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Skym: Putting the 'S' in Sports Entertainment [Thunderverse]

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Going into 2013, PWI was riding a wave of momentum, and while I knew I hadn’t slayed Sports Entertainment, I thought I had dealt it a decisive blow…#$%@ was I wrong…


-Shane Allman, excerpt from ‘Skym is Scum: How One Man Ruined Wrestling’


Present Day


The blaring scream of the alarm clock jolted me out of one of my recurring dreams (the one where that rotten bugger Nagata took the cheese grater to my gut), my hand slapped down on the snooze button and rolled my fat posterior out of bed, grunting and scratching at my boxers. Trundling my merry way out of my bedroom and into my dining room, I poured a cup of tea and sat back, giving a sigh. Around that time I had my second annoying electronic sound of the day, this time my cellphone making its presence known with a lovely rendition of ‘Joy to the World’ by Three Dog Night.


With a grunt, I shuffled back to my bedroom and grabbed it off my bedside table, pulling it to my ear.


“Morning, Zeke.”


“Happy new year, Casey!” The nasally voice on the other end of the phone halfway chirped, good old Zeke Trillion, possibly one of the biggest pains in my ass since I started this job, “I hope you’re doing well, sorry I didn’t see you at the party last night, but listen, I have GOT to speak with you about how the AWF is going this far. You’ve been a godsend after that ingrate, King, but we need a lot more if we’re going to crush that -*large torrent of curse words*- Allman, you see I’ve got these ideas-“


“Hang on, Zeke,” I stretched out, Zeke interjecting himself into creative never meant something good, “I appreciate the enthusiasm, but don’t you think we should hash this all out in person?”


“Oh, yeah, right! Be at my mansion in four hours, we’ll do lunch!” Before I could tell im about my breakfast, he hung up.


I sighed, sitting down on my bed, it was going to be a long day...


Skym: Putting the ‘S’ in Sports Entertainment.

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Key Features



Heavy Features

Traditional, Cult


Medium Features

Risque, Comedy


Low Features

Modern, Realism, Hardcore, Daredevil


AWF Roster






Mountain Albert

Finisher: Mountain Top Splash

Alignment: Heel

Managed by: Nikita



Timothy Hawk

Finisher: Justice Slam

Alignment: Face



Drake Richards

Finisher: Top Rope Rushmore

Alignment: Face




Finisher: Ten Storey Chokeslam

Alignment: Face



Jean-Claude Giroux

Finisher: Playboy Press

Alignment: Heel


Upper Midcard




Finisher: Korah’s Parable

Alignment: Heel



Vincent I. Parker

Finisher: Outta the Park

Alignment: Face




Finisher: Herculean Slam

Alignment: Heel

Managed by: Owen Money

Affiliation: Gold Inc.




Silva Dolla

Finisher: Dolla Sign

Alignment: Face



Theo Barkley

Finisher: Primetime Press

Alignment: Heel

Affiliation: Gold Inc.




Derrick Rollins

Finisher: Rollins Stone

Alignment: Heel

Managed by: Owen Money

Affiliation: Gold Inc.



Leroy Winters

Finisher: Long Winter’s Rest

Alignment: Face




Marco De Francesco

Finisher: Pole Position

Alignment: Face



Marshal Law

Finisher: Wrong Arm of the Law

Alignment: Heel



Omri Stone

Finisher: Stone’s Throw

Alignment: Heel

Affiliation: Enemies of the State



Revolver Binks

Finisher: Six Shooter Punch Combo

Alignment: Heel

Affiliation: Enemies of the States



Ricky Fyre

Finisher: Unleash the Fyre

Alignment: Heel



Wilson Hancock

Finisher: This One’s for the Ladies

Alignment: Face

Affiliation: Adrienne




Bryce Christensen

Finisher: Surf’s Up

Alignment: Face



Johnny Hollywood

Finisher: Hollywood Star

Alignment: Heel




Finisher: Hotter than Hell

Alignment: Face



Luke Graves

Finisher: Your Grave Mistake

Alignment: Face




Chris Candell

Finisher: The Slip

Alignment: Heel



Joe Havanna

Finisher: Cuban Missile Crisis

Alignment: Heel



Jonah Christensen

Finisher: Top Rope Elbow

Alignment: :Face




Corporal Punishment

Finisher: Disaster Zone

Alignment: Heel

Affiliaton: Military Discipline


-New Hire-


Dos Existencias

Finisher: Where’s Your Head At?

Alignment: Face



General Mayhem

Finisher: Cobra Clutch

Alignment: Heel






Finisher: HOLLER! DDT

Alignment: Face




Finisher: Cartwheel Splash

Alignment: Heel




Finisher: Dance Till You Drop

Alignment: Face




Finisher: Sweet Harmonny

Alignment: Heel




Finisher: Dazzling Beauty

Alignment: Heel




Finisher: Heavy Metal Serenity

Alignment: Face




Finisher: Prom Queen

Alignment: Face




Owen Money

Alignment: Heel

Affiliation: Gold Inc.




Alignment: Face

Affiliation: Wilson Hancock




Alignment: Heel

Affiliation: Mountain Albert




Thomas Aria


Alignment: Face




Colour Commentary

Alignment: Face



Zeke Trillion


Alignment: Heel



Kitty Reardon


Alignment: Face



Shane Tedeschi


Alignment: Face



James Jewell


Alignment: Face



Double Main Event

Timothy Hawk & Silva Dolla

Experience: B-


Enemies of the State

Omri Stone and Revolver Binks

Experience: A+


Military Discipline

Corporal Punishment and General Mayhem

Experience: C+


The Christensens

Bryce Christensen and Jonah Christensen

Experience: D


The Mercenaries

Marshal Law and Theo Barkley

Experience: D




Franchise Players

1. Drake Richards

2. Timothy Hawk

3. Jean Claude Giroux

4. Towerblock

5. Mountain Albert


Hot Prospects

1. Marco De Francesco

2. Madison

3. Chris Candell

4. Summer

5. Bryce Christensen


Talk the Talk

1. Timothy Hawk

2. Drake Richards

3. “The Man in Charge” Casey Skyme

4. Jean-Claude Giroux

5. Adrienne


Show Stoppers

1. Drake Richards

2. Jean-Claude Giroux

3. Vincent I. Parker

4. Timothy Hawk

5. Summer


Ring Generals

1. Drake Richards

2. Jean-Claude Giroux

3. Timothy Hawk

4. Core

5. Chris Candell


Who’s Hot

1. Mountain Albert

2. Timothy Hawk

3. Drake Richards

4. Jean-Claude Giroux

5. Johnny Hollywood


Who’s Not

1. Bryce Christensen

2. Madison

3. Jazz

4. Luke Graves

5. Neveah


Time Decline

1. Marshal Law

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Chapter 1: "The Man in Charge"


The Trillion estate was a monument to the little nerd’s ego and a place I had well acquainted myself with from the marble bathroom to the gaudy personal arcade Trillion had just next to the foyer. At the moment I was on the patio with the little goof overlooking the pacific ocean eating the finest of cuisines…chicken nuggets.


“So-“*munch*”-what I was thinking was this,” Zeke began, his mouth full of poultry “This year-“*munch munch*”-we REALLY take it to Pro Wrestling Irritation-I thought you’d like that, make sure Chaperone makes a quip using that on TV.”


“Sure he will,” No he won’t, “And I’d really like to hear your thoughts on how you’re going to make us number one in America again.”


“Oh it’s not what I’M gonna do, it’s what YOU’RE gonna do,” Zeke grinned like the proverbial cat that ate the canary, or processed chicken considering what was stuck in his teeth, “What I’M gonna do is something I should have done a looooong time ago.”


I quirked an eyebrow, that sounded interesting, “Yeah? What’s that?”


“I’m letting you off the leash, buddy boy! I finally get it now, Chaperone and Drake totally laid it out for me!“


Aw christ, those two. Richards was alright in small doses, but Chaperone was a jackass of the highest order, giving him a Color Commentary position had only barely appeased him. What game were they playing?


“I brought you in as booker because you were gonna be my Hail Mary pass, a wrecking machine, a tiger when it comes to booking, but I’ve had you in a cage this whole time! Now there are certain provisos, you still aren’t allowed to fire Marty-" You live another day, KISS, "-but as far as the booking of this show goes, the floor is yours, you won’t hear a peep out of me! No sir, not the slightest little mutter!”






“No catch?”


“No catch…weeeeellll…”


Cripes. “Well?”


“This is actually all on a trial basis, I wanna see if this really works out, so what I’m gonna do is this: You have until Wrestlefest to get us up to being more popular than PWI in America, no pressure, obviously, I can feel this is our year! But unfortunately…if you don’t get the job done, it’s byeski, buddy.”


“Oh well, yeah, no pressure,” Except my blood pressure, ugh, it’s a good thing I don’t wrestle on free tv, the docs sure as hell wouldn’t let me, “Guess this means you’ll be expecting to be on TV more, then?”


“Of course, since my brilliant mind won’t be in creative, so I need to be put to use SOMEWHERE, come on!” He flashes a million dollar smile…encrusted with those processed chicken bits, ugh.


“We’ll figure something out, maybe a managerial role for someone,” I tried not to punch myself in the face.


“Ooh, you’re good!” Zeke flashed another smile, “I knew I saw something in you, Skym, this’ll be a good year!”


I sighed as he turned away, this whole situation seemed like a turd flaked with gold. Chaperone had always looked at me with disdain for getting King's old job, especially since I hadn't immediately pushed Richards to the moon like he'd intended to. I couldn't help but shake the feeling the two of them were setting me up for some kind of Machiavellian trap...but a zombie doesn't die so easily. I took out my cellphone, if I was off the leash, it was time to form a pack.


“Yeah, Meredith? It’s Skym, send out a message to DRAGON and CWT, I’ve got a proposal for them...”





AWF kicks off the new year with a bang as Shockwave comes home to the Sunset 39 for a blockbuster first show!


-Former AWF Champion, Timothy Hawk will address the AWF Fans about his loss to Mountain Albert at Where Champions Clash!


-Jean-Claude Giroux was sent running from the building at W.C.C when his latest Anti-Towerblock rant was cut off by the big man hitting the ring with a steel chair. Giroux has since been petitioning for Towerblock’s suspension with “The Man in Charge” Casey Skym, who promises a decision on Shockwave!


-And as W.C.C went off the air, those watching on PPV were privy to a parking lot ambush on Drake Richards by the demonic Core. The Legend Killer declared that though Richards ‘Refuses to Die’ he will ‘Drag him Straight to Hell, thus spake Korah’. It seems a confrontation at New Year, No Limits is inevitable, but who will survive this horrifying struggle?


-Also, Marco De Francesco defends his TV Championship, Owen Money continues to try and get V.I.P into Gold Inc., and US Champ Silva Dolla will be in action! Don’t miss it all, this Wednesday on Arcadia!





Timothy Hawk vs Jean-Claude Giroux


Non-Title Hardcore Match

Silva Dolla vs Marshall Law


V.I.P vs Ricky Fyre


TV Title Match

Marco De Francesco vs Chris Candell


Dani and Serenity vs Jazz and Rosana


The Christensens vs Enemies of the State


And More!

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Timothy Hawk vs Jean-Claude Giroux


Non-Title Hardcore Match

Silva Dolla vs Marshall Law


V.I.P vs Ricky Fyre


TV Title Match

Marco De Francesco vs Chris Candell


Dani and Serenity vs Jazz and Rosana


The Christensens vs Enemies of the State


And More!

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Timothy Hawk vs Jean-Claude Giroux


Non-Title Hardcore Match

Silva Dolla vs Marshall Law


V.I.P vs Ricky Fyre


TV Title Match

Marco De Francesco vs Chris Candell


Dani and Serenity vs Jazz and Rosana


The Christensens vs Enemies of the State

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Timothy Hawk vs Jean-Claude Giroux


Non-Title Hardcore Match

Silva Dolla vs Marshall Law


V.I.P vs Ricky Fyre


TV Title Match

Marco De Francesco vs Chris Candell


Dani and Serenity vs Jazz and Rosana


The Christensens vs Enemies of the State

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Timothy Hawk vs Jean-Claude Giroux (draw)

Non-Title Hardcore Match: Silva Dolla vs Marshall Law

V.I.P vs Ricky Fyre

TV Title Match: Marco De Francesco vs Chris Candell

Dani and Serenity vs Jazz and Rosana

The Christensens vs Enemies of the State

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Timothy Hawk vs Jean-Claude Giroux (draw)

Non-Title Hardcore Match: Silva Dolla vs Marshall Law

V.I.P vs Ricky Fyre

TV Title Match: Marco De Francesco vs Chris Candell

Dani and Serenity vs Jazz and Rosana

The Christensens vs Enemies of the State


Good start. Will be following.

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Timothy Hawk vs Jean-Claude Giroux


Non-Title Hardcore Match

Silva Dolla vs Marshall Law


V.I.P vs Ricky Fyre


TV Title Match

Marco De Francesco vs Chris Candell


Dani and Serenity vs Jazz and Rosana


The Christensens vs Enemies of the State

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Small heads up, my copy of Microsoft Word 2010 is being picky with an update, so I may not get the next update up during the weekend, show #1 is written out but I need to get the chapter from Casey's point of view finished.
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Chapter 2: New Faces, New Allies, Same Problems.


I walked into the headquarters of the AWF with a purpose, the corporate offices had remained untouched by Zeke's nerddom as much as his mansion, so I counted my blessings. Meredith, the receptionist looked up from her smart phone and smiled at me.


“Mr. Skym, Mr. Richards said he'd like to have a word with you when you had time, he said he'd like for it to happen before Shockwave.”


I grunted noncommittally, Drake wanting to talk also meant Chaperone wanting to talk, which was a headache, but at least it'd give me insight into what their angle was in this whole mess. Now, however, I have bigger fish to fry. Two fish in fact, one a koi from Japan, the other a good 'ole American large mouth bass.


I climbed the stairs up to my office on the fourth floor (my one successful operation in the war against my expanding gut), I walked up to my office where Elaine, my secretary offered me what I swore was the same smile Meredith gave me.


“Mr. Skym, Misters Existencias and Omura are waiting to finalize the details of their hiring, they seem keen to know how you're going to utilize them.”


“That can wait for now, Elaine, has the conference call been set up yet?”


“Yes, sir, we have Mr.'s Briscoe and Michonoku are on the line, though both insisted on involving a Mr. Buey in the talks as well.”


Buey? The Puerto Rican guy? Well that was...interesting. I had had my sights on Poco Loco for a run down the road, but I hadn't planned on dealing with the owner of the LWA directly...


“Right, let's get down to business,” I exhaled and stepped into my office where the Skohp video call had been set up. I looked at two men that had to this point been the AWF's chief rivals beyond Allman, and the man who had made cracking the Puerto Rican market a chore.


“Gentlemen,” I said, taking my seat, acknowledging them all in turn, “Mr. Briscoe, Michonoku, and Mr. Buey, what an unexpected pleasure.”


“Well well well,” J.D. Brisoce grinned, I could not believe he seriously wore that cowboy hat everywhere, “If it ain't the 'Man in Charge', if mah sources are correct, that little nickname's a lot more fittin' than it used to be, eh?”


“That is correct, Mr. Briscoe, Mr. Trillion has given me full creative control of the Awesome Wrestling Federation,” I noted that saying the full name caused Buey to snicker.


“And that is why you've moved to call the three of us into an alliance,” Michonoku crossed his arms, “A shrewd move, Zombie, a shrewd move. I, however, will not allow myself to be used as a pawn in your war against the...extremely loud man in the north east.”


“You misunderstand my intentions, Mr. Michonoku,” I smile, okay that was kind of a lie, “The three of you stand to benefit more from this than I.”


“Excuse me, Skym,” Buey interjected, “But you've been talking a lot of big words here, but I don't particularly see any substance to back it up. Now personally, I'd like to see my promotion get a tad more important than that loudmouth Allman's monument to himself in my own home, but I'm not just going to whore my life's work out to you for nothing, so lay it on the line and we'll go from there.”


Damn...that was actually not a bad idea, I'd been to busy trying to placate the redneck and the dragon that I hadn't managed to actually SAY what my proposal was...


“Gentlemen, as you well know, wrestling is on the precipice of another boom period in the United States, one that is quite frankly overdue. Shane Allman would like it to be solely his 'Athletic Contests' that people think of when they think about wrestling. I, however, believe variety to be the spice of life, which is why I'm coming to the two, now three, of you. I propose an alliance, based upon the trading of talent and the covering of financial losses for one another. I must stress that this is not you covering my losses, but rather my covering your losses. If there is one thing the AWF has, it's money, more money than Owen claimed to burn in his old WWWE promos. Enough money to keep us all afloat long enough to create a boom period of the WWWE's height without the same problems of a monopoly.”


“There's...something to that, I'll grant ya,” Briscoe stroked one of his two chins, “But what about Michonoku here? Yer sports entertainment and his flippy shit happen on the same nights, how's that gonna work out?”


“As a show of good faith, I am willing to negotiate with Arcadia to change the day Shockwave airs each week, as well as with U-Demand for the dates of our pay-per-views.”


“And how do we know this is not simply a trick to scout out our talent for the superior performers, only for you to snipe them away from us?” Michonoku's eyes narrowed.


“I understand your concerns, and you have my word that I will not sign any of your talent to exclusive deals, in fact, for the first month of our agreement, I will not ask for an end to the non-agression treaties. You are free to request loans of AWF talent as well as full-on talent trades.”


“And what about the LWA?” Buey arched an eyebrow, “What do we stand to gain?”


“Larger exposure of your talent when they are on AWF programming as well as my word I will not run any shows in Puerto Rico without your express permission.”


“Well god damn, Skym, I'm liking you in charge already,” Briscoe looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded, “Aw what the hell, I'm in.”


“As am I,” Michonoku said, “But know this, if you cross me in any way, you will pay dearly.”


“I'm game, Skym, especially if you keep your promise to stay out of my yard without an invitation,” Buey grinned, “So what are we calling this little organization?”


“The American Wrestling Trust, because in wrestling we trust,” I said with a straight face.


“...That is cheesy as all hell, but it's earnest, and the people love it when you're earnest, American Wrestling Trust it is,” Briscoe looked to his side, “Now Beulah, how in the blue hell do I turn this thing off?”


Soon the call was over and I let out a breath of air, step one was complete, now-


My door burst open, and there stood a guy I had been trying to avoid for a while.


“Casey, my man! Why've you been ducking me, Zombie? I'm not gonna put a bullet in your brain,” Drake Richards grinned cheekily as he sat down at the other end of my desk, “And after I got Trillion out of your hair, too.”


I sighed, “Hello Drake, I was wondering when you'd make an appearance, where's Chaperone?”


“Aw Chappy baby's out partying it up, you know the two of us only sober up on TV day!” Richards laughed that infectious little laugh of his, “Besides, we both know you like me more than him, must be the good looks, am I right or am I right?”


“Yeah, well, I've been looking to speak with you as well,” I deflected his small talk, “Mostly to just ask you what's your angle in all this?”


“My angle? Casey-boy, YOU'RE the angle here,” He laughed again, “I've been sitting pretty in Trillion's little money-mark operation for years now, but Allman's given us all a wake up call and it's quickly becoming put up or shut up. AWF goes down, I go down, because Allman isn't going to hire a single one of us in the main event scene, and I've grown accustomed to champagne, if you get my meaning.”


“So you've got a lot of faith in me, then,” I raise an eyebrow.


“I got a lot of hope you're gonna turn our asses right around back to the promised land, start hammering the competition like we should be,” He kicked his feet up on the desk, “So yeah, you could say I got faith, of course if we aren't kicking PWI's asses by Wrestlefest it's like Zeke said, you're on the outs, baby, and maybe Chap'll get the book.”


“So you do have an ulterior motive,” I noted, eyes narrowing.


“No, CHAP has an ulterior motive, an ulterior motive I gave him in order to get him to shut up about not getting the book, this is trail by fire, Casey, but if it works out, we're gonna be bigger than Paige ever was, and that is a 100% guaranteed fact. All we need is a shot at prime time,” Richards stood up and pointed a finger gun at me, “Should be a fun ride, eh?”


I wasn't about to let this calculating bastard have the last word, so I cocked one back at him, “Fun as fun can be, I'll see you at the Sunset on Wednesday.”


“That's more like it! Ciao, my man,” Richards left the room with a spring in his step and me giving him a look that could kill.


I sighed and pressed down on my two-way with Elaine, “Elaine, you can bring in Existencias and OMURA now, we need to discuss some name and gimmick changes to warm them up to our viewing public...”


To be continued...WITH SHOCKWAVE #1!

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Another great story instalment. Again, amusing, well-written and covered some practical game mechanics - more useful than the duplicitous and brooding fluff I write inbetween shows in my diaries. :p


Good to see you've got backstage politics stewing already and the impression that Skym is only going to have a thin margin for error before Trillion gets trigger-happy, builds the anticipation to your first show nicely.


On a sidenote, Dos Existencias is a solid hire. He's a versatile worker to have - both in the ring and from a gimmick perspective - although obviously, he's going to be on 'lay down' duty now he's a small fish in a bigger pond.

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Preshow: The International Express vs Derrick Rollins and Johnny Hollywood




-The odd couple of the luchador and the Kabuki actor seemed to hit it off well with the fans, their gimmicks garnering a rating of B and a C+, respectively. Omura’s gimmick is a tad weak but it’s only for now until we can ingratiate his style to the fans.


-Meanwhile this permutation of Gold Inc. turns out to have impeccable chemistry, Hollywood seems to have taken Buddy’s advice and gave Rollins a talk about his ‘Motivation’ for this match. That reality show seemed dumb as hell at first but this kid may just be a diamond in the rough. Adding to that Rollins ditched his stale ‘Evolution’ gimmick for a more watered down, but easier on the crowd ‘Arrogant Heel’ one, netting him an B rating according to the eggheads on TEW.com.


-The fans weren’t too into or too out of this match, they could smell the jobber off of The Express, and Rollins hit a Rollins Stone and got the pin at 5:41 mark.


Match Rating: D


Main Show:


Angle: Hawk/Giroux Opener




Shockwave kicks off with the customary pyro and lights flickering to electrical surge sounds. On commentary is the team of Thomas Aria and Chaperone.


Aria: Hello and welcome wrestling fans to another edition of AWF Shockwave! It’s the most shocking ninety minutes of wrestling a week!


Chaperone: That’s right, Aria, we got more thrills and spills than any slipshod Massachusetts operation, and you can bet your bottom dollar you’ll see it all tonight!


Aria: We are just a few days removed from Where Champions Clash and what an event it was!


Chaperone: While most of us were trying to work our way out of hangovers these past few days, one man had a sobering reality to contend with, and that man was Timothy Hawk.


Aria: That’s right fans if you missed Clash then you missed Timothy Hawk losing his AWF World Championship in just a heart breaker of a match!


Chaperone: And you just know that the former champ can’t be happy about it, and-here he comes now!


*’Everybody Wants You’ by Billy Squier begins playing as the crowd pops and Timothy Hawk comes out in his attire of cobalt blue trunks, black boots, and his ‘Walk the Walk Like Hawk’ T-shirt (On sale now!), he has a microphone in hand and a smile on his face, but there’s a bit of trepidation that even his most ardent fan can see, Hawk gets in the ring*


Hawk: Well I can see everyone is pumped here tonight in the HOME OF THE AWF, LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA!


*Hawk pauses as the crowd pops again, the camera focuses on a young lady with a ‘Marry Me, Timmy!’ sign before returning to Hawk’s sad smile*


Hawk: You guys are the best fans the AWF could hope to have, and…*he sighs* I’m sorry I let you guys down at Where Champions Clash. I went into that match with all I had and that piercing-crazy loon walked out with the belt that didn’t just belong to me, but to every single one of you fans, and for that I apologize. But don’t worry, because the night is darkest before the dawn, and come New Year, No Limits, when I cash in my rematch clause, I-


*Hawk is interrupted by ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ and non-other than one of the most hated men in the AWF, the Parisian Playboy, Jean-Claude Giroux, struts out onto stage with his signature red robe with his name monogrammed in silver on the back, the Frenchman smirks and produces his own microphone, making a crying motion with his free hand*


Giroux: What a touching little story, Timmy boy, but what else can these people expect from the poster boy for crybabies everywhere?


Hawk: Hello Jean, I see you’ve managed lose Towerblock after he chased you clear out of New York Sunday.


Giroux: Tut tut tut, do not speak of that lumbering oaf’s intrusion in my business any further! In fact, do not speak anymore at all! You are taking up valuable air time that could be used by moi and my petition to get Towerblock’s AWF contract terminated!


*The fans rain boos down on the Frenchman*


Giroux: Oh shut up, you insects! Casey Skym, Mr. ‘Man In Charge’ I DEMAND you come out here at once and make good on your promise to fire Towerblock! I am not leaving this stage until you do-


Hawk: Good god almighty, Jean, will you PLEASE shut the hell up?!


*The crowd pops for Hawk’s outburst as Giroux glares at him*


Chaperone: Boy, if looks could kill, Hawk would be deader than disco right now.


Hawk: Guess what, Jean, I have it on good authority that Casey isn’t here tonight, he’s taking care of some very important business but he DID have the time to book you and me in the main event tonight! So get ready, Jean, because I may not be as big as Towerblock, but you can bet your baguette-biting ass that I can beat you just as easily, and then? Albert’s next in line!


*The crowd roars its approval as Hawk throws down his mic and his theme plays again, the camera getting a shot of a severely angered Giroux as the show cuts to commercial*


Segment Rating – B+


Dani and Serenity vs Jazz and Rosana




*Jazz and Rosana are already in the ring as Dani and Serenity make their entrance, slapping hands with the fans, the commentators are more focused on hyping the main event though.*


Aria: Timothy Hawk unveiling that last little screw you from “The Man in Charge” to Giroux can only mean a good main event for the fans, right Chaperone?


Chaperone: You got that right, Aria, Giroux’s one tough son of a bitch for a cheese-eating surrender monkey, this company was built on the backs of men like him, me, and my boy Drake, but Hawk is the wave of the future and he’s gotta be looking for redemption after that loss, this match is most certainly gonna be a sight to see, make no mistake.


-The match is the typical Starlet affair, skimpy clothes, suggestive poses, and just enough time for a smark to use the bathroom. The little psychology there is in the match is directed around Jazz and Rosana isolating Serenity until she makes the hot tag on Dani which leads to a cleaning of the house and a HOLLER! DDT on Rosana.


Match Rating: C


Aria: The Starlets Champion standing tall here tonight along with Rosana.


Chaperone: Crap, I bet Trillion tonight would finally be the night one of them has a ‘wardrobe malfunction’.


-Brief video to advertise the hit show Thunderhips starring Terry Thunder, think you got the groove for love? Sign up to be part of the new season at Thunderhips.tv!-


Tv Title Match: Chris Candell vs Marco De Fancesco ©




*Chris Candell is already in the ring, stretching out as his generic hard rock theme is replaced by the sound of an engine revving and a fast-paced eurobeat tune, heralding the arrival of Marco De Francesco, the Italian holds up his title for all to see, walking down to the ring with a purpose, camera manages to catch a sign that read ‘Face Francesco = Thirty Car Pileup!’*


Aria: And here comes our television champion, Marco De Francesco, primed and ready for to defend his belt.


Chaperone: He’ll have his work cut out for him, I used to think this Candell was a total scrub when he was in that fruity tag team, Slip and Slide, but he’s shown a mean streak since breaking away from his partner.


-The match is a back and forth of Candell’s heel tactics contending with De Francesco’s technical prowess, however, it’s becoming quite clear that the choice to turn Francesco heel has brutally stifled his character, it may be time to make a change. Francesco gets the victory with his Pole Position triangle choke at 7:37 to make defense number 4 of his TV Title.


Match Rating: D+


Angle: Drake Richards Taunts Core




Aria: An impressive title defense by De Francesco, but it appears that we’re about to receive a word from Drake Richards backstage.


Chaperone: Aw yeah, Aria, get ready for must-see TV, Drake f***in’ Richards!


*We cut to backstage where Drake Richards is standing by with…a Band-Aid on his forehead*


Richards: Hello California, where the surf is up and the bikinis are just a few sizes too short! Oh baby you know this Show Stealer couldn’t be more happy to be here tonight! Lot better than New York, love the place to death but I always get a pretty chilly reception there, cold as a cast iron toilet seat, aka that thing Core wears on his head. Speaking of which…


*Richards leans forward to give the camera a better view of the Band-Aid, pink with colorful butterflies adorning it*


Richards: Core, you see this? This is all the damage that little chickensh** attack of yours did to me! You think you can kill a legend so easy? Tsk tsk, Core, I am much more than just a legend, I am a franchise, I am an institution, they’re gonna put my face on Rushmore, bud. You should count yourself lucky if they even give your ugly ass a tombstone when I’m through with you! I am Drake Richards, baby, and I’m never gonna die!


Segment Rating: A* (Sweet Jesus, Chap’s a politicking piece of trash, but he’s 100% right about Drake, that man is a gem on the mic.)


*The broadcast cuts to commercial*


The Christensens vs Enemies of the State




*We come back from commercial with both teams in the ring, the E.O.S’ mockup of ‘Renegades of Funk’ by Rage Against the Machine still playing so it can be assumed they came out second.*


Aria: Well folks, the tag belts may be retired but some old dogs just can’t learn new tricks, tonight we’re revisiting a storied rivalry with the Christensens taking on the Enemies of the State.


Chap: Quite a few tag title reigns between these two teams, let’s see if they can bring it here tonight!


-These two teams picked up right where their old feud left off, with the Christensens playing the energetic young faces to the E.O.S’ crafty heel veterans. Three of these four are a real handful backstage but at least they can be counted on to score higher than a Starlet’s match, though both of the E.O.S need a real gimmick shake up.


-The E.O.S get the clean win with a Stone’s Throw by Omri onto Jonah, followed by the 1 2 3 at 7:57, the E.O.S attempted to go for their trashbags but Bryce managed to save his ‘younger brother’ from the two heels.


Match Rating: C


*More Commercials particularly one for AWF house show dates*


Angle: Core destroys KISS




*We come back to Marty ‘KISS’ Simonds in the ring, getting a pretty negative reaction as per usual as he struts around with his guitar. Before the commentators can remark on it, a heavy metal version of Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain plays and Core hits the ring in his ragged robe, in a matter of moments KISS is laid out with a Korah’s Parable*


Segment Rating: C- (Damn it, KISS, even when you’re supposed to just get beat up you suck!)


Angle: Core hypes match with Drake Richards




*Core, still in the ring, grabs a microphone*


Aria: It appears the demon has something to say.


Chaperone: Doesn’t matter, Drake’ll kick his ass straight back to hell where he belongs!


Core: *Heavy breathing* …Richardssss…you think that I cannot see through the bluff and bluster you dole out? You are a marked man, Richards. I have been sent to strike down the false idols these mindless lambs call ‘Legends’ and bring forth a new kingdom on Earth, one that worships the supreme ruler of this universe, and when this month ends, and your precious mountain crumbles, and all your gold turns to ash, you will realize that all men must come to terms with their end. Your end comes soon, Richards, mark my words, thus…spake…Korah!


*The lights black out in the building and when they come back we’re only left with KISS still laid out like a chump in the ring, soon having to be taken out by stretcher*


Aria: Disturbing words from a very menacing man.


Chaperone: Pff, I sh** bigger’n him.


Segment Rating: B (Core’s got the makings of greatness in him, this feud with Richards has money written all over it if both sides can keep up the excellent back and forth)


Non-Title Match: Silva Dolla vs Marshal Law (Hardcore Rules)




*From the macabre and satanic to the downright mundane in comparison, Marshal Law is out first to ‘Bad Boys’, ignoring a sign in the front row reading ‘Marshal Law: Nursing Home Bound’*


Aria: Marshal Law looking to get a big win here over US Champ Silva Dolla in this special Hardcore match.


Chaperone: Law is an old hand at the brawling style, but frankly I don’t put much stock in him in this one, Dolla’s been on a roll recently and it doesn’t seem to be stopping any time soon.


Aria: Yes but you can’t count out the possibility over Theo Barkley or Ricky Fyre making an appearance in this match, especially with the rules outright allowing it.


*’Straight Outta Compton’ by N.W.A begins playing as the crowd pops for US Champ Silva Dolla, who struts out onstage holding up his title for all to see, he makes his way down to the ring, only to immediately get waylaid by Marshal Law and one hell of a shot with his nightstick.*


-Los Angeles has never been a Mecca for fans of police brutality, and Law heeled it up well for the crowd, leading to a back and forth match with Silva finally getting the win over the veteran with a Dolla Sign (Full Nelson Slam) through a table for the pin at 8:09


Match Rating: B-


Angle: Theo Barkley post-match attack on Silva Dolla




*As Dolla is celebrating his hard won match, none other than Theo Barkley hops the crowd barrier in street clothes to brutally smash Dolla’s own title into his face. The silent muscle of Gold Inc. holds up with title, a smirk on his face as we go to commercial*


Segment Rating: C+


Angle: Owen Money gives V.I.P an offer.




*As we come back from commercial, V.I.P is seen getting ready for his upcoming match with Ricky Fyre, the charismatic young star is certainly looking eager tonight, however a voice comes from offscreen*


Voice: Mr. Parker.


*V.I.P turns to find himself face to face with the head of Gold Inc. himself, Owen Money. The crooked Tax Man gives Parker a smile*


Money: Mr. Parker I’ve found it just a bit rude you’ve been ignoring my entreaties into setting up a meeting with you.


V.I.P: I’ve been busy, Mr. Money.


Money: Of course, Mr. Parker, of course, as are we all more often than not. That is why I’ve sought you out here. You see we here at Go.d Inc. know potential for greatness when we see it, that is why we have Theo Barkley, that is why we have Johnny Hollywood, and it is certainly why we have The Strongest Man in the World, Herculez.


V.I.P: Uh…huh.


Money: All I’m trying to express is that you have major potential for growth in you, Mr. Parker-*he hands Parker a business card* -Don’t think of this as a job offer, think of it as a chance to make the Gold work for you. Good luck tonight.


V.I.P: Thanks.


*V.I.P is left looking at the card as Money walks off, a self-satisfied smile on his face*


Segment Rating: C


Match: Ricky Fyre vs V.I.P




*Ricky Fyre is the first one out, accompanied by a rock version of Johnny Cash’s ‘Ring of Fire’, he shouts his catchphrase at the crowd before entering the ring.*


Aria: Certainly an outspoken young man here in Ricky Fyre, his outspoken nature may have helped put him in the US Title chase along with Wilson Hancock.


Chaperone: Yeah right, this kid’s a useless bag of hot air like every other one of those losers back east.


*V.I.P is out next to ‘Power’ by Kanye West, he’s certainly getting on well with the fans, despite suspected connections to the hated Gold Inc.*


Aria: Vincent I. Parker is quite the renaissance man in this industry, many have him pegged to be a breakout star in the entertainment industry AND the wrestling business.


Chaperone: Eugh, Rap is Crap, Tommy, Rap is Crap.


-The match is easily one of the better on the card, with lots of back and forth shows of athleticism mixed with Fyre working the crowd with heel tactics, in the middle of the match however, Wilson Hancock and Adrienne come out, distracting Fyre long enough for him to eat an Outta the Park (Jumping Roundhouse) and V.I.P to pick up the win.


Match Rating: C+


Aria: V.I.P gets a big win here tonight, folks we’re taking our last commercial break of the evening, up next is our main event, Timothy Hawk vs Jean-Claude Giroux!


*Another Thunderhips spot*


Main Event Match: Timothy Hawk vs Jean-Claude Giroux




*Giroux is out first, practically storming to the ring and throwing his robe to the wayside to reveal his red trunks and boots with a silver fleur de lis on the front. He scales a turnbuckle and poses as ‘Eurotrash Giroux!’ sign is held up high*


Aria: Whoa, someone’s angry.


Chaperone: Well his stupid request to get old Blockhead fired didn’t go through, so it’d make sense for him to be pissed. But I gotta wonder though…where in the blue hell is Albert in all this? You’d think after finally ‘Achieving his destiny’ as his little mail order bride put it, he’d be out to gloat a bit more…


*Timothy Hawk is out next, posing and exchanging pleasantries with the fans until Giroux attempts to sneak attack him and they end up brawling on the outside*


-Match of the Night, as expected, Hawk and Giroux always have a good back and forth between them, the finish comes with Hawk having Giroux up for his Justice Slam when Mountain Albert hits the ring with a lead pipe and smashes it into Hawk’s knee. Hawk wins by DQ at 10:08


Match Rating: B+


Segment: Towerblock saves Hawk from Giroux and Mountain Albert




*Giroux having been spared the brunt of the Justice Slam, begins assisting Albert in beating down Hawk*


Aria: You got your answer, Chaperone, you happy?


Chaperone: Hell no! That thug Albert hasn’t got a single shred of decency in him!


*As the attack intensifies, The Punk and the Godfather by the Who hits the speakers and Towerblock rushes to the ring, causing Giroux to bail immediately in terror, Albert attempts to use his pipe on the larger man, but Towerblock grabs Albert’s arms and headbutts him clear out of the ring. The crowd cheers as the final shot of Shockwave is Towerblock glaring menacingly at the two retreating heels*


Segment Rating: B+


Show Rating: B+ - Popularity Increased in 11 Regions

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Pteroid" data-cite="Pteroid" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36165" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hey folks, just letting you know that after dealing with some personal issues I'm ready to continue this diary. I hope people are still interested in reading this, cheers.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Definitely interested! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Hope everything has sorted itself out.</p>
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<p>Chapter 3: Money Talks and KISS Rocks</p><p> </p><p>

“It's just not connecting any more, Casey.”</p><p> </p><p>

The people who tune into Shockwave every week are used to seeing the cocky sneers and weaselly smirks that crossed the face of Owen Money, though very few really had the privilege of seeing the man America loved to hate look absolutely depressed.</p><p> </p><p>

Owen was of course talking about the change in character he'd undergone a shift from his failing tax man gimmick to one more geared towards a corporate leaning. Sadly the gimmick had been too much like the old one to really catch up with the fans and may have engendered more ill will than we could have thought and the patriarch of the Windham family was definitely taking it hard.</p><p> </p><p>

“Owen you're one of our company's most reliable acts, though it is true that our audience isn't exactly big on the whole gimmicky crap from the Paige days, but I think there's hope here, the storyline you're working with Parker and Herc is going great, and the other members of Gold Inc. are really flourishing under you,” I smile at him, “I think the fans will forgive our botched attempts at altering the gimmick if you keep working the magic.”</p><p> </p><p>

“I don't know, Casey, I think I may be becoming chopped liver here, I mean my second son is getting ready to come up from the School and Teddy's working the indies, the wrestling scene may have just passed me by,” Owen's hands ran through his receding hair.</p><p> </p><p>

“Give it a few weeks, at least long enough for us to develop someone to fill the gap if you want to leave by the time it's over,” I said reassuringly, “Though I doubt we can find someone that can really get Herc over like you.”</p><p> </p><p>

Owen grinned, “Alright you got a deal, though if you want, I've been scouting a few prospects on the indy scene, especially the guy you're bringing in to manage Rapada's boy.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Well that sounds great, speaking of which,” I checked my watch, “I got a meeting with Mr. Potato Head in about ten minutes, nice chatting with you, Owen, see you in Greenwich for Shockwave, yeah?”</p><p> </p><p>

“See you then.”</p><p> </p><p>

Owen got up and left. I sighed and leaned back, there was one bullet dodged. Maybe today wouldn't be so stressful after all...</p><p> </p><p>

------</p><p> </p><p>

“I don't want to be called Goliath.”</p><p> </p><p>

Christ almighty.</p><p> </p><p>

“So you've said, Mr. Solderbach,” I massaged my temples, “And I remind you again, that your contract did not stipulated Creative Control. It's an AWF policy to repackage younger talents with marketable characters.”</p><p> </p><p>

“...I'm not Goliath, I'm Silverback.”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Mother of God, Terry, we're old friends, but this kid is dumber than a sack of hammers.</em></p><p> </p><p>

“Mr. Solderbach...Bill, our policy on this matter is clear, but let me give you a little leeway, we're going to see how far this gimmick can go, and the second it starts to flop, we'll see about bringing you back in as Silverback, eh?”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Take the bait you dumb bastard, take it...</em></p><p> </p><p>

“...Fine, but when your stupid gimmick fails, we do things my way.”</p><p> </p><p>

“There we go,” I said, smiling and hoping the ego on this bastard outweighed his childish selfish attitude, “Now I believe your manager is waiting for you in the lobby, I hope the two of you can get well acquainted prior to TV, I'm sure he's talented enough to get over your good points.”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>As long as you don't pitch a fit on live television.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Solderbach grunted and stood up, walking out my door and leaving me to contemplate my day...</p><p> </p><p>

“Mr. Skym?”</p><p> </p><p>

Bollocks.</p><p> </p><p>

“Yes, Susan?”</p><p> </p><p>

“The results of the latest drug tests are in...Mr. Simonds has tested positive for steroids.”</p><p> </p><p>

<em>I really really hate that little man.</em></p><p> </p><p>

“I took the liberty of having him here.”</p><p> </p><p>

“Thank you, bring him in.”</p><p> </p><p>

---------</p><p> </p><p>

“WHADDYA MEAN YOU'RE FINING ME!?” Marty Simonds' face was contorted in rage, aghast at the fact that I would do such a thing to him.</p><p> </p><p>

I was aghast at the fact he wore his stupid facepaint outside the venue.</p><p> </p><p>

“Our policy is beyond clear on this, Mr. Simonds,” Good lord that phrase was getting mileage today, “I am still unable to fire you, but there will be no more dodging of the wellness policy, understand?”</p><p> </p><p>

“You piece of trash, I'm going to Zeke about this!”</p><p> </p><p>

“Go ahead, you'll find that that means much less than it used to. I will no longer tolerate your dodging of the rules OR your lackluster performance in the ring, the next time you break the policy, you're getting suspended!”</p><p> </p><p>

“YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I'M A STAR! A STAR YOU HEAR ME!?” He stood up and stormed out of the room, rambling angrily.</p><p> </p><p>

I exhaled, this was going to be one stressful day...</p><p> </p><p>

----------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1276.photobucket.com/albums/y476/pteroid1/AWFShockwave_zps8de36040.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>


-After Last Week's end to Shockwave, “The Man in Charge” Casey Skym says he will lay down the law at the very start of the show! It's all unconfirmed, but we here at AWF.com can all but guarantee, it'll be some tag team action in our main event!</p><p> </p><p>

-The dominant force on the indy scene, Goliath, has been signed by the AWF via a maverick manager well known on the West Coast of the US! The mountain of muscle is set to make his debut this week on Shockwave!</p><p> </p><p>

-Vincent I. Parker seeks to continue his winning ways against Revolver Binx in a one on one contest!</p><p> </p><p>

-TV Champ Marco De Francesco is all set to defend his TV title against one of the fastest rising stars in the AWF, Joe Havanna!</p><p> </p><p>

-Drake Richards is in action against the ever dangerous Chris Candell!</p><p> </p><p>

-Silva Dolla seek to gain a measure of revenge against Theo Barkley by taking on his Gold Inc. Compatriot, Derrick Rollins!</p><p> </p><p>

-And Much Much More!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Prediction Key:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Goliath w/???? vs The Mighty Kabuki</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

V.I.P vs Revolver Binx</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

TV Title Match</p><p>

De Francesco © vs Joe Havanna</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Drake Richards vs Chris Candell</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Silva Dolla vs Derrick Rollins</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>


Timothy Hawk and Towerblock vs Mountain Albert and Jean-Claude Giroux</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Question!</p><p>

Who is Goliath's Manager? (Hint: It's no one in PWI)</p><p> </p><p>

Fun Fan Signs:</p>

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<p><strong>Goliath w/????</strong> vs The Mighty Kabuki</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>V.I.P</strong> vs Revolver Binx</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

TV Title Match</p><p>

De Francesco © vs <strong>Joe Havanna</strong></p><p><strong>

Comments:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Drake Richards</strong> vs Chris Candell</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Silva Dolla</strong> vs Derrick Rollins</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>


Timothy Hawk and Towerblock vs <strong>Mountain Albert and Jean-Claude Giroux</strong></p><p>


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<p><strong>Goliath w/???? </strong>vs The Mighty Kabuki</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>V.I.P</strong> vs Revolver Binx</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

TV Title Match</p><p>

<strong>De Francesco ©</strong> vs Joe Havanna</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Drake Richards </strong>vs Chris Candell</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Silva Dolla </strong>vs Derrick Rollins</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>


Timothy Hawk and Towerblock vs<strong> Mountain Albert and Jean-Claude Giroux</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus Question!</p><p>

Who is Goliath's Manager? (Hint: It's no one in PWI)</p><p>

<strong>Anton Morozov</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Fun Fan Signs:</p><p>

Team TowerHawk!</p>

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