT was by the champion.


“And it's not going to be possible to blow the whole thing off next month, because the kid was sick of this crap. So the invasion force, which wasn't really an invasion force anymore anyway, were going to be split between brands.


“Sam came up with the doctor crap so he at least had a feud going forward, but, you know, seriously.” Chord shrugs. “And instead of sticking with tag team versus singles guy, Nemesis and Strong get a show each.


“Which meant that after the show ended, the kid, Nemesis, Sam, me and Christian sat up all night. Which was sort of settling who got what guy and who had dibs on what rookie from LSW, and sort of getting the kid drunk to see what he was made of.”

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DaVE Presents: Danger Zone TV


We brought the Danger Zone to Puerto Rico, and the heat turned right up! On Monday's broadcast, look for words from Bliss State, fighting talk from champion Monty Walker, and action with highlights from matches featuring DaVE warriors like Acid, Derek Barnes, and a tag team title bout between the Rebellion and the New School's finest!


If you haven't been to the Danger Zone, this will show you why it's the must-visit destination of the year.


Prediction Key:


The Darkness Warriors (Jay & Raul Darkness) vs. Archangel & Jack Griffith


Derek Barnes w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell


The Mayhem Express (Eclipse & Phantom Zero) vs. The New Wave (Guide & Scout)


Lucky Jiggles vs. Metal w/ Professor Nero


True Originals (Kurt Laramee & Johnny Highspot) vs. Wild Beasts (American & Mexican Beast) w/ Miss Bliss


Acid w/ Miss Bliss vs. Stuart Ferdinand w/ Easy Emma


DaVE Tag Championships

The Rebellion (Miyamae & Shimedzu) © vs. Tommy Cornell & Troy Tornado w/ Easy Emma

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Who's got Puerto Rican Power?



The Darkness Warriors (Jay & Raul Darkness) vs. Archangel & Jack Griffith

Derek Barnes w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell

The Mayhem Express (Eclipse & Phantom Zero) vs. The New Wave (Guide & Scout)

Lucky Jiggles vs. Metal w/ Professor Nero

True Originals (Kurt Laramee & Johnny Highspot) vs. Wild Beasts (American & Mexican Beast) w/ Miss Bliss

Acid w/ Miss Bliss vs. Stuart Ferdinand w/ Easy Emma

The Rebellion (Miyamae & Shimedzu) © vs. Tommy Cornell & Troy Tornado w/ Easy Emma

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Great material as usual PS. Interested by Stallings finally cracking the whip a little and powerplaying a power player in Strong. Strong being kayfabe injured twice in 2 years is also quite hilarious. I also noticed that Strong getting dropped by a Dread punch thing during the timeskip, but to see it was a shoot instead of an angle where Dread secretly had brass knucks or something is real interesting cause it begs the question of just how far a star can go in terms of pushing the limits of what the "power structure" would allow. I mean, Dread could be fired at least twice by now but hes sticking because.......JK doesn't give a damn? Or does, but thinks shitcanning Dread would hand him back to Supreme?
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The Darkness Warriors (Jay & Raul Darkness) vs. Archangel & Jack Griffith


Derek Barnes w/ Phil Vibert vs. Teddy Powell


The Mayhem Express (Eclipse & Phantom Zero) vs. The New Wave (Guide & Scout)


Lucky Jiggles vs. Metal w/ Professor Nero


True Originals (Kurt Laramee & Johnny Highspot) vs. Wild Beasts (American & Mexican Beast) w/ Miss Bliss


Acid w/ Miss Bliss vs. Stuart Ferdinand w/ Easy Emma


DaVE Tag Championships

The Rebellion (Miyamae & Shimedzu) © vs. Tommy Cornell & Troy Tornado w/ Easy Emma

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